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Assignment 6: Paper Prototype

Project Description:
I would like to create and design a tool to support the collaborative work of distributing,
updating, monitoring, and completing communal tasks. This system allows users to define tasks
that need to be completed, assign them to team members, track the progress/status of each task,
and group tasks into larger company-wide initiatives.
1) Create a Task:
i. Click the “Create Task” button
ii. Enter a title
iii. Enter a description or sub-tasks
iv. Assign the task to a team member
v. Enter a priority for the task
vi. Set a due date
vii. Click the “Save” button
2) Group Tasks into Projects:
i. Navigate to the “Projects” tab
ii. Click the “Create Project” button
iii. Enter a project title
iv. Select tasks to put into the project
v. Select team members that will be involved in the project
vi. Enter a due date or deadline for the overall project
vii. Click the “Save” button
3) Create Summary Report:
i. Navigate to the “Summary Report” tab
ii. Click the “Create Report” button
iii. Enter a date range that the summary report will cover
iv. Select either “All Projects” or specific projects to include in the report
v. Select an export method (pdf, csv, etc.)
vi. Click the “Generate Summary Report” button

5 Things I Would Change:

1) Problem: The user wants to be able to define different priority levels themselves.
How to Address: We can create a settings page where the users can create their own
prioritization hierarchy as needed.
2) Problem: The user wants to be able to edit existing tasks.
How to Address: We can create another page where the user can select an existing task
and navigate to an “Edit Task” page similar to the “Create Task” page.
3) Problem: The user wants to be able to edit existing projects to add additional tasks.
How to Address: We can create another page where the user can select an existing project
and navigate to an “Edit Project” page similar to the “Create Project” page. They can add
additional tasks from there.
4) Problem: The user wants to create a summary report for each different team member.
How to Address: We can create another button on the “Create Report” page that allows
users to select an option to produce a report for each applicable team member to satisfy
this requirement.
5) Problem: The user wants to be able to email the summary report after generation.
How to Address: We can create another input field on the “Create Report” page that
allows users to input which emails or users should receive the report after generation.

Pictures of Prototype:

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