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Incisive® Verification Kits

System Verification Methodology

Product Version 15.2
February 2016
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1 Introduction to System Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1

1.1 Metric-Driven Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1.1.1 Typical System Bugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1.1.2 Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.1.3 Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.2 Optimizing Performance of System Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.2.1 High-Performance Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Simplified Data Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Simplified Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1.3 UVC Reuse Over Abstraction Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11

2 Module-to-System Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1

3 SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1

3.1 Transaction-Level Modeling Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.1.1 General Approach to Transaction-Level Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.1.2 Abstraction-Level Use Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.1.3 PV Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
3.1.4 PVT Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
3.1.5 CC Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
3.2 Creating Your Own TLM Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3.2.1 Installing This Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 Build Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 Library Directory and File Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
3.2.2 Reviewing Your Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
3.2.3 Defining the User Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18

System Verification Methodology (SVM) iii


3.2.4 Defining TLM Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 Using Enumerated Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22 Using Typedefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23 Using Preprocessor Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24 Documenting Your Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
3.2.5 Mapping the OSCI TLM Interfaces to Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 Implementing TLM Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28
3.2.6 Defining the Protocol Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
3.2.7 Implementing TLM Model Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
3.2.8 Creating a Simulatable Environment to Verify Peripheral Behavior . . . . . . . 3-32
3.2.9 Incorporating Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
3.3 The vr_xbus_sc_tlm Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
3.3.1 Class Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
3.3.2 General Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39
3.3.3 XBus Compound and Scalar User Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
3.3.4 Bidirectional tlm_transport_if Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41
3.3.5 Bus Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41
3.3.6 C++ Templates for Code Reuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
3.3.7 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46
3.3.8 Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46
3.3.9 Bus Monitor Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47
3.3.10 Architectural Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48
3.3.11 Centralized Delay Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51
3.3.12 Dynamic Timing Mode (PV/PVT) and Delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53 PV and PVT Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53
3.3.13 Mixed Abstraction Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54
3.4 Coding Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55
3.4.1 Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55
3.4.2 Memory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 Suggested Rules For Reliable Memory Management In C++ . . . . . 3-56 Avoiding Memory Management Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57 The Costs of Using Smart Pointers and Standard Containers . . . . . 3-57 Overall Performance and Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57 STL Container Classes - C++ Standard Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58
3.4.3 Model Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-63
3.4.4 Versioning of Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-64
3.4.5 Data Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-64
3.4.6 Build (ncsc_run, Makefiles) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-65
3.5 Other Use Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-67

System Verification Methodology (SVM) iv


4 Verification of SystemC TLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1

4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.2 TLM System e UVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.3 TLM Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.3.1 TLM Wrapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.3.2 TLM BFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.3.3 STLM Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4.4 Interfacing with SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4.5 Configuration for Working with SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4.6 Modifying the SystemC Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4.7 Open TLM Verification Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4.7.1 TLM BFM Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4.7.2 TLM Monitor Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
4.7.3 Multiple Instances of Input Method Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
4.7.4 Method Port Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
4.7.5 PV Mode Synchronization Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
4.7.6 Multi-Level Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Multiple Bus Monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Independent Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
4.8 The XBus TLM Demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
4.9 The XCore TLM Demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16

5 Hardware/Software Co-Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1

5.1 When to Use ISX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.2 Optimizing Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.3 Software UVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.3.1 Ports for Software UVCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5.3.2 BFMs for Software UVCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
5.3.3 Sequences for Software UVCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
5.3.4 The Monitor of the Software UVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
5.4 Accelerated SW UVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index-1

System Verification Methodology (SVM) v

1 Introduction to System
Verification of a system is today’s challenge in the verification world. How to verify a HW module is
common knowledge, but verifying a system takes us to a new level of complexity. A system is built of
many components, different in nature. Usually, some parts of the system are implemented in hardware,
and other parts in the software. Also, the nature of the verification varies from stage to stage. In early
stages, the focus is on detailed verification of the low-level protocols. In later stages, verification of the
system as a whole is the primary concern. In early stages, verification of detailed behavior must be
accurate. In later stages, the performance is crucial. This chapter discusses:

● “Metric-Driven Verification” on page 1-2

● “Optimizing Performance of System Verification” on page 1-4
● “UVC Reuse Over Abstraction Levels” on page 1-11

This book addresses all of the above requirements, describing the whole process of system verification
from planning to closure. This book focuses on system verification using e. For information about the
SystemVerilog implementation of system verification, refer to A Practical Guide to Adopting the
Universal Verification Methodology (UVM), available from the Cadence website.

The main content to be found in the rest of this book is:

● Chapter 3 “SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)”

● Chapter 4 “Verification of SystemC TLM”
● Chapter 5 “Hardware/Software Co-Verification”

Cadence also recommends reading Chapter 7, “Module-to-System Verification” in the UVM e User
Guide, which describes the methodology for creating e system universal verification components

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 1-1

© 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Introduction to System Verification
Metric-Driven Verification

1.1 Metric-Driven Verification

Metric-driven verification is an approach to verification in which the features defined in a verification
plan and their associated metrics are used to actively drive the verification effort. This approach
increases efficiency by reducing the test development effort and automating verification tracking.

To perform metric-driven verification:

1. Create a feature-based verification plan that defines what features will be verified, independent of
how they will be verified.

2. Link the identified features to metrics that determine when the feature has been fully exercised.

3. Use directed-random generation to automatically generate stimulus.

For most verification environments, Cadence recommends using coverage as the measurement.

When planning a system verification environment, record what must be verified from the perspective of
each of the stakeholders, and identify how to measure progress towards each of the goals. In system
verification, the goals should be focused on the system level, assuming protocol- and module-level
verification were done at an earlier stage. For example, the vast majority of input should be valid
main-path data, without error injection.

For more considerations in respect to system verification planning, see:

● “Typical System Bugs” on page 1-2

● “Checking” on page 1-3

For more information on plan-driven verification, see Chapter 1, “Introduction” in the Verification and
Planning (VPM) Manual.

1.1.1 Typical System Bugs

Focusing on the DUT as a system requires understanding of its fragile areas, where bugs are likely to be.
Your plan should cover all of the suspected areas. Typical system bugs are:

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 1-2

© 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Introduction to System Verification

Bugs in new modules Any new module created for the project is, of course, considered more
dangerous than trusty old modules.
Wrong assumptions The specs of the modules might be unclear or underspecified.
about some module
Bad module One of the supposedly pre-verified modules might not be well verified after
all. Suspect the following:

● A module that was verified with an ad hoc hooked-up environment (as

opposed to a stable UVC)
● A module for which you have no coverage information from module
● A module with a verification environment that does not have a
well-defined compliance test suite
Badly wired module This could cause the module’s registers to be at the wrong address, the reset
signal unconnected, and so on.
Problems arising from A typical example is two modules attempting to access a shared resource
the interaction of (bus, CPU) at the same time.

1.1.2 Checking
Here is a brief summary of checking considerations:

● Existing module checks should stay. Turn off only for performance.
● The system is more than the sum of its parts. Add checks for:
● End-to-end
● New semantics
● Monitors should broadcast the main events and the collected data items. You can use ports for this.
In that case, the monitor should broadcast on the ports, and the system integrator must bind the ports.

1.1.3 Coverage
Here is a brief summary of coverage considerations:

● Use existing submodule coverage.

● Turn off some submodule coverage for scalability.
● Add illegal/ignore options to the coverage items.
● Automatically remove generation coverage for internal interfaces.

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 1-3

© 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Introduction to System Verification
Optimizing Performance of System Verification

● Cover intermodule interactions.

● Cover the data flow (for example, from Ethernet input via memory to XCore output).
● Cover throughput/utilization.
● Cover shared resource access.
● Perform system-level coverage.
● Cover new functionality within the system.
● Cover the system configuration (including configuration of each unit).

1.2 Optimizing Performance of System Verification

When verifying a system, the DUT (Device Under Test) is large and complicated. Thus, simulation time
is much larger than in module verification. Not only that, in system verification you must create
representative system level scenarios, which means longer tests. For example, when performing
protocol checks, each test can be relatively short, as long as the overall coverage of the test suite is
suitable (for example, all types of transfers were generated). A scenario that is representative at the
system level typically contains initialization of all units, injection of stimuli that put the units in the
desired state, and so on. All this results in a long test. That is why performance is crucial in respect to
system verification.

While looking into the details on performance enhancements, keep in mind the trade-off between
performance and detailed verification. After reaching a certain point, enhancing performance requires
giving up some detailed verification capabilities, and vice versa. For example, the more checks you
have, the slower your verification environment runs. The goal is to maximize performance with
minimum penalties. In other words, the goal is to find the best balance, accomplishing essential
verification while omitting those parts that are of little or no importance in the scope of system
verification. The basic guideline for boosting performance is to identify what is required for system
verification and what can be omitted.

A lean verification environment consists of the following:

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 1-4

© 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Introduction to System Verification
High-Performance Generation

Lean generation In system verification, you can assume that the low-level modules that
handle protocols are verified. There is no need to create exhaustive variations
of data items. On the other hand, you want to create valid input that exercises
all of the functionalities of the system. For that, the environment does not
need many variations of the data type, and test writers do not need detailed
and powerful control over generation. Just help them create the basic main
path input. For details, see “High-Performance Generation” on page 1-5.
Lean protocol checks Protocol checks require many accesses to the DUT. Those accesses are
costly in respect to performance. Check performance can be improved in
two ways:

● During the planning phase, decide which checks are relevant in the
context of the system and which can be eliminated from the system
verification environment.
● Prefer features with a relatively modest impact on performance. For
example, use assertions and transactions (created by the transaction based
collectors) as input to the checks instead of directly accessing the device.
Lean coverage During the planning phase, when determining the goals of the system
verification process, eliminate coverage points that are not part of your
system level metrics.

Note Begin with the end in mind. Before beginning module verification—and even while designing
your architecture—plan the system verification. Knowing in advance the goals of each phase in the
verification plan as well as the various types of data required in each phase will result in a better-designed
environment with maximum reuse capabilities. For more information, see also “UVC Reuse Over
Abstraction Levels” on page 1-11.

This section contains:

● “High-Performance Generation” on page 1-5

Note We recommend using Specman and IES profilers for recognizing performance bottlenecks in
the environment.

1.2.1 High-Performance Generation

High-performance generation is based on the understanding of what is important for system verification
and what is only part of the module verification scope. When applied to an abstracted DUT model
implemented as TLM or to a TBA configuration, it plays a key role in increasing the overall system
verification performance. Enhancing generation performance addresses two central considerations in the
verification environment:

● “Simplified Data Items” on page 1-6: Data item definition and generation

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Introduction to System Verification
High-Performance Generation

● “Simplified Sequences” on page 1-9: Sequence generation and activation Simplified Data Items

For module level verification, flexible and highly controlled generation is necessary for quickly
achieving full coverage. To achieve that, the data item contains many virtual fields and constraints, in
addition to the physical fields. These fields and constraints give the users high degree of control and
customization over the data item. The constraint solver can solve complicated constraints, but at the
expense of performance. Reducing the number and complexity of constraints and having simpler,
main-path data items substantially improves performance. To prepare for SVM, define a simplified
subtype of the data item. Under that subtype, define only the fields required for system-level
verification. The simplified data item should contain:

● All physical fields of the item (that is, all fields written to the DUT)
● Only the very basic virtual fields
● Only the very basic constraints (most generation will be done procedurally)

For reuse, add to the data item a field indicating its level of complexity.

The following code is a snippet from a definition of an AHB burst. It shows:

● The base type of the data item, containing:

● The physical fields
● Basic virtual fields controlling generation
● Virtual fields that are calculated during the run
● The BASIC subtype of the data item, containing:
● Simple constraints, constraining the fields to default or basic values (main path, no edge values)
● The FULL subtype of the data item, containing:
● More virtual fields, allowing extensive control on data item generation
● Constraints on all fields
● The BFM, containing:
● A correction method to update values of fields that were given wrong values by the simplified
generation process (replacing the constraints with procedural code)

Base Type of a Data Item


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Introduction to System Verification
High-Performance Generation

type cdn_item_complexity_t : [BASIC, FULL];

struct cdn_ahb_burst like any_sequence_item {

const item_complexity : cdn_item_complexity_t;
keep soft item_complexity == FULL;

// All physical fields, accroding to protocol

%size: vr_ahb_transfer_size;
%kind: vr_ahb_burst_kind;

// Basic virtual fields

delay : uint;

// The rest of the physical fields plus

// virtual fields that are filled during the run
// ...

}; // cdn_ahb_burst

FULL Subtype
extend FULL cdn_ahb_burst {
// Virtual fields, allowing fine control on data item
// generation and injection

// Number of cycles before master resends the burst

// after the burst got retry
retry_delay: uint;

// Add IDLE after INCR burst

idle_after_incr: bool;

// ... and more fields and their constraints...

// Constraints on the incr_size and its relations to other fields

keep incr_size <= value(max_address_in_burst[9:0] -
min_address_in_burst[9:0] + 1)
>> size_as_int;
keep (legal_last_busy_delay == TRUE and last_busy_delay > 0) =>
incr_size < value(max_address_in_burst[9:0] -
min_address_in_burst[9:0] + 1)
>> size_as_int;
// ... And more constraints related to incr_size ...

}; // FULL cdn_ahb_burst

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Introduction to System Verification
High-Performance Generation


BASIC Subtype:
extend BASIC cdn_ahb_burst {
// Hard-constrain the basic fields to default or simple values
keep incr_size in [1..16];

BFM Modifying the Data Procedurally

extend BURST_TLM cdn_ahb_master_bfm {
package get_next_burst(): cdn_ahb_burst @sys.any is also {
// Fix the burst if it was not generated properly

private correct_burst(b : cdn_ahb_burst) is {

if b.item_complexity != BASIC {
// Burst was generated by the constraint solver.
// No need to correct

// Burst was created using only basic constraints.

// Some adjustments are required.
if (b.incr_size == 0 and b.kind == INCR) {
b.incr_size = 1;
for i from 1 to b.size_in_bytes {;

// More procedural code, filling fields

// ...
}; // correct_burst()
}; // BURST_TLM cdn_ahb_master_bfm

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Introduction to System Verification
High-Performance Generation Simplified Sequences

The sequences mechanism, supported by Specman for e verification environments and by IES for
SystemVerilog environments is a powerful, easy-to-use mechanism for defining test scenarios. Cadence
recommends implementing methods for sending and receiving data items. These methods assign the
required values to a single instance of the data item, located in the BFM. The improvement in
performance is achieved thanks to:

● The same instance is overwritten every time a data item is sent, hence memory allocation is reduced
● Values are assigned procedurally, and not by the constraint solver

A semaphore should be implemented in the BFM, synchronizing parallel sequences accessing the single

For performance enhancements, sequences can call these methods instead of doing items.

To implement simplified sequences:

1. Implement within the sequence methods the control the stimuli (read, write, send, etc.).

2. Create two modes for the BFM.

● In one mode, the BFM runs in an endless loop, getting items from the driver (a regular
PULL_MODE implementation).
● In the other mode (BYPASS_DRIVER mode), the loop is disabled.

3. Create tests that put the BFM in BYPASS_DRIVER mode. Then, instead of doing items, call the
read/write methods.

Note BYPASS_DRIVER is not equivalent to PUSH_MODE. In PUSH_MODE, the driver pushes

items to the BFM. In BYPASS_DRIVER, the sequences themselves access the BFM, bypassing the

Implementing the Methods Within the Sequence

extend SIMPLE_BURST cdn_ahb_master_seq {
read (address : cdn_ahb_address,
kind : cdn_ahb_burst_kind,
size : cdn_ahb_transfer_size):
list of cdn_ahb_data @driver.clock is {


// Update the BFM instance of a data item

bfm.cur_burst.address = address;
bfm.cur_burst.kind = kind;

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Introduction to System Verification
High-Performance Generation

bfm.cur_burst.size = size;



Creating Two Modes for BFM: Regular PULL_MODE and BYPASS_DRIVER

extend BURST_TLM cdn_ahb_master_bfm {
// set_send_mode()
// This method must be called when the test begins, from run()
set_send_mode(bfm_send_mode : cdn_ahb_send_mode_t) is {
case bfm_send_mode {
// Start the endless loop, that gets items from
// the driver and sends to the DUT
start main_loop();
// Do nothing. The sequences will send the items to the BFM.

Creating Tests with BFM in BYPASS_DRIVER Mode

extend SIMPLE_BURST MAIN cdn_ahb_master_seq {
body() @driver.clock is only {
var data : list of vr_ahb_data;

// Bypass the seq driver


// Simple test scenario, no parallel, no use of sequence driver.

// Inject the items directly into the BFM.
data = read(0x100,INCR4,WORD);

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Introduction to System Verification
UVC Reuse Over Abstraction Levels


1.3 UVC Reuse Over Abstraction Levels

To support reuse of the UVC on all abstraction levels, Cadence recommends subtyping each of the UVC
components (env, agent, BFM, driver and monitor) to indicate their work mode. In the following e code
example, the abstraction_level field is added to each of the UVC units. Note that the UVC developer
sets the constraints between the units. This means that the environment integrator only needs to set one
constraint in the configuration file—the env abstraction level. The field value is then propagated
throughout the environment.

The following samples from the code demonstrate these steps:

1. Defining the abstraction level type

2. Defining an abstraction level field within the main UVC components

3. Propagating the abstraction-level value

Defining the Abstraction-Level Type

type cdn_sample_abstraction_level: [CYCLE_ACCURATE, BURST_TLM];

Defining an Abstraction-Level Field Within the Main UVC Components

unit cdn_sample_bfm like any_unit {
abstraction_level: cdn_sample_abstraction_level;

unit cdn_sample_master like any_unit {

abstraction_level : cdn_sample_abstraction_level;
active_passive : erm_active_passive_t;

when ACTIVE cdn_sample_master {

bfm : cdn_sample_bfm is instance;

unit cdn_sample_env like any_unit {

abstraction_level : cdn_sample_abstraction_level;

active_masters : list of ACTIVE cdn_sample_master is instance;


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Introduction to System Verification
UVC Reuse Over Abstraction Levels


Propagating the Abstraction-Level Value

extend cdn_sample_env {
keep for each in active_masters {
soft it.abstraction_level == abstraction_level;

extend ACTIVE cdn_sample_master {

keep bfm.abstraction_level == abstraction_level;
Note Some parts of SVM are still at a primary stage. In consequence, these abstraction-level
subtyping recommendations are not yet included as standards in URM and eRM. As SVM methodology
evolves, the URM and eRM standards will be amplified to include abstraction-level subtyping.

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 1-12

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2 Module-to-System Verification
A system in one verification environment can become a subsystem in a larger environment. The terms
module e UVC and system e UVC are interchangeable. A module e UVC is a system e UVC for a single

Documentation on the relationship between module and system e UVCs and the methodology of
constructing a system verification environment while reusing module-level components can be found in
Chapter 7, “Module-to-System Verification” in the UVM e User Guide.

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 2-1

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3 SystemC Transaction-Level
Modeling (TLM)
This chapter describes the Cadence Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM) methodology.

This chapter contains the following sections:

● “Transaction-Level Modeling Overview” on page 3-3

● “Creating Your Own TLM Platform” on page 3-13
● “The vr_xbus_sc_tlm Package” on page 3-33
● “Coding Guidelines” on page 3-55
● “Other Use Models” on page 3-67

Table 3-1 Terminology

Term Definition

API Application programming interface.

Bidirectional Moving in two (opposite) directions; used with respect to data transfers.

Blocking A TLM function implementation that can call wait().

CC Cycle callable. An abstraction view or implementation of a TLM. Typically used to

model timing-critical portions of a design which have been or are expected to cause
problems in a system.

Delay Model A representation of timing for a device. For example, the time it takes to execute a
function or algorithm.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)

Table 3-1 Terminology (continued)

Term Definition

Get In context to the TLM interface, consumes data. Similar to reading from a FIFO.

IP Intellectual property.

Layer Software term used similarly to API. Implemented as a single function/method or

as a collection of functions/methods.

