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SEMESTER : OCT 2022 – FEB 2023




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Examiner: Vetter:

© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

Question 1
Explain briefly what does discretization mean in the finite element method?
(10 marks)

Discretization in a finite element method is a process of dividing a body into equivalent number of
smaller components known as finite element that associated with nodes and/or boundary lines and/or
surfaces. In finite element method, each of the smaller units associated to the actual of the physical
behaviour of the body. Which means, each of the finite element will be analysed to formulate equations
and then would combine them to obtain the solution for the whole body of structure.
Briefly, to obtain the solution for the whole body are depends on either structural problems or
nonstructural problems (fluid mechanics, thermal conduction) or even can be any combination of it. As
for the structural problems, it is typically refers by determining the displacements at each nodes and
stressed within element that contribute the structure to subjected to applied loads. This physical situation
would be modelled and then come out by governing equations and applying boundary conditions of the
units. Then, assemble all the formulate equations into larget system of equations that model the entire
The total number of finite elements produced and their size of variation within the body are important
for engineering judgement as the solutions generated would be different in every situation. When
analysing using discretization method, it requires to choose the optimal size of element. It is likely for
the elements to be small enough to give usable results and reduce computational effort. This is because,
the small elements or known to be higher-order elements are changing rapidly, where as changes occurs
in geometry of body. Meanwhile, for the larger element can be used when the results are relatively
constant. The choice of elements size used in finite element method depends on the physical body under
actual loading conditions or how close the analyst desired the results to be. The number of nodes in
each of elements are depending on the order of the element chosen.
In discretization of body, the process is made by utilizing the mesh generations programs. The more
refined the underlying mesh used, the smaller the error obtained by the method.

Question 2
Name three commonly used methods for deriving the element stiffness matrix and element
equations and briefly describe each method.
(10 marks)

Three commonly used methods for deriving the element stiffness matrix and element equations are as
a) Direct Stiffness Method
Direct stiffness method is a method to solve statically determinant or indeterminant structures
that particularly well-suited for computer implementation. It using the matrix method that
make used of members stiffness relations that computes the forces of members and
displacement in the structure. It is one of the simplest method as it idealized elements that
interconnected at nodes. The analysis is compiled from the single matrix equation that
governs the behaviour of entire idealized struture. Hence, the unknown displacements and
forces can be determined by solving this equation.
b) Weighted Residual Method
Weighted residual method is one of the analytical method that develop approximate solutions
using differential equations. Under the weighted residual methods, it comprises three types
such as galerkin method, collocation method and least squares method.
Under galerkin method, weighted residual methods are based on assuming an approximate
solution to the governing differential equation for the problem. The assumed displacement
function must be made to satisfy the initial and boundary conditions of problem. In general,
the trial solution will satisfy the governing differential equation. Thus, substituting the trial
function into differential equation will result into residuals or errors.
For collocation method, it requires the residual function, R to be forced to zero at many points
as there are unknown coefficients. Meanwhile, the least square method requires the integral of
the function squared to be minimized with respect to the unknown displacement in the
assumed solution. However, these three method yields the same results but with slight
difference in terms of decimal points.
c) Variation Method
The variational method is defined where involve the function in intergral form in terms of
dependent variable and/or its derivatioves. The solution to the physical system problem is the
dependent variable which makes the functional stationary respect to any variation. Such
variational are called natural if the physical aspects of problem can be stated directly in such
way to minimize some quantitites such as potential energy. This somehow shows almost the
same with the procedure of mathemical to the Galerkin weighted residual method. One of the
variational method is known as Rayleigh-Ritz method. Rayleigh-Ritz method basically
determine the approximate solution by substituting the constant into the equation. This
method generally understood to be method which determines the coefficients of constant as to
make the distance between approximate solution and exact one is minimum.

