Perineural Adjuncts For Peripheral Nerve Block

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BJA Education, 19(9): 276e282 (2019)

doi: 10.1016/j.bjae.2019.05.001
Advance Access Publication Date: 6 July 2019

Matrix codes: 1A02,

2G01, 3A09

Perineural adjuncts for peripheral nerve block

N. Desai1,*, E. Albrecht2 and K. El-Boghdadly1
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK and 2Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne,
*Corresponding author:

Key points
Learning objectives
By reading this article you should be able to:  An ideal adjunct for perineural injection would
increase the duration of analgesia without pro-
 Describe the limitations of conventional local
longing motor block.
anaesthetic agents in peripheral nerve blocks.
 Perineural clonidine, dexmedetomidine, and
 Discuss the characteristics of an ideal adjunct to
dexamethasone can increase the duration of
local anaesthetic agents for perineural use.
analgesia by a mean period of approximately 2,
 Recall the effectiveness, adverse effects and
4.5 and 4e8 h, respectively.
safety of individual drugs used as perineural ad-
 Perineural clonidine and dexmedetomidine have
juncts to local anaesthetic agents for peripheral
been associated with adverse effects such as
nerve blocks.
bradycardia, hypotension and sedation.
 Superiority of the perineural over the systemic
Moderate to severe postoperative pain remains a wide- route of adjunct administration is not yet
spread but still unresolved problem. Poor control of pain is confirmed.
associated with decreased satisfaction for patients and an  None of the drugs studied as potential adjuncts
increased incidence of postoperative morbidity and mortality. for peripheral nerve block have been approved for
The use of local anaesthetic (LA) agents for peripheral nerve perineural administration.

block (PNB) has long been linked to better pain relief compared
Neel Desai MBChB BSc FHEA FRCA MRCP MRCS PG Cert Med Ed with opioid-based analgesia alone. Nevertheless, the effective-
Dip Reg Anaesth is a consultant anaesthetist at Guy’s and St ness of LAs is limited by their duration of action, which can be
Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. He has interests in obstetric, insufficient for adequate postoperative pain control. Patients
regional, and vascular anaesthesia. who have had a single-shot PNB can sometimes complain of
Eric Albrecht MD PD-MER DESA is the program director for regional slightly greater postoperative discomfort between 16 and 24 h
anaesthesia at Lausanne University Hospital. He is chairman of the compared with those who have had only systemic analgesics.
Regional Anaesthesia Scientific Subcommittee of the European So- Rebound pain may occur after single-shot PNBs, resulting in
ciety of Anaesthesiology (ESA) and a council representative of Eu- unanticipated overnight sleep disturbances, difficulties in
ropean Society of Regional Anaesthesia (ESRA). His field of research compliance with enhanced recovery and physiotherapy proto-
includes acute postoperative pain, regional anaesthesia, and sleep col, and increased consumption of opioids. The use of opioids is
apnoea syndrome. associated with adverse effects such as constipation, nausea
and vomiting, pruritus and secondary hyperalgesia. Hence,
Kariem El-Boghdadly BSc FRCA EDRA MSc is a consultant anaes- strategies have been sought to extend the benefits of single-shot
thetist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. He is editor PNBs beyond the maximum of 8e16 h.
of Anaesthesia Reports and on the editorial board of Anaesthesia. His A continuous PNB involves the percutaneous insertion of a
research interests include airway management and regional catheter adjacent to a peripheral nerve, plexus, or fascial plane,

Accepted: 14 May 2019

© 2019 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:

