Challenges, Solutions, and Advances in Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia

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BJA Education, 16 (11): 374–380 (2016)

doi: 10.1093/bjaed/mkw026
Advance Access Publication Date: 19 May 2016
Matrix reference
2G03, 3A09

Challenges, solutions, and advances in

ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia
M Henderson MB ChB, FRCA1 and J Dolan BSc (Hons), MSc (Distn), PhD, MB ChB,
Specialist Trainee, Department of Anaesthesia, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Walton Building, 84 Castle Street,
Glasgow G4 0SF, UK, and 2Consultant Anaesthetist, Department of Anaesthesia, Glasgow Royal Infirmary,
Walton Building, 84 Castle Street, Glasgow G4 0SF, UK
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

number of significant challenges to acquiring the optimal US

Key points images necessary to achieve successful nerve blocks. Such chal-
lenges include the acquisition and interpretation of optimal US
• Challenges to successful ultrasound-guided region-
images of the target structure and needle while avoiding tissue
al anaesthesia include the acquisition of acceptable
and needle artifacts. Other difficulties may include physiological,
ultrasound images of the nerve while avoiding
pathological, and anatomical factors attributable to the patient
and which may affect image quality and interpretation. This art-
• The most common ultrasound artifacts are acoustic icle will describe some of these problems, discuss strategies to
or anatomic. avoid them, and highlight current and future advances which
may assist the practice of USGRA.
• Physiological and pathological factors attributable to
the patient affect image quality and interpretation.
• Needle artifacts may cause confusion and error
Challenges presented by the ultrasound
during ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. machine
• The combination of ultrasound guidance and The spatial resolution of any imaging system is defined as its abil-
peripheral nerve stimulation, ‘dual guidance’, may ity to distinguish two points as separate entities in space. Spatial
offer reassurance when the nerve or needle image resolution is commonly subcategorized into axial and lateral reso-
is suboptimal. lution.2 Axial resolution is defined as the US machine’s ability to
differentiate two objects located at different depths in the direction
parallel to the direction of the US beam. If the distance between
two objects is greater than half the length of the US pulse then
Ultrasonography offers significant advantages in the practice the two objects will be distinguished. Axial resolution can be
of regional anaesthesia, including faster sensory onset and improved by increasing the US pulse frequency and reducing the
improved success rates compared with landmark-based techni- pulse length. High-frequency transducers having shorter pulse
ques.1 Adequate visualization of neural and surrounding struc- lengths will therefore provide optimal axial resolution but is lim-
tures together with monitoring the spread of local anaesthetic ited to superficial structures. When viewing deeper structures,
(LA) are absolute prerequisites for the safe and successful the operator should chose a transducer with the highest frequency
practice of ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia (USGRA). which permits adequate tissue penetration of the US beam.
The creation of an ultrasound (US) image is based on the physical Lateral resolution refers to the ability of the US machine to dif-
properties of the US beam formation, propagation of sound in ferentiate two objects which are adjacent to each other, e.g. the
matter, interaction of sound with reflective interfaces, echo de- tibial and common peroneal nerves in the popliteal fossa. The
tection, and machine processing. However, there are often a width of the US beam and depth of imaging both influence lateral

© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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Challenges, solutions, and advances in USGRA

