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Received: 10 May 2016    Accepted: 23 November 2016

DOI: 10.1111/anu.12532


Dietary effects of soybean products on gut microbiota and

immunity of aquatic animals: A review

Z. Zhou1 | E. Ringø2 | R.E. Olsen3,4 | S.K. Song5

Key Laboratory for Feed Biotechnology of
the Ministry of Agriculture, Feed Research Abstract
Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Soybean meal (SBM) is one of the most commonly used vegetable ingredient to re-
Sciences, Beijing, China
place fish meal in fish diets. However, SBM is limiting in some essential amino acids
Norwegian College of Fishery
Science, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and contains numerous antinutritional factors and antigens that can affect intestinal
and Economics, UiT The Arctic University of
microbiota and innate immune system in several finfish species and crustaceans and
Norway, Tromsø, Norway
3 compromise health. The impact of SBM on health and gut microbiota of aquatic ani-
Institute of Biology, Norwegian University of
Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway mals is not only affected by SBM in general, but also on the degree of treatment of the
Matre Research Station, Institute of Marine meal and exposure. Recently, many studies are actively seeking ways to complement
Research, Matredal, Norway
or balance those adverse responses induced by high inclusion of SBM in aquaculture
School of Life Science, Handong University,
Pohang, Korea diets. These include advanced processing and mixture of feed with other feed compo-
nents to balance antinutritional factors. The impact of dietary soybean oil on gut mi-
Zhigang Zhou, Key Laboratory for Feed crobiota has also been investigated but to a lesser extent than SBM. As the
Biotechnology of the Ministry of Agriculture, gastrointestinal tract has been suggested as one of the major routes of infection in
Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. finfish species and crustaceans, the effect of soybean products on the gut microbiota
Email: is important to investigate. Several studies have focus on supplementation of SBM on
Einar Ringø, College of Fishery Science, the adverse responses of the innate immune system as immunological mechanisms are
Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and likely involved in the underlying pathology. However, the precise cause of the inflam-
Economics, UiT The Arctic University of
Norway, Tromsø, Norway. matory process has not yet been clarified, even though some investigations have sug-
Email: gested that alcohol-­soluble antinutritional factors, especially soy saponins, are
Funding information potential causative factors. Possible interactions between soybean products and in-
National Research Foundation of nate immune system in several finfish species and crustaceans are discussed.
Korea, Grant/Award Number: NRF-
2014R1A2A1A11051899 and NRF-
2015R1D1A1A01056959 KEYWORDS
aquatic animals, diseases, fish health, gut bacteria, Physiology, Salmonids, Tilapia

1 | INTRODUCTION aquafeeds requiring higher protein and lower carbohydrate levels

compared to other animal feeds. Normally, the raw materials for these
On a global scale, fisheries’ landings have remained constant at about ingredients were fish meal (FM) and fish oil (FO). However, the global
90 million tons per annum for the past decades, whereas aquaculture annual production of FM and FO is only 6 and 1 million tons, respec-
output has been increasing ca. 80 g kg−1 per annum and now supplies tively, with the main sources being designated pelagic fisheries, mainly
about 78 million tons ( from the Atlantic, Chile and Peru. FM and FO are also produced from
en/) (FAO 2016). To sustain increasing rates of aquaculture produc- trimmings, offal and/or by-­catch, although to a limited extent (FAO,
tion, it is essential to have a matching increase in the volume of fish 2009, FAO, 2016; Olsen, Waagbø, Ringø, & Lall, 2010).
feeds. The requirement for aquafeed has been estimated to reach 60 The figures on oil and meal production have remained fairly sta-
million tons by 2020. Although this is only a small portion of the global ble for the last 20 years, and there are no prospects for increase.
animal feed production (ca. 620 million tons), the specific nature of Consequently, since the 1990s, there have been increased efforts by

644  |

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Aquaculture Nutrition. 2018;24:644–665.
ZHOU et  al |

feed manufacturers to find alternative sustainable feed sources to be

Protein isolates
used in aquaculture diets. Among the first sources to be explored were
various soybean products (Francis, Makkara, & Becker, 2001). It was a
reasonable choice in many ways since soybeans have been the most

important oilseed crop. With an estimated harvest of 315 mill metric



tons in 2014/2015, soybeans contribute to 61% of the total worlds
total oilseed supply (US Department of Agriculture; USDA Foreign
Agricultural Service, statista).

Protein concentrates
Worldwide, soybean proteins represent a major source of amino
acids for human and animal nutrition (for review see the book ed. by
El-­Shemy, 2011). However, soybean products proved to be more of
a challenge for aquaculture species than originally anticipated. First,
despite a relatively high crude protein (CP) content (ca. 480 g/kg dry



matter in standard meals), the level was a limiting factor; normally, FM
contains 500–700 g protein per kilo. This limited their inclusion lev-
els in intensive aquaculture diets (Drew, Borgeson, & Thiessen, 2007).
Furthermore, the relatively high content of carbohydrates is a chal-

Dehulled solvent
lenge for many carnivorous fish which do not respond well to high
levels. Some of these challenges can be lowered using processed soy-

bean products with lowered carbohydrate and higher protein levels


as in protein concentrates (650 g kg−1 CP) and isolates (860 g kg−1


CP), respectively (Table 1). Compared to some other vegetable prod-
ucts, soybean meals (SBMs) have favourable amino acid profile. It is a
good source for lysine, but limiting for most fish species with being low
in methionine (Lim, Webster, & Lee, 2008). To prevent reductions in

Soybean hulls
growth rate at high inclusion levels of soybean protein, balancing with
other protein or crystalline amino acids are required (Burr, Wolters,



Barrows, & Hardy, 2012; Gaylord & Barrows, 2009).
The most serious challenges using soybean products are, however,
their content of antinutritional factors. These are either natural com-
Toasted full fat meal

pounds found in soybeans or their metabolites transformed in living

systems that will negatively affect fish performance. Broadly speak-
ing, they can affect utilization of proteins (e.g., protease inhibitors,
tannins), minerals (e.g., phytates) or vitamins (antivitamins). Other are

often referred to as miscellaneous substances having various effects
like lectins (hemagglutinins), saponins and phytoestrogens (Drew
T A B L E   1   Composition of soybean products during processing

et al., 2007; Francis et al., 2001).

Full fat soybeans




Data from FAO (2002) and Feedstuffs (2016)


Raw soybeans are inedible to all monogastric animals and need to be

processed to reduce the level of antinutrients (ANFs) prior to use in
feeds. As some of the most damaging ANFs (e.g., trypsin inhibitors
Proximate composition g/kg

(Kunittz & Bowman-­Birk), hemagglutinins (lectins) and antivitamins)

Carbohydrates (soluble, by

are heat labile, the traditional way to reduce their content has been
through heat inactivation. The process includes short-­term exposure
to high temperatures (e.g., roasting, boiling or extruding) as shown in
Crude protein
Ether extract

Table 2. Different heating processes can reduce the ANF content, but
Crude fibre
Dry matter

they are not completely eliminated. They will thus follow the product
through the production line. It is also important to note that many

ANFs like tannins, phytoestrogens and some phenolic compounds,

646       ZHOU et  al

T A B L E   2   Effect of thermal processing

Raw soybeans Extrusion Cooked Toasted Roasted
on antinutritional factors in soybean. After
Trypsin inhibitor 0.0154 0.0061 0.0023 0.0073 0.0071 Ari, Ayanwwale, Adama, and Olatunji
(g/kg) (2012)
Phytic acid 3.45 1.02 1.13 1.78 0.97
(g/100 g)
Protein solubility 850 760 830 770 640
index (g/kg)

Extrusion, cooking (1:1 water: beans, 100°C for 30 min), toasting (pan, 100°C for 30 min) and roasted
(dry heating, 100°C for 30 min).

saponins, glucosinolates, oligosaccharides, antigenic proteins (e.g., content in Table 1. The full fat meal produced from heating of raw
glycinin and ß-­conglycinin) and phytates are heat stable, and will not beans will produce a product with similar chemical content but with
be significantly affected by the heat treatment. reduced levels of ANFs. To reduce the fibre content, the soybeans can
Many carnivorous fish species have proven to be more sensitive to be cleaned and cracked open by passing them over roller mills. This is
remnants of the heat labile ANFs than terrestrial animals. Furthermore, followed by dehulling, the removal of the hulls producing a full fat meal
many of the heat stable ANFs have also caused problems (Drew et al., that is lower in fibre, but with a higher content in crude protein and
2007; Francis et al., 2001; Krogdahl, Penn, Thorsen, Refstie, & Bakke, carbohydrates. This product can be used in aquaculture, but would
2010). To improve their suitability in fish, major efforts have been in- need heating as for whole soybeans to reduce heat labile ANF.
vested into producing soybean products with higher protein levels and Dehulled soybeans are also the starting point for further pro-
lower levels of both heat labile and heat stable ANFs. A brief outline of cessing of the soy. One typical pathway is to produce flakes followed
some main processes is given in Figure 1 and the changes in chemical by lipid extraction to produce a lipid phase and defatted SBM. Lipid

