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H I S T O R Y, N E U R O B I O L O G Y, A N D T R E AT M E N T


Ayşegül Yildiz, MD
Pedro Ruiz, MD
Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The bipolar book : history, neurobiology, and treatment / edited by Ayşegül Yildiz, Pedro Ruiz, and Charles B. Nemeroff.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978–0–19–930053–2 (alk. paper)
I.  Yildiz, Ayşegül, editor.  II. Ruiz, Pedro, 1936– , editor.  III.  Nemeroff, Charles B., editor.
[DNLM: 1. Bipolar Disorder. WM 207]

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To our patients, to the giants in the field whose shoulders we have stood on, and to our students and junior
colleagues. All of these individuals have taught us and in some fashion helped make this book possible.
A.Y. and P.R. and C.B.N.

To my mother Zekiye Yıldız and sister Sultan Tınastepe for their unconditional love and support and to my
mentors Perry F. Renshaw, Kamil Uğurbil, and especially Gary S. Sachs for their guidance and encourage-
ment in my quest of science and research.

To my wife Angela and my four grand kids who have always being a source of inspiration for me.

To my wife Gayle and our children Sarah Frances, Ross, Amanda and Michael for their ongoing support
and love.

Preface  xi 9. Cellular Resilience and Neurodegeneration and

Contributors  xiii Their Impact on the Treatment of Bipolar
Disorder  105
Gabriel Rodrigo Fries and Flávio Kapczinski
10. Immune Mechanisms and Inflammation and Their
S E C T ION   I Treatment Impact  115
C L I N IC A L PR E S E N TAT I O N Alice Russell, Carmine M. Pariante, and
Valeria Mondelli
1. History of Bipolar Manic-Depressive Disorder  3 11. Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, and Their Treatment
Ross J. Baldessarini, Jesús Pérez, Paola Salvatore, Impact  127
Katharina Trede, and Carlo Maggini Joshua Z. Tal and Michelle Primeau
2. Update on Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and 12. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and
Correlates of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder  21 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis and Their
Kathleen R. Merikangas and Diana Paksarian Treatment Impact  137
3. Presentation, Clinical Course, and Diagnostic Michael Bauer and Timothy Dinan
Assessment of Bipolar Disorder  35 13. Translating Biomarkers and Biomolecular
Erica Snook, Keitha Moseley-Dendy, and Treatments to Clinical Practice: Assessment of
Robert M. A. Hirschfeld Hypothesis-Driven Clinical Trial Data  149
4. Differential Diagnosis and Bipolar Spectrum Disorders  49 Marcus V. Zanetti, Alexandre Loch, and
Jean-Michel Azorin and Raoul Belzeaux Rodrigo Machado-Vieira
5. Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder in Children and
Adolescents  61 Part II:  Genetic
Andrew J. Freeman, Kiki Chang, and 14. The Apple and the Tree: What Family and
Eric A. Youngstrom Offspring Studies of Bipolar Disorder Show About
6. Effects of Public Awareness and Stigmatization on Mechanisms of Risk and Prevention  171
Accurate and Timely Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder 73 Guillermo Perez Algorta, Anna Van Meter, and
Giampaolo Perna, Tatiana Torti, and Alessandra Alciati Eric A. Youngstrom
15. The Emerging Genetics of Bipolar Disorder  181
Roy H. Perlis

S E C T ION   I I Part III:  Cognition

I N S I G H T S O N PAT HOPH Y S I OL O G Y 16. Cognitive Impairments and Everyday Disability in
A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S Bipolar Illness  191
Colin A. Depp, Alexandrea L. Harmell, and
Part I:  Molecular Biology Philip D. Harvey
7. Oxidative Damage and Its Treatment Impact  83
Gislaine Tezza Rezin and Ana Cristina Andreazza Part IV:  Neuroimaging
8. The Role of Signal Transduction Systems in the 17. Structural and Functional Magnetic Resonance
Pathophysiology and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder  93 Imaging Findings and Their Treatment Impact  205
Richard S. Jope, Eleonore Beurel, Marta Pardo, Marguerite Reid Schneider, David E. Fleck,
Erika Abrial, and Charles B. Nemeroff James C. Eliassen, and Stephen M. Strakowski

18. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Findings and 29. Neurological, Cognitive, and Neuroprotective
Their Treatment Impact  225 Effects of Treatments Used in Bipolar Disorder  403
Marsal Sanches, Frank K. Hu, and Jair C. Soares Janusz K. Rybakowski
19. The Use of Molecular Imaging to Investigate Bipo- 30. Treatment-Induced Mood Instability: 
lar Disorder: Findings and Treatment Implications  239 Treatment-Emergent Affective Switches and
Allison Greene, Christopher Bailey, and Cycle Acceleration  417
Alexander Neumeister Renrong Wu, Keming Gao, Joseph R. Calabrese, and
Heinz Grunze
Part V:  Postmortem Studies
20. Postmortem Findings in Bipolar Disorder  253 Part IV:  Psychotherapy
Dost Öngür 31. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychoeducation  435
Dina Popovic, Jan Scott, and Francesc Colom
32. Family-Focused Therapy, Interpersonal and Social
Rhythm Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy  445
S E C T ION   I I I Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington, Stephanie Roberts, and
C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S Louisa G. Sylvia

Part V:  Comorbidity

Part I:  Pharmacological Treatments 33. Nature and Management of Co-occurring Psychiat-
21. Treatment of Mania  263 ric Illnesses in Bipolar Disorder Patients: Focus on
Paul E. Keck, Susan L. McElroy, and Ayşegül Yildiz Anxiety Syndromes  457
Gustavo H. Vázquez, Leonardo Tondo, and
22. Pharmacological Treatment Bipolar Depression  281
Ross J. Baldessarini
Keming Gao, Renrong Wu, Heinz Grunze, and
Joseph R. Calabrese 34. Management of Cyclothymia and Comorbid
Personality Disorders  471
23. Maintenance Treatments in Bipolar Disorder  299
Giulio Perugi and Giulia Vannucchi
Paul A. Kudlow, Danielle S. Cha, Roger S. McIntyre,
and Trisha Suppes 35. Management of Comorbid Substance or Alcohol Abuse  487
Ihsan Salloum and Pedro Ruiz
24. Improving Early Diagnosis: An Unmet Need for
Early Intervention in Bipolar Disorders  319 36. Medical Comorbidity in Bipolar Disorder  497
Gabriele Sani and Giacomo Salvadore Jelena Vrublevska and Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis
25. Alternative and Complementary Treatments for
Bipolar Disorder  345 Part VI:  Suicidality
Janet Wozniak 37. Clinical Management of Suicidal Risk 509
Leonardo Tondo and Ross J. Baldessarini
Part II:  Somatic Nonpharmacological
Treatments Part VII:  Pregnancy and Lactation
26. Electroconvulsive Therapy and Bipolar Disorder  367 38. Management of Bipolar Disorder During
Lauren S. Liebman, Gabriella M. Ahle, Pregnancy and Lactation  531
Mimi C. Briggs, and Charles H. Kellner Julie Hyman and D. Jeffrey Newport
27. Neuromodulative Treatments for Bipolar
Disorder: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Part VIII:  Children and Adolescents
Stimulation, Vagus Nerve Stimulation, and
Deep Brain Stimulation  377 39. Management of Bipolar Disorder in Children and
Adolescents  547
Christina Switala, Sabrina Maria Gippert, Sarah Kayser,
Bettina Heike Bewernick, and Thomas Eduard Schlaepfer Luis R. Patino, Nina R. McCune, and
Melissa P. DelBello
Part III:  Adverse Treatment Effects
Part IX:  Elderly
28. Management of Metabolic and Endocrine Effects of
Medications Used to Treat Bipolar Disorders  393 4 0. Bipolar Disorder in the Elderly  569
Richard Balon Elizabeth A. Crocco, Samir Sabbag, and
Rosie E. Curiel

v i i i   •   C ontents
S E C T ION   I V 43. Challenges in Designing Reliable and Feasible
F U T U R E R E S E A RC H Trials for Treatment of Bipolar Disorder  623
Robert M. Post and Ayşegül Yildiz
41. Placebo Response in Clinical Trials of Bipolar 4 4. Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials  639
Disorder: Potential Causes, Potential Solutions  585 Fan Wu, Eric B. Laber, and Emanuel Severus
Bret R. Rutherford, Steven P. Roose, and 45. Traditional and Novel Research Synthesis
Jane M. Tandler Approaches to Support Evidence-Based Treatment
42. Strategies for Improving Randomized Trial Decisions  649
Evidence for Treatment of Bipolar Disorder  599 Levente Kriston and Ayşegül Yildiz
Ayşegül Yildiz, Juan Undurraga, Eduard Vieta,
Dina Popovic, Sarah Wooderson, and Allan H. Young Index  673

C ontents   •   i x
Charles B. Nemeroff, Ayşegül Yildiz, Pedro Ruiz

Bipolar disorder, one of the major and most severe psy- standard of treatment, is a case in point. The good news is
chiatric disorders, remains a key focus of clinical practice that we are actually quite good at managing acute mania
and research. This volume is a testimony to the remark- with a combination of mood stabilizers and antipsychot-
able progress we have made in understanding this group ics; the bad news is that the treatment of bipolar depression
of disorders, as well as highlighting the substantial gaps remains a significant challenge in spite of novel approved
in our knowledge. For the psychiatric disorder with the treatments including lamotrigine, lurasidone, and que-
greatest genetic contribution to disease vulnerability, tiapine. The role of antidepressants in the management of
we are only now beginning to identify its molecular and bipolar depression remains controversial. Unfortunately,
genetic underpinnings as, for example, exemplified by the many patients do not achieve remission and some only for
recent genome-wide association study findings of novel brief periods. The precise role of psychotherapy and, most
single nucleotide polymorphisms (Muhleisen et al., 2014; important, what form of psychotherapy remains a much
Nurnberger et  al., 2014). The precise neurobiological heated topic of debate. We would also be remiss if we did
mechanisms by which these and other genetic variations not address the controversy associated with diagnosis of
lower the threshold for bipolar disorder remain obscure. bipolar disorder with some suggesting that the diagnosis is
In addition to the profound genetic influence on disease used too freely—that is, overdiagnosis as the fundamental
vulnerability is the recent finding that similar to major problem of including individuals who are no more than
depression and posttraumatic stress disorder, early adverse hyperthymic—and others who claim that the disorder is
life experiences, such as child abuse and neglect, increase terribly underdiagnosed, especially in patients diagnosed
both the risk for development of bipolar disorder and wors- with unipolar major depression. In our view, both schools
ens its course—including an earlier age of onset and more of thought are undoubtedly correct.
severe course (Gilman et  al., 2014; Nemeroff & Binder, We are grateful to the authors, all world authorities in
2014). In many ways, bipolar disorder is indeed the quint- bipolar disorder, who agreed to contribute to this book.
essential gene × environment driven complex medical dis- Its purpose simply is to provide a relatively comprehen-
order. There are a myriad of unresolved issues related to sive update on bipolar disorder that will fill the gaps that
management of bipolar disorder, including its increased remain since publication of the last edition of the “bible”—
risks of dying not only by suicide, which is roughly 20 the Goodwin and Jamison textbook, Manic-Depressive
times more common in this population, but also from Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression (second
prevalent medical disorders with a consequent shorten- edition, 2007).
ing in life expectancy of 10 to 13.6  years relative to the
general population of same age (Laursen, 2011; Leboyer
et al., 2012) and how to recognize the warning signs of an R E F E R E NC E S
imminent episode or suicide attempt, to the remarkably
high rate of nonadherence to recommended treatment. Gilman, S.  E., Ni, M.  Y., Dunn, E.  C., Breslau, J., McLaughlin,
K.  A., Smoller, J.  W., & Perlis, R.  H. (2014). Contributions
In terms of treatment, a myriad of issues emerge. These of the social environment to first-onset and recurrent mania.
include the implementation of evidence-based treatments Molecular Psychiatry. Advance online publication, doi:10.1038/
into community practice, a major problem worldwide, as mp.2014.36
Laursen, T. M. (2011). Life expectancy among persons with schizophre-
well as much needed new data on long-term management. nia or bipolar affective disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 131(1–3),
The remarkable underutilization of lithium, the gold 101–104.

Leboyer, M., Soreca, I., Scott, J., Frye, M., Henry, C., Tamouza, Nemeroff, C.  B., & Binder, E. (2014). The preeminent role of child-
R., & Kupfer, D.  J. (2012). Can bipolar disorder be viewed as a hood abuse and neglect in vulnerability to major psychiatric
multi-system inflammatory disease? Journal of Affective Disorders, disorders:  Towards elucidating the underlying neurobiological
141(1), 1–10. mechanisms. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adoles-
Muhleisen, T. W., Leber, M., Schulze, T. G., Strohmaier, J., Degenhardt, cent Psychiatry, 53, 395–397.
F.,… Cichon S. (2014). Genome-wide association study reveals two Nurnberger, J. I., Koller, D. L., Jung, J., Edenberg, H. J., Foroud, T.,
new risk loci for bipolar disorder. Nature Communications, 5, 3339. Guella, I., . . . Kelsoe, J. R. (2014). Identification of pathways for
doi:10.1038/ncomms4339. bipolar disorder: A Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry, 71, 657–664.

x i i   •   Preface

Erika Abrial, PhD Richard Balon, MD

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Neurosciences and Anesthesiology
Miami, Florida, USA Wayne State University School of Medicine
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Gabriella M. Ahle, BA
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Michael Bauer, MD, PhD
New York, New York, USA Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Alessandra Alciati, MD Technische Universität Dresden
Department of Clinical Neurosciences Dresden, Germany
Villa San Benedetto Menni, Hermanas
Hospitalarias, FoRiPsi Raoul Belzeaux, MD
Albese con Cassano, Como, Italy Department of Psychiatry
Ste Marguerite Hospital
Guillermo Perez Algorta, PhD
Marseille Cedex, France
Department of Psychiatry
The Ohio State University
Eleonore Beurel, PhD
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Department of Psychiatry and
Ana Cristina Andreazza, MD Behavioral Sciences
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry Miami, Florida, USA
University of Toronto
Bettina Bewernick, PhD
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Brain Stimulation Group
Jean-Michel Azorin, MD Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Department of Psychiatry der Universität Bonn
Ste Marguerite Hospital Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25
Marseille Cedex, France 53105 Bonn

Christopher Bailey, MD Mimi C. Briggs, BA

New York University School of Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, New York, USA New York, New York, USA

Ross J. Baldessarini, MD Joseph R. Calabrese, MD

International Consortium for Bipolar Disorder Research, Mood Disorders Program, Department
McLean Hospital of Psychiatry
Belmont, Massachusetts, USA; Case Western Reserve University School
Department of Psychiatry of Medicine/University Hospitals Case
Harvard Medical School Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Danielle S. Cha, HBSc David E. Fleck, PhD
Mood Disorders Psychopharmacology Unit, University Division of Bipolar Disorders Research
Health Network Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral
Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Neuroscience
Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Kiki Chang, MD Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis, MD

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 3rd Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine
Stanford University Medical Center Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Stanford, California, USA Thessaloniki, Greece

