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SUMMARY Chapter 4

● Pg 36, Atticus is the most trusted man in Maycomb. He is a member of the

parliament. He is a legislator. He has been elected 4 times unanimously.
● Pg 37, Scout finds two sticks of chewing gum in a knothole of the oak tree
outside the Radley residence, which she quickly pops in her mouth
● Jem is concerned about Scout getting poisoned as everything near the house
is believed to be toxic
● Pg 38, Jem finds two polished pennies in a ring box in the same place

● Pg 39, Scout claims Mrs Dubose is the meanest old woman

● The children decide to ask around in school about the coins

● The children believe the coins bring good luck

● Dill arrives with his bag of stories

● Pg 40, Jem is offended by Scout contradicting him in front of dill. While

playing with the tyre, he pushes it very hard so that she rolls into the Radley
house and hits the steps
● Pg42, Evidence of gender prejudice, Jem accuses terrified Scout of ‘crying
like a girl’
● The children enact the Radley family scene about Boo killing his father with a
pair of scissors. They are caught and forbidden to play it again
● Pg 45, Jem accuses Scout of being a girl again , “girls always imagined
things, that’s why other people hated them so”
● Pg 45, Scout reveals that Boo is alive

Chapter 5
● The camaraderie between Scout and Miss Maudie

● As Jem and Dill are growing up, they exclude Scout as being younger and
weaker for being a girl
● Scout spends time with Miss Maudie

● She is a widow with a talent for gardening and cake baking , a childhood
friend of Atticus’s brother, Jack.
● She is very respectful towards the children, calls them by their full names

● Does not indulge in gossip and goes around helping people ,instead keeps to
her self. She tells Scout that Boo Radley is still alive and it is her theory Boo
is the victim of a harsh father (now deceased), a “foot-washing” Baptist who
believed that most people are going to hell. Miss Maudie adds that Boo was
always polite and friendly as a child. She says that most of the rumors about
him are false, but that if he wasn’t crazy as a boy, he probably is by now.
● Scout learns about Foot Washing Baptists and bigotry

● They believe that being a woman is a sin

● Doing anything that gives you pleasure is a sin

● Women should spend more time indoors reading the bible

● She is considered very sinful by her people

● Meanwhile, Jem and Dill plan to give a note to Boo inviting him out to get ice
cream with them. They try to stick the note in a window of the Radley Place
with a fishing pole, but Atticus catches them and orders them to “stop
tormenting that man” with either notes or the “Boo Radley” game.

Examples of gender bias/Prejudice

• Jem and Dill kept Scout out because she is a girl.

• Foot washers believe women are evil.

• They should sit in the house and read the Bible.

• They insulted Miss Maudie saying she and her flowers will go to hell.

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