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Voting Methods

Example 1:
Given the preference table,

Number of 18 8 3 4
1st Rank C A B D
2nd Rank D C C C
3rd Rank A B A B
4th Rank B D D A

1-Majority Rules
The winner of the election will get more than 50% of the votes
18 18
Is C a majority rules winner? C : = >50 % ? Yes, then C is a majority rules winner
18+8+3+ 4 33
2-Plurality Method
The winner of the election will get the most number of votes (even if it’s not more than 50%)
Is C a plurality method winner? C has the most number of first place votes, 18, therefore, C
3-Condorcet Method
This is a one-on-one race. That is, the candidate who can beat every other candidate will be the
Condorcet winner.
Example: A is a Condorcet winner if A wins over B, A wins over C, A wins every candidate in the
In this example, C is the winner of the majority rules and plurality method. Let us check if C will win also
in Condorcet Method
That is, C vs A, C vs B, C vs D

Number of Votes 18 8 3 4
1st Rank C A B D
2nd Rank D C C C
3rd Rank A B A B
4th Rank B D D A

C vs A:

C: 18 + 3 + 4 = 25 vs A: 8

C vs B:

C: 18 + 8 + 4 = 30 vs B: 3

C vs D:

C: 18 + 8 + 3 = 29 vs D: 4

Since C won over A, B, D then C can be called a Condorcet Winner

4-Hare System

Number of Votes 18 8 3 4
1st Rank C A B D
2nd Rank D C C C
3rd Rank A B A B
4th Rank B D D A

In Hare System, delete the least preferred candidate, that is, the candidate with the lowest 1 st place
votes. Work on a revised preference table and continue to delete least preferred candidates in stages
until you come up with a winner.

Stage 1: A: 8, B: 3, C: 18, D: 4, delete B since 3 is the lowest

Number of Votes 18 8 3 4
1st Rank C A C D
2nd Rank D C A C
3rd Rank A D D A

Stage 2: C: 18 + 3 = 21, A: 8, D: 4, delete D since 4 is the lowest

Number of Votes 18 8 3 4
1st Rank C A C C
2nd Rank A C A A

Stage 3: C: 18 + 3 + 4 = 25, A: 8

Since C has 25 votes higher than 8, then C is the Hare System winner.

5-Borda Count Method

Every rank matters. Each rank will be given weights. We will compute for the highest Borda score to
have the Borda Count winner.

Say, if you have 4 candidates, 1st rank will get 4 points, 2nd rank will get 3 points, 3rd rank will get 2 points,
4th rank will get 1 point.

Number of Votes 18 * pts 8 3 4

1st Rank: 4 pts C: 72 A: 32 B: 12 D: 16
2nd Rank: 3 pts D: 54 C: 24 C: 9 C: 12
3rd Rank: 2 pts A: 36 B: 16 A: 6 B: 8
4th Rank: 1 pt B: 18 D: 8 D: 3 A: 4

A: 36 + 32 + 6 + 4 = 78

B: 18 + 16 + 12 + 8 = 54

C: 72 + 24 + 9 + 12 = 117

D: 54 + 8 + 3 + 16 = 81

The highest Borda score is 117, thus, C is a Borda Winner

6-Sequential Pairwise Method

SPM is similar to Condorcet but we need to follow an agenda.

For example, 4 candidates: A, B, C, D. The agenda are as follows: ABCD, ABDC, DBCA, BACD, DABC,

Also, the winner from different agenda may be different as well.

Agenda: DACB

Number of Votes 18 8 3 4
1st Rank C A B D
2nd Rank D C C C
3rd Rank A B A B
4th Rank B D D A
D vs A

D: 18 + 4 = 22 vs A: 8 + 3 = 11
D vs C

D: 4 vs C: 18 + 8 + 3 = 29

C vs B

B: 3 vs C: 18 + 8 + 4 = 30

C wins by SPM


Number of 10 7 8 5
1st Rank A D B C
2nd Rank B A C A
3rd Rank D B A D
4th Rank C C D B
1-Majority Rules

The winner of MR will have more than 50% of the first place votes.