Francesc Colom PsyD, PhD, MSc Keming Gao, MD, PhD

Head of Psychoeducation and Psychological Mood Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry
Treatments Area Case Western Reserve University School of
Barcelona Bipolar Disorders Unit Medicine/University Hospitals Case Medical Center
Institute of Neurosciences, Hospital Clinic,
Barcelona, Spain Allison Greene, BA
New York University School of Medicine
Elizabeth A. Crocco, MD New York, New York, USA
Center on Aging, Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences Heinz Grunze, MD, PhD
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine Institute of Neuroscience, Academic Psychiatry
Miami, Florida, USA Newcastle University
Campus of Aging and Vitality Wolfson
Rosie E. Curiel, PsyD
Research Centre
Center on Aging, Department of Psychiatry and
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Behavioral Sciences
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine Andrew J. Freeman, PhD
Miami, Florida, USA University of Nevada
Melissa P. DelBello, MD, MS Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Division of Bipolar Disorders Research
Gabriel Rodrigo Fries, MSc, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
Bipolar Disorder Program
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Colin A. Depp, PhD INCT for Translational Medicine
Department of Psychiatry Porto Alegre, Brazil
University of California
San Diego, California, USA Sabrina Maria Gippert, PhD
Brain Stimulation Group
Timothy Dinan, MD Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Department of Psychiatry University Hospital
University College Cork Bonn, Germany
Cork, Ireland
Alexandrea L. Harmell, MS
James C. Eliassen, PhD Department of Psychiatry and Department
Center for Imaging Research of Psychology
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine San Diego State University
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA San Diego, California, USA

x i v   •   C ontributors
Philip D. Harvey, PhD Levente Kriston, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department of Medical Psychology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine University Medical Center
Miami, Florida, USA Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hamburg, Germany
Robert M. A. Hirschfeld, MD
Department of Psychiatry Paul A. Kudlow, MD, BSc
The University of Texas Medical Branch Psychiatry Resident
Galveston, Texas, USA Department of Psychiatry
University of Toronto
Frank K. Hu, PhD Toronto, Ontario, Canada
UT Center of Excellence on Mood Disorders
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Eric B. Laber, PhD
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Department of Statistics
Houston North Carolina State University
Houston, Texas, USA Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Julie Hyman, MD Lauren S. Liebman, BA

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
The Ohio State University College of Medicine New York, New York, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA Alexandre Loch, MD, PhD
Mood Disorders Program, LIM-27
Richard S. Jope, PhD Institute and Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences University of Sao Paulo
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Sao Paulo, Brazil
Miami, Florida, USA
Rodrigo Machado-Vieira, MD, PhD
Flávio Kapczinski, MD, PhD Mood Disorders Program, LIM-27
Bipolar Disorder Program Institute and Department of Psychiatry
Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre University of Sao Paulo
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Sao Paulo, Brazil
INCT for Translational Medicine Center for Interdisciplinary Research on
Porto Alegre, Brazil Applied Neurosciences
University of Sao Paulo
Sarah Kayser, MD, MSc Sao Paulo, Brazil
Brain Stimulation Group, Department of
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Carlo Maggini, MD
University Hospital International Consortium for Bipolar
Bonn, Germany Disorder Research
McLean Hospital
Paul E. Keck, Jr., MD Belmont, Massachusetts, USA;
Lindner Center of HOPE Department of Neuroscience,
Mason, Ohio, USA; Faculty of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry & University of Parma, Italy
Behavioral Neuroscience
University of Cincinnati Nina R. McCune, BA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Division of Bipolar Disorders Research
Department of Psychiatry and
Charles H. Kellner, MD Behavioral Neuroscience
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
New York, New York, USA Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

C ontributors   •   x v
Susan L. McElroy, MD D. Jeffrey Newport, MD, MS, MD
Lindner Center of HOPE Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health and
Mason, Ohio, USA; Obstetrics & Gynecology
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neuroscience The Ohio State University College of Medicine
University of Cincinnati Columbus, OH, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Dost Öngür, MD, PhD
Roger S. McIntyre, MD, FRCPC McLean Hospital
Mood Disorders Psychopharmacology Unit Harvard Medical School
University Health Network Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Institute of Medical Science
University of Toronto Diana Paksarian, MPH, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Pharmacology Genetic Epidemiology Research Branch
University of Toronto Intramural Research Program
Toronto, Ontario, Canada National Institute of Mental Health
National Institutes of Health
Kathleen R. Merikangas, PhD Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Genetic Epidemiology Research Branch
Intramural Research Program Carmine M. Pariante, PhD
National Institute of Mental Health Institute of Psychiatry
National Institutes of Health Department of Psychological Medicine
Bethesda, Maryland, USA King’s College London
London, United Kingdom
Valeria Mondelli, MD
Institute of Psychiatry Marta Pardo, PhD
Department of Psychological Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
King’s College London University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
London, United Kingdom Miami, Florida, USA

Keitha Moseley-Dendy, MA Luis R. Patino, MD, MSc

Science Editor Division of Bipolar Disorders Research
Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
The University of Texas Medical Branch University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Galveston, Texas, USA Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD Roy H. Perlis, MD, MSc

Leonard M. Miller Professor and Chairman Center for Experimental Drugs and Diagnostics
Department of Psychiatry and Center for Human Genetic Research
Behavioral Sciences Massachusetts General Hospital
Director, Center on Aging Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Chief of Psychiatry, Jackson
Memorial Hospital Jesus Pérez, MD, PhD
Chief of Psychiatry, University of International Consortium for Bipolar
Miami Hospital Disorder Research
Associate Director—MD/PHD Program McLean Hospital
Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine Belmont, Massachusetts, USA;
University of Miami Department of Psychiatry
Miami, Florida, USA University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom;
Alexander Neumeister, MD CAMEO Early Intervention Services
New York University School of Medicine Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
New York, New York, USA Cambridge, United Kingdom

x v i   •   C ontributors
Giampaolo Perna, MD, PhD Samir Sabbag, MD
Department of Clinical Neurosciences Center on Aging, Department of Psychiatry and
Villa San Benedetto Menni, Hermanas Hospitalarias, Behavioral Sciences
FoRiPsi University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
Albese con Cassano, Como, Italy; Miami, Florida, USA
Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Ihsan Salloum, MD
University of Maastricht Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Treatment and Research
Maastricht, The Netherlands; American Psychiatric Association
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
University of Miami Miami, Florida, USA
Miami, Florida, USA
Paola Salvatore, MD
Giulio Perugi, MD International Consortium for Bipolar Disorder Research
Department of Clinical e Experimental Medicine, McLean Hospital
Unit of Psychiatry Belmont, Massachusetts, USA;
University of Pisa Department of Psychiatry
Pisa, Italy; Harvard Medical School
Institute of Behavioral Science “G. De Lisio” Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Pisa, Italy
Marsal Sanches, MD, PhD
Dina Popovic, MD, PhD UT Center of Excellence on Mood Disorders
Bipolar Disorders Program, Institute of Neuroscience Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Hospital Clínic Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM The University of Texas Health Science Center at
University of Barcelona Houston
Barcelona, Spain Houston, Texas, USA

Robert M. Post, MD Marguerite Reid Schneider, BA

Bipolar Collaborative Network Physician Scientist Training Program
Bethesda, Maryland, USA University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Michelle Primeau, MD University of Cincinnati
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Division of Sleep Medicine
Stanford University Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington, PhD
Stanford, California, USA; Massachusetts General Hospital
Sierra Pacific MIRECC, VA Health Care System Harvard Medical School
Palo Alto, California, USA Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Gislaine Tezza Rezin, PhD Jan Scott, PhD

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto Centre for Affective Disorders, Institute of Psychiatry
Toronto, Ontario, Canada London, United Kingdom

Pedro Ruiz, MD Emanuel Severus, MD

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Bipolar Disorders Outpatient Clinic
University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Medicine University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Miami, Florida, USA Dresden, Germany

C ontributors   •   x v i i
Jair C. Soares, MD, PhD Gabriele Sani, MD
UT Center of Excellence on Mood Disorders Neurosciences, Mental Health, and Sensory Organs
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (NeSMOS) Department
The University of Texas Health Science Center School of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University
at Houston UOC Psychiatry, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Centro
Houston, Texas, USA Lucio Bini
IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Department of Clinical
Trisha Suppes, MD, PhD and Behavioural Neurology, Neuropsychiatry Laboratory
Stanford University School of Medicine Rome, Italy
Department of Psychiatry
Palo Alto, California, USA Thomas Eduard Schlaepfer, MD, PhD
Brain Stimulation Group, Department of Psychiatry and
Louisa G. Sylvia, PhD Psychotherapy
Massachusetts General Hospital University Hospital
Harvard Medical School Bonn, Germany;
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Departments of Psychiatry and Mental Health
Johns Hopkins University
Stephanie Roberts, PhD Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Private Practice
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Erica Snook, MD
Department of Psychiatry
Steven P. Roose, MD The University of Texas Medical Branch
Columbia University College of Galveston, Texas, USA
Physicians and Surgeons
New York State Psychiatric Institute Stephen M. Strakowski, MD
New York, New York, USA Division of Bipolar Disorders Research,
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral
Alice Russell, BSc Neuroscience
Institute of Psychiatry University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,
Department of Psychological Medicine Cincinnati, Ohio, USA;
King’s College London Center for Imaging Research
London, United Kingdom University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Bret R. Rutherford, MD
Columbia University College of Christina Switala, MSc
Physicians and Surgeons Brain Stimulation Group
New York State Psychiatric Institute Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
New York, New York, USA University Hospital
Bonn, Germany
Janusz K. Rybakowski, MD, PhD
Department of Adult Psychiatry Joshua Z. Tal, MS
Poznan University of Medical Sciences Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Poznan, Poland Stanford University
Stanford, California, USA
Giacomo Salvadore, MD
Neuroscience Experimental Medicine Jane M. Tandler, MS
Janssen Research & Development, LLC New York State Psychiatric Institute
Titusville, New Jersey, USA New York, New York, USA

x v i i i   •   C ontributors
Leonardo Tondo, MD, MSc Eduard Vieta, MD, PhD
International Consortium for Bipolar and Psychotic Bipolar Disorders Program, Institute of Neuroscience
Disorders Research, Mailman Research Center, Hospital Clínic Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM
McLean Hospital University of Barcelona
Lucio Bini Mood Disorder Centers Barcelona, Spain
Cagliari and Rome, Italy;
Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School Jelena Vrublevska, MD
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Department of Psychiatry and Narcology
Riga Stradins University
Tatiana Torti, PhD Riga, Latvia
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Villa San Benedetto Menni, Hermanas Hospitalarias, Sarah Wooderson, PhD
FoRiPsi Centre for Affective Disorders, Institute of Psychiatry
Albese con Cassano, Como, Italy King’s College London
London, United Kingdom
Katharina Trede, MD
International Consortium for Bipolar Disorder Research Janet Wozniak, MD
McLean Hospital Department of Psychiatry
Belmont, Massachusetts, USA; Harvard Medical School
Department of Psychiatry Child and Adolescent Outpatient Psychiatry Service
Tufts University School of Medicine Pediatric Bipolar Disorder Clinical
Maine Medical Center and Research Program
Portland, Maine, USA Bressler Clinical and Research Program for Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Juan Undurraga, MD, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
Bipolar Disorders Program, Institute of Neuroscience Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Hospital Clínic Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM
University of Barcelona Fan Wu, MS
Barcelona, Spain; Department of Statistics
Department of Psychiatry, Clínica Alemana North Carolina State University
Universidad del Desarrollo Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Santiago, Chile
Renrong Wu, MD, PhD
Anna Van Meter, PhD Institute of Mental Health of Second Xiangya Hospitals
Department of Psychology of Central South University
Yeshiva University Hunan, People’s Republic of China
Bronx, New York, USA
Ayşegül Yildiz, MD
Giulia Vannucchi, MD Department of Psychiatry
Department of Clinical Experimental Medicine, Dokuz Eylül University
Unit of Psychiatry, University of Pisa, Izmir, Turkey;
Pisa Italy International Consortium for Bipolar Disorder Research
and Psychopharmacology Program
Gustavo H. Vázquez, MD, PhD McLean Division of Massachusetts General Hospital
International Consortium for Bipolar and Psychotic Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Disorders Research
Mailman Research Center, McLean Hospital Allan H. Young, MD, PhD
Belmont, Massachusetts, USA; Centre for Affective Disorders,
Department of Neuroscience Institute of Psychiatry
Palermo University King’s College London
Buenos Aires, Argentina London, United Kingdom

C ontributors   •   x i x
Eric A. Youngstrom, PhD Marcus V. Zanetti, MD, PhD
Department of Psychology Mood Disorders Program, LIM-27
University of North Carolina Institute and Department of Psychiatry
at Chapel Hill Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Applied
Chapel Hill, Neurosciences
North Carolina,  University of Sao Paulo
USA Sao Paulo, Brazil

x x   •   C ontributors





Figure 27.1 
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and deep brain stimulation (DBS) (exemplary
Nucleus Accumbens) as neuromodulative treatments.

Hab caudate Hab ALIC


thalamus SCG


slMFB accumbens

Figure 27.2 
Different targets of DBS in Depression in nucleus caudatus, thalamus and nucleus accumbens (Hab = habenula, ALIC = anterior limb
of the capsual interna, NAcc = nucleus accumbens, sIMFB = superolateral branch of the medial forebrain bundle).

Ross J. Baldessarini, Jesús Pérez, Paola Salvatore, Katharina Trede,

and Carlo Maggini

Even though the classification of mental illness is a problem that has been occupying the best minds for unthinkable
times, it has not been solved in a satisfactory manner.  F L E M M I N G , 1844, p. 97

I N T RODUC T ION nosology with the tacit contrast of major disorders mainly
of mood and behavior with an episodic or recurring pat-
Bipolar manic-depressive disorder is arguably both the tern and relatively favorable long-term course and outcome
youngest and possibly also one of the oldest forms of major versus those of a more chronic nature that involve profound
mental illness. Tradition has detected seeds of the concept dysfunctions of cognition, reasoning, perception, and moti-
in ancient Greco-Roman writings of physician-scholars on vation. The concept of bipolar disorder arose remarkably
syndromes designated as mania and melancholia. Ancient recently, since the mid-20th century, reaching acceptance in
texts include evidence that some observers perceived close standard international diagnostic systems only in 1980.
relationships between these conditions and as arising in the Currently the concept of bipolar disorder remains an
same person at different times (Aretæus, 1861; Roccatagliata, evolving and changing one, with efforts to extend its reach
1986). These basic concepts were further elaborated by into the complex and challenging territory of pediatric dis-
medieval Islamic scholars and later in Europe. However, the orders, as well as into conditions marked mainly by recurrent
meaning of these terms in ancient and medieval times and major depression with varying elements of excitation or agi-
their relationship to modern major depression and mania are tation and even into conditions traditionally considered to
uncertain: states of physical debility, as well as of emotional represent personality disorders or temperaments (Trede et al.,
and behavioral excitation, are not specific and can be asso- 2005). Such broad concepts had been considered previously,
ciated with a variety of neuromedical, metabolic, and toxic including in the “cyclothymia” of Kahlbaum and Hecker
conditions, as well as arising spontaneously. Primary and (Baethge, Salvatore, & Baldessarini, 2003a, 2003b). Tension
secondary forms of depression and mania are unlikely to arises between efforts to broaden the concept of bipolar dis-
have been precisely and accurately differentiated in the dis- order for nosological and potential clinical purposes versus
tant past and continue to require careful diagnostic consid- inclinations to constrain it to relatively clearly defined condi-
eration even in modern times (Healy, 2008; Shorter, 2012). tions (phenotypes) appropriate for medical research.
A great deal of attention has been given to the acrimo- This chapter briefly summarizes noteworthy highlights
nious debate in Paris in the 1850s between Jean-Pierre in the historical evolution of the bipolar disorder concept
Falret (“circular insanity”) and Jules Baillarger (“insanity from ancient to current times. This history is complicated
of double-form”) about their claims of priority in describing by the relative lack of documentation of concepts pertain-
cases involving mania and melancholia in the same person ing to mania and melancholia during the first millennium
over time, though many such descriptions long preceded ce and by uncertainties arising from imperfect differentia-
theirs. Even more attention has been given to the highly influ- tion of primary mental illnesses from relatively nonspecific
ential, though debated, division of idiopathic psychotic dis- emotional and behavioral manifestations of neuromedical
orders into broad “manic-depressive” and “dementia præcox” conditions. Moreover, it is always risky to approach history
groups by Emil Kraepelin in the 1890s. The Kraepelinian in search of earlier observations that seem to anticipate cur-
hypothesis continues to dominate modern psychiatric rently favored concepts.