resolution.2 All US beams typically diverge at greater depth, while Challenges presented by the ultrasound image
wider beams diverge further in the far field. Therefore, lateral
Artifacts are presentations on the display which are added or
resolution is best at shallow depths and worse with deeper im-
omitted, or are of improper location, brightness, shape, and
aging. Lateral resolution is improved by positioning the focal
size compared with the true anatomical features. Some artifacts
zone, the narrowest part of the US beam, at the level of the target
are useful in interpretation, while others may cause confusion
and error. A good understanding of artifacts, why they arise
Temporal resolution refers to the US machine frame rate
and how to deal with them when they occur, is important in
which is the speed at which an imaging device produces
the practice of USGRA. Failure to recognize imaging artifacts
consecutive images and is important in real-time imaging during
may lead to complications, including incorrect needle placement
USGRA.3 The rate at which consecutive image frames are gener-
or deposition of LA in the wrong location or hazardous areas. Ar-
ated and viewed affects the visualization of moving structures. A
tifacts are commonly observed during ultrasound-guided nerve
low frame rate may obscure motion during a procedure including
blocks and may be related either to the tissues, the block needle,
probe movement, needle insertion, and the placement of LA dur-
or both (Table 1). The most common artifacts observed during
ing USGRA. Temporal resolution is influenced by the speed of
USGRA are either acoustic or anatomic.
sound in tissue and may be improved by decreasing the imaging
depth to just below the target and minimizing tissue movement
by the slow injection of LA. Acoustic artifacts
Acoustic artifacts are usually the result of incorrect assumptions
during processing by the instrumentation. These assumptions
Table 1 Errors associated with ultrasound artifacts include sound travels in straight lines; the intensity of returning
echoes is directly related to scatter from the imaged object and
Artifact Error distance of structures on the image is directly proportional to
the time taken for the sound wave to return to the transducer.
Acoustic Presentation of ultrasound information
Some acoustic artifacts are also secondary to operator error, in-
Anatomic or pitfall Interpretation
Optical illusion Perception cluding improper transducer placement or scanning technique.
Other Electrical noise A common operator error is a suboptimal angle of insonation re-
sulting in a significant portion of the returning US beam being
transmitted away from the transducer producing a degraded
image (Fig. 1). As the incident angle of the US beam to the
nerve approaches 90°, the target image becomes optimal. This
artifact can be reduced by sweeping the transducer through an
arc to determine the position of the transducer which provides
the best available image of the target nerve. Classification of com-
mon acoustic artifacts together with their origins and imaging
errors are listed in Table 2.
Acoustic errors may also be subdivided into missing or falsely
perceived structures and are often due to errors in gain setting.
Gain refers to the degree of amplification applied to all US signals
returning to the transducer. Too high a gain will make the image
too bright and obscure structures, while too little gain will darken
the image and may make a structure appear absent. This artifact
is avoided by adjusting the gain setting to permit an optimal view
Fig 1 Angle of insonation. When the ultrasound beam is perpendicular to the
of the target nerve and surrounding tissues. Attenuation is the
reflector, the ultrasound beam is returned to the transducer. When the angle of progressive loss of acoustic energy and signal strength as the
insonation is reduced, the ultrasound beam is reflected away from the US wave passes through tissue. Attenuation can be reduced by in-
transducer and the view of the target is suboptimal. creasing the overall gain control and image brightness. Time gain

Table 2 Ultrasound artifacts and their origins

Acoustic artifact Origin Artifact


Attenuation Reduced amplitude of echoes by intervening structures with high attenuation Shadowing
Increased relative amplitude of echoes caused by an intervening structure of low attenuation Enhancement
Resolution Pulse frequency Axial resolution
Beam divergence Lateral resolution
Interference patterns from echoes generated by closely spaced reflectors Speckle
Propagation path Sound pulse reverberates back and forth between two strong parallel reflectors Reverberation
Change in direction of a sound pulse when it crosses a boundary and when a change of speed Refraction
of sound occurs
Reflection of the sound pulse from a highly reflective surface Mirror image
Side beams from the transducer cause objects to be viewed in a lateral location Side lobe
Miscellaneous Two closely spaced reflective surfaces and generated echoes with a conical shape Comet tail

BJA Education | Volume 16, Number 11, 2016 375

Challenges, solutions, and advances in USGRA

Fig 4 Mirror artifact. BP, brachial plexus; FR, first rib; PL, pleura; MI, mirror image;
SA, subclavian artery.

Fig 2 Reverberation artifact and acoustic shadowing. AS, acoustic shadowing; PL,
peritoneal layer; PRS, posterior layer of rectus sheath; RA, reverberation artifact;
SI, small intestine.

Fig 5 Tendons and nerves. MN, median nerve; T, tendon.

