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PED/PES = % Change of Quantity/% Change in price

Remember q over p, queen over prince

Productivity = Output/Input
Labour productivity = Output/number of employees
Capital productivity = Total output value/Value of capital

Average Fixed Cost=FixedCosts/Output

Average Variable Costs = Variable Costs/Output
Total Variable Cost=Variable Costs×Output
Total Cost=Total Variable Cost+Total Fixed Cost
Average cost=(Total Cost)/Output
Total Revenue=Price Per Unit×Quantity Sold
Profit or Loss=Total Revenue−Total Cost

Average rate of tax paid (%) = Total tax payable/total income * 100

National income = Domestic income + NFIA

NFIA = National Factor Income From Abroad
Formula for NFIA = Factor income from abroad - Factor income to abroad

Gross Value Added (GVA) = Gross Value of Output - intermediate costs

Real GDP = Nominal/CPI * 100

Real GDP Per Capita = Real GDP/Population size

Unemployment rate = Number of unemployed people/Size of Labor Force

CPI = Current cost of base year basket/Base year cost of base year basket * 100
CPI of base year = 100 (always)

Inflation % from base year = CPI of year x - CPI of base year (100)
So it's just CPI of year x - 100
Inflation % between 2 years = (CPI of year 2 - CPI of year 1) / CPI of year 1 * 100

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