A NC I E N T C ON T R I BU T ION S due to actions of “yellow bile on frontal portions of the
brain, which alters the imagination and as a consequence,
Ancient physician-scholars of the Hippocratic school in reason” (Roccatagliata, 1986). Posidonius wrote of those
ancient Greece used the terms melancholia and mania afflicted with mania or melancholia, suggesting that they
in the 5th century bce, and the concepts may have been may represent a single disorder:
familiar even earlier (Marneros & Angst, 2000). However,
ancient and later understanding of those terms probably The patient laugh, sings, dances . . . he bites him-
differ considerably, as distinctions among illnesses present- self . . . sometimes is wicked and kills . . . some-
ing with depressed or excited mood and behavior were no times he is anxious and seized by terror or
doubt limited (Healy, 2008; Roccatagliata, 1986; Shorter, hate . . . sometimes he is abulic . . . [it is] an inter-
2012). Nevertheless, even for ancient writers, mania and mittent disease . . . repeated . . . once a year or more
melancholia were abnormal behavioral states to be dif- often . . . melancholia occurs in autumn whereas
ferentiated from febrile illnesses and forms of “phrenitis” mania in summer . . . mania occurs in young peo-
that may have included delirium arising from toxic or ple and melancholia in adults . . . the melancholic
metabolic conditions (Jackson, 1986; Marneros & Angst, is sad, afraid; he isolates himself and cries; he
2000; Roccatagliata, 1986). Moreover, Hippocratic writ- thinks . . . about death . . . he exaggerates his evils and
ers described behavioral conditions that might now be rec- his faults . . . and his illness; he thinks himself a ter-
ognized as hypomania and mixed manic-depressive states rible sinner . . . he feels desperate.
(Marneros & Angst, 2000). R O C C ATAG L I ATA , 1986, p. 143.
Most ancient writers on mania and melancholia or
other mental disorders identified with an early clinical tra- Aretæus of Cappadocia (c. 150 ce) was a physician
dition in medicine that attempted to understand illnesses believed to have been born in what is now central Turkey
from a biological perspective, considered the brain as the and trained in a Hellenistic medical tradition. He may have
seat of the problem, and eschewed spiritual explanations, worked in Alexandria and probably died in Rome. He was a
such as demonic possession, that has continued to mod- man of modest background and means and was not widely
ern times (Marneros & Angst, 2001; Roccatagliata, 1986). cited in his own era, owing largely to writing in the Ionian
A humoral “imbalance” theory was widely accepted, which Greek dialect (Aretæus, 1861; Cordell, 1909; Jackson,
was based on the essential humors of blood, yellow and black 1986; Roccatagliata, 1986). Aretæus is widely credited
bile, and phlegm that probably dates to Middle Eastern cul- with being among the first medical writers to describe what
tures prior to classical Greek times. The humoral concept of appear to be episodes or illness phases representing mel-
human physiology as applied to mental illnesses may not be ancholia and mania in the same person at different times
much less speculative than some modern theories in biolog- (Goldney, 2012; Healy, 2008; Jackson, 1986; Marneros &
ical psychiatry involving ill-defined and unproved “chemi- Angst, 2000; Pichot, 2006; Shorter, 2012). That Aretæus’
cal imbalances” (Baldessarini, 2013). The humoral theory conceptions of these conditions were not entirely nonspe-
was strongly popularized by the influential Greco-Roman cific is indicated by his care in distinguishing them from
physician Galen (Aelius Galenus of Pergamon, c. 129–208 febrile disorders, including “phrenitis,” which also involved
ce), who is also credited with ascribing behavior, emotion, depressed or excited behaviors and psychotic thought, as
and thought to functions of the brain (Brain, 1986). The well as distinguishing the melancholia of young adults
humoral theory, with variations and modifications, was from the dementias of the elderly and mania from deliri-
largely retained until the 19th century. The balance of the ous intoxication with alcohol or plant toxins. In addition,
four basic humors was believed to influence personality he distinguished what might be considered “endogenous”
traits or temperament types (sanguine [pleasure-seeking, or autonomous melancholia as a disorder involving sad-
sociable], melancholic [analytical, thoughtful], choleric ness and depression as well as depression and grief associ-
[ambitious, assertive], and phlegmatic [restrained, quiet]). ated with stressful life events, such as the loss of a loved one
Traditionally, melancholia was associated with an excess or (Aretæus, 1861, pp. 298–300).
maldistribution of black bile and mania with the influence However, it is less clear whether he or other ancient
of yellow or black bile (Arikha, 2007). writers considered melancholia and mania to be different
A particularly striking early description of mania disorders or dissimilar presentations of a single disorder
and melancholia was given by the Greco-Syrian scholar (Roccatagliata, 1986). Of note, Aretæus discussed mel-
Posidonius (c. 135–51 bce). He proposed that mania was ancholia and mania in separate sections of his writings

4   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
(Aretæus, 1861, pp.  298–300, 301–304). Mania for him However, as already noted, there are definite risks of read-
seems sometimes to represent an extreme or late form of ing unwarranted modern interpretations into such ancient
severe melancholia, but sometimes he found mania-like observations.
elements in milder phases of melancholia, and often found In the 6th century ce, Alexander of Tralles (c. 525–605
depressive elements in patients with mania. Aretæus (1861) ce), brother of the architect of the reconstructed Hagia
provided somewhat ambiguous descriptions of characteris- Sophia in Constantinople, wrote that melancholia and
tics of melancholic and manic patients: mania could occur in cycles (Kudlien, 1970). He sometimes
observed admixtures of features of either condition and
without fever . . . melancholia is the commencement recognized an increased risk of suicide associated with what
and a part of mania. . . . [Melancholia] affects the he may well have conceived as a single disorder. However, he
head . . . [in which] abnormal irritability of temper and other early writers seem to have conceived of mania as a
change[s]‌to laughter and joy . . . [They] become more intense or severe manifestation of an essentially mel-
mad rather from the increase of the disease . . . They ancholic disorder, rather than as a polar phase found early in
are prone to change . . . readily . . . to become sim- the course of illness (Goldney, 2012; Roccatagliata, 1986).
ple, extravagant, munificent . . . from the change- Following the seminal observations of clinical condi-
ableness of the disease . . . The modes of mania are tions termed melancholia and mania by ancient Greco-
infinite in species, but one alone in genus. For it Roman and Middle Eastern physician-scholars, reports
is altogether a chronic derangement of the mind, pertaining to these conditions are hard to find until later
without fever . . . mania intermits, and with care in the first millennium ce, and mainly in the writings of
ceases altogether . . . Those prone to [mania] are nat- Persian and Arabic physicians.
urally passionate, irritable, of active habits, an easy
disposition, joyous, puerile; likewise those whose
disposition inclines to the opposite condition [to 9 T H TO   11T H C E N T U R I E S: 
melancholia] . . . are sluggish, sorrowful, slow to T H E I S L A M IC   WOR L D
learn but patient in labor . . . those likewise are more
prone to melancholia who have formerly been in a Contributions of several medieval Persian and Arabic
mad [manic] condition. physician-scholars to the understanding of mental ill-
ness are especially noteworthy. They had a lasting impact
His writings (Aretæus, 1861) also suggest that Aretæus among their contemporaries and for centuries thereafter.
associated particular personality traits with risks for mania These scholars not only assimilated ancient medical infor-
or melancholia and associated specific seasons of the mation of Egypt, Greece, and Rome but also adapted it to
year (especially spring) with risk for recurrences. He also their needs and concepts and added their own empirical
described loss of sleep, with tiredness in the morning, as findings. The first known psychiatric hospitals (maristans)
well as decreased appetite in melancholia, and increases in were founded by Persian and Arabic physicians in the 9th
mania along with increases of sexuality, behavioral disin- and 10th centuries and spread widely into North Africa
hibition or aggression, and abuse of alcohol. He also found and Moorish southern Spain (Al-Andalus) in the 14th
the risk for melancholia to be greater among women than century. Most were established by sultans, supported by
men and that mania was most likely to begin in adolescence donations and patient fees, and typically supervised by phy-
or early adulthood. There are even suggestions by Aretæus sicians; some were components of early academic medical
of episodes or illness phases that may resemble what have centers (Pérez, Baldessarini, & Undurraga, 2012). Several
been considered “mixed” manic-depressive states over medieval Islamic clinicians can be considered the first
the past century, and he recognized severe versus moder- psychologists or psychiatrists, as detailed clinical informa-
ate forms of mania (possible antecedents of modern-day tion on various mental or behavioral disorders is found in
hypomania) as well as periods of “demi-mania” in melan- their medical treatises. These include texts by Ishaq Ibn
cholia (possible antecedents of bipolar spectrum disor- Imran (c. 848–906 ce), Razes (Muhammad ibn Zakariya
ders; Merikangas, et al. 2007; Roccatagliata, 1986, p. 231; al-Razi; c. 865–925 ce), Avicenna (Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn
Salvatore et al., 2002). He described hallucinations as well Abd Allah ibn Sina; 980–1037 ce), Esmail Jorjani (Sayyid
as psychotic suspiciousness and easy frustration or anger in Zayn al-Din Isma’il al-Husayni al-Jurjani; 1041–1136),
mania, contrasted to fearfulness, grief, fear of ill health, and and others (Omrani, Holtzman, Akiskal, & Ghaemi, 2012;
a desire to die in melancholia (Aretæus, 1861, pp 199–301). Vakili & Gorji, 2006).

H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   5

Medieval physicians in this Islamic tradition distin- as the approximate equivalent of “madness” or “psychosis.”
guished four major mental disorders: melancholia, mania, Nevertheless, Pratensis stated that mania and melancholia
ghotrah (persecutory psychosis, paranoia), and ishgh (a could not easily be distinguished because they proceeded
combination of anxiety and depression). Mania was a state from the same causes, despite their dramatic clinical dis-
of raving madness with exalted mood, excitability, sleep similarity. He further indicated that most physicians of his
disturbance, and sometimes violence. A  particular type era considered mania and melancholia as one disorder.
of mania, daol-kahl, involved aggression and unrestrained Another remarkable contribution from this period is by
excitement, followed later by becoming calm and coopera- Chinese encyclopedist and dramatist Gao Lian (Kao Lien;
tive though not necessarily melancholic. In that era, mel- 16th century) who described clinical conditions marked by
ancholia and mania seem to have been viewed as different mania and melancholia as a specific form of mental illness
but related entities sometimes encountered in the same per- (Maciocia, 2009).
son at different times. For example, both Ishaq Ibn Imran
(c. 908 ce) and Avicenna (1025) saw mania and melancho-
lia as closely related or suggested that these states lay on a 17 T H TO   18 T H C E N T U R I E S
continuum and could pass from one to the other (Omrani
et  al., 2012; Vakili & Gorji, 2006). Nevertheless, it was In the 1600s and 1700s, influential European medical theo-
unclear whether the disorders represented phases of a single rists included “iatromechanical” physicians who developed
illness or separate diseases. physical or mechanical theories for medical conditions.
They proposed that bodily parts are connected by small
canals conveying blood and other fluids considered central
12T H TO  16 T H C E N T U R I E S
to humoral theories of illness. The postulated connectiv-
ity implied common causal mechanisms and continuity
The first half of the second millennium ce provides
between different disorders, probably including melancho-
scattered comments in writings by scholarly European
lia and mania. Representatives of this movement include
Christian physicians on possible associations of mania and
Friedrich Hoffmann of Germany (1660–1742), Archibald
melancholia, with influence by earlier writings of such pre-
Pitcairn (1652–1713) of Scotland, and Dutch botanical
decessors as Galen and Avicenna. English physician and the-
expert Hermann Boerhaave (1668–1738). Pitcairn (1718)
ologist, John of Gaddesden (c. 1280–1361) appears to have
and Hoffman (1695) emphasized effects of humors on the
considered mania and melancholia as different forms of the
brain as a basis of mental disorders, as well as of personality
same disorder (Gaddesden, 1314). A century later, Johannes
types. For example, a common view was that melancholia
Manardus (Giovanni Manardo) of Ferrara (1462–1536),
resulted from sluggishness of the circulation of blood in the
an influential Italian physician who taught Swiss physician
brain (King, 1971).
Paracelsus (1493–1541), observed the following in approxi-
Of considerable importance, Hoffman (1695) and
mately 1500: “Melancholia manifestly differs from what is
Boerhaave (1735) considered melancholia and mania as
properly called mania; there is no doubt, however, that at
alternating mental states or stages of the same disorder,
some time or other, authorities agree that it replaces melan-
with melancholia maintaining a primary role and mania
cholia” (Whitwell, 1936, p. 205).
sometimes viewed as a more severe, acute form of illness.
In the mid-16th century, Felix Platter (Platerus;
Hoffman observed, “Mania can easily pass over into melan-
1536–1614) dean of the medical school of Basel, postulated
choly, and conversely, melancholy into mania” (p. 72). Later,
a continuum between mania and melancholia, arising from
he added, “Though usually reckoned different disorders,
a “perturbation” of what he called “the spirit of the brain”
[they] appear to be rather different stages of one:  mania
that could produce melancholia or mania depending on
being properly an exacerbation of melancholia, and leaving
how it was influenced by other materials (Platter, 1549).
the patient melancholic in the calmer interval” (p. 298). In
Similarly, Dutch physician Jason Pratensis (1486–1558) dis-
the same era, Boerhaave stated:
cussed melancholia and mania in what may be the first text-
book of neurology, De Cerebri Morbis of 1549 (Pestronk,
1988). Pratensis viewed mania as a mental corruption If melancholy increases so far, that from the great
without fever that “carried a man outside his own mind motion of liquid of the brain, the patient be thrown
and wretchedly beyond the use of all reason” (Pestronk, into a wild fury, it is called madness [mania] which
1988). This statement may suggest a broad view of “mania” differs only in degree from the sorrowful kind of

6   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
melancholy, is its offspring, produced from the same (Piquer-Arrufat, 1764). Based on prolonged clinical obser-
causes. (pp. 323–324) vations of the royal family, the 1759 manuscript contains
particularly detailed discussion of a severe psychiatric ill-
ness to which he applied a novel diagnostic term a century
English physicians Thomas Willis (1621–1675), Thomas
and a half before Kraepelin’s “manic-depressive insan-
Sydenham (1624–1689), and Richard Mead (1673–1754),
ity”:  “The King suffered a melancholic-manic illness . . . 
as well as the Italians Giovanni Morgagni (1682–1771) and,
affectio melancholico-maniaca . . . Melancholia and mania,
later, Vincenzo Chiarugi (1759–1820), also commented
although treated in many medical books separately, are the
on the common recurrent, alternating course of patients
same disease” (Piquer-Arrufat, 1759, p. 8).
with melancholia and mania, indicating that the concept
Piquer specifically acknowledged the proposals by Willis
was widely held even before the 18th century (Angst &
(1672) and probably also knew of the work of other English
Marneros, 2001; Haustgen, 1995).
scholars, including Robert James (1705–1776) and Richard
Also, of interest, even earlier than theories pos-
Mead (1673–1754), all of whom commented on alternation
tulated by iatromechanical theorists, Théophile Bonet
between melancholia and mania in the same patients over
(1620–1689), a French physician who moved from France
time (James, 1745; Mead, 1751; Willis 1672). These cita-
to Geneva to escape the Counter-Reformation, reified a
tions and Piquer’s own writing suggest that the concept of
link between mania and melancholia by use of the term
alternation of clinical states in a single manic-depressive dis-
maniaco-melancholicus (Bonet, 1686). Similar concepts
order of unknown cause was an accepted view in Europe by
appeared a century later in the work of Richard Mead
the 18th century. Nevertheless, this concept of alternating
(1673–1754) of London and of Anne-Charles Lorry
states appears variably to retain the view that mania repre-
(1684–1766) of Montpellier, France, who used the term
sented an extreme expression of an essentially melancholic
mania-melancholica (Lorry, 1765).
disorder (Pérez et al., 2011). Piquer’s position differed from
Both of these compound terms may have referred to
that of other predecessors or contemporaries: “Melancholia
mixed states rather than manic-depressive illness (Marneros
and mania are terms denoting a single disease accompanied
& Angst, 2000). Nevertheless, by the early 1700s, ideas con-
by several disorders of mood. When the sick mind is moved
cerning close relationships between melancholia and mania
by fear and sadness, we name this melancholia, and when
evidently were widely accepted. Furthermore, the notion of
it is by rage and audacity, mania” (Piquer-Arrufat, 1764,
a single mental illness was increasingly consolidated, usu-
pp. 14–15).
ally with melancholia still considered as the main explana-
Moreover, Piquer recorded several other characteristics
tion for the overall condition.
of his melancholic-manic illness that resemble important
Andres Piquer-Arrufat (1711–1772) was a promi-
elements of modern bipolar disorder. These include mixed
nent figure in Spanish medicine in the mid-18th century
manic-depressive, or rapidly alternating states of affective
(Pérez, Baldessarini, Cruz, Salvatore, & Vieta, 2011).
and behavioral instability, as well as seasonal mood changes
His writings acknowledge influence by the work of ear-
and perhaps rapid cycling with several recurrences within
lier writers, including Boerhaave, Hoffmann, Sydenham,
one year—all of which are clearly described in his writings
and Willis. He became principal physician to the court
(Piquer-Arrufat, 1759, 1764). Importantly, and at variance
of King Ferdinand VI in 1751 to 1759, with a simultane-
with lingering Galenic humoral theories, even as modified
ous royal appointment as vice president of the Academy
by the iatromechanics, Piquer also introduced the concept
of Medicine in Madrid. Ferdinand VI (1713–1759) was
of mental or brain “damage” as a consistent and funda-
of the Spanish Bourbon linage descended from the French
mental etiological factor accounting for altered mood and
Bourbons. Ferdinand was described as shy, cautious, and
behavior, particularly in later stages of melancholic-mania
somewhat indolent as a boy. He developed a severe mental
disorder (Pérez et al., 2011).
illness similar to that of his father (King Phillip V), with
episodes of excitement and rages, typically alternating
with periods of profound self-doubt, fearful preoccupa-
tions about his health, and melancholic depression. Shortly 19 T H- C E N T U RY   F R A NC E
after Ferdinand’s death, Piquer authored a monograph
on the king’s illness in 1759 that was not published until Philippe Pinel (1745–1826) is well known for changing the
the early 1800s, with additional clinical observations on inhumane conditions under which the severely mentally ill
mania and melancholia reported in his textbook of 1764 were treated, starting at the Bicêtre (for men) and later the