Fig 3 Acoustic enhancement. AA, axillary artery; AE, acoustic enhancement; shows multiple linear and hyperechoic areas distal to the reflect-
AV, axillary vein; MCN, musculocutaneous nerve; MN, median nerve; UN, ulnar
ing surface (Fig. 2). The comet tail sign refers to the mergence of
multiple reverberation artifacts in a tapered band adjacent to the
object.4 Increasing the pressure of the probe on the skin may
eliminate the reverberation artifact. The ‘double-barrelled sub-
compensation (TGC) is a setting applied in ultrasonography to ac- clavian artery’ is also an example of a reverberation artifact
count for tissue attenuation of the US beam. TGC independently (Fig. 4). This results from the US beam bouncing within the
increases the gain of reflected signals with increasing time from lumen of the subclavian artery and creating a mirror image of
the transmitted pulse and is equivalent to increasing the gain of a the subclavian artery deep to the first rib. It is important to recog-
reflected US signal with increasing tissue depth. nize that the image of the subclavian artery under the first rib is
Acoustic shadowing may also cause structures to appear less an artifact and attempted needle insertion towards this point
echogenic and occurs when a target lies below a structure which may lead to a pneumothorax.
strongly absorbs or reflects US waves. Air and bone are common
causes of acoustic shadowing during USGRA and may be avoided
Anatomic or pitfall error
by changing the transducer position (Fig. 2).
Acoustic enhancement occurs when an area behind a weakly Anatomic artifacts are tissue structures which resemble the
attenuating structure produces stronger echoes than the sur- target nerve. These errors are also referred to as ‘pitfall errors’.
rounding structures. This artifact commonly occurs behind Tendons and nerves may be difficult to distinguish by ultrason-
blood vessels and may lead to confusion with neural structures ography (Fig. 5). This is a particular problem in the wrist, but
lying posterior to arteries and veins. This is particularly import- tracking structures proximally often assist in differentiating the
ant when scanning the axilla where the radial nerve lies behind two structures since tendons will integrate within their respect-
the axillary artery and may be confused with acoustic enhance- ive muscles. Blood vessels are not normally mistaken for nerves.
ment artifact (Fig. 3). In such instances, the use of a nerve stimu- Arteries are anechoic and pulsatile, while veins are compressible.
lator may be helpful to confirm the presence or absence of the Nerves are usually hyperechoic (echo bright) or hypoechoic (echo
radial nerve. dark) and non-compressible. However, the roots of the brachial
Image degradation is often the result of reverberation which plexus may sometimes appear similar to a small diameter ves-
results from US waves reflecting off two strong reflectors, for ex- sels. Colour Doppler is useful in identifying vascular structures
ample, the pleura, peritoneum, or a fascial plane. The image but may be misleading if the transducer is placed perpendicular

376 BJA Education | Volume 16, Number 11, 2016

Challenges, solutions, and advances in USGRA

adipose tissue (cm).6 Adipose tissue is also associated with

phased aberration of the US beam due to the uneven speed of
sound within the irregularly shaped layers of adipose tissue.7
Whenever an US beam crosses a tissue boundary, a portion of
the sound energy is reflected back to the transducer creating
more echoes and further artifacts including speckling and clutter
which are particular problems in the obese patient. Speckling
artifact refers to interference patterns from echoes generated
by closely spaced reflectors and which are too small to resolve.8
The resulting US image appears to have a granular structure
which obscures the underlying anatomy. Clutter artifact appears
as a diffuse haze in hypoechoic areas overlying areas of interest
and degrading image quality.9 Sources of acoustic clutter include
sound reverberation in tissue layers, US beam distortion, and
random acoustic noise. Consequently, the acquired US image in
obese patients is often suboptimal.
US imaging in obese patients may be improved by using a
Fig 6 Tissue oedema. AE, acoustic enhancement; FA, femoral artery; FI, fascia
lower frequency transducer, while the US machine should be
iliaca; FN, femoral nerve; LN, lymph node; O, oedema. set to ‘penetrate’ to enable greater depth penetration of the US
beam at the lower frequency. Signal attenuation is reduced and
more of the primary beam penetrates the subcutaneous adipose
to the blood vessels and detection of blood flow is suboptimal. tissue. The needle should be aligned as parallel as possible to the
Flow detection is best when the transducer is aligned in the dir- probe by carefully choosing the entry site and by tilting the far
ection of blood flow. end of the probe down (‘heel in’ manoeuvre). Harmonic imaging
Inflamed lymph nodes may also be mistaken for nerves, but is a technique in ultrasonography which provides images of bet-
the former are often well circumscribed, non-compressible ter quality by exploiting non-linear propagation of US through
anechoic structures with small, hypoechoic internal features body tissues.10 Distortion of the US beam leads to the generation
(Fig. 6). Additionally, a nerve stimulator will differentiate of harmonics, multiples of the transmitted US frequency. These
between a lymph node and motor nerve. harmonic waves which are generated within the tissue increase
with increasing depth. Near field clutter is reduced and reso-
lution increased, thus improving image quality. Spatial com-
Optical illusion pound imaging which combines overlapping image frames
Illusions may be categorized as illusions of sensation, perception, from different US beam angles to form a single real-time image
and image formation.5 They represent alterations in the appear- may also assist in reducing artifacts.8 Other processing filters
ance of reality due to the process of image formation and may including speckle reduction may also improve image quality.
result in misinterpretation.
Random noise Tissue oedema offers a number of challenges during ultrasound-
Noise degrades the quality of an US image and often appears guided nerve blocks. Diffuse oedema may amplify sound absorp-
as low-amplitude echoes in echolucent areas. The origins of tion and decrease the echo contrast that normally exists between
random noise are extensive and often include excessive gain nerves and the surrounding tissues (Fig. 6). Oedema may also
and other changes in machine settings. A common source of compress or displace neural structures changing its anatomic
noise in the operating theatre is electrocautery. Ultrasound position or shape.
machines are often fitted with filters to limit the amount of Tissue oedema is a particular problem in the ankle and may
electrical interference. obscure the anatomy and make identification of neural struc-
tures and the observation of LA spread particularly difficult. In
extreme cases, it is often necessary to choose a more proximal
Challenges presented by the patient area where tissue oedema is less prevalent to permit effective
and safe execution of the ultrasound-guided nerve block.
Obesity is a rapidly growing pandemic disease and regional an-
aesthesia offers many potential advantages to the obese patient.
Airway manipulation and cardiopulmonary depression are Air forms an impenetrable barrier to sound and casts a shadow-
avoided, while postoperative pain control is improved. However, ing artifact (Fig. 2). Image quality is degraded and underlying
peripheral and centroneuroaxis nerve block may be technically structures obscured. Air may be present secondary to a patho-
difficult in the obese patient. While US guidance has revolutio- logical process including subcutaneous emphysema but may
nized the practice of regional anaesthesia, it has several limita- also be due to air injection during the ultrasound-guided proced-
tions, particularly in the obese patient. Neural structures are ure. The presence of microbubbles in an injectate may degrade an
more deeply situated in obese patients and the US beam is highly image by reflecting the US beam, thus obscuring the target and
attenuated as it travels a greater distance through the tissue surrounding structures (Fig. 7; Online video 1). Care should be
layers. Sound attenuation in adipose tissue is defined as the taken to remove air bubbles before undertaking the procedure
product of the attenuation coefficient (decibels per centimetre and to minimize the number of syringe changes. Additionally,
at 1 MHz), the transducer frequency (MHz), and thickness of the pre-warmed LA may assist in reducing microbubble formation.

