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Name: __Jonhela Joyce M.

Reforsado______________ Date: __01/26/2023_____

Position Applied: __QA Auditor____________________


1. Give an honest evaluation of yourself, discussing both your strengths and weaknesses.

In my on-the-job training, I was introduced to many people from inside and

outside the facility, and I've noticed that I'm shy around new people, making it difficult for
me to connect. But, seeing that my shyness was costing me valuable opportunities, I
tried starting conversations by asking about their job and experience. As a result, I've
developed good working relationships and learned new skills from others.

I am receptive. I am always open to fresh ideas and constructive criticism when

working, whether for school or for a job, as it will enable me to deliver better
performance. When conducting our thesis, I made sure to pay attention to the feedback
from my classmates and professors to determine which areas needed improvement.

2. Describe a situation where you had a big responsibility and describe how the situation
developed you.
I was assigned as the leader of our thesis group, and my responsibilities included
overseeing the thesis progression, establishing timelines and expectations, and
assigning duties to the members. As a result, these duties enable me to take more
initiative in group and solo activities, to be more organized in time and task
management, and to be an engaged listener. Furthermore, the thesis was conducted
during the lockdown and pandemic which resulted in limited finance and resources
(laboratory and laboratory equipment), and so we have to be resourceful.

3. If hired, what can you contribute to the company?

 In the 1st 100 days
 In six months
 In the long-term

I can offer enthusiasm to the job and a fresh perspective in my first 100 days with
the company, which may create new opportunities to work as a QA Auditor. I can also be
flexible with my hours and step in as needed by the company.
I anticipated settling into the job and company in six months, I can completely
apply the lessons I've learned in class and the things I've done on the job. I can also
interact fully with other employees, which promotes effective teamwork and a healthy
work atmosphere.
Long term, I can offer my commitment to my coworkers and the company, and I'll
make sure to contribute to the best of my ability to make it easier for others to do their
jobs and for the company to grow.

4. What do you think the management can do to help improve your possible tasks?
 In the 1st 100 days
 In six months
 In the long-term
In the first 100 days, I believed the management would aid in my task
improvement by assisting with my adjustment to my coworkers and the company.
The management can assist me in improving my performance in six months by
providing assignments to which I may apply my knowledge and expertise and further my
In the long term, the management can help improve my tasks by providing new
opportunities and challenges that will allow me to approach my work from a fresh

5. What are the things or situations that can hamper your performance?

The thing and/or situations that can hamper my performance is unstable mental
and physical health. A healthy physique and mind are essential to good performance
and will allow me to perform my tasks effectively and efficiently. If working with a group,
a lack of teamwork and communication can hamper my performance as a member.
Good communication and teamwork enable group members to be more engaged in their
work, which leads to improved performance.

6. How will you describe the position of ______________________?

What are the specific tasks?

Based on my understanding and experience as QA Intern at Jolliant RNN

Corporation, Quality Assurance Auditor is responsible for enforcing food safety and
company regulations throughout food production. QA Auditor also checks the quality,
properties, labeling, and packaging of raw materials, WIP (work-in-process) items, and
finished goods to ensure that they meet the standard of the client and the company.
Furthermore, sanitation at the facility and conditions of the areas and tool are monitored
and checked by the QA Auditor to avoid contamination. QA Auditor also identifies non-
conformance to ensure food safety and a safe environment among employees.
The specific task includes:
 Personnel Hygiene Verification
 Water Quality Verification
 Facility Temperature Verification
 Internal Tools Calibration
 Weighing Scale Calibration
 Thawing Verification
 Vegetable Washing Verification
 Product-In-Line Validation
 Metal Detector Calibration
 FG Code Verification
 Random Weigh Sampling
 Seal Integrity Verification
 FG Temperature Verification
 Glass Monitoring
 Plastic Brittle Monitoring
 Chlorine Monitoring
 Footbath Monitoring
 Checking of Sanitation From
 Encoding COA

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