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Name: Son, Joachim Henrik P.

Date of Submission: 12/13/2022

Block: ABM 11-A Course: PHILO 01

PT FT2: Writing My Eulogy Instructor: JB. Villeta


I look at a full moon while preparing for death and reflecting on the kind of life I have

lived. It is 2030 on December 31. It's 11:43 PM; at 12 AM, a new year will begin, but it

also might be the day I pass away. The years flew by so quickly that I'm now running the

family business. After managing the company for ten years, I had intended to transform

it, but that will never happen. A rare condition called Kuru was found to be present in

me. I've had trouble eating and have lost body coordination. I had difficulty speaking

and reading at the 11-month mark after diagnosis, and things became worse. I was

unable to speak clearly.

I asked for my family to join me at Peaceful Bay, Denmark, before my final week. Such

tranquility and a beautiful vista. I thought about my life and assumed that I was a happy

man despite my potential. I was aware that I could accomplish a lot and get better at it,

but I didn't use it. It was difficult for me to improve because I was so apathetic. I always

wanted to stand out, and I did, but there was always something missing. Even though

I've improved and gone past my mistakes, I still have the same bad habit of being lazy. I

regret not fulfilling that before my death.

Life has never had a purpose; all I view it as is us existing in this absurd world and

experiencing it as it is. In spite of the absurdity, I am a content man. When people ask

me why I'm happy, I've never had a response. Simply put, my happiness makes me
happy. My advice is, don't be afraid to deviate from topics or activities infrequently if it's

necessary. Because I have firm beliefs, I sometimes veer from them when they don't

make sense to me. I suppose that is why I am content. I don't hesitate to take action

even though it might have negative consequences for me. It seems to me the

consequence of my actions is this.

I have no choice but to accept that death has chosen to take me. I've always been

fascinated in the experience, but I've never wanted to die away, and now I'm about to. In

my senior year of high school, I began to form reading and writing

philosophically-based thought habits. I took so much away from it that I at last

understood how to adapt and add wisdom to my life. I even gave myself my first

nickname. Jupet. I chose the name Jupet because I wanted a Bisaya name for Jupiter.

But I soon came to understand that it became my new identity as a result of working on

overcoming myself.

I've always been calm, so whenever something upsets me, I take a moment to collect my

thoughts and remain silent so that I may choose what to do next. I'm optimistic and

determined or hard headed, because I always exclaim, "Ay sus!" Because there are many

potential outcomes.

I have been pondering about something to the point it has driven insane because I have

never been able to verbalize it. It simply refers to how I came to be or why I am in this

body. We could actually be anyone, but we were specifically chosen to take on our
current identities. I have no idea how or why I am Joachim. I wonder how I came to be

in the first place. Even so, is this real? Or not.

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A man awaits for you

One last thing to all the people in my life:

A tout le monde

A tous mes amis

Je vous aime

Je dois partir


“Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.”

- Aldous Leonard Huxley

“When the going gets tough, the tough take a nap.”

- Tom Hodgkinson

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