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Animals were created first, and we were asked to take care of them. Nowadays,
due to the increased losses of animal species, they were sheltered by a
different organization. However, not all animals are in great care. There are still
dogs and cats wandering around, sleeping on the cold street, looking for
someone who could at least feed them.

They say a dog is a man's best friend, as well as a cat. Yet they are abandoned,
living on the street, hungry. To help these beautiful creatures, we formed a
group and planned a certain day that we will devote ourselves to feeding stray
animals. The setting of our program will be around manila city.

Although, feeding them for only one day is not enough. To spread the awareness
that lots of stray animals need help, we will share their stories on our social
media platforms to encourage others to do the same way or to adopt and treat
them well. If the majority will see the real situation, it is possible to have a world
full of compassion for all animals. Hunger can be managed and animal cruelty
will be stopped.
To be able to feed the stray dogs and cats.

To be able to ensure that the population is kept under control so that the
animals do not become a nuisance to the community.

Treat all living creatures with respect and dignity.

First, we cook the rice and boil the liver, then chop the liver in small pieces and
mix it to the cooked rice. Second, we repacked the Pedigree dog food in plastic
and when the rice and liver mixture is cool enough, put it in a separate plastic.
Third, we opened the canned cat food and also mixed it with the cooked rice and
placed it in a separate plastic bag. Fourth, after we packed all the food, we went
outside to find stray dogs and cats and feed them on paper plates.
In today’s society where people are too busy to stop and notice ailing animals
on streets, where many dogs and cats are hungry, lonely and having a helpless
life trying to survive on the street. This scenery everyday makes us feel
encouraged and passionate to feed the stray animals on the street. As a pet
lover and owner, we want to help the homeless animals and to feel loved. When
considering what program we wanted to choose for the Civic Welfare Training
Service project, I knew that feeding program was the perfect choice after
witnessing so many stray animals roaming the streets and many animal deaths
that have occurred. Our passion to help these animals, the consistent animal
deaths I saw occur in the Ermita streets, and the poor condition of the animals,
all helped us realize that these animals needed help which influenced us to save
the animals along our community.

During and after the program, we saw how animals run to us to ask for food and
how happy they are after eating the delicious meal we prepare for them.
On one day of the outreached program, we received a donation from the
Aquatwins which includes dog and cat food, canned food for pets. We only
spend rice, liver, utensils and materials for the preparation of the food. The
program’s summary expense will be seen below:


1/2 kg. Rice P 25

1 kg. Pork liver P 150
Paper plates P 55

Plastic spoons P 30
Plastic bags P 20
1 kg. Pedigree dog food(extra) P 110

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