Master Agent that initiates activity by issuing a request.

Nonblocking A TLM function implementation that can never call wait().

OSCI The Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI) is an independent not-for-profit organization

composed of a broad range of companies, universities and individuals dedicated to
supporting and advancing SystemC as an open source standard for system-level

Peek In context to the TLM interfaces, reads most recent valid value. Similar to reading
of a variable or signal.

Poke In context to the TLM interfaces, overwrites data and can never block. Similar to
writing a variable or signal.

Pop Equivalent to a get in which the data returned is simply ignored.

Protocol Layer Protocol-specific code, for example, USB or AHB. This layer adapts between the
user and transport layers. The protocol layer is typically defined and supplied by IP

Put In context to the TLM interfaces, queues data. Similar to writing to a FIFO.

PV Programmer’s view. An abstraction view or implementation of a TLM. Typically

used to model register definitions in a system for early software development.

PVT Programmer’s view with timing. An abstraction view or implementation of a TLM.

Typically used to model processing times, as in encryption, encoding, decoding, of
a device (for example, master, slave peripherals in a system).

Slave Agent that passively waits for requests and returns a response.

TLM Transaction-level model

TLM Platform A collection of TLMs used to model a system. Can provide mixed levels of TLM
abstraction views (for example, PV, PVT, CC).

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Transaction-Level Modeling Overview

Table 3-1 Terminology (continued)

Term Definition

Transport This layer uses the OSCI TLM generic data transport APIs. Models implement the
Layer transport interface.

Unidirectional Moving in only one direction. Used with respect to data transfers.

User Layer A protocol-specific API targeted for embedded software development. This layer is
typically defined and supplied by IP vendors.

3.1 Transaction-Level Modeling Overview

This section includes the following topics:

● “General Approach to Transaction-Level Modeling” on page 3-4

● “Abstraction-Level Use Models” on page 3-5
● “PV Modeling” on page 3-6
● “PVT Modeling” on page 3-8
● “CC Modeling” on page 3-11

Transaction-level models (TLMs) are architecture models that exchange transactions instead of signals.
Figure 3-1 on page 3-4 shows an example of a PV, programmers view, TLM bus platform. The example
includes transaction-level models for processor models (master0pv and master1pv), a bus model (xbuspv)
and some memory models, slave0pv and slave1pv. In this platform, the xbuspv bus model is connected to
two masters, master0pv and master1pv, and two slaves, slave0pv and slave1pv.

SystemC provides a standard library for modeling devices. Specialized constructs help define modules,
their processes and ports as well as channels used to communicate between modules. The OSCI TLM
Library defines a standard for interfacing these modules, by essentially providing a set of method
declarations to exchange transactions. The TLM developer will implement their models for a system
(using processes to model behavior), as well as the channels that implement the communication fabric
(for instance, the implementation of the TLM interface). In a bus platform the channel is the bus.
Different levels of detail can be incorporated into the transactions used to communicate over the bus (for
instance, channel). The model’s processes can also vary in the level of detail they utilize the transaction
information. The models use ports to access the interfaces implemented by the channel. Figure 3-1 uses
the term thread for a process that can be suspended and re-activated, has the ability to continuously run
for the lifetime of a simulation and can have a sensitivity list which activates it. sc_port and sc_export
are SystemC port constructs, and the xbuspv model implements a TLM interface, and is thus a channel.
Also noted are several typedefs used in the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package (in particular, the REQ_TYPE and
RSP_TYPE types, which are the transactions exchanged across this system). More details on the XBus
platform and these types can be found in “The vr_xbus_sc_tlm Package” on page 3-33 and throughout

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 3-3

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
General Approach to Transaction-Level Modeling

this document. Essentially, the typedefs show in the figure below are used to simplify the syntax and
readability for the end user. For example, the masters are connected to an initiator port, which from the
legend is an sc_port. This port is bound to the bus’ target port, which is shown as an sc_export in both
the typedef’s and the legend. The bus’ r_port, also an sc_port, is bound to the slave target ports, which
are exports. sc_ports require a particular interface to communicate information through whereas
sc_exports provide the interface implementation in which to communicate. See also Section 3.2.4,
“Defining TLM Types,” on page 3-21 for more info on typedefs and other user defined types in the
vr_xbus_sc_tlm example.

Figure 3-1 PV Transaction Level Model Configuration

typedef unsigned int ADDRESS_TYPE;

typedef std::vector<int> DATA_TYPE;
///create concrete typedefs for the xbus template request class
typedef xbus_protocol::xbus_request<ADDRESS_TYPE,DATA_TYPE> REQ_TYPE;
///create concrete typedefs for the xbus template response class
typedef xbus_protocol::xbus_response<ADDRESS_TYPE,DATA_TYPE> RSP_TYPE;
typedef tlm::tlm_transport_if< REQ_TYPE, RSP_TYPE > TLM_BUS_IF_TYPE;
typedef sc_export< TLM_BUS_IF_TYPE > TARGET_PORT_TYPE;
typedef xbus_protocol::xbus_initiator_port <ADDRESS,DATA,REQ,RSP,TLM_BUS_IF,STATUS,1>




an sc_port
an sc_export port binds to channel
a thread

3.1.1 General Approach to Transaction-Level Modeling

A good approach to transaction-level modeling is to model at a few levels that target the “pain” and risk
in your design and verification flow. Creating PV (programmer’s view) models for each block in your
system is reasonably straight forward with the example given in “The vr_xbus_sc_tlm Package” on page

Identifying the data flow and synchronization details of your system with the PV models provides
insight on system bottlenecks, even without implementing the microarchitecture of the blocks. The
bottlenecks identified at this level provide insight into where you will have to do further architectural
analysis. Depending on the level of analysis required, you can develop more detailed models for critical

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 3-4

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Abstraction-Level Use Models

blocks or subsystems within the SoC. For the less critical areas of your system, you can use the
previously created PV models. The PV models can be reused for any other derivative SoC and for
mixed-abstraction simulations. In some cases, the PV models can be used to target other platforms.

By following the steps in “Creating Your Own TLM Platform” on page 3-13 and referring to “The
vr_xbus_sc_tlm Package” on page 3-33, you will be able to implement a high-level view of your
system’s functionality significantly faster than implementing RTL. A key feature of this high-level view
is that it is relatively simple and usable by several specialists using your overall design and verification

3.1.2 Abstraction-Level Use Models

A TLM platform uses transactions to communicate information across different levels of TLM
abstractions, including PV, PVT, and CC abstraction levels. In the vr_xbus_sc_tlm example, request and
response transactions can represent a high-level abstraction (like a program instruction) and can be used
to provide information for a cycle-accurate abstraction. The various levels of transactions provide a
trade-off spectrum of simulation speed and modeling effort versus timing accuracy. This spectrum of
models is useful for doing different design tasks.

Transaction models should be defined in the context of the larger system design flow from algorithmic
development through RTL implementation.

Algorithmic development considers the behavior of the system without considering the architectural
implications of implementing it in hardware (HW) and software (SW). This modeling style assumes
infinite resources thus there is no model of time, only explicit dependencies typically specified as

When taking into account the implementation of the system in hardware and software, there are a fixed
set of resources (bus bandwidth, processor speed, memory, and so forth). Modeling the impact of
architecture implies modeling the time needed to run computations on a processor or on a peripheral. It
also needs to model transferring data between computational units (for example, buses, bridges, DMAs,
caches, interrupt controllers). This is what we mean by transaction-level modeling.

On the other end of the scale is an RTL design, which considers the details of the microarchitecture by
modeling every signal with full accuracy.

Table 3-2 on page 3-6 characterizes different abstraction levels for transaction-level models. The
abstraction level names used here are well known, however not standardized. Other abstraction level
names are being used by many companies. Other terms may have slightly varied definitions, but for the
most part are generally similar.

The fastest level is the programmer’s view (PV), which is appropriate for developing embedded
software as well as early full-system verification. The next level, programmer’s view + timing (PVT),
adds some timing to make it transaction accurate. The PVT level is appropriate for benchmarking
software and high-level architecture evaluation. The lowest level is cycle callable (CC), which is

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
PV Modeling

appropriate for final HW/SW co-verification. This level is faster than RTL because it models data
communication as high-level data structures instead of individual signals thus reducing the number of
simulation events.

Table 3-2 Summary of Abstraction Levels

Name Use Model Accuracy Speed Difficulty

PV Embedded software Synchronized (Very) Fast Easy

development access


PVT Benchmarking Transaction Medium Medium

HW architecture

CC HW/SW Bus-accurate (Very) Slow Hard

co-verification down to
HW validation

3.1.3 PV Modeling
PV models like those in Figure 3-2 on page 3-7 capture the SoC architecture as seen by the embedded
software developer. This requires that the PV platform should accurately model the programmable
registers. Device drivers can be implemented to the register interface and diagnostic tests can be written
that read and write each register.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
PV Modeling

Figure 3-2 PV Transaction Level Model Configuration

typedef unsigned int ADDRESS_TYPE;

typedef std::vector<int> DATA_TYPE;
///create concrete typedefs for the xbus template request class
typedef xbus_protocol::xbus_request<ADDRESS_TYPE,DATA_TYPE> REQ_TYPE;
///create concrete typedefs for the xbus template response class
typedef xbus_protocol::xbus_response<ADDRESS_TYPE,DATA_TYPE> RSP_TYPE;
typedef tlm::tlm_transport_if< REQ_TYPE, RSP_TYPE > TLM_BUS_IF_TYPE;
typedef sc_export< TLM_BUS_IF_TYPE > TARGET_PORT_TYPE;
typedef xbus_protocol::xbus_initiator_port <ADDRESS,DATA,REQ,RSP,TLM_BUS_IF,STATUS,1>




an sc_port
an sc_export port binds to channel
a thread

To functionally run embedded software, the platform model does not need to model the performance of
the platform (bus contention, slave wait response, and so forth). All software that runs on a real device
is guaranteed to run on the PV model of the hardware platform. However, the reverse is not guaranteed.
Programmers may develop software on a PV platform, but the resulting code may be timing dependent
and thus fail on the real device. To minimize this problem, the programmer should not rely on timing
aspects of the platform. For example, the code shouldn't rely on a peripheral being slower than another
because in some circumstances this might not be true.

To reduce simulation time and make models easy to write, the PV model is defined with no clocking and
no explicit timing. Minimal synchronization is needed to enable correct functionality. For example, the
master must yield to the simulation scheduler in order to let interrupts be processed. How often the
master yields to the simulation scheduler should be user defined.

Supporting transactions that span multiple clock cycles is another implication of not modeling the
performance of the platform. For example, a burst bus request can be modeled as a single transaction
because the behavior only depends on the entire data burst being transferred. It is not concerned with
how long it takes to transfer the data to the slave; nor is it concerned with pipelining of the data. This
does have implications on visibility while debugging the hardware platform.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
PVT Modeling

In a TLM platform, each of the architecture components (processors, busses, peripherals, and such) are
instantiated, connected in a netlist and configured as in Figure 3-1 on page 3-4. The masters (such as
processors) make read/write requests to the bus with address and data. The behavior of the bus decodes
the address and transports the read/write requests to the appropriate slave.

The function calls between components are blocking and reactive. A blocking function call is suitable
since a PV model isn't concerned with time and thus no parallel activity is explicitly modeled. The
processor can make a direct call to the bus which can immediately call the slave. Since this takes zero
time (no bus contention and no slave waiting), the simplest approach of a blocking function call is
appropriate for the PV master. Note also that the slave is reactive to the function call. It does not need to
wait on any event or clock.

Although this model is not cycle-accurate (because it does not model any clocking or timing), these
models are simple to write and the expected simulation speed is 100KHz-1MHz (almost real-time).
Until now, to obtain this speed, the software developer had to wait for a prototype board of the design.
Using the a TLM methodology, a PV model of an SoC can be provided six to nine months earlier in the
design with approximately 1/10th to 1/50th the amount of effort that it takes to create the RTL. This
facilitates software development in parallel with the hardware implementation and thus shortens the
overall project schedule.

3.1.4 PVT Modeling

PVT models of an SoC like those in Figure 3-4 on page 3-10, account for the timing of the
microarchitecture. A PVT model describes time for a request, transfer time across shared resources
(such as a bus), and computation of a response. For a data bus, the timing must account for the number
of transfers (size of transaction data) as well as arbitration between multiple masters. Figure 3-3 on page
3-9 shows a message sequence annotated with delays associated with executing a read request from the
master to the slave across a bus. The diagram depicts the use of request and response types used for both
PV and PVT modes as REQPV/PVT and RSPPV/PVT. Development of model processes and data flow is
made easier by incorporating PV and PVT data members into a single class.

The figure also shows the delay processing localized in the generic bus. Here we see arbitration, request,
response, and bus transfer delays centralized in the generic bus. Significant performance gains have
been shown with centralized delay processing, given the reduction in context switching. This
architecture allows for a specific bus platform, such as a specific processor, to implement a delay model
more exactly to is specific implementation. For example, if arbitration is required, a delay model can be
incorporated for different types of arbitration schemes. This enables higher levels of reuse of the
surrounding models across different platforms, while easing the modeling requirements for TLM
developers and users, while still increasing accuracy of the system delay model. This reflects the
vr_xbus_sc_tlm package delay processing implementation.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
PVT Modeling

Figure 3-3 PVT Message Sequence

Master Initiator Bus Slave

read(addr, &data) transport(REQPV/PVT)

bus transfer

With the addition of timing, programmers can benchmark their software application or find problematic
areas between hardware and software. For example, given different arbitration schemes or processor bus
delay models, the same master and slave code can be reused to determine a master’s average latency per
variant. This will give confidence that the specified architecture (for example, bus platform, model
architecture, and so forth) will support their application.

PVT models can:

● Help determine what processor speed is required to run an application.

● Validate whether the HW/SW partitioning is appropriate by profiling bus activity. For example, if
synchronization was not explicitly modeled at the PV level, a PVT model could help the software
developer optimize software efficiency.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
PVT Modeling

Figure 3-4 XBus PVT Platform

typedef unsigned int ADDRESS_TYPE;

typedef std::vector<int> DATA_TYPE;
///create concrete typedefs for the xbus template request class
typedef xbus_protocol::xbus_request<ADDRESS_TYPE,DATA_TYPE> REQ_TYPE;
///create concrete typedefs for the xbus template response class
typedef xbus_protocol::xbus_response<ADDRESS_TYPE,DATA_TYPE> RSP_TYPE;
typedef tlm::tlm_transport_if< REQ_TYPE, RSP_TYPE > TLM_BUS_IF_TYPE;
typedef sc_export< TLM_BUS_IF_TYPE > TARGET_PORT_TYPE;
typedef xbus_protocol::xbus_initiator_port <ADDRESS,DATA,REQ,RSP,TLM_BUS_IF,STATUS,1>




an sc_port
an sc_export port binds to channel
a thread

Note This release does not address peripheral point-to-point delay processing.

The programmer’s view can be refined with a timing model by adding timing constructs, as depicted in
Figure 3-3 on page 3-9. The technique is also referred as trace based modeling. The PV model generates
a trace of activity in the model and then sometime later these traces are played out to determine the
timing. In the extreme case, the timing is executed after the programming model completes. In order to
debug the model it is better to intersperse behavior and timing, enabling the user to deduce the cause and
effect between the system behavior and its performance. The vr_xbus_sc_tlm package implements the
extreme case in this release. Thus, after the devices provide a request or response, a delay, that is, a
timing construct, is processed specific to the request or response.

Of course, the extra level of detail causes the simulation performance to decrease. Thus a second
important feature of separate timing constructs is that the timing can be turned on/off during dynamic
simulation. The configuration interface, set_timing_mode() can be used. If a problem is detected after
many minutes of simulation, the simulation can be run in PV mode (fast) until shortly before the
expected problem and then timing can be turned on to further inspect the timing related problem. After
running to the point of simulation that you are interested in, follow the steps in “Dynamic Timing Mode
(PV/PVT) and Delays” on page 3-53 to switch timing modes or processing delays.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
CC Modeling

In “PV Transaction Level Model Configuration” on page 3-4, the REQ_TYPE and RSP_TYPE definitions
are typedefs for the REQPV/PVT and RSPPV/PVT types being referred to in the descriptions above. The
section “XBus Compound and Scalar User Layers” on page 3-40 provides details on the request and
response classes defined in the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package source code example.

Note The PVT mode and delay data members can be set at construction or at run time. Command line
options can be provided at run time to avoid recompilation. This capability will be implemented in a
future release.

3.1.5 CC Modeling
A cycle-callable view of a TLM is an accurate representation of the microarchitecture. The platform
should model the performance impact of pipelining, communication protocols and structures,
out-of-order communications, and split-responses. By modeling these additional details of the
architecture, the platform can be used for detailed performance optimization through detailed platform
parameter tuning. Hardware and real-time software verification is also enabled at this level.

The accuracy of this model can be bus-accurate down to cycle-accurate. Bus-accurate models define
transactions at the level of a bus transfer which might span multiple cycles. For example, the model
supports bursts across the bus as a single transaction. Cycle-accurate models have transactions within a
single cycle, so a burst across the bus would be modeled as separate cycles, thus providing a more
implementation accurate representation. Transactor models can convert between bus-accurate and
cycle-accurate models.

In order to model pipelining, the interface between the models must be non-blocking. For example, the
processor should be able to make a bus request and continue to run additional instructions (those not
dependent on the result of the first bus request). This is in contrast to the PV technique of using function
call interface between models. In the CC model, the master makes a request and then the data is returned
sometime later. The model must be written to handle the asynchronous nature of the returned data which
also implies that data may be returned out-of-order and/or might be canceled en route.

At the CC level, models are sensitive to a clock, gated clock, or similar event. The model’s process is
“called” at every cycle (thus the name of this abstraction level). Once triggered, the model polls its
interfaces to see what is enabled. For bus-accurate platforms, slaves check for bus requests and masters
check for transfer completions or interrupts. For cycle-accurate platforms, slaves check for
address_ready and data ready signals. Note that calling the process every clock causes a context switch,
which impacts performance simulations. That is, the more context switches you have, the slower your

Figure 3-5 on page 3-12 shows an example of a message sequence chart of a CC model. A master
(processor) makes requests of the bus arbiter: polls for bus grant, requests a read request of a specified
address, and then polls for the slave response. This level of granularity is much finer than the PV model
and thus exhibits slower simulation speed as well as being a more difficult model to write. The positive
feature is that software can be completely validated at this level and be guaranteed to work on the final
SoC implementation.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
CC Modeling

This level of abstraction begins to approximate RTL by modeling multiple signals and more detail
relative to clocking. A single transaction structure provides higher level encapsulation, thus reducing the
number of ports on a model. This makes it easier to assemble the components into a platform (reduced
number of wires). In addition there are a reduced number of simulation objects and events thus gaining
performance over RTL. The processes themselves can execute every aspect of the model’s behavior.

Figure 3-5 PV/CC Mixed Abstraction Message Sequence

Master Y (Thread X) Initiator Bus Slave(n)

Port RSPCC(n) transport(REQCC(n))
read(REQCC(n)) while busy
(poll at clock edge)
RSPCC(n).status = grant delay
read(REQCC(n)) while !data_ready delay
(poll at clock edge)
RSPCC(n) transport(REQCC(n))
delay RSPCC(n) read(REQCC(n))

data = RSPCC(n).data bus transfer

RSPCC(n).data_ready = true

A high-level example of a PV/CC Platform is provided in Figure 3-6 on page 3-13. In this example, the
PV master instance, master0pv, and the CC XBus instance, XBUSCC, are connected via an adaptor,
AdaptorCC/PV. This mixed level of abstraction shows reuse of PV models when refining other portions
of the system. The adaptor will translate data and control going in both directions. While a single
interface is utilized between the PV master and the adaptor, an interface per phase is shown in the
adaptor connection to the bus and with the slave peripheral. On the slave side, an adaptor would be
required to communicate with a non-CC model. Adaptors simply translate between the transaction
objects defined for each level of abstraction, including signals. Clocking is added at this level, thus
adding a high level of accuracy for model interaction. Processes utilize the clock and other events it is
sensitive to execute its behavior using the information provided by the adaptor.