Perineural adjuncts

followed by the administration of LA through the catheter. stimulation of glucocorticoid receptors located on the cell
Benefits include prolonging the duration of a single-shot PNB;, membranes of neurones, increasing the expression of inhib-
and reducing pain, supplemental analgesic requirements, itory Kþ channels and thereby decreasing the excitability of
opioid-related adverse effects and sleep disturbances.1 However, and neuronal transmission in nociceptive unmyelinated C fi-
problems include inaccurate catheter tip placement and sec- bres. It may be that its actions are mediated via localised
ondary block failure;, catheter-related mechanical nerve irrita- vasoconstriction or systemic anti-inflammatory effects after
tion, catheter knotting, migration, obstruction or shearing;, fluid absorption through the vasculature. Dexamethasone must be
leakage or inflammation at the insertion site of the catheter;, administered as a preparation without preservatives such as
bacterial catheter colonisation;, infusion pump malfunction;, benzyl alcohol and propylene, both of which can cause neu-
myonecrosis with repeated large boluses of bupivacaine;, and rolytic effects.2 Unlike bupivacaine and lidocaine, exposure of
LA systemic toxicity. Given that the introduction of continuous ropivacaine to the alkalinity of dexamethasone can result in
PNBs in clinical practice necessitates appropriate resource and crystallisation, demonstrating their in vitro incompatibility.
service provision to support increased costs, training, and follow Several meta-analyses have assessed the efficacy of peri-
up, its use has been limited. The use of ‘perineural adjuncts’ is an neural dexamethasone, mainly in the context of brachial
attractive and technically simple alternative strategy to contin- plexus block but also dental, peribulbar, sciatic nerve, and
uous PNBs in order to extend the benefits of single-shot PNBs. transversus abdominis plane blocks. In a systematic review of
The term perineural adjuncts refers to the coadministration of 29 RCTs, perineural dexamethasone was demonstrated to be
pharmacological agent(s) with LA(s) around a peripheral nerve, associated with an increase in the mean duration of analgesia
plexus or fascial plane with the aim of affecting the character- by approximately 4 h when injected with short- or medium-
istics of the resulting block. Over time, the number of potential acting LAs (lidocaine, mepivacaine, or prilocaine) and by 8 h
perineural adjuncts has increased to a wide variety of drugs. when injected with long-acting LAs (bupivacaine, levobupi-
For all adjuncts, the benefits associated with their peri- vacaine, or ropivacaine).3 Furthermore, perineural dexa-
neural administration should be weighed against the capacity methasone was related to an increase in the mean duration of
for harm. Potential sources of harm include medication errors motor blockade by approximately 2.5 h when injected with
associated with the need to combine drugs, the possibility of short- or medium-acting LAs and by 4 h when injected with
extended duration of motor block, the risk of adverse effects, long-acting LAs. Shortening in the times to onset of sensory
and the potential for neurotoxicity. Prolonged motor block and motor block were not clinically significant. Perineural
could delay ambulation, impede physiotherapy, and increase dexamethasone was shown to decrease pain scores at rest
the risk of falls, interfering with postoperative recovery. Of and on movement, and reduce cumulative morphine con-
note, falls in the postoperative period are multifactorial in sumption at 24 h. In the setting of brachial plexus block, in-
nature and the relative contributions of decreased motor creases in the dose of perineural dexamethasone prolongs the
strength, joint proprioception, and sensory ability to the risk duration of analgesia in a dose-dependent manner until the
of falls has still not been determined. ceiling dose of 4 mg is reached.4
In this article, we consider how the data for individual Dexamethasone has been associated with an increase in
drugs used as perineural adjuncts to LAs in PNBs compares postoperative blood glucose concentration in diabetic and
with the characteristics of an ideal adjunct for perineural use non-diabetic patients.5 Concerns about the potential to cause
(Table 1). delayed wound healing and systemic or wound infection have
not been confirmed in a recent meta-analysis. In one RCT, the
increase in mean serum glucose concentrations with peri-
Steroids neural dexamethasone administration was clinically insig-
Dexamethasone nificant. Dexamethasone has been linked to a neurotoxic
effect in some but not all in vitro studies.6 However these
Dexamethasone is a potent long-acting glucocorticoid with
findings are subject to the challenges and limitations inherent
minimal mineralocorticoid activity. Its mechanism of action
in the translation of such results from bench to bedside.
after perineural administration could be secondary to

Table 1 Characteristics of an ideal perineural adjunct.