BJA Education | Volume 16, Number 11, 2016 377

Challenges, solutions, and advances in USGRA

Fig 8 Fusion of the median and musculocutaneous nerves. The median and
musculocutaneous nerves are fused proximally in the axilla and separate
Fig 7 Degradation of the ultrasound image by injected air. Air within reflects the
distally in the arm. AA, axillary artery; MCN, musculocutaneous nerve; MN,
ultrasound beam and degrades the view of the median nerve and needle tip. FDP,
median nerve; UN, ulnar nerve.
flexor digitorum profundus; FDS, flexor digitorum superficialis; MN, median
nerve. The small unlabelled arrows indicate the block needle.

Video 2 If reading the pdf online, click on the image to view the video.
Video 1 If reading the pdf online, click on the image to view the video.

lost if the brachial artery has already divided. Other anatomic

Muscle atrophy variants include the persistent median artery and veins which
accompany the median nerve in the forearm in ∼19% and 6% of
Muscle atrophy due to chronic myositis and muscle degeneration
patients, respectively.13 These vessels normally evolute and are
in the elderly is commonly observed during USGRA. The atro-
not often noted in the adult population. When present, the nee-
phied muscles reflect the US beam and are shown as hyperechoic
dle should approach the nerve on its non-vascular aspect to avoid
structures. Failure of the US beam to adequately penetrate atro-
inadvertent vessel puncture. Another common anatomical
phied muscle obscures deeper structures. In such circumstances,
anomaly is the superficial ulnar artery (SUA) and may be ob-
it is often unsafe to proceed and an alternative location for the
served in up to 10% of individuals.14 While the ulnar artery usu-
ultrasound-guided nerve block should be chosen.
ally accompanies the ulnar nerve (UN) in the distal forearm, the
SUA lies superficial to the flexor muscles throughout its course
Anatomical abnormalities and is an unreliable landmark for identification of the UN
The observation of anatomical anomalies is not uncommon dur- which may be difficult to distinguish from surrounding tendons.
ing USGRA and is important to recognize. The musculocutaneous In this instance, the use of a peripheral nerve stimulator is
nerve is absent in 1.4–6% of the population in whom branches advantageous before the deposition of LA.
originate either from a common trunk arising from the median
nerve or directly from the median nerve itself (Fig. 8; Online
video 2).11 However, the majority of anatomical abnormalities
Challenges presented by the block needle
in the upper limb are related to vascular anomalies which may Real-time assessment of needle position is vital during USGRA.
impact on the practice of USGRA as blood vessels are often However, observation of the regional block needle and needle
used as landmarks for peripheral nerve blocks. Anatomical vari- tip can also pose challenges during the practice of USGRA.
ation of the brachial artery may be observed in up to 25% of the Needles are strong reflectors of the US beam and are subject to
population and includes high proximal division into the terminal reverberation artifacts evident as multiple linear densities be-
branches.12 The brachial artery is often used as a landmark hind the needle and which occur due to US waves bouncing
for the median nerve block at the elbow, but this advantage is back and forth within the lumen of the needle (Fig. 9). It is

