Geography H.C.G. - Paper-2 (Two Hours) (2018) : Part I Is Compulsory. All Questions From Part I Are To Be Attempted

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H.C.G. - Paper-2
(Two Hours)

Attempt seven questions in all.

Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted.
A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets.

PART I (30 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this Part

Question 1
Study the extract of Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45D/7 and answer the following questions:
a) Give the six figure grid reference for: (2)
i.∆ 268.
Ans. The six figure grid reference for ∆ 268 is 949834
ii. Temple south east of Khara.
Ans. The six figure grid reference for the temple south east of Khara is 963861/ 964861/
963862/ 964862
b) Name the following: (2)
i. The drainage pattern seen in 9185.
Ans. The drainage pattern seen in 9185 is Radial.
ii. The settlement pattern seen in 9787
Ans. The pattern of settlement seen in 9787 is Scattered / Dispersed.
c) What do you the following symbols mean: (2)

i. 3r in 9089
Ans. i.3r in 9089 is the relative height of the embankment along the dry tank.
ii. 200 in 9383.
Ans. ii.200 in 9383 is the contour height of 200 meters.
d) Name two types of vegetation found in the region east of easting 93. (2)
Ans. Types of vegetation found in the region east of easting 93: Dense Mixed Jungle/
Dense Jungle/ Open Scrub.
e) i. Give two evidences which suggest that the rainfall received in the region shown on
the map extract is seasonal. (2)
Ans. Evidences which suggest that the rainfall received in the region shown on
the map extract is seasonal: Seasonal streams/ seasonal or dry tanks/ broken ground/
narrow perennial water channel in a dry bed/ cart tracks crossing streams.
f) Calculate the area in kilometers of the region between 90 and 95 eastings and 85 and 90
northings. (2)
Ans. The area in kilometers of the region between 90 and 95 eastings and 85 and 90
northings is 25 kms².

g) Mention two manmade features and two natural features in grid square 9080 (2)
Ans. Manmade features in grid square 9080: Cart Track/ Permanent Hut/ Temple/ Ranawas
Settlement/ Perennial lined Well/ Cultivated Land.
Natural features in grid square 9080: Seasonal Stream/ Broken Ground/ Disappearing
Stream/ Even or Plain Land/ Barren Land.
h) What is the direct distance in kilometers between the surveyed tree west of Rampura
(9580) to the chhatri in Juvol (9282). (2)
Ans. The direct distance in kilometers between the surveyed tree west of Rampura (9580)
to the chhatri in Juvol (9282) is 3.5 kms.
i) Mention: (2)
i. The most commonly used means of transport in the area shown on the map extract.
Ans. The most commonly used means of transport in the area shown on the map extract is
Cart Track.
ii. The main occupation of the people of the region in the south eastern part of the map
Ans. The main occupation of the people of the region in the south eastern part of the map
extract is cultivation / agriculture / farming/ in areas of yellow wash. Animal rearing in areas
of open scrub only.
j) i. What is the compass direction of Rampura(9580) from Karja (9781)? (2)
Ans.The compass direction of Rampura(9580) from Karja (9781) is South West.
ii. Identify the landform marked by contours in 9782.
Ans. The landform marked by contours in 9782 is an Escarpment with a Saddle.