Toasting Soybean

Full fat soy

Hulls Dehulling

Lipid Full fat flakes
Refined extraction
soybean oil

Defatted soy flakes Toasting

Alcohol Aqueous extraction Grinding Dehulled

extraction Separation extrusion soybean meal
pH adjustment

Soy protein Soy protein isolate Textured soy Soybean


Extrusion Enzyme hydrolysis


Texturized Low antigen

SPC isolate
F I G U R E   1   Outlines of various soybean
processing methods. Modified after Herzog
Low antigen
concentrate Möller and USSEC U.S. Soybean Export
ZHOU et  al |

removal is often intended to lower the content of linoleic acid (18:2

Chen, Wang, Song, and Ma

Anderson and Wolf (1995)

Anderson and Wolf (1995)
Anderson and Wolf (1995)

Hei, Li, Ma, and He (2012)

n-­6) in the fish diets. The meal fraction is then heated to remove re-

Jankowski et al. (2009)

Extruded SPC and low-­antigen SPC have significantly lower ANF levels than soybeans, soybean meal and soy flour and are the preferred products for use in aquafeeds for species sensitive to soy ANF’s.
maining hexane and to reduce ANF. This produces a dehulled defatted
SBM. The hulls can be returned to the meal producing hulled defatted

These processes, however, have very little effect on the heat

stable ANF like non-­starch polysaccharides, saponins, phytates, phy-
toestrogens and protein antigens (Table 3, Francis et al., 2001; Drew
et al., 2007). These can be reduced by alcohol (methanol/ethanol) or
aqueous extractions of the meals giving soybean concentrate and
soybean isolate, respectively. Alcohol extraction removes some sol-

Protein isolate
uble carbohydrates increasing the CP content to around 700 g kg−1.
The majority of fibres are, however, not soluble and will remain in the

meal. Extraction also lowers levels of trypsin inhibitors, glycinin, ß-­



conglycinin, saponins, and oligosaccharides, and extrusion and heat
treatment will further lower the content of remaining heat labile ANFs
giving more specialized products like low-­antigen soybean concen-
trates. Solubilizing the protein in water followed by protein precipi-

Protein concentrate
tation removes lipid and carbohydrates from the product (Table 3,
FAO 2002; NRC 2012) increasing the CP to around 900 g kg−1. Some
alcohol-­soluble ANFs like saponins are, however, not well reduced

and can still cause problems for fish (Drew et al., 2007; NRC. National


Research Council, 2012).

To improve soybean utilization in fish, researchers and producers
have explored new processing pathways like bioprocessing, fermenta-
tion, or inclusions of enzymes like phytase to reduce phytin content Toasted flour

(increasing mineral uptake). Enzymatic hydrolysis has the potential to

reduce the level of many ANFs and enhance nutrient utilization. For 7.9–9.4

example, enzyme-­treated SBM has reduced levels of ANF like glycinin

and β-­conglycinin. Further, treatment with phytase will reduce phy-
tin content and enhance phosphorous availability (Table 4, Goebel &
T A B L E   3   Comparison of the antinutritional factor levels in various soy products

Stein, 2011). Fermentation using the bacteria Aspergillus oryzae, for

example, eliminates protease inhibitors (Hong, Lee, & Kim, 2004),
Toasted meal

oligosaccharides, and many other meal antigens (Cervantes-­Pahm &

Stein, 2010). However, such alternative treatment methods will add



to the cost of products which could make them unavailable to most


aquaculture facilities. Rather, it is therefore a tendency in commercial

aquaculture to mix several vegetable products to improve the nutri-
ent amino acid profiles, and to reduce the impact of individual antinu-
Raw soybeans

tritional factors. Regardless, soybean products are still a dominating

vegetable ingredient in aquaculture. In Norway, for example (mainly

for salmon aquaculture), soybean concentrate was the largest single



meal inclusion (213 g kg−1) closely followed by FM (195 g kg−1) in 2012

(Ytrestøyl, Aas, & Åsgård, 2015), while other vegetable meals were in-
cluded at levels of 60g/kg diet or less. These processes will not only
Trypsin inhibitor activity (g/kg)

cause major changes in the composition of the products, but they are
ß-­conglycinin antigen ppm

also likely to modulate the gut microbiota as nutrient substrates are

Oligosaccharides (g/kg)
Glycinin antigen ppm

changing. Direct comparison of the various products in fish is there-

Phytic acid (g/kg)

fore challenging.
Saponins (g/kg)

The gut microbiota of fish constitutes a great number of cells, and

these cells and their metabolites play important roles in host diges-
tive function, gastric development, mucosal tolerance, immunity and
disease resistance (Bansal, Alaniz, Wood, & Jayaraman, 2010; Corr
648       ZHOU et  al

T A B L E   4   Effect of bioprocessing on the

Defatted soybean
content of some antinutritional factors in
Proximate composition (g/kg) meal HP-­200 HP-­310 HP-­340
soybean products after Goebel and Stein
Trypsin inhibitor TI/mg 5.7 3.1 2.4 1.8 (2011)
Glycinin antigen ppm 420 17 0.33 0.09
β-­conglycinin antigen ppm 130 0.003 0.004 0.005
Neutral detergent fibre 76 118 126 99
Acid detergent fibre 45.16 54 53 52

HP-­200, processed at fast rate; HP-­310, processed slower than HP-­200; HP-­340, processed with
phytase added.

et al., 2007; Holtug, Rasmussen, & Mortensen, 1988; Li, Wang, Xu, Ringø & Birkbeck, 1999; Ringø, Olsen, Mayhew, & Myklebust, 2003).
Magarvey, & McCormick, 2011; Shimada et al., 2013; Smith et al., The adherent bacteria may play an important role in health and disease
2013; Vinolo, Rodrigues, Nachbar, & Curi, 2011). In fact, in the ab- control of fish, and in this regard, it is of importance to bear in mind
sence of gut microbiota, the digestive tract fails to differentiate fully, that the GI tract of fish is one of the major infection routes for some
lacks brush border intestinal alkaline phosphatase activity, presents pathogens (Birkbeck & Ringø, 2005; Bøgwald & Dalmo, 2014; Groff &
immature patterns of glycan expression, displays reduced epithe- LaPatra, 2000; Harikrishnan & Balasundaram, 2005; Ringø, Myklebust,
lial proliferation and a reduction in goblet and enteroendocrine cells Mayhew, & Olsen, 2007; Ringø et al., 2003; Ringø, Løvmo et al., 2010).
(Bates et al., 2006; Rawls, Samuel, & Gordon, 2004). Compared to the numerous studies describing the dietary effect
Immunological effects of SBM or SBO have been less examined in on fish gut microbiota (Ringø et al., 2016), less information is available
comparison with studies evaluating its effect on growth performance about the effects of soybean products on intestinal bacterial commu-
and gut histology. In recent years, however, the effect of dietary SBM nity of finfish and crustaceans (Table 5).
or SBO on the immune systems of finfish and crustaceans are being Even though the traditional culture-­based technique possesses
pursued. rather low sensitivity for measuring composition, structure and stabil-
The present review addresses the effect of dietary soybean prod- ity of bacteria colonizing fish GI tract, the technique is able to reveal
ucts on gut microbiota and immunological parameters of aquatic an- differences due to minor dietary alterations, for example adherent
imals. To give the readers satisfactory information on the effects of bacteria in PI and distal fermentation chamber of Atlantic cod (Gadus
dietary soybean products, the authors include some information from morhua L.) fed different SBM products (Figure 2).
endothermic animals when needed. The information presented on
finfish is organized according to the current recognized taxonomical
3.1 | The Effect of SBM on Gut Microbiota
structure (FishBase 2015).
While much effort has focused on evaluating the extent of SBM-­
induced histological damage, SBM-­induced enteritis (SBMIE) (e.g.,
3 |  EFFECTS OF SOYBEAN PRODUCTS ON Bakke-­McKellep, Press, Baeverfjord, Krogdahl, & Landsverk, 2000;
GUT MICROBIOTA Bakke-­McKellep, Froystad et al., 2007; Bakke-­McKellep, Penn et al.,
2007; Bakke-­McKellep, Koppang et al., 2007; Hedrera et al., 2013;
As in endothermic animals, the intestinal bacterial community of fish Krogdahl, Bakke-­Mckellep, Roed, & Baeverfjord, 2000; Metochis et al.,
assist the function of digestion, growth, reproduction and improve 2016; Rumsey, Siwicki, Anderson, & Bowser, 1994), the effects on the
health (Ganguly & Prasad, 2012; Ghanbari, Kneifel, & Doming, 2015; intestinal microbiota of fish were not reported until 2006. However,
Llewellyn, Boutin, Hoseinifar, & Derome, 2014; Merrifield & Rodiles, as the importance of the gut microbiota and our awareness of this
2015; Montalban-­Arques et al., 2015; Ray, Ghosh, & Ringø, 2012). In complex microbial ecosystem have increased the interest in the fac-
addition, some intestinal bacteria can also destroy toxins that can be tors that might modulate the intestinal microbial communities (Ringø
harmful or fatal to its host (e.g., Duar et al., 2014; Harishankar, Sasikala, et al., 2016). Consequently, there are an increased number of stud-
& Ramya, 2013; Rowland, 1988; Singh & Walker, 2006; Young, Zhou, ies addressing the impact of dietary SBM on fish intestinal microbiota
Yu, Zhu, & Gong, 2007). Great efforts have also been made to find (Table 5). One major driving force for these studies is the possible
dietary supplements that ensure that benign or beneficial microbes modulation of the intestinal microbiota by SBM towards an undesira-
dominate the intestinal microbiota of fish (Dimitroglou et al., 2011; ble community that can induce mucosal inflammation (Tamboli, Neut,
Merrifield et al., 2010; Ringø, Olsen et al., 2010; Ringø et al., 2016). Desreumaux, & Colombel, 2004; Turroni et al., 2014).
The gut microbiota of endothermic animals as the case with fish is Some publications addressing the effect of SBM on gut microbi-
classified as autochthonous or indigenous, when they are able to adhere ota were discussed in the review of Merrifield, Olsen, Myklebust, and
and colonize the host’s mucus layer or gut epithelial surface, or alloch- Ringø (2011), and to avoid duplication, these studies reviewed in the
thonous, when they are incidental visitors in the GI tract, and are ex- aforementioned review are not discussed in this subsection; only re-
pelled after some time without colonizing (Kim, Brunt, & Austin, 2007; sults are presented in Table 5.
ZHOU et  al       649|
T A B L E   5   Studies investigated the effect of soybean meal (SBM), soy protein concentrate (SPC) and soybean oil (SO) on gut microbiota