Note CC platform examples will be provided in a future release.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Creating Your Own TLM Platform

Figure 3-6 PV/CC Mixed Abstraction Platform

Arbitration Phase

master0pv Address Phase

•CC/PV Adaptor
Address Phase •CC/RTL Adaptor
•CC/PVT Adaptor

Data Phase

Data Phase


3.2 Creating Your Own TLM Platform

A TLM platform is a collection of TLMs used to model a system. It can provide mixed levels of TLM
abstraction views (for example, PV, PVT, CC). This section explains how to develop a TLM model and
integrate it into a TLM platform.

The section contains:

● “Installing This Library” on page 3-14

● “Reviewing Your Specification” on page 3-18
● “Defining the User Layer” on page 3-18
● “Defining TLM Types” on page 3-21
● “Mapping the OSCI TLM Interfaces to Hardware” on page 3-25
● “Defining the Protocol Layer” on page 3-29
● “Implementing TLM Model Behavior” on page 3-31
● “Creating a Simulatable Environment to Verify Peripheral Behavior” on page 3-32
● “Incorporating Timing” on page 3-33

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Installing This Library

3.2.1 Installing This Library

To help with the process of developing your TLM platform, Cadence recommends installing the
vr_xbus_sc_tlm package example provided by the Cadence TLM library. This library uses the OSCI
TLM library kit, which is in util_lib/tlm_util. Updates for this library can be found at

This section describes installation requirements, build procedures, and command line options available
for the current version of the TLM library. It discusses system requirements for running the example, the
build procedure to simulate the example, and how to determine if the results of the installation are
correct. Finally, it describes the directory structure of the library and included packages. Requirements
To use the TLM library packages, you must install the following:

● SystemC 2.1 simulator (Tested with NC Simulator, IUS5.6p001 or later)

● gcc 3.2.3 (included in IUS5.6p001+ release)
● TLM OSCI standard 1.0 (provided in util_lib/tlm_util)
This package has been tested using the following OS versions:
● Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 2.1, release 3 and 7.2.
Note See the Cadence Incisive documentation for IES installation and SystemC configuration
procedures. Build Procedure

To install the package:

1. Change to your install directory:

cd <install_dir>/kits/VerificationKit

2. Set the SOCV_KIT_HOME variable:

setenv SOCV_KIT_HOME ‘pwd‘

To configure your environment and run the demo for the tlm_lib vr_xbus_sc_tlm package:
● Set up your simulator environment variables correctly (see the simulator documentation).

To verify that the package and your environment are set up correctly:

1. Change to the simulation directory.

cd user_simulation_area

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Installing This Library

2. Source the SOCV_KIT_HOME env.[csh|sh] file.

source $SOCV_KIT_HOME/env.[csh|sh]

3. Run the demo in batch mode.

` vr_xbus_sc_tlm`/ -run_mode batch

4. Compare your output log file to the golden example log file provided (the following lines are all one
diff outdir/ncsim.log \
$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/golden/ \
Standard C++ print utilities are being used, so there should be no differences in the outputs (the
version of the simulator might be different) unless the installation or build procedures were not
followed correctly.

5. Look at the last lines in the log file.

tail outdir/ncsim.log
You should see the following output lines at the end of the log file:
Master0 had 48 (dec) transactions with an average latency of 412 ns. // arbitration mode =
Master1 had 48 (dec) transactions with an average latency of 117 ns. // arbitration mode =

To determine other options for the demo script:

● Look at the usage information for the command-line options (see Table 3-3).
`$SOCV_KIT_HOME/ vr_xbus_sc_tlm`/ -h

Table 3-3 vr_xbus_sc_tlm Command-Line Options

-h[elp] Usage information

[-run_mode Optionally overrides default interactive_gui mode.

batch |
interactive | ● batch: Run simulation and exit when complete
interactive_gui] ● interactive: Stop at simulation time zero in non-gui mode
● interactive_gui: Stop at simulation time zero in gui mode (default)

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Installing This Library

Table 3-3 vr_xbus_sc_tlm Command-Line Options (continued)

[-test] Specify which configuration to run. RUN.XBUS.PVT.MAX (default)

● RUN.ALL: Run all configurations

● RUN.XBUS: Two masters and slaves with FIFO bus arbitration. All in PV
timing mode
● RUN.XBUS.PVT: Same as above only all models in PVT timing mode
● RUN.XBUS.PVT.MIN: Same as above with MIN_PRIORITY bus
● RUN.XBUS.PVT.MAX: Same as above with MAX_PRIORITY bus
● RUN.XBUS.MIXED.PV.PVT: Two masters and slaves with FIFO bus
arbitration on bus. Mixed PV/PVT timing modes
● RUN.XBUS.MIXED.PV.PVT.2: Same as above, except add another master.
Use configuration interface in top level
● RUN.XBUS.PVT.MULTI_MASTER: Similar to above, except with
MIN_PRIORITY bus arbitration

To run the demo using the default settings:
` vr_xbus_sc_tlm`/

To run the demo specifying the XBus PVT model with minimum priority bus arbitration in interactive
` vr_xbus_sc_tlm`/ -test RUN.XBUS.PVT.MIN -run_mode

To run all configurations of the demo in batch mode:

` vr_xbus_sc_tlm`/ -test RUN.ALL -run_mode batch Library Directory and File Structure

Figure 3-7 shows the directory and file structure of TLM design library. It contains one package—a
sample design, vr_xbus_sc_tlm.

At the top level, the directory structure includes a TLM library specific directory, tlm_docs, and the
relevant packages. Similar to eRM, a and PACKAGE_README.txt exist. See the eRM
package information for details.

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Installing This Library

Figure 3-7 TLM Library Directory Structure


svm_lib abv_lib util_lib urm_lib

sc_tlm_design_lib tlm_lib








Sim . support files

Other directories within a package include sysc, src, docs, and examples. The sysc directory includes all
SystemC TLM models and top level source files. A golden directory is provided for several reasons.
First, to verify your installation is correct, log files for each of the configurations that are provided in this
package. Secondly, the golden directory can be used to store output from TLM models. Given a systems
function, for example, MP4 encoding, a simulation might provide a source AIFF file to the system,
which then generates an MP4 file. This output file may be used when doing comparisons in future RTL
simulations. The src directory is optionally used to store software that is specific to the package.
Examples include drivers or HCE, host code execution, or code that is being verified. The docs directory
contains package-specific documentation. The examples directory stores all simulation infrastructure
files, for example, scripts, for the package. These files are referenced by the script.

For TLM model file naming, Cadence recommends incorporating the methodology/vendor prefix (for
example, vr_, tac_), protocol name (for example, xbus), model type (for example, master, slave, timer,
bus). Examples include:

● vr_xbus_master.{h,cc}
● vr_xbus_mem_slave.{h,cc}
● vr_xbus_router.{h,cc}

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Reviewing Your Specification

Note The optional src directory is not used for the vr_xbus_sc_tlm directory.

3.2.2 Reviewing Your Specification

The main goal for this methodology is to determine what you want to model and how. To determine
what you want to model, review the specification to determine core functions that need to be modeled.
Previous sections discussed “General Approach to Transaction-Level Modeling”, “PV Modeling”, “PVT
Modeling”, and “CC Modeling”. Generally, you develop PV models initially and model more detail
depending on how problematic an area is (for example, complex synchronization, latency bottlenecks,
and so forth).

While reviewing the specification, some important pieces of information to note are:

● Devices defined in the system (for example, master, slave, bus)

● Peripheral behavior to model (for example, memory, transactions with different sizes, slave wait
cycles, transactions with different data sizes)
● Valid values of properties (for example, size values, transaction types)
● Modes of operation for the TLM (for example, PV, PVT, CC)
● Key performance requirements (for example, average latency)

The XBus specification can be found at designs/xbus/docs/xbus_spec.pdf.

From the specification, and from a PV perspective, the XBus protocol supports master read and write
requests of different sizes. The transfer of data includes arbitration, address, and data phases. The data
phase is the phase that peripherals respond to the master’s request. The responses include ERROR (and
SUCCESS) and can incorporate wait states.

The address, data, size, wait, read, and write signals in Table 1, Bus Signals, from the XBus
specification located at /vr_xbus/docs/xbus_spec.pdf., are being modeled in this TLM platform
example. Additionally, FIFO, MAX_PRIORITY and MIN_PRIORITY arbitration modes will be
analyzed to determine average master latency in several variant platform definitions.

This collection of information helps define class properties and behaviors, and variables to use when
implementing the system. See “Defining TLM Types” on page 3-21 for more information.

3.2.3 Defining the User Layer

A user layer is a collection of methods that the software developer or designer uses to configure a system
peripheral into a particular mode of operation. You can also use these methods to determine the status of
the peripheral. Figure 3-8 on page 3-19 shows a user layer’s relation to the protocol and transport layer.
These methods provide access to control, status, and data registers for all blocks in the system. It’s
imperative that these blocks registers are bit-accurate in order to leverage this code as embedded
software that runs on the actual device. These accesses are read and write requests to particular locations

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Defining the User Layer

in memory. The details for accessing these memory locations are not required at this level of the
implementation. What is minimally required is the information to communicate the read and write
request and the peripherals response. Enabling communication of this information is what a user layer
provides. However, different users have different needs. Some users may be adept at using many C++
constructs like template classes and compound types (for example, user-defined class definitions with
data members) as part of the read/write requests. Others will prefer a very simple mechanism such as a
scalar type, like native ints and unsigned ints, for doing read and write requests. The user layer definition
in the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package takes this into consideration. One drawback in using a scalar interface is
in defining the entire type of request. Examples of this are determining whether the transfer should be a
burst transfer, or what type of metadata should be included. For example, how to track and relate
requests with responses to do an architectural analysis of the system’s latency requirements that is
required to track information in the environment correctly. The vr_xbus_sc_tlm package utilizes a
configuration interface to address this usage. It is up to the TLM modeler to implement the protocol and
transport layers.

Figure 3-8 Layered TLM API Architecture

User Layer initiator_port->read(request_type(s));

Protocol-specific “convenience” API
Targeted for embedded SW engineer
Typically defined and supplied by IP vendors

Protocol Layer req = request_type(s);

Protocol-specific code rsp = transport(req);
Adapts between user layer and transport layer return rsp;
Typically defined and supplied by IP vendors

Transport Layer sc_port<tlm_transport_if<REQ, RSP> > p;

Uses generic data transport APIs and models
Facilitates interoperability of models
Key focus of TLM standard
May use generic fifos, arbiters, routers, xbars,
pipelines, etc.

Figure 3-9 on page 3-21 shows a basic example of the code structure of a simple PV system. At the
master level, the platform provides several interfaces, such as user layers. You can choose to use a scalar
interface with read() and write() methods in combination with a configuration interface. A second
option uses a compound interface to set up your fields for a read or write request.

For users less interested in C++ syntax, a scalar user layer might be preferred. For example, PV master1
can make a simple read request through an initiator port that implements the scalar user layer. This use
model has PV master1 configuration parameters initialized when the master is instantiated, such as via

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Defining the User Layer

constructor parameters. The arguments to the read function include the requested address as well as a
place holder for the value of the return data. The thread or method with the “read” request will be
blocked until the data is updated. For now just assume that the data will be updated at some point. A
status is provided for you based on the success of the request. If you would like to change the
configuration parameters defined at construction, these parameters can utilize the master provided
configuration interface. You can see a simple example in Figure 3-9 on page 3-21, where PV master1
sets the size of the read request to EIGHT.

Similarly, PV master2 makes a read request; however, a request object type, REQ_TYPE, is used. This
request type contains all of the user parameters required for defining a request. Copy and assignment
constructors are provided. The only argument to the read function is the request object. The function is
also blocking, and returns a response object type, RSP_TYPE, containing appropriate status, response
data, and metadata (among other types of information discussed later in this document). If you do not
know these terms, you might prefer the scalar interface discussed above. This approach lends itself more
to transaction-based communication and object-oriented programming. This use model is expected to be
preferred by more experienced programmers.

The user layer, including the compound, scalar, and configuration interface, used by the masters is
implemented in the initiator port shown in Figure 3-9 on page 3-21.

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Defining TLM Types

Figure 3-9 PV Code Structure

PV Master 1 PV Master 2
xbus_status status; RSO_TYPE RSP;
initiator->set_size(EIGHT); REQ.a = a;
status = initiator->read(a, &d); REQ.size = EIGHT;
RSP = initiator->read(const

initiator port

target port

Generic TLM Bus

router port

Slave Base Class

PV Memory Slave

read(a, &d) {
d = memory[a];

See Also
● “XBus Compound and Scalar User Layers” on page 3-40

3.2.4 Defining TLM Types

C++, and thus SystemC, provides classes for users to encapsulate different types into one object.
Developer should follow OOP guidelines for encapsulating the characteristics of an object and for
defining the relationships and collaboration of the different types in a design. A class is similar to a
struct, except that a class defines behaviors in addition to properties. Different applications can define
their own set of types and namespaces (see “Coding Guidelines” on page 3-55). In our example, we have
several types including masters, slaves and a bus. They encapsulate appropriate types and behavior as
required by a specification defined by a system architect.

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Defining TLM Types

A key to helping end users succeed in using a TLM model is make the use of it as simple as possible.
TLM developers can leverage language constructs to minimize unintended use of different types and to
hide complex C++ syntax. TLM developers should understand how end users must use the TLM model.
Developers should define use cases that the TLM model will be expected to meet.

This section contains:

● “Using Enumerated Types” on page 3-22

● “Using Typedefs” on page 3-23
● “Using Preprocessor Macros” on page 3-24
● “Documenting Your Code” on page 3-24 Using Enumerated Types

When defining a type that has a specific set of valid values, developers should consider utilizing
enumerated types. Enumerated types tightly define the range of values for a variable. They are easy to
read and also keep users from assigning or manipulating variables in unexpected ways. Although enums
are treated as integers, the compiler helps users of your TLM avoid unknown pitfalls. Enumerated types
also help in maintaining code. When expanding valid values, you can add another value to the enum
definition. Below is a code snippet showing some of the enumerated types provided by the TLM bus
platform that includes enums for the model timing modes, the transfer size, arbitration mode and request

48 enum xbus_timing_mode
49 {
50 PV, PVT
51 };
53 enum xbus_size // Number of bytes to transfer on the bus
54 {
55 ONE = 1,
56 TWO = 2
57 FOUR = 4,
58 EIGHT = 8
59 };
61 enum xbus_arbitration_mode
62 {
64 };
66 enum xbus_request_type

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Defining TLM Types

67 {
69 };
71 enum xbus_status
72 {
76 }; Using Typedefs

Typedefs are very helpful for simplifying user syntax, especially when users are uncomfortable with
C++ template syntax. The vr_xbus_sc_tlm package provides the following typedefs. Some are used to
generalize template definitions further, enabling users to change a type and having it propagate through
the reset of the design by recompiling. This can be seen in the xbus_bus_types.h snippet below. A user
can change DATA_TYPE to be an unsigned int by simply updating this file. Simplifying template
syntax is significant for users not comfortable with C++, or who are beginner C++ users.

typedef xbus_protocol::xbus_initiator_port
typedef xbus_master_base<ADDRESS_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, REQ_TYPE, RSP_TYPE,

Example usage in xbus_master.h:


typedef tlm_transport_if< REQ ,RSP > if_type
typedef router_port< if_type > r_port_t;

typedef unsigned int ADDRESS_TYPE;
typedef std::vector<int> DATA_TYPE;
typedef xbus_request<ADDRESS_TYPE,DATA_TYPE> REQ_TYPE;
typedef xbus_response<ADDRESS_TYPE,DATA_TYPE> RSP_TYPE;
typedef tlm::tlm_transport_if< REQ_TYPE, RSP_TYPE > TLM_BUS_IF_TYPE;
typedef sc_export< TLM_BUS_IF_TYPE > TARGET_PORT_TYPE;

typedef xbus_slave_base<ADDRESS_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, REQ_TYPE, RSP_TYPE,

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Defining TLM Types Using Preprocessor Macros

Preprocessor macros can be helpful to define parameters in the system that may vary from one
implementation to another.


#define MAX_MASTER_SIZE 20

Example usage in xbus_router_base.h:

/// List of master to slave processing times supports up to MAX_MASTER_SIZE
/// masters
std::vector< sc_time > ms_list[MAX_MASTER_SIZE];

Preprocessor macros are also helpful when concrete types are not available for a template definition. Documenting Your Code

Documenting your code based on intended use models can help users clearly identify how to do specific
actions. It also helps the developer test based on expected use cases. If possible, users can utilize
Doxygen or other public shareware that can generate Unified Modeling Language (UML), which is
widely used to communicate object oriented design architecture. Doxygen generates HTML files that
can be easily loaded by a browser. The HTML provides class and collaboration diagrams. Traversing the
class hierarchy and viewing code becomes significantly easier. Developers can incorporate special
comments in the code. These comments are used as metadata to Doxygen to generate special comment
syntax, helping reduce the effort for the TLM documentation process as well as helping the end user
traverse the design.

The example vr_sc_tlm_xbus package provided in the TLM library provides Doxygen documentation.
It is located under
$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/docs/doxygen.tar.Z. The
commenting styles used in this package followed guidelines and examples located at the following


To view the Doxygen documentation:

1. Unzip the file doxygen.tar.Z.

A folder/directory is created named “doxygen”.

2. Open doxygen/index.html in your Web browser.

A page labeled “SystemC TLM Modeling Project Alpha 1.2” appears.

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Mapping the OSCI TLM Interfaces to Hardware

3. Click the HTML link to “Modules”.

A list of links representing the groups of modules provided in the example are displayed:

4. Click any of the module links and traverse the code by clicking links or objects.

Inheritance, collaboration, and header dependency graphs are displayed. Comments for many types
and files are also included.

3.2.5 Mapping the OSCI TLM Interfaces to Hardware

This section discusses how the OSCI TLM library can be mapped to a hardware interface.

The OSCI TLM API focuses on SystemC interface classes. By defining a small set of generic, reusable
TLM interfaces, different components can implement the same interfaces enabling higher levels of
interoperability. These interfaces can be implemented as a C++ function in an interface class (derived
from sc_interface) or in other modules/channels in the system that implement the interface (for example,
a channel). To avoid memory management issues in a multi-threaded environment like SystemC, object
passing semantics are utilized, similar to sc_fifo, which effectively pass-by-value. This is a mechanism
which avoids susceptibility to problems associated with the use of raw C/C++ pointers (for example,
core dumping). Depending on the size of the modeled system, this type of semantic can impact
performance. Other techniques (not covered here) can be utilized to address memory management to
improve performance for these systems.

The TLM interface categories include unidirectional and bi-directional. Each include blocking and
non-blocking definitions. When calling a non-blocking method, you can assume that the method will
return at some point. In contrast, a blocking method may never return control to the calling thread or

The primary unidirectional interfaces include:

● tlm_poke_if<T>
● tlm_peek_if<T>
● tlm_put_if<T>
● tlm_get_if<T>

The primary bidirectional interfaces include:

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Mapping the OSCI TLM Interfaces to Hardware

● tlm_master_if<REQ, RSP>
● tlm_slave_if<REQ, RSP>
● tlm_transport_if<REQ, RSP>

Figure 3-10 Primary TLM Interfaces

The TLM interfaces can be easily mapped

valid valid to HW. Understanding this mapping helps
tlm_poke_if* data data tlm_peek_if you to understand how to use the TLM

Note that the TLM interfaces are also

ready ready useful in non-HW parts of your system
(e.g. testbenches, SW modeling).
tlm_put_if valid valid
data data

Poke/peek have overwrite semantics

similar to writing to a variable or signal
req_ready req_ready
req_valid req_valid Put/get have queuing semantics similar to
req_data req_data
writing to a FIFO
tlm_master_if tlm_slave_if
rsp_ready rsp_ready When values propagate asynchronously,
rsp_valid rsp_valid combinational logic is implied.
rsp_data rsp_data
When values are held across clock edges,
hardware registers are implied.

tlm_transport_if implies same HW as tlm_master_if, but also requests and responses are tightly coupled.

tlm_poke_if is not yet in OSCI TLM standard, should be added soon.