Question 2
On an outline map of India provided:
a) Shade and label Thar Desert. (1)
b) Label the river Narmada. (1)
c) Shade and name the Wular Lake. (1)
d) Shade and label Kanara coast. (1)
e) Mark and name Mount Kanchenjunga. (1)
f) Shade and label a densely populated region in India.. (1)
g) Shade and label a region with red soil in India . (1)
h) Mark with a dot and name Chennai. (1)
i) Mark and label the Arabian Sea branch of South West Monsoon. (1)
j) Mark with a dot and name Singhbhum. (1)
PART II (50 Marks)
Question 3
a) How is the winter rainfall of the northwest part of India different from the winter rainfall of
the southeast part of India? (2)
Ans. Rainfall in northwest part of India occurs due to temperate cyclones / western disturbances
which originate from the Mediterranean sea whereas in south east part of India rainfall is due to
winter monsoon / north east monsoon / retreating monsoon.
b) i. Name a state that is the first to experience the onset of the monsoon. (2)
Ans. The state that is the first to experience the onset of the monsoon is Kerala.
ii. How does the “Mango Shower” influence the state of Kerala.
Ans. The Mango Showers bring light rainfall to South India which is good for the tea and coffee
c) Give a reason for each of the following:- (3)
(i) Kanyakumari experiences equable climate.
Ans. Kanyakumari has a coastal location and it is also near the equator so it has an equable
climate moderated by the sea.
(ii) Central Maharashtra gets less rainfall than the coastal area of Maharashtra.
Ans. Central Maharashtra lies in the rain shadow of the western ghats and hence gets less
rainfall. Whereas, the coastal area of Maharashtra lies on the windward side of the western
ghats, with respect to the Arabian Sea branch of the south west monsoons and thus gets heavier
(iii) Jaipur has a higher annual range of temperature than Mumbai .
Ans. Jaipur has a continental location whereas Mumbai has a coastal location hence Jaipur
experiences extremes of temperature with a higher annual range of temperature as compared to
Mumbai which experiences equable/moderate/maritime climate.
d) Write three differences between summer monsoon season and retreating monsoon season.(3)

Summer Monsoon Season Retreating Monsoon Season

1. Wind direction is South West 1. Wind Direction is North East
2. Heavy rain, high temperature and high 2. Bright sunshine, clear sky and
humidity prevail. oppressive heat prevail.

3. There is rain in almost the whole of 3. There is no rain in most parts of India but
India. The type of rainfall is orographic. when the winds pick up moisture from the
4. In this season the monsoons advance Bay of Bengal they provide rain to the
into India from south to north rapidly. Coromandel coast. The eastern coast also
5. Cause : The sun is shining directly on experiences cyclonic rain in this season.
the Tropic of Cancer and a low pressure is 4. In this season the monsoons start
created in the northern plains, attracting the withdrawing from India from north to south
monsoons from the surrounding seas in the gradually.
south. Cause : The low pressure over the northern
plains weaken as the sun migrates to the
south failing to attract the moisture laden
winds from the south.
Question 4
a) i. Why does alluvial soil differ in texture? (2)
Ans. Alluvial soil differs in texture since it is transported by rivers from higher altitude to
lower altitude, as a result it is coarse textured in the upper course and fine textured in the
lower course The material eroded by rivers becomes finer due to corrosion, corrasion, and
attrition of the load as the river flows downstream. Khader ie. new alluvium ,along the river
valleys and on its bed is fine textured whereas Bhangar ie. old alluvium farther away on
uplands is coarse textured.
ii. State two cash crops that grow well in alluvial soil.
Ans. Cash crops that grow well in alluvial soil are cotton, sugarcane, tobacco, oilseeds
and jute.
b) With reference to black soil answer the following: (2)
i. Name one important crop which grows in this soil.
Ans. Crops that grow well in black soil are: cotton, sugarcane, oilseeds, tobacco, rice,
wheat, millets, linseed, jowar, gram and sunflower.
ii. Give one chemical property of this soil.
Ans. It contains lime, alumina, iron, potash, magnesium carbonate and calcium since it
originates from crystalline schists and gneisses. It lacks phosphates, nitrogen and humus.
It is not acidic / It is alkaline.
c) Give one geographical reason for each of the following : (3)
(i) Red soil requires irrigation.
Ans. Red soil requires irrigation since it is porous /coarse grained and hence cannot retain
moisture .
(ii) Afforestation prevents soil from getting eroded.
Ans. Afforestation involves planting of trees on a large scale. The roots of trees bind the soil
together making it resistant to removal by running water or wind.
(iii) Laterite soil is red in colour.
Ans. Laterite soil is red in colour as it is rich in iron oxide.
d) i. What is soil erosion? (3)
Ans. i. Soil erosion is the degradation, loss of fertility and removal of the soil by agents of
gradation and human activities.
ii. Mention two causes of soil erosion in India.
Ans.ii Causes of soil erosion in India are: shifting cultivation / faulty agricultural practices /
overgrazing / torrential rainfall / erosion by agents of gradation.