Fish species/weight Soybean product Length of adm. Results by feeding SBM/SPC/SO References

Rainbow trout
21.1 ± 1.4 g SBM (450 g/kg) 8 weeks ↓ culturable bacteria, Lactobacillus spp., Sphingomonas Heikkinen et al. (2006)a
↑ Bacillus spp., Chryseomonas spp.

~40 g SBM (450 g/kg) 16 weeks → total culturable aerobic levels, Micrococcus spp. Merrifield, Bradley,
↓ Aeromonas spp., Vibrio spp. Baker, Dimitroglou, and
↑Actinomycetales, Psychrobacter spp., Saccharomyces Davies (2009)a
1.56 ± 0.9 kg SBM (300 g/kg) 8 weeks ↑no. of clones identified as Carnobacterium Mansfield et al. (2010)
↓ no. of different sequences in library

~510 g SBM (300 g/kg) 8 weeks ↑ Firmicutes: Proteobacteria ratio Desai et al. (2012)
DGGE analysis revealed low similarity indices
between SBM-­fed fish and the control
Atlantic salmon
172 g SBM (250 g/kg) 3 weeks ↑autochthonous bacteria in MI and DI, allochthonous Bakke-­McKellep, Penn
in DI et al. (2007)a
→ no. of genera and strains
↑ Brevibacterium, Enterococcus, yeast
↓Marinilactobacillus psychrotolerans,
C. maltaromaticum
242 ± 8 g SBM (436 g/kg) 4 weeks → viable counts Ringø, Sigmund
↓ Carnobacterium spp., Bacillus spp. Sperstad, Kraugerud,
and Krogdahl (2008)a
1204 ± 34 g SPC (50 g/kg) ↑bacterial diversity, Escherichia coli, a Green et al. (2013)
144.5 ± 2.3 g SBM (378 g/kg) 35 days → total and viable counts Navarrete et al. (2013)
↑ Aeromonas Via, Sporosarcina equimarina
305 ± 69 g SPC (200 g/kg) 12 weeks →total autochthonous bacteria (proximal intestine; Hartviksen et al. (2014)
PI), total allochthonous bacteria, allochthonous
community composition and total autochthonous
bacteria (DI)
↑autochthonous Enterobacteriaceae, Bacilli-­like,
Lactobacillaceae, Streptococcaceae in PI
↓ autochthonous Vibrionaceae in PI
↑ autochthonous Bacilli-­like, Streptococcaceae in DI

~133 g SBM (200 g/kg) 80 days ↓the diversity indices in DI, Weissella confusa in the Reveco et al. (2014)
DI, proportion of Photobacterium in MI
↑relative abundance of Firmicutes compared with
the FM group, abundance of Lactococcus lactis
subsp. Lactis in MI
→ Photobacterium in DI

~5 g SBM (100 g/kg) 6 weeks ↑total microbial numbers in digesta, J.L.G. Vecino &
Peptostreptococcus, Kluyvera and other closely S. Wadsworth
related representatives of Enterobacteriaceae ­(unpublished data)b
↓ Sphingomonas
Atlantic cod
  ~534 g SBM (246 g/kg) 84 days ↑ allochthonous bacterial level in FG, HG Refstie et al. (2006)a
→ allochthonous bacterial level in HC
↓ autochthonous bacterial level in FG, HG and HC
  ~534 g SBM (246 g/kg) 84 days Modulated gut microbiota. ↑Chryseobacterium and Ringø, Sperstad,
Psychrobacter Myklebust, Refstie, and
Krogdahl (2006)a

650       ZHOU et  al

T A B L E   5   (Continued)

Fish species/weight Soybean product Length of adm. Results by feeding SBM/SPC/SO References

  ~534 g BPSBM (214 g/kg) 84 days →population levels of adherent and allochthonous Ringø et al. (2006)a
bacteria in FG, HG and HC
Modulated gut microbiota.
Gilthead seabream
~24 g SBM (313 g/kg) 9 weeks ↑ species richness, Shannon-­Weaver index Dimitroglou et al.
Grass carp
 Ctenopharyngodon SBM (13 g/kg) 8 weeks ↑Pseudomonas putida Aeromonas sp.DH69 Huang (2008)b
idella (weight not Actinobacterium Bacilli bacterium
Allogynogenetic silver crucian carp
 Carassius auratus♀ SBM (300 g/kg) 8 weeks →total culturable aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, Cai et al. (2012)a
x Cyprinus carpio♂ presumptive E. coli, Aeromonas, Bifidobacterium,
(24.7 g ± 0.4 g) Clostridium perfringens
 Carassius auratus SBM (355 g/kg) 8 weeks → on gut microbiota determined by DGGE Raggi and Gatlin (2012)
(15 g)
Three cyprinid SBM (40 g/kg) 8 weeks Modulation of the allochthonous gut microbiota. Li et al. (2015)
species ↓Proteobacterium clone (EF707282.1), Cetobacterium
somerae (AB353124), Bacillus subtilis, Anoxybacillus
Hybrid tilapia
 Oreochromis SBM 8 weeks ↑Plesiomonas sp. BTOK4 Aeromonas aquariorum Zhang, Xu et al. (2014)
niloticus ♀ x
aureus ♂ (~2 g)
Arctic charr

 ~250 g SBO (208 g/kg) Not given →total culturable aerobic bacteria Acinetobacter spp. Ringø et al. (2002)a
and Carnobacterium spp. were only present in SBO
fed fish, while Micrococcus spp. were only present in
the FO fed charr
Channel catfish
 Ictalurus punctatus SBO (80 g/kg) 120 days → culturable lactic acid bacteria counts Santerre et al. (2015)
(6.83 ± 0.2 g)
Pacific white shrimp
 Litopenaeus SBO 8 weeks ↑Enterobacteriaceae, Aeromonadaceae Zhang, Sun et al. (2014)
vannamei ↓Rhizobiaceae Bacteroidaceae was only present in
the SBO group

↑, increase; →, no change; ↓, decrease.