H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   7

Salpêtrière (for women) hospitals in Paris for which he was for no evident cause, have undergone a thorough
responsible and in which he was influenced by his asylum revolution of character . . . [with] a continuous ebb
manager Jean-Baptiste Pussin (1745–1811). Pinel worked to and flow of affections with happy or sad ideations,
establish psychiatry as a specialty and led to expansion of with threatening gestures or an air of benevolence.
humane mental hospitals in the early 1800s, similar to devel- The facial traits therefore alternate . . . between
opments in many European countries and North America. fugacious passion, despair, terror, hate, desire for
The improved institutional environments probably facili- vengeance and appear like lightening and disappear
tated his strongly encouraged practice of acquiring detailed without leaving any trace [p. 145].
knowledge of each patient’s symptoms and clinical course
and emphasis on the individual patient, perhaps more than Esquirol was a favored student of Pinel’s and became
his concern about diagnostic categories (Pinel, 1909). He a prominent clinician and teacher of psychiatry. In his
also had a strong influence on the work of Jean-Étienne textbook, Esquirol (1838) relied heavily on clinical obser-
Dominique Esquirol (1772–1840) and a series of their stu- vations and tabulations of illness types but without theo-
dents. One, Louis-Victor Marcé (1828–1865), produced a retical concepts (Lefebvre, 1988). He adhered to most of
comprehensive treatise on perinatal psychiatry in 1859 that Pinel’s classification but replaced Pinel’s “partial delirium”
remained unsurpassed until the late 20th century (Trede, with lypémanias and monomanias. Lypémanias were sad
Baldessarini, Viguera, & Bottéro, 2009). The introduction delusions or depressions; monomanias were delusions with
to his general textbook (Marcé, 1862) notes difficulties in a single theme, related to modern paranoid delusional dis-
studying mental illness prior to Pinel’s reforms: orders (Postel, 2004). Esquirol (1819) taught that mania
and melancholia can occur separately over time in the same
Patients were in prison, in asylums or unworthy person but, like Pinel, did not incorporate them concep-
sheds. Alienists [psychiatrists] were not able to con- tually into a single entity: “Sometimes melancholia passes
duct cohesive studies as the patients were dispersed. into mania; indeed it is the ease with which this transfor-
The humanitarian reform by Pinel allowed for real mation occurs that has led all the authors confuse melan-
studies of mental ailments as the mentally ill were cholia with mania.”
hospitalized in specialized mental hospitals. Jean-Pierre Falret (1794–1870) and Jules Baillarger
(1809–1890) have been highly celebrated for their formula-
Creating a place where many mentally ill could be tion of a single disorder marked by episodes of mania and
treated and studied was pivotal for future developments melancholia (Pichot, 2006). In 1851 Falret reported in
of the concept of bipolar and other major psychiatric dis- a very brief publication based on a series of lectures given
orders. For Pinel mental disorders included manic, mel- at the Salpétrière Hospital in 1850 that included his con-
ancholic, demented, and idiotic clinical presentations cept of circular insanity, marked by recurrences of episodes
that were not considered as separate entities but instead of mania and melancholia (Falret 1951a) and later elabo-
to be part of a single disease process, “mental alienation.” rated on the concept, including periods of stability or well-
Pinel’s (1806) conceptualization of mania was virtually ness between recurrences of mania or melancholia (Falret,
interchangeable with insanity and probably even delirium, 1851a,b). These reports are often accepted as the birth of
although he recognized a periodic or episodic pattern to its the modern concept of bipolar disorder (Marneros &
longitudinal course:  “The term mania indicates . . . a gen- Angst, 2000; Pichot, 2006; Sedler, 1983). Falret’s circu-
eral delirium (délire général) with more or less agitation or lar insanity was characterized by cycles of depression and
a state of rage . . . Intermittent or periodical insanity is the mania, separated by more or less stable intervals of variable
most common form of [maniacal disorders] (pp. 4, 5, 145). duration, and the free interval was an integral part of the
Pinel (1806) also recognized a close association of psychopathology.
mania and melancholia but did not formulate the concept In 1854, during a meeting of the Parisian Academy of
of their occurring in a single disorder: Medicine, Baillarger (1854a) introduced his similar con-
cept of insanity of double form ( folie à double forme), further
But some . . . [melancholic patients] who were elaborated in a later report (Baillarger, 1954b). The illness
endowed with greater mobility of character, from was characterized by a sudden or progressive succession
constantly seeing the extravagances of their more of depression and excitation, with or without illness-free
furious associates, became themselves decided intervals. At a subsequent Academy meeting in 1854,
maniacs. Others, after the lapse of some years and Falret claimed priority for essentially the same concept and

8   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
emphasized an apparent hereditary contribution to its risk. women in 1858 and a practical clinical textbook of general
Baillarger accused Falret of plagiarism. Falret subsequently psychiatry in 1862, as well as approximately 25 scientific
showed great restraint in the controversy whereas Baillarger papers that included seminal work on anorexia nervosa
repeated his accusations until his death in 1890, some- (Trede et  al. 2009). Marcé may have suffered from bipo-
times using his position as editor of the influential Annales lar illness himself and is now believed to have committed
Medico-Psychologiques to support his position (Goldney, suicide at age 36 following a bout of depression during the
2012; Pichot, 2006). summer of 1865 (Luauté & Lempérière, 2012). Following
The concept was readily accepted and given a variety of his death, there was a striking silence about him and his
similar names by French contemporaries, including folie à considerable contributions.
formes alternes (insanity of alternative forms), proposed by Marcé (1862, p. 339) gave considerable attention to folie
Jean-Baptiste Delaye (1789–1879), as well as das circuläre circulaire or folie á double forme. He also credited Willis for
irresein (circular insanity) of Richard von Krafft-Ebing describing the alternations and successions between mania
(1840–1902) in Germany (Goldney, 2012; Ritti, 1892) and and melancholia nearly two centuries earlier (Goldney,
periodic insanity by Henry M.  Hurd (1843–1927), the 2012; Pordage, 1681; Willis, 1672). In addition, Marcé
first director of the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore quoted German neuropsychiatrist Wilhelm Griesinger
(Hurd, 1882). Some contemporaries emphasized differ- (1817–1868) of Berlin on the alternation of mania and mel-
ences between Falret’s folie circulaire and Baillarger’s folie ancholia in some cases (Griesinger, 1845). However, he did
à double forme, although most observers and the authors not discuss Griesinger’s concept of unitary psychosis (ein-
themselves appeared to believe that the concepts were very heitpsychose), which was not in keeping with emerging ten-
similar, as is also indicated by the prolonged debate over dencies to seek evidence of separate and discrete syndromes
priority (Goldney 2012). Marcé (1962), for example, diplo- or disorders.
matically included a chapter titled “De la Folie à Double This movement toward identifying discrete disorders
Forme ou Folie Circulaire” in his textbook to acknowledge became increasingly dominant in French and German
both Falret and Baillarger. psychiatry in midcentury, encouraged no doubt by the
In his own textbook, Falret (1864) significantly lim- contributions of Antoine Laurent Bayle (1799–1858)
ited his folie circulaire to episodes of mania and melan- to identifying general paresis of the insane as a discrete
cholia “that have to alternate for a long time, in always the brain disease (Bayle, 1826). Marcé credited Falret and
same order with a relatively short interval of normalcy” Baillarger with the concept of mania and melancholia as
(pp. 456–461). This conceptualization evidently excluded manifestations of a single disease process and with coining
irregularities in the types and timing of mood swings as unique names for it but was also aware that similar ideas
well as cases in which features of mania and melancholia had been expressed far earlier. He also was more willing
overlapped in mixed states. In addition, Falret (1862) sepa- to accept a somewhat broader conceptualization of the
rated himself from his teachers Pinel and Esquirol by pro- manic-depressive entity with less restrictive clinical mani-
posing a different classification of mental illnesses: festations. For Marcé, episodes of mania and melancholia
as well as periods of relative euthymia could be irregular
To enter this path of a new classification, to base in intensity and duration and could include forms that we
the distinctions of mental illness on a group of sub- might now recognize as cyclothymic disorder or recurrent
ordinate features and on their course, evolution . . . melancholia alternating with mania of limited intensity
means following one of the principles that can best (as in modern bipolar II syndrome), in evident anticipa-
bring us to a regular classification, an enlightened tion of proposals by Kahlbaum on cyclothymia and later
prognosis and a rational treatment. As long as we descriptions of a broad range of manic-depressive types by
content ourselves with studying insanity in general, Kraepelin. Marcé (1862) noted that: 
or even mania and melancholia . . . we will not find
much usefulness in what we find . . . for science or for What is infinitely more common is to see excitation
practice [p. 473]. and depression without going into manic or melan-
cholic episodes. They simply constitute differences
Louis-Victor Marcé (1828–1865) was a student of in levels of intellectual activities to the point where
Esquirol’s. He lived a brief but intense life as a prolific the illness can go unrecognized and can be seen for
scholar and writer who produced two important books, long periods of time as simple bizarreness of charac-
including his monograph on perinatal mental disorders of ter . . . One could be tempted to suppose but should

H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   9

not believe that there is always a perfect correlation insanity (Falret, 1851a,b). German psychiatry was influ-
between the intensity of the agitation and the inten- enced by the unitary-psychosis views of Joseph Guislain
sity of depression. I have seen a melancholic episode (1797–1860) of Belgium (who also accepted the idea of
with profound stupor followed by a period of excita- mixed manic-depressive states) (Guislain, 1833; Marneros
tion, characterized only by intellectual overactivity. & Angst, 2000) and the even stronger unitary views of
In a similar way that a manic or excitation episode Ernst Albrecht von Zeller (1804–1877) of Württemberg,
can be mild and yet correspond to a profound who translated Guislain’s textbook into German (Beer,
period of stupor, a very short manic episode can be 1996). Von Zeller did perceive various stages of insanity,
followed by a very long melancholic episode typically starting with melancholia, later mania, yet later
marcé, 1862, pp. 343–345. paranoia, and finally dementia.
The tradition of unitary psychosis also was vigor-
In his monumental monograph on major mental ill- ously espoused by Johann Christian August Heinroth
nesses of women during pregnancy and the postpartum, (1773–1843), native of Leipzig educated initially in the-
Marcé (1858) warned that sharp delineation of specific ology and later in medicine in Leipzig and Vienna. He
neuropsychiatric disorders was difficult, including the chal- was the first to hold a university chair of psychiatry in
lenge that mixed states or prodromal phases could mislead Germany but became a controversial figure, losing his job
the clinical observer: of 20  years at the University of Leipzig for not fulfilling
his duties (Schmideler & Steinberg, 2004). He is known
While attempting to provide sharp distinctions particularly for recommending a holistic approach to
among the different forms of mental alienation that evaluating psychiatric patients, partly based on Protestant
occur postpartum, I should point out some minor theology (Steinberg, 2013). Heinroth was deeply spiritual
cautions. In particular, we find in the puerperal state and believed that a wrongly conducted life or sin would
a small number of [psychiatric] mixed states that are lead to mental illness, noting for example that mania was
impossible to classify or to clearly define. We also likely to give way to melancholia as a result of remorse for
find among postpartum insanities, curious morbid violence done when manic (Jackson, 1986). In his textbook
transformations that are found in other disorders of psychiatry Heinroth (1818) considered melancholia and
[pp. 343–345]. mania as separate clinical conditions and not as alternat-
ing stages of a single disorder. Nevertheless, he devoted an
His sensitivity to such subtle diagnostic details indicates entire chapter of his book to “mixed mood disturbances”
that Marcé was aware of intimate and complex connections (Gemischte Gemüthsstörungen), including “melancholia
among mania and melancholia and of the challenge of dif- with silliness” (Melancholie mit Narrheit), and “quiet rage”
ferentiating other forms of relatively acute or episodic psy- (stille Wut), and recognized rapid cycling (Heinroth, 1808,
choses (Trede et al., 2009). pp. 355–378). Mixed states may date to reports by physicians
of classical Greece and were noted by 18th-century writers
including François Boissier de Sauvages (1706–1777) of
19 T H- C E N T U RY G E R M A N Y Montpellier and William Cullen (1710–1790) of Scotland
(Marneros & Angst, 2000).
German academic psychiatry of the 19th century was influ- The concept of mixing of dissimilar symptomatic states
enced by contemporary French psychiatry and routinely was continued by Carl Friedrich Flemming (1799–1880),
cited its literature. Prominent trends included a continua- educated in medicine in Berlin, who worked in psychiat-
tion of the evolution away from nosologically noncommit- ric institutions in both north Germany and Carinthia,
tal approaches to insanity as a more or less unitary concept Austria, and died at Wiesbaden. His contributions include
or one not readily organized into discrete disorders, as the concept of “changeable dysthymia” (dysthymia mutabi-
well as descriptions of numerous, largely idiosyncratically lis), which could shift from a depressive phase (dysthymia
defined conditions and some combining of disorders with atra) or a hypomanic phase (dysthymia candida) or even
prominent similarities based on signs and symptoms, lon- include elements of both types simultaneously, such as in
gitudinal course, and outcome. The unitary view was repre- elated melancholia (melancholia hilaris; Flemming, 1844).
sented by Pinel, although it was challenged by the landmark He was concerned about how to classify common clinical
description of general paresis of the insane by Bayle (1926) conditions in which mania, melancholia, and delusional
and such functional or idiopathic conditions as circular states (Wahnsinn) could predominate at different times

