Bihar Current Affairs - November 2022

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Bihar Current Affairs - November 2022

Page 2

brand ambassador by the Industries Department for the promotion of Khadi,

handicrafts and handloom products of Bihar

Maithili Thakur

Page 3

National Award for Madhubani painting work 'Krishna Leela'?

Vibha Lal

Page 5

251 feet tall statue of Ma Sita being installed by the Ramayana Research Council


Page 9

Nitish Kumar has announced the development of 'Simriyadham' on the lines of Harki
Pauri (Haridwar)?


Monitoring of which of the following has been started in Bihar with 'BEST +' app?

onitoring of which of the following has been started in Bihar with 'BEST +' a

of government schools

Page 10

National Florence Nightingale Award 2021',

Sabrun Khatoon and Nazni Parveen

Page 13

Bihar's first 'Metropolitan Surveillance Unit' will be set up for immediate detection
and prevention of diseases?


Page 14

Nitish Kumar launch the Rs 4,475 crore Gangajal Supply Scheme


How many liters of water will be provided per person per day under the 'Har Ghar
Ganga Jal' scheme?

135 liters

Page 15

author of the book 'Empowering Indian Women'?

Mamta Mehrotra

Page 16

How many districts are included in Buddha Circuit?

Buddha Circuit - Bodh Gaya, Patna, Vaishali, Rajgir and Nalanda;

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