FG, foregut; HG, midgut; HC, hindgut chamber.
Studies discussed in the review of Merrifield et al. (2011).
Studies discussed in the review of Ringø et al. (2016).

frequently observed sequences were identical to Carnobacterium (pis-

3.1.1 | Salmonidae
cicola) maltaromaticum and accounted for 55 and 97.2% of the clones | Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) from the FM and SBM group, respectively. Overall, highest diversity
Mansfield et al. (2010) evaluated the effect of FM and SBM (Federation was noticed from fish fed FM (14 different sequences) and only four
Cooperatives Limited, Saskatoon, SK, Canada) (300 g/kg) on the al- different sequences in the SBM library.
lochthonous DI microbiota of triploid female rainbow trout (~1.6 kg) In a later study with rainbow trout, Desai et al. (2012) investigated
by three cpn60 universal clone libraries, resulting in 1,000 and 1,181 the influence of SBM (Federation Cooperatives Limited, Saskatoon, SK,
sequences from FM and SBM, respectively. When all the sequences Canada) and FM on the commensal intestinal microbiota by pyrose-
were combined, 32 different sequences were noticed. The most quencing of cpn60 PCR products and 16S rRNA DGGE. Pyrosequencing
ZHOU et  al |

F I G U R E   2   Indigenous adherent
bacteria isolated from the gut wall of (a)
the proximal intestine and (b) the distal
fermentation chamber of Atlantic cod
(Gadus morhua L.) fed; fish meal (FM),
soybean meal (SBM) or bioprocessed
soybean meal (BPSBM) after Refstie et al.

revealed that SBM inclusion (300 g/kg) was associated with higher (p = .05) effect was observed with regard to community composition.
Firmicutes: Proteobacteria ratio than control fed fish (FM). Differences An increase was noticed in autochthonous Enterobacteriaceae, Bacilli-­
between the microbial community of SBM-­fed fish and the control like, Lactobacillaceae and Streptococcaceae in PI, and Bacilli-­like
were also observed in DGGE profiles, as the similarity indices between and Streptococcaceae in DI by SPC feeding. In contrast, a significant
SBM-­fed fish and the control was 470 g kg−1. Whether the changes in (p = .05) decrease was revealed in Vibrionaceae in PI.
microbial communities may have been caused by changes in intesti- Reveco, Øverland, Romarheim, and Mydland (2014) investigated
nal mucosal morphology and immune responses were not investigated the intestinal microbiota in MI and DI of Atlantic salmon fed FM
and to conclude additional investigations have to be carried out. and SBM (Deno-­Soy F, solvent-­extracted and solvent-­toasted SBM,
Denofa, Fredrikstad, Norway) (200 g/kg) by DGGE analysis. The diver- | Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) sity indices were reduced in DI by SBM feeding, and the SBM diet gave
Green, Smullen, and Barnes (2013) investigated the influence of FM rise to a higher relative abundance of Firmicutes compared with the
and soybean protein concentrate (SPC; 50 g/kg) on intestinal micro- FM group. Furthermore, the abundance of Lactococcus lactis subsp.
biota of Atlantic salmon by terminal restriction fragment length poly- lactis increased in the MI, while a reduction in Weissella confusa was
morphism (T-­RFLP) and 16S rRNA clone library analysis. The SPC diet reported in the DI of fish fed the SBM diet. The proportion of bacteria
resulted in modulation of the intestinal microbiome by increasing the belonging to genus Photobacterium was higher in MI of the FM group,
bacterial diversity and increased Escherichia coli which was absent in but in DI, the proportion of Photobacterium was not affected by dietary
salmon fed FM. In addition, a pseudomonadales was more frequently manipulation. The authors suggested that the shift in the intestinal
revealed in fish fed SPC. bacterial community could be involved in SBMIE, however, to fully
In a 35 days feeding trial with Atlantic salmon, Navarrete et al. conclude additional investigations have to be carried out.
(2013) evaluated the effect of SBM HI Pro (378 g/kg) supplementation In contrast to the literature available on the effects of SBM on the
and FM (510 g/kg) on allochthonous microbiota community in DI. Total gut microbiota of salmonids, less is known about other fish species.
and viable counts were not significantly (p > .05) affected by dietary This is partly due to the fact that non-­salmonids are less suscepti-
manipulation, but bacterial composition evaluated by principal com- ble to SBMIE and histological damage. However, some papers have
ponent analysis (PCA) was grouped according to the diet, except for addressed the effect of SBM on gut microbiota of non-­salmonids
day zero. PCA analysis revealed that Aeromonas VIb and Sporosarcina (Table 5).
aquimarina were correlated with the SBM diet, while Microbacterium,
Pseudomonas, Lactococcus lactis sp. cremoris and Aeromonas VIa were
3.1.2 | Cyprinidae
correlated with the FM diet.
Hartviksen et al. (2014) revealed no dietary effect of soy protein Huang (2008) compared the effect of dietary inclusion of SBM (13 g/
concentrate (SPC) on total autochthonous bacteria isolated from PI kg) and casein meal (CM; 10 g/kg) on the autochthonous intestinal
and total allochthonous and total autochthonous bacteria isolated microbiota of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). After 8 weeks
from DI of Atlantic salmon by qPCR analysis. However, significant feeding, the microbiota from the whole intestine was analysed by
652       ZHOU et  al

16S rRNA PCR-­DGGE. Clear differences were revealed between the as described by Zhou et al. (2014), Ghanbari et al. (2015) and Ringø
microbiota of the SBM group and the CM group showing only 26% et al. (2016) need to be included in future studies. According to Zhou
similarity (p < .05); determined by the un-­weighted pair group method et al. (2014), the cultivability of communities in the intestine of many
using the arithmetic mean algorithm (UPGMA). Bacteria isolated from fish species can be as low as <0.1%. Furthermore, investigations need
the CM group were identified; uncultured Lachnospiraceae bacterium, to be extended to other aquatic species than salmonids as SBM is one
uncultured Lactobacillus, uncultured Clostridium spp. and uncultured of the commonly used plant proteins incorporated into aquafeeds
Proteobacterium, while bacteria isolated from the SBM group were (Bakke-­McKellep & Refstie, 2008; Barrows et al., 2008; Bendiksen,
identified as Pseudomonas sp., Aeromonas sp., uncultured bacteria, un- Johnsen, Olsen, & Jobling, 2011; Gatlin et al., 2007; Hansen & Hemre,
cultured Actinobacterium and uncultured Bacillus spp. 2013; Hemre et al., 2009; Médale et al., 2013). In addition, future
Raggi and Gatlin (2012) evaluated four probiotics diets based on studies should focus on the autochthonous bacteria as they are in in-
FM and SBM on gut microbiota of goldfish (Carassius auratus) and timate contact with the host epithelium stimulating host inflammatory
revealed no difference in microbiota by denaturing gradient gel elec- responses and/or improving fish health and ability of gut microbiota to
trophoresis. The main reason for this observation may be due to the produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) (e.g., Hoseinifar, Mirvaghefi,
dietary incorporation of chromic oxide at 10 g kg may have reduced Amoozegar, Merrifield, & Ringø, 2017; Kihara & Sakata, 2002). For
the quantity and complexity of the bacterial community as reported by example, butyrate is the main energy source for colonic epithelial
Ringø (1993) for Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.). cells and thus associated with maintenance of the epithelium and has
In a recent study, the effect of partial or complete replacement the potential to stimulate the immune system and resistance against
of SBM (40 g/kg) by intestinal casing meal [ICM; prepared from the pathogens (Maslowski & Mackay, 2010). Moreover, it has been pro-
waste water of enteric coating and heparin processing (Shi, 2002)] posed that SCFAs modulates lipid synthesis (Marcil et al., 2002).
or a mixture of ICM and monosodium glutamate (YMG) was used to
evaluate the effect on the allochthonous gut microbiota of three cage-­
3.2 | The Effect of Soybean Oil (SBO) on
cultured cyprinid species (Li et al., 2015). The allochthonous bacterial
Gut Microbiota
diversity was modulated by feeding ICM and YMG as some bacterial
species were significantly stimulated; Bacillus subtilis in black carp To our knowledge, four studies have assessed the effect of dietary
(Mylopharyngodon piceus) and blunt snout bream (Megalobrama am- SBO on autochthonous gut microbiota of aquatic animals (Lødemel
blycephala), Anoxybacillus flavithermus in black carp (Mylopharyngodon et al., 2001; Ringø et al. 2001; Ringø et al., 2002; Zhang et al. 2014b;
piceus) and Proteobacterium and Cetobacterium somerae in blunt snout Santerre et al., 2015.
bream (Megalobrama amblycephala).

