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Author Name Abhinav Anirudhan

Title NTCC
Paper/Submission ID 597496
Submission Date 2022-08-04 12:22:58
Total Pages 31
Document type Project Work

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1 Internet Data


2 Internet Data


3 Internet Data


4 Internet Data


5 Financial planning A research agenda for the next decade by Bogan-2020 Publication



7 Publication

8 Impact of IRDA Guidelines on Consumer Confidence in Life Insurance Publication

Market Then by Khera-2020

9 Internet Data


10 Special Issue on Empirical Evidence on the Relevance of Place in Publication

Criminology by Shan-2010

11 Relationship and probability in mendelian populations by C-1983 Publication


12 Information system development activities and inquiring systems an Publication

integrating by Carugati-2008
13 Improving Intergroup Relations in Higher Education A Critical Publication
Examination of th by Engberg-2004

14 From TV to TC Bidding a farewell by -2020 Publication


15 Internet Data


16 Internet Data


17 OPECs return to fixed oil pricing by Massoo-1987 Publication


18 Internet Data


19 Cost-effectiveness of a day-camp weight-loss intervention programme for Publication

children by Larsen-2017

20 ASEE Conferences 2017 ASEE Annual Conference Exposition - Publication

Columbus, Ohio (20

21 Internet Data


22 Thesis Submitted to Shodhganga, Publication


23 Planning for a more balanced homework relationship the case study of Publication
Singapore by La-2001

24 Internet Data




26 Giving BT a competitive edge through technical consultancy by -1997 Publication


27 Publication

28 Publication

29 Publication
30 Internet Data

31 Book Reviews Jesus by Ziesler-1979 Publication


32 Back analysis of time-dependent behaviour of a test gallery in claystone Publication

by E-2002

33 Aging and multiple sclerosis by Sanai-2016 Publication


34 Latent heat storage modules for preheating internal combustion engines Publication
applicat by LL-2000





Panaparambil Abhinav Anirudhan

MBA Class of 2023

Under the Supervision of

Dr. Ashima Agarwal

Associate Professor
Department of Finance

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Business Administration – Finance





I declare

(a) That the work presented for assessment in this summer internship Report is my own, that it

has not previously been presented for another assessment and that my debts (for words, data,

arguments and ideas) have been appropriately acknowledged.

(b) That the work conforms to the guidelines for presentation and style set out in the relevant


(c) The Plagiarism in the report is 9 %

Date: 31/07/2022

Panaparambil Abhinav Anirudhan `


MBA – Finance (Class of 2023)




This is to certify that Panaparambil Abhinav Anirudhan student of Masters of
Business Administration –Finance at Amity Business School, Amity University Uttar Pradesh
has completed the summer internship Report on “The Dimensions of Reverse Logistics: A
Study of the Indian Organized Retail Environment”, under my guidance.

The report has been checked for Plagiarism and is within limits of acceptance.

Dr. Ashima Agarwal

Associate Professor

Department of Finance
01 Aug, 2022
P. Abhinav Anirudhan

We are pleased to confirm that P. Abhinav Anirudhan from AMITY NOIDA has successfully completed his Summer
Internship with Project Title 'WEALTH MANAGEMENT' from 21 Jun, 2022 to 30 Jul, 2022.
Location for Summer Internship: (Delhi)
Score card on the basis of his performance during the Summer Internship: 90%.

Best Wishes

(Authorized Signatory)
Mr. Ishan Taneja
Group MD/ CEO
UAS International Group of Companies

Sr Topic Page
no:- no:-
1 Declaration 2

2 Faculty guide certificate 3

3 Industry guide certificate 4

4 Abstract 6

5 Executive summary 7

6 Chapter 1 8

7 Chapter 2 13

8 Chapter 3 15

9 Chapter 4 18

10 Company Product 22

11 Conclusion 30

11 References 31

UASI is the must-have cheap platform that offers internships for students, giving them hands-
20 31
on experience in the industry. Our students have the option to work in both public and private
public sector/financial industry institutions thanks to the international internship programme,
which is one of our company's key differentiators. As a Wealth Management Organization,
UAS International, a division of United Accrual Services Pvt. Ltd., was established in 2013.
Since 2013, they have diversified into different markets with the aim of providing the best
personal service possible together with solutions and services that are economical, all while
communicating in plain, jargon-free language. They gave a fresh viewpoint to a variety of
financial issues, and we have a track record of providing quality guidance. We have made it
our mission to develop solid, long-lasting relationships with our clients ever since we first
entered the market.