Question 5
a) i. Name an area in India where tropical monsoon forest is found. (2)
Ans. Tropical Monsoon forest is found in the northern states along the foothills of the
Himalayas / eastern slopes of the western ghats / western slopes of the eastern ghats /
southern slopes of the Shiwaliks / Central India / Deccan Plateau / Chhotanagpur Plateau.
ii. How is this forest of great commercial value to India?
Ans. Monsoon deciduous forests are commercially more useful than other types of
forests since teak, sal, shisham etc. provide valuable timber for various purposes
like construction and furniture and many forest products like rubber, lac, gum, herbs,
medicinal plants, fruits etc / they are easily accessible since they are not very dense /
they occur in pure stands and thus can be exploited easily.
b) With reference to littoral forests answer the following questions: (2)
i. Why do trees in these forests grow aerial roots?
Ans. The aerial roots are also known as breathing roots which help them survive in creeks,
marshes, submerged and waterlogged conditions. The pneumatophores act as respiratory
ii. Name one area in India where this forest is found.
Ans. Littoral forests are found in the coastal areas of West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh,
Orissa and Andaman and Nicobar Islands / Along deltas of the large rivers of the east
coast / Sundarban Delta.
c) i. Name a state in India where thorn and scrub forest is found. (3)
Ans. Thorn and scrub forest is found in South Western Punjab / Western Uttar Pradesh/
Central and Eastern Maharashtra / Southern Haryana / Madhya Pradesh / Gujarat.
ii. Give two ways by which the trees that are found here have adapted to the climate.
Ans. The trees that are found here have adapted to the climate by developing long
tapering roots, leaves turning to spines, small and thick fleshy stems to store water.
d) i. Give two ways in which forests are important. (3)
Ans. Forests are important since they play an important role in the water cycle and carbon
cycle / control floods and soil erosion / help water percolation thereby recharging ground
water aquifers / maintain ecological balance / add humus to the soil / provide a habitat for
animals and birds / provide us with fuel, timber and many forest products.
ii. Mention one forest conservation method followed in India.
Ans. Forest conservation methods followed in India are: Afforestation / Reafforestation /
Reforestation/Van Mahotsavs/ Social Forestry/ Farm Forestry/ Agro Forestry/ Silvicultre/
Joint Forest Management

Question 6
a) There is plenty of rain in India during the rainy season, yet we need irrigation. Give two
reasons to support this statement. (2)