Figure 3-10 shows the primary TLM interfaces. This diagram provides lower-level representation of the
control that is intended to be modeled by the interfaces. This might be more useful for a hardware
designer. Understanding the typical usage of a valid control line with data in a read cycle and the
combination of read valid and data in a write cycle is reasonably straightforward. Mapping synchronous
and asynchronous to registered or combinational logic is also directly mapped, given that any of the
interfaces defined can be clocked or unclocked using SystemC semantics.

As noted, tlm_transport_if implies the same HW as the tlm_master_if, but the request and response are
tightly coupled (as in a bus platform). If you need to model loosely coupled requests and responses, do
not use tlm_transport_if. Instead, interface directly to request and response fifos using the
tlm_master_if. The tlm_master_if and tlm_transport_if can be implemented by a single function call,
OR by two fifos in each direction.

Figure 3-11 on page 3-27 provides an example of the relationships between the unidirectional interfaces.

Note * tlm_poke_if is not yet in the OSCI TLM kit.

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Mapping the OSCI TLM Interfaces to Hardware

Figure 3-11 TLM Unidirectional Interfaces Inheritance Diagram

Pure Blocking tlm_blocking_get_if tlm_nonblocking_get_if tlm_blocking_peek_if tlm_nonblocking_peek_if


tlm_blocking_put_if tlm_nonblocking_put_if tlm_blocking_get_peek_if tlm_nonblocking_get_peek_if

tlm_put_if tlm_get_if tlm_peek_if tlm_poke_if


tlm_fifo specific interfaces


tlm_fifo_put_if tlm_fifo_get_if

Unidirectional interfaces send data in a single direction. Flow of control is in both directions. For
example, if a master needs to place a read address on the bus, this can be considered as a unidirectional
interface. Sending an IP packet can also be considered to be unidirectional. These two examples assume
that flow of control is in one direction. In many real world cases, however, both of these examples would
require interaction with another device (for example, arbiter or fabric) to gain control of the
communication median.

Bidirectional interfaces send data in both directions and the flow of control is in both directions. When
the previous unidirectional read address example is completely executed, the read transaction across the
bus is bidirectional. Control between the bus and master, and data from the bus to the master would
require a bidirectional TLM interface.

Any complex protocol can be broken down into a set of unidirectional and bidirectional accesses that
use the TLM API.

See Also
● “Implementing TLM Interfaces” on page 3-28

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Mapping the OSCI TLM Interfaces to Hardware Implementing TLM Interfaces

To implement TLM interfaces:

1. Design the desired components for reuse.

In SystemC, sc_ports can be bound to channels and sc_exports that provide more interface
implementations than are actually required. The mechanism that achieves this is C++ implicit
conversion to base classes. Having a hierarchy of interface classes is thus the key enabler for this

2. Require the minimum possible interfaces in each situation.

For example, Figure 3-11 on page 3-27 shows the class hierarchy relation for
tlm_non_blocking_get_if and tlm_get_if. This is because a child class has inherited all of its
parents’ interfaces. This would be the maximum interfaces you would be able to provide, for
example, as a channel that was exporting its interfaces. This would increase reuse and
inter-operability across platforms. Therefore, line 1 below is preferred to line 2, since it requires the
minimum set of interfaces.
1 sc_port<tlm_nonblocking_get_if<T> >
2 sc_port<tlm_get_if<T> >

3. Provide the maximum interfaces that make sense in a given situation.

Figure 3-11 on page 3-27 shows the class hierarchy relation for tlm_put_if and
tlm_blocking_put_if. For example, a module developer should require the minimum interfaces
from a channel in order to increase reuse and inter-operability across platforms. This is done by
using the parent class. Therefore, line 1 below is preferred to line 2 since it provides the maximum
set of interfaces.
1 sc_export<tlm_put_if<T> >
2 sc_export<tlm_blocking_put_if<T> >

4. If possible, require only these TLM interface classes:

● tlm_nonblocking_{put,get,peek}_if
● tlm_blocking_{put,get,peek}_if
● tlm_poke_if
● tlm_transport_if, tlm_master_if, tlm_slave_if

● Slightly prefer requiring non-blocking interfaces over blocking interfaces, especially if refining
to an implementation in which threading support is expensive or non-existent.
● Prefer to provide tlm_{put,poke,get,peek}_if over just the pure non-blocking or blocking
interfaces if it is not much additional modeling effort.

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Defining the Protocol Layer

● For bidirectional communication with tightly coupled requests and responses, require and
provide tlm_transport_if. For non-tightly coupled requests and responses, require and provide
the tlm_master_if and tlm_slave_if.
● Only require the tlm_fifo_* interfaces in cases where the port can only be bound to tlm_fifo.

5. Derive from tlm_fifo interfaces (see Figure 3-11 on page 3-27) to connect incompatible interfaces.

tlm_fifo provides all of the put, get, and peek interfaces in blocking and non-blocking forms, so
tlm_fifo can be used to connect any two unidirectional TLM interfaces except tlm_poke_if. For
example, a TLM model can do blocking puts into a tlm_fifo, and non-blocking gets out of it.
Note An implemented TLM interface is a channel. A channel that implements an interface class by
inheriting from that class provides that interface to the outside world. An sc_export<IF> member within
a module or channel provides that interface to the outside world. An sc_port<IF> member within a
module or channel requires that interface from the outside world.

3.2.6 Defining the Protocol Layer

This section shows how to implement the protocol layer between the user layer and the TLM interfaces
that you chose to match your hardware interface.

Some basic requirements that must be met are:

● Translation of user layer types to TLM interface types (including metadata)

● Appropriate treatment of request reference data
● Verification of valid requests by type checking
● Returning the appropriate response

To define the protocol layer:

1. Check validity of the user layer request as defined by the protocol.

2. Translate user layer request types to TLM interface types.

3. Invoke the TLM interface (e.g. tlm_transport_if).

4. Check validity of response as defined by the protocol.

5. Translate TLM interface types to the user layer types.

6. Update request reference data appropriately.

7. Return an appropriate response as defined by the protocol.

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Defining the Protocol Layer

The code snippet below shows part of the implementation of the scalar user layer that was defined in
“Defining the User Layer” on page 3-18. The user layer is the method signature defined. The code within
the user layer that updates specific protocol variables is the protocol layer. The first requirement is
addressed by the function, init_rsp_req(), invoked on line 127 below and defined from lines 245 to 260.
These sections of code address the need to translate a user layer type to a TLM interface type. For the
compound user layer, partially shown from lines 60–75, there is less of a need, since the same types are
used; however…
121 virtual STATUS write( const ADDRESS &a , const DATA &d )
122 {
124 REQ req;
125 RSP rsp;
127 init_rsp_req(rsp, req, WRITE, a, d);
129 rsp = (*this)->transport( req );
131 return rsp.status;
133 }
245 void init_rsp_req(RSP &rsp,
246 REQ &req,
247 const xbus_request_type & type, const ADDRESS &a, const DATA & d) {
249 req.type = type;
250 req.a = a;
251 req.d = d;
252 req.size = get_size();
253 req.master_id = get_id();
254 req.master_name = get_name();
255 rsp.master_name = get_name();
256 rsp.master_id = get_id();
257 rsp.size = get_size();
258 req.timing_mode = get_timing_mode();
259 req.delay = get_delay();
260 }

…there are cases where the response type will require updates by the actual peripheral that is
responding. In these cases, the model can use user layers or base classes to update user layer and
transport layer types. The slave memory code snippet shows the use of a copy constructor for this
purpose on line 63. The name of the responding slave is set on line 72. The status is set by either line 67
or 70 and returned on line 73.
60 RSP_TYPE xbus_mem_slave::
61 read( const REQ_TYPE &request ) {
63 RSP_TYPE rsp(request);
65 switch( request.type ) {
66 case READ :
67 rsp.status = read( request.a, rsp.d, request.size);

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Implementing TLM Model Behavior

68 break;
69 default :
70 rsp.status = ERROR;
71 }
72 rsp.slave_name = name();
73 return rsp;
75 }

Several of the above snippets provide examples on how to treat request reference data appropriately and
how to return appropriate responses. Specifically, the examples provided in the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package
provide the same type of memory management as the TLM OSCI kit examples. In particular, argument
types are typically passed as const references, requiring each layer to allocate memory for request and
response types. Exceptions occur when the requesting device utilizes a scalar interface and requires
information from a peripheral. For example, the code snippet below shows, shows the reference DATA
being updated based on the slave response on line 160.
150 virtual STATUS read( const ADDRESS &a , DATA &d ) {
152 REQ req;
153 RSP rsp;
155 init_rsp_req(rsp, req, READ, a, d);
157 rsp = (*this)->transport( req );
159 //Update calling data reference
160 d = rsp.d;
162 return rsp.status;
164 }

3.2.7 Implementing TLM Model Behavior

This section will be updated with more detail in a future release.

To add peripherals to the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package:

1. Derive from the slave base class provided in the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package (see xbus_mem_slave.h).

2. Add control and status registers if required (see xbus_mem_slave.{h,cc})

3. Implement the function of the peripheral in a method (see xbus_mem_slave.{h,cc}).

4. Add types if required to the response types (see xbus_protocol.h and xbus_mem_slave.{h,cc}).

5. Implement the user layer.

6. Update the transport layer if required (based on parameter types being added).

7. Add the slave to the memory map (see “Memory Map” on page 3-46).

The class hierarchy shown in Figure 3-15 on page 3-38 shows the slave xbus::my_xbus_slave. This is a
good class design example of how to implement another slave to add to a TLM platform.

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Creating a Simulatable Environment to Verify Peripheral Behavior

The following steps can be followed to add a master:

1. Derive from the master base class provided in the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package (see xbus_master.h).

2. Add control and status registers if required (see xbus_mem_slave.{h,cc})

3. Implement the function of the peripheral in a method (see xbus_master.{h,cc}).

4. Add types if required to the request type (see xbus_protocol.h and xbus_master.{h,cc}).

The class hierarchy shown in Figure 3-13 on page 3-35 shows the slave xbus::my_xbus_master. This is
a good class design example of how to implement another slave to add to a TLM platform.

The following are examples of the infrastructure provided by the classes defined by the vr_xbus_sc_tlm

● Infrastructure for creating a top level netlist (i.e. TLM Platform)

● Infrastructure for communication to different models/components
● Infrastructure for memory mapping
● A configuration interface
● Register utilities
● Infrastructure for mixed-abstraction TLM platform simulations
● Dynamic timing mode and delays
● Request and response types for PV and PVT timing modes
● Infrastructure for architectural analysis

3.2.8 Creating a Simulatable Environment to Verify

Peripheral Behavior
Now that your models and layers of communication have been implemented, you can simulate your
system. An example top level netlist is implemented by the following file:

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/

To add components and configure them:

1. Instantiate the components.

2. Connect the components.

3. Configure the components.

● Utilize the constructor to initialize your component.


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Incorporating Timing

● Use the configuration interface of the components.

4. Simulate, verify, and debug.

a. Kick the simulation off.

See “Build Procedure” on page 3-14 and “Installing This Library” on page 3-14 for examples in
this package on building a simulation script and invoking it.
b. Verify the results.

c. Debug as needed.

Note Fixing compiler errors is not covered in this document.

3.2.9 Incorporating Timing

This section will be updated in a future release. For information on switching timing modes, processing
delays, and centralized delay processing see “Centralized Delay Processing” on page 3-51 and “Dynamic
Timing Mode (PV/PVT) and Delays” on page 3-53.

3.3 The vr_xbus_sc_tlm Package

This section reviews some of the features included in the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package to help understand
how you can leverage it to create your own TLM platform and TLMs.

This package was developed using the OSCI TLM kit 4.1 example and the
$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_verification_lib/vr_xbus_tlm package. The TLM router, master,
slave, and initiator port were modified as were files from the SVM package. The following sections
document the capabilities of the svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm package. The intention of
this package is for users to develop there own TLMs and platforms using this as a working example.
Where possible, instructions have been provided, using the perspective of what a user would have to
change if something needed customizing for their own environment. These changes are by no means
required to get the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package to compile or simulate. The XBus specification can be
found at designs/xbus/docs/xbus_spec.pdf.

The platform features include but are not limited to:

● Mixed-abstraction configurations
● Template code implementation
● Utilization of bidirectional tlm_transport_if
● Compound and scalar user layers
● Arbitration
● Bus monitor synchronization for current request/response

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Class Design

● Illegal address bus error

● Built in bus types and attributes
● Dynamic timing mode (PV/PVT)
● Dynamic delay modeling
● Centralized decoding
● Centralized delay processing
● Single continuous memory mapping per target port (text based)

This section contains:

● “Class Design” on page 3-34

● “General Data Flow” on page 3-39
● “XBus Compound and Scalar User Layers” on page 3-40
● “Bidirectional tlm_transport_if Utilization” on page 3-41
● “Bus Types” on page 3-41
● “C++ Templates for Code Reuse” on page 3-43
● “Memory Map” on page 3-46
● “Arbitration” on page 3-46
● “Bus Monitor Synchronization” on page 3-47
● “Architectural Analysis” on page 3-48
● “Centralized Delay Processing” on page 3-51
● “Dynamic Timing Mode (PV/PVT) and Delays” on page 3-53
● “Mixed Abstraction Configurations” on page 3-54
Note The instructions throughout this section are for implementing and modifying the features
provided by the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package.

3.3.1 Class Design

This section depicts the UML diagrams of the master, bus and slave components used in this package. A
more detailed set of documentation can be found in the Doxygen output. See “Documenting Your Code”
on page 3-24 for more information on viewing the Doxygen documentation.

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Class Design

Figure 3-12 Class Legend

The diagram above shows the usage of an abstract and concrete classes. The abstract classes have a
pattern enclosed with a dotted line. A concrete class will have a slight tint and will be enclosed in a solid
line. The class being discussed will have no fill and a solid line enclosing it. Contained classes will be
depicted with a black diamond and arrow symbol.

In this diagram, the class “Class being discussed” contains the template class
“my_name_space::Contained class<T1, T2>”, which is defined in the namespace my_name_space and
has two parameter, T1 and T2. Derivation is depicted by an arrow symbol. In the diagram, the class
“Class being discussed”, is derived from a concrete class, “Concrete class”, and an abstract class,
“Abstract class”.

Figure 3-13 XBus Master Class Diagram

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Class Design

The diagram above shows the multiple levels of inheritance for the xbus::xbus_master. At this highest
level is sc_module. This base class derived from sc_module which is the base class of all modules and
hierarchical channels in SystemC. The next level of inheritance is from xbus::xbus_base. It contains the
XBus configuration interface and register utilities for setting, clearing and getting values of bits of status
and control registers to enable users to define functionality of their model. The last level of inheritance
is that of a template base class, xbus::xbus_master_base. The class parameterizes the address, data,
request, response for scalar and compound requests, and the TLM bus interface that will be used. The
usage of template base classes increases the scope of usage of the code provided by enabling different
types to be used to specialize a specific platform as defined by a user. In the diagram we see the usage of
specific types defined in “Using Typedefs” on page 3-23. These concrete types have been defined to
specialize the template for a given set of types defined for this platform. The use of namespaces, e.g.
xbus::, has been used to avoid name conflicts. Users should theoretically be able to use the current set of
code to implement a multi-bus environment with variations in protocol. Of particular note, is the
xbus::xbus_master_base containment, shown by a black diamond and arrow, of an initiator port.
Following sections will discuss the importance of the initiator port for master communication to a bus or
other slave with a target port. Finally, the xbus::xbus_master. This class is used in all of the platforms
provided by this package. It defines several methods which in reality run regressions for each of the
protocol variations defined by the XBus using the user, protocol and transport layers implemented by the
package. The data flow through the system will be further discussed in “General Data Flow” on page

Figure 3-13 also shows a class named xbus::my_xbus_master. This is shown only to show the
extensibility of the class hierarchy. A user can copy xbus::xbus_master (located at
$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_master.{h,cc}) and
modify or delete the process definitions and add another process that does something completely
different. If the inheritance stays the same, all of the infrastructure code, including the initiator port,
configuration interface, register utilities, etc...., stays in tact, making much easier for the model
developer to create a model that can plug and play in mixed abstraction TLM platform.

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Class Design

Figure 3-14 XBus Bus Class Diagram

Figure 3-14 shows the class diagram for the xbus::xbus_bus class. The XBus bus derives from the
abstract class tlm::tlm_transport_if, the OSCI TLM transport interface and from sc_module, the base of
all modules and hierarchical channels in SystemC. The next level of inheritance is from the template
utils::router class. This class parameterizes the address, request and response types. It routes requests to
a particular address based on a user provided file name, implemented by a string class and a utils::router
construction argument. Information from this file is stored in an address_map<ADDRESS> object and
is queried during simulation to route the requests to a slave within which the address request resides in.
The request is routed to the slave via the utils::router_port. The xbus_router_base is the last level of
inheritance. It redefines the transport layer, from that of utils::router, to include an arbitration phase,
processing delays and architectural analysis. Initiator ports get bound to the bus’ target port to access the
transport layer. The utils::router_port gets bound to slaves. The data flow through the system will be
further discussed in “General Data Flow” on page 3-39.

Figure 3-15 shows the class diagram for the xbus::xbus_mem_slave class. This XBus slave derives from
the abstract class tlm::tlm_transport_if, the OSCI TLM transport interface and from sc_module, the base
of all modules and hierarchical channels in SystemC. The next level of inheritance is from the template
utils::router class. This class parameterizes the address, request and response types. It routes requests to
a particular address based on a user provided file name, implemented by a string class and a utils::router
construction argument. Information from this file is stored in an address_map<ADDRESS> object and
is queried during simulation to route the requests to a slave within which the address request resides in.
The request is routed to the slave via the utils::router_port. The xbus_router_base is the last level of
inheritance. It redefines the transport layer, from that of utils::router, to include an arbitration phase,
processing delays and architectural analysis. Initiator ports get bound to the bus’ target port to access the
transport layer. The utils::router_port gets bound to slaves. The data flow through the system will be
further discussed in “General Data Flow” on page 3-39.

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Class Design

Figure 3-15 XBus Memory Slave Class Diagram

Figure 3-15 above shows the multiple levels of inheritance for the xbus::xbus_mem_slave. At this
highest level is sc_module. This base class derived from sc_module which is the base class of all
modules and hierarchical channels in SystemC. The next level of inheritance includes xbus::xbus_base,
TLM_BUS_IF_TYPE and bus_if. The xbus::xbus_base class provides the XBus configuration interface
and register utilities for setting, clearing and getting values of bits of status and control registers to
enable users to define functionality of their model. xbus::TLM_BUS_IF_TYPE is described in “Using
Typedefs” on page 3-23, and essentially is a specialization of the OSCI TLM transport interface,
typedef tlm::tlm_transport_if< REQ_TYPE, RSP_TYPE >. The slaves of this platform
implement a transport layer compatible with the OSCI TLM transport interface. The slaves also
implement the user layer defined by xbus_protocol::bus_if. The last level of inheritance is that of a
template base class, xbus::xbus_slave_base. The class parameterizes the address, data, request, response
for scalar and compound requests, and the TLM bus interface that will be used. The usage of template
base classes increases the scope of usage of the code provided by enabling different types to be used to
specialize a specific platform as defined by a user. In the diagram we see the usage of specific types
defined in “Using Typedefs” on page 3-23. These concrete types have been defined to specialize the
template for a given set of types defined for this platform. The use of namespaces, e.g. xbus::, has been
used to avoid name conflicts. Users should theoretically be able to use the current set of code to
implement a multi-bus environment with variations in protocol. Of particular note, is the
xbus::xbus_slave_base containment, shown by a black diamond and arrow, of TARGET_PORT_TYPE
target port. Following sections will discuss the importance of the target port for slave communication to
a bus or a master with an initiator port. Finally, the xbus::xbus_mem_slave. This class is used in all of
the platforms provided by this package. It implements memory functionality supporting protocol
variations defined by the XBus using the user, protocol and transport layers implemented by the
package. The memory contains a control register implemented as a std::unsigned int. The control
register controls writes to the memory. The control register is initialized to enable memory writing. The
data flow through the system will be further discussed in “General Data Flow” on page 3-39.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
General Data Flow

Figure 3-15 also shows a class named xbus::my_slave. This is shown only to show the extensibility of
the class hierarchy. A user can copy xbus::xbus_mem_slave (located at
$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_mem_slave.{h,cc}) and
modify or delete the functionality to do something completely different. If the inheritance stays the
same, all of the infrastructure code, including the target port, configuration interface, register utilities,
etc...., stays in tact, easing the model developer’s process to create a model that can plug and play in
mixed abstraction TLM platform.