• UASI strives to maximise returns with our unique

UASI has two recognized branches in marketing and sales:

1. Wealth Management
2. Travel & Tourism
• Interns are offered positions in both of the above industries undergoing remarkable
exclusivity corporate training program
• UASI links to 26 universities in India with 900+ campuses
The focus of this discipline is the management of the wealth of individuals, who are mostly
wealthy. It is highly sought for in nations where a sizable share of the population is over 65.
Life expectancy and average age are high in these countries as a result of the high standard of
living. As a result of this reality, the younger generation is responsible for overseeing or
bearing the financial burden of this portion in the form of hefty tax levies. Wealth
management, also known as personal finance, is to control an individual's cash flow over
time so they have enough resources to live comfortably after retirement without being a
financial burden on society. Knowledge about investments, retirement and estate planning,
taxation and insurance, as well as risk management, are all included in the study of financial
The client's financial status is thoroughly reviewed and analysed in this plan, covering cash
flow and net worth analysis, retirement planning, risk management and insurance planning,
investment planning, tax planning, and retirement and estate planning. The client's genuine
financial status cannot be ascertained or the best solution suggested without a thorough
examination. Any financial planner or advisor who makes recommendations without taking
into account all of these factors for the client's business will probably make the wrong ones .

The analysis takes into account the quantity of outstanding receivables, the size of the
mortgage and its interest rate, as well as a comparison between the client's promise to buy
these assets and their actual value. A few indicators are calculated while examining the
client's cash flows to determine the impact of cash flows on the client's financial status. The
plan's second section evaluates the risks to which the customer is already exposed and
provides insurance coverage to help reduce those risks .

The Client is advised to purchase the policies recommended in this plan. The lack and
unavailability of protection can pose a great risk to dependent clients when premature death
or permanent total disability occurs. The third part of the plan is focused on a general
overview of the importance of retirement and wealth planning and the required steps. This
plan further argues the consequences of the lack of these plans. The fourth part of the plan
offers a progressive investment plan. An attempt has been made to create a well-diversified
portfolio to minimize the client's risk of capital loss. As the client navigates this plan, the
client encounters the costing and process flow of portfolio construction, so the client becomes
more engaged and makes better, more informed decisions. The fifth part of the plan is
designed to calculate the client's tax payable based on the client's current situation.

The ADDIE technique can be used to design effective learning programmes. The rapid
growth of modern technologies necessitates constant skill improvement. The ADDIE
approach of instructional design is undoubtedly well-known to the majority of individuals.
The process of instructional design entails planning, producing, and distributing learning
materials. The ADDIE model's main benefit is that it offers a structured framework that
makes it easier to ensure the development of an efficient educational product. A learning
product can be a coaching session, lecture, information booklet, online or offline training
course, or any other product designed to transmit knowledge from a subject matter expert to
one or more people .


The ADDIE model's initial phase is known as "Analyze." The problem is defined, the
educational needs are examined, the target audience is established, and ambitious educational
goals are set at this phase. The problem must be identified as the first important step. As a
trainer or instructional designer, a stakeholder comes to you with a serious issue. Low sales,
an exclusive culture, or an organisation without the necessary digital capabilities could all be
contributing factors. Based on this, you must determine the nature of the business issue and if
training can address it. The target market is chosen at the analysis stage .

30 14
All data from the analysis phase is converted into a learning design during the design phase
and coordinated with stakeholders.

There are several steps in the design process. Make a plan for a learning intervention. The
32 19
learning intervention is mapped along with the development of the curriculum. The
intervention can take place in person, online, or both. using the design process to map
evaluation methodologies, Stakeholder coordination. Finally, it's important to inform and
keep stakeholders abreast of learning objectives and design possibilities.


The development phase is about developing various designs into working products. First,
think about the approach. Next, you decide whether to build it yourself or develop it
externally. Finally, you implement and create, buy, or borrow learning content.

deciding on the delivery strategy. Delivery can be done in person, online, or through a
combination of both. Depending on the delivery mechanism, a number of parties and
technologies will be involved. putting the design into practise by making a teaching tool. This
is where the bulk of the development phase's work is focused. The next step is to choose
learning methodologies, material, and techniques. The evaluation of the learning product's
quality is evaluated during this process. Assessment and evaluation tools are being developed
and tested. creating a communication plan for a teaching intervention. Both time and
attention, which are both limited resources, are necessary for learning. Setting up a clear
communication plan can help you keep learning top of mind and have a bigger impact .