Available as a preservative-free solution

Chemically compatible with LAs and other perineural adjuncts
Proved mechanism of action
Superiority of perineural administration over all other routes of administration
Effective for all nerve blocks and in combination with all short, intermediate, and long acting LAs
Decrease in effective dose of LA
Evidence of dose-response relationship with characteristics of resulting block
Decrease in times to onset of motor and sensory block
Improvement in quality of sensory block
Increase in duration of sensory block to at least 24 h
Absence of prolongation of motor block
Increase in duration of analgesia
Absence of systemic adverse effects including respiratory depression, bradycardia, hypotension, hallucinations, sedation, nausea
and vomiting, and pruritus
Absence of chondrotoxic, myotoxic, and neurotoxic effects
Attenuation of chondrotoxic, myotoxic, and neurotoxic effects associated with LAs
Decrease risk of LA systemic toxicity

BJA Education - Volume 19, Number 9, 2019 277

Perineural adjuncts

Histopathological or neurobehavioural changes in in vivo Dexmedetomidine

studies and neurological complications in clinical series or
In a meta-analysis of 34 RCTs, the efficacy of perineural dex-
trials have not been reported.7,8 Nevertheless, lack of evidence
medetomidine was reviewed in the setting of brachial plexus
of harm is not evidence of absence of harm. In order to
block.11 Perineural dexmedetomidine was demonstrated to be
conclusively determine the safety of a perineural adjunct,
associated with an increase in the mean duration of analgesia
given the low incidence of nerve injury after PNB techniques, a
by approximately 4.5 h, sensory block by 4 h, and motor block
total sample size of approximately 16,000 patients would be
by 3 h. Furthermore, perineural dexmedetomidine was related
required to show a doubling of the baseline complication rate
to a decrease in the mean time to onset of sensory block by 9
of 0.4%.
min and motor block by 8 min. Perineural dexmedetomidine
increased the odds of adverse effects such as bradycardia,
hypotension, and sedation. No evidence of a dose-response
a2-adrenoreceptor agonists relationship was found for either beneficial or harmful ef-
a2-adrenoceptor agonists are characterised by non-selective fects. Fewer studies have investigated the administration of
imidazoline derivatives such as clonidine and dexmedetomi- perineural dexmedetomidine in relation to lower limb blocks,
dine. Clonidine and dexmedetomidine have an a2:a1 activity but these have reported similar findings.12 It has been sug-
ratio of 220:1 and 1620:1, respectively, and hence dexmede- gested that dexmedetomidine, unlike clonidine, can extend
tomidine is eight times more specific for a2-adrenoceptors sensory block without prolonging motor block, producing a
than clonidine.9 Given that a2-adrenoceptors are not located differential sensory motor effect, possibly as a result of a
on the axons of peripheral nerves, the mechanism of action of greater inhibitory effect on Ad and C nerve fibres relative to
a2-adrenoceptor agonists after perineural administration is motor neurones.13 In an in vivo study examining sciatic nerve
likely to be independent of such receptors. In the refractory blocks in rats, high dose dexmedetomidine added to bupiva-
phase of an action potential, hyperpolarisation-activated caine did not result in histopathological changes and actually
cation currents normally restore the resting potential of the appeared to be neuroprotective with reduced perineural
neurone, allowing the return of functional activity. Clonidine inflammation.14 This neuroprotective effect could be sec-
and dexmedetomidine block the hyperpolarisation-activated, ondary to, at least in part, the inhibition of activated nuclear
cyclic nucleotide-gated channels responsible for these cur- factor NF-kB, which is responsible for the transcription of pro-
rents, maintaining the neurone in a hyperpolarised state. inflammatory cytokines, and the modulation of mast cell