3.3.2 General Data Flow

The Section 3.3.1, “Class Design,” on page 3-34 provides high level class diagrams for the master, bus,
and slaves in the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package. Figure 3-16 shows a high level collaboration diagram of
these classes. The description below discusses data flow through the system.

Figure 3-16 Example XBus TLM Platform

The OSCI TLM xbus defines the master as an sc_module which contains an sc_port/channel
implementation (initiator port). The port is a port/ channel, and implements the xbus_if user layer to the
master. The top level netlist, sc_main, binds the initiator port to the router/bus target port. The target port
is an sc_export type. The main difference between sc_port and sc_export (SystemC 2.1) is that sc_port
allow modules to call interface methods implemented by a channel that is not contained by the module;
whereas sc_export allows modules to call interface methods of a channel that the module contains.

The use of sc_export in this example is mainly for stylistic purposes. If users want pure module and
module containers (of channels) to have consistent implementation code structure, then the sc_export
should be included. Inclusion of the sc_export helps in the migration of a pure module to a module
container of channels.

In this example, the master models simple read-write operations executed from memory (for example,
ROM). Although, it is not directly mapped to embedded software like an HCE, host code execution, or
the model of a processor, it can be as effective in early software development if the register and memory
map definitions are accurate.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
XBus Compound and Scalar User Layers

In a typical system, the processor loads opcodes and operands from memory, then executes the opcode
with its associated operands. This access can occur through a dedicated memory bus or through the a
shared bus architecture. This example uses a shared bus architecture. This example does not show
loading of memory for opcodes and operands, but takes the perspective of executing already loaded and
decoded instructions that result in read-write operations (equivalent to direct address load/store

The master invokes the user layer defined by xbus_if and implemented by the initiator port. The initiator
port, bound to the bus model’s target port, is a channel adaptor. That is, it takes information from the
user layer invoked by the master, and invokes the transport interface in the bus. The target port is
transparent in the initiator transport calls. The bus model is a module and a channel, that is, it is derived
from both sc_interface and sc_module. When the bus model transport method receives the request, it
processes three phases as defined by the XBus protocol: arbitration, address, and data. Address decoding
occurs providing a port index to a memory-mapped slave. The bus implementation of the transport
interface includes arbitration. During the data phase, the slave processes the data appropriately and
returns an updated response.

The XBus uses the transport layer for several purposes. tlm_transport_if implies the same hardware as
tlm_master_if, but with tightly coupled requests and responses. The requests and responses are tightly
coupled in the XBus protocol.

3.3.3 XBus Compound and Scalar User Layers

The following code snippet shows the definition of the XBus user layer, via the xbus_if class. Cadence
does not expect or recommend that you modify this definition. The code is shown for completeness.

A key implementation step for developing a TLM platform and its models is defining interfaces. The
xbus_if class is an abstract class. An abstract class defines the interface, but not the actual
implementation of the interface. For example, lines 21 and 27 define how scalar and compound read
methods are called, but not what the method actually does when it is called. Likewise, lines 24 and 30 do
the same for the write methods.
15 template< typename ADDRESS , typename DATA, typename REQ, typename RSP,
typename STATUS >
16 class bus_if
17 {
18 public:
20 ///scalar read API
21 virtual STATUS read( const ADDRESS &a , DATA &d ) = 0;
23 ///scalar write API
24 virtual STATUS write( const ADDRESS &a , const DATA &d ) = 0;
26 ///compound read API
27 virtual RSP read( const REQ &req) = 0;
29 ///compound write API
30 virtual RSP write( const REQ &req) = 0;

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Bidirectional tlm_transport_if Utilization

31 };

Line 15 generalizes the interface and some of its template data members to be used by platforms that
utilize different (C++) types for address and data bus types. This increases the reusability of the class.
When an object of type bus_if is instantiated, users will define the ADDRESS, DATA, REQ, and RSP
types for the template class.

See Also
● “Defining TLM Types” on page 3-21

3.3.4 Bidirectional tlm_transport_if Utilization

This section will be added in a future release.

3.3.5 Bus Types

The XBus protocol, like any bus protocol, has a specification for different types of accesses. The XBus
defines read and write accesses, supporting transfers of different sizes. The slaves can also incorporate
wait states. The bus generally supports arbitration, address and data phases.

The bus and interface types defined for this platform are defined by the following files:

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_protocol.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/bus_types.h

The specific enumeration types provided by the package code implementation include:

● enum xbus_timing_mode
● enum xbus_size
● enum xbus_arbitration_mode
● enum xbus_request_type
● enum xbus_status

Following is a code snippet of the enumerated types provided by the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package.
98 enum xbus_timing_mode
99 {
100 PV, PVT
101 };
104 enum xbus_size
105 {
106 ONE = 1,

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Bus Types

107 TWO = 2,
108 FOUR = 4,
109 EIGHT = 8
110 };
112 enum xbus_arbitration_mode
113 {
115 };
118 enum xbus_request_type
119 {
121 };
124 enum xbus_status
125 {
129 };

In addition to the enumerated types, the example uses parameters for address, data, request, response,
and status types for many template base classes. The specialization of these is done by derived classes.

The file $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/bus_types.h defines

the following types to support the address, data, request and response requirements of the XBus base
16 #include "tlm.h"
17 #include <vector>
18 namespace xbus_protocol {
20 typedef unsigned int ADDRESS_TYPE;
21 typedef std::vector<int> DATA_TYPE;
22 ///Forward declaration of template request class
23 template <typename ADDRESS, typename DATA> class xbus_request;
24 ///Forward declaration of template response class
25 template <typename ADDRESS, typename DATA> class xbus_response;
26 ///Create concrete typedefs for the xbus template request class
27 typedef xbus_request<ADDRESS_TYPE,DATA_TYPE> REQ_TYPE;
28 ///Create concrete typedefs for the xbus template response class
29 typedef xbus_response<ADDRESS_TYPE,DATA_TYPE> RSP_TYPE;
31 #define MAX_MASTER_SIZE 20
40 };

ADDRESS_TYPE and DATA_TYPE types, such as unsigned int and int, will not require changes,
however, they can be changed to int or unsigned int, respectively, with no impact. Changing the
DATA_TYPE to a non-vector<> type will require changes. Cadence recommends leaving the vector
type in tact to support burst modes.

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C++ Templates for Code Reuse

3.3.6 C++ Templates for Code Reuse

This package utilizes template classes to increase the level of reuse, consistency, and interpretability
between different models and platforms utilizing the OSCI TLM standard and this package.

The request and response types defined for this platform are utilized by the following files:

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_protocol.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_initiator_port.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_master.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_mem_slave.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_protocol.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_router.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_slave_base.h

It should be noted that many of the data members in the request and response classes generally reflect a
need for analysis of the overall request/response data and processing flow. Because of this, there are
associations between the request and response data members as well as with the requesting masters and
responding slaves. These data members are generally protocol-specific; however, function-specific data
members can be added.

Table 3-4 describes the members provided by the request class.

Table 3-4 XBus Request Class Members

xbus_request Class Data Member Description

unsigned int master_id Master transaction identification. Use to determine

which master initiates the bus request.

xbus_request_type type Defines the bus request type (for example, read or

ADDRESS a ADDRESS for the master request.

xbus_size size Data size for the request. Use to process data bursts.

xbus_timing_mode timing_mode Timing mode of the requesting master.

unsigned int delay Delay processed by the bus if the master timing_mode
is set to PVT.

string master_name Name of the requesting master.

DATA d DATA associated with the request.

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Table 3-4 XBus Request Class Members (continued)

xbus_request Class Data Member Description

unsigned int trans_id This value is updated by the bus model to track how
many transactions have been processed in the

sc_time start_time Simulation time at which the master initially generates

a request. Used for architectural analysis.

ADDRESS &get_address() { return a } Returns the address of the request.

Table 3-5 describes the members provided by the response class.

Table 3-5 XBus Response Class Members

xbus_request Class Data

Member Description

xbus_status status Resulting status for the associated request.

unsigned int slave_id Slave transaction identification. Use to determine which

slave/peripheral is associated with the response.

string slave_name Name of the responding slave/peripheral.

unsigned int master_id ID of the associated master that generated the request
associated with this response.

xbus_request_type type Type of bus request (for example, read or write).

ADDRESS a Address of the response.

xbus_size size Size of the response

xbus_timing_mode timing_mode Timing mode (for example, PV/PVT) of the responding


unsigned int delay Delay processed by the bus if the slave/peripheral

timing_mode is set to PVT.

string master_name Name of the master that generated the request that this
response is associated with.

unsigned int master_trans_id ID of the master that generated the request that this response
is associated with.

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Table 3-5 XBus Response Class Members (continued)

xbus_request Class Data

Member Description

DATA d Data associated with the response.

sc_time start_time Simulation time when the master initially generated the
associated bus request. Used for architectural analysis.

sc_time end_time Simulation time when the bus completed processing the
response generated for an associated request.

Table 3-6 describes the template base classes.

Table 3-6 XBus Template Base Classes

Template Base
Class Location

xbus_initiator_port $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/

xbus_master_base $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/

xbus_slave_base $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/

xbus_router_base $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/

The package provides the following interface definition and implementation:

bus_if ● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/

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Memory Map

3.3.7 Memory Map

The generic TLM Bus model and router port are responsible for the generation of the memory map at
elaboration time. This enables it to decode incoming request addresses to determine the target slave and
makes its own request to that slave. The memory map for this TLM platform utilizes centralized
decoding in the bus model. The memory map capability is implemented by the following files:

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/main*.cc
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/examples/
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_router_base.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_bus.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/util_lib/tlm_util/sc/utils/address_map.h

To implement the memory map in a package TLM platform:

1. Instantiate your bus with a memory mapping definition file and arbitration mode.

The following code snippet from shows an xbus_bus instantiation:

xbus_bus bus("SC_XBUS", "", FIFO);

2. Instantiate your peripheral with a name to use for memory mapping.

xbus_mem_slave slave0("SC_XBUS_SLAVE0", 0);
An instance, slave0, of type xbus_mem_slave is given a name of SC_XBUS_SLAVE0 and a slave
ID (identification number) of 0. The name given is used to assign the memory map definition for
this slave.

3. Add an entry into the memory map definition file ( for your peripheral.
SC_XBUS_SLAVE0.iport 0 0x1000
Note The syntax for this entry is name.iport [space] [begin_address] [space] [end_address].
“iport” is the name of target_port instance instantiated in the xbus_mem_slave peripheral. The top
level netlist binds this port to the bus’ router port. These objects create address map entries based on
the memory map definition file. They provide the system memory mapping functionality during run
time. Its important that the name given used in the top level netlist is the same as that used in the
memory map definition file.

4. Repeat the last two steps for any additional peripherals required in the system.

3.3.8 Arbitration
The arbitration policy is implemented by the following files:

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/

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Bus Monitor Synchronization

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_protocol.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_router.h

To implement the arbitration policy in a package TLM platform:

● Instantiate your bus with a memory mapping definition file and arbitration mode.
The following code snippet from shows an XBus instantiation:
xbus_bus bus("SC_XBUS" , "", FIFO);
Note This example utilizes a FIFO arbitration policy. The vr_xbus_sc_tlm package provides
different arbitration schemes including FIFO, MIN_PRIORITY, and MAX_PRIORITY. You can
implement other priority schemes by updating the file xbus_protocol.h and xbus_router_base.h. The
file xbus_protocol.h defines an enum for the arbitration modes that can be selected.
enum xbus_arbitration_mode

Although all of these modes are not implemented, they provide an example for adding additional
arbitration modes. In the current implementation of the arbitration phase method, modes not
implemented default to the FIFO arbitration policy.

The file xbus_router_base.h provides a method, void arbitration_phase(REQ req), that models the
arbitration phase for every request. Different configurations can construct the model differently during
architectural analysis phase either via construction or the bus’ configuration interface using the
arbitration_mode data member. The arbitration can be included in PV and PVT modes. In PV mode, the
system can be functionally analyzed using arbitration. In PVT mode, timing is incorporated.
Dynamically switching between the PV and PVT modes is essential for increasing performance and
efficiency during a debugging use model.

The file xbus_router_base.h provides a method, end_of_simulation(), which calculates the average,
maximum and minimum latency for each master in the system. For more information, see “Architectural
Analysis” on page 3-48.

The arbitration method is virtual. Derived types can override the functionality of virtual methods.

3.3.9 Bus Monitor Synchronization

Bus monitor synchronization is implemented by the following files:

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_router_base.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_protocol.h

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Architectural Analysis

To implement bus monitor synchronization in a package TLM platform:

● Incorporate a public method that requires callers to allocate memory for request and responses.

The following code snippet from xbus_router_base.h shows items implemented in the vr_xbus_sc_tlm
// Environments can utilize this event and method to monitor the bus
sc_event transaction_complete;
// A master has completed a transaction
inline void xbus_tlm_mon_trans(REQ& req, RSP& rsp)
req = cur_req;
rsp = cur_rsp;

The bus monitoring capability is implemented in the bus. Therefore, an instantiation of the bus is
required. Notice that this example shows a public sc_event and an inline method that takes REQ and
RSP references. An external component or environment can refer to the transaction_complete event,
signifying a master request has been processed by the system relative to the bus. This synchronization
point allows other components or environments to sample the current request and response for further

The REQ and RSP types are implemented in xbus_protocol.h as two template classes. These classes are
xbus_response and xbus_request. For more information, see “C++ Templates for Code Reuse” on page

3.3.10 Architectural Analysis

The calculations provided in this section can be implemented as a transaction monitor by attaching to the
appropriate transaction interface. This package implements the calculations in the bus model.

The vr_xbus_sc_tlm bus platform package provides a simple example of architectural analysis
implemented by the following files:

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_router_base.h

To implement architectural analysis in a package:

1. Incorporate metadata in request and response types.

The response and request classes incorporate request start and stop times and a master id. For more
information, see “C++ Templates for Code Reuse” on page 3-43, “Centralized Delay Processing” on
page 3-51, and “Dynamic Timing Mode (PV/PVT) and Delays” on page 3-53.

2. Track metadata in request and response types.

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Architectural Analysis

The bus model tracks the latency, via processing time of the request, for each master ID. The bus
assumes a finite number of masters (could be a construction parameter)
std::vector< sc_time > ms_list[MAX_MASTER_SIZE];
process_time = cur_rsp.end_time-cur_rsp.start_time;

3. Calculate average, minimum and maximum latency.

For each master ID, collect the processing time for each request and calculate the average based on
the total number of transactions that were processed for the given master ID.
end_of_simulation() {
// For each master m
num_m_process_times = ms_list[m].size();
//calculate average, maximum and minimum latency
for(size_t p = 0 ; p < num_m_process_times; p ++) {
current = ms_list[m][p];
average += current;
if ( maximum < current )
maximum = current;
if (!p )
minimum = current;
if ( minimum > current )
minimum = current;
average /= num_m_process_times;

With PVT and CC modeling styles, a platform can be evaluated for performance. Some interesting
performance analysis includes:

● Percentage bus utilization (non-idle time)

● Mean bus transfer rate specified as transfers per second
● Mean bus transaction rate specified as transactions per second
● Mean and worst-case arbitration delay (bus request to bus grant)
● Number of transfers attempted, completed and aborted
● Most utilized connection (master to slave)
● Least utilized connection (master to slave)
● Percentage of high-priority interrupts

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Architectural Analysis

The bus model can be modified to provide enable/disable capability by the platform designer to avoid
unnecessary calculations. These analysis could be requested for the bus or for a particular (master to
slave) connection.

The following table was generated from the simulation results of the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package (see

From this table we can analyze how different master, bus, and slave configurations can affect average,
maximum and minimum latencies. The minimum latency of 0 ns for the
RUN.XBUS.MINXED.PV.PVT platform is due to the mix-abstraction capabilities. The timing
information provided by the architectural analysis is not indicative of the actual performance when PV
modes are being used. The value of 0 ns latency is due to a path of PV components.

To print in XL MODE format using spaces as delimiters.

1. Edit $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/examples/RUN.ALL and


2. setenv VR_XBUS_SC_TLM_ARCH_XL_PRINT_MODE anything_you_want

3. Run $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/ -run_mode batch

-test RUN.BUS.ALL.

4. cd $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/golden

5. grep ^" Master" *.

● This will give you the info to put into a file, e.g. arch.txt, that can be read into an XL spreadsheet for
further analysis.

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Centralized Delay Processing

6. Copy the following line and insert as the first line of your new file, e.g. arch.txt. This will make your
headers in XL.

● Platform.log Master Number_of_Transactions Transactions_Per_Seconds Average_latency_ns

Maximum_Latency_ns Minimum_Latency_ns Arbitration_Mode

7. Do a search and replace of "ns " and replacing with nothing.

8. Rerun the regressions after unsetenv VR_XBUS_SC_TLM_ARCH_XL_PRINT_MODE.

9. Once complete, set GENERATE_GOLDEN_FILES to 0 in


3.3.11 Centralized Delay Processing

Delay processing has been incorporated into the bus model to improve simulation performance by
minimizing context switching. The down side of this implementation includes:

● Point to point delay modeling is not directly supported

● Callbacks for refined delay models is not directly supported

Other positive points of this architecture include:

● Simple delay model for mixed abstraction simulations

● Simple modeling requirements for TLM developers and users
● Simple modeling requirements for dynamic PV/PVT modeling
● Simple modeling requirements for dynamic PVT delays

The vr_xbus_sc_tlm bus platform package provides a simple, centralized delay processing model
implemented by the following files:

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_router_base.h
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_master.{h,cc}
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_mem_slave.{h,cc}
● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/xbus_protocol.h

To implement a platform delay model:

1. Incorporate a delay data member in request types

a. An unsigned int delay data member was added to the xbus_request class defined in

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Centralized Delay Processing

b. To support the entire data flow from master to slave (including the initiator port and bus model)
see how to add and remove data members to the request and response classes in section “C++
Templates for Code Reuse” on page 3-43 in order to understand how the infrastructure
incorporates the delay in the classes.

