Assignment 2 Solution

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u e st ion - L

Fo given Yocad stretch, 'ree Ploco speed (Ve) So kmph

Jam den Sity sechon- A 15c veh/km

a Section-A

mam max

At Section-0

maxi mum densihy m a x

p is same or
all seg ments

( (.
6) From Gveen shield Mode l'.

at sechon

a- )

c:dV (1*3
cFundame ntal diagrams o sec hon - S Same sechon - A.
B u t , due to the LraPie Condi tion at Sec hon- B the maximum

possible Ploto that Can enter into Section- C is Amax

char acterishhc Speed ll be come 2ero
at max As the makimum pessible (O

low doesnt reaches to mak the , Gma

characte vis tic spee d will not be
equai to ero. mo

d)The charac teristic

Spee is 9iven by
b C- Ve(1 2
For mini mum
,S ill be maximum the maxi mum

possible density at Sechon-C will cores pond to

possib le Floo of


( (
=> = 31.10 eh 3o veh

lAe have to take les sey value P bæause the lo

at Sec ion -C is in free State ,

C 8o (1 2431.7

' u6-19 Knph

Ques tion 22
From Giveenbeyg garithmie model.
Speed a vehicle
( (v) V An (ma
where, Vp Free Flow Speed (kmp)
JrN Jam Densi yH (vehikm)
S present densi ty on Yoad ven /on)
NOo, ConSi eer the equa on V*Y :
F louo (veh h)
From O

VeVp Anm P

Dirfereniating both i des tithP'

chara cteri sie
d@ d
d Anma s peed C d@

C An (Jma
C An (es ve)
C V -Ve

The ma imum possi ble speed 1S ee Flow


From equaton
uestion 03
Sot Considering a rcad Stretth AB b Ko 0 to do km

at-os >

uariation blo A s
And density
aiven by
K= Ales Ko ,and

kj: 2A
Jam density
No, thi's densit profile
Araveltin toith specd equlet
chara teristfcs Spezd (C)
As per reen shield's model Ko

C u(1-2)

ohere, K Tam
K: 2foen)
- Free Heo specl
So, dens+ty profte in nef change wh ime and choraderistfe
s gin b o t Ct
A t any dislana i at time t, density lel be Same as at distone
ot, o t = o Xre
For Uehicles trauellinq toith K=0 t
Chamc. ine
O A tos Ro
and C4(1-2)=Uf
at tfme
= Kot t A+ Uyt

For Uchicles fravellinq toith K:2

andC (-2
o imet, positfen otttat uehfck
Ma=Kot Ct= A+ t -
distance e
S, tequred Tdaiue
Xrel -2

Xrl +U4t- t
Xr= en

uestion :4 Stcp line

So At Wme t:0,
densit, K=o , >0
K=K *20

k Jam density

h e n the líg turn areen, deneity uoaue

cteitBic Specd. And h e

Sats propejafinq toh speed ot ekaia
characteri shfe equetton line fs aiucn by

and CE Ckaract-. Spesd

Gireenckicld mete1)
= 41-2
cUf k-o

-J t , K=o

Hent ot any fme time +, density is afuen as

k(7,t) O :*Uyt

K < -t =Ut

And For -u4t<74 U
= A t ct -t Ut
- r()t

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