HRM Final Report 101

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HRM REPORT Human Resource


Submitted to: Ma’am Bilqees GhaniTIRMIZI 20191-25959
M. ABID ABBASI 20191-26531
FAIZ IMRAN 20191-25593
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................................4
BACKGROUND OF STUDY................................................................................................................................6
HR POLICIES........................................................................................................................................................6
IMPORTANCE OF HR POLICIES.....................................................................................................................6
EXAMPLES OF HR POLICIES..........................................................................................................................7
OVERVIEW OF POLICIES.................................................................................................................................8
OBJECTIVE / PURPOSE OF THIS STUDY:...................................................................................................19
10 December, 20201
Dr. Bilqees Ghani guided and supervised the project, which is completed by E
Ashna Tirmizi, Abid Abbasi, and Faiz Imran. Human Resource Management is a
key subject given by the Institute of Business Management, and the project was X
tied to it. Herbion's human resource policies were mirrored in the project. The E
industry guidance was made feasible with the assistance of a website and a social
media platform (secondary research) that helped us gather information for our C
project.. U
Thank you. T
Regards, I
ASHNA TIRMIZI 20191-25959
M. ABID ABBASI 20191-26531 V
FAIZ IMRAN 20191-25593 E

The entire report plans to give the reader an outline in regards to the HR of Herbion and
the HR policies. The report is an overview of the company “Herbion”.
The project tells us regarding the company outline as in how the organizations in Herbion
firm with regards to the way this functions and how it benefits with organizations,
besides, it illustrates us an outline to what HR Policies identified with intrinsic and
extrinsic benefits, and training thus a lot more strategies are being worked in this
industry. This leads us to the examination of our task,

An inside and out evaluation has been done on the company and features the primary
factors in HR Policies that emerge as an obstacle in associations to develop and get their
foundations more profound within the businesses. The examination educates us regarding
the main points of contention and the root issue that is occurring in the business. The
research additionally features the appropriate answers for those issues which are turning
into an obstacle to the business. It moreover gives a few suggestions as in outline of what
really and precisely are the organizations expected to accomplish to have smooth running
tasks in the business.

The analysis likewise features the limits that something like one of the organizations in
the business may have and that it can defeat to move forward to develop and gives us a
few methodologies to work upon to boost the productiveness in the organization.
It primarily concerns Human Resource Management. It furnishes the employees with the
fundamental bearing that it wishes to convey deliver ahead operations and activities in
their general field and accomplish something credible, using their actual potential,
abilities, and abilities that an individual has inside the rules and guidance given by the
organization yet additionally remembering that the ethical code of conduct is important to
keep up with also. The company is a developing industry that is spreading its foundations
more profound into the market. The development of the business has had a fast increment
all through with the acknowledgment of cycles of H.R in the organization and how this
company is giving and improving devices to talent recognition and recruitment, and the
board to build the deals and development of the company.

As the pandemic disrupted the organizational operations globally and made innumerable
representatives jobless making numerous workers shift towards internet preparing and
realizing which assisted them with creating abilities and upgraded information in
different rules. In any case, there are overseen administrations, apprenticeships, or even
online courses through which associations can deal with the preparation of the
representatives. This further prompted the mindfulness and significance of the company
which had a lift in their industry to have an expanded interest for the extended employees
preparing program openings.

This report is likewise founded on experiences in regards to the H.R approaches that are
important and winning in the association.

HERBION PHARMA is the firm that we have selected. The following are some
corporate background studies that are relevant to our subject, HRM.
A policy is a formal declaration that all members of a company must adhere to.
Employees, as we all know, are a company's assets since they are the only resources that
enable the company to expand and gain profit. Their significance can't be understated.
HR policies and procedures guarantee that every employee is cared for, that their needs
are met, and that appropriate benefits are provided in exchange for their work. All HR
rules and practices are interconnected and different, as we can see. It includes attracting
employees to apply for jobs, hiring, selecting, and training talent, which means providing
growth potential, personal advancement, and feedback. It also includes motivating
employees, which is a critical factor, as well as the most essential activity, employee

Companies must focus on employee retention since those with a high turnover rate have a
negative reputation in the market. Companies with effective HR policies have a better
likelihood of success because they bring out and reflect the company's culture and
encourage people to work to their maximum potential. HR policies reflect a company's
principles and demonstrate the culture and sincerity. Employees and managers can find
formal instructions on how to address a variety of employment concerns in HR policies.