The implementation phase is about providing training and mostly involves project
management. Key elements include communication with participants, logistics, data
collection and the launch of a train-the-trainer program for the global roll-out of offline
initiatives. Includes training provision and participation, physical environment changes,
participation in supplemental programs, physical environment changes, conducting formal


In addition to being a phase in the ADDIE paradigm, evaluation is a constant that is a part of
all of the other phases. This means that after delivering your first session, you should always
try to implement changes. It is a crucial component of each action. Evaluation ongoing
education Cite areas for improvement evaluation of the business case.

The quickness of the entire operation is its main drawback. This method takes a while, and
during that time, learning demands and subject matter may change. This may result in a
33 24
disconnect between the intended outcome and the initial impetus for the procedure. One
potential approach is a brief lesson design .
In a formal interview, the employer and the interviewer speak in a formal environment. This
is a common type of interview. Formal interviews are carefully planned; questions are written
beforehand, and the time, date, location, and dress code are all determined before the
interview. On the other hand, a casual chat happens in a casual setting. An casual interview
allows the company and candidate to converse over coffee. Informal interviews are poorly
organised, and the inquiries are illogical and broad. Compared to formal conversations,
communication between the two is also informal.
• Multiple interviews make up sequential interviews. In this type of interview, multiple
interviewers ask the same set of questions repeatedly to see if the interviewee responds
consistently or not. Additionally, in a panel interview, numerous interviewers sit together to
interrogate the applicant. In the public sector, this kind of interview is most common. During
a 45- to 60-minute panel interview, an applicant sits across from three or more hiring
managers and speaks with them all at once. • A formal interview is a common type of
interview in which the interviewer and the employer speak in a formal environment. Formal
interviews are carefully planned; questions are written beforehand, and the time, date,
location, and dress code are all determined before the interview. On the other hand, a casual
chat happens in a casual setting. An casual interview allows the company and candidate to
converse over coffee. Informal interviews are poorly organised, and the inquiries are illogical
and broad. Compared to formal conversations, communication between the two is also
Sequential interviews are made up of a number of interviews. In this type of interview,
multiple interviewers ask the same set of questions repeatedly to see if the interviewee
responds consistently or not. Additionally, in a panel interview, numerous interviewers sit
together to interrogate the applicant. In the public sector, this kind of interview is most
common. During a 45- to 60-minute panel interview, an applicant sits across from three or
more hiring managers and speaks with them all at once..

Group interviews, which frequently involve a large number of interviewers and are conducted
during college or university placements, are also known as applicant pools. Only a select few
interviewees are chosen from among the many who are examined in group interviews.

• During a situational interview, job candidates are questioned about a real-world scenario
they might face at work. The interviewer presents the scenario to the candidate and asks how
they plan to handle it and come up with a solution. These interviews ask hypothetical
inquiries and are similar to behavioural interview questions in that they are future-focused.

• An in-depth interview is meant to delve thoroughly into a candidate's past and way of
thinking, as well as to go into great length on a number of important and personally
significant themes. In-depth interviewing is an open-ended technique aimed at learning how
to elicit thorough information on a subject from a willing source. A qualitative research
technique, in-depth interviews seek to delve deeply into the respondent's perspective,
experiences, feelings, and perspectives. A stress interview is intended to evaluate the
candidate's actions and attitude under pressure and stress. A stress interview involves
removing applicants from their comfort zone of anticipated questions and responses to see
how they react under pressure. It takes place throughout college or university placements and
is typically referred to as an application pool. Only a select few interviewees are chosen from
among the many who are examined in group interviews.

• During a situational interview, job candidates are questioned about a real-world scenario
they might face at work. The interviewer presents the scenario to the candidate and asks how
they plan to handle it and come up with a solution. These interviews ask hypothetical
inquiries and are similar to behavioural interview questions in that they are future-focused.