10   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
(varying from hours to months) and indeed considered He also introduced the concept of cyclothymia as relatively
such poorly delineated, variable, or mixed states to be the benign form of circular insanity, accepted Flemming’s con-
most prevalent forms of mental illness and a major diagnos- cept of dysthymia, and considered cyclothymia as the alter-
tic challenge (Flemming, 1844). nation of the two. His colleague and brother-in-law, Ewald
Wilhelm Griesinger (1817–1868) followed von Hecker (1843–1909) of Görlitz elaborated and promoted
Zeller (1804–1877), with whom he worked briefly in this syndrome as well as Kahlbaum’s catatonia (Baethge et
Württemberg, in adopting the concept of “unitary psycho- al., 2003a,b; Kraam, 2004).
sis” (Einheitpsychose), or the proposition that virtually all The conflict between “splitting” clinical illnesses into
forms of major mental illnesses represented or originated in numerous subgroups versus “lumping” them into broad
a single disease process. Griesinger separated depression or categories was central to the work of Emil Kraepelin
melancholia from exaltation or mania and considered them (1856–1926) in Heidelberg and Munich. This struggle is
as different manifestations of a single disease process, not- well documented in his influential textbook through its
ing that transitions between these states are quite common, nine editions between 1883 and 1926 (Trede et al., 2005).
even as had been described by Falret (Griesinger, 1861, Writing the book evidently was stimulated initially by
p.  238). However, this view seems to be more a manifes- Kraepelin’s need to raise money to enable his marriage. The
tation of his concept of there being particular manifesta- first edition (the Compendium) relied heavily on contribu-
tions of a single psychosis rather than considering a discrete tions of various 19th-century German and French authors.
manic-depressive syndrome. Nevertheless, he cited the Nevertheless, it began his lifelong process of consolidat-
work of Falret and accepted the concept of circular insan- ing different clinical presentations into larger groups, ide-
ity (Marneros & Angst, 2000). He went further, in report- ally based on causes to the limited extent that they could
ing that many cases of melancholia and mania develop into be identified, but usually based on course and outcome as
states of “mental weakness” (psychische Schwächezustände), well as symptomatic presentations. Even in the first edition
suggesting that prognosis and outcome often were unfa- of his textbook (1883), he noted that mania and circular
vorable (Griesinger, 1861, p.  214). Another vigorous sup- or periodic insanity “are simply manifestations of a single
porter of the unitary-psychosis hypothesis was Heinrich pathological process . . . certain basic traits are found con-
Neumann (1814–1888), who trained in general medicine sistently, even though there are many external differences.”
before switching to psychiatry and becoming the director He saw excitement or activation and inhibition, rather than
of an asylum in Breslau in Silesia, where he was a teacher mood, as unifying themes of these disorders, and he sup-
of Carl Wernicke (1848–1905) at the university. His ported the idea of an underlying pathological predisposi-
unitary-psychosis views were quite flexible and were readily tion that could lead to a range of clinical manifestations
modified to include a range of clinical conditions, as well as (Trede et al., 2005).
to support early interventions (Engström, 2003). In the second edition of his textbook, Kraepelin (1889)
Karl-Ludwig Kahlbaum (1828–1899) worked in a psy- introduced the concept of delusional disorders (Wahnsinn),
chiatric hospital in Görlitz in eastern Germany most of his in an effort to manage confusing and ambiguous cases with
professional career, rather than in a university position. prominent affective and psychotic symptoms. In the fourth
Nevertheless, he was a major contributor to 19th-century edition (Kraepelin, 1893), he began to consider mixed states
academic psychiatry. He espoused a clinical, descriptive, in describing “manic stupor” as unusual stuporous states
longitudinal approach to psychiatric nosology and psycho- within the excited phase of circular conditions. This con-
pathology, which strongly influenced Kraepelin and many cept was greatly expanded in response to the thesis of his
others (Baethge et al., 2003a,b). Kahlbaum introduced the junior colleague Wilhelm C. J. K. Weygandt (1870–1939),
term catatonia (or “tension insanity;” die Katatonie oder das who described simultaneous or rapidly alternating combi-
Spannungsirresein; Kahlbaum, 1874). He also observed that nations of manic and melancholic features, as indicated by
similar clinical presentations do not necessarily share the inclusion of portions of Weygandt’s dissertation in the sixth
same etiology, course, or outcome and emphasized efforts to edition of Kraepelin’s (1899) textbook, with an emphasis
differentiate organic versus functional disorders (Bräuning, on the protean nature of circular insanity, with fluctuations
1999; Klosterkötter, 1999). Consistent with earlier French and complex admixtures of abnormalities of psychomotor
proposals of Falret and Baillarger, whose work he cited, for activity, thought, and mood (Salvatore et al., 2002; Trede
Kahlbaum cyclic insanity (cyklisches Irresein) was charac- et  al., 2005). The affiliations among mania, melancholia,
terized by a primary disturbance of mood and represented a periodic and circular insanity, and mixed states were ini-
single disorder (Baethge et al., 2003a,b; Kahlbaum, 1882). tially accepted in Kraepelin’s (1896) unifying concept of

H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   11

“the periodic constitutional disorders” in his fifth edition, having a younger onset-age, briefer episodes, and a higher
leading to introduction of his new manic-depressive insanity recurrence rate, but declined to separate them into discrete
concept in the sixth (Kraepelin, 1899), with its distinction subgroups, at least until more was known (Trede et al.,
from more chronic psychotic conditions termed dementia 2005). Manic-depressive illness had evolved into a theory
præcox. concerning coherence of various clinical features and the
In the sixth textbook edition, Kraepelin (1899) sup- tendency of common elements to alternate or mix unpre-
ported the categorization of major psychiatric disorders dictably. Moreover, Kraepelin recognized chronic forms
into his two broad syndrome groups by asserting that “we of manic-depressive illness and associated “fundamental
have no right to trace these endless varieties of clinical pic- states” or temperaments (Trede et al., 2005). In the very
tures back to fundamentally different basic mechanisms.” breadth and complexity of illnesses subsumed by the manic-
The seventh edition (Kraepelin, 1903–1904) and multivol- depressive concept lay risk for tension between retaining its
ume eighth edition (Kraepelin, 1909–1915) of his textbook wholeness versus splitting into subgroups and differentiat-
represent the final version of Kraepelin’s manic-depressive ing other disorders characterized by an episodic course and
insanity. Edition 8 includes involutional melancholia (pre- lack of profound loss of reasoning and functioning. There
viously held separate), as well as basic states and tempera- also was a risk of ascribing a doctrinaire and rigid implica-
ments, into a broad concept of manic-depressive illness. tion of Kraepelin’s scheme that seems at variance with his
Kraepelin’s justification for this gathering of seemingly own flexibility and tentativeness, as well as with his appar-
heterogeneous conditions was supported by his tendency to ently greater interest in the fundamental dynamic instabil-
view them as united not simply by polarities of mood but ity of his manic-depressive illness rather than a concrete
by the shifting between states of heightened versus inhib- emphasis on polar states of mood, thought, and behavior
ited functioning in arousal, cognition, speech, and behav- (Marneros & Angst, 2000; Marneros & Akiskal, 2007).
ior, as well as mood, and by their tendency to follow an In short, the concept was ripe for classic tensions between
episodic course with a relatively favorable prognosis (Trede “lumpers” and “splitters” (Vázquez, Tondo, & Baldessarini,
et al., 2005). this volume).
Modern psychiatry appears to view Kraepelin as a Early disagreement with a unified concept of
strict empiricist and a founder of phenomenological psy- manic-depressive illness arose in Scandinavia, where recur-
chiatry, whose work led to the currently fashionable cod- rent depression was a separate disorder, dating from the
ing of diagnostic criteria as a basis for psychiatric nosology. work of Carl Georg Lange (1834–1900), a contemporary of
However, in the eighth edition of his textbook, Kraepelin Kraepelin’s (Lange, 1896; Marneros & Angst, 2000). An
(1909–1915) noted the limitations of his dual system based early major conceptual challenge to Kraepelin’s perspective
on manic-depressive insanity and dementia præcox:  “It is of a broad, unitary manic-depressive illness came from Carl
indisputable today that, despite honest efforts, we are still Wernicke (1848–1905) (Wernicke, 1881). He proposed new
unable to categorize quite a vast number of cases within entities with polarities, including hyperkinetic and aki-
the frame of one of the known forms in the system.” Severe netic forms of “motility psychosis.” This move away from,
limitations of his scheme, including the high prevalence of or addition to, a unified manic-depressive concept went
mixed, hybrid, or atypical cases were further acknowledged further, following the untimely sudden death of Wernicke,
in his later writings (e.g., Kraepelin, 1920; Trede et  al., when Karl Kleist (1879–1960) and, later, his associate
2005):  “The mixed and transitional states make delinea- Edda Neele (1910–2005) proposed that manic-depression
tions impossible . . . these are the cases that push us to widen included both monopolar (einpolige; recurrent depres-
our knowledge.” He acknowledged having made a sharp sive) and bipolar entities (zweipolige Erkrankungen; bipo-
distinction between manic-depressive illness and demen- lar manic-depressive disorder; Kleist, 1928; Neele, 1949).
tia præcox mainly to simplify instruction of students and Kleist was skeptical that mania and melancholia, though
young physicians (Kraepelin, 1920). often affiliated, were expressions of a single disorder. He
also considered the concept of “the group of schizophre-
nias” proposed by Paul Eugen Bleuler (1857–1939) (Bleuler,
2 0 T H C E N T U RY 2011)  excessively broad and insisted that many psychotic
conditions fit poorly within the manic-depressive or the
Even by Kraepelin’s own descriptions, he indicated that schizophrenia concepts. He proposed other recurrent dis-
manic-depressive patients with both mania and depression orders, including psychoses that alternate between agitated
differed from those with recurrent depression, including by confusion and stupor, separate from both manic-depressive

1 2   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
illness and schizophrenia (Kleist, 1928). His ideas were Cade, 1949; Schou, 2001). Prior to the introduction of
elaborated by Karl Leonhard (1904–1988) into several these modern agents, treatment of mania, psychosis, and
types of periodic or cyclical psychoses (Leonhard, 1979). depression (sedatives, stimulants, electroconvulsive treat-
The proposals of the Wernicke–Kleist–Leonhard school ment, psychotherapy) had been largely nonspecific and of
were not widely accepted, probably in part owing to their questionable efficacy. Novel and effective treatments and
complexity and subtlety. diagnoses can be mutually reinforcing (Baldessarini, 2013;
The trend toward “splitting” the nonchronic psycho- Stoll. Baldessarini, Tohen, et al., 1993).
ses into various subtypes continued in the 20th century,
despite occasional warnings of the difficulties in firmly
establishing separate and distinct psychiatric disorders C U R R E N T S TAT E OF 
on a sound scientific basis (Bolton, 1908; Goldney, 2012). B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
Notably, the monopolar/bipolar distinction in major mood
disorders was supported by Leonhard in noting that a Currently bipolar manic-depressive illness (bipolar dis-
family history of psychotic illnesses (as well as depression) order) is firmly established. It is one of the most longitu-
was differentially associated with bipolar mood disorders. dinally stable diagnostic entities among all major mental
Similar findings and conclusions were also supported illnesses based on standard international diagnostic criteria
by Swiss investigator Jules Angst (1926–; Angst, 1966), (Salvatore et al., 2009). Studies of the disorder are encour-
Italo-Swedish Carlo Perris (1928–2000; Perris 1966), aged by dedicated international associations (International
and American George Winokur (1925–1996; Winokur, Society for Bipolar Disorder, 1999; European Network of
Clayton, & Reich, 1969). Many subsequent studies added Bipolar Research Expert Centres, 2009, and others), as well
differences in onset age (younger in bipolar disorder than in as international scientific journals devoted exclusively to the
major depression), sex risk-ratio (nearly 1:1 in bipolar disor- topic (Bipolar Disorders, 1999)  and others, most recently
der, women more than men in unipolar depression), dura- the International Journal of Bipolar Disorders (2013).
tion of episodes, and of cycles between recurrences (both Along with wide international acceptance of the bipolar
shorter in bipolar disorder; Goodwin & Jamison, 2007). disorder concept, there have been many efforts to extend its
Other concepts introduced by Kleist and Leonhard include range or to define subtypes. For example, a distinction has
complex subtypes of depressive or episodic psychotic dis- been made between cases with depression (D) predominantly
orders. Again, their complexity and subtlety probably con- preceding (DMI course-pattern) or following mania (MDI
tributed to their limited impact, though they underscore pattern, both with intervening euthymic intervals [I]), with
the existence of many clinical conditions that do not fit evidence of inferior treatment responses with the DMI pat-
neatly into Kraepelin’s dualistic scheme, even though both tern (Koukopoulos, Reginaldi, Tondo, Visioli, & Baldessarini,
his manic-depressive and dementia praecox groups were 2013). In addition, the polarity of initial major episodes is
broad (Marneros & Angst, 2000). Nevertheless, the work highly predictive of future illness, notably in distinguishing
of Leonhard, Angst, Perris, and Winokur led to broad patients predominantly experiencing manic, hypomanic, or
acceptance of the concept of bipolar disorder by the late psychotic episodes from those more likely to have depressions,
1960s. By 1980, bipolar disorder (with mania) was accepted mixed manic-depressive states, or episodes of anxiety disor-
officially in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the ders (Baldessarini, 2012; Baldessarini, Salvatore, et al. 2010;
American Psychiatric Association in 1980 (third edtion; Baldessarini, Tondo & Visioli, 2014; Colom, Vieta, Daban,
American Psychiatric Association, 1980) and bipolar II Pacchiarotti, & Sánchez-Moreno, 2006).
disorder into its fourth edition along with cyclothymic An important trend has been toward including a
disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 1994); bipo- broader range of disorders within the concept of bipolar
lar I and II disorders also are included in the International disorders. Indeed, the popularity of the bipolar concept
Classification of Diseases (tenth edition; World Health has recently shown indications of becoming something
Organization, 1999). of a clinical fad, possibly encouraged by hopes for a rela-
Another factor that may well have contributed to tively optimistic prognosis and effective treatments (Healy,
the acceptance of bipolar disorder as a discrete clini- 2008). An unresolved aspect of the concept are cyclothymic
cal entity was the introduction of lithium carbonate as conditions involving minor or moderate cycles or phases of
a relatively specific treatment for the disorder in 1949, of increased and decreased mood, thinking, and activity that
the antimanic-antipsychotic drugs in 1952, and of the have been considered part of the cyclic or manic-depressive
antidepressants later in the 1950s (Baldessarini, 2013; “spectrum” since the work of Kahlbaum and Hecker and of