 Its importance can’t be denied.

 It communicates your company's values and standards for how things should be
 To assist in the implementation of a company strategy to accomplish corporate
 Document and execute best practices that benefit the business.
 It aids managers in formulating reliable and consistent judgments.

HR procedures are usually carried out utilizing

strategic systems that are in line with the
workplace mission and objectives. HR policies
are a broad term; strategic HR practices differ
from general HR practices in their purpose. The
match between particular HR aspects is the focus
of strategic HR policies and practices, whereas
general HR policies are focused on the firm's
standard processes. HR Policies serve as a guiding map for employees from the time they
are hired to when they are terminated. It provides rules for corporate procedures and
activities to provide consistency and visibility.

Following are some examples.

 Candidate recruitment and hiring tactics.

 Employee advancement.
 Policies on medical benefits and security.
 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy.
 Leaves of absence policy.
 The Pay Policy
 Regularity and Attendance Policy
 A policy of "Zero Tolerance" for violence in the workplace.
Herbion is the name of our firm. This organization has been fully examined, using data
gathered from various social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Internet
websites. All of this assisted us greatly in identifying possible issues with the company's
HR practices. Because it is a staffing business, the company places a strong emphasis on
its employees.

The following are some of the company's HR rules, as well as some of the key concerns
that have been raised.

Under this heading, we will cover the many rules that the organization has implemented
to improve staff productivity and satisfaction. The goal of these policies is to attract
suitable candidates by providing clear job descriptions and specifications, to employ and
train them, to inspire them to follow out plans and activities with performance and
profitability, and to keep them for a longer period.

The policies of the company are;

 WORKING HOURS: Monday through Friday, the company's working hours

are 9-5:30.
 BREAK TIMING: There is a one-hour lunch and Namaz break. Women are
granted greater advantages than males, thus they get more time off.
 LUNCH AND TEA: The Corporation provides lunch and tea, but they are all
priced. The cost of lunch and tea is deducted from the employee's compensation.
performance is evaluated every year. To evaluate employee performance, the
organization uses an Objective and Key Performance Indicator approach.
Employees also complete self-appraisal questionnaires, which they compare to
social behavioral anchor rating systems.
 INCREMENT: Employees are incremented once a year, ideally in July.
 LEAVES: Employees are also given 14-16 sick days and 10 yearly casual days
to spend with their families or to take care of personal concerns. Employees are
given three days off in the event of the death of a member of their close family.
 ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: When the need comes up, the company
provides various types of assistance programs to its employees. Employee
assistance and counseling programs allow employees to receive critical criticism
on their business's policies as well as frequent counseling from colleagues to
ensure that everyone is on the same page and that no one is failing in the
 EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION PROGRAM: Non-monetary incentives are
also provided by the company. This includes things like employee of the month, an
employee of the year, intrinsic rewards, indoor games, and gym facilities to keep
staff engaged and motivated at work.
 ON-JOB AND OFF-JOB TRAINING: Companies also give employees
with on-the-job and off-the-job training for their individual development and
 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: People with disabilities
have equal employment possibilities at the company.
 GIFTS: The Company gives a present to an employee who has just married.
Additionally, when someone leaves the company, they are given presents.
 TERMINATION: The employee must give the firm one month's notice before
 PROVIDENT FUND: The firm also offers a provident fund to its employees,
with each employee contributing 8.33 percent to their fund based on the company's
gratuity policy, which has a five-year maturity term.
 PICK AND DROP SERVICES: The Company also provides female
employees with a door-to-door pick-up and drop-off service. They can also pay a
fuel allowance to senior male employees.
hosts an annual picnic/dinner on the beach, at a farm, or in a banquet hall.
 BIRTHDAYS: On an employee's birthday, the company provides a gift basket,
flowers, cake, and a greeting email.
The following are some of the issues we discovered in that company's HR policy.