Ans. There is plenty of rain in India during the rainy season, yet we need irrigation because
India has an agricultural economy which is growing as a result of the Green Revolution.
Irrigation will help raise agricultural productivity by providing right amount of water at the
right time/ monsoonal rainfall is erratic, sporadic, irregular, seasonal, uncertain and
unevenly distributed over space and time. Besides, it will also help to grow a wide
variety of crops throughout the year to cater to a growing demand of food and cash crops.
Even dry crops can be cultivated in dry areas. Some crops like rice and sugarcane require
more water than the rains can provide.
b) i. Name three traditional means of irrigation. (2)
Ans. / Tanks/ Inundation canals/ Shaduf/ Mahote/ Rehat/ Bamboo/ Persian Wheel/ Eri/
Johad/ Dong/ Dhenkli are all traditional means of irrigation.
ii. Give a reason why traditional means of irrigation are still important in most parts of India
Ans. Traditional means of irrigation are still important in most parts of India as they have
low initial cost / are easy to operate / are easily accessible to the farmer / most farmers are
poor and cannot afford modern means of irrigation/ farms are small and it is uneconomic to
invest in modern means which are expensive/ farmers cannot take to change easily.
c) Give one reason for each of the following : (3)
i. Differentiate between Surface water and Ground water.
Surface Water Ground Water
1. Source : Fresh water from lakes, ponds, 1. Source : Rain water which percolates
rivers, streams and canals underground through cracks and crevasses
2.Water gets polluted easily and is also and collects in underground aquifers.
lost through evaporation . 2. Water is comparatively purer. The
location of the aquifer affects the recharge
rate and overuse.
ii. Mention two reasons to explain as to why we are finding water scarcity in recent times.
Ans. We face a lot of water scarcity as a lot of water is either evaporated, wasted or
polluted / the demand for potable water is more than its supply / lack of watershed
management / industrialization, urbanization, modernization, over population and
deforestation also have led to water scarcity in recent times.
d) i. What is rainwater harvesting? (3)
Ans. Rainwater harvesting is a technique of recharging groundwater by capturing and
storing it for future use through watershed management.
ii. What are the advantages of rainwater harvesting?
Ans. The advantages of rainwater harvesting are : Make water available for future use./
avoid wastage & flooding of roads/ check surface runoff/ meet the demands of water
from the increasing population and agricultural activities / recharge ground water / raise
ground water table / check ground water pollution and improve its quality / check soil
erosion / supplement household requirement of water during the hot summer / reduce
dependence on ground water.
iii. Name two water harvesting systems practised in India.
Ans. Pit Recharge / Percolation Pit / Trench / Dam / Storage Tank / Bund / Soak Pit /
Borewell Pit / Permeable Pavement / Ferro cement Tank / Check Dam / Dug Well /Eri
Johad / Kund / Cheruvu / Dong / Kere / Pukur / Bil / Khal / Zong are various methods of
water harvesting systems practised in India.

Question 7
a) Give two advantages that non conventional energy sources have over conventional
energy sources . (2)
Ans. Advantages of non conventional energy sources over conventional sources are :
They are free and easily available / they are renewable and inexhaustible / they are
eco friendly and save fossil fuels / they produce large amount of power, which can be
used for domestic, industrial and other activities.
b) i. Mention one advantage of the use of natural gas over coal and petroleum. (2)
Ans. Advantages of the use of natural gas over coal and petroleum are : is free and easily
available / is renewable and inexhaustible / is eco friendly and saves fossil fuels /
produces large amount of power, which can be used for domestic, industrial and
other activities.
ii. Mention one offshore oilfield of India.
Ans. Offshore oilfields of India are Mumbai High / Aliabet / Bassein / Gulf of Cambay /
Krishna, Godavari and Cauvery basins.
c) Answer the following: (3)
i. State one industrial use of copper.
Ans. Copper is used to make wires, motors, roofing, plumbing, industrial machinery,
musical instruments and alloys etc.
ii. Mention one advantage of generating power from bio gas.
Ans. Advantages of generating power from bio gas are : it is non polluting / the waste is
put to good use / the residue is used to prepare manure / it cleans up the environment / it is
cheap and inexhaustible / it reduces dependence on fossil fuels.
iii. Name the mineral that toughens steel and makes it rust proof.
Ans. Manganese, toughens steel and makes it rust proof.
d) i. Name the metal extracted from Bauxite.
Give any one use of this metal mentioned by you (3)
Ans.The metal extracted from Bauxite is Aluminium.
Aluminium is used to extract Alumina which is used to make aircrafts/ utensils/
electrical wires/ ships/ cables/ household goods/ industrial raw materials/ mirrors/
telescopes/ light reflectors/ headlights/ railways/ automobiles/ food packaging etc.
ii. Which multi purpose project provides power to both Punjab and Himachal Pradesh?
Ans. Bhakra Nangal multi purpose project provides power to both Punjab and Himachal

