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Request for Budgetary Quotation

December 29, 2022

RFBQ Ref: 107071-RP-P0005-40443-001

Project: Block Cave Project Feasibility Study, Red Chris Mine

Package: 107071-RP-P0005-40443-001 Conveyors

This is a request to provide budgetary information for a feasibility study for the Block Cave Project, Red Chris
Mine. The project includes an open pit mine operation, process plant and associated infrastructure to recover
gold and copper, with capacity to process 10.5 mega-tonnes of ore per year. The project has a design mine life
of 32 years.

Newcrest Red Chris Mining Limited. has engaged Ausenco to prepare an NI 43-101 compliant feasibility study
for the project, including a feasibility level design of the process facilities and site infrastructure. The budgetary
information will be used to confirm plant layouts, process designs, to estimate capital and operating costs, and
to prepare an execution plan for the project.

The budgetary quotation is requested to be submitted by January 19, 2023.

Ausenco is requesting budgetary +/- 15% cost quotations for equipment and materials and invite your
company to submit budget pricing and technical information for the items detailed in the attached scope of

This RFBQ forms part of the budgetary pricing process for Underground Infrastructure related services and or
works and no obligations arise from this RFBQ as between any prospective Respondents and Newcrest or any
of Newcrest’s Related Bodies Corporate, officers, employees, or advisers.

Newcrest has appointed Ausenco Engineering Canada Inc. (“Ausenco”) to manage this budgetary pricing
RFBQ process on behalf of Newcrest.

Scope of Work

1) It is the intention of the Scope of Work document 107071-EM-P0005-23230-001 that where an item is
listed for supply, the Supplier provides this item complete with all the normal equipment required for this
item to function as designed. It is expected that the Owner is not required to purchase further
equipment, within the battery limits, for the item to function.
Request for Budgetary Quotation
Newcrest Red Chris Mining Limited. – Block Cave Feasibility Study
107071-RP-P0005-40443-001 Conveyors

2) All ancillary equipment required to operate this equipment such as hydraulic units, lube pumps, filters,
etc, to be included in the by budgetary quote but priced separately in the Schedule of Pricing, including
a detailed list of the ancillary equipment quoted.


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Request for Budgetary Quotation
Newcrest Red Chris Mining Limited. – Block Cave Feasibility Study
107071-RP-P0005-40443-001 Conveyors

Reference Documents

The following attached reference documents shall be the basis for this request:

Table 1 – RFBQ Attachments

Document Reference Description Rev
Section 1 - Scope of Work and Technical Specifications
107071-EM-P0005-23230-001 Scope of Work B
107071-EM-P0005-28000-001 Equipment Data Sheet – Conveyors – Excel Fillable Format B
107071-EM-P0005-28000-001 Equipment Data Sheet – Conveyors – PDF Format B
Section 2 - Engineering Specifications
107071-EE-00000-27280-001 Electrical, Instrumentation & Controls Requirements for Mechanical B
Engineering Specifications
107071-EE-00000-27281-001 Medium Voltage Motor Engineering Specification B
107071-EE-00000-27281-002 Low Voltage motor Engineering Specification B
107071-EM-00000-27280-001 General Mechanical Requirements B
107071-ES-00000-27280-002 Surface Protection Engineering Specification B
Section 3 - General Requirements
107071-GX-00000-22221-001 Site Conditions and General Project Requirements Design Criteria B
107071-GX-00000-27280-001 Identification, Packing and Transport of Goods Engineering B
107071-GX-00000-27280-002 Vendor Data Submission Engineering Specifications B
107071-GX-00000-27280-003 Quality Requirements – Provision of Materials, Equipment or Contract B
Services Engineering Specification
Section 4 - Submission Schedules
107071-RP-P0005-40448-001 Schedule of Pricing – Excel Fillable A
107071-RP-P0005-40448-001 Schedule of Pricing – PDF Copy A
107071-EM-P0005-24240-001 First Fills & Spare Parts List – Excel Fillable A
107071-RP-P0005-40449-001 Commercial Clarifications – Excel Fillable A
107071-RP-P0005-40450-001 Technical Clarifications – Excel Fillable A
Section 5 – Terms and Conditions
400-0000-CN-TEM-0023 Goods and Services Supply Major A
107071-RP-P0005-42469-001 Standard Terms and Conditions Deviation Sheet – Excel Fillable A

Basis of Request


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Request for Budgetary Quotation
Newcrest Red Chris Mining Limited. – Block Cave Feasibility Study
107071-RP-P0005-40443-001 Conveyors

