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Imaging of the Placenta with Pathologic Correlation

Dustin Nguyen, DO,* Cameran Nguyen, DO,†

Margaret Yacobozzi, MD,* Fadi Bsat, MD,‡ and Dmitry Rakita, MD*

The placenta functions to nourish and protect the fetus. Imaging of the placenta can have
a profound impact on patient management, owing to the morbidity and mortality associated
with various placental conditions. To fully appreciate placental pathology, its physiology,
anatomy, and variant anatomy will be outlined. Placental conditions affecting the mother
and fetus include molar pregnancies, placental hematoma, abruption, previa, accreta, vasa
previa, choriocarcinoma, and retained products of conception. Ultrasonography remains
the definitive modality in diagnosing most of these conditions, with magnetic resonance
imaging remaining an adjunctive measure. Computed tomography is occasionally used in
cases of trauma and tumor staging.
Semin Ultrasound CT MRI 33:65-77 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Physiology of the Placenta hormones independently produced by the placenta include

chorionic gonadotropin, growth hormone, corticotrophin-
The placenta is a discoid organ connected to the fetal circu- releasing hormone, and placental growth hormone, to name
lation that is composed of specialized cells directly contacting a few.2
the maternal blood.1 Between these cells are multiple tissue
layers that separate the fetus from the mother. The placenta
plays an important role in pregnancy as a physiological bar- Anatomy and Variant
rier between mother and fetus, with nourishment and endo-
crine functions.2
Anatomy of the Placenta
As a physiological barrier, the placenta possesses enzy- The term placenta is a discoid organ with an average diameter
matic pumps that actively work to decrease the exposure of of 22 cm and central thickness of 2.5 cm.3 The fetal surface of
certain insults to the fetus, which include viruses, bacteria, the placenta comprises the chorionic plate that is covered by
maternal immunoglobulins, toxins, and drugs.2 As a nour- the amnion, which, in turn, is made up of amniotic mesen-
ishing organ, the placenta has multiple transport mecha- chyme and a single layer of epithelial cells.3 The umbilical
nisms that selectively transport nutrients to the fetus. Gases cord ideally attaches centrally to the chorionic plate and con-
like oxygen and carbon dioxide reach the fetus via diffusion.2 tains vessels that are continuous with the chorionic plate,
Nutrients such as glucose and amino acids are actively trans- which then go on to supply the villi.3
ported by pumps to the fetus while other nutrients such as The maternal side of the placenta is arbitrarily defined and
lactose and glycine are produced by the placenta from ma- comprises the basal plate, which is composed of maternal
ternally supplied precursors.2 As an endocrine organ, the cells, extravillous trophoblasts, and other cells. The basal
placenta secretes and transports a variety of hormones that plate is divided by grooves, forming lobes, containing villous
are critical to the fetus’ growth and well-being.2 Examples trees of the fetus. The villous trees are immersed in maternal
include thyroid hormone, oxytocin, progestin, estrogens, blood and absorb nutrients and metabolic products.3 The
and prolactin, which are all maternally derived. Some of the placenta usually implants at any location in the uterus, but
most commonly, the anterior or posterior locations.3 The
fundus is a less common location.
*Department of Radiology, Tufts School of Medicine, Baystate Medical Cen- Usually discoid in shape, the placenta can exhibit various
ter, Springfield, MA. morphologies. The placenta can have a separate lobule that is
†Department of Pathology, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX. not contiguous with the main placental body, which is called
‡Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Tufts
a succenturiate placenta (Fig. 1). This condition can predis-
School of Medicine, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA.
Address reprint requests to Dustin Nguyen, DO, Radiology Department, pose the pregnancy to rupture of the bridging vessels (which
Baystate Medical Center, 759 Chestnut Street, Springfield, MA 01199. run in between the lobules) or postpartum hemorrhage sec-
E-mail: ondary to a retained lobule.4 The placenta can be bilobed

0887-2171/$-see front matter © 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc. 65

66 D. Nguyen et al

Figure 1 Succenturiate placenta (accessory placenta). The extra pla- Figure 3 Circummarginate placenta. The membrane inserts just a
cental tissue is separated from the main placenta by interconnecting short distance inward from the outer circumference of the placental
membrane and blood vessels. (Color version of figure is available disk. There is no folding or rolling of the membrane. This condition
online.) is rarely associated with fetal malformation. (Color version of figure
is available online.)