• An in-depth interview is meant to delve thoroughly into a candidate's past and way of
thinking, as well as to go into great length on a number of important and personally
significant themes. In-depth interviewing is an open-ended technique aimed at learning how
to elicit thorough information on a subject from a willing source. A qualitative research
technique, in-depth interviews seek to delve deeply into the respondent's perspective,
experiences, feelings, and perspectives. A stress interview is intended to evaluate the
candidate's actions and attitude under pressure and stress. A stress interview involves
removing applicants from their comfort zone of anticipated questions and responses to see
how they react under pressure.

Interview dos and don'ts

What to do in Interview
1. Do your homework
Preparation is the first essential step in the interview process, so don't get discouraged until it
even happens. Researching the company you meet with will show your interest in the
business and give you an edge.
2. Make a good first impression
If you're going to an in-person interview, plan your way there, do a test drive if it's an
unfamiliar location, and arrive a few minutes early. Being late for a job interview is
inexcusable. Bring your CV and be sure you are familiar with the dates and details so you can
discuss it with assurance and provide examples.
3. Listen and respond accordingly
All too often the feedback from clients is that the candidate does not answer the question
clearly and directly. Don't circle the questions, listen and answer accordingly, using examples
from your own experience.
4. Prepare insightful, in-depth inquiries to put to the interviewer.
Remember that an interview is a two-way street, asking questions will help illustrate your
interest and motivation to succeed in the role and the company and will also get you noticed
and set you apart from other candidates. It will also determine if this is really an opportunity
or business you want to join.
5. Sell your strengths and expertise
Make sure you communicate your strengths to the interviewer concisely, to the point, and

Don’t’s in the Interview

1. Don't talk bad about your current or former employers
The interviewer will assume you will do it to them if you leave and question your
professionalism. This is a big red flag for anyone interviewing a candidate.
2. Do not falsify information
Answer the questions truthfully and to the point. Explain and describe things about yourself
that are relevant to the position being offered and truthfully reflect your past experience. If
you are being tested in an area that is not your strength, be honest and let your interviewer
know that you are willing to learn or work and how you can gain skills in that area. Follow it
up with strengths you have in another area that you could bring to the table.
3. Don't talk over the interviewer
Along with speaking well, it's crucial to listen well. If you are interviewing via video
platform, remember that there will be a slight time delay, avoid rushing to answer a question
in case your interviewer has not finished speaking.
4. Don't assume it's not a conversation
No matter what stage of the interview you are in or who you meet – be it over coffee, a
couple of drinks or just a final chat.

5. Don't let any past rejections get in the way of future ones
Looking for a new job can be challenging, make sure you approach each interview as a new
opportunity and learn from past interview mistakes. If you have several interviews lined up,
try to leave some space between them to make sure you're at your best.
What is tax policy?
It is a technique used by the government or tax authority to charge tax to its people and
corporate entities. Taxation is used at all levels, ranging from income tax to the goods and
services tax (GST). The main goal of taxation is to generate income to pay for significant
public expenditures.

Types of taxes

Direct and Indirect taxes are two major types of taxes. The implementation of both taxes is
different. Some of them you pay directly like income tax, corporate tax, wealth tax etc. while
some taxes you pay indirectly like sales tax, service tax, value added tax etc.

What is direct tax?

you pay these taxes directly. The government collects such taxes directly from the individual
or entity and cannot be transferred to any other person or entity.
Example:- Income Tax, Wealth Tax, Gift Tax, Corporate Tax, Capital Gains Tax.

What is indirect tax?

Taxes applied on goods and services are called as indirect taxes. Alternatively, they are
collected from products and collected by the intermediary, the individual selling the product.
Examples:- sales tax, value added tax (VAT), tax on imported goods etc.

CTC Components and Breakup

Fixed Salary

1) Basic Salary 40 – 50% of CTC

2) House Allowance Rent 50% of Basic salary
3) Transport allowance/conveyance 40% of Basic Salary
4) Child Education Allowance Rs. 100 per child/ per month (Max 2 children)
5) Other Social Allowance Section 10 (14) of Income tax act.

Variable Salary

1) Bonus Loyalty Reward

2) Incentive Monetary or received for extra work.

