Sani Makalah

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Name : Sandi Syahrudin

Class : 12 Akuntansi keuangan

NISN : 0028610641

Areas of expertise : Bisnis dan Manajemen

Expertise Program : Akuntansi dan Keuangan

Skill competency : Akuntansi dan keuangan Lembaga


Jl.Raya Leuwinanggung RT.01/03 No.111 Kel.Leuwinanggung Tapos Depok

YEAR 2023

The writer extends special thanks to Allah S.W.T for the blessing and grace
for the writer, so she can finish this portofolio on time. The Portfolio program is
submitted for the requirements of fulfilling the graduation requirements at the Depok
Madya Vocational School for the 2022/2023 Academic Year as proof that students
have carried out the Portfolio assignment.

And on this occasion to those who have helped complete the attachments
needed to realize this Portfolio, the author would like to thank you profusely. For the
realization and implementation of this portfolio assignment, the authors thanks to :

1. Mr. Umar Ashari S.pd as the english teacher for who always help her students
and give a lot succesful knowlegde.

2. Our parents who have given good encouragement and support.

3. My friends who I really love, who have provided support and assistance to the

Of course the author realizes that there are still many shortcomings and errors
both in terms of languagem, writing or picture equipment in the preparation of this
portofolio. Therefore constructive criticism and suggestions from readers are very
useful for writers. It is hoped that the compilers of the portofolio reports prepared will
meet the expectations of the readers.

Student’s name : Sandi Syahrudin

NIS/NISN : 202110255/0068610641

Gender : Laki-Laki

Place and date of birth : Rantau Panjang, 13 Juni 2003

Religion : Islam

Blood Group : AB

Address : Jln.Raya Leuwinanggung

Rt.001/Rw.07No.43 Kec. Tapos Kota

English is the language most often used because English has become an
international language. Of course, for prospective entrepreneurs and job
seekers it is a must to be able to master English in order to be able to keep up
with the times in this globalization era. And when people from different
nationalities meet, English is the only liaison language used by them.

But using English requires grammar. Grammar is the grammar that regulates
the useof words, phrases and clauses. By mastering grammar we are able to
judge that the use of English is unstructured. The grammar of this language
does contain memorization and formulas regarding the use of verbs,
additional words, time differences, and so on.

Actually there is nothing to be afraid of when learning grammar, because

we don't need to memorize all the formulas for its use. However, it is
enough to memorize afew and start trying to understand the principles of
their use. And don't forget to practice a lot.

A. Conclusion
Portfolio is a translation from the English word Fortophilis, which means
a collection of files or archives stored in special bindings or files. Portfolio
goals are set based on what needs to be done and who will use the portfolio
type. Portfolio objectives, appreciate the development experienced by
students, document the ongoing learning process, pay attention to the best
student work performance.
The principle of the portfolio namely, Mutual Trust, Confidentiality, Joint
ownership,Satisfaction and Relevance.
The portfolio serves to determine the development of students'
knowledge. Especially in English lessons. Portfolios provide follow-up
materials from work that students have done so that teachers and students
have the opportunity to develop theirabilities. Portfolios can also function as a
tool for viewing, development, student responsibility in learning, expanding
the dimensions of learning, renewal of the teaching-learning process.
Meanwhile, according to Fosters and Masters (1998) distinguishes the
assessment of portfolio forms into 3 groups namely, Working Portofolio,
Documentary Portofolio and Show Portofolio.
B. Criticism and suggestions

English is a language that must be applied to the nation's

generations, therefore there are several things that the author wants to
convey regarding theprocess of learning English, including :
1. Teachers should deepen material about Grammar in English so that
the next generation of the nation can understand, read, hear and
speak English easily.
2. The students are expected to be able to apply learning information
efficientlythrough a deep study of Grammar in English.
3. The author also expects criticism and suggestions in writing papers at a later

My hope as the compiler of all the explanations inside has been neatly
arranged. The authors have tried to compile using language that is easy to
understand and understand for those who read it. Thus I convey this portfolio
and finish it, I hopeit will be useful for readers, especially students of Depok
Madya Vocational School.

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