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Name: Catalan, Gabriele Angela L. Teacher: Ms. Vivienne Monta p

Grade & Section: BSAIT 3-1 Subject: Entrepreneurial Mind p


The Firm and It’s Environment
1. Analyze the circumstances of an existing business, a store, or start-up company. Assess
the store using the SWOT analysis Model by filling up the matrix in the activity sheet.
2. Use the Times Roman Font, size 12.

Name of Store (Business): Shopee p

Place of operation: Manila, Philippines p



1. Shoppee is growing in popularity around 1. There are some sellers who post
the world. It was the first of its kind photos of goods that do not reflect
among online stores. Buyers become their original state. Because of the
aware of Shoppee's existence because of model picture of the products, some
influencers and celebrities promoting sellers misinform buyers, but when
Shoppee and its big sales. buyers receive the product, it is
completely different from what they
2. Shopee is well-known for its wide expected.
selection of goods. With just one click,
you can get everything you need. 2. Only cities and communities with
Appliances, school supplies, skin care internet access can use Shopee. If
products, gadgets, clothing, and other you don't have access to the internet,
items are all available. It contains a wide you won't be able to shop on Shopee.
range of products in a single app.
3. Certain items, such as Shopee, are
3. Shopee Guarantee is a notable feature better suited to online shopping than
that provides consumers with peace of others. For example, books,
mind by protecting them from shady electronics, and kitchen appliances
dealers and counterfeit or faulty goods. are all simple to sell through online
The Shopee Guarantee works by retailers because customers have a
deferring payment to a supplier until the general idea of what to expect.
buyer confirms that the order arrived in Certain objects, on the other hand,
good condition. The customer can return are far less universal; clothing is the
the item using the Shopee app if it turns best example. Consumers are
out to be unsuitable. hesitant to purchase clothing online
4. Shopee allows customers to pay in a because they have no idea how it
variety of ways. The following methods will fit, feel, or appear.
of payment are accepted: cash on Unfortunately, for eCommerce
delivery (COD), credit card, debit card, stores, entering these markets would
and GCash. They also have their own be extremely difficult.
digital wallet in the store, which they use
to make purchases as well as receive and 4. Some sellers refuse to respond to
save refunds. Customers can pay for buyer questions. As a result, many
Shopee transactions using online buyers are disappointed, and some
banking, over-the-counter bank deposits, have been unable to purchase the, remittance centers, and product.
payment centers.
5. The higher the shipping cost of the
5. Another significant benefit of Shopee is goods purchased, the further away
that, in comparison to traditional retail the delivery location is. Additionally,
outlets, items appear to be cheaper. One when customers purchase items from
explanation is that Shopee typically multiple stores, they will be charged
involves sellers communicating directly two shipping fees. A buyer, for
with customers, removing the need for example, purchased items from two
middlemen such as distributors. For a different stores. This means the
variety of reasons, Shopee is a more buyer will be responsible for two
cost-effective option for online shoppers. shipping fees.
Consumers who buy in bulk, for
example, get discounts from some of the
company's vendors. Customers can also
use chat to negotiate lower prices with
sellers. Customers can also use Shopee's
Lowest Price Guaranteed feature to get a
refund of up to 120 percent of the price

1. The expanding market is one of the most 1. Because cyber hijacking is a type of
significant opportunities for the online network security attack in which an
shopping industry. Even though most attacker takes control of computer
consumers in developed countries own systems, programs, or network
electronic devices, many in developing communications, it could harm
countries do not, and thus do not shop Shopee's system.
online. The number of potential internet
shoppers may increase as the price of 2. Businesses like Shopee may also be
electronics continues to drop. harmed by government regulations.
As legislation is added to try to
2. Shopee can sell brands of goods in other improve service, it forces a less
cities because several brands are not effective result and eliminates
available in one location. Buyers will competition dimensions.
have less of a hassle traveling long
distances to purchase goods that aren't 3. There are competitors who continue
available in their area. Because Shopee to innovate and promote their
will conveniently deliver those items to products. As a result, it poses a threat
their doorstep. to Shopee.

3. The existence of an extremely popular 4. Digital payments, such as credit and

community-wide package delivery debit cards, bank transfers, and even
system. Because of its delivery system, cryptocurrencies, power Shopee. As
which includes cash on delivery, many a result, it's become a popular target
buyers are encouraged to purchase items for con artists looking to make a
from Shopee because of the pandemic. In quick buck off their illegal activities.
the face of the pandemic, buyers can be Fraudsters can purchase items online
confident that they will receive the with other people's credit cards and
product while also prioritizing their have them delivered to their
health. neighbors' doorsteps, where they can
be swiped while the homeowner is at
4. Because Shopee is an online store, it is work. Unfortunately, combating
always open to all potential customers. internet fraud is extremely difficult,
When it comes to browsing products, which is why the industry is so
adding them to carts, and purchasing vulnerable.
them, there are no time limits. Unlike
physical stores, which have an opening 5. Apart from outright fraud, there's a
and closing schedule, online stores do lot that can go wrong when it comes
not. As a result, buyers can purchase to personal information on online
products at any time and from any shopping sites like Shopee. You
location as long as they have internet must provide a lot of sensitive
access. information when shopping online,
such as your credit card number,
5. Various web-based media clients with address, and other personal
large followings promote Shopee. Forces information. This information can
to be reckoned with are an excellent have disastrous consequences if it
example of this in the advertising world. falls into the wrong hands.
Because online media has become such
an inextricably important part of our
daily lives, forces to be reckoned with
are expected to play an inexorably
significant role in how products are sold.
RUBRICS FOR SWOT/PESTEL Analysis (20 points)

Focus/ Main The essay The essay is The essay is The essay is
Point poorly focused on topic focused on the focused,
addresses topic and includes topic and purposeful, and
and includes few loosely includes reflects clear
irrelevant ideas related ideas relevant ideas insight and
Support Provides little Supports main Supports main Persuasively
or no support point with some point with supports main
for the main underdeveloped developed point with well-
point reasons and/or reasons and/or developed
examples examples reasons and/or
Organization Little or no Some Organizes ideas Effectively
& Format organization of organization of to build an organizes ideas
(Paragraphs, ideas to build an ideas to build an argument to build a
Transitions) argument argument logical,
Language Little or no use Some use of Appropriate use Effective and
Use, Style & of elements of elements of of elements of creative use of
Conventions style Many style Contains style Uses elements of
(Sentence errors in frequent errors correct style to enhance
structure, grammar, in grammar, grammar, meaning Uses
word choice, spelling, and spelling, and spelling, and correct
grammar, punctuation, punctuation punctuation grammar,
spelling, makes reader’s with few errors spelling,
punctuation) comprehension punctuation
difficult throughout with
very few errors
Originality No Very little Sufficient Distinctive
(Expression experimentation experimentation experimentation experimentation
of the theme nor to enhance with language with language
in a creative enhancement of concepts Does and usage to and usage to
way) concepts No not exhibit enhance enhance
adherence to the creativity concepts concepts
theme Applies basic Applies higher
creative skills to order thinking
relay ideas and creative
skills to relay
complex ideas
Total Points : _____________

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