Salary Bargaining
Experienced Employee Vs Fresher

Flow of Taxation (Tax Calculation Formula)


Less: Exempted Tax (Agriculture Tax)

= Gross Total Income

Less: Deductions (Rebates)

Net Taxable Income (Completed NIT using tax slabs)

Add: CESS ( Amount collected by government for specific reason)

Add: SURCHARGE (Tax on Tax)

(Example- CGST, SGST, Service Tax)

Total: Final Tax Liability

Types of tax Rebates

1) Section 80 C (Investments) :- Any premium upto 1,50,000 you don’t have to pay any
2) Section 10,10 D (Investment premium):- Tax free

Tax Terminologies

1. Policy Owner

The policyholder is the person who has ownership rights to the insurance contract, usually the
policyholder or the insured. They have the power if they want to surrender the policy, sell the
policy, donate the policy, change the policy to the beneficiary on death.

2. Insured person

The insured is the one who is insured against the risk. Insured Person means any person
whose risks are covered by these terms and benefits and who is named in the Policy as an
Insured Person.

3. Nominee

The nominee is the person who receives the benefit in the event that the insured dies. When
purchasing a life insurance policy, the insured names his nominee. Typically, nominees can
be a spouse, kids, or parents.

4. Market value

Surrender value can also be called as Surrender cash is the amount left after fees when you
cancel a permanent life insurance policy (or annuity).

5. Sum Assured on Death

The person designated in the plan will get the fixed sum promised in the case of the
policyholder's passing. The funeral benefit is paid as the higher of the sum assured or, if you
are under 45 years of age, 10 times the annual premium. The sum assured often refers to the
minimum sum assured payable at maturity.

6. Discount under Section 80C

You can claim tax credits up to Rs. 1.5 lakh every year based on the payments and
investments you make as an individual or on behalf of someone. Only individuals under the
age of 60 can claim this deduction.

7. Section 1010D

An individual can avail tax exemption on sum assured and accrued bonus (if any) received
through a life insurance policy (maturity or death benefit).

SEBI is the Securities and Exchange Board of India. It was established by the government to
protect the interests of investors investing in securities along with regulating the securities
market. The main objective of SEBI is to protect investors and prevent fraudulent practices
and malpractices related to trading and regulatory activities of the stock exchange.

India's insurance industry is supervised and regulated by the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority of India. The main goals of the IRDA are to safeguard policyholder
interests and promote the expansion of insurance in the nation. The country's general
insurance firms as well as life insurance are both regulated by IRDA.

10. Duration of insurance

The policy period refers to the period during which your policy remains active. It is the
period during which guaranteed coverage is provided by the insurer to the life insured.

11. Premium payment period

The premium payment period is the total period (number of years or months) for which the
policyholder has to pay the premium for a life insurance policy

12. Marriage act

In the event of the policyholder's unexpected death, the Wife Marriage Act is a legal
safeguard that can safeguard the financial interests of a dependant spouse, child, or both.

13. Return bonus

A traditional policy, if valid/fully paid up, will share in the company's policyholder fund
profits from the policy inception date. He gets a share of the profits in the form of bonuses.
These bonuses reported periodically and paid out at the end (at the time of claiming) are
called clawback bonuses. There are 2 types of reverse bonus simple reverse bonus which are
declared as a percentage rate applied to the sum insured with respect to the basic insurance
benefit. And 2. are composite reverse bonuses, which is a percentage rate that applies to the
sum insured with respect to the basic insurance benefit and to the reverse bonuses already
attached to the policy.

14. Riders

Riders are optional, additional terms that affect your base policy, at an additional cost. In
other words, additional insurance provides additional coverage and added protection against
risks. Add-ons are effective add-ons that you can choose to add to your life insurance policy.
Assessee (Sec.2 (7)): A person responsible for payment of Income tax

Person ( Sec.2 (31)):

• Individual
• Firm (Partnership)
• Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) (Karta & Copartioner & Beneficiary)
Senior most member of the family is liable to pay tax from Income generated by
Family Business.
• Association of persons (AOP’s)
A group of people coming together for common goal and as soon as goal is
achieved, they will part their ways after completion.
• Body of Institutions (BOI’s)
Various Sub-branches supervising the subbranches (Example- RBI is BOI of all
Banks in India.)
• Artificial Juridicial Person
(Example Like God, Goddess, Beliefs Etc)
• Previous Year (Section 3)
The year in which income is earned
• Assessment Year (Section 2 (a))
It is the period of 12 months current running financial year.



Other House
Sources Property

Capital Business &

Gains Profession

Different Financial Sectors (DFS)

Mutual funds

A portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities makes up a mutual fund, a particular kind of
investment instrument. Small or individual investors can access professionally managed,
diversified portfolios through mutual funds. Mutual funds are divided into several types of
categories that represent the types of securities they invest in, their investment objectives and
the type of returns they seek. Mutual funds charge annual fees, expense ratios or commissions
that can affect their overall returns. Employer-sponsored pension plans commonly invest in
mutual funds.