2. Assign a default delay data member to your model types

a. The master, bus and slave classes provide constructors that allow users to define a default delay
value to be processed by the bus during arbitration and data phases, respectively.

b. See xbus_router.h, xbus_master.{h,cc}, xbus_mem_slave.{}. Below find several code

snippets showing constructors for the memory slave provided in this package.

xbus_mem_slave(sc_module_name name, unsigned int _id,
xbus_timing_mode _timing_mode = PV,
unsigned int _delay = 10, int _k = 10);
// Default PVT delay = 10
xbus_mem_slave(sc_module_name name, unsigned int _id,
xbus_timing_mode _timing_mode = PV,
unsigned int _delay = 10, int _k = 10);
// Default PVT delay = 10

3. Incorporate delay processing into the bus model.

a. Process the arbitration delay in the bus model if the bus model is in an appropriate timing mode
(for example, PVT).
// Arbitration delay
if(timing_mode == PVT)
wait(delay, SC_NS);
b. Process the request delay in the bus model if the requesting master is in an appropriate timing
mode (for example, PVT).
//Request delay
if(cur_req.timing_mode == PVT)
wait(cur_req.delay, SC_NS);
c. Process the burst delay in the bus model if the bus model is in an appropriate timing mode (for
example, PVT).
// Bus beat delay
if(timing_mode == PVT)
wait(cur_req.size*delay, SC_NS);

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Dynamic Timing Mode (PV/PVT) and Delays

d. Process the response in the bus model if the responding peripheral is in an appropriate timing
mode (for example, PVT).
//Response delay
if(cur_rsp.timing_mode == PVT)
wait(cur_rsp.delay, SC_NS);

3.3.12 Dynamic Timing Mode (PV/PVT) and Delays

Timing modes are essentially the abstraction level of the TLM. That is, component types like masters
and slaves have a timing_mode data member. PV has no timing; PVT has some level of timing; CC is
very accurate. This TLM bus platform supports dynamic support of timing mode and model delay
values. When timing is incorporated into a model, this document uses the term model delay value. That
is because the components and the request and response types have a “delay” data member. This section
discusses how to dynamically set the timing mode and delay data members. PV and PVT Modes

Scalar Users

To dynamically set the timing mode:

1. Use the configuration interface, set_timing_mode() with the appropriate timing mode (for example,

2. Invoke a simple read() or write() function using address and data argument types.

Compound Users

To dynamically set the timing mode:

● Construct a REQ_TYPE object, setting the appropriate constructor argument with the appropriate
timing mode (default: PV).
● Set the REQ_TYPE object’s timing_mode parameter appropriately.

For users less interested in C++ syntax, the scalar user layer might be preferred. For example, PV
master1 can make a simple read request through an initiator port that implements the scalar user layer.
This use model has PV master1 configuration parameters initialized when the master is instantiated,
such as via constructor parameters. The arguments to the read function include the requested address as
well as a place holder for the value of the return data. This “read” request blocks until the data is
updated. A status is provided for the user based on the success of the request. If the user would like to
change configuration parameters defined at construction, you can utilize the master provided

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Mixed Abstraction Configurations

configuration interface. Similar to the way size was set, the user can set PV master1 delay of the read
request to whatever the user would like, thus overriding the construction value of delay. Memory
management is handled by the layers outside of the master.

Similarly, PV master2 makes a read request, however a request object type, REQ_TYPE, is used. This
request type contains all of the user parameters required for defining a request. Copy and assignment
constructors are provided. Utilities for randomization and constraining requests can be created. This
approach lends itself more towards transaction based communication and object oriented programming.
This use model is expected to be preferred by more experienced programmers. The only argument to the
read function is the request object. The function is also blocking and returns a response object type,
RSP_TYPE, containing appropriate status and data. It is in this object type that the delay value can be

The slave has the same user layers; however, it uses the RSP_TYPE for response parameters like delay.

3.3.13 Mixed Abstraction Configurations

Each of the configuration described in this section was used to test different features and requirements
of the TLM models provided in this platform. Of particular note is the ability to have mixed levels of
abstraction simulating together. There are several reasons for this requirement.

● Some blocks require finer levels of abstraction (for example, PVT) in order to do architectural analysis
● Reuse of higher levels of abstraction (such as PV) can be accomplished when simulating other blocks
requiring architectural analysis.
● Debugging simulation can be run in the higher-performing PV mode and set to a more detailed mode
for design debug.
● Models are provided at certain levels of abstraction. Not all blocks will have every level of abstraction

Each of the configuration execution files (RUN.*) for this package are located:

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/examples

The top level netlists (main.*) associated with these configurations are located:

● $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc

Table 3-7 shows the different configuration execution files, their associated configuration netlist files,
and a brief comment describing the configurations. Sections “PVT Modeling” on page 3-8, “Centralized
Delay Processing” on page 3-51 and “Dynamic Timing Mode (PV/PVT) and Delays” on page 3-53 all
provide additional information for placing models in to different timing modes.

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Coding Guidelines

Table 3-7 vr_xbus_sc_tlm Configurations

Configuration Configuration Netlist

Execution File File Comment

RUN.XBUS Two masters and slaves with FIFO bus

arbitration. All in PV timing mode.

RUN.XBUS.PVT Same as above only all models in PVT

timing mode.


bus arbitration.

RUN.XBUS.PVT.MIN Same as above with MIN_PRIORITY bus


RUN.XBUS.MIXED.PV. Two masters and slaves with FIFO bus

PVT arbitration on bus. Mixed PV/PVT timing

RUN.XBUS.MIXED.PV. Same as above, except add another master.

PVT.2 Use configuration interface in top level.

RUN.XBUS.PVT.MULT Similar to above, except with

I_MASTER MIN_PRIORITY bus arbitration.

3.4 Coding Guidelines

This section provides guidelines for writing SystemC models. This section contains:

● “Naming” on page 3-55

● “Memory Management” on page 3-56
● “Model Protection” on page 3-63
● “Versioning of Models” on page 3-64
● “Data Management” on page 3-64
● “Build (ncsc_run, Makefiles)” on page 3-65

See Section, “Implementing TLM Interfaces,” on page 3-28 for guidelines on TLM interface

3.4.1 Naming
SystemC is a class library for C++ and thus names must be valid C++ identifiers.

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Class names (such as models) must have unique names for the entire design. It is manageable to create
unique names within a project team; but with the sharing of models between teams and companies name
conflicts can be a real problem. The C++ namespace is a good technique for avoiding name collisions.
Each project team should define a namespace and then define their models within that namespace. Of
course, if a single interface or block is being developed by several teams, a single namespace is
recommended. A reference to a model in a different namespace is accomplished by concatenating the
name of the namespace and the model name. One can minimize the overhead of typing the namespace in
the long name by declaring the namespace in a “use” clause. Once the namespace is declared in a use
clause the model name is sufficient (keeping the short names). Thus the overhead of referencing the
namespace is only needed when there is truly a conflict in naming.

The OSCI TLM library has defined several namespaces called “tlm” and “util”. The
vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc code defines several including xbus and xbus_protocol. xbus is used to define
components of the protocol including xbus_master and xbus_slave. xbus_protocol is used to define
types associated with communication between the components, for example, request and response types.

3.4.2 Memory Management

The following section describes general topics about memory management and performance trade-offs
with certain coding styles. In general, the vr_xbus_sc_tlm package utilizes pass by reference, strings,
and vectors, thus balancing performance with longer term maintenance issues. The package does not
utilize smart or shared pointers of any type, or anything in the SCV library at this time.

This section covers the following:

● “Suggested Rules For Reliable Memory Management In C++” on page 3-56

● “Avoiding Memory Management Issues” on page 3-57
● “The Costs of Using Smart Pointers and Standard Containers” on page 3-57
● “Overall Performance and Efficiency” on page 3-57
● “STL Container Classes - C++ Standard Library” on page 3-58 Suggested Rules For Reliable Memory Management In C++

This section provides rules that help a C++ programmer avoid memory management problems:

● Use const char* if desired, but only for fixed, unvarying strings.
● Use the class string for any string especially a string that will vary.
● Use the class vector instead of C-style arrays.
● Use a smart pointer class or shared pointer class instead of raw pointers.

Following the above rules will mean that you usually do not need to add to your class: a destructor, a
copy constructor, or an assignment operator.

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Memory Management Avoiding Memory Management Issues

Managing memory - dealing with pointers and arrays - in C++ programming is difficult,
time-consuming and error prone. Pointer bugs, for example unintentionally null pointers, pointers to
freed memory, and memory leaks, are common and often difficult to find. Array bugs, such as stack
overflows, are likewise common and difficult to find. Much effort has gone into building tools to find
memory management bugs. Run-time tools like Purify from IBM are useful. Static code analysis tools
for finding memory bugs are also under development.

Rather than using tools to find these bugs it is obviously better to not create them in the first place. In
C++ there are several techniques that can prevent memory bugs:

1. Smart pointers

2. Shared pointers

3. C++ Standard Library or Boost Library containers

In addition these techniques can usually eliminate the need for a custom destructor, copy constructor and
assignment operator in a user's classes. The Costs of Using Smart Pointers and Standard Containers

For most operations the vector class is almost as fast as C-style arrays. The costs of using vector are
negligible especially when compared to the benefits. The choice is easy: use vector instead of C-style

The benefits of using smart pointers however do not come for free. Smart pointers are slower and larger
than C-style, raw pointers. A paper available in the Boost Library kit shows the extra time taken by
various implementations of smart pointers and their application in pointer intensive applications. This
paper reported that filling and sorting a list of raw pointers was about twice as fast as filling and sorting
a list of smart pointers like the Boost shared_ptr class. Filling and sorting a vector was about three times
faster when raw pointers were used instead of smart pointers.

Likewise the string class is usually slower than char*. But you will write fewer lines of code, more
quickly and with many fewer bugs if you use string instead of char*. Overall Performance and Efficiency

Fast simulation performance is a key enabler for modeling HW/SW platforms. Performance can be
negatively impacted if memory is not managed properly. At the beginning of simulation each instance in
the design is allocated. During simulation, transactions are transferred between instances. It is extremely
important that the transactions are allocated/destroyed in an optimal fashion otherwise running long
simulations are severely impacted by the overhead of memory allocation as well as increased memory

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This current version of the TLM Modeling library has incorporated the memory management use model
as provided by the TLM examples provided in the OSCI TLM library.

Further memory management may be required for large platforms. Care must be taken for
multi-threaded systems which are sharing the same objects (such as memory).

In choosing between smart pointers and raw pointers or between string and char* it is important to
consider the entire life cycle of a piece of software and not just the run time for a portion of it. Using
smart pointers and strings will:

● Reduce the time it takes to get code up and running correctly,

● Reduce the amount of time spent in debugging hard-to-find bugs,
● Ease the maintenance requirements of software since the code will be more reliable to begin with.

A carefully debugged piece of code that uses raw pointers or char* can be easily broken by later
modifications to add features or to fix other bugs. Using string and containers protects your code from
accidents caused by subsequent modifications.

Choosing an error-prone programming technique (like C-style arrays, raw pointers or char*) over the
safer alternatives (vector, smart pointers and string) for the sake of increased run-time performance must
be done with great care. As Donald Knuth said (referring to a dictum from C.A.R. Hoare), “premature
optimization is the root of all evil in programming”. Optimizations often introduce subtle bugs and make
code harder to understand and maintain. So it is with the use of raw pointers, arrays and char*. Local
optimizations for the sake of performance are best added after a program is working and the actual
bottlenecks have been identified. It is hard to predict in advance where performance problems will lie.
On the other hand it is easy to predict that bugs will likely occur around the use of C-style arrays and raw
pointers. STL Container Classes - C++ Standard Library

The Standard Template Library is an integral part of the C++ language standard as of 1998. The STL
container class vector is a general replacement for C-style arrays. The class string is a general
replacement for C-style strings that use char*.

The STL class vector is a sequence that supports random access. It performs automatic memory
management. Using the member function push_back and pop_back you can add or remove elements
from the vector and its size will change automatically. In addition the vector will be automatically
deleted when it goes out of scope -- that is when the vector is no longer accessible. Vector read and write
operations with operator[] do not do range checking. The 1998 C++ standard defines a range checking
member function vector<T>::at(size_type n) which will throw out_of_range when n is greater than the
size of the vector. Here is an example use of vector:

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1 #include <vector>
2 function f() {
3 vector<int> int_vec(10);
4 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
5 int_vec.push_back(i);
6 }
7 int j = int_vec[9];
8 int k =;
9 j = int_vec[11]; // error
10 i =; // throws
11 int_vec.push_back(42);

// sum all elements of the array

12 int sum;
13 for (vector<int>::iterator itr = int_vec.begin(),
14 itr != int_vec.end(); itr++) {
15 sum += *itr;
16 }
// a better way to sum
17 sum = accumulate(int_vec.begin(),int_vec.end(),0);
18 }

At line 3 a vector<int> is declared. The argument to the constructor (10) is a hint to the vector class's
memory manager that 10 elements are expected to be needed. This constructor argument is not required
but can lead to faster code when you know ahead of time how many elements are likely needed. Note
that this memory allocation hint does not affect whether a vector access is in or out of range. Line 5 adds
elements to the vector. Line 7 reads the last element without range checking. By the time this line is
reached there have been 10 calls to push_back, so there are 10 elements in the vector int_vec. Line 8
reads with range checking. Line 9 is an unchecked out-of-bounds read and will have undesirable
consequences. Line 10 is a checked out-of-bounds read and will throw out_of_range. Line 11 adds
another element to the vector. Since this is the 11th element and the constructor hint was 10 this member
function call will likely lead to a reallocation of the vector in memory.

The code at lines 12 through 16 show how to access each element of the vector without having to worry
about going out of range. The code at line 17 shows a better way to perform a summation operation over
all the elements of the vector. There are numerous algorithms available in the C++ Standard Library for
operations on containers.

At line 18 the vector int_vec goes out of scope and all the memory it is consuming is freed. The user
does not need to worry about freeing the vector's memory. Likewise the user does not need to worry
about increasing the memory allocated to the vector as it grows during program execution.

For more information on vector and other STL containers see, Scott
Meyers's book “Effective STL”, Nicolai Josuttis's “The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and
Reference”, and David Mussier’s “STL Tutorial and Reference Guide”.

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String Classes
The 1998 C++ standard defines a string class that does automatic memory management and has
overloaded operators for various string operations. For example:
#include <string>
string message;
message = "initial stuff";
message += " more stuff";
if (message == "initial stuff more stuff") {...}

This class does not require you to allocate or free memory. Storage for the string is automatically
increased as required. This storage is freed when the object goes out of scope. Intuitive operators (like
+= and == shown above) are provided.

Consider how tedious it would be to write the above code with char*:
1 #include <string.h>
2 char string1[] = "initial stuff";
3 char string2[] = "more stuff";
4 char *m = new char[sizeof(string1) + sizeof(string2)];
5 if (strcmp(m, "initial stuff more stuff") == 0) {...}
6 delete [] m;

As lines 2 and 3 show, initialization of fixed char arrays is not too painful. But when you don't know
what the size of the char array is until runtime you have to make a careful calculation. The use of sizeof
in line 4 is off by one. Fortunately in this case it is too large by one rather than the too small by one
because sizeof includes the ''\0' at the end of a character string. In line 5 you have to remember to
compare the returned value of strcmp to 0. In line 6 is the most important thing you have to remember is
to free the memory, and don't use just delete. In this case you must use delete []. This complexity is
another reason to use the string class.

The SystemC library has traditionally provided a string class similar to the standard C++ one. SystemC's
string class is called sc_string. It is being deprecated in SystemC Version 2.1. This class has a simple
implementation with some of the features that are available in the C++ Standard Library string class.
Now that good implementations of the string class are provided with the newer versions HP’s aCC
compiler, Sun's C++ compiler and the GNU g++ compiler it makes sense to use the Standard Library
string class instead of sc_string. With the Standard Library string class your code will run just as fast
(maybe faster) than with sc_string; you will have access to many useful member functions for string
manipulation; and your code will be more reusable since it is based on a widely used standard.

The advice is then: use string, not sc_string. And use string instead of char* especially for strings that
are not constant.

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Automatic Member Function Generation

If a class does not define a destructor, copy constructor or assignment operator, one will be
automatically generated. If a class contains C-style pointers, arrays or strings it will need to contain
user-coded definitions of these three member functions because:

● The automatically generated destructor will not free the allocated memory.
● The automatically generated copy constructor and assignment operator will copy the pointers but not
what they point to. This is often called a shallow copy.

However if the class uses smart pointers and C++ standard library strings and containers instead of
C-style pointers, strings or arrays, then the three automatically generated member functions should work
just fine with these objects. This is because the smart pointer and container classes define their own three
member functions and the automatically generated member functions for the user-defined class will call
the already provided smart pointer and container member functions for destruction, copy construction
and assignment.

Smart Pointers
Smart pointers are available in a variety of forms for the SystemC user:

● SCV Library's scv_smart_pointer classes

● SCV Library's scv_shared_pointer class
● Boost Library's shared_ptr class shared_ptr<T>

The Boost Library contains five types of smart pointers. The most important one is shared_ptr. The
code for this class is included in the SystemC 2.1 distribution and in the Cadence Incisive product, from
version IUS5.3 onward.

A smart pointer class keeps track of which parts of your code are using the object pointed to. Smart
pointers usually work by means of reference counting. When the last reference goes out of scope the
memory pointed to is freed. For example:
#include "systemc/packages/boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
struct packet {
int src_addr;
int dst_addr;
... // more data members
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // line 1
shared_ptr<packet> packet_ptr(new packet); // line 2
// initialize object pointed to by packet_ptr
packet_ptr->src_addr = i; // line 3
packet_ptr->dst_addr = i + 0x10; // line 4
// Given elsewhere defined

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// sc_fifo<shared_ptr<packet> > fifo;

// Then
fifo.write(packet_ptr); // line 5

This code shows a smart pointer being passed into an sc_fifo which likely is connected to a module
running in another thread. At line 2 a new object is allocated on the heap with the C++ built-in function
new. At line 6 the object is passed into the fifo by means of the smart pointer. As the loop continues,
when line 2 is executed for the second time another object is allocated. The smart pointer packet_ptr is
reused and now points to a new object. As a result this code no longer has access to the original object.
This code is finished with it. However, the original object that was passed into the fifo continues to exist
as long as the receiver is using it. When the receiver is finished with the object it will be automatically
deleted. For example imagine this code is connected to the other side (the receiver side) of the fifo:
while (1) {
shared_ptr<my_class> receive_ptr =;
// process ptr

The first time the fifo read() method is called the first object that was sent through the fifo is received.
The smart pointer receive_ptr is used to access this object. When the fifo read() method is called a
second time, as the loop continues to run, the pointer receive_ptr is reused and points then to the second
object passed through the fifo. At this point the memory dedicated to the first object will be
automatically deleted since neither the sender nor the receiver still has access to it. They are then
finished with the first object.

Other Smart Pointers

The Boost shared_ptr shown above is a general, safe replacement for raw C-style pointers. The one
disadvantage for the Boost shared_ptr is that it is not understood by the SimVision GUI, so examining a
Boost shared_ptr will not reveal information about the object pointed to. If this is an important issue than
the scv_shared_ptr is a functionally equivalent direct replacement for the Boost version. The
scv_shared_ptr has more runtime overhead than the Boost version, so which version to use is a trade off
between runtime performance (which will be significant only in some strenuous applications) and ease
of debugging.

If randomization, transaction recording or any other SystemC SCV feature based on introspection is
required then the class provided by SystemC, scv_smart_ptr, should be used instead of either shared_ptr
version. For example consider the code above modified to use scv_smart_ptr and randomization:
#include "scv.h"
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
scv_smart_ptr<packet> packet_ptr(new packet);
// randomize the object pointed to by packet_ptr:
// send packet to fifo:

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Model Protection


3.4.3 Model Protection

When sharing transaction level models with others you might consider whether the models include
proprietary algorithms that need to be protected. Legally, compiled objects and linked libraries are
deemed protected.

Sharing a complete HW platform with a customer can be accomplished by distributing a SystemC linked
library and not the SystemC source code.

Sharing an IP component to be designed into a platform, the SystemC model can compiled into object
form. In order to instantiate this IP component into a platform, the class declaration, constructor, and
public interfaces needs to be distributed (for example, the header file). The SystemC implementation of
the interfaces does not need to be distributed. The heavy usage of templates blurs this line between
interface and implementation. You consider writing a concrete wrapper class around the template
version in an attempt to keep this protected.

Consideration should be given to the customer's visibility into the protected model for debugging
purposes. For example, the model/platform could support transaction recording and provide entry points
to turn on/off the recording. For debugging software, visibility into the memory architecture and register
banks is important. If the performance of the platform is being evaluated then additional performance
measurements should be made visible (average bus latency, cache misses, and so forth).