3.2.1 | Salmonidae
3.1.3 | Cichlidae | Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.) | Hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus ♀ X Oreochromis Lødemel et al. (2001) revealed autochthonous bacteria closely asso-
aureus ♂) ciated with microvilli in the midgut region of charr fed SBO prior to
Zhang, Xu et al. (2014) investigated the effects of replacing dietary challenge with A. salmonicida ssp. Salmonicida (Figure 3). When Arctic
SBM or cottonseed meal (CSM) by completely hydrolysed feather charr were challenged with A. salmonicida, only a few bacteria were
meal (defatted rice bran as the carrier; CHFM) on the composition associated with microvilli of the midgut of infected fish. Furthermore,
of adherent gut bacteria of hybrid tilapia. After 8 weeks of feeding, light microscopy studies of the midgut epithelium of the Arctic charr
the microbiota from the whole intestine was analysed by 16S rRNA fed SBO prior to challenge revealed few goblet cells, while infected
PCR-­DGGE. The results showed that CHFM induced modulation of fish with external signs of furunculosis had greater abundance of
the intestinal microbiota in hybrid tilapia and prevented colonization goblet cells. The greater prevalence of goblet cells, which increased
of potentially harmful species in the intestinal tract. Plesiomonas sp. mucus production, supports the suggestion that sloughing off mucus
BTOK4 and Aeromonas aquariorum were decreased in the CHFM12/ is a protective response against bacterial infections.
CSM (120 g kg−1 CSM was replaced with CHFM) group. Ringø et al. (2002) addressed the effects of SBO and FO on the
The reason for the differing outcomes in the culturable bacterial aerobic gut bacteria of Arctic charr before and after challenge with
communities is somewhat unclear, but it may be related to: (i) different A. salmonicida. This study was discussed in the review of Merrifield
feeding duration, (ii) different SBM inclusion levels, (iii) different SBM et al. (2011), and readers with special interest in this study are referred
characteristics and different producers, (iv) different culture conditions to the above-­mentioned review.
and/or (v) other differences in the experimental rearing trial.
Many of the previous studies addressing the effects of dietary SBM
3.2.2 | Siluriformes
on the gut microbiota of finfish were based on cultivation. However, as
the use of media to cultivate microbes for the determination of micro- | Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
bial abundance and identification do not represent a correct picture Santerre et al. (2015) revealed no effect on culturable lactic acid bac-
of the intestinal bacterial community, culture-­independent techniques teria (LAB) counts when channel catfish was fed diets differing in oil
ZHOU et  al |

the innate immune system directly influences the adaptive immune

system, current studies need to be further expanded to see if and how
dietary SBM or SBO may alter adaptive immune responses as well.
In addition, future studies should focus on the immunological param-
eters, especially innate immune parameters that can directly represent
the health status of finfish and crustaceans. Immune responses and
disease resistance from a general nutritional context are not reviewed
in this review, and readers with special interest on these topics are re-
ferred to the comprehensive reviews of Kiron (2012) and Oliva-­Teles

4.1 | Salmonidae

4.1.1 | Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.)

It is known that an SBM-­containing diet causes intestinal inflamma-
F I G U R E   3   Transmission electron microscopy micrograph of the
midgut of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.) fed a diet-­containing SBO. tion in the DI of salmonid fish; SBMIE (e.g., Baeverfjord & Krogdahl,
Note the substantial numbers of bacteria (arrows) associated with 1996; Urán et al., 2008; Van den Ingh, Krogdahl, Olli, Hendricks, &
the microvilli (MV) of the enterocytes. X 3.750 magnification after Koninkx, 1991). Krogdahl et al. (2000) examined the effect of the fish
Lødemel et al. (2001) diet containing either solvent-­extracted SBM or alcohol-­extracted
SBM. The fish fed solvent-­extracted SBM showed higher mortality
source (FO or SBO) and supplementation of commercial probiotic, de- rate when challenged by A. salmonicida. In addition, the group fed
rived from 14 different microorganisms. However, LAB was not iden- alcohol-­extracted SBM revealed increased levels of both lysozyme
tified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Phenotypic males were used in and IgM in the mid and distal intestinal mucosa. Lilleeng et al. (2009)
this study, and this open for the speculation that differences in LAB studied the early stages of SBM enteropathy in Atlantic salmon by
composition may occur between gender, as some studies on aquatic quantitative PCR analysis. Fish fed SBM showed significantly down-
animals have revealed differences in gut microbiota between male and regulated TGF-­β gene expression on day one of SBM feeding, whereas
female (Iehata, Valenzuela, & Riquelme, 2015; Li et al., 2016). reduced expression of interferon-­inducible lysosomal thiol reductase
(GILT) was observed on day three. The authors suggested that down-
regulation of TGF-­β and GILT might lead to the pathogenesis of SBM
3.2.3 | Penaeidae
enteropathy in Atlantic salmon due to failure to maintain mucosal in- | PACIFIC white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) tegrity in the DI. Sahlmann et al. (2013) investigated transcriptomic
There is evidence, albeit limited, showing that healthy and diseased profiling during one-­week feeding of a diet-­containing 200 g kg−1
shrimp have distinct gut bacterial communities (Cheung et al., 2015; SBM. Prominent changes in gene expression patterns were observed
Xiong, Dai, & Li, 2016; Xiong et al., 2015; Zheng et al., 2016). The on days 3 and 5. Immune-­related genes were upregulated during the
Pacific white shrimp is a very important culture species, but little in- first 5 days: GTPase IMAP family members; NF-­kB-­related genes; and
formation is available on the effect of feed nutrients on the intestinal regulators of T-­cell and B-­cell function. These expression profiles of
microbiota. Zhang, Sun et al. (2014) examined the intestinal bacte- immune genes suggest that intestinal inflammation is induced within
rial composition of Pacific white shrimp fed six diets with different a week upon administration of an SBM-­containing diet, which may
lipid sources using the Illumina-­based high-­throughput sequencing in turn negatively influence the growth performance of salmonids.
method. The results revealed that Bacteroidaceae was only present However, the exact cause and mechanisms behind the inflammation
in SBO; however, the prevalence rate was low (0.01%–0.08%). The and other negative effects are not fully understood. Several investiga-
prevalence of Rhizobiaceae decreased significantly by SBO feeding, tions indicate that alcohol-­soluble ANFs, especially soy saponins, may
while the prevalence of Aeromonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae in- be the causal agent. In a more recent study, Krogdahl et al. (2015)
creased in SBO group. showed that saponins caused dose-­dependent increases in the sever-
ity of inflammation independent of the basal diet, with concomitant
alterations in digestive functions and immunological marker expres-
4 | IMMUNOLOGY sion. In the inflammatory states of SBMIE or SPCIE, plasma immuno-
globulin level (Bakke-­McKellep et al., 2000; Metochis et al., 2016) and
Many studies attempt to uncover ways to balance out the adverse ef- T-­cell numbers (Bakke-­McKellep, Froystad et al., 2007) were signifi-
fects that might be caused by SBM or SBO supplemented in diets. The cantly increased. Although the physiology of the immune modulation
immunological studies predominantly concentrate on innate immune is not completely understood at present, this activated immune re-
parameters modulated by the inclusion of SBM or SBO (Table 6). As sponses may be related to an allergic reaction caused by SBM or SPC.
T A B L E   6   Studies investigated the effect of soybean meal (SBM) and soybean oil (SBO) on immune response

Fish species/weight Soybean product Length of adm. Results by feeding SBM/SPC/SBO References