378 BJA Education | Volume 16, Number 11, 2016

Challenges, solutions, and advances in USGRA

Fig 9 Needle artifacts: bayonet and reverberation. FDP, flexor digitorum

profundus; FDS, flexor digitorum superficialis; MN, median nerve; RA, radial

important to note that the true needle image is the one nearest
the transducer. Such artifacts most commonly occur when the
needle is completely perpendicular to the US beam and can
therefore be reduced by decreasing the angle of the US beam to Fig 10 An echogenic needle. The arrow indicates cornerstone technology. Image
<90°. In addition, a reduction in far gain will darken the distal reproduced with permission from Pajunk GmbH Medizintechnologie.
A mirror artifact is a type of reverberation artifact and is pro-
duced when an object is located in front of a strong US reflector, beam while keeping the needle tip at 0 or 180° to the US beam.
e.g. needles and bone. A second representation of the needle is Priming the needle with air or fluid does not improve needle
observed in an incorrect location behind the strong reflector echogenicity.
and may cause confusion. It is important to note that the true
needle image is the one nearest the transducer.
Combined neurostimulation and ultrasound guidance
Another common needle artifact is the bayonet artifact in
which the needle appears broken or bent (Fig. 9). This artifact oc- The parallel contribution of US guidance and peripheral nerve
curs because of differences in the speed of sound in different stimulation (PNS) or ‘dual guidance’ may offer versatility and re-
tissues which are adjacent to the needle. The speed of sound is assurance when localizing nerves. Although ultrasonography
reduced in adipose tissue compared with muscle and takes long- has the advantages of real-time imaging of nerves and monitor-
er to return to the transducer. Therefore, a needle placed in ing the spread of LA, it also encourages multiple injections and
adipose tissue will appear to be deeper than that part of the needle realignments during ultrasound-guided nerve block.
needle which is in muscle. However, PNS also has some disadvantages including a reliance
The side lobe artifact is often seen during USGRA and may on eliciting a motor response which may be affected by numer-
cause confusion in image interpretation.15 Several low-intensity ous factors, including disease processes. Failed nerve block in
beams, side lobes, are often located peripheral to the main axis of the presence of an adequate motor response is not uncommon
an US beam. Although they are of a much lower intensity than and may be due to the presence of fascial planes inhibiting the
the main beam, these peripheral beams are sufficiently high to spread of LA and delivery of asymmetric current from the needle
create significant artifacts when they interact with highly reflect- tip. PNS combined with ultrasonography is useful for identifying
ive acoustic surfaces, including a metallic needle path. In con- neural structures when there is doubt about the sonoanatomy
trast, other US artifacts, the side lobe artifact is visible anterior and as a warning system when there is uncertainty about the
to the true needle path. The artifact is divergent and diffuse position of the needle tip. Dual guidance may also be useful as
while the needle tip projected beyond the true needle pathway. an aid when learning USGRA. However, it is sometimes difficult
The side lobe artifact is a particular problem with but not unique to distinguish between intra- and extra-fascicular injection by
to linear transducers and can be observed with both static current resolution. Triple monitoring (US, PNS, and measure-
and real-time equipment. The artifact is minimized by careful ment of injection pressure) has been proposed as the standard
repositioning of the US transducer. to minimize nerve injury.16

Improving needle visibility New technology and future directions

Maintaining optimal needle visibility during the ultrasound-guided US technology continues to advance. Recent advances have in-
nerve block remains a significant challenge even to experienced cluded additions to both needle and machine technology. Ad-
practitioners. Needle-beam alignment may be improved by the vances in needle technology to improve the reflective signal
use of a mechanical guide attached to the transducer, but needle have included dimpling, roughing, scoring, and the application
realignment may be restricted and the freehand technique is of a polymeric coating to the needle with the aim of increasing
often preferred. Needle visibility may be improved by using needle the return of the US signal to the transducer (Fig. 10).17 These nee-
with a larger diameter but at the expense of increased tissue dles may improve needle tip visibility when the insonation angle
damage and patient discomfort. Needle tip and shaft visibility is is steep but are of limited value in superficial ultrasound-guided
improved by keeping the needle shaft at more than 55° to the US blocks. Needles with piezoelectric polymer sensors at the tip

BJA Education | Volume 16, Number 11, 2016 379

Challenges, solutions, and advances in USGRA

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