One note is that linked libraries and compiled objects are dependent on the machine configuration (OS
version, C++ compiler version and patch levels). Thus distribution may require building different
machine configurations depending on the requirements of the customer.

Another alternative for protection is encrypting the source code (standard algorithms are available on the
web). A partner or friendly customer is provided with the key for decryption. Once the model is
decrypted the customer has full visibility into the source code and can distribute the model to others. On
the positive side, the model is fully debuggable and avoids the issues of matching machine
configurations. This technique is useful for limiting access to a few friendly partners.

There are also a couple of techniques for licensing models. The module could require a password as an
argument to the constructor. Friendly customers can instantiate this model into their platform with the
correct password. The constructor would issue an error if the password is invalid. For platform
providers, the password could be a command line argument which is also checked inside the constructor
of the platform. A more robust licensing scheme includes checking for flexLM licenses within the
constructor. This adds the capability to support site licensing, sharing of licenses from a server as well as
temporary licenses. Both of these licensing techniques (passwords and flexLM) must be facilitated by
distributing the link library of compiled object form (thus limiting the debuggability of the model).

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Versioning of Models

3.4.4 Versioning of Models

This feature will be added in a future release.

3.4.5 Data Management

TLM models can be managed using standard version control systems like ClearCase, SCCS or RCS.

Generally, versioning of the source code is sufficient (you do not need to version compiled objects or
linked libraries). In addition to SystemC source code, the header files, makefiles, and other
dependencies (protected IP models, link libraries, and so forth) need to be versioned.

To facilitate sharing models between sites, all file references (include statements) should be relative
directory paths instead of absolute directory paths. Using absolute directory paths can lead to missing
files as well as problems due to different machine configurations.

Because compilation can be time-consuming, Cadence recommends that you keep file sizes to a
reasonable size (one class per file). For easy navigation, file names should reflect the name of the model
it describes.

Also note that many C++ debuggers are not very good at navigating files with the same name. For
example, naming each model “systemc.cpp” and “systemc.h” is difficult for the debugger to keep track
of which file should be displayed. An alternative solution is to name the files based on the classes to
which they declare/define. For example, name the DRAM files “dram.h” and “dram.cpp”.

Each TLM protocol should be managed in a separate directory. Each protocol directory contains the
declarations and definitions of transaction classes, port classes and additional utility classes like master
and slave classes.

IP models should be managed in separate directories for each component. Each IP directory contains the
SystemC header file declaring the class and the SystemC source file implementing the methods of the
class. The source code can reference the header file using local reference. This facilitates easy
checkin/out of the source and header file. By keeping each IP model separate they can be distributed or
copied more easily.

Common type definitions should be separated into a utility directory for easy sharing between IP

Each HW platforms should be managed in a separate directory. Each platform contains the declaration
and definition of the platform. In addition, the makefile for building the platform should be included in
this directory.

Cadence recommends the directory structure for managing SystemC files provided in “Library Directory
and File Structure” on page 3-16.

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Build (ncsc_run, Makefiles)

3.4.6 Build (ncsc_run, Makefiles)

The rules for building a platform are specified in a Makefile. Rules should be provided to support
compiling and linking the platform. Macros should define the source files. Include directories, link
libraries, and library search path. Rules should support multiple machine configurations (operating
system and C++ compiler versions). In addition, command line arguments should support building in
debug mode and potentially memory checking mode (a la purify).

Cadence provides a script called “ncsc_run” which enables easy building of a platform. One of the key
features is that it supports building a platform with a mixture of HDL (Verilog and VHDL) and SystemC
models. It also facilitates simulation within the Incisive environment by compiling and linking with the
appropriate compilers and linkers.

To create a script that invokes ncsc_run:

1. Create a file that includes all of your simulator features:

$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/examples/run.f provides a good

example for invoking the Incisive ncsc_run command to run a simulation.
1 +format
2 -OUT outdir
3 -gnu
4 -top sc_main
5 -I.
6 -I$SOCV_KIT_HOME/util_lib/tlm_util/sc/tlm
7 -I$SOCV_KIT_HOME/util_lib/tlm_util/sc/utils
8 -I$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc
9 $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc
10 $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/
11 -static
12 -noedg
13 -Ws,-unbuffered -access +rw
14 -Wcxx,-Wno-deprecated
Note See “Installing This Library” on page 3-14 for setting up the environment (for example,
$SOCV_KIT_HOME). See Incisive documentation for detailed command and command option
information. Lines 8 through 10 provide user specific source files and header search paths. Line 6
and 7 provide header search paths for the OSCI TLM library. In the following steps we see the actual
top level netlist, sc_main defined, and the definitions of the environment variables used on line 15
and 16.

2. Create a script that invokes the simulator plus any other unique options or unix commands required:

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Build (ncsc_run, Makefiles)

$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/examples/RUN.XBUS is a
simple example that invokes the PV only configuration of the TLM platform provided in the
vr_xbus_sc_tlm package
cp -f \
$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/examples/ \

ncsc_run $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/sysc/ -file \
Note This file includes the top level netlist via the file It includes and provides shared
options and information with the -file argument run.f (defined in the previous step). Also notice that is getting copied into the simulation results directory. This is to define the
memory map of the system. See “Memory Map” on page 3-46 for more details.
$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/examples/test_list.f provides a
list of configurations included. Some are defined for architectural analysis comparisons. See
“Architectural Analysis” on page 3-48.

3. Create a script that invokes any or all of your configurations (such as regressions):

$SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_sc_tlm/ is a simple example

that provides a user a way to simulate different configuration of the TLM platform provided in the
vr_xbus_sc_tlm package. See Table 3-3 for details. Below is a code snippet of Step 1
above includes environment variables set by the script. Lines 117 and 118 are exported
based on the command line options selected for These variables determine whether the
simulation is run in batch vs. interactive mode, gui or text mode, and what test to run. Valid test
names are set to $test_name within the Line 121 shows the final invocation of the script
defined in Step 2 above, which is essentially one or all of the configurations defined for the TLM
bus platform.
95 VR_TLM_GUI=""
96 if [ $run_mode == "interactive" ];then
97 echo "$package_name:Running interactive."
98 VR_TLM_GUI=-gui
100 fi
102 if [ $run_mode == "interactive_ascii" ];then
103 echo "$package_name:Running interactive."
105 fi
107 if [ $run_mode == "batch" ];then
108 echo "$package_name:Running batch."

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SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)
Other Use Models

109 fi
112 if [ "${test_name}" = "" ]; then
113 echo "invalid test name ($test_name). "
114 usage
115 exit 1
116 fi
117 export VR_TLM_GUI
120 echo "Running $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/vr_xbus_s
121 $SOCV_KIT_HOME/svm_lib/sc_tlm_design_lib/

4. Run the simulation using and its options.

3.5 Other Use Models

These sections will be completed in a future release:

● Creating a SystemC wrapper for your algorithm

● Improving simulation performance
● Architectural exploration
● Profiling bus activity
● Channel refinement
● Verification
● Debug techniques
● Adding IES features
● Integration of an ISS
● Host code execution
● Alignment with other Plan-to-Closure Methodologies

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4 Verification of SystemC TLM
This chapter contains:

● “Overview” on page 4-1

● “TLM System e UVC” on page 4-2
● “TLM Mode” on page 4-3
● “Interfacing with SystemC” on page 4-6
● “Configuration for Working with SystemC” on page 4-6
● “Modifying the SystemC Model” on page 4-6
● “Open TLM Verification Issues” on page 4-8
● “The XBus TLM Demo” on page 4-15
● “The XCore TLM Demo” on page 4-16

4.1 Overview
There are three modes of connection between Specman and external agents (simulators, SystemC, and
so on).

Table 4-1 Connection Modes between Specman and External Agents

Mode Description

Cycle accurate This is the typical mode for working with simulators. In this mode,
Specman monitors and reacts to changes that occur every clock
cycle. This is the most accurate connection mode, but it is also the
most time-consuming connection mode.

Decoupled timing This connection mode lets you divide the environment into levels
that run according to different clocks.

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Verification of SystemC TLM
TLM System e UVC

Table 4-1 Connection Modes between Specman and External Agents (continued)

Mode Description

Transaction-level modeling This connection mode is mainly for high-level programming

(TLM) languages, usually modeling SoC. In this mode, Specman can send
and receive whole data items rather than breaking the data items
down by HDL signals and clock cycles.

This document describes an example of verifying a transaction-level model (TLM) implemented in

SystemC, the problems encountered, and some proposed solutions.

The main challenges when verifying a SystemC TLM model are:

● Reuse of the e UVC at different abstraction levels

● Connecting to SystemC

e Reuse Methodology (eRM) Developer Manual describes how to write reusable e UVCs. This chapter
shows how to easily extend the e UVCs so that they can be used to verify TLM models.

Once an e UVC is built according to eRM, most of its parts are easily reusable over the different running
modes. If, for example, the data check is based on data items collected by the monitor, it does not matter
to the checker how and when the data items are collected. So, to use the e UVC with TLM models, you
only need to change the interface to the model—injection and collection of data.

This chapter uses as an example the vr_xbus_tlm package, which extends the vr_xbus eRM e UVC and
adds TLM mode to it. For the example, the TLM mode is created as a separate package, but it would also
have been valid to add it in the e UVC itself (in the e source directory).

Note This chapter does not explain how to model with SystemC. It also does not document the
Specman/SystemC interface. For the full documentation of Specman and the SystemC interface, refer to
the online help.

4.2 TLM System e UVC

The only parts of the verification environment that are dependent on the abstraction level are the lower
level—BFM and monitor. For interface e UVCs (vr_xbus and vr_xserial from the eRM package), these
are the only units that must be modified. For details on how to do that, see “TLM Mode” on page 4-3.

For module and system e UVCs (such as the vr_xcore), only a few changes are required. The system e
UVC monitor is based on events and data items emitted and collected by the monitors in the interface e
UVCs. The system monitor does not care how those data items were collected. The required changes in
the system e UVC are:

● The configuration file must define the abstraction level for each interface e UVC.

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Verification of SystemC TLM
TLM Mode

extend vr_xbus_env_u {
keep abstraction_level == TRANSFER;
● Events and checks that depend on internal information must be modified. For example, the XCore e
UVC has some events and checks based on an overflow indication from the DUT. The TLM model
of the XCore does not have such indications, so the overflow event is overridden when in TLM mode.

4.3 TLM Mode

Adding TLM functionality requires definition of a new type to control the abstraction level of the device
under test. For example:
type vr_xbus_abstraction_level_t : [SIGNAL, TRANSFER];

Units that must be subtyped on the basis of this type are the BFMs and monitors that get the additional
TLM functionality. Sometimes you also must subtype the env and agent units to propagate the value (for
example, when the agent controls the generation of the BFM and monitor under it).

4.3.1 TLM Wrapper

As each TLM model might supply a different API, it is better not to connect the e UVC directly to the
model, but rather to create a wrapper between the BFM/Monitor and the model API. When a model has
a different API, the verification engineer can extend the wrapper and add data conversion.

For example, if the e UVC BFM expects to get a response but the model does not implement that, the
wrapper could create a fake response and pass it to the e UVC BFM.

For examples of wrapper code, see “TLM BFM” on page 4-3 and “STLM Monitor” on page 4-4.

4.3.2 TLM BFM

When verifying a TLM model, the injection mechanism becomes simple. The BFM does not have to
implement the bus protocol. It only has to transport the transfer to the model.

Following are some parts of the vr_xbus_tlm_master_bfm.e file that describe how to write a TLM BFM
and connect it to the SystemC model.

A method_type for transporting a transfer is declared.

method_type vr_xbus_transport_transfer(transfer : vr_xbus_trans_s ):
vr_xbus_tlm_response_s @sys.any;

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Verification of SystemC TLM
STLM Monitor

The BFM has an instance of the output port of the transport method.
transport_transfer : out method_port of vr_xbus_transport_transfer is

The BFM driving TCM is extended so that instead of performing the bus protocol it passes the transfer
to the wrapper.
private drive_transfer(t : MASTER vr_xbus_trans_s) @synch.clock_rise is {
var cur_resp : vr_xbus_tlm_response_s;
cur_resp = transport_transfer_wrapper(t);

The wrapper transports the transfer to the model via the output method port.
transport_transfer_wrapper(t : MASTER vr_xbus_trans_s):
vr_xbus_tlm_response_s @synch.clock_rise is {
result = transport_transfer$(t);
return result;

The BFM output method port is bound to the SystemC model (bound to external), and its hdl_path is
constrained to the model API method name.
extend TRANSFER MASTER vr_xbus_bfm_u {
connect_ports() is also {
do_bind(transport_transfer, external);

extend TRANSFER MASTER vr_xbus_bfm_u {

keep transport_transfer.hdl_path() ==

4.3.3 STLM Monitor

The traffic in the SystemC model is implemented using the methods of the various entities, unlike RTL
models where there are shared signals that can be monitored. For the e UVC monitor to know about
passed traffic, it must get the required information from the SystemC model. The e UVC bus monitors
implement methods that get a new data item, analyze it, do required updates to the env, emit relevant
events, and so on. The monitors have an instance of an input method port for these methods. The
SystemC bus must call these update methods after each transfer for the monitor to work.

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Verification of SystemC TLM
STLM Monitor

The e UVC user guide should list the API provided by the monitor so that the verification engineer can
connect the model methods to the appropriate methods and events in the e UVC.

With the various Specman-C interface capabilities, other monitoring techniques can be used, based on
the API provided by the SystemC model. For example, the SystemC channel can provide events
indicating activities on the bus.

Following are some parts of the vr_xbus_bus_monitor_tlm.e file that describe how to write a TLM
monitor and connect it to the SystemC model.

A method_type is declared.
method_type vr_xbus_log_new_transfer(transfer : MONITOR vr_xbus_trans_s,
response: vr_xbus_tlm_response);

The e UVC monitor has an instance of an input method port of the logging method. This instance is a
wrapper. It gets the new transfer from the SystemC model and passes it to the monitor’s main logging
log_new_transfer_wrapper : in method_port of vr_xbus_log_new_transfer
is instance;

log_new_transfer_wrapper(new_transfer : MONITOR vr_xbus_trans_s,

new_response: vr_xbus_tlm_response_s) is {
log_new_transfer(new_transfer, new_response);

The e UVC monitor defines and implements the main logging method.
private log_new_transfer(new_transfer : MONITOR vr_xbus_trans_s,
new_response: vr_xbus_tlm_response_s) is {
transfer = new_transfer;

The monitor input method port is bound to the SystemC model (bound to external), and its hdl_path is
constrained to the model API method name.
extend TRANSFER vr_xbus_bus_monitor_u {
keep log_new_transfer_wrapper.hdl_path() == "xbus_log_new_transfer";
extend TRANSFER vr_xbus_bus_monitor_u {
connect_ports() is also {
do_bind(log_new_transfer_wrapper, external);

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Verification of SystemC TLM
Interfacing with SystemC

4.4 Interfacing with SystemC

For interfacing with SystemC, each interface e UVC must include a convertor file that enables
conversion of data items from e to C and vice versa. An example of such a file is
vr_xbus/sysc/conv_transfers.h. Specman contains a the vr_sc2e package, a shareware that helps in data
conversion between SystemC and e.

4.5 Configuration for Working with SystemC

To work with SystemC, you must make some modifications to the default configuration file. Following
are some parts of the vr_xcore/tlm_sve/vr_xcore_sve_config.e file that describe the necessary changes.

Define the simulator as SYSTEMC.

keep agent() == "SYSTEMC";

Define the HDL path to the top module of SystemC.

keep hdl_path() == "top->"; // Path to SystemC module

Add required code to the stub file, specman.cpp. It must include the model header file and the
convertors. It must also define a pointer to the top module in SystemC.
keep agent_code() == {"#include 'xcore_top.h'";
"#include 'conv_transfers.h'";
"#include 'conv_frames.h'";
"using namespace xbus;";
"using namespace xserial;";
"using namespace xcore;";
"extern Xcore_Top *top;" };

See Also
● vr_xbus_tlm/tlm_sve/vr_xbus_tlm_config.e

4.6 Modifying the SystemC Model

When integrating your SystemC model with your e code, you must make some modifications to the
SystemC code.

For example, these changes were made to the XCore SystemC model:

● Changes to sc_main(): the SVM golden e UVCs work in master mode. This means that the SystemC
design is fully responsible for time management and for running the simulation. In consequence, the
following changes were made to the SystemC code:

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Verification of SystemC TLM
Modifying the SystemC Model

● src/snsc_user was added to the SystemC model so that it can call Specman methods.
● Before starting the run, sc_main() must activate Specman by calling
● Data injection is now controlled by the e UVC BFM. The main SC_THREAD supplied with the
SystemC model is no longer required, and the file that contains the SystemC thread is no longer
included in the verification environment.

Example of modified sc_main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "systemc.h"
#include "xbus_top.h"
#include "src/snsc_user.h"

using namespace xbus;

xbus_top* top;

int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[])


sc_clock clock("XBus_Clock", 1, SC_NS);

// Bus
top = new xbus_top("Top");


// Start the test


return 0;

When running in slave mode, the run is initiated and controlled by Specman. Therefore, sc_main() must
not issue sc_start(). For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "systemc.h"
#include "xbus_top.h"

#include "src/snsc_user.h"

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Verification of SystemC TLM
Open TLM Verification Issues

using namespace xbus;

xbus_top* top;

int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[])


// Bus
top = new xbus_top("Top");

// Slave mode - Specman controls the run.

// Run must not be started by SystemC

return 0;

4.7 Open TLM Verification Issues

This section contains:

● “TLM BFM Methodology” on page 4-8

● “TLM Monitor Methodology” on page 4-9
● “Multiple Instances of Input Method Ports” on page 4-12
● “Method Port Location” on page 4-13
● “PV Mode Synchronization Issues” on page 4-13
● “Multi-Level Environments” on page 4-14

4.7.1 TLM BFM Methodology

The e UVC BFM calls the method implemented in the TLM model with the next data to send. Table 4-2
describes the different ways this can be done.

Table 4-2 TLM BFM Methodology

Methodology Implementation Description

e UVC BFM ● SystemC The e UVC BFM calls the TLM model method and
waits for the value-returning waits for its returned value. This methodology is
activity to end output method implemented in the SVM e UVCs. For example:
cur_resp =

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Verification of SystemC TLM
TLM Monitor Methodology

Table 4-2 TLM BFM Methodology (continued)

Methodology Implementation Description

e UVC BFM ● SystemC void The e UVC BFM calls a void method of the TLM. The
starts TLM output method TLM model emits an event when it completes the
model and port requested activity and the BFM can synchronize to that
continues ● SystemC events event to update its data. This methodology is required
when the model supports pipelining. In that case, the e
UVC BFM has to inject more than one data item in
parallel and hence cannot wait for the previous transfer
to complete before sending the next one.

4.7.2 TLM Monitor Methodology

In TLM mode, the e UVC monitor gets all required information from the TLM model. Table 4-3
describes the different ways this can be done. In each case, the TLM model must implement some API
for the e UVC to use.

Table 4-3 TLM Monitor Methodology

Methodology Implementation Description

TLM model controls ● Specman input The TLM model calls a method of the e UVC
monitoring method port monitor, passing to it all required data (for example,
the transfer struct after each transfer).

Note If you want to run the TLM model in

standalone mode, you must include a dummy
monitor method to stand in for the e UVC method.

e UVC controls ● SystemC output The TLM model implements a monitor method.
monitoring method port This method waits for the transaction completion
● SystemC and then returns the current data. The e UVC
non-blocking monitor calls the monitor method in a while TRUE
method loop.