 Since the business is in a developing stage, it still can't seem to procure
acknowledgment to acquire that acclaim. The HR Policies in this company have a
portion of the elements that make the representatives profoundly aggressive. Since
the company doesn't have numerous representatives that are required, restricted
workers will consider it to be a test and begin to turn out to be profoundly serious
with one another to acquire legitimacy and gain the rewards and odds of early
advancements while having a distance structure collaboration. This conduct can
establish an exceptionally serious climate in the working environment some of the
time that is a decent pointer at one time stating that representatives will go past
their cutoff points and showing a symbol of
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
for the association that is profoundly valuable
for the organization's development yet again it
is an element of exceptionally drawback
thinking about that, not every person works
the same way in any association. We ought to
likewise remember that a profoundly serious
climate can likewise make uneasiness and misery in certain representatives who,
because of certain reasons, are not working at a comparable speed. They may go
into considerations that the endeavors and the undertakings they are performing
may not be however significant as whatever other representatives who seem to be
functioning admirably in the serious climate thus turning into a justification for
irregularity and abnormality towards the work. The series of stress can likewise
make the delegate extraordinarily pointless at his work which may later cost the
affiliation. So the primary driver of the issue is the little labor force and little
workforce and nonattendance of collaboration.
 Since the organization are not dealing with a different labor force and don't have
the issue of an excessive number of representatives, the peacemaking framework
simply gets debilitated there. On the off chance that we investigate the company, it
is as yet in a developing stage and doesn't battle to need to oversee an excessive
number of representatives so the refereeing is somewhat debilitated there as the
executives do believe it to be a danger with a little labor force available. The
underlying driver of this issue is the carelessness of center-level directors and
feeble administration. Peacemaking is fundamental regardless of how the labor
force is. It is fundamental for a huge labor force and it can happen ordinarily with
various individuals. It is likewise fundamental with a little labor force because
these representatives handle the main undertaking and any contention emerging
can influence the workplace quickly and consequently ought to stay away from
however much as could be expected.
 A representative who didn't end his residency based on great conditions might hold
hatred for the company so later on, when they are gotten back to, they regularly
could be having, terminologically, freak work environment conduct which implies
that a worker is holding a genuine negative mentality towards the workers. The
underlying driver emerges due to laying off representatives and the directors who
request that the workers go back to their old posts. It is truly difficult to tell
whether a worker is holding a negative disposition for the company or not. A
worker getting back to the association and holding a negative disposition would
simply reprimand the association which will contrarily influence the verbal
exchange of the organization yet in specific cases, representatives who return to
their old positions apply to conduct difficult work to protect a drawn-out
relationship with the organization.
The fundamental difficulty in the organization is compensation rules between the two
different genders. We have learned from several sources that female employees are paid
somewhat less than male employees. Women have very few, if any, prospects for
advancement. Women are generally encouraged, but only up to a certain level and in
specific employment positions, beyond which they are rarely offered the opportunity to
advance. We've discovered that there are a variety of elements that contribute to gender
discrimination. This includes a mindset for women who believe that after they get
married, they will not be permitted to proceed to work because they will become
engrossed in their families and spend more time on home tasks. This type of
discrimination is particularly frequent in the workplace, harming not just women's career
chances but also their levels of motivation. These were the underlying reasons for the
problem, which will have an impact on her productivity levels.


Although organizations recruit people of various religious backgrounds, the key concern
here is post-hire discrimination. Many employees receive Eid bonuses and vacation on
Islamic holidays, but no incentives or holidays, such as Diwali, Holi, Christmas, or
others, are granted to employees of diverse religious backgrounds. There are little or no
Diwali bonuses or Christmas vacations. The core reason for the problem is a lack of
employee concern, as well as a lack of surveys particularly for individuals of various
religious backgrounds on special holidays, which is why this is such a major issue. As a
result, many employees begin to suspect that they are being treated unfairly at work.
Many employees begin to believe that their religion is not given sufficient emphasis and
that their sentiments are harmed and ignored. Employees get demotivated as a result of
this, and their productivity suffers as a result.

Employee recommendations are strictly forbidden in the workplace. Although it is
helpful in the recruitment process, it is not permitted in the workplace. Employee
referrals are seen to be a kind of personal partiality. Employees who are linked to them
working in the organization become prejudiced, which is the underlying source of the
problem. Employee recommendations are one of the greatest and most dependable
sources of recruiting since an employee refers a candidate who is already aware of the
company's work strong culture. The impact of employee recommendations cannot be
overstated. People should be allowed to pick whom they want to suggest to organizations
since they want the best workers to join the company they work for, but it does bring up
the issue of personal partiality once more.