A has 10 votes. Is 10 more than 50%? If you divide 10 by the total number of votes, would be a value
10 10
more than 50%? = =33.33 % is not more than 50 %
10+7+8+5 30
There is no winner for MR.

2-Plurality Method

The winner of of PM has the most number of first place votes.

Since A has the most number of first place of votes, 10, A is a winner by plurality method.

3-Condorcet Method

This is a one on one race. The Condorcet winner should win the race to every candidate.

Say, A, claims to be the Condorcet winner.

A vs B, A vs C, A vs D.

Number of Votes 10 7 8 5
1st Rank A D B C
2nd Rank B A C A
3rd Rank D B A D
4th Rank C C D B
A vs B
A: 10 + 7 + 5 = 22 vs B: 8

A vs C

A: 10 + 7 = 17 vs C: 8 + 5 = 13

A vs D

A: 10 + 8 + 5 = 23 vs D: 7

Since A won versus B, C, and D, then A is a Condorcet Winner

4-Hare System

You select the winner from stages. That is, in every stage, the least preferred candidate will be
eliminated. The candidate who will be eliminated has the least number of first place votes.

Number of Votes 10 7 8 5
1st Rank A D B C
2nd Rank B A C A
3rd Rank D B A D
4th Rank C C D B

Stage 1: A: 10, B: 8, C: 5, D: 7, eliminate C since the number of votes of C is the least

Number of Votes 10 7 8 5
1st Rank A D B A
2nd Rank B A A D
3rd Rank D B D B

Stage 2: A: 10 + 5 = 15, B: 8, D: 7, eliminate D since the number of votes of D is the least

Number of Votes 10 7 8 5
1st Rank A A B A
2nd Rank B B A B

Stage 3: A: 10 + 7 + 5 = 22, B: 8

Therefore, the Hare System winner is A because the number of votes of A, 22 is more than the number
of votes of B, 8.

5-Borda Count Method

In this method, every rank counts. Every rank will be given corresponding weights. That is, if there are n
candidates, the number of points for the first rank is n. And the nth rank will have 1 point.

Number of Votes 10 7 8 5
1st Rank: 4 pts A: 40 D: 28 B: 32 C: 20
2nd Rank: 3 pts B: 30 A: 21 C: 24 A: 15
3rd Rank: 2 pts D: 20 B: 14 A: 16 D: 10
4th Rank: 1 pt C: 10 C: 7 D: 8 B: 5
A: 40 + 21 + 16 + 15 = 92

B: 30 + 14 + 32 + 5 = 81

C: 10 + 7 + 24 + 20 = 61

D: 20 + 28 + 8 + 10 = 66

A has the highest Borda score, 92, thus A is called the Borda winner.

6-Sequential Pairwise Method:

This method is a little similar to Condorcet. You will have an agenda

From the 4 candidates, A, B, C, D, the following are the agenda: ABCD, ABDC, DBAC, BADC, ACBD, etc

I will give the agenda. Moreover, the candidate who wins one agenda may or may not win to the other

Number of Votes 10 7 8 5
1st Rank A D B C
2nd Rank B A C A
3rd Rank D B A D
4th Rank C C D B

Agenda: DACB

D vs A

D: 7 vs A: 10 + 8 + 5 = 23

A vs C

C: 8 + 5 = 13 vs A: 10 + 7 = 17

A vs B

B: 8 vs A: 10 + 7 + 5 = 22

A wins in the agenda DACB


Number of Votes 9 10 12 14
1st Rank C B D C
2nd Rank D C A A
3rd Rank B A B D
4th Rank A D C B

1-Majority Rules
The winner of MR is the candidates with more than 50% of the votes.

Say C, C has 9 + 14 = 23. Is 23 more than 50% of the votes?