When hyperpolarised, it is unable to generate further action degranulation. Consistent with this, the use of perineural
potentials, thereby inhibiting conduction in Ad and C nerve dexmedetomidine in clinical trials has not been associated
fibres and producing analgesia. Clonidine could also work, at with neurological complications to date. The optimal dose of
least in part, through localised vasoconstriction mediated via perineural dexmedetomidine, at which the duration of sen-
its less selective activity at a1-adrenoceptors. sory block is maximised and the haemodynamic adverse ef-
fects are minimised, has been shown to be 50e60 mg.11
Meta-analyses have suggested perineural dexmedetomi-
Clonidine dine to be superior to clonidine in terms of indices of block
characteristics, but inferior to dexamethasone (Table 2).15,16
In a meta-analysis of 20 RCTs, the efficacy of perineural
Compared with clonidine, perineural administration of dex-
clonidine at a dose range of 30e300 mg and most frequently a
medetomidine was associated with an increase in the mean
dose of 150 mg, was evaluated in the context of mainly brachial
duration of analgesia by approximately 3.5 h, sensory block by
plexus block but also ankle, cervical plexus, femoral, iliohy-
3 h, and motor block by 2.75 h.15 Shortening in the times to
pogastric, ilioinguinal, and sciatic nerve blocks.10 Perineural
onset of sensory and motor block were not clinically signifi-
clonidine was associated with an increase in the mean dura-
cant. Such results may be explained by the more pronounced
tion of analgesia by approximately 2 h, sensory block by 1.25 h
inhibitory effect dexmedetomidine has on neuronal action
and motor block by 2.5 h, irrespective of whether
potentials compared with clonidine. However, perineural
intermediate-acting (lidocaine, mepivacaine, or prilocaine) or
dexmedetomidine increased the likelihood of adverse effects
long-acting (bupivacaine or ropivacaine) LAs were injected.
such as bradycardia and sedation. Conversely, a systematic
Clonidine also increased the likelihood of adverse effects such
review of perineural dexamethasone compared with dexme-
as bradycardia, arterial hypotension, fainting or orthostatic
detomidine found an increase in the mean duration of anal-
hypotension, and sedation. Undesirable adverse effects could
gesia by approximately 2.5 h without prolongation of either
preclude the use of perineural clonidine in higher-risk pa-
sensory or motor block and with a decreased risk of hypo-
tients and for procedures associated with changes in HR and
tension and sedation.16
BP; they may also increase the need for perioperative moni-
toring and might interfere with care pathways put in place to
facilitate safe discharge. No evidence of a dose-response
relationship was found for either beneficial or harmful ef-
Adrenaline (epinephrine)
fects. In an in vitro study, clonidine at estimated clinical con- Adrenaline is one of the oldest perineural adjuncts to LAs. It is
centrations and higher concentrations had no effect and an widely believed to hasten the onset, increase the duration of
increased effect in relation to the neurotoxicity of ropivacaine block characteristics, and delay the systemic uptake of LA,
in rats, respectively.6 In a follow up in vivo study, exposure of thereby reducing the risk of LA systemic toxicity. It can further
rats to sciatic nerve blocks containing bupivacaine and serve as a marker of intravascular injection. Its mechanism of
clonidine did not result in histopathological or neuro- action after perineural administration is thought to be, at least
behavioural changes.7 The optimal dose of perineural cloni- in part, related to vasoconstriction secondary to a1-adreno-
dine, at which beneficial effects are maximised and harmful ceptor stimulation. In a meta-analysis of five RCTs, perineural
effects are minimised, has not yet been determined. adrenaline was associated with an increase in the mean