Some companies in the HR Consultancy market intentionally don't make their social
profiles active. Not having to disclose their company operations restricts not just their
reach and opportunities for growth, but also compromises their transparency. The main
explanation for the lack of openness is that they are still in the early stages of
development, and sharing too much information with the public takes too long. It's also
due to a lack of collaboration between the HR and marketing departments, which may
make employees feel inadequate about their work and hinder employee empowerment.
These businesses may also be jeopardizing their reputation by compromising on
transparency; yet, because there are no regulations relating to work openness and
employee trust, these firms may not be jeopardizing their workers' confidence.
While we've been focused on the HR consulting industry's early phases, it's important
to remember that it's continually growing. This stage is critical since enterprises and
companies in this area are primarily spreading their roots in order to expand and
obtain a foothold on the cliff. Because many firms are still getting their feet wet, they
may not obtain the reach or focus on achieving the reach because various laws for
social media and their regulation would simply add to the HR department's
responsibilities at a time when they should be focusing on more important tasks.
Despite the fact that the lack of limits on social media may save time and effort,
studies have shown that word of mouth is more successful.


Resources are the most important asset a company possesses. Employees are a company's
core and heredity, guaranteeing that necessary tasks are completed and also that the
company is efficient and on course to accomplish its mission and generate profits.
Nevertheless, to provide it, the company must have employees, to begin with. In addition
to the obvious issues, such as a lack of clarity and reach, this business finds it difficult to
acquire long-term employment. Because of a lack of personal growth and opportunity,
the turnover rate in a rising business can be rather high, although knowledge of the
industry is also important in attracting people. Employees who want to advance in their
careers want to gain new skills and be a part of something bigger.
The following are some potential solutions to HR policy issues.


 The primary issue emerges through the serious climate in an association that lets us
know that representatives are pushing each other down rather than backing up each
other. A competitive environment can be a negative perspective to an organization
centered and impacts the proficiency of association. The answer for this issue can
be gatherings on an everyday schedule. Since these organizations don't have a huge
labor force, gatherings on a regular schedule are conceivable. We can empower the
significance of cooperation in the firm through these gatherings and make it
conceivable to beat the hypercompetitive climate to acquire a shared sensation of
fellowship in the association so that organizations in the business can develop at a
consistent speed.
 One more answer for the issue is that we
can allot those workers' undertakings that
energize or advance collaboration. Having
some useful errands in which they can get
to realize each other better, better find out
about each other, groom themselves in the
organization and establish a superior work environment climate that supports and
upgrades usefulness.
 In an organization, a divergent work environment resembles an illness that can
make the entire association endure. The associations should attempt to stay away
from individuals with degenerate working environment conduct. They can do it
through fostering a multi-step technique for evaluating individuals with freak
working environment conduct screen in green them out according to the enlistment
strategy. Those individuals any have what it takes to play out the undertakings
however their negative demeanor may influence the usefulness of association
adversely. Carry out the strategy while the up-and-comer is overviewed for the
expertise and data about the work position. This can save the organization from
having a terrible informal exchange as well as make the enlistment system more
 Since the mentality for associations is set with regards to employees not creating
situations in association for they are working and managing fewer workers is a
distant memory approach since the contention can emerge whenever and at some
random conditions. This is additionally a root issue that can influence the
usefulness and development of any association. We can take care of the issue by
building a legitimate group for refereeing which can cause powerful problems that
emerges in the association. The group's sole reason for development is to sit with
the two players engaged with struggle, distinguish the main driver of the issue, and
record for an appropriate answer for the contention. They ought to likewise ensure
that the party for causing the contention for obviously unseemly explanation
should be rebuffed or some severe moves have been made against the worker so
we can set up a culture of reasonable treatment in the work environment.
 Since the organization are hiring and employing and enlisting individuals with
diversity, this association ought to likewise try to keep up with the variety and the
chances and issues identified with diversity that can emerge in the workplace.
Diversity is significant for efficiency in the association yet issues in variety can
cause issues also. We can conquer this issue by having gatherings with those
individuals from various conservative and/or religious backgrounds. The gathering
with assorted individuals won't just propel them yet in addition cause them to feel
like they are a piece of the association and treat them as a family which will
likewise expand the rate of retention of employees.
 One more answer for the issue is that we can lead surveys with those individuals
too. This should consider their perception and the arrangement that they need for
themselves in their exceptional organization. To have a few issues featured
identified with diversity, we really want to ensure that we have an adequate
number of individuals from various backgrounds to have current workers feel
calm. The help to minorities will support their inspiration level and productivity, at
last, driving the consistency standard to rise.
 The organization’s incentive approaches should be sensible. Any discriminating
approach in the affiliation can have an adverse impact for which the organization
might persevere. The course of action is to have those methodologies cultivated
that are straightforward and sensible towards all genders and assurance identical
business openings that promise that there are no separation strategies. This
organization is in every case high and positive on informal which will be just done
through growing reasonable strategies for all workers. The organization should try
to give equivalent chances of advancement and advantages as males with the goal
that they can be profoundly useful in their work and welcome development and
imagination on the table.
The HR staff should also make an effort to make sure that the policies encompass all of
the company's divisions to participate in various exciting activities. The organization
should make an effort to make sure that employees are acquainted with one another and
have positive relationships with one another since this will lead to a particular connection
to the company and its employees. This solution may result in a decreased turnover rate.

