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Vítor Salas García

Nowadays competition is all around the world: in sports, at school, at work… Everything that
you can think about it can be turned to a competition if you want. Some people think that this
competitive thinking can affect in a bad way, specially to young people. But are there some
benefits of competition to young people?

First of all, in a competition you can learn many things that you can expand to the normal day
life because in some way it represents the real world. For example, to succeed in one of these,
you will need to collaborate with your partners, as you will also need in a job or in a class. This
makes team sports really important because you are not only doing exercise, you are
constantly learning how to help each other and collaborate to reach a common goal.

Another benefit is that to win a competition you also need to focus on yourself and have a
critical thinking about what have you done bad and you need to improve, to work out about it
and make your best. This teaches young people to do the same in every aspect of life they
need it.

In my opinion, it is obvious that competition have some really good benefits, the most
important for me would be that it teaches young people to do their best and this is a crucial
part to succeed in whatever you want.

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