Question 8
a) With reference to the cultivation of tea answer the following: (2)
i. Why is tea grown on hill slopes?
Ans. Tea is grown on hill slopes because it cannot tolerate stagnant water at its roots.
ii. Why tea bushes have to be pruned at regular intervals?
Ans. Pruning encourages the production of fresh leaves, lateral branches and new shoots/
It facilitates easy plucking.
b) With reference to rice cultivation answer the following questions: (2)
i. Why does the cultivation of rice require a lot of manual labour?
Ans. Rice has to be transplanted in flooded fields for better yields & it has to be harvested
manually by sickles. All this requires a lot of labour.
ii. Mention two geographical conditions which suit the cultivation of rice.
Ans. 18°C-32°C Temp; 150 to 300cms of rainfall ; loamy soil and alluvial soil with a
clayey sub soil.
c) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: (3)
i. Cotton is a labour intensive crop.
Ans.Cotton is a labour intensive crop as it is propagated by sowing seeds on the farm /
Cotton has to be protected against boll weevils and other insects, therefore pesticides have
to be sprayed / cotton is a soil exhausting crop therefore fertilizers have to be used /
mechanized harvesting of cotton is not possible as it has to be picked by hand.
ii. Jute is retted after it has been harvested?
Ans. Jute has to be rhetted by immersing the harvested stalks in fresh flowing water for a
few days to separate the fiber from the stalk.
iii. The growing of pulses is important in India.
Ans. Pulses are a source of proteins, particularly for the vegetarian population / it is good
as a rotation crop / it is leguminous and therefore helps fix nitrogen in the soil /
it is also used as cattle feed.
d) Why is agriculture important in India? (3)
Ans. Exports of agricultural products help earn foreign exchange/ provides employment
to millions/ two thirds of Indian population depends on agriculture directly and indirectly/
provides raw material to agro based industries thereby promoting industrialization/ feeds
the large population/ adds to the national income.
ii. Name the two major agricultural seasons of India.
Ans. Two major agricultural seasons of India are Kharif (Summer) Season and Rabi
(Winter) Season.
iii. What is mixed farming?
Ans. Mixed farming is the cultivation of crops and rearing of livestock on the same farm.
The farm waste is fed to the animals and the animal waste is used as manure

Question 9
a) i. Name the private sector iron and steel plant of India . (2)
Ans. TISCO / Tata iron and steel company is the only private sector integrated iron and
steel plant in India.
ii. From where does it get its supply of : 1. Iron Ore 2. Manganese 3. Coal
Ans.1. It gets its supply of iron ore from Gurumahisini in Mayurbhanj and Noamundi in
2. It gets its supply of manganese from Joda in Keonjhar & Noamundi in Singhbhum.
3. It gets its supply of coal from Jharia and Bokaro in Jharkhand.
b) Mention two problems of the Cotton Textile industry in India. (2)
Ans. Problems of the Cotton Textile industry in India are fluctuation in the availability of
raw material as it is an agricultural product / outdated machinery / frequent power cuts /
low labour productivity / competition from synthetic textiles and foreign countries.
c) Give geographical reasons for each of the following: (3)
i. Silk industry is doing particularly well in Karnataka.
Ans. Silk industry is doing particularly well in Karnataka because favourable climate,
(16°C to 31°C) temperature, enables rearing of silkworms all year round / Presence of
mulberry plantations for rearing silkworms / new technology for handling Bombyxmori
silkworms / availability of soft water free from iron and alkaline salts / skilled workers/
research centres.
ii. Petrochemical products are gaining popularity in modern times.
Ans. Petrochemical products are gaining popularity in modern times as its finished
products are cost effective, economically stable, cheap, and durable. They are easily
available since the raw materials used are not dependent on agriculture.
iii. The electronic industry is proving to be an asset for our country.
Ans. The electronic industry is proving to be an asset for our country because electronics
goods are used in various fields like computers, entertainment, medicine, engineering
and education which is important for the development of a country.
d) Name the following: (3)
i. A city most famous for electronics and hence called the “Electronic Capital of India”
Ans. Bangaluru is known as the Electronic Capital of India
ii. The location of an iron and steel industry set up with German collaboration.
Ans. The Rourkela iron and steel plant located in the Sundergarh district of Orissa at the
confluence of rivers Sankh and Koel was set up with German collaboration.
iii. A byproduct of sugar industry which is used in the manufacture of shoe polish.
Ans. Pressmud is a byproduct of sugar industry which is used in the manufacture of shoe