Question 3
Define the potential sources of error in finite element analysis.
(10 marks)
There are four (4) types of potential sources of error in finite element analysis which are human
errors, numerical error, modelling error and discretization error.
a) Human Error
Generally, human errors are probably the most common or obvious error source in finite
element method. The human errors are due to users entered the input incorrectly and leads to
an error. For example the incorrect input of element data such as wrong thickness, beam
orientation, mixing up input of units measurement for nodal positions, force or mesh were
defined twice and connections not working as intended. Besides, it may due to the mistakes of
forgetting the input load for the element itself, which cause the insufficient supports for the
rigid body to experience motion. Hence, this could affect on the entire stiffeness matrix of
members. Also, this would definitely results in an error and unnoticely give wrong results. Thus,
to overcome this human mistakes, it is advisable to always check the input and ensure the values
are key-in as intended. Also, always check the precision numbers on software to ensure the
structure is well-designed.
Furthermore, the human errors may due to the inexperienced users trouble modelling a structure
correctly. The errors arises may cause the users to not recognize the error or not understandable.
For instance, the users may not realize the adjacent elements need to share common nodes in
order to be connected to one another. Thus, this would result in poorly constrained model.
Hence, to avoid this human mistakes, it is better to get check by performing hand calculation
to be reffered as ballpark figures whether the results generated are within the expected range.
b) Numerical Error
Numerical error includes round-off errors, numerical integration errors and matrix conditioning
errors. Rounding errors in finite element were caused due to mathematical operations that may
involves large and small numbers. This rounding errors would be unnoticely accumulate which
would be problematic especially in stiffness system. Next, the numerical integration errors were
occurs due to the wrongly computing the mathematical integration that lead to numerical
instabilities. Lastly, the matrix conditioning errors where it involves the number degrees of
freedom which in the condition of a system of linear equation with large conditions number
brings the round-off errors that leads to numerical error.
c) Modelling Error
In finite element method, the modelling error commonly occurs due to the wrongly modelling
the system as what in the real world is. This modelling errors may due to wrong geometric
descriptions, wrong definition of material such as limit of Poisson’s ratio in isotropic materials,
wrong definition of load where simplifying the complex load states with one load but the
differences between this two loads but statically equivalent loads would become very small at
sufficiently large distances from load as in Saint-Venant Principle theorem. Also, the modelling
error may occurs from the wrong boundary conditons where the nodes were forgot to set under
fixed support or in free support that somehow will falsify the results. Lastly, the wrong type of
analysis were conducted.
Hence, analyst must understand the strucutre likely to behave in modelling in finite element
method. To overcome the modelling errors such as wrongly analyse the elements, required to

use a patch test or single element to observe how element works under different circumstances
and also the effects of element distortions and changes in element size.
d) Discretization Error
Discretization error happens due to the creation of mesh for the components in which occurs
during the transforming of the physical system into a finite element model and can be related
to the modelling the boundary shape, boundary conditions and others. To minimize the
discretization error, this can be solved by using higher order shape functions or smaller size of
elements. For example, the body system undergoes discretization error due to the poor geometry
representation. If the element is in more refined mesh size, the discretization error able to
eliminate effectively. Hence, to refine a mesh, there are three ways to conduct. Firstly, the h-
refinement where it changing the element size. Secondly, the p-refinement where changing to
elements with higher order polynomial interpolations. Lastly, r-refinement in which moving the
nodes of the element to another point of location within the system. A combination of these
methods can be utilized for mesh refinement. The process of mesh refinement should be solved
until the convergence is achieved.

Question 4
Describe the types of elements that commonly available used in finite element software.
(10 marks)
Types of elements the commnly available used in finite element software are 1D element, 2D element
and 3D element.
For 1D element, it is known to be the simplest element where is a line comprises of two nodes. 1D
element is every line that either straight or curved and experiences only translational and rotational
displacement functions. Example of the 1D element are truss element ,beam element and bar element.
For instances, the 1 truss element consists of two nodes that only have translation degrees of freedom
but no rotational degree of freedom. Meanwhile, for 2 beam elements, there are three nodes to define
and each nodes experiences translational and rotational degree of freedom which makes it 6 d.o.f.
For 2D element, it is usually a basic shapes of surface element with triangle or quadrilateral. For
instances, 3-node triangular element, 6-node triangular element and more are example of 2D element.
These surface elements may possess regular or irregular shapes depending on the situation. Besides,
this 2D element are a plane element. In which, the linear approximation of translational displacement
considered are u(x,y) and v(x,y) while rotaional displacement are (x,y). It normally accounted to
solve 2D elasticity problem since they account for plane stress and plain strain. Example of 2D
element are 2 membrane elements which consists of 3 or 4 nodes, only translational d.o.f involves.
For 3D element, they are dervied initially from 2D element which used when the problem is unable to
simplified. 3D element are used to mesh volumes. It only accounts for translational displacement. The
translational unknown displacement functions are u(x,y,z), v(x,y,z) and w(x,y,z). Samples of 3D
elements are 4 node tetrahedral element, 10-node tetrahedral element, 8-node isoparametric element
and others.
When modelling in finite element software, 1D element will provide much organize result but less
detailed which less explained on the interpretation of result. 2D and 3D elements would give results in
form of tensors that provide more explanation on the section of structure in results.