Atlantic salmon
37.0 g for challenge studies 240 g kg−1 solvent-­extracted SBM, 110 g kg−1 3 weeks Solvent-­extracted SBM: ↑ mortality when challenged by A.s. salmoni- Krogdahl et al. (2000)
 620 g for immune alcohol-­extracted SBM, or 180 g kg−1~22 cida challenge
parameter studies g kg−1 SPC Alcohol-­extracted SBM: ↑ lysozyme and IgM
216 g 460 g kg−1 extracted SBM 1, 3, and 7 days ↓ TGF-­β gene expression on day 1 Lilleeng et al. (2009)
↓ GILT gene expression on day 3
500–600 g 200 g/kg (hexane-­extracted (defatted)) SBM 7 days ↑ Immune-­related genes, including GTPase IMAP family members, Sahlmann et al.
NF-­kB-­related genes, regulators of T-­cell and B-­cell function (2013)
Rainbow trout
2.60 ± 0.18 g 100% replacement of protein source 26 weeks ↑ Leucocyte cell numbers Rumsey et al. (1994)
(410 g kg−1) by SBM ↑ Concentrations of plasma protein and immunoglobulin
↑ Neutrophil, monocyte and macrophage activities
6–7 g 60%–70% replacement by SBM 53 days ↓ Innate immune capacity Burrells et al. (1999)
15 ± 2 g 40% replacement of FM with plant protein 60 days → No noticeable negative effects in lysozyme activity and total Jalili et al. (2013)
sources (250 g kg−1 SBM and glutens) antibody concentration
57.8 g Graded cholesterol supplementation on SBM 9 weeks ↑S erum & hepatic superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione-­ Deng et al. (2013)
peroxidase, catalase activities
↑ Serum lysozyme activity up to 9 g kg−1 cholesterol
9 g kg−1~12 g kg−1 cholesterol
↑ Survival upon A. hydrophila challenge
Gilthead sea bream
40 g Total substitution by a mixture of 500 g kg−1 6 months ↓ Phagocytic activity Montero et al. (2008)
SBO and 500 g kg−1 LO ↓ Alternative complement pathway activity
36.99 ± 0.20 g 100% replacement by SBO 80 days ↑ TNF-­a and IL-­1β in the intestine Montero et al. (2010)
16.2 ± 0.61 g 20%, 40%, 60% replacement of FM with FBM 84 days ↑ Serum myeloperoxidase level & complement activity Kokou et al. (2012)
16 g 20%, 40%, 60% replacement of FM with SBM 6 months ↑ RBA, TGF-­B1 B2 m in HK in 400 g kg SBM Kokou et al. (2015)
↑ CSF-­1R, signs of inflammation in 60%
Japanese seabass
10.09 ± 0.70 g 33%, 66%, 100% SBO to replace FO 66 days ↓P
 hagocytic index, respiratory burst, lysozyme activity, alternative Xu et al. (2015)
complement pathway
European seabass
20.63 ± 0.12 g MOS inclusion in SBO-­based diets 8 weeks In SBO-­based diets Torrecillas et al.
↓ TCRβ, COX2, IL-­1β, TNF-­α, IL-­8, IL-­6, IL-­10, TGF-­β and Ig (2015)
MOS inclusion in SBO-­based diets
↑ IL-­6, TGF-­β and IL-­10

et  al
T A B L E   6   (Continued)

Fish species/weight Soybean product Length of adm. Results by feeding SBM/SPC/SBO References
et  al

European seabass
283 g 1 or 2 g/kg soya saponins 59 days No effects on expressions of AIP, Malt, Casp3, CD4, TGF-­β and Couto et al. (2015)
TNF-­α, IL-­1b
9.18 ± 0.02 g Nucleotide supplementation on SBM 60 days In 00.3 g kg−1, 1 g kg−1 nucleotide, 400 g kg−1, 500 g kg−1 SBM Peng et al. (2013)
↑ respiratory burst activity in 0.3 g kg−1 nucleotide, 300 g kg−1 SBM
↑ lysozyme activity in 500 g kg−1 SBM
↓ lysozyme activity
Senegalese sole
3.5 ± 0.2 g 100% FO replacement by SBO or LO 90 days No changes in survival rate Montero et al. (2015)
↑ complement-­related genes
↑ IL-­1b, IL-­10, IL-­11a, IL-­12b, IL-­17c
↑ TLR1, TLR9, IL1RL1, CXCR2, CD4 lysozyme, IRFs
↑ Differentiation antigens and antiviral defence-­related genes
↓ immune-­related genes upon stress
0.15 ± 0.005 g 480 and 600 mg/kg nucleotide inclusion in 10 weeks ↑ Serum lysozyme activity Shiau et al. (2015)
low fish meal (60 g kg−1) and high SBM ↑ Leucocyte activation by ConA and PHA-­P stimulation
(560 g kg−1) ↑ Survival upon S. iniae challenge
5.2 g 700 g kg−1 SBM and 300 g kg−1 RSM 8 weeks → No adverse effects on innate immune response and resistance to Deng et al. (2015)
A. hydrophila
Channel catfish
6.15 ± 0.05 500 g kg−1 SBM and 500 g kg−1 CSM 10 weeks ↑ Macrophage chemotaxis Barros et al. (2002)
↑ Agglutinating antibody
↑ Survival upon E. ictaluri challenge
Red drum
10.9 ± 0.2 500 g kg−1 SBM and 500 g kg−1 FM with FOS, 4 weeks ↑ Serum lysozyme Buentello et al. (2010)
MOS, or TOS (10 g kg−1). ↑ Intracellular superoxide anion
↑ Survival upon A. ocellatum
10.9 ± 0.2 400 g kg−1 SBM 15 weeks → non-­specific immunity parameters evaluated Rossi, Tomasso, and
Gatlin (2015)
25.05 ± 0.1 g 150 g kg−1 and 300 g kg−1 SBM with 56 days ↑ Lysozyme and bactericidal activity Dawood et al. (2015)
heat-­killed L. plantarum
(15.68 ± 1.06 g) Increased ratio of FM:SBM from 1:1 to 1:1.5 100 days ↓ Superoxide dismutase activity and malondialdehyde levels Wang et al. (2012)

656       ZHOU et  al

4.1.2 | Rainbow Trout

Chen et al. (2016)

Ding et al. (2015)
Rumsey et al. (1994) reported that rainbow trout fed SBM for

Cai et al. (2014)

26 weeks showed increased leucocyte cell numbers, plasma proteins

and antibody concentration. In addition, the activities of neutro-
phil, monocytes and macrophage were increased as well. However,
Burrells, Williams, Southgate, and Crampton (1999) indicated that if
SBM was replaced by more than 60%–70% of FM, which was compa-
rable to 200 g kg−1–300 g kg−1 inclusion in diets, the suppression of

↓ superoxide dismutase, malondialdehyde, phenoloxidase, acid

innate immune capacity was evident. Jalili, Tukmechi, Agh, Noori, and
Ghasemi (2013) prepared a mixture of plant protein source containing
↓ Hemocyte count and haemolymph phagocytic activity

wheat gluten, corn gluten and SBM (25% of the total plant protein
No changes in serum lysozyme activity and survival

phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and lysozyme mixture). Juvenile rainbow trout fed the mixture replaced 40% of FM
showed no noticeable negative effects in both total serum antibodies
and alterative complement activity. Deng, Kang, Tao, Rong, and Zhang
(2013) studied the effect of dietary cholesterol included in SBM-­based
Results by feeding SBM/SPC/SBO

diets. In this study, rainbow trout, average weight of 57.8 g, were fed
for 9 weeks with SBM-­based diets (replaced 70% of FM) containing
graded levels of cholesterol. Fish fed diets supplemented with 0.9 or
12 g kg−1 cholesterol increased various innate immune parameters
such as respiratory burst activity, alternative complement activity,
serum and hepatic lysozyme activities, and phagocytic activity. These
elevated innate immune responses induced by cholesterol in fish fed
the SBM-­based diets correlated with the enhanced survival rates upon
challenge with a pathogen, Aeromonas hydrophila. However, when the
level of cholesterol supplementation was increased to more than 12
g kg−1 in the diets, the innate immune parameters declined along with
the survival rates postchallenge.
Length of adm.

14 weeks
10 weeks
8 weeks

FOS, fructooligosaccharide; MOS, mannan-­oligosaccharide; TOS, transgalactooligosaccharide.

4.2 | Sparidae

4.2.1 | Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata L.)

Montero et al. (2008) investigated the dietary effect of a vegetable oil
Fermented SBM replacement 25, 50, 75,

mixture of SBO and FO at an equal ratio on gilthead sea bream. Fish

fed the vegetable mixture in diets showed significantly reduced levels
400 g kg−1 and 600 g kg−1 SBM

of phagocytic activity and alternative complement pathway activity.