1) All pricing and information requested to be provided:

a. As pricing in native currency (if not CAD).
i. If the goods are offered in a currency other than Canadian Dollars (CAD) then provide
the prices in the native currency of the goods and indicate the currency used.
b. Based on the Standard General Terms and Conditions for the supply of goods and services.
Refer to Section 5, Terms and Conditions, of this RFBQ.
i. A copy of the Standard Terms and Conditions Deviation sheet to be completed and
provided, if required.
ii. Provide standard warranty terms and conditions if not otherwise included.
c. Submitted with the attached Schedule of Pricing (SOP).
i. Alternatively, Respondent may provide the pricing and information on their own pricing
document/format if it includes all requested information in the requested pricing
breakdown of the SOP.
d. Exclusive of taxes and duties.
i. Any taxes and duties shall be identified separately in the SOP.
e. Respondent shall price the delivery of its equipment with the following terms in accordance with
i. Respondents within North America, but outside of Mexico are to be held responsible for
the transportation and delivery of equipment and materials they are supplying to the
project site location and/or the project laydown destination nominated on the Purchase
Order using delivery terms DAP Delivered at Place to Project Site. In the event the
purchase order terms of delivery are amended to FCA vendors works, the project would
coordinate collection and delivery to site with the nominated project freight forwarder.

ii. Equipment purchased within Mexico shall use delivery terms FCA Delivered to the project
site. In the event the purchase order terms of delivery are amended to FCA vendors works,
the project would coordinate collection and delivery to site with the nominated project
freight forwarder.

iii. Equipment purchased within Mexico shall use delivery terms FCA Delivered to the Project
Site. In the event the purchase order terms of delivery are amended to FCA vendors
works, the project would coordinate collection and delivery to site with the nominated
project freight forwarder.

iv. Respondents outside of North America will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis using
either; Freight forwarder taking delivery FCA sellers works inclusive of export packing and
documentation, or DDP delivered to project site.


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Request for Budgetary Quotation
Newcrest Red Chris Mining Limited. – Block Cave Feasibility Study
107071-RP-P0005-40443-001 Conveyors

f. Advising of any known or expected price increases within six months of the submission.
g. With an expected delivery timetable (lead time) in weeks for the longest lead time item in the
package of goods quoted.
i. Vendor Drawings for Approval from Receipt of Order
ii. Ready to Ship Date after Receipt of Approved Drawings
h. The Respondent shall allow for all required reviews of VDDR and other documents, and for all
quality surveillance by the Client or others in offering the fixed delivery dates.
i. The Respondent should state any trade union affiliations of their workforce together with the
expiry dates of their collective agreements.
j. With any pricing information not requested in the SOP that the supplier believes to be significant
in considering the capital and operating costs of the related equipment for feasibility study
purposes, including required installation materials or services, shall be identified and provided

2) Technical Requirements:
a. Duty and Performance: The equipment shall conform to the performance and duty requirements
as indicated in the Data Sheets and Technical Specifications provided and as listed in Table 1 –
RFBQ Attachments.
b. Other Requirements: Refer to Section 3, Equipment Requirements of the 107071-GX-00000-
22221-001 Site Conditions and General Project Requirements Design Criteria RFBQ

3) Spares: Provide recommendations and pricing for the following as per Section 4, 107071-EM-P0005-
a. Commissioning and Start-Up: Required in the normal course of commissioning and starting up
the equipment in preparation for operations.
b. Insurance and/or Capital Spares: Spare components or parts that would not be expected to be
used in the normal life of plant and equipment but if not available when needed would result in
significant losses. (i.e., Long lead time components). Provide a separate itemized list.
c. Maintenance Spares: Spare OEM specific parts that would be recommended preventative or
scheduled maintenance for one year of normal operation of the equipment.
d. Consumables/Wear Parts: Consumable wear items or liners that would be expected to be
replaced in the normal course of operating the equipment. Quote on complete set, and the
expected replacement rate.

4) Field Services Labour (if required or recommended by Supplier):

a. Construction and Commissioning Support:
i. Quote the labour cost per week on site for field services
ii. Standard number of working days per week and hours per day


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Request for Budgetary Quotation
Newcrest Red Chris Mining Limited. – Block Cave Feasibility Study
107071-RP-P0005-40443-001 Conveyors

iii. Standard rate per working day and hour

iv. Overtime rate per hour for work in excess of a normal working day and per hour for work
performed outside a normal working week or statutory holidays
v. Travel, accommodation and meal expenses
vi. Number of workdays and hours per day for these services
• All accommodations and transport while at the Site will be provided at no-charge by the Owner.
• Cost per week will be based on 7 working days per week while on the Site.

5) The Respondent may assume that the budgetary information and pricing for the equipment and
a. Would include the process of vendor information approval, and any documentation (commercial,
technical, shipping, and manuals) typically provided on similar projects.
b. Would include packaging and pre-shipping preparation consistent with export and international
shipping as typically provided for similar project.
i. Any special handling or storage requirements, not typically anticipated by qualified
contractors, shall be noted and identified.

6) The following must be provided with the RFBQ submission:

Table 2 – RFBQ Submission Information

Item Document / Submission
1 Completed Schedule of Pricing 107071-RP-P0005-40448-001 (or equivalent)
2 Manufacturer’s Data Sheets (Preliminary)
3 Installed electric motor power and full load current draw
4 General Arrangement Drawings c/w loading information for foundations/supports for
Supplier’s equipment.
5 Completed Standard General Terms and Conditions Deviation Sheet – If applicable
6 Any additional information to clarify or qualify the budgetary information submitted that is
not otherwise included in the requested submission.