23 23 23
= = >50 % ? Yes
total number of votes 9+10+12+14 45

The winner for MR is Candidate C.

2-Plurality Method

The winner of PM is the candidate with the most number of first place votes.

Since C has 23 votes, then C is the winner for PM. Take note that he also wins the MR.

3-Condorcet Method

A Condorcet winner will win every other candidate on a one on one race.

With our example, C should win over B, A, D.

Number of Votes 9 10 12 14
1st Rank C B D C
2nd Rank D C A A
3rd Rank B A B D
4th Rank A D C B
Say C claims to win again in Condorcet Method

C vs B

C: 9 + 14 = 23 vs B: 10 +12 = 22

C vs A

C: 9 + 10 + 14 =33 vs A: 12

C vs D

C: 9 + 10 + 14 =33 vs D: 12

Since C won over the other three candidates, then C is a Condorcet winner.

4-Borda Count Method

Every rank matters. It means every rank will have points. That is, if there are n candidates, the points of
1st rank is n points, 2nd rank has n – 1 points, until the nth rank with 1 point.

Number of Votes 9 10 12 14
1st Rank: 4 pts C: 36 B: 40 D: 48 C: 56
2nd Rank: 3 pts D: 27 C: 30 A: 36 A: 42
3rd Rank: 2 pts B: 18 A: 20 B: 24 D: 28
4th Rank: 1 pt A: 9 D: 10 C: 12 B: 14
A: 9 + 20 + 36 + 42 = 107

B: 18 + 40 + 24 + 14 = 96

C: 36 + 30 + 12 + 56 = 134

D: 27 + 10 + 48 + 28 = 113

C is the Borda winner because he has the highest Borda score, 134.

5-Hare System

We work on stages by deleting the least preferred candidate. The least preferred candidate has the
lowest number of first place votes.

Number of Votes 9 10 12 14
1st Rank C B D C
2nd Rank D C A A
3rd Rank B A B D
4th Rank A D C B

Stage 1: C: 9 + 14 = 23, B: 10, D: 12, eliminate B since B has the least number of votes

Number of Votes 9 10 12 14
1st Rank C C D C
2nd Rank D A A A
3rd Rank A D C D

Stage 2: C: 9 + 10 + 14 = 33, D: 12, D is eliminated since D has the lower number of votes

Number of Votes 9 10 12 14
1st Rank C C A C
2nd Rank A A C A

Stage 3: C: 9 + 10 + 14 = 33, A: 12

The winner for HS is candidate C, more votes than A

6-Sequential Pairwise Method

This is a little similar to Condorcet where a candidate will have a one on one race. But you need an
agenda. Some agenda from the 4 candidates, ABCD, ADCB, BADC, DACB, DBCA, etc…….

Take note that the winner in one agenda may or may not be the winner in another agenda.

Number of Votes 9 10 12 14
1st Rank C B D C
2nd Rank D C A A
3rd Rank B A B D
4th Rank A D C B
D vs C

D: 12 vs C: 9 + 10 + 14

C vs A

A: 12 vs C: 9 + 10 + 14

C vs B

B: 10 + 12 = 22 vs C: 9 + + 14 = 23

The winner for the agenda, DCAB, is candidate C.


1. Apply the different voting methods to the preference
table below:
1-Majority Rules
2-Plurality Method
3-Condorcet Method
Find all possible scenarios to get a Condorcet winner ( if
4-Hare System
5-Borda Count Method
6-Sequential Pairwise Method with the Agenda: BACD
(part 6 siya mag dedeclare si mam )

Number of 14 7 11 4
1st Rank B A D C
2nd Rank A B A D
3rd Rank C D B B
4th Rank D C C A

2. Apply the Hamilton Plan and Jefferson Plan to

determine the 15 members needed for the committee
Determine is HP is fairer than JP or otherwise
Party List Population
Anak Bayan 345
Titser Muna 256
Masang Pilipino 312
Probinsiyano 412
Kamaong 273

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