Question 5
Explain the term degrees of freedom.
(10 marks)

Degree of freedom are the primary unknowns in the equation that constitute a finite element model.
Degrees of freedom (d.o.f) is the possibility of nodes to move in defined direction. The node either
can more in translation or rotation along the axis of x, y and z. Those component can be describe a
motion in 3D. Every elements would have different degrees of freedom. For example, 3D elements
would have three d.o.f in translation and another three dof in rotation for each nodes. A node can have
6 degrees of freedom which indicates into 6 direction of motion on the x-y-z axis.
The higher number of element, gives more number of d.o.f. D.o.f also may encounter forces such as
internal forces and external forces of the element which it is acting normal to its cross section
(depending on the local and global coordinates). The d.o.f may be constrained and unconstrained
depending on the boundary conditions of the structure. For instance, if the node subjected to the fixed
support, it is known to be constrained d.o.f.
Hence, from this analysis of d.o.f, we able to propose of provide which d.o.f should be supported to
avoid failure of the model under certain circumstances.

Question 6
List five advantages of the finite element method in engineering.
(10 marks)

Five advantages of finite element method in engineering are:

- Modelling
With finite element method, it allows the physical system to be easier modelling in complex
geometrical and irregular shapes. It able to defines the model in interior and exterior situation,
where able to determine the critical factors in desired way whether it might affect the entire
structure or analysed which condition of failure may occur. This is very beneficial in some way
as there are varieties of finite element are available fro discretization of domain.
- Adaptibility
It benefits in terms of adaptibility of the structure to be analysed in finite element method by
meeting certain specification for accuracy in order to decrease the need for physical prototypes
in design process. The tedious process of creating multiple iterations of initial prototypes could
lead to large cost and time. By using finite element method, the users able to model and simulate
different designs and materials using software instead of spending weeks on hard prototyping.
- Accuracy
By using finite element method, able to improve the easeness of modelling since hand
calculation may be impractical and may lead to mathematical error. While using the computer
finite element method able to solve the problem with a high-degree of accuracy by showing all
the tensors stress and strain that may impact the design of structure.
- Boundaries
From finite element method, users able to use the boundary conditions to define the model
conditions at every nodes or elements of the body system. Under boundary conditions, it may
includes point forces, distributed forces, positional constraints and thermal effects such as
temperature changes or applied heat energy.
- Cost-effective
Finite element method could helps the company in reducing the cost for designing and
analysing many types of structures. It is relatively convienient in many ways for engineers and
have rapid calculation time for most applications.

Question 7
Describe types of analysis procedure in finite element analysis.
(10 marks)
There are various different types of tests used in finite element analysis such as:
- Structural static analysis
The analysis that calculates the effect of steady loading conditions on a structure that use
finite element method. Stress, strain and deformation of a component or assembly can be
investigated under range of load conditions to overcome the failures at the design stage. This
structural static analysis is where linear relation holds bteween applied forced and
- Thermal engineering analysis
Thhermal engineering analysis is used to determine the temperature distributions in object
with thermal loads that does not varies with time. Heat transfer in steady state thermal
analysis includes process of conduction, convection and radtiaon. It will demonstrates the
variation of temperature and how it will affects the design structure
- Modal analysis
Modal analysis is to design an effort to reduce or avoid vibration in machine design. Usually a
dynamic loading on machine will introducee vibrations and these ecessive vibrations would
cause noise, lead to fatigue damage of components. Hence, with this modal analysis able to
adjusts the vibrations through the design stage hence creating a strong final product.
- Engineering seismic calculations
Seismic calculations are an engnieer’s measurement of stability of racking in seismic event
such as earthquake. This helps the engineer to propose the maximum capacity of beam as
based on his/her own configuration in finite element analysis. Thus, this could give helps in
understanding the strucure’s performance when dealing with various ground frequencies and
vibrations that could ensure the sturdy location for final structure.

Question 8
Idealization in finite element analysis (FEA) is the art of taking a real structure and reducing
it down to an assembly of finite elements. Explain briefly how the idealization in the finite
element analysis.
(10 marks)
Finite element analysis simulates the physical phenomena using mathematical numerical techniques by
discretizing them into small elements. In which, the continuum were produced by geometric model
from CAD and refined by complete mesh. This idealization in finite element able to optimize
components in design phase to develop better product and cost-effective.
Then, creating the mesh of element in which depends on its unique elements to resemblance the real
strucure. The representations can be 1D , 2D and 3D depends on the desired element to be modelled to
address the problem. Somehow, the 3D idealization may have disadvantages due to the discretization ,
there may be different in the accuracy of the element. After creating the mesh, geometric model is
applied with boundary conditions, such as reaction forces, displacement, stress and others. This
normally go from partial differential equations that govern the equation to a set of algebraic equations
that can be solved simultaneously by computer. This is also includes in the material properotes of the
elements itself. Then, this would able to solve the finite element analysis that provides the solutions to
the problem modelled. Lastly, the finite element analysis would shows the analysed model with intreprt
results such as displacement, forces and others.
This idealization in the finitie element analysis is convenient as it able to illustrates the problems with
complicated geometries, loadings and material properties where analytical solutions may not obtained
in which usually occurs for a strucure and large safety factor.

