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Permanganate time test(PTT)

 Make a standard solution with 0.1 gm of potassium permanganate in 500 ml of water.

·         This method serves as a means of detecting the presence of impurities in alcohols or ketones that reduce
potassium permanganate and is applicable to Methanol, Propanol, Butanol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone and
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone.
·         Substances reacting with potassium permanganate in neutral solutions reduce it to manganese dioxide,
which colours the solution yellow.  In the PTT the time required for the colour of the test solution to
change to that of a standard solution is measured. The colour of the test solution changes from pink-
orange to yellow-orange. For shipboard testing the time for the colour to differ from a test solution
measured against a standard solution of certified methanol is sufficient.

·         The equipment required for PTT are as follows:-

1      Cylinders, glass-stoppered, 50ml.

2      Constant temperature bath, capable of maintaining a temperature of 15.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C or 25.0 +/-
0.5 degrees C.  If a constant temperature bath is not available then a bucket of water cooled with ice is
an acceptable shipboard substitute.
3      Pipette, capable of delivering 2ml of solution.
4      Clock or stopwatch.
5      Potassium Permanganate Solution (0.100 g of KMnO4 per 500ml of water).

Fill a 50ml glass-stoppered cylinder beyond the mark with certified methanol and place it in the same

When the samples have reached the bath temperature (about 5 minutes) add 2ml of potassium
permanganate solution with a pipette, invert once to mix the contents and return to the bath.

Keep the samples in the dark, and check about every 10 minutes.

Determine the time from the addition of the KMnO4 until the colour differs (fades) from the standard of
certified methanol.

Violet à Light Violet à Orange Color à Light Yellow

When the test is finished wash the tubes with tap water and fill with concentrated hydrochloric acid.  Use
protective gloves and goggles for this and preferably do it in the open.

c). Permanganate Time Test(P.T.T)

- Fill up Sample/50cc and add 0.02% KMnO4/ 2cc into 100cc Nessler-tube(Sample)

- Fill up Methanol/50cc and add 0.02% KMnO4/2cc into another 100cc Nessler-tube(Standard)

- The mixture is shaken and then wait until the color of violet turned orange
- The times required for P.T.T are as follows:

50minutes over at 15C, or 30minutes over at 25C, or 20minutes over at 28C

Checking of color change:

Violet Light Violet Orange color Light yellow

-------------------------? Minutes ?--------------------------

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