Disadvantages of mutual funds are:

1) Mutual funds are risky and uncertain because they have high fees like passive mutual
funds have low fees but they will be more expensive when investing in active mutual funds.
There is also management risk , If you choose an actively managed mutual fund , Let's say
you have a great fund manager and he leaves and the next manager is not so great. That's a
risk you have no control over.

2) Mutual funds do not have life cover.

3) It has no liquidity as there is liquidity risk as you cannot get your money out of mutual
funds quickly. Liquidity risk in mutual funds is caused by a lack of ready cash for the proper
processing of shareholder transactions.

4) Mutual funds have a low interest rate because they overreact to market sentiment. They
place far too much emphasis on recent fund or market success. They don't adhere to an asset
allocation plan.5) Mutual funds have negative growth because it is important to remember
that stocks as an asset class do not offer linear or constant returns year after year.

6) All mutual funds are not entitled to tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax
Act, only investments in equity-linked savings schemes or ELSS are entitled to tax
deductions under Section 80C. Investors can invest in ELSS and claim tax deductions up to
Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

7) Tax deductions under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act apply to any amount
received under a life insurance plan ie death benefit or maturity benefit or bonus received
from life insurance contracts, so mutual funds fall under the section 1010D do not apply.
Stock market

Investors purchase and sell company shares on the stock market. Companies provide shares
and other securities for trading on a series of exchanges.. It also includes an over-the-counter
(OTC) marketplace where investors trade securities directly with each other. You can
purchase individual stocks through a brokerage account or an individual retirement account
such as an IRA. Both accounts can be opened with an online broker through which you can
buy and sell investments. A broker acts as an intermediary between you and the exchanges.
There are two types of stock markets, they are primary and secondary stock markets and the
main stock exchanges in India are the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock
Exchange (BSE).

Disadvantages of stock markets are:

1) It is risky and uncertain because it follows the survival oriented concept of risky asset
investment. Uncertainty in the stock market is related to imperfect information about how the
world behaves. how well do we understand the process that has generated historical stock
market returns?

2) There is no insurance cover when investing in shares or stock markets.

3) Profits earned through stock markets are taxable as there are no fixed market returns.

4) Equity markets are not eligible for section 80C rebate and 1010D rebate.


The Post Office has a savings program supported by the government, a postal fixed deposit is
one of the safest investment options and offers a guaranteed return. The postal fixed deposit
offers an interest rate of 6.7%. The interest rate offered by Post Office FD is more likely to
lead to higher returns as compared to other investment schemes. Postal FDs are not affected
by market fluctuations so investors get the same interest. The Post Office FD scheme allows
investors to avail interest tax exemption. Moreover, they can also withdraw the invested
money early and avail the loan against the value of the post office FD plan.

The disadvantages of investing in mail are:

1) He has no life cover.

2) It has no liquidity

3) Blockage of fund for 8 years, maximum tenure of FD post office is 5 years and longer
tenure cannot be opted for.

4) Not applicable for rebates under section 80C and 1010D.

5) Another disadvantage of the post office is that they are centralized and there is no after-
sales service in the POFD system.


how to invest in gold

We can do this in several ways, such as buying physical gold, now there are two ways to do
this. The traditional way is to buy gold jewelery from a trusted gold jewelery store.
Alternatively, gold can be bought in the form of coins and bars from a jeweler or bank.
Another way is through government gold bonds (SGBs), which are issued by the RBI in
tranches. These bonds are offered in grams at the current gold rate and offer a fixed interest
rate. This is a long-term investment and redemption at maturity is tax-free. Another way is
Digital Gold, which is an investment in pure gold in digital form. Here, the seller keeps an
equivalent amount of physical gold in a secure vault, which is reflected in the investor's
digital gold account. For example:- Paytm launched Paytm Digital gold.

Disadvantages of investing in gold include:

1) Gold prices fluctuate so there are no fixed investments.