Question 9
Describe the sensitivity analysis in finite element analysis.
(10 marks)
Sensitivity analysis in finite element method, is known as simulation analysis that determine the
robustness of the model’s outcome. This is usually used for structural optimization design, damage
identification, vibration control and so on. Hence, there are a lot of efficient computation methods for
sensitivity analysis. One of the sensitivity approach is modal superposition method and Nelson’s
The idea of superposition method is to express eigenvector sensitivity as linear combination of all
modes. This somehow limits the analysing the large scale strcutre since only few modes available.
Meanwhile, for Nelson’s method has obvious advantage where the only eigenvector of interst is
However, the above approach of sensitivity calculation fromulas are generally dervied from the
complete finite element method of strucure that require large among of calculation for large-scale

Question 10
Describe the Galerkin Residual Method and derive the 1D-bar using this method.
(10 marks)

Galerkin residual weighted is one of the weighted residual of approximate method of finite element
method. In which the analysis involves the differential equation form to obtain approximate solution
of the system. This method is very useful in developing the element equations and yield the same
results as minimum potential energy method as where the energy method is applicable. Usually
useful when potential energy is not readily available.
The derivation of 1D bar using galerkin method is as follows:
In this method, the integral of residual equation, R, multiplied by weighting function , Φ is forced to
be zero.

Then, using the interpolation function in terms of Ni shape functions for independent variable in
differential equation.

The results in total of n equations. This equation applies to points within region of body withouht
referencing to any boundary condition.
In illustrating the Galerkin’s method to formulate the bar element stiffness equations, it begins with
basic differential equation without distributed load.

A and E are now assumed, Residual R is defined as the equation 3. Hence,

Next, applying the integration by parts which in general given as

Next, integrating by parts would becomes, by introducing the boundary condition

Recalling the vector, u = [N]{d}

And substitute,

Then using the eq 9 into equation 7

Equation 10 is a two equations Ni = N1 , Ni = N2

Substituting the

0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Question 1 Provide minimal/ Provide Provide Provide sufficient Provide detailed /10 marks
(CLO2-PLO6) Does not provide explanation on the satisfactory explanation on the and
explanation on the problem d with explanation on the problem comprehensive
problem ambiguous problem explanation on the
details problem
Question 2 Provide minimal/ Provide Provide Provide sufficient Provide detailed /10 marks
(CLO2-PLO6) Does not provide explanation on the satisfactory explanation on the and
explanation on the problem d with explanation on the problem comprehensive
problem ambiguous problem explanation on the
details problem
Question 3 Provide minimal/ Provide Provide Provide sufficient Provide detailed /10 marks
(CLO2-PLO6) Does not provide explanation on the satisfactory explanation on the and
explanation on the problem d with explanation on the problem comprehensive
problem ambiguous problem explanation on the
details problem
Question 4 Provide minimal/ Provide Provide Provide sufficient Provide detailed /10 marks
(CLO2-PLO6) Does not provide explanation on the satisfactory explanation on the and
explanation on the problem d with explanation on the problem comprehensive
problem ambiguous problem explanation on the
details problem
Question 5 Provide minimal/ Provide Provide Provide sufficient Provide detailed /10 marks
(CLO2-PLO6) Does not provide explanation on the satisfactory explanation on the and
explanation on the problem d with explanation on the problem comprehensive
problem ambiguous problem explanation on the
details problem
Question 6 Provide minimal/ Provide Provide Provide sufficient Provide detailed /10 marks
(CLO2-PLO6) Does not provide explanation on the satisfactory explanation on the and
explanation on the problem d with explanation on the problem comprehensive
problem ambiguous problem explanation on the
details problem
Question 7 Provide minimal/ Provide Provide Provide sufficient Provide detailed /10 marks
(CLO2-PLO6) Does not provide explanation on the satisfactory explanation on the and
explanation on the problem d with explanation on the problem comprehensive
problem ambiguous problem explanation on the
details problem
Question 8 Provide minimal/ Provide Provide Provide sufficient Provide detailed /10 marks
(CLO2-PLO6) Does not provide explanation on the satisfactory explanation on the and
explanation on the problem d with explanation on the problem comprehensive
problem ambiguous problem explanation on the
details problem
Question 9 Provide minimal/ Provide Provide Provide sufficient Provide detailed /10 marks
(CLO2-PLO6) Does not provide explanation on the satisfactory explanation on the and
explanation on the problem d with explanation on the problem comprehensive
problem ambiguous problem explanation on the
details problem
Question 10 Provide minimal/ Provide Provide Provide sufficient Provide detailed /10 marks
(CLO2-PLO6) Does not provide explanation on the satisfactory explanation on the and
explanation on the problem d with explanation on the problem comprehensive
problem ambiguous problem explanation on the
details problem

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