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Dear Lyons Township High School District 204 Board of Education,

The purpose of this letter is to share the common position of the greater Willow Springs, Burr
Ridge and Pleasantdale community. This letter is a result of the collaborative efforts between
the authors of this letter as signed below.

There has been much discussion and debate regarding the sale of the Lyons Township High
School District 204 (“LT”) owned property that is bound by 79th Street, Willow Springs Road and
German Church Road / 83rd Street. Due to the proximity of the property to Pleasantdale
Elementary School, many homes, White Buffalo Park, and 7 additional acres under
consideration for future development by Pleasant Dale Park District that are surrounded by the
LT property, we are sure you can understand how this has become an important issue for many
of the various stakeholders in our community.

Our community understands and appreciates the desire of LT to improve its learning
environments and make meaningful updates to aging buildings. However, we also want to
ensure that our community's health, well-being, quality of life, and property values are not
negatively impacted by the sale and subsequent development of this property. We believe these
goals are not mutually exclusive, and a win-win solution can be achieved for all affected parties.

We further believe that through collaborative efforts, a sale of the property can be brokered that
brings about development to the Willow Springs property as it is currently zoned, does not
negatively impact the community at large and will still bring about a substantial financial benefit
to LT. We believe that any sale to a developer who develops the property outside of the bounds
of the current residential, retail, and senior living zoning will have a negative impact on the
immediate environment surrounding the land as well as a negative impact on the quality of life,
home values and tax base throughout the area.

We respectfully request that the LT Board of Education 1) redraft the bid terms and conditions to
target developers who will develop the property in its current state of zoning, i.e.allow only for
residential, senior living, and light retail, and mixed-use development as the property is currently
zoned, and 2) have the property re-appraised to reflect its current zoning usage rather than
having a minimum bidding amount that is too high that it will essentially allow for only industrial
developers to be able to afford to submit a bid. This would allow LT to equitize its asset while
still preserving the health, safety and quality of life of the members of our community. This
would further show that the LT Board of Education adheres to many of the values that it
espouses to its students and constituents.

We, the undersigned governing bodies, do not oppose the sale of the land. We do oppose the
sale of the land if it is subsequently developed outside of its current zoning into a more impactful
industrial/warehouse/logistics center use.

As governing boards, we realize what good governance looks like. Adjusting plans and
ensuring the prosperity of all stakeholders is good governance and shows great leadership. We

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understand that a past LT Board of Education sought a significant amount of community input
when it last discussed selling this property over a decade ago and we are asking for the
equivalent or even greater level of community involvement and consideration in the sale of this
important public asset.

We are united in support of asking for adherence to the current zoning of the property and
respectfully ask that LT consider rebidding this project to the benefit of ALL stakeholders. We
respectfully await your prompt response.

With all due respect,

Village of Indian Head Park Mayor and Board of Trustees

Pleasantdale School District 107 Board of Education
Village of Willow Springs Mayor and Board of Trustees
Village of Burr Ridge Mayor and Board of Trustees
Pleasant Dale Park District Board of Commissioners


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