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MISSIONARY RESPONSE “The church is a growing community.” Iti growing in terms of population, its needs and issues, and its diversity, Due to rising socio-economic issues and challenges, communities need to keep up with the changes. We cannot remain indifferent to the saddening state of our environment while keeping our faith (see Laudato Si" paragraph nos. 63, 64, 216, 220-21), The action of the Vatican Il reminds us that living the faith also means that our faith must be relevant te the community we live in as we demonstrate 3 prayerful attitude centered on inclusivity, resiliency (SDG 12) and active response (UN 'SDG 13) towards the whole of creation. How can our faith become relevant it we fail to act on certain community needs? Regardless of religion, each one is expected to do his/her share in building their community. The role of the Spirit is to bulld communities. In this regard, each one has a moral responsibilty to contribute to the building of the ‘community in fellowship and communal support. Diversity in culture and language, in histories and heritage, in mindset and look, and in religious affiliations and confessions are given in our present situation. That is why the Second Vatican Council endeavored to implement “Unity in diversity” and departed from the old principle of “Unity In uniformity” prior to Vatican II. This shift led to several changes in the life of the church and articulation of its teachings. 1 Asa member of an evolving and highly diverse community, how can you concretely aid or contribute to the community's development? Briefly describe ‘your action and briefly explain the significance of it. 2. In view of the challenge posed by diversity, what concrete actions can you propose or da in terms of the following diverse contexts: (kindly write your answers in the third column under Proposed action as solution) PROPOSED ACTION AS SOLUTION 1). Diversity in language and culture ( Confusion and competition instead of collaboration ) As a part of and evolving and highly diverse community, The action | can take in solving this potential problem is to be more knowledgeable in both the language and Culture, not to fully know, but rather a common knowledge so I can al least know the Perspective of bath sides as we both adjust lo each other and nol make a conflict with each other. The action itselt is hard but having inner conflict with an ally is much more harder to fix and it is better for me to act than rather be confused later on what should and can be done for both parties 2). Diversity in religious beliefs ( Tension between religious communities and misunderstanding } As a Christian, the best action | can do is to live out my religion in my way of living and respects others religious beliefs as we did not choose our original religious beliefs when we were babies. The thing is, we are all different, we all have different understandings of each other, we have different perspectives, we all have different religious beliefs and that makes us all unique. We are all unique and different but at the same time, we are similar to each other and no matter it may look offensive to our own respective religion, we give everyone kindness and at some point respect unless they do us harm forcefully and intentionally. Again, the best thing | can do is, to respect other peoples diversity in religious beliefs and be more mature to understand thal everyone is different and lo cause more conflict and destruction is one thing we all avoid and fear of.

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