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International Achiever

Award 2021 for Shajil

Born in Thiruvananthapuram in
1968, Shajil Anthru started writing
short stories and poems at small
ages. His first published creative
writing is an English poem at the
age of 11. Thereafter he published
stories, poems and essays in
leading newspapers and
magazines in Malayalam and
English. He published eight books
which includes poetry collection,
short story collection, essay
collection and novels.
India Book of Records – awarded
Record Title “Shortest love story” to
Shajil Anthru. The record for
authoring the shortest love story
with merely 3 words was set by
Shajil Anthru. Shajil Anthru is the
founder of Zeroism, Fishbone
Poetry and Reflectoem and is now
the Editor of Litterateur Redefining
World, the transnational e
He is also a Reviewer and member
of editorial team of many
International Research Journals
and Contributing editor of
Keralabhooshanam Magazine.
Shajil Anthru, the famous Litterateur,
Technocrat and Academician bags
International Achiever Award 2021
from International Research
Association, England.
Shajil Anthru as a writer laid down his signature in Malayalam and
English languages and in some foreign languages. He published books
of various genres like poetry, novel, short story collection, literary theory
and technical domain. Shajil Anthru is the writer and record holder of
the “Writer of the shortest story in the world” in just three words,
including the title. India Book of records awarded Shajil Anthru for this
achievement. In his recent book “Redefining Literature” he speaks
about and proposes the new order of the future era named as
Zeroism, which is to replace post Meta modernism. Also, he is the
founder of “Fishbone Poetry” which is first introduced by him through
the magazine “Reflectoem RW” and “Litterateur RW”

An instrumentation engineer by profession, he proved himself to be a

great technocrat. We see the spark of his ingenuity in the guidance he
gave when Covid pandemic unleashed its vigor and might for
Combating Covid and Generating jobs in native sectors and
rehabilitating people who had gone jobless. Waste management and
pure water for the world are the other domains where he works on.
Received awards many times as the Best Teacher and Principal from
different agencies, Shajil Anthru put forward the new style of
management and leadership “Poetic Leadership” which he
implemented in real proved that with Poetic Leadership the world
order can change.

Moreover, he is the editor, reviewer and advisor of many international

journals- both literature and technical.

International Research Association based in UK is an apex body that

encourages and promotes Collaborative Researches for the
development of the society and other supportive social activities in
Education and Charity in Worldwide along with culture and social
dependent education practices.

IRA will felicitate the awardees on 12 June 2021, the details to be

announced shortly.

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