(2%-8% incidence), which can present as two fairly equal-

size lobes with a thin intervening segment of tissue and will prominent ridge and rolled appearance.5 The condition is
have complications similar to that of a succenturiate pla- present in 1.0%-6.5% of cases and predisposes the preg-
centa.4,5 The placenta can rarely demonstrate a very thin and nancy to premature membrane rupture, placental abruption,
membranous configuration in a condition called placenta and premature bleeding.3,5 A similar condition called cir-
membranacea, almost covering the entire gestational sac.5 cummarginate placenta also exists (Fig. 3), but in this condi-
With such increased surface area, there is a predisposition to tion, the margins of the membrane do not fold upon them-
placenta previa, vaginal bleeding, or premature delivery.3,5 selves and, therefore, no ridge is present. Lastly, in placenta
The placenta may take on a circumvallate configuration (Fig. fenestrata, the placenta may also demonstrate a central defect
2) in which the amniotic covering inserts at an area more in which placental tissue is nonexistent, leaving only a mem-
medial than the junction of the chorion and placenta (due to branous sheath.5
a small chorionic plate) and folds upon itself, giving it a

Ultrasonography Techniques
in Evaluating the Placenta
For several decades, ultrasonography has been in use for the
evaluation of the placenta in obstetrics. Although less empha-
sized in literature than the fetus or the pregnant uterus, the
pivotal roles of the placenta in pregnancy emphasize the im-
portance of its evaluation.1 The advantages of ultrasonogra-
phy evaluation include its lack of ionizing radiation, dynamic
nature, functional applications (vascular), cost, and portabil-
ity. During the sonographic evaluation of the placenta, atten-
tion should be given to its location, size, anatomy, morphol-
ogy, implantation, and any other abnormalities.1
The placenta will usually appear as a homogenous mass
within the uterus that is hyperechoic to the myometrium
(which is hypoechoic and rim like), indenting the gestational
Figure 2 Circumvallate placenta. The membranes fold back on
sac.6 As the pregnancy progresses to the third trimester, the
themselves for a short distance over the fetal surface because of the
small size of the chorionic plate. This condition predisposes the placenta will appear more heterogeneous because of the pres-
pregnancy to premature membrane rupture, placental abruption, ence of calcifications and vascular lakes. The vascular lakes
and premature bleeding, and thus, fetal demise. (Color version of are thought to represent maternal blood and will appear as
figure is available online.) anechoic regions in the intervillous space.6,7
Imaging of the placenta 67

Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Techniques in
Evaluating the Placenta
Slowly emerging as an important modality in imaging the
fetus and placenta, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) still
remains as a complementary modality to ultrasonography.8
First used in 1983 to image the fetus by Smith et al, the
limitation of motion artifact is slowly being overcome with
improved acquisition times and sequences.8,9 MRI provides
superior soft tissue contrast resolution, multiplanar imaging
capabilities, and image quality independent of the mother’s
size or fetus’ positioning, and it lacks ionizing radiation. Its
drawbacks, however, include prolonged imaging time, cost,
lack of skilled experience, claustrophobia, challenges of re-
maining supine and still for a prolonged period in advanced
gravid state, and unknown safety to the fetus.8
MRI sequences include multiplanar single-shot fast spin
echo, which are most useful because of their rapid acquisi-
tion. These can be prescribed in oblique planes if necessary.
Higher tissue contrast sequence includes T2 fast spin echo;
however, these can be limited by motion artifact due to lon-
ger acquisition times. These are most useful in the deep pel-
vis, which is typically not affected by fetal motion, to help
determine the relationship of placental tissue to the myome-
trium in cases of suspected placental invasion. T1-weighted
sequences include single– breath-hold fast spoiled gradient
echo (FSPGR) T1 with or without fat saturation. On MRI, the
placenta demonstrates intermediate to high signal intensity
on T2-weighted sequences and low signal intensity on T1-
weighted sequences.10 Subchorionic or retroplacental hem-
orrhage typically demonstrates low T2 and intermediate to
high T1 signal. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) has been
recently demonstrated to be very useful in the detection of
retroplacental hematoma.11