“It takes effort to build a team, but the benefits outweigh the challenges.”


This is the most effective strategy for obtaining the greatest applicant for the company's
portfolio. The approach is to encourage employee recommendations in the workplace by
strongly endorsing applicants and making it an intrinsic component of the recruiting
process. These people may have a good probability of delivering excellent results in the
workplace. Those requirements that the organization need can be obtained from present
employees who are already familiar with the company's culture. This method may be
advantageous to the business since it fosters familiarity inside the organization and
among personnel.
It is the firm's responsibility to keep everyone engaged so that they can work
successfully, as well as to treat them as important members of the organization and to
appreciate them as assets. Because social media has such a large impact on people's
perceptions these days, one approach to do this is to make the company's continuing
activity visible on social media and to set adequate regulations for HR department
cooperation for motivating employees through social media exposure. Employees are
mostly using social media to hunt for employment prospects or to make themselves
aware of them. People may forget about your firm if you don't have rigorous restrictions
on your social media presence. It will be a detriment to the company's growth as well as
present employees, who will feel as if their efforts are undervalued or that they are not a
part of something bigger than inspires them.


The primary goal of the research is to learn about human resource policies, as well as to
analyses what difficulties exist in human resource policies and what viable remedies exist
in light of the practical environment, i.e. a research analysis on the pharmaceutical
business Harbion. This project is a detailed secondary research analysis that, while taking
into account the limitations as well as the competitive environment and economic factors,
could provide a strategic advantage to the organization if they implement the
recommendations and strategies made by our team to overcome their issues in human
resources policies.
Harbion's scale is limited in comparison to some pharma corporations because it is still in
a growing market, namely the pharmaceutical industry. These restrictions are as follows:

 Recent occurrence:
As a result, it lacks a broadly accepted intellectual foundation. What is needed is a
fundamental shift in attitudes, approaches, and management philosophy. Without such a
shift, especially at the senior management level, renaming the personnel department or
redesigning the personnel officer may not be effective. Over time, a workable solution
will emerge.

 Top management's lack of support/conservativeness

Harbion should have the backing of high management. Personnel management people do
this work since the passive attitude at the top generally maintains a conservative attitude
in operating. Nothing exceptional will occur unless top management changes its approach
and attitude. It may be hesitant to change its ideals and values to fit the eccentricities of
its personnel. This can make it difficult for managers to implement HRM practices.

 Employees' old-age benefits conformity

Because some businesses fall within these parameters and do not provide certain services,
some of the problems and solutions may not apply to them.
These are some tips that businesses in this industry should follow in order to improve
their human resource policies.

1. Encourage a healthy competitive environment

2. Promote teamwork; 3. Establish suitable norms for aberrant workplace behaviour; and
4. Implement EEO and equal pay rules.

5. Make use of social media. Word-of-Mouth should be targeted and emphasised.6.

Welcome and maintain diversity.

7. Encourage referrals and chances for advancement.

This section discusses some strategies for enhancing organisational productivity.


Begin meeting on a regular basis to discuss cooperation; having a more focused and in-
depth approach to it would surely aid in fostering collaboration as well as building and
maintaining a healthy competitive climate in the company.


Promoting EEO compliance and encouraging employees to recruit will help the company
gain a positive reputation and prosper.


To gain a wider market reach and positive word of mouth, improve the social media page
and promote business activities and operations.
Here we are concluding the report. We have identified the major policies of the company,
the problems which are related to the HR of the company after that we have proposed
some of the major solutions of the company which is according to the


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