2) No insurance coverage on gold investment

3) There is no liquidity

4) Investments in gold are taxable

5) Investing in gold requires high costs

6) Also not applicable to rebates under section 80C and 1010D.

real estate sector,

property owners can buy a property with leverage, pay a portion of its total cost upfront, and
pay off the balance over time. One of the primary ways investors can make money in real
estate is by becoming a landlord of a rental property. Buying an undervalued property, fixing
it up and selling it can also make money. Real estate investment trusts are a more practical
way to make money in real estate. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are essentially
dividend-paying stocks.

Disadvantages of real estate investing

1) High interest rates must be kept in mind when investing in real estate.

2) There is no insurance coverage

3) No liquidity

4) Does not apply to rebates 80C and 1010D

5) One of the disadvantages is that the demand for real estate is low and the supply is high.

6) High investment or large capital is required before investing in real estate.

pension ,

Pension funds are financial tools that help you accumulate funds for the years after you retire.
By regularly investing a certain amount in your pension fund, you will gradually build up a
considerable amount. They usually have two phases –

Accumulation phase: You pay specific


At IndiaFirst Life, we come to work every day with the goal of making insurance easily
accessible to every Indian household. Since that momentous day in November 2009, when
we sold our first policy as the 22nd private entity to enter the life insurance industry; as on 31
March 2020, where India First Life ranks 12th in the private sector in Individual NB APE for
FY20. We ended FY20 on a solid footing with total written premiums of INR 3,360 crore and
AUM of INR 14,723 crore . had Bank of Baroda, Andhra Bank (now Union Bank of India)
and Legal & General as our founding partners. After years of growth with us, Legal &
General sold its stake in February 2019 to Carmel Point Investments India Private Limited, a
company established in Mauritius and owned by private equity funds managed by Warburg
Pincus LLC, New York, United States. Union Bank of India acquired Andhra Bank in April

Key Points of IndiaFirst Life Insurance

1. We are proud to serve more than 131 million customers in 19 countries

2. Founded on July 20, 1908, the bank. On July 19, 1969, the Government of India declared
the bank, along with 13 other major Indian commercial banks, to be a for-profit Public Sector
Undertaking (PSU).

3. Branch network

4. Operating profit grew by 9.39% to 12,006 crore in FY18 as against * 10,975 crore in
FY17, driven by growth in both interest income and fee income.

5. Total domestic deposits grew at a slower rate of 6.11% during the year due to a decline in
excess liquidity at bank.
Some benefits are guaranteed, while others are variable with returns determined by the life
insurer's future performance. The example table on this page will explicitly highlight any
guaranteed benefits that your policy provides as such. The graphics on this page will display
two distinct rates of anticipated future investment returns, 8 percent per year and 4 percent
per year, if your policy offers variable benefits. These anticipated rates of return are not
promises and do not place an upper or lower limit on the amount you may be able to recover
as the value of your insurance depends on a variety of circumstances, including future
investment performance.

Promoters of IndiaFirst Life Insurance

15 USPs of IndiaFirst Life Insurance

1) 2 government promoter banks- BOB and Union Bank

2) Inflation Control Interest (Revisionary Bonus)
3) Liquidity from 13th month
4) Guaranteed High Returns
5) Loan Feature
6) Assignment Feature
7) Branches available with every pincode ( After Sales Service )
8) Lapsation Period for 1 year
9) Life Cover is 10-11 times.

10)Minimum premium= 30,000 + GST

11)Marriage women act

12)Premium frequency(Monthly, half & yearly from year 2)

13)Entry Age= 3 years(For 15 years Term) & Entry Age = 1 month(For

20 years Term)

14)Holiday Period= 6 Years

15) BOB is available in 21 countries & Union Bank is available in 2

Rs. 30,000 Life Insurance Premium
Rs. 35,000 Life Insurance premium
Rs. 70,000 Life Insurance Premium
Rs. 1,00,000 Life Insurance Premium

India first Life Insurance Vs FD Vs LIC


In this Internship , I have got 3 Sales Leads of Rs, 35,000 Life Insurance
Premiums and as per JD I completed Sales Target of Rs. 1,00,000 and
achieved a total Sales Target of 1,05,000. Main Challenges faced were to
convince the clients for buying Life Insurance, Availability of Clients ,
Clash in working hours and client meetings, Sales pitches etc. Overall i
learned to acquire new managerial skills, to meet up the corporate
demands , build self esteem, attain leadership qualities, gain total
personality development, Enhance strengths and overcome weakness,
develop skills to do new and different tasks and staying updated with latest
market trends.

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