In a later study, juvenile gilthead sea bream were fed 80 days on a diet
where the FO was totally (100%) or partially (70%) replaced by SBO
(Montero et al., 2010). Gilthead sea bream fed the SBO diet displayed
Soybean product

increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines in the intestine

such as TNF-­α and IL-­1b. Furthermore, these fish were more suscepti-
60 g SBO

ble to the pathogen when challenged with Flavobacterium psychrophi-

↑, increase; →, no change; ↓, decrease.

lum. Kokou, Rigos, Henry, Kentouri, and Alexis (2012) evaluated the
effects of SBM when it was used as a protein source in diets. Juvenile
gilthead sea breams that were fed the SBM-­containing diet (20% and
T A B L E   6   (Continued)

40% replacement) for 3 months exhibited significant decrease in their

blood respiratory burst activity. Respiratory burst is an indication of
Fish species/weight

Chinese mitten crab

0.103 ± 0.0009 g

the active state of blood innate immune cells leading to microbicidal

1.48 ± 0.04 g
2.35 ± 0.14 g

activity. In contrast, serum myeloperoxidase activity and bacterio-

lytic activity of complement were significantly increased in the group

that was fed a diet of 60% SBM replacement. Myeloperoxidase is

produced mainly by neutrophils and carry out antimicrobial activity
ZHOU et  al |

through synthesizing hypohalous acids (Klebanoff, 2005). In a similar intestinal tissue. When fish were fed with an SBO-­based diet without
study with an increased feeding period up to 6 months, only the fish MOS, they showed downregulated gene expressions of TCRβ, COX2,
that were fed 40% SBM replacement displayed an increase in serum IL-­1β, TNF-­α, IL-­8, IL-­6, IL-­10, TGF-­β, and Ig and upregulated MHCII
respiratory burst activity, whereas the 60% SBM diet-­fed group dis- expression. However, when MOS was supplemented to the same
played signs of intestinal inflammation (Kokou et al., 2015). SBO-­based diets, the fish showed upregulation of IL-­6, TGF-­β and
Costas et al. (2014) evaluated the effects of two purified antinu- IL-­10. It appears that the inclusion of MOS partially counterbalanced
trients, soy saponins and phytosterols alone or in combination, on the the immunologically negative effects of the SBO diets. Couto et al.
immunomodulation of gilthead seabream. The results showed that (2015) tested the dietary effects of soy saponins on European sea bass
plasma bactericidal and alternative complement pathway activities in- (283 g) for 59 days. Fish were fed FM and FO-­based diet containing
creased in fish fed antinutrients compared to fish fed the control diet different levels of soy saponins (1 and 2 g/kg) or a mixture of soy
during the course of the experiment with more important changes at 7 saponins and phytosterols. Gene expression of immune-­related genes
and 48 days for bactericidal activity and at 7 and 15 days for comple- was studied in addition to histological studies and digestion-­related
ment values. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence that dietary enzymatic activities in distal intestine samples. The authors revealed
purified saponins and phytosterols differentially stimulate the fish im- no overt differences in the expression of immune-­related between the
mune system. groups and the fish showed high tolerance to dietary ANFs.

4.3 | Cyprinidae 4.6 | Scophthalmidae

4.3.1 | Zebrafish (Danio rerio) 4.6.1 | Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.)

In the resent study of Fuentes-­Appelgren et al. (2014), zebrafish were Nucleotides were added to an SBM-­supplemented diet to test whether
used as a model to evaluate the effects of diets supplemented with nucleotides could counterbalance an unfavourable immunological
SBM components, such as saponins and soy protein on the innate im- status of turbot caused by an SBM-­based diet (Peng et al., 2013).
mune system. A significant increase in the number of granulocytes Juvenile turbot were fed with conditioned diets for two months: the
was observed after feeding fish diets containing high saponin or soy diets were supplemented with SBM at various ratios and each diet
protein contents. These dietary components also induced the expres- included different concentrations of commercially available mixed
sion of genes related to the innate immune system, including myeloid-­ nucleotides. The group that were fed the diet containing 0.3 g kg−1
specific peroxidase, as well as the complement protein and cytokines. nucleotide significantly increased respiratory burst activity in spite of
These results indicate that both soy saponins and proteins may play the fact that the diet comprised of 400 g kg−1 SBM. Feed solely con-
roles in the induction of the inflammatory signals that lead to enteritis taining 400 g kg−1 SBM would otherwise decrease respiratory burst.
in the gut of fish when high levels of these components are incorpo- An increase in lysozyme activity was seen in the fish that were fed a
rated into the diet. diet supplemented both 300 g kg−1 of SBM and 0.3 g kg−1 nucleotides.
However, when the proportion of nucleotides was increased up to 1
g kg−1, lysozyme activity decreased down to a comparable level of the
4.4 | Perciformes
control group.

4.4.1 | Japanese Sea Bass (Lateolabrax japonicus)

4.7 | Soleidae
Juvenile Japanese sea bass were fed for 66 days with a diet in which
FO was replaced with SBO or linseed oil (LO) in different ratios (Xu
4.7.1 | Senegalese Sole (Solea senegalensis)
et al., 2015). However, supplementations with both SBO and LO did
not reduce the specific growth rate, but showed reduced innate im- The dietary effects of SBO and LO were studied by supplementing
mune responses: phagocytic index; respiratory burst; lysozyme ac- in a fish diet (560 g kg−1 crude protein and 120 g kg−1 crude lipid)
tivity; and the alternative complement pathway. Lysozyme and the (Montero et al., 2015). Senegalese sole juveniles (3.5 ± 0.2 g) were fed
alterative complement system play a role in bacteria killing. for 90 days with a diet-­containing SBO, LO or FO as a lipid source. At
the end of the experimental period, the levels of immune-­related gene
expression in the intestine were examined in addition to assessing
4.5 | Moronidae
growth, cortisol and intestinal fatty acid composition. Further, a stress
test was performed by net chasing for 5 min. There were no differ-
4.5.1 | European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
ences in growth, cortisol and intestinal fatty acid composition among
Effects of 0.4 g kg inclusion of mannan-­oligosaccharide (MOS) in groups. However, the groups fed with a diet including vegetable oil
SBO-­supplemented diets were assessed in juvenile European sea bass showed elevated levels of immune-­associated genes: proinflammatory
(Torrecillas et al., 2015). Following 8 weeks of feeding with the MOS-­ cytokine genes (IL-1b, IL-12 and IL-17), pattern recognition receptor
containing diet, the authors analysed the transcriptomic profiles of the genes (TLR1 and TLR9) and cytokine or chemokine receptor genes
658       ZHOU et  al

(IL-1RL1 and CXCR2). These data suggest that an inclusion of vegeta- & Yokoyama, 2015). Juvenile amberjack that were fed with 15 g kg−1
ble oil in diets may induce inflammatory responses in Senegalese sole and 300 g kg−1 SBM with heat-­killed Lb. plantarum significantly en-
intestine. Further when stressed, the fish showed reduced expressions hanced lysozyme and bactericidal activity.
of those genes.

4.11.2 | Golden Pompano (Trachinotus ovatus)

4.8 | Cichlidae
Juvenile golden pompano fed a diet with 40 mg/kg soybean isofla-
vones (SI) showed significant increase in lysozyme activity as well as
4.8.1 | Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
respiratory burst activity, and significant higher postchallenge survival
Juvenile hybrid tilapia fed with a diet supplemented with nucleotides was observed in fish fed diets with 40–80 mg/kg SI supplement than
in SBM-­based diets for 10 weeks increased serum lysozyme activ- that in control group (p < .05). Results indicated that dietary intake
ity and indexes of leucocyte activation stimulated by Concanavalin containing SI could enhance the immune ability of fish and improve
A (ConA) and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA-­P) (Shiau, Gabaudan, & Lin, its resistance to infection by Vibrio harveyi. So we supposed that SI
2015). Fish fed diet supplemented with <240 mg of nucleotides in can be supplemented in the diet as an immunostimulant to enhance
SBM-­based diets (60 g kg−1 and 560 g kg−1 replacement) revealed the the non-­specific immune ability of fish and production in fish farming
highest immune parameters. These immune parameters correlated (Zhou et al., 2015).
with the survivability from a pathogen challenge with Streptococcus
iniae. Deng, Mai, Chen, Mi, and Zhang (2015) tested the dietary effect
4.12 | Palaemonidae
of SBM substituted with 30% of rubber seed meal (RSM). The tilapia
fed the protein mixture showed no adverse effect on innate immune
4.12.1 | Freshwater Shrimp (Macrobrachium
response and resistance to A. hydrophila challenge.
Ding et al. evaluated the effects of diets that replaced FM by fer-
4.9 | Siluriformes
mented SBM in juvenile prawns of freshwater shrimp for 8 weeks
(Ding, Zhang, Ye, Du, & Kong, 2015). As the supplementation ratio
4.9.1 | Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
of fermented SBM was increased, juvenile prawns displayed a de-
Barros, Lim, and Klesius (2002) investigated the dietary effect of the crease in total hemocyte count and haemolymph phagocytic activity.
SBM mixed with different proportions of solvent-­extracted CSM. The However, the prawns fed with the fermented SBM-­included diet (250
channel catfish fed the protein mixture of 500 g kg−1 SBM and 500 g g kg−1) showed significantly higher weight gain and specific growth
kg−1 CSM revealed increased levels of macrophage chemotaxis and rate than those of other experimental groups and the FM-­fed control
agglutinating antibody titre. When challenged with E. ictaluri, mortal- group.
ity was reduced in the fish fed the protein mixture compared to SBM
4.13 | Varunidae

4.10 | Sciaenidae 4.13.1 | Chinese Mitten Crabs (Eriocheir sinensis)