H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   13

Kraepelin reviewed earlier. A basic uncertainty is whether bipolar disorder and in distinguishing its early presentation
such phenomena represent a cyclothymic disorder or a per- from other adult mental illnesses, in part to support long-
sonality type (Van Meter, Youngstrom, & Findling, 2012). term clinical planning (Salvatore et al., 2014). More con-
Since the concept of bipolar disorder without episodes troversial, however, are considerations of early intervention
of mania (bipolar II disorder) emerged in the 1970s (Fieve, in juveniles presumed to be at risk for bipolar disorder, pos-
Kumbaraci, & Dunner, 1976), there have been efforts sibly even before secure clinical expression of the disorder
to define a group of disorders characterized by recurrent (Noto et al., 2013).
episodes of major depression, with varying elements of A related challenge is that the history of the past cen-
hypomanic features, to define a “bipolar spectrum” of dis- tury underscores the limits to even broad and inclusive
orders (Marneros & Angst, 2000; Merkangas et al., 2007). diagnostic categories, such as manic-depressive illness and
This idea was anticipated in the work of Kahlbaum and schizophrenia, which leave many clinical conditions poorly
Kraepelin and continued in the broad inclusion of subtly accounted for, little studied, and inadequately treated.
mixed states proposed by Ernst Kretschmer (1888–1964), Late in his career Kraepelin noted that many, if not most,
Bleuler, and others (Marneros & Angst, 2000). Current patients he had evaluated did not fit neatly into his dual-
extensions of the concept are exploring conditions tra- istic scheme (Trede et  al. 2005). Such illnesses include
ditionally considered to represent personality disorders, various acute psychotic disorders of relatively favorable
including borderline disorder (Gunderson & Elliott, 1985). prognosis, as well as the ill-defined category of “schizoaf-
It remains to be seen how broadening may add to effective fective” disorders—all of which remain unreliable diagnos-
formulation of long-term prognoses or guide more specific tically and prognostically, as well as inadequately studied
treatments. Some research findings support the hypothesis therapeutically (Goodwin & Jamison, 2007; Malhi, Green,
that depressed patients with elements of hypomania below Fagiolini, Peselow, & Kumari, 2008; Salvatore et al., 2009).
requirements for a formal diagnosis of bipolar disorder may Perhaps even more challenging is how to organize and make
not respond well to antidepressant treatment (Akiskal & sense of the wide range of conditions left after typical bipo-
Pinto, 1999; Angst, 2007; Vázquez, Tondo, Undurraga, & lar disorders are removed from the broad manic-depressive
Baldessarini, 2013). group. There have been repeated suggestions that, in addi-
Additional unresolved questions include the signifi- tion to unipolar recurrent major depressive disorders, there
cance of cases initially presenting with depression, some- may be a sydrome of recurrent mania, possibly separable
times recurrent, before hypomania or mania are diagnosed. from bipolar disorder (Mehta, 2014).
Is this pattern simply representative of a common early As the limits of the bipolar disorder concept expand,
manifestation of the natural history of bipolar disorder, or there is a risk that compromises will arise in its clinical
is there an actual change in the illness, either arising spon- application to diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. It seems
taneously or, more speculatively, as a result of treatment highly unlikely that all cases currently labeled as “bipolar
with ubiquitous antidepressants and stimulants, perhaps disorder” follow similar courses to a predictable outcome
particularly in juveniles? A related question is of the sig- or achieve optimal treatment responses with standardized
nificance of hypomania or mania associated with treatment treatments. Indeed, a major challenge in contemporary
with mood-elevating drugs (antidepressants, corticoste- therapeutics for the mood disorders is to define optimal
roids, stimulants; Krauthammer & Klerman, 1978): Are treatments for the growing range of types and ages of bipo-
these simple psychotoxic reactions to foreign chemicals or lar disorder patients as well as for the very broad range of
an indication of the presence of undiagnosed bipolar disor- unipolar forms of depression. Particularly needed is clari-
der with a potential for later spontaneous manic episodes? fication of how to treat bipolar depression, the major unre-
There also are controversial efforts to extend bipolar solved component of the disorder and a crucial contributor
disorder into juvenile populations, including in prepuber- to disability and mortality (Baldessarini, Salvatore, et al.,
tal children, despite many descriptive differences between 2010; Baldessarini, Vieta, Calabrese, Tohen, & Bowden,
juvenile versus typical, episodic, adult forms of the disorder 2010; Vázquez et al., 2013).
(Papolos & Papolos, 2000). Emerging research suggests that This historical overview (also see Table 1.1) should
variable proportions, sometimes only a minority, of young remind us that the nosological basis for clinical condi-
children given the diagnosis later prove to have a typical, tions considered to represent particular psychiatric disor-
adult bipolar disorder (e.g., Geller, Tillman, Bolhofner, & ders or diseases contrasts with most disorders of general
Zimerman, 2008; Wozniak et al., 2011). Nevertheless, medicine in lacking a tissue pathology or even a plau-
there is great interest in defining the earliest indications of sible pathophysiology. Instead, psychiatric diagnosis rests

14   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N


Hippocratic tradition Greece, 5th cent. bce Descriptions of “mania” and “melancholia”
Posidonius (c. 135–51 bce) Syria, 2nd cent. bce Mania and melancholia may be a single disease

Aretaeus of Cappadocia Alexandria and Rome, Mania and melancholia can occur in the same person over
(2nd century ce) 2nd cent. ce time (c. 150 ce)

Galen (c. 129–298) Greece, 2nd cent. ce Humoral theory of personality types and mental and
other illnesses

Alexander of Tralles (c. 525–605) Greece, 6th cent. ce Mania and melancholia occur in cycles and features can mix;
high suicide risk

Islamic scholars: Ishag ibn Imran Middle-East and Mania and melancholia closely related and perhaps
(848–906), Razes (865–925), Avicenna North Africa, on a continuum
(980–1037), Ismail Jorjani (1041–1136) 9th–11th cents. ce

John of Gaddesden (c. 1280–1361) England, 14th cent. Mania and melancholia as different forms of the same disor-
der; melancholia primary

Johannes Manardus (1462–1536) Italy, 15th cent. Mania “replaces” melancholia; melancholia primary

Felix Platter (1536–1614) Switzerland, 1549 Mania and melancholia as brain disorders

Jason Pratensis (1486–1558) Holland, 1549 Mania and melancholia hard to separate, arising from the
same causes; melancholia primary

Gao-Lian (1500s) China, 16th cent. Mania and melancholia are manifestations of a single illness

Thomas Willis (1621–1675) England, 17th cent. Mania and melancholia alternate in a recurrent course

Théophile Bonet (1620–1689) Switzerland, 17th cent. Coined term maniaco-melancholicus for a single disorder

Iatromechanists: Friedrich Hoffmann Germany, Scotland, Mania and melancholia arise from specific personality types
(1660–1742), Archibald Pitcairn Holland, 17th cent. and represent effects of humors on the brain
(1652–1713), Herman Boerhaave

English physicians: Thomas Syden- England, 17th–18th cents. Mania and melancholia follow a recurrent course;
ham (1624–1689), Richard Mead melancholia primary
(1673–1754), Robert James (1703–1776)

Italian physicians: Giovanni Italy, 18th cent. Mania and melancholia follow a recurrent course
Morgagni (1682–1771), Vincenzo
Chiarugi (1759–1820)

Andrés Piquer-Arrufat (1711–1772) Spain, 18th cent. Coined term affectio melancholico-maniaca for a single,
brain-based disorder; melancholia not primary

Phillipe Pinel (1745–1826) France, early 19th cent. Defined mania broadly; skeptical of separate forms of insanity
but mania and melancholia closely related

Jean-Étienne Esquirol (1772–1840) France, early 19th cent. Coined term lypemania for depression

Johann Heinroth (1773–1843) Germany, early 19th cent. Described mixtures of melancholia + psychosis (including
with mania): gemische Gemüthsstörungen (1819)

Laurent Bayle (1799–1858) France, early 19th cent. General paralysis of the insane as a distinct psychotic disorder

CarlFlemming (1799–1880) Germany, mid-19th cent. Described changeable dysthymia: dysthymia metabilis (1844)

Jean-Pierre Falret (1794–1870) France, mid-19th cent. Described circular insanity (1851)

Jules Baillarger (1809–1890) France, mid-19th cent. Described insanity of double form (1854)

Table 1.1.  CONTINUED


Louis-Victor Marcé (1828–1865) France, mid-19th century Integrated “circular insanity of double form”

Wilhelm Griesinger (1817–1868) Germany, mid-19th cent. Skeptical about distinguishing specific psychotic disorders

Karl Kahlbaum (1828–1899), Ewald Germany, mid-19th cent. Described cyclothymia (moderate mania-melancholia)
Hecker (1843–1909)

L. Kirn (1800s) Germany, late 19th cent. Described periodic psychoses (including mania-melancholia)

E. E. Mendel (1800s) Germany, late 19th cent. Coined term hypomania (Mendel, 1881)

Wilhelm Weygandt (1870–1939) Germany, late 19th cent. Described mixed mania-depressive syndromes (die
Mischzustände des manisch-depressiven Irreseins)

Emil Kraepelin (1856–1926) Germany, late 19th cent. Described a broad manic-depressive insanity group of

Carl G. Lange (1834–1900) Denmark, late 19th cent. Described recurrent depression

Carl Wernicke (1848–1905) Germany, early-20th cent. Described novel “bipolar” syndromes, including motility

Karl Kleist (1879–1960), Edda Neele Germany, early 20th cent. Distinguished monopolar (einpolige) and bipolar (zweipolige)
(1910–2005) manic-depressive disorders (from 1911 to 1930s)

Karl Leonhard (1904–1988) Germany, mid-20th cent. Periodic and cyclic psychoses (including cycloid); family stud-
ies to support separation of monopolar and bipolar types of
manic-depressive disorders

John F Cade (1912–1980), Australia (1949), Denmark Introduction of lithium carbonate as a selectively effective
Mogens Schou (1918–2005) (1950s–1960s) treatment for bipolar disorder

Jules Angst (living), Carlo Switzerland, Italy-Sweden, Provided further support for bipolar disorder (1966–1969)
Perris (1928–2000), George United States
Winokur (1925–1996)

Ronald Fieve (living), David Dunner United States, 1970s Bipolar II disorder (depression with hypomania)

American Psychiatric Association United States, DSM–III Inclusion of bipolar disorder (1980) and bipolar II
and DSM–IV disorder (1994)

Frederick K. Goodwin (living), Kay United States, 2000 Manic-Depressive Illness, Oxford University Press
R. Jamison (living) and 2007

International Society for Bipolar United States, 1999 Society founded


NOTE: DSM–III = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1980); DSM–IV = Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1994).

almost entirely on observation and description of symp- or physiological measures, though important to pursue,
toms, including detailed psychopathology, clinical course, have not yet served to place psychiatric diagnosis on a secure
treatment response, and long-term outcome, supported footing (Baldessarini, 2000a, 2013). Advances in biologi-
by such additional descriptors as onset age and family cal research in themselves may prove to be inadequate as
history. Manifestations of mania, in particular, can arise a basis of formulating clinical diagnoses and will still
from various causes, including neuromedical disorders and require matching to descriptive clinical syndromes, if only
intoxications. Expectations of modern medical science, for clinical and administrative purposes (Berrios, 1999;
including studies of genetic risk factors and neuroimaging Goldney, 2012; Healy, 2008). For psychiatric research,

16   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
a fundamental problem is that most findings of the past that might represent potential conflicts of interest with the
century involve clinical entities of indubitable heterogene- material presented.
ity, rendering most findings insecure for improving under-
standing of particular psychiatric disorders. This challenge
might be termed the phenotype problem for endeavoring to R E F E R E NC E S
study clinical entities or phenomena with reasonable bio-
logical coherence. (See Table 1.1.) Angst, J. (1966). Zur Ätiologie und nosologie endogener depressiver psy-
chosen: Eine genetische, soziologische und clinische studie [On the eti-
ology and nosology of depressive psychoses: A genetic, sociological
and clinical study]. Berlin: Springer.
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clinical entities recognized since the dawn of medical schol- cal manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.). Washington,
DC: Author.
arship, at least as separate clinical conditions that probably Aretæus the Cappadocian. (1861). The extant works of Aretaeus, the Cap-
have been far broader than current use of the terms may padocian (F. Adams, Trans. and Ed.). London: Sydenham Society.
seem to imply. In addition, their close association in many Arikha, N. (2007). Passions and tempers:  A  history of the humours.
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H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   19

Kathleen R. Merikangas and Diana Paksarian

INTRODUCTION disorder provided by recent community-based studies of

adults is presented in Table 2.1. Total estimates range from
In recent years there has been a proliferation of epidemio- 0.0% in Nigeria (Gureje, Lasebikan, Kola, & Makanjuola,
logic research, both in the United States and abroad, that 2006)  to 3.3% in the United States (Grant et  al., 2005).
has strengthened the evidence base on the magnitude, cor- Twelve-month prevalence is generally estimated to be only
relates, and consequences of bipolar disorder. This work slightly lower than lifetime prevalence, ranging from 0% to
has highlighted the dramatic personal and societal impact 2.0%. Recent studies have begun to include estimates for
of bipolar disorders. In the World Health Organization bipolar II (BPII) and bipolar spectrum (BPS) disorders as
World Mental Health (WHM) surveys, bipolar disorder well as BPI (Bauer & Pfennig, 2005; Merikangas, Jin, et al.,
was the second ranking cause of disability, measured by 2011). As would be expected, prevalence tends to increase
days spent out of role per year, among a range of physical with successively more inclusive disorder definitions
and mental health conditions (Alonso et al., 2011). In 2004 (Waraich et al., 2004). For example, in the WMH surveys,
it was the fourth leading cause of disability adjusted life the cross-national lifetime prevalence of BPS disorders was
years worldwide among young people ages 10 to 24, rank- 2.4%; of which 0.6% met criteria for BPI, 0.4% for BPII,
ing above violence, alcohol use, HIV/AIDS, self-inflicted and 1.4% for subthreshold bipolar disorder (Merikangas,
injury, tuberculosis, and lower respiratory infection (Gore Jin, et  al., 2011). In many (but not all) studies assessing
et  al., 2011). The aims of this chapter are (a)  to sum- BPII, its prevalence is lower than that of BPI (Merikangas,
marize the frequency of occurrence of bipolar disorder Jin, et al., 2011; Wittchen, Nelson, & Lachner, 1998); this
from population-based studies of adults and youth, (b) to may indicate that the majority of people who experience
describe the patterns of comorbidity of bipolar disorder in hypomanic episodes also experience manic episodes, or it
the general population, and (c) to summarize the risk fac- may be explained by the major depressive episode require-
tors and correlates of bipolar disorder, as well as current ment for diagnosis of BPII.
knowledge regarding its genetic underpinnings. An increasing number of studies have begun to esti-
mate the occurrence of bipolar disorder in youth. The
results of the existing cross-sectional and prospective
DE S C R I P T I V E E PI DE M IOL O G Y community-based studies of youth are shown in Table 2.2.
Lifetime prevalence rates of bipolar disorder in youth range
from 0.2% in the Great Smoky Mountains Study (Costello
et  al., 1996)  to 2.9% for BPI or BPII in the National
Comprehensive summaries of the prevalence of bipolar Comorbidity Survey—Adolescent supplement (NCS-A;
disorder have been provided in several recent publications Merikangas et al., 2010). Young adults ages 19 to 24 in the
(Bauer & Pfennig, 2005; Goodwin & Jamison, 2007; Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS; Kozloff
Waraich, Goldner, Somers, & Hsu, 2004). The lifetime et al., 2010) had a lifetime prevalence of 3.8%. A few stud-
prevalence of bipolar I  disorder (BPI) is generally esti- ies have also estimated 12-month prevalence rates of bipo-
mated at about 1.0% (Merikangas & Tohen, 2011). A sum- lar disorder, ranging from 1.3% (Wittchen et al., 1998) to
mary of prevalence rates according to definition of bipolar 2.5% (Benjet, Borges, Medina-Mora, Zambrano, &