Twin Gestation
Twin pregnancies account for roughly 1% of live births in the
United States but make up 10% of all perinatal mortality and
morbidity.12 Higher incidences of twinning are present with
advanced maternal age, fertility treatment, specific maternal
race (Asian, Caucasian, Black), or maternal family history.12
Monozygotic twinning (identical twins) results from fertiliza-
tion of one ovum by one sperm.1,12 The timing when the Figure 4 (A) Diamniotic-dichorionic twin placenta. A dividing mem-
zygote divides determines its chorionicity. If it divides on brane with a layer of amnion on each side and 2 chorions that are
days 1-3, it will be dichorionic-diamniotic (Fig. 4A and B); if adherent together. This picture depicts the chorions fused together.
on days 3-8, it will be monochorionic-diamniotic (Fig. 4C); if (B) Diamniotic-dichorionic twin placenta. A diamnionic-dichori-
on days 8-10, it will be monochorionic-monoamniotic; and onic twin placenta with separate chorions. (C) Diamniotic-mono-
after day 12, it will be conjoined.1,12 Monochorionic twins chorionic twin placenta. There is a dividing membrane composed of
amnion with no visible chorion. Notice how the dividing membrane
will have an increased propensity for complications such as
is thinner than that in (A). (Color version of figure is available
twin–twin transfusion syndrome and abnormal umbilical
cord insertion sites.1 Dizygotic twinning (fraternal twins) oc-
curs when there is fertilization of 2 separate ova forming 2
zygotes. These pregnancies will always be dichorionic-diam-
68 D. Nguyen et al

is from 10 to 14 weeks’ gestation for visualizing the lambda

sign (dichorionic-diamniotic pregnancy) or intertwin mem-
brane (diamniotic pregnancy, Fig. 6), and 6-10 weeks for the
number of gestational sacs, which correlates with the chorio-
In determining the chorionicity of the pregnancy, discrete
placental masses can be identified, and if 2 discrete placental
masses are seen, the pregnancy is dichorionic. This method
can be less accurate if there is a prominent succenturiate lobe
or a bilobed placenta.4,13 Another method is in visualizing the
twin-peak sign (also known as the lambda sign), which was
first described by Finberg in 1982.14 When the placenta is
dichorionic, the chorion reflects with the amnion at the in-
tertwin membrane, causing a potential space for villi to grow,
causing a “peak” that is visible on ultrasonography.14,15 When
it is monochorionic, a thin membrane attaches perpendicu-
larly to the placenta and a contiguous appearance of the
placenta is seen.14,15 Another method involves evaluating for
a thick intertwin membrane, which was described by Hertz-
berg et al as measuring ⬎1 mm in thickness, well defined,
and seen over long portions.16 In the study, the identification
of a thick membrane has a 91% sensitivity with a 100%
predictive value in determining dichorionicity. Sensitivity of
chorionicity determination decreases with more advanced
pregnancy. A thick membrane is seen in 100% of dichorionic
pregnancies in the first trimester, in 89% in the second tri-
mester, and in 36% in the third trimester.16

MRI Role in Determination of Chorionicity

Although there is not much literature regarding the use of
MRI for determining chorionicity, Trop and Levine reviewed
Figure 5 (A) Lambda/twin peak sign in dichorionic-diamniotic twin 20 MRI examinations at a mean gestational age of 24 weeks
gestations. Notice the “peak-shaped” chorionic tissue (arrow) ex- and were able to identify the intertwin membrane in 19 of
tending between the twin membranes (AA, BB). (B) Trichorionic- them.17 They did note, however, evaluation during the later
triamniotic triplet gestation. Multiple lambda signs (arrows) are stages of gestation was limited because of the progressive

Ultrasonography Role
and Sensitivity/Specificity
in Determination of Chorionicity
Considering that twin gestations already have a 3- to 7-fold
increased chance of morbidity and mortality with complica-
tion rates increasing with monochorionicity and/or monoam-
niocity, accurate determination is paramount in developing
early management strategies.12,13 In a study conducted by
Stenhouse et al, chorionicity, which is determined by the
number of placental masses, fetal sex, intertwin membrane,
and the twin peak sign (also known as lambda sign, Fig. 5), is
accurately determined 95% of the time. From that, mono-
chorionicity is diagnosed accurately 91% of the time, and
dichorionic pregnancies are diagnosed accurately 96% of the
time. If ultrasonography is performed before 14 weeks’ ges-
tation, the overall accuracy is roughly 99%.13 In a more re- Figure 6 “T sign” in a monochorionic-diamniotic twin gestation.
cent study by Dias et al, ultrasonographic evaluation in the Thin echogenic intertwin membrane (arrows) composed of appos-
first trimester is 99.8% accurate with a sensitivity and speci- ing twin amnions (twins AA, BB). Notice its perpendicular orienta-
ficity of 100% and 99.8%, respectively. Optimal assessment tion to the placenta.
Imaging of the placenta 69