When juvenile Chinese mitten crabs were fed with a diet-­containing
4.10.1 | Red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus)
SBM (400 g kg−1 and 600 g kg−1) for 14 weeks, no changes in serum
Buentello, Neill, and Gatlin (2010) tested the effect of prebi- lysozyme were detected (Cai et al., 2014). It appeared that the SBM-­
otic supplementation in the SBM-­based diet (50% substitution). supplemented diet did not cause an adverse effect on the immune
Fructooligosaccharide, transgalactooligosaccharide or mannan-­ responses of the crabs.
oligosaccharide (10 g/kg) was added to the SBM-­based diet and fed
red drum for 4 weeks. The fish produced increased levels of both
serum lysozyme and intracellular superoxide anion and were pro- 5 | INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE IMMUNE
tected against A. ocellatum exposure. RESPONSE AND GUT MICROBIOTA IN FISH
4.11 | Carangidae
Even though some papers addressed the effect of SBM, SPC and SO
on the gut microbiota of fish, further investigations are needed, as
4.11.1 | Amberjack (Seriola dumerili)
the intestinal microbiota influence: development, digestion, nutri-
Heat-­killed Lactobacillus plantarum (1 g kg−1) were included to SBM-­ tion, immunological functions and disease resistance (Montalban-­
based diets to assess its immunological balance effects on juvenile Arques et al., 2015; Romero, Ringø, & Merrifield, 2014). According to
amberjack during a 56-­day feeding trial (Dawood, Koshio, Ishikawa, Purchiaroni et al. (2013), the gut microbiota together with digestive
ZHOU et  al |

enzymes, mucins, peristalsis, epithelial barrier with tight junctions (Deng et al., 2013) or various kinds of immunostimulants, such as
belongs to the so-­called non-­immune component of mucosal immu- MOS (Torrecillas et al., 2015), heat-­killed Lb. plantarum (Dawood et al.,
nity. Furthermore, the importance of the intestinal microbiota is the 2015) and nucleotides (Peng et al., 2013; Shiau et al., 2015). These
discovery that it is required for full immune maturation (Chung et al., studies collectively suggest that the inclusion of immunostimulants
2012; Kamada, Seo, Chen, & Núnez, 2013) and responsibility of in- in SBM-­based diets helped counterbalance unfavourable innate im-
flammatory diseases (Kamada et al., 2013; Rendueles et al., 2012), and mune responses. However, the mechanism of these actions is unclear.
it may also increase the host’s resistance towards pathogenic invasion For example, research has hypothesized that the effects of MOS may
and infection (De Schryver & Vadstein, 2014). In addition, the micro- be related to increase the goblet (mucous producing) cell density and
organisms within the GI tract play important roles in the hosts normal the mucous cell area in the posterior gut and partially compensating
development and tissue physiology (Bates et al., 2006). the downregulation caused by SBO in the expression of certain genes
Information is available revealing that soy saponins induce enteri- such as IL-­6, IL-­10 and TGF-­β, which are related to the functioning of
tis in Atlantic salmon (Chikwati et al., 2012; Knudsen, Urán, Arnous, the mucous barrier and maintain immune homoeostasis. As the mode
Koppe, & Frøkiær, 2007; Knudsen et al., 2008; Krogdahl et al., 2015), in of action is not clarified, further evaluation and optimization of immu-
contrast to gilthead sea bream and European sea bass where dietary sa- nostimulants are needed and the combined effects of MOS and SBO
ponins did not affect intestinal morphology (Couto et al., 2014, 2015). on the intestinal microbiota and intestinal histology.
A controversial hypothesis is the induced enteritis due to saponins and/ Some probiotic studies indicate that individual probiotics induced
or to the gut microbiota; as it is well known that gut bacteria promote specific types of cytokines in fish (B. Beck & S.K. Song, unpublished
intestinal inflammation (e.g., Ding et al., 2010; Peek & Blaser, 1996; Yan, data): some induced proinflammatory cytokines, while others induced
Yang, & Ji, 2009). However, to the author’s knowledge, no information anti-­inflammatory cytokines. Inclusion of probiotic may be a possible
is available on the effect of soy saponins on gut microbiota in salmo- alternative to neutralize the negative effects of SBM-­based diets of
nids, in contrast to that reported for other sources of saponins on gut SO-­containing feed. However, Sealey, Barrows, Smith, Overturf, and
microbiota of endothermic animals (Chen, Tai, & Hsiao, 2015; Gong, La Patra (2009) revealed no detectable benefit of probiotic, Mycolator
Xiao, Wang, & Yang, 2014; Juan, Zhang, Wang, An, & Wang, 2013; Wan Dry Probiotic®, in rainbow trout fed 200 g kg−1 SBM on gut health or
et al., 2013; Zhang, Xie, Zhang, & Zhang, 2014). However, it is revealed intestinal TNF-­α expression.
that SBMIE lead to modulation of the Atlantic salmon gut microbi- Recently, SBM utilized as a protein source in fish diets has been ex-
ota (Reveco et al., 2014) and bacterial DNA in rainbow trout plasma panded its applicability to diets for cambaridae (Wang, Wang, & Wang,
(Mosberian-­Tanha et al., 2016), as well as oxazole-­induced enteritis in 2012), shrimp (Ding et al., 2015) and crab (Cai et al., 2014). However,
zebrafish modulate the gut microbiota (Brugman et al., 2009). When more studies on the effect on gut microbiota and innate immune sys-
discussing enteritis, it is worth to mention that Vasanth et al. (2015) tem are required for further confirmation of the usability of SBM.
revealed that a microbial feed additive (Bactocell ) abates intestinal in-
flammation in Atlantic salmon, while in zebrafish dietary lactoferrin acts
as an intestinal anti-­inflammatory agent and improved performance 6 | CONCLUSIONS
against Edwardsiella tarda (Ulloa et al., 2016). In contrast, Sealey, Conley,
and Bensley (2015) reported marginal effects of prebiotic (Grobiotic-­A) Using plant-­based raw materials may have both advantages and dis-
supplementation on growth performance, intestinal health and disease advantages. Firstly, imbalanced plant-­based diets and noxious com-
resistance towards Flavobacterium psychrophilum of Westslope cut- pounds such as antinutrients may impair fish immunity, maturation
throat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkia) fed 300 g kg−1 SBM. It is also worth and functionality of the intestinal mucosa, the first line of defence
to mention that Cohen and Shai (2014) revealed reduction of inflamma- and in particular damage the GI tract which is a port of entry for many
tion by neutralization of endotoxin by antimicrobial peptides. pathogenic agents. Furthermore, endothermic and fish studies have
Another topic deserving attention is microbial degradation of an- shown atrophy of intestinal mucosa and a reduction in its absorptive
tinutritional factors and genetically modified plants by the fish intesti- and immunological capacity in response to high dietary SBM inclusion.
nal microbiota as no information is available (Ringø et al., 2016). When Secondly, using the correct mixture of plant-­based additives provides
discussing microbial degradation of ANFs, it is worth to mention that not only the option of limiting harm, but also there is also an interest-
the gut microbiota differs between genders in endothermic animals ing possibility to enhance GI immunity and disease resistance. All the
(Bolnick et al., 2014; Deusch et al., 2015; Mueller et al., 2006; Shastri, immunological studies cited in the present review revealed a list of im-
McCarville, Kalmokoff, Brooks, & Green-­Johnson, 2015; Zwielehner mune parameters at a specific point in time after treatment. However,
et al., 2011) as well as aquatic animals (Iehata et al., 2015; Li et al., immune parameter(s) directly responsible for disease protection was
2016). Based on this fact, a controversial hypothesis can be put for- not specified. Further studies should therefore be extended to under-
ward. Does this difference in gut microbiota have any influence on stand the underlying mechanism of prophylactic responses. In addi-
degradation of ANFs? tion, the anaphylactic effects of both SBM and SBO and the immune
Several studies have focused on ways to complement the immu- regulatory mechanisms involved merits further investigation.
nologically adverse effects of SBM-­based or SO-­containing fish diets. However, based on the likelihood that future carnivorous aqua-
These approaches were to supplement those diets with cholesterol culture will have to rely on plant-­based raw materials, it is strongly
660       ZHOU et  al

recommended that these topics should be given high priority in the in aquafeed strategic planning workshop 1: An integrated, interdisci-
years to come. Readers with special interest in the use of plant prod- plinary research roadmap for increasing utilization of plant feedstuffs
in diets for carnivorous fish. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 16, 449–455.
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Olsen (2008), Hemre et al. (2009), Krogdahl et al. (2010), Hansen and ferent aspects of zebrafish gut differentiation. Developmental Biology,
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