Australia Zutshi et al. (2011) ≥15 2004: 3,015 MDQ BPS 2004 LT: 2.5
2008: 3,014 2008 LT: 3.3
China Lee et al. (2007) 18–70 5,201 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII LT: 0.1
Phillips et al. (2009) ≥18 63,004 SCID/DSM-IV-TR 2nd stage BPI 1m: .099
screened BPII 1m: .026
Germany Jacobi et al. (2004) 18–65 4,181 M-CIDI/DSM-IV BPD LT: 1.0 (0.8 m, 1.2 f); 12m: 0.8 (0.6 m, 1.1 f)
Iraq Alhasnawi et al. (2009) ≥18 4,332 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPS LT: 0.2; 12m: 0.2
Israel Levinson et al. (2007) ≥21 4,859 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII LT: 0.7; 12m: 0.1
Italy Carta et al. (2012) ≥18 3,398 MDQ ≥7 BPS LT: 3.0 (3.4 m, 2.7 f)
Japan Kawakami et al. (2005) ≥20 1,664 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII 12m: 0.1
Lebanon Karam et al. (2008) ≥18 2,857 CIDI 3.0/DSM-IV BPD LT: 2.4 (2.6 m, 2.3 f)
Mexico Medina-Mora et al. (2007) 18–65 5,826 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII LT: 1.9
New Zealand Wells et al. (2006) 16–64 12,992 CIDI 3.0/DSM-IV BPS 12m: 2.2 (2.1 m, 2.3 f)
Nigeria Gureje et al. (2006) ≥18 4,984 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII LT: 0.0; 12m: 0.0
Singapore Subramaniam et al. (2013) ≥18 6,616 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI LT: 1.1; 12m: 0.5
BPII LT: 0.06; 12m: 0.04
BPI/BPII LT: 1.2 (1.2 m, 1.3 f); 12m: 0.6 (0.5 m, 0.7 f)
Switzerland Angst et al. (2005) 40 591 SPIKE/DSM-IV BPI CP: 0.6 (0.0 m, 1.0 f)
BPII CP: 0.9 (0.0 m, 1.8 f)
United States Grant et al. (2005) ≥18 43,093 NESARC/DSM-IV BPI LT: 3.3 (3.2 m, 3.4 f); 12m: 2.0 (1.8 m, 2.2 f)
Ford et al. (2007) ≥ 55 6,082 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII LT: 0.8; 12m: 0.4
Hoertel et al (2013) ≥18 43,093 AUDADIS/DSM-IV BPI LT: 2.19; 12m: 0.87
BPII LT: 1.12; 12m: 0.32
Sub-BP LT: 2.53; 12m: 1.84
Kessler (2012c) 18–64 9,282 CIDI/DSM-IV BPI LT: 1.1 (0.9 m, 1.3 f); 12m: 0.7
BPII LT: 1.4 (1.2 m, 1.6 f); 12m: 1.0
BPI/BPII LT: 2.5 (2.1 m, 2.9 f); 12m: 1.7
Merikangas et al. (2007) ≥18 9,282 CIDI/DSM-IV BPI LT: 1.0 (0.8 m, 1.1 f); 12m: 0.6
BPII LT: 1.1 (0.9 m, 1.3 f); 12m: 0.8
Sub-BP LT: 2.4 (2.6 m, 2.1 f)
11 Countries Merikangas et al. (2011) ≥18a 61,392 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI LT: 0.6; 12m: 0.4
BPII LT: 0.4; 12m: 0.3
Sub-BP LT: 1.4; 12m: 0.8
BPS LT: 2.4; 12m: 1.5

NOTE: DSM-IV = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth ed.); DSM-IV-TR = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth ed., text rev.); LT = lifetime; 12m = 12-month;
1m = 1-month; BPS = bipolar spectrum disorder; BPI = bipolar I disorder; BPII = bipolar II disorder; BPD = bipolar disorders; Sub-BP = subthreshold bipolar disorder. MDQ = Mood Disorder Questionnaire.
WMH = World Mental Health. M = Munich. CIDI = Composite International Diagnostic Interview. NESARC = National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. AUDADIS = Alcohol Use
Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule. SPIKE = Structured Psychopathological Interview and Rating of Social Consequences of Psychic Disturbances for Epidemiology. SCID = Structured
Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Disorders.
In 9 countries; ≥16 in one country and ≥20 in one country.
Aguilar-Gaxiola, 2009). Prevalence rates of mania range I NC I DE NC E A N D AG E OF ONS E T
from 0.4% (12-month; Roberts, Roberts, & Xing, 2007) to
2.0% (12-month; Cannon et al., 2002), and rates of hypo- A number of recent studies have assessed the incidence
mania range from 0.1% (lifetime; Costello et al., 1996) to of bipolar disorder in the general population (Chou,
0.9% (6-month; Verhulst, van der Ende, Ferdinand, & Mackenzie, Liang, & Sareen, 2011; de Graaf, ten Have,
Kasius, 1997). The results of longitudinal studies converge Tuithof, & van Dorsselaer, 2013; Grant et al., 2009). In the
in estimating the prevalence of bipolar disorder at between National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
1.4% and 2.1%, which approximates cross-sectional preva- Conditions (NESARC), one-year incidence rates of BPI
lence rates in adult samples. This was confirmed by a recent and BPII were 0.53% and 0.21%, respectively (Grant et al.,
meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies of bipolar disorder 2009). The three-year incidence rate of bipolar disorder
in children and adolescents, which reported a mean preva- among adults age 18 to 64 in the Netherlands was 0.41%
lence of 1.8% (Van Meter, Moreira, & Youngstrom, 2011). (de Graaf et  al., 2013). Among adults age 60 and older





Verhulst et al. (1997) Dutch Adolescent Study 760 13–18 6m Mania: 1.9

6m Hypomania: 0.9

Costello et al. (1996) Smoky Mountains Study 1,015 9, 11, 13 3m Mania: 0

3m Hypomania: 0.1

Roberts et al. (2007) Teen Health 2000 4,175 11–17 12m Mania: 0.4
12m Hypomania: 0.8

Benjet et al. (2009) Mexican Adolescent Mental 3,005 12–17 12m BPI/BPII: 2.5
Health Survey

Kozloff et al. (2010) Canadian Community Health 5,673 15–18 LT BPIa: 2.1

Survey 19–24 LT BPIa: 3.8

Merikangas et al. (2010) National Comorbidity 10,123 13–18 LT Mania: 1.7

Kessler et al. (2012b) Survey—Adolescent Supplement 12m Mania: 1.3
Merikangas et al. (2012) LT BPI/BPII: 2.9
12m BPI/BPII: 2.1
30d BPI/BPII: 0.7


Wittchen et al. (1998) Early Developmental Study of 3,021 14–24 BPI: LT: 1.4,

Psychopathology 12m: 1.3
BPII: LT: 0.4,
12m: 0.4
Cannon et al. (2002) Dunedin Longitudinal Study 980 26 12m Mania: 2.0

Johnson et al. (2000) Children in the Community Study 717 T1: 9–18 T1 or T2 BPI: 2.0;
T2: 11–20 Sub-BP: 1.4
T3: 17–26 BPI: 1.4; Sub-BP: 2.0

Lewinsohn et al. (2000) Oregon Adolescent Depression 1,709 T1: 14–18 LT BPD: 0.9; LT

Project 1,507 T2: 15–19 Sub-BP: 4.4
865 T3: 24 LT BPD: 1.0; LT
Sub-BP: 4.3
LT BPD: 2.1; LT
Sub-BP: 5.3

NOTE : LT = lifetime; BPI = bipolar I disorder; BPII = bipolar II disorder; BPD = bipolar disorders; Sub-BP = subthreshold bipolar disorder.
This study used a slightly looser duration requirement but the authors note that their diagnosis most closely resembles BPI.

U pdate on E pidemiolog y, R isk Factors , and C orrelates of B ipolar S pectrum D isorder   •   2 3

in the United States, the three-year incidence of BPI was et  al., 2006). Similarly, among adolescents with a broad
0.54% and the incidence of BPII was 0.34% (Chou et al., definition of 12-month bipolar disorder (including BPI
2011). Prospective studies of child and adolescent samples and BPII as well as subthreshold bipolar disorder), less than
from population surveys also provide valuable information half (43.1%) were rated as having mild severity as defined
regarding the incidence of bipolar disorder. Lewinsohn, by the Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS). 30.5%
Seeley, Buckley, and Klein. (2002) found that the peak of cases were rated as having serious severity (CGAS scores
incidence of bipolar disorder is at age 14 in both males ≤50) while 26.5% had moderate severity (CGAS scores
and females and decreases gradually thereafter. By age 21, 51–60; Kessler, Avenevoli, Costello, Green, et al., 2012a).
the rate of bipolar disorder rose to 2% in the prospective
cohort studies of youth who were followed for several years
(Cannon et al., 2002; Lewinsohn, Klein, & Seeley, 2000).
Indeed, emerging evidence indicates that the first onset The majority of studies reviewed earlier in this chapter
of BPI generally begins in adolescence or early adulthood, indicate that about 60% of those with BPI in US commu-
with a mean age of onset of 18  years (Merikangas et  al., nity samples receive mental health treatment. Across all
2007). This contrasts with the previously dominant belief, countries in the WMH surveys, 68.7% of those with BPI
largely based on clinical studies, that onset begins in the reported any lifetime treatment, and 51.6% reported any
third decade of life. lifetime specialty mental health treatment. Treatment rates
were highest in high income countries. In low and middle
income countries, 37.9% of those with BPI received any
mental health treatment and only 22.3% received specialty
As indicated here, there has been growing interest in test- mental health treatment (Merikangas, Jin, et  al., 2011).
ing the thresholds and boundaries of bipolar disorder in There are also recent estimates of service utilization among
community samples. Among those with 12-month sub- youth. In a representative sample of US adolescents, only
threshold bipolar disorder in the WMH surveys, 79.2% 22.2% of adolescents with BPI or BPII (26.5% of girls and
reported a clinically severe or moderate manic or hypo- 17.9% of boys) reported lifetime disorder-specific mental
manic episode in the past year, with 79.3% reporting mod- health service use (Merikangas, He, et al., 2011). Eighteen
erate to severe role impairment (Merikangas, Jin, et  al., percent of those with 12-month bipolar disorder reported
2011). Using data from the NESARC, Hoertel, Le Strat, receiving any medication (14.2% received antidepressants),
Angst, and Dubertret (2013) found that the lifetime preva- and 33.8% reported receiving any type of specialty mental
lence of major depressive episode plus subthreshold manic health treatment (Merikangas, He, Rapoport, Vitiello, &
symptoms was 2.53%, while the 12-month prevalence was Olfson, 2013). In the CCHS, 45.8% of 15- to 18-year-olds
1.84. Participants in this group differed significantly from and 60.3% of 19- to 24-year-olds with bipolar disorder
those with “pure” major depressive disorder (MDD) on the reported using mental health services (Kozloff et al., 2010).
lifetime presence of a number of psychiatric comorbidities The relatively low rates of service utilization in some coun-
but differed from those diagnosed with BPII on only one. tries is alarming, as it suggests that a large proportion of
They also had a younger age at onset, had a greater num- individuals are not receiving adequate care. It also high-
ber of episodes, met a greater number of Diagnostic and lights the extent to which research conducted in treatment
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria, settings may fail to properly represent those with bipolar
and were more likely to use alcohol to relieve their symp- disorder in the general population.
toms. They also had higher rates of any lifetime treatment
seeking, 12-month treatment seeking, and lifetime use of
medication compared to those with “pure” MDD (Hoertel PAT T E R N S OF   C OMOR B I DI T Y
et al., 2013). Likewise, expansion of the definition of hypo-
mania in the NCS-R study yielded a lifetime prevalence
rate of 4.5%. (Kessler et al., 2006; Merikangas et al., 2007).
The severity of symptoms of depression and mania associ- Recent epidemiologic surveys have highlighted the strik-
ated with subthreshold bipolar disorder suggested that the ing magnitude of comorbidity between bipolar disor-
latter category did tap clinically significant manifestations der and other Axis I  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of disorder that were comparable to people seeking treat- of Mental Disorders (fourth ed. [DSM-IV]; American
ment for these conditions in outpatient settings (Kessler Psychiatric Association, 1994)  disorders. As shown in

2 4   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
Table 2.3, more than 90% of those with lifetime BPI comorbidity were 88.2% for BPI, 83.1% for BPII, 69.1%
or BPII disorder in the NCS-R also meet criteria for for subthreshold bipolar disorder, and 76.5% for BPS
another lifetime disorder, and 70% of those with bipolar (Merikangas, Jin, et al., 2011). The majority of those with
spectrum disorders have a history of three or more dis- BPI and BPII had three or more comorbid mental disor-
orders (Merikangas et al., 2007). Comorbid anxiety dis- ders; 76.5% of those with BPI and 74.6% of those with
orders are very common; more than 80% of those with BPII had a comorbid anxiety disorder, the most common
bipolar disorder also have a lifetime history of DSM-IV of which was panic attacks (57.9% of those with BPI and
anxiety disorders, particularly panic attacks (61.9%) and 63.8% of those with BPII; Merikangas, Jin, et al., 2011).
social phobia (37.8%; Merikangas et al., 2007). Likewise, Bipolar disorder is also highly comorbid with sub-
among those 18  years and older in the NESARC, 60% stance use disorders. A  recent review of alcohol misuse
of individuals with bipolar disorder had at least one and bipolar disorder found that of eight epidemiologic
comorbid anxiety disorder, and 40% had two or more studies, seven from Europe and North American reported
(Sala et al., 2012). This is also true cross-nationally. In the that alcohol use disorders were significantly elevated
WMH surveys, the rates of any lifetime mental disorder among study participants with bipolar disorder; one




SE OR* b 95% CI

Anxiety Agoraphobia without panic 5.7 1.3 5.3 3.0–9.3

Panic disorder 20.1 2.0 5.8 4.4–7.7

Panic attacks 61.9 2.0 4.3 3.5–5.2

Posttraumatic stress disorder 24.2 2.6 4.7 3.3–6.8

Generalized anxiety disorder 29.6 2.5 6.1 4.6–8.1

Specific phobia 35.5 2.8 4.0 3.1–5.2

Social phobia 37.8 3.1 4.6 3.5–5.9

Obsessive-compulsive disorder 13.6 3.1 10.2 4.6–22.9

Separation anxiety disorder 35.4 2.0 5.4 4.6–6.5

Any anxiety disorder 74.9 2.8 6.5 4.7–9.0

Substance use Alcohol abuse 39.1 2.6 4.3 3.3–5.5

Alcohol dependence 23.2 1.9 5.7 4.3–7.6

Drug abuse 28.8 2.7 4.5 3.3–5.9

Drug dependence 14.0 1.8 5.2 3.7–7.2

Any substance 42.3 2.7 4.2 3.3–5.5

Any disorder Any disorder 92.3 2.2 13.1 6.7–25.5

Exactly one disorder 12.7 2.0 4.8 2.2–10.4

Exactly two disorders 9.4 1.7 5.6 2.5–12.5

Three or more disorders 70.1 2.5 26.4 13.7–50.8

NOTE: NCS-R = National Comorbidity Survey-Replication; SE = standard error; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval.
Mean (SE) prevalence of the comorbid disorder in respondents with bipolar disorder. b Based on logistic regression models with one Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth ed.)/Composite International Diagnostic Interview disorder at a time as a predictor of lifetime bipolar disorder, controlling
for age at interview (five-year intervals), sex, and race/ethnicity.
Significant at the α = .05 level, two-sided test.