Figure 7 Hematoma locations. (A) Retroplacental hematoma. The hematoma (red in the online version) is posterior to
the placenta (asterisk). Chorion (pink in the online version), amnion (green in the online version), and myometrium
(black). (B) Subchorionic hematoma. The hematoma is interposed between the myometrium and the chorion. (C)
Subamniotic hematoma. The hematoma is interposed between the chorion and amnion. (Color version of figure is
available online.)

thinning (due to increasing fetal size) of the intertwin mem- of which careful attention should be given to prior studies to
brane.17 differentiate amongst the two.19 Subamniotic hematomas will
be positioned between the placenta and its overlying amni-
otic covering, on the fetal side, near the fetal vessels without
Placental Hematoma contacting the endometrial lining.19,21 It will usually manifest
Placental hematomas are a frequent complication of preg- as a nonvascular, anechoic to hypoechoic collection that is
nancy, which can predispose to premature delivery and convex toward the fetal plate; this is considerably less com-
spontaneous abortion.18 The incidence of placental hema- mon than the previously described hematomas.19,21
toma in the first trimester ranges from 4% to 22%.18 There are
3 types of placental hematoma, including retroplacental, sub- MRI Role and Appearance
chorionic, and subamniotic (Fig. 7). Retroplacental hemato- Although the role of MRI in the evaluation of placental he-
mas are defined as being posterior to the placenta, represent- matomas is not well delineated, a recent study by Masselli et
ing 43% of hematomas. Subchorionic hematomas are al showed the superior sensitivity and specificity of MR com-
between the chorion and the endometrium, representing ap- pared with ultrasonography (100% vs 53% and 100% vs
proximately 57% of hematomas.18 Subamniotic hematomas 85%, respectively, n ⫽ 19).4,11 Subchorionic or retroplacen-
are rare and are located between the amnion and chorion.19 A
placental hematoma predisposes the pregnancy to pre-
eclampsia, placental abnormalities, and pregnancy-induced
hypertension and is strongly associated with fetal mortality,
depending on its size and location.18,20 The management of a
hematoma consists of close observation, with some authors
suggesting bed rest.1

Ultrasonography Role and Appearance

Ultrasonography is usually the study of choice in evaluating
for a hematoma because of its cost and convenience. Most
hematoma will be seen as a crescent-shaped fluid collection
that is hyperechoic to isoechoic in the first week after hem-
orrhage, hypoechoic at 1-2 weeks, and finally, anechoic at 2
weeks and thereafter.20 No vascular flow will be demon-
strated on Doppler. Retroplacental hematoma (Fig. 8) will
involve strictly the region behind the placenta, whereas a
subchorionic hematoma (Fig. 9) will involve the chorion be-
yond the margins of the placenta. If the hematoma involves
the margin of the placenta, it is termed a marginal subchori-
onic hematoma (Fig. 10).19 Sometimes marginal subchori- Figure 8 Retroplacental hematoma. Hypoechoic collections (arrows)
onic hematomas can be mistaken for a second gestational sac, posterior to the placenta (asterisk).
70 D. Nguyen et al

Computed Tomography Role and

Appearance (Used in Trauma Cases)
In the setting of trauma, computed tomography (CT) is often
used because it allows the simultaneous evaluation of the
fetus and mother.4 The appearance of CT can vary from non-
enhancement of the placenta due to sudden devasculariza-
tion or presence of high-density material behind the placenta
or in the amniotic fluid related to hemorrhage.4 The disad-
vantage of CT would include exposure of mother and fetus to
ionizing radiation.

