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1 Complete the texts with the correct passive or 3 Complete the second sentence so that it has
active form of the verbs in brackets. a similar meaning to the original.
i 1 Fires have killed millions of animals.
Tne Samarra Corge is a popular tour¡st Millions of animals
oestination on the Creek island of Crete. It can,t by fires.
.. (enter) during the winter
because it can be dangerous. Rocks sometimes
2 Our local mechanic puts winter tyres on our car
(fall) onto the path and every November.
there can be floods. We ........,..... .... on our car every
Wadi Rum in Jordan is a special area and November by our local mechanic.
.. .. (protect) by the 3 Volcanoes created this black sand.
government. You can't a.
This blacl< sand .
(drive) in the desert there, but you can book a
by volcanoes.
tourand (drive) by local
guides to see the fascinating sights. 4 They can't grow rice here.
2 Rice here.
Clobal temperatures 6 ..... 5 Huge waves are damaging boats in the
(rise) by about 0.8'C between 1880 and 2014. harbour.
Before 1880, global temperatures Boats in the harbour
.... (not record). by huge waves.

Polar bears can sometimes 8.

4 Complete the texts with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. Use a suitable active,
(see) in lceland but not often ln 2016, a polar
passive or causative form.
bear e' (shoot) by an
lcelandic police officer. lt was the fifth time 1 Robert Scott ¡s a lucky man. He was asleep at
a polar bear had arrived on the island in the home when his house 1

2 1st century. (hit) by a tornado. He was still asleep when he

(find) in the garden
by his wife. Robert is from the American state !--b
ln some parts of Australia, signs rv ss¡slinnl o"o:o n,
(put up) warning people 3f Jj?il:Ti,l:':i::" <
ü <
about crocodiles. On the signs, the words "Take 40 tlmes a year on average, and this number
care if Swimming" tt' could grow. Scientists who are studying climate
(write). Who would swim in a place where are ook ns a,n"1#r:::l;;?ñ[:'il:", (tI
crocodiles live? ;hanoe !
of their findings are worrying. (t
2 Complete the answers with the correct form of
2 Seventy years ago, a Canadian family decided C)
the causative have.
they needed a holiday home away from the :

1 A: Did your dad take this photo of your family? stress and crowds of the clty. They bought
B; No, he .,.... a tiny island, and they
it ..
a home

by a professional photographer. (build) on it.

Unfortunately, it wasn't as relaxing as they

2 A: Do your grandparents clear the snow from had hoped. As well as the danger of falling -
outside their house? the rlverlthe':""'iolr,o,]lil
B: No, they . .. it ,, summer @
. ... by their neighbour,s son. tour¡sts on boats as they excitedly took selfies
of the house. lf you would Iike to visit it, the
3 A: Will your parents cut down those old trees? island7 ... ..(canIfind)in
B: No, they ....., ...., them the St Lawrence River between Canada and
' down by professional the USA, but beware - a warm welcome
gardeners" , (not guarantee).
4 A: Are,,,cu cleaning your room?
B: No, but I it .... ......".........-. .....--. "....-
at the moment by my brother, who owes
me a fayour.

\Iindset I Photocopiable C3 Bilrlittgton Books 2L5

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