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Name: Mae Ann O.

Course/Section: BSCE – 1C
Assignment 1.3: The Golden Ratio and the Human Body

1.Measure the following (in inches):
a. distance from the ground to your belly
 37 inches
b. distance from your belly button to the
top of your head
 24 inches
c. distance from the ground to your knees
 17 inches
d. distances A, B and C
 A= 0.9 inch
 B= 1 inch
 C= 1.7 inch
e. length of your hand
 7 inches
f. distance from your wrist to your elbow
 9 inches

2.Now calculate the following ratios:

a. Distance from the ground to your belly button /
Distance from your belly button to the top of your head
 37 inches/24 inches = 1.5416 inches
b. Distance from the ground to your belly button /
Distance from the ground to your knees
 37 inches/17 inches = 2.1764 inches
c. Distance from C/Distance from B
 1.7 inches/1 inch = 1.7 inches
d. Distance from B/Distance from A
 1 inch/0.9 inch = 1.1111 inch
e. Distance from your wrist to your elbow/ Length of your
 9 inches/7 inches = 1.2867 inches

3.Write your results in the following table.

Ratio 2 Ratio 1 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5

1.5416 in 2.1764 in 1.7 in 1.1111 in 1.2867 in

4.What can you now say about the Golden Ratio by calculating

•After getting the result calculating in the quotients/ratios, I

can conclude that there is several occurrences of golden ratio
anywhere even in our human body there is golden ratio. Not just
in nature, in structures and architecture but also in our body
it exist. With that I can say that there are still several
golden ratio in the human body.

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