● Output method The TLM model emits an event when it has new
port data. The e UVC monitor connects an event port to
● SystemC events the event. When the event is emitted, the e UVC
monitor calls the monitor method. The method can
be blocking, as it immediately returns with the new

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Verification of SystemC TLM
TLM Monitor Methodology

In the SVM e UVCs, monitoring is implemented using input method ports. This is because currently it
is the safest methodology for synchronization. When working in PV mode, you must ensure that events
are handled in the e UVC in the same order as they are emitted by the model. If the model supports the
output method port API, you can use the e UVC-controlled approach, but make sure that the e UVC
monitors call the TLM model in the same order as the events are emitted.

The advantage of letting the e UVC control monitoring is that you can easily disable monitoring by
changing the e UVC configuration.

Whichever technique is chosen, the e UVC manual should document the supplied API so that the
verification engineer can connect the model methods to the appropriate methods and events in the e

Example 1 Input Method Port


The XBus has a monitor that is sensitive to the event transaction_complete. When this event is emitted,
XBus::Monitor() is activated. XBus::Monitor() calls a method implemented in the e UVC.
// The constructor of Xbus
XBus(sc_module_name name)
: sc_module(name)
sensitive << transaction_complete;

// The XBus::Monitor() implementation

void XBus::Monitor(){
wait(); // for transaction_complete notification
xbus_log_new_transfer(cur_req, cur_rsp);

e UVC code

The e UVC monitor has an input method port. It gets called by the wrapper, which has its own
implementation of this method. The wrapper’s method port HDL path matches the name of the method
called by the model.
// The e UVC monitor method
log_new_transfer(transfer : MONITOR vr_xbus_trans_s,
response: vr_xbus_tlm_response) is {
current_transfer = transfer;
current_response = response;

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Verification of SystemC TLM
TLM Monitor Methodology


// The wrapper - connecting to Model, bridging from model to monitor

log_transfer_from_model : in method_port of vr_xbus_log_new_transfer
is instance;
log_transfer_to_monitor : out method_port of vr_xbus_log_new_transfer
is instance;

keep soft log_transfer_from_model.hdl_path() == "xbus_log_transfer";

log_transfer_from_model(transfer : MONITOR vr_xbus_trans_s,

response: vr_xbus_tlm_response_s) is {
log_transfer_to_monitor$(transfer, response);

Example 2 Non-Blocking Output Method Port


The SystemC model implements a transaction-completion indicating event and a method that returns the
current transfer and its response.
sc_event transaction_complete; // A master has completed a transaction
void xbus_tlm_mon_trans(xbus_tlm_request& req, xbus_tlm_response& rsp)
req = cur_req;
rsp = cur_rsp;


The e UVC monitor uses the SystemC event as a sampling event of its main method. Upon event
emission, the e UVC monitor calls the SystemC monitor method.
// Define an event and connect to SystemC event
package bus_transfer_end : in event_port is instance;
keep bus_transfer_end.hdl_path() == "transaction_complete";

// Define an output method port and connect to SystemC method

get_info_from_sc_bus : out method_port of xbus_tlm_transaction is instance;
keep get_info_from_sc_bus.hdl_path() == "xbus_tlm_mon_trans";

update_transfer() @bus_transfer_end$ is {
while TRUE {

// Get transfer and response:

get_info_from_sc_bus$(current_transfer, current_response);
//... Update data

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Verification of SystemC TLM
Multiple Instances of Input Method Ports


Example 3 Blocking Output Method Port

SystemC code

The SystemC model has a method that waits for the next transaction. It then returns the current
transaction and the response to it.
void xbus_tlm_mon_trans_blocking(xbus_tlm_request& req,
xbus_tlm_response& rsp) {

req = cur_req;
rsp = cur_rsp;

e UVC code

The e UVC calls the systemC monitor in a while TRUE loop.

poll_info_from_sc_bus : out method_port of vr_xbus_poll_info_from_sc
is instance;
keep soft poll_info_from_sc_bus.hdl_path() ==

poll_for_transfers() @sys.any is {
while TRUE {
poll_info_from_sc_bus$(current_transfer, current_response);

4.7.3 Multiple Instances of Input Method Ports

When using input method ports, the HDL path of the e UVC method is the method name used by the
SystemC code. This name is written to the stub header file with the Specman write stub command. If
there are multiple instances of the unit, there will be two methods with same name. That is illegal, and
the stub file will not compile.

In the XSerial e UVC, there are two monitors: RX and TX. Both are instances of the same unit
(vr_xserial_monitor_u). The HDL path of the monitor’s input method must be defined so that there is
no duplication of names.

The solution in the XSerial e UVC is adding an ID to each monitor. The integrator must verify that the
IDs of the agents in the SystemC model match the IDs of the e UVC monitors.

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Verification of SystemC TLM
Method Port Location

e UVC code
monitor_id : uint;
new_monitor_frame : in method_port of vr_xserial_log_new_frame
is instance;
keep soft new_monitor_frame.hdl_path() ==
append("xserial_log_new_frame", monitor_id);

SystemC code
void XSerialChannel::Monitor(){
if (id == 0) {
if (id == 1) {

4.7.4 Method Port Location

Method ports can be instantiated in any of the following locations:

● The unit that implements the method (when you have an input method port)
● The unit that uses the method (when you have an output method port)
● A general unit at a higher level (typically, the env)
● A signal map

In the XBus and XSerial e UVCs, ports are instantiated in the unit that uses them: the output method port
instantiated in the BFMs and the input method port instantiated in the monitors.

In other packages, the output method ports are instantiated in the env unit.

4.7.5 PV Mode Synchronization Issues

When the TLM model runs in PV mode, pay special attention to synchronization:

● Artificial time: If the whole simulation runs in one cycle, all Specman events have the same time
stamp. This causes ordering issues, false DUT errors, and meaningless test information. To avoid
these problems, the TLM BFM has a wait cycle before each transmission to the TLM model. If there
are 10 transfers in the run, the test will last 10 Specman ticks.

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Verification of SystemC TLM
Multi-Level Environments

● Use of events: When more than one event is emitted by the SystemC model, you risk a
synchronization problem among the various e UVC monitors. The system e UVC monitor uses events
emitted by the interface monitors. Correctness of the checks depends on the system monitor getting
the events in the same order emitted by the TLM SystemC model. But the order is not always
guaranteed. Events defined using event … is … are handled by the Specman Elite scheduler, and
their order is not predictable. For example, in the following code, if events frame_started and
frame_ended are emitted at the same time (which can happen in PV mode), the order of the events
if_frame_started and if_frame_ended is not predictable:
event if_frame_started is cycle @interface.frame_started;
event if_frame_ended is cycle @interface.frame_end_ed;
● Prefer use of methods over events
● Prefer use of on event rather than event is
● Data item buffering: To maintain the correct order, you might need to add buffering between the
model and the e UVC monitor. The buffer would verify that the monitor gets the next data item only
after completing analysis of the current item.

4.7.6 Multi-Level Environments

In the SVM examples, the whole environment is either RTL or TLM. When verifying a mixed
environment, some modifications must be made. For example, consider a system with two devices
connected to a bus, with one device implemented in Verilog and the other in SystemC. At what level
should the bus monitor work? How can it serve both agents?

There are several approaches to these questions, depending on the e UVC architecture and the
complexity of the protocol.

Note In all of the following cases, coverage collected via the bus monitor represents activity on both
RTL and TLM. To see specific coverage for each agent, look at the coverage collected via the agent
monitor. Multiple Bus Monitors

A simplified solution is to instantiate the bus monitor several times, one for each level. Each agent
would be connected to the appropriate monitor. Independent Agents

This approach requires each agent to be fully independent. Each agent has its own monitor. All agent
monitors monitor the bus. Each monitor is bound to the appropriate device through ports.

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Verification of SystemC TLM
The XBus TLM Demo Bridge
This approach implements a bridge to connect several abstraction levels. The e UVC is defined to work
at one level, and any part of the system that is implemented at another level is connected to the e UVC
with a bridge.

4.8 The XBus TLM Demo

The XBus TLM demo, implemented in vr_xbus_tlm/*, demonstrates a simple XBus TLM test. The
demo can run on NCSC and OSCI simulators. The scenario created by the demo is a sequence of 10
write transfers, each write followed by a read of the same address.

Note As the XBus e UVC employs procedural binding, the demo requires Specman 5.0 or higher.

To run the demo:

1. (Only when working with the OSCI simulator) Define the environment variables: SYSTEMC and

2. Source Specman-home-dir/env.[c]sh.

3. Invoke the demo script.

% ‘ vr_xbus_tlm/‘ [osci|ncsc]
The demo script launches Specman and SystemC, loads the test file
vr_xbus_tlm/tlm_sve/tests/vr_xbus_tlm_test, and issues the test command.

4. At the Specman prompt, press Enter to start the demo.

XBus TLM Demo Input

The scenario is implemented using the sequence SEQ_WRITES_AND_READS
vr_xbus_master_sequence, which is defined in vr_xbus_tlm_seq_lib.e. The test has one
SEQ_WRITES_AND_READS sequence of length 10, starting at address 0x10.
extend MAIN vr_xbus_master_sequence {
keep sequence.kind == SEQ_WRITES_AND_READS;

keep count == 1
extend SEQ_WRITES_AND_READS vr_xbus_master_sequence {
keep seq_length == 10;
keep start_data == 0x10;

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Verification of SystemC TLM
The XCore TLM Demo

XBus TLM Demo Output

Figure 4-1 on page 4-16 shows the output when running the XBus TLM demo.

Figure 4-1 XBus TLM Demo Output

4.9 The XCore TLM Demo

The XCore TLM demo, implemented in vr_xcore/tlm_sve/*, demonstrates a simple XCore TLM test.
The demo can run on NCSC and OSCI simulators. The scenario created by the demo programs the
XCore, by writing its registers, to transmit 5 frames on the XSerial.

Note As the XCore e UVC employs method ports, the demo requires Specman 4.3 or higher.

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Verification of SystemC TLM
The XCore TLM Demo

To run the demo:

1. (Only when working with the OSCI simulator) Define the environment variables: SYSTEMC and

2. Source Specman-home-dir/env.[c]sh.

3. Invoke the demo script.

% ‘ vr_xcore_tlm/‘ [osci|ncsc]
The demo script launches Specman and SystemC, loads the test file
vr_xcore/tlm_sve/tests/vr_xcore_program_to_tx.e, and issues the test command.

4. At the Specman prompt, press Enter to start the demo.

XCore TLM Demo Input

The scenario is implemented using the sequence VR_XCORE_XBUS_WRITE vr_ad_sequence, which
is defined in vr_xcore_registers_sequences.e.
extend MAIN vr_ad_sequence {

-- Write 5 frames
keep count == 5;
keep sequence.kind == VR_XCORE_XBUS_WRITE;

keep prevent_test_done == TRUE;


XCore TLM Demo Output

Figure 4-2 on page 4-18 shows some of the output when running the XCore TLM demo.

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Verification of SystemC TLM
The XCore TLM Demo

Figure 4-2 XCore TLM Demo Output

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 4-18

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5 Hardware/Software
Embedded systems contain some software as part of the DUT. This software must be verified with the
hardware to ensure proper interfacing and cooperation of the software with the hardware.

The first and most important task is verifying the low-level software drivers. As these are the software
methods that directly interface with the hardware, their cooperation must be verified thoroughly.
Occasionally, additional levels of the software or even full software applications might be co-verified
with the hardware.

Verification of software with hardware presents some additional challenges to the already complex task
of functional verification.

● Interfacing with the software requires additional infrastructure such as the GSA.
● The visibility of software internals is minimal, which makes monitoring difficult. There is no way
to generate events on method calls or value change without modifying the code.
● Software requires many simulation cycles, limiting the simulation to a few seconds of real time. To
overcome this limitation, the software is often run on the host or on an instruction set simulator.
● The memory associated with the software can be simulated with various memory models, and the
model could change over the life of a project.
● Additional complexity results when the software is a multi-tasking application running on top of an
operating system.

The ISX overcomes these difficulties by providing a generic interface between the verification
environment and the software. Figure 5-1 on page 5-2 shows a schematic depiction of a HW-SW
co-verification environment.

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 5-1

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Hardware/Software Co-Verification

Figure 5-1 HW-SW Co-Verification Environment

Bus SW
Multi Channel Sequence Driver


f() g()

Periph Periph
Program h()

Periph Periph

A co-verification environment, like a HW verification environment, should be plan-driven. In other

words, begin with the plan in mind.

Some typical examples of what a HW-SW co-verification plan could include are:

● Was the software in all major states when specific hardware events occurred? For example:
● Buffer overflow
● Error data received on the communications port
● Interrupt from various sources
● Was the software driver reset while the hardware interface was dealing with:
● RX packet
● TX packet
● Error packet

For more information on plan-driven verification, see “Metric-Driven Verification” on page 1-2

This chapter contains:

● “When to Use ISX” on page 5-3

● “Optimizing Performance” on page 5-3
● “Software UVC” on page 5-3
● “Accelerated SW UVC” on page 5-7

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 5-2

© 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Hardware/Software Co-Verification
When to Use ISX

5.1 When to Use ISX

Cadence recommends performing HW-SW co-verification using ISX for devices with the following

● The device contains low-level software — either a hardware abstraction layer or software drivers.
● There is high performance of the software execution (rule of the thumb: more than 1kHz).
● The software API is so complex that covering all configurations with directed tests is difficult.
● Hardware-software corner cases are identifiable.
● Some software is essential for hardware verification — either the DUT software or the test software
created for driving the hardware to interesting cases.

5.2 Optimizing Performance

Performance recommendations specific to HW-SW co-verification will be added in a future release.

See Also
● “Optimizing Performance of System Verification” on page 1-4.

5.3 Software UVC

A software UVC is a verification component for embedded software. It drives software by invoking
software methods. It monitors software behavior by collecting information on software variables.

The software UVC contains:

● A monitor to collect information on software activations and status

● A BFM to drive the software
● A sequence driver to generate software sequences

These elements are all contained in an env.

Figure 5-2 shows the software UVC (in this case an eVC) connected to the software drivers with a GSA
connection. A virtual sequence driver activates concurrent sequences in the software UVC and other

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 5-3

© 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Hardware/Software Co-Verification
Ports for Software UVCs

Figure 5-2 Example Software UVC Architecture

5.3.1 Ports for Software UVCs

Connect to software via ports to the Generic Software Adapter. Use method ports to activate software
methods. Use simple ports to retrieve the values of software variables.

The ports are defined in the env. The various components of the UVC use a parent pointer to access the
ports in the env.
method_type read_str (xcore: int) : string @sys.any;

extend vr_qsoc_sw_env_u {
// Define e method port and connect it to the "read_str" c routine
read_str: out method_port of read_str is instance;
keep bind(read_str, external);
keep read_str.hdl_path() == "read_str";

// Define simple port and connect it to the "POS_status" c variable

c_status: in simple_port of status_t is instance;
keep bind(c_status, external);
keep c_status.hdl_path() == "POS_status";

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 5-4

© 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Hardware/Software Co-Verification
BFMs for Software UVCs

5.3.2 BFMs for Software UVCs

Software sequence items are executed by the BFM in the software UVC. The BFM is typically very
simple. It gets an item and executes it. The BFM itself has no specific knowledge of the software or of
the interface to it.
extend vr_sw_bfm_u {
!driver: sw_sequence_driver;

driver_call() @sys.any is {
var sitem: sw_sequence_item;
while TRUE {
sitem = driver.get_next_item();
emit driver.item_done;
}; // driver_call()

run() is also {
start driver_call();

Using the BFM mechanism lets you add software access just by including another sequence and the
corresponding port in the env.

5.3.3 Sequences for Software UVCs

For each software interface you must define both a sequence and a sequence item. The sequence is
needed to enable activation from a virtual sequence driver. The sequence item is needed for the various
visualization tools such as stripe charts.

To use sequences for activation of software:

1. Define the sequence item.

For example:
type sw_sequence_item_kind: [READ_STR, WRITE_STR, INIT_HW];
struct sw_sequence_item like any_sequence_item {
kind: sw_sequence_item_kind;

2. Define the sequence.

For example:
sequence sw_sequence using item=sw_sequence_item;

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 5-5

© 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Hardware/Software Co-Verification
Sequences for Software UVCs

3. Define the item activation to be executed by the BFM.

For example:
extend sw_sequence_item {
do_me() @driver.clock is undefined;

4. Add a parent pointer to the env that contains the method ports.

For example:
extend sw_sequence_driver {
!p_env: vr_qsoc_sw_env_u; -- access to ports in env
event clock is only @sys.any;

Activation Example
The sequence item encapsulates the knowledge of how to invoke the software in a method. The BFM is
responsible to activate that method when the item is sent to the BFM.
extend READ_STR sw_sequence_item {
str: string;
core: int;

do_me() @driver.clock is {
me.str = driver.p_env.read_str$(me.core);
nice_string(): string is also {
result = "read_str()";

The software sequence creates a sequence item and propagates the parameters to it.
extend sw_sequence_kind: [READ_STR];
extend READ_STR sw_sequence {
!dr_call: READ_STR sw_sequence_item;
str: string;
core: int;

body() @driver.clock is only {

do dr_call keeping {.core == core};
str = dr_call.str;
nice_string(): string is also {
result = "read_str()";

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 5-6

© 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Hardware/Software Co-Verification
The Monitor of the Software UVC


5.3.4 The Monitor of the Software UVC

The monitor collects information on software method calls and software variables.

Typically, information on method calls and their parameters is collected from the sequence driver.
Collecting this kind of information from the software side requires modifications to the software, which
is not recommended.

To collect the value of a software variable, you must access a port. You need a sampling event. For that
purpose, either the existing GSA trigger event or a specific new event emitted on the variable change
may be used. Then coverage can be collected as usual:
cover sw_api_called is {
item method_name using text="SW method called";
item POS_status using text="Status of POS application";

5.4 Accelerated SW UVC

Chapter will be filled in a future release.

System Verification Methodology (SVM) 5-7

© 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.


Abstraction Level Use Models 3-5 figure
Adding IUS Features 3-67 PV transaction-level model configuration
Architectural Exploration 3-67 3-4, 3-7
PV/CC mixed abstraction message sequence
B 3-12
PV/CC mixed abstraction platform 3-13
BFM 4-3 PVT message sequence 3-9
TLM 4-3 TLM library directory structure 3-17
BFMs for software UVCs 5-5 TLM terminology 3-1
XBUS PVT platform 3-10
C -file argument to simulator 3-66
CC, definition 3-1 from module-level to system-level 2-1
Channel Refinement 3-67
Coding Guidelines 3-55 H
Configuration for Working with SystemC 4-6 hardware-software co-verification 5-1
Connection Modes between Specman Elite and
External Agents 4-1
Creating a SystemC wrapper for your algorithm
3-67 in-method ports, multiple instance 4-12
Installation and Configuration 3-14
Debug Techniques 3-67
delay model, definition 3-1 Layer, definition 3-2

example software e UVC architecture 5-4 method port location 4-13

System Verification Methodology (SVM) Index-1


TLM monitor 4-9 TLM platform, creating your own 3-13

metric driven verification 1-2 TLM Platform, definition 3-2
monitor of the software UVC 5-7 transaction level modeling
monitor, TLM 4-4 SystemC verification 4-1

OSCI, definition 3-2 use models
abstraction level 3-5
Performance Considerations 3-67
ports for software UVCs 5-4 Verification 3-67
ports, in-method, multiple instances 4-12
PV mode, synchronization issues 4-13
PV Modeling 3-6 write() 3-53
PV, definition 3-2
PVT Modeling 3-8 X
PVT, definition 3-2 XBus
TLM demo 4-15
S XCore
sc_main.cpp 4-7 TLM demo 4-16
sequences for software UVCs 5-5
configuration for working with 4-6
interfacing with 4-6
model, modifying 4-6

BFM 4-3
BFM methodology 4-8
mode 4-3
modeling overview 3-3
monitor 4-4
monitor methodology 4-9
open issues 4-8
system UVC 4-2
XBus demo 4-15
XCore demo 4-16
TLM mode
BFM 4-3
monitor 4-4

System Verification Methodology (SVM) Index-2

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