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How to connect real android device on Windows

-- Java installed on System
link to download the java

-- JAVA_HOME is set in environment variable

command to check : java -version

- An android mobile device

- Connecting cable
- 200 MB to 1 GB of free space

Android SDK

Step 1: Download SDK tools
Goto Command line tools only
Step 2: Unzip folder and Extract platform tools

Needs to install the platform tools

For that you need to start the sdkmanager instruction

command to install platform

to run the following command
sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-33"
go to bin folder
sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-33"
if you get error of root so please rename the cmdline-tools to then make a folder
of latest and put all folder and file into the latest folder and then run the
following command from the command line
sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-33"
Step 3: Set environment variables
ANDROID_HOME = location of android-sdk
Path : append the path of platform-tools folder
Step 4: Check command adb devices on command line
adb devices
Step 5: Make device ready
- enable developer mode
- make USB debuggin on
click on Build number - 7 times, you will becomd a developer / or your phone will
be on developer mode
After that your will get "Developer Option"
Click on "Developer Option" and enable to "USB debugging"

Step 6: Connect device to computer system through USB cable
- if asked enable USB debugging

Step 7 : Run command adb devices
adb=android debug bridge

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