278 BJA Education - Volume 19, Number 9, 2019

Perineural adjuncts

Table 2 Comparison of the effect of perineural adjuncts on indices of block characteristics and incidence of adverse effects. All data
have been extracted from meta-analyses. ND, no difference; OR, odds ratio; RR, risk ratio.

Outcome Dexamethasone Clonidine Dexmedetomidine Adrenaline Buprenorphine Magnesium

Duration of analgesia þ402 þ123 þ264 þ66 þ518 þ125

Onset of sensory block 1 2 9 ND ND
Duration of sensory block þ419 þ74 þ228 þ107
Onset of motor block (min) 1 ND 8 0.3 1
Duration of motor block þ241 þ141 þ192 þ13 þ90
Block failure ND ND ND ND
Pain scores at less than or Lower Lower Lower
equal to 24 h
Cumulative postoperative 19 10 Not studied Not studied
opioid consumption at
24 h (mg)
Adverse effects Increase in mean blood Bradycardia Bradycardia (OR Hypertension PONV (RR 5)
glucose concentration (OR 3.1) 7.4) Tachycardia Pruritus (RR 6)
by 3.8 mg dl1 Arterial Sedation (OR 11.8)
(OR 3.6)
(OR 2.3)
Sedation (OR

duration of analgesia by approximately 1 h.17 Adrenaline can neurotoxicity of ropivacaine in rats.6 In a follow-up in vivo
produce a substantial decrease in blood flow to the peripheral study, exposure of rats to sciatic nerve blocks containing
nerve, particularly when administered in combination with bupivacaine and buprenorphine did not result in histopatho-
LA, increasing the susceptibility to neurotoxicity. Guidelines logical or neurobehavioural changes.7
from the American Society of Regional Anesthesia (ASRA)
recommend modifications of the anaesthetic technique to
include eliminating or reducing the concentration of adrena-
line in patients with acquired peripheral neuropathy. Adverse
effects of perineural administration are tachycardia and hy- Magnesium is an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor
pertension, but these are rare in our experience. antagonist that has been found to increase the excitation
threshold in peripheral nerves, more so in myelinated Ab than
unmyelinated C fibres. Its mechanism of action after peri-
neural administration could be secondary to the effects of its
Buprenorphine positive divalent charge on the neuronal membrane or its role
Buprenorphine is a partial MOP (m) opioid receptor agonist and as a physiological calcium antagonist. In a meta-analysis of
KOP (k) opioid receptor antagonist, which has analgesic and seven RCTs, the efficacy of perineural magnesium was eval-
antihyperalgesic properties. Its mechanism of action after uated in the setting of mainly brachial plexus block, but also
perineural administration is likely to be secondary to femoral and thoracic paravertebral blocks.19 Perineural mag-
concentration-dependent block of voltage-gated sodium nesium was associated with an increase in the mean duration
channels, inhibiting the generation of action potentials in a of analgesia by approximately 2 h, duration of sensory block
similar manner to LAs, and interaction with MOP opioid re- by 1.75 h and duration of motor block by 1.5 h. Perineural
ceptors on the axons of unmyelinated C fibres. In a meta- magnesium did not increase the risk of PONV. Studies
analysis of 13 RCTs, the efficacy of perineural buprenorphine examining the safety of magnesium have shown inconsistent
was assessed in the context of mainly brachial plexus block, results, with some revealing the potential for neurotoxicity.
but also femoral and sciatic nerve blocks.18 Perineural
buprenorphine was associated with an increase in the mean
duration of analgesia by approximately 8.5 h and a slightly
Comparison of the perineural and systemic
longer duration of motor block of 13 min. Its main adverse
effects were postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and
routes of adjunct administration
pruritus. However, none of the patients in the studies It is still uncertain whether the placement of drugs in a peri-
included in the meta-analysis received prophylaxis against neural and hence more targeted manner improves their effi-
these. Other opioid-related adverse effects were poorly re- cacy or safety as adjuncts compared with systemic
ported. In an in vitro study, buprenorphine at estimated clin- administration. If the perineural and systemic administration
ical concentrations had no effect in relation to the of drugs were to be equivalent in extending analgesia, then

BJA Education - Volume 19, Number 9, 2019 279

Perineural adjuncts

systemic use would obviate any potential risk of nerve injury

associated with perineural injection. Table 3 Summary of evidence for other adjuncts used for
For dexamethasone, i.v. administration at a dose of 0.1e0.2 perineural administration.
mg kg1 has been related to decreased postoperative pain and
opioid consumption.20 Perineural compared with i.v. admin- Adjunct Evidence
istration of dexamethasone in one meta-analysis was asso-
Fentanyl Conflicting findings for effectiveness overall
ciated with an overall increase in the mean duration of but possible efficacy when administered with
analgesia by 3 h, but on subgroup analysis this was statisti- bupivacaine
cally significant only with bupivacaine and not with ropiva- Adverse effects reported include
caine.21 No difference in the incidence of PONV was found hypercapnia, bradycardia, and sedation
between perineural and i.v. dexamethasone. However, peri- Morphine Conflicting findings for effectiveness
No clear demonstration of superiority over
neural dexamethasone in another meta-analysis did not
systemic administration
provide an incremental benefit over the i.v. route.22 Surpris- Tramadol Conflicting findings for effectiveness
ingly, in a recent study of healthy volunteers, addition of No clear demonstration of superiority over
perineural or i.v. dexamethasone to ulnar nerve block with systemic administration
ropivacaine did not show any significant benefits over sa- Ketamine Lack of demonstrated effectiveness
line.23 These results may not be representative of clinical Significant adverse effect profile including
drowsiness, hallucinations, and nausea
practice in the absence of an operative insult. If the mecha-
Evidence of in vitro and in vivo neurotoxicity
nism of action of perineural dexamethasone is solely depen- Midazolam Limited demonstration of effectiveness
dent on subsequent systemic distribution, then the lack of an Evidence of in vitro and in vivo neurotoxicity
operative stimulus might have prevented the anti- No increase in neurological symptoms after
inflammatory effects of perineural and i.v. dexamethasone. intrathecal injection in humans
In the case of a2-adrenoceptor agonists, the results of studies Neostigmine Lack of demonstrated effectiveness
Significant adverse effect profile including
comparing the perineural with the i.m. or i.v. route of
nausea and vomiting
administration are inconsistent with regard to the relative Evidence of in vitro and in vivo neurotoxicity
duration of analgesia.13 In a systematic review, perineural
administration of buprenorphine resulted in an increase in
the mean duration of analgesia by 7 h compared with i.m.
administration, but there were no differences in postoperative
pain or PONV.18 of pain for more than 24 h after ankle and shoulder surgery,