7) Suppliers are encouraged to submit suggestions or advise that would reduce the overall procured costs
of the equipment for the Owner that could be considered or included in any formal RFQ/RFP for the

8) Any information provided by the Supplier shall be considered confidential and will only be used by
Ausenco for establishing capital and operating costs for use in the Red Chris Feasibility Study.


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Request for Budgetary Quotation
Newcrest Red Chris Mining Limited. – Block Cave Feasibility Study
107071-RP-P0005-40443-001 Conveyors

9) This shall not be considered a formal request for a quotation and the information received will not be
used as the basis for the award of an order for supply of equipment, materials or services. A formal
Request for Quotation/Tender will be issued to qualified suppliers when Ausenco receives authorization
by the Owner to proceed with the procurement services for an approved project.

Questions or Additional Information

Please contact the following if any further information or clarifications are required.
RFBQ / Commercial Technical

Lauren Kryczka Kevin Batalha

Senior, Procurement and Contracts Manager, Mechanical
Tel 604-638-4807 Email:

Copy on all technical questions

Submit Budgetary Quotations by January 19, 2023. via email to the following:
If submissions documents are large and restricted by email services, contact the undersigned and alternative
arrangements will be made to receive your information either physically or by other electronic data transfer

Confidentiality and Intellectual Property

The Respondent must:
a) keep confidential any confidential information provided by Newcrest in connection with the RFBQ, and
any information which the Respondent knows or ought to reasonably know is confidential or should be
treated as such; and
b) not use, copy or reproduce the RFBQ and contents other than for the purpose of preparing and submitting
a Response.
The Response becomes the property of Newcrest upon lodgement and thereafter remains the property of

Notwithstanding any copyright or other intellectual property rights that may subsist in the Response Documents,
the Respondent grants Newcrest a licence to reproduce the whole or any portion of the Response for the
purposes of evaluating the capabilities of the Respondent and its solution to the detail asked for in the RFBQ.


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Request for Budgetary Quotation
Newcrest Red Chris Mining Limited. – Block Cave Feasibility Study
107071-RP-P0005-40443-001 Conveyors

This RFBQ is subject to the terms set out in this RFBQ document and attachments, including (without
limitation) this disclaimer.

No legal relationship
This RFBQ is not an offer. Except to the extent expressly set out in this RFBQ, no obligations arise from this
RFBQ as between any prospective Respondents/Suppliers and Newcrest or any of Newcrest’s Related Bodies
Corporate, officers, employees or advisers.
No binding contract whatsoever will be taken to have been entered into in respect of the services.
Respondents release Newcrest and its Related Bodies Corporate, officers, agents, contractors and employees
from any claim, action, demand, suit, proceeding, cost, loss, expense or damage which they have, or but for
this provision may have had, arising out of or in connection with this RFBQ, any information contained in this
RFBQ, preparing a response to this RFBQ or the procurement process outlined in this RFBQ.

Obligations of Newcrest
Except as expressly stated in any contract, Newcrest has no obligations or liabilities to any prospective
Respondent in respect of the RFBQ, the RFBQ process or the evaluation or selection processes and, to the
extent permitted by law, any obligations and liabilities which may otherwise be implied or imposed on Newcrest
under contract, in tort (including negligence), in equity, at law, by statute or otherwise are excluded.

Tahltan Involvement

Newcrest will favour quotations with greater Tahltan involvement than those with less, (all other elements of such
quotations being equal.)

Respondents acknowledge that Newcrest has entered into an Impact, Benefit and Co-Management Agreement
(“IBCA”) with the Talhtan Central Government, the Iskut First Nation and the Tahltan Band, with the objective of
(among other things) providing the Tahltan people with meaningful social and financial benefits, including in
respect of education, training, business opportunities and employment (including retention and advancement) at
the Red Chris Mine.

The Respondent shall include in its Response a summary of the following:

a) A draft of its proposed Tahltan Engagement Plan ("the Plan"), including, but not limited to, the plan for
providing training, education and employment opportunities to members of the Tahltan Nation.
b) Where applicable, any plans for contracting with Tahltan-owned or Tahltan-run businesses in connection
with performing the work.
c) A summary of its previous experience in providing training, education or other employment opportunities
to members of the Tahltan Nation or other indigenous groups.


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Request for Budgetary Quotation
Newcrest Red Chris Mining Limited. – Block Cave Feasibility Study
107071-RP-P0005-40443-001 Conveyors

Intent to Submit and Contact Information

Please confirm your organization’s intention to provide budgetary information per this request, or decline to
submit, within 48 hours of receiving this RFBQ via completed Form of Acknowledgment emailed to

Also confirm that the contact person and information is correct, or if it should be changed for future
correspondence regarding this request.

Thank you in advance for your Budgetary Quotation submission and interest in the Newcrest Red Chris Mining
Inc. Block Cave Feasibility Study.

Lauren Kryczka
Ausenco Engineering Canada Inc.
Senior, Procurement and Contracts


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