Question 10
a) Give two reasons for the means of transport being called the lifelines of a nations
economy. (2)
Ans. Means of transport help the economy in movement of labour, goods and raw
material for industrial growth / export and import of raw materials and finished products
/ infrastructure development / growth of tertiary sector.
b) Give two ways in which rail transport is useful for the people of India. (2)
Ans. Railways are cheaper, have a wider connectivity, are more comfortable, can
larger tonnage and passengers, facilitates easier movement of bulky goods, connect
rural areas to cities / helps during natural calamities / provides employment to a large
sector of the population.
c) i. State one advantage of inland waterways. (3)
Ans. Advantages of waterways are: it causes no pollution and is thus eco friendly / is
suitable for carrying bulky goods / is cheaper as the expense on maintenance and
construction is low / saves fuel when compared with railways and waterways and
capital investment is small.
ii. State one advantage of roadways.
Ans. Advantages of roadways are they provide door to door service / safer for perishable
commodities / link villages to cities / cheapest means of communication / link railways
with ports and small towns in its hinterland / can carry bulky commodities / can be
undertaken in hilly terrain and remote areas / are quick and more regular/ links other
means of transport.
iii. State one disadvantage of water transport.
Ans. Disadvantages of waterways are: connectivity is lesser than that of railways / is very
slow/depends on navigability of the waterway / affected by severe weather conditions like
heavy storms and rainfall / seasickness is common / depends on other means of transport
d) Give three reasons as to why airways are becoming more popular in modern India.(3)
Ans. Airways are becoming more popular in modern India because it is the fastest means
of transport & it is very comfortable. It is indispensable for relief operations and defense.
It is most suitable for long distance travel. It can cross natural barriers without any
difficulty. It can connect remote and inaccessible areas. The entry of private airlines with
attractive schemes has also made it affordable.

Question 11
a) Give two reasons as to why there is a need for safe disposal for waste. (2)
Ans. There is a need for safe disposal for waste since accumulation of waste causes
pollution of air, soil and water / it leads to spread of diseases because of contamination
of air water and soil / it creates a foul smell / it is an eyesore and it spoils the scenic
b). How can waste be reused? Explain with the help of an example. (2)
Ans. Waste can be reused by giving the discarded material another shape and form. It can
also be reused after it is recycled. For example, waste paper can be converted into paper
bags, discarded tins and bottles can be used for storage purpose, gift wrapping paper can
also be reused again to wrap gifts or cover books, newspapers can be recycled to make
fresh and new paper.
c) i. Mention one way in which waste accumulation has an effect on the following:(3)
1. Aquatic life 2. Terrestrial life 3. Landscape
Ans. 1. Aquatic life : pollution due to waste accumulation my lead to algal bloom,
eutrophication, biomagnification and finally death of marine organisms.
2. Terrestrial life : waste causes a foul smell, attracts insects and rodents etc. leading to
epidemics/ it pollutes air and water causing water borne and vector borne diseases.
3. Landscape : It creates an eyesore as the landscape looks ugly.
d) ) Explain briefly the meaning of the following terms: (3)
i. Segregation ii. Composting iii. Dumping .
Ans. i. It is the separation of waste into different categories of waste like biodegradable
and non biodegradable waste, toxic and non toxic waste etc. for further treatment.
ii. Composting waste is an aerobic method of decomposing solid waste: to make manure/
so that it can be disposed easily.
iii. Dumping is a method in which the waste is piled in an open, low area far from cities.



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