Other perineural adjuncts

Off-label use of perineural adjuncts in PNB
Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that can be administered in
The concept of licensing of drugs in humans was introduced
conjunction with LA to decrease the time to onset of
to safeguard their effectiveness, quality, and safety in
ophthalmic blocks and provide improved akinesia and anal-
response to certain examples of drug toxicity, such as pho-
gesia. It degrades hyaluronic acid, a glycosaminoglycan that
comelia in the developing fetus after the ingestion of thalid-
attaches to proteoglycans in the orbital connective tissue and
omide by pregnant women. Once drugs have been licensed by
otherwise hinders the spread of LA. Sodium bicarbonate can
regulatory authorities such as the European Medicines
reduce the time to onset of neuronal block by alkalinisation
Agency, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Medi-
of the solution, increasing its pH closer to the pKa of the LA
cines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the
and thus favouring the non-ionised form of the LA that is
approved indications, dosing, routes of administration, and
able to penetrate the peripheral nerve to reach its site of
patient populations are specified. However, it is common and
legal for drugs to be prescribed in a manner different to that
In view of either conflicting or limited evidence and
recommended in the label or product licence, that is, off-la-
worries about their potential for adverse effects or neurotox-
bel.24 Despite its routine use, i.v. dexamethasone for the pro-
icity, consideration of the administration of other drugs as
phylaxis of PONV, for instance, is an unlicensed indication. It
perineural adjuncts in PNBs is not encouraged (Table 3).
has been advised by the General Medical Council (GMC) in the
UK that the prescribing of an unlicensed drug may be indi-
cated in the presence of adequate evidence or experience of
Our experience of perineural adjuncts using the drug, and where no suitably licensed drug would
In all patients who are about to undergo soft tissue or super- otherwise meet the patient’s need. Further guidance on this is
ficial operative procedures that are not associated with a available from the MHRA.25 Similarly, the FDA in the USA has
functional limitation, we do not administer i.v. or perineural recommended that the use of an off-label drug must be based
adjuncts in combination with PNB. If the operative procedure on reasonable scientific rationale and sound clinical judge-
is likely to be associated with increased postoperative pain, for ment.24 Moreover, the GMC has advised that informed con-
example after surgery involving the bone, or would be ex- sent should be obtained from the patient for the prescription
pected to result in a functional limitation, for instance sub- of an off-label drug.
sequent to hallux valgus correction, we consider perineural None of the aforementioned drugs studied as potential
administration of preservative-free dexamethasone at a dose adjuncts in PNB have been approved for perineural adminis-
of 4 mg, or i.v. dexamethasone at a dose of 0.15 mg kg1 or 8 tration by any of the regulatory agencies. Therefore, their
mg. In our experience, after perineural or i.v. dexamethasone perineural use remains off-label. Nevertheless, it is unlikely
in conjunction with PNB, 90% and 75% of patients remain free that a label for perineural administration would ever be

280 BJA Education - Volume 19, Number 9, 2019

Perineural adjuncts

sought by pharmaceutical companies because of the associ- 5. Polderman JAW, Farhang-Razi V, van Dieren S et al.
ated costs, effort and time required. Moreover, generic drugs Adverse side-effects of dexamethasone in surgical pa-
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