U pdate on E pidemiolog y, R isk Factors , and C orrelates of B ipolar S pectrum D isorder   •   25

study conducted in Asia found no such association (Di those with comorbidity, the mean number of other disor-
Florio, Craddock, & van den Bree, 2014). Likewise, in ders was 4.6. In the CCHS, those with a lifetime manic
the NCS-R, 42.3% of those with bipolar disorder had episode were more likely to report physician diagnoses of
any lifetime substance use disorder, the most common asthma, gastric ulcer, hypertension, chronic bronchitis, and
of which was alcohol abuse (Table 2.3). Among 19- to migraine (McIntyre et al., 2006). Other studies have also
24-year-olds with bipolar disorder in the CCHS, 46.0% found associations between migraine and bipolar symp-
had a 12-month substance use disorder (Kozloff et  al., toms/disorder (Saunders, Merikangas, Low, Von Korff, &
2010). The onset of bipolar disorder generally precedes Kessler, 2008). In a nationally representative cross-sectional
that of the substance use disorder. For example, using survey in Singapore, 52.1% of those with BPI reported any
data from a 20-year prospective cohort study, Merikangas physical comorbidity, the most common of which was
et al. (2008) demonstrated the dramatic increase in risk chronic pain (28.3%; Subramaniam, Abdin, Vaingankar, &
of alcohol dependence associated with symptoms of Chong, 2013).
mania and bipolar disorder in early adulthood. In an The increasing use of health registries with national
analysis of the 10-year follow-up data from the National coverage for research purposes provides a valuable source
Comorbidity Survey, Swendson et al. (2010) found that of information about physical comorbidity. Although such
baseline bipolar disorder was associated with the onset studies rely on treated rates of disorder, this may present
of nicotine, alcohol, and substance dependence; with the less of a problem in situations where medical services are
conversion to nicotine dependence among daily users; provided without charge and for more severe forms of men-
with the first onset of substance abuse among substance tal disorder. Using data from the Danish population and
users; and with the onset of substance dependence among health registries, Laursen, Munk-Olsen, and Gasse (2011)
substance users. presented risk ratios for a range of chronic physical condi-
These patterns of comorbidity also hold for youth tions over 12  years of follow-up. Individuals with bipolar
with bipolar disorder. Among adolescents in the CCHS, disorder had an elevated risk of 11 of the conditions pre-
41.8% of 15- to 18-year-olds with bipolar disorder also sented, including diabetes, liver disease, congestive heart
met lifetime criteria for an anxiety disorder, 32.1% had failure, chronic pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular dis-
a 12-month substance use disorder, and 54.6% reported ease, renal disease, and dementia.
lifetime suicidality (Kozloff et  al., 2010). However,
follow-up studies of children have shown that bipo-
lar disorder is associated with multiple other disor- C OR R E L AT E S A N D
ders including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder R I S K FAC TOR S
(ADHD), anxiety disorders and/or oppositional defiant
disorder, and conduct disorder (Lewinsohn et al., 2002;
Youngstrom et al., 2005). An eight-year follow up study
of a population sample of youth from New  York state US population-based studies have traditionally found equal
revealed that childhood anxiety disorders and depres- rates of bipolar disorder in males and females (Grant et al.,
sion, and to a lower extent disruptive behavior disorders, 2009; Merikangas et al., 2007). In cross-national estimates
were significantly associated with the development of from the WMH surveys, however, the lifetime prevalence
bipolar disorder in early adulthood (Johnson, Cohen, & of BPI and subthreshold bipolar disorder were higher in
Brook, 2000). males, while the lifetime prevalence of BPII was higher
in females (Merikangas, Jin, et al., 2011). This may reflect
cultural differences in sex-specific expression of bipolar
PH Y S IC A L DI S OR DE R S disorder. There is also emerging evidence of differences
in expression between males and females in the United
Epidemiologic studies indicate an elevated rate of physi- States. In the NCS-A, the prevalence of mania/hypoma-
cal comorbidities among individuals with bipolar disorder. nia with MDD and the prevalence of MDD alone were
In an analysis of NCS-R data that considered a range of both higher among females than males, while the preva-
mental and physical comorbidities, Gadermann, Alonso, lence of mania alone was greater among males (Merikangas
Vilagut, Zaslavsky, and Kessler (2012) found that 94.6% et al., 2012). However, among youth ages 15 to 24 in the
of participants with 12-month bipolar disorder had at CCHS, which used an inclusive definition of bipolar
least one other physical or mental condition, and, among disorder comprising BPI, BPII, and BP–not otherwise

2 6   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
specified, lifetime prevalence did not differ between males disorder than White mothers and higher 12-month rates
and females (Kozloff et  al., 2010). This is consistent with than Caribbean Black mothers (Boyd, Joe, Michalopoulos,
the lack of sex differences reported for BPI and BPII in the Davis, & Jackson, 2011). Ethnic differences have also
NCS-A (Kessler, Avenevoli, Costello, Georgiades, et  al., been reported in studies from New Zealand (Baxter,
2012b). Thus there could be sex-specific patterns of the Kokaua, Wells, McGee, & Browne, 2006) and Singapore
emergence of bipolar disorder in adolescence and young (Subramaniam et al., 2013).
adulthood that are visible only when the components of
bipolar disorder are examined individually.
Although many early studies of treated samples suggest
that bipolar disorder was more common in upper socioeco- Until recently there has been a relative dearth of consistent
nomic classes, the most recent US epidemiologic studies information regarding nongenetic etiologic risk factors for
have typically failed to detect an association or found higher bipolar disorder (Tsuchiya, Byrne, & Mortensen, 2003).
rates among those with lower income and education (Grant Despite apparent overlap in genetic underpinnings of bipo-
et  al., 2005, 2009; Merikangas et  al., 2007). Likewise, lar disorder and schizophrenia (discussed later), there has
rates of bipolar disorders tend to be greater among those traditionally been little evidence for overlap in environmen-
who are separated or divorced compared to those who are tal risk factors for the two disorders. Although exceptions
never married (e.g., Subramaniam et al., 2013). One poten- exist, established risk factors for schizophrenia such as sea-
tial explanation for these discrepancies is the distinction son of birth, urbanicity, parental age, migration status, and
between socioeconomic status (SES) in the family of origin obstetric complications have generally not been implicated
and individual SES at the time of illness onset. For exam- in the etiology of bipolar disorder (Demjaha, MacCabe, &
ple, using data from Danish population registries, Tsuchiya Murray, 2012). Recently there has been renewed interest
et al. (2004) differentiated between indicators of SES in the in the potential role of stressors in the etiology of bipolar
individual and in the individual’s parents, both measured disorder. Bipolar disorder may be more common among
in the year prior to onset. Adjusting for sex and family his- those who experienced childhood stressors such as the loss
tory, those with bipolar disorder were more likely to be of a parent (Mortensen, Pedersen, Melbye, Mors, & Ewald,
single and more likely to be lower on SES indicators such 2003). Furthermore, in the New Zealand Mental Health
as employment and income. Their parents, however, were Survey, those who reported childhood physical abuse and
more likely to have higher levels of education and greater those who reported childhood sexual abuse were more
paternal wealth (Tsuchiya, Agerbo, Byrne, & Mortensen, likely to meet criteria for both 12-month and lifetime bipo-
2004). Such findings should be interpreted with caution, lar disorder, and those who reported violence in the fam-
however, as they are based on treated rates of disorder and ily during childhood were more likely to have 12-month
may not capture the entire range of severity present in the bipolar disorder with frequent mood episodes and lifetime
population. bipolar disorder (Wells, McGee, Scott, & Browne, 2010).
Studies have not generally found consistent racial or A range of similar associations was reported based on data
ethnic differences in rates of bipolar disorder. For exam- from the NCS-R (Nierenberg et  al., 2010). For example,
ple, no differences were found between racial groups in those with 12-month bipolar disorder were more likely to
the United States in prevalence of bipolar disorder in the report childhood neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse,
NCS-R (Merikangas et al., 2007). However, it may be dif- while those with other lifetime bipolar disorder were more
ficult to distinguish racial and ethnic differences in many likely to report sexual abuse; those with both 12-month
studies because of the need to include sufficiently large and lifetime bipolar disorder were also more likely to report
multiethnic samples. In the NESARC, which had a large parental violence and criminal behavior (Nierenberg et al.,
sample size and thus enabled inclusion of several distinct 2010). In a recent analysis of NESARC data, Gilman et al.
ethnic subgroups, the lifetime prevalence of BPI was greater (2014) reported that childhood abuse, sexual maltreat-
among Native Americans and lower among Hispanics and ment, and economic adversity predicted both incident
Asians and Pacific Islanders compared to Whites (Grant and recurrent mania. In addition, there was evidence that
et  al., 2005). In an analysis of mothers in the National childhood abuse potentiated the effect of recent stressors
Survey of American Life, Boyd (2011) reported significant on mania onset.
associations between racial/ethnic group and both life- There are two issues regarding research on childhood
time and 12-month bipolar disorder. African American adversity that warrant note. First, many forms of child-
mothers had higher lifetime and 12-month rates of bipolar hood adversity appear to be nonspecific risk factors for

U pdate on E pidemiolog y, R isk Factors , and C orrelates of B ipolar S pectrum D isorder   •   2 7

adult mental disorder. Using NESARC data, Sugaya et al. Cui, et  al., 2013; C.  L. Vandeleur, Merikangas, Strippoli,
(2012) found that childhood physical abuse increased risk Castelao, & Preisig, 2014). Estimates of the familial aggre-
for bipolar disorder after adjusting for socioeconomic char- gation of bipolar disorder have also recently been derived
acteristics and other psychiatric comorbidities, but it also from population-based treatment registries. There was a
increased risk of drug abuse, nicotine dependence, post- 7-fold increased risk and a 6.5-fold increased risk of bipolar
traumatic stress disorder, ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder among first-degree relatives of probands with bipo-
disorder, panic, MDD, and suicide attempt. This lack of lar disorder in the Swedish (Lichtenstein et al., 2009) and
specificity suggests the involvement of more general mecha- Dutch (Aukes et  al., 2012)  registries, respectively. In a
nisms underlying any potential causal effects of adversity. recent meta-analysis of the familial loading of mood dis-
A second issue relevant to this area of research is that orders, Wilde et al. (2014) reported close to an eight-fold
assessment of childhood adversities often relies on retro- increase in odds of bipolar disorder among first-degree
spective recall, which introduces the potential for bias. relatives of one proband with the disorder. Likewise, a
To address this weakness, prospective studies, or studies meta-analysis of bipolar disorder in children found that the
using prospectively and independently collected exposure odds of BPI were almost 7-fold in first-degree relatives of
measurements, are needed. For example, Scott, Smith, and probands with pediatric bipolar disorder compared to con-
Ellis (2010) linked information from 16- to 27-year-old trol probands (Wozniak, Faraone, Martelon, McKillop, &
respondents in the New Zealand Mental Health Survey Biederman, 2012).
to the national electronic database of the New Zealand Recent twin studies using modern definitions of bipo-
Child, Youth and Family agency. Using this measure of lar disorder have reported concordance rates in monozy-
childhood maltreatment, they report associations with a gotic twins that are about 8 times those of dizygotic twins
number of 12-month and lifetime psychiatric disorders and have yielded high heritability estimates (Smoller &
including major depression, social phobia, drug and alco- Gardner-Schuster, 2007). For example, a study of twins
hol use disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorder; they from the Maudsley Twin Registry reported a heritability
did not find associations with bipolar disorder, panic dis- estimate of 85% when employing a narrow definition of
order, or generalized anxiety disorder. Population registry concordance and 89% when employing a broad definition
data provide another opportunity for studying the mental (McGuffin et  al., 2003). Such high heritability estimates
health effects of childhood exposures using prospectively indicate that a substantial proportion of phenotypic varia-
and independently ascertained exposure information. tion in bipolar disorder is attributable to genes.
Population registry from Denmark indicates that the loss
of a parent due to death, particularly before age 12 and
Molecular genetic studies
from unnatural causes, increases risk for bipolar disorder
in adulthood (Laursen, Munk-Olsen, Nordentoft, & Bo Despite high heritability estimates for bipolar disorder,
Mortensen, 2007). Additional, prospectively designed the search for specific causal variants has proven difficult.
studies are needed to help identify nongenetic risk factors Recently, the results of several large-scale case-control
for bipolar disorder in order to ultimately inform strategies studies of bipolar disorder in samples from the United
for intervention. Kingdom, United States, and Germany have emerged
(Baum et  al., 2008; Burton et  al., 2007; Sklar et  al.,
2008). Although few loci exceeded genome-wide signifi-
FA M I LY H I S TORY A N D cance levels in these individual studies, meta-analyses of
G E N E T IC R I S K FAC TOR S three initial studies yielded identified two genetic loci
that exceeded genome-wide significance: ANK3 on chro-
Family and twin studies
mosome 10 and CACNA1C on chromosome 12 (Ferreira
A family history of bipolar disorder is one of the strongest et al., 2008). None of these studies confirmed the results
and most consistent risk factors for the development of of earlier candidate gene and linkage studies of bipolar
bipolar disorder. Controlled family studies indicated that disorder, and the effect sizes of these genes were quite
first-degree relatives of probands with bipolar disorder have small (odds ratio < 1.4). These studies also increased
substantially increased risk of bipolar disorder compared to recognition of the need for larger samples because of
relatives of controls. Two recent family studies of the mood the small effects of the loci on bipolar disorder and the
disorder spectrum confirmed that the familial loading for need for built-in replication samples to reduce the false
BPI is much higher than that of BPII or MDD (Merikangas, positive rates that have plagued earlier candidate gene

2 8   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
and smaller studies of genes involved in bipolar disorder. mania, and major depression (Merikangas, Cui, et  al.,
Copy number variants that have been strongly implicated 2013; Vandeleur et al., 2014). Likewise, Goldstein, Buka,
for schizophrenia have also been reported in bipolar dis- Seidman, and Tsuang (2010) found substantial specific-
order (Malhotra & Sebat, 2012), but these findings have ity of familial transmission of affective psychosis and
not been replicated (Bergen et al., 2012). schizophrenia in the New England Family Study.
The largest genome-wide association study of bipo- Molecular genetic evidence for disorder overlap is
lar disorder was a multi-investigator collaborative study based on single nucleotide polymorphism–based heri-
titled the Psychiatric Genome Wide Association of tability. The Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric
Bipolar Disorder Consortium (Sklar et al., 2011), which Genetics Consortium recently reported high single
included 7,418 cases and 9,250 controls in Stage 1 and nucleotide polymorphism coheritability between bipolar
11,974 cases and 51,792 controls in Stage 2.  Analyses disorder and schizophrenia (0.68) and moderate coher-
of this study yielded only two genome-wide signifi- itability between bipolar disorder and major depressive
cant loci:  rs4765,913 near the CACNA1C locus iden- disorder (0.47; Lee et al., 2013). Although this suggests
tified in earlier studies with an odds ratio of 1.14, and that there may be common genes underlying these two
rs12,576,775 near a gene ODZ4 on chromosome 11 with conditions, caution is advised in interpreting these
an odds ratio of 0.88. There are several possible explana- results because of issues such as diagnostic misclassifi-
tions for the small number of findings. One explanation cation and heterogeneity, the low attributable risk of
that is currently receiving a great deal of attention is the common variants underlying bipolar disorder, and the
substantial heritability in the phenotypic presentation assumptions underlying the analyses used. The whole of
of bipolar disorder. This may be especially relevant to the evidence thus far suggests that a combination of spe-
genome-wide association studies, which usually rely on cific and nonspecific factors underlie the development of
a simple “case versus control” outcome definition, leav- mental disorders within families. Future efforts to distin-
ing the potential for substantial heterogeneity within guish between common and unique pathways to psychi-
the case group (Craddock & Sklar, 2013). One potential atric disorders will be critical to our understanding of the
solution to this problem is the use of endophenotypes to major psychiatric disorders.
define cases rather than disorder categories (Gottesman &
Gould, 2003).
In recent years there has been a substantial growth in
Evidence from both family and molecular genetic stud- research on both the descriptive and analytic epidemiol-
ies indicate some degree of genetic overlap between ogy of bipolar disorder, as well as its genetic underpinnings.
bipolar disorder and other purportedly distinct disor- An increase in population-based studies in international
ders such as MDD and schizophrenia. For example, off- settings, as well as large, cross-national collaborations,
spring of probands with bipolar disorder have increased have provided insight into the magnitude of occurrence
rates of major depression, although these are not usu- of bipolar disorder and its substantial impact. The average
ally as high as the increases in rates of bipolar disorder cross-national lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder is esti-
(Vandeleur et  al., 2012; Wilde et  al., 2014). Similarly, mated at 2% to 3% in adults and 2% in youth. The burden
a recent meta-analysis found increased rates of depres- of bipolar disorder is especially pronounced among young
sion, anxiety, disruptive disorders, substance use, and people, consistent with recent evidence that first onset
ADHD among offspring of parents with bipolar disorder begins during adolescence and early adulthood. Despite its
(Rasic, Hajek, Alda, & Uher, 2014). Other evidence has substantial impact, only about 50% of adults and 20% of
come from families assembled using population registry adolescents receive specialty mental health care treatment.
data. For example, using data from the Swedish treat- There is growing recognition that bipolar disorder has
ment registry, Lichtenstein et  al. (2009) reported a sig- a spectrum of expression, and prevalence estimates for
nificant genetic correlation between the two disorders of this spectrum are often appreciably greater than for BPI.
0.60. However, two recent family studies failed to find Delineating the diagnostic boundaries of bipolar disorder
evidence of cross-transmission between bipolar disorder remains an important area for future research. This is espe-
and major depression and also demonstrated specificity cially evident when one considers the substantial magni-
of the core components of bipolar disorder, psychosis, tude of comorbidity of bipolar disorder with other mental

U pdate on E pidemiolog y, R isk Factors , and C orrelates of B ipolar S pectrum D isorder   •   2 9

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