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**T he Result s displayed here subjec t t o upda t ion/c orrec t ion. T he

fi na l result will on DMC.

Inst ruc t ions:

1- Ente r your c om ple te "Re gistration No"
and "Roll Num be r" for se arc hing.


(A S tate Unive rsity e stablishe d unde r Haryana
Ac t No. XXV of
Da t e of result dec la ra t ion:06/10/2021
St udent Det ails
Reg. No.: 1911170218 Roll No.: 1043553

St udent Na me: NITIN KUMAR Fa t her Na me: INDER S INGH

Sem/Pa r t : 4 (JUL - 2021) College Code: 2015

Course Na me: BCA-Re gular (BC04) College Na me:

Obt ained Marks Det ails

Subjec t T heory T heory T heory Sessiona l Pra c t ic a l Pra c t ic a l
Tot a l
Det a ils Ma rks1 Ma rks2 Ma rks3 Ma rks Ma rks Sessiona l

BCA206 : 045 014 059

BCA207 : 069 015 084

BCA208 : 060 014 074

BCA209 : 052 015 067

BCA210 : 015 058 073

Tot a l :- 357


NOT E: In R.L.A./R.L.E. c a ses (Result La t e due t o non-rec eipt /non-eligibilit y

of a wa rds) t he st udent c onc erned should
submit det a ils viz : na me of exa mina t ion
c ent er, da t e of exa mina t ion, na me of subjec t (where A.W. ha s been indic a t ed)
a long
wit h a c opy of t he downloa ded result t o t he c onc erned Result Bra nc h wit hin 10 days
posit ively, f a iling whic h
he/she will be t rea t ed ‘Absent ’ in t he sa id pa per a nd
t he result will be fi na liz ed a c c ordingly.

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