MRI Role and Appearance

MRI has an increasing role in diagnosis of placental abrup-
tion, offering many advantages. First and foremost is its su-
Figure 9 Subchorionic hematoma. Hypoechoic collection (arrow)
perior sensitivity for detection of abruption (100% vs 53%).11
representing a subchorionic hemorrhage adjacent to the margin of
the placenta. Care must be taken to not mistake it for a gestational Additionally, MRI is independent of the placental location
sac (arrowhead). (Color version of figure is available online.) and the operator, MRI can approximate the age of the hema-
toma, differentiate it from other fluid collections, and can
possibly identify other placental pathology.11 Disadvantages
tal hematomas will usually be low signal on T2-weighted include cost, time, patient monitoring, and the general lack of
images and intermediate to high signal on T1-weighted im- expertise in interpreting the studies.11,22
ages (Fig. 11). Additionally, MRI can date the age of the Multiple sequences can be used in the evaluation of the
hematoma, of which the signal characteristics are similar to placenta: T1, T2, and DWI. The T1 and T2 sequences are
those of hemorrhage in other areas, and it has larger field of used for soft tissue characterization and anatomy; T1—and
view compared with ultrasonography.11 As with ultrasonog- in particular, DWI—is used for the detection of blood prod-
raphy, false-negative results can occur when a retroplacental ucts (hematoma), with a reported sensitivity and specificity
or subchorionic hematoma dissects through the placental of 100% for DWI.11 The appearance of the hematoma is seen
attachments and drains out through the cervix.4 as a well-circumscribed collection with intensity similar to
that for hemorrhage elsewhere, depending on its chronic-
ity.11 The location of the hematoma is similar to what was
Placental Abruption discussed earlier.
The diagnosis of placental abruption (Fig. 12) is clinical and
is characterized as the premature detachment of the placenta Placenta Previa
from its implantation site.11 The condition may be sudden
and painful or clinically silent.20 It may manifest as a placen- Placenta previa is one of the most common causes of bleeding
tal hematoma as discussed above, without other symptoms during pregnancy and occurs when the placenta is abnor-
such as pain or vaginal bleeding. Placental abruption affects mally implanted in the lower uterine segment, near to or
approximately 1% of births and is the leading cause of vaginal covering the cervical os.4,20 Placenta previa affects approxi-
bleeding in the final trimester.11,20 The pathogenesis of ab-
ruption is not entirely clear, but risk factors include pre-
eclampsia, cocaine use, maternal hypertension, advanced
maternal age, trauma, and prior history of abruption.1 Asso-
ciated complications include preterm delivery and fetal

Ultrasonography Role and Appearance

Ultrasonography is relatively poor at detecting placental ab-
ruption, which was reported in a study by Glantz and Purnell
to have a sensitivity of 53%.4 Typically, abruption is not
evident ultrasonographically, unless a secondary sign, such
as a hematoma, is large enough to detect.20 In addition, when
detected sonographically, abruption is usually more associ-
ated with greater morbidity and mortality, necessitating more
aggressive management.3,20 Occasionally, false negatives can
occur when the hematoma dissects and drains from the cer- Figure 10 Marginal subchorionic hematoma. Heterogeneous collec-
vix or when the sonographic appearance of the hematoma is tion (arrow) representing hemorrhage is seen at the margin of the
similar to that of the adjacent soft tissues (ie, placenta).4 placenta (arrowhead). Fetus (asterisk).
Imaging of the placenta 71

Figure 12 Placental abruption. There is premature detachment of the

placenta from its implantation site, which is grossly seen as a large
retroplacental blood clot. These cross sections of the placental de-
pict the retroplacental blood clot (arrows). (Color version of figure is
available online.)

mately 25% of pregnancies before 20 weeks’ gestation, but by

term, only about 1% will be affected because of the expansion
of the lower uterine segment.7 Placenta previa tends to occur
in higher frequency in multiparous women, women with
prior cesarean sections, smokers, and cocaine users.20,23
There is a higher disposition for a patient with placenta previa
to develop placenta accreta (6.8%-10% of affected women).6
In fact, when placenta previa is observed, more detailed eval-
uation for placenta accreta should be performed, as 88% of
cases of placenta accreta will have placenta previa.6
The normal relationship of the placental edge to the inter-
nal cervical os is greater than 2 cm, and when it is less,
placenta previa is present. Subtypes include a low-lying pla-
centa, marginal previa, complete previa, and central previa. A
low-lying placenta is defined by a placental edge within 2 cm
or less of the internal cervical os. A marginal placenta previa
contacts the edge of the internal os without covering it. A
complete placenta previa covers the internal os. Lastly, a
central placenta previa implants directly over the internal os.4

Ultrasonography Role and Appearance

Ultrasonography is the standard in making the diagnosis of
previa and will usually demonstrate the placenta (hyper-

Figure 11 (A) Marginal subchorionic hematoma. Axial T1-weighted

image demonstrates a crescentic subchorionic T1 intermediate to
high signal collection (arrow) at the left placental margin. (B) Mar-
ginal subchorionic hematoma. Axial T2-weighted image demon-
strates a crescentic subchorionic T2 hypointense collection (arrow)
at the left placental margin. (C) Subchorionic hematoma. Sagittal
T2-weighted image demonstrates a low signal collection (arrow)
beneath the placenta overlying the internal cervical os (arrowhead).
72 D. Nguyen et al

difficult cases where ultrasonography is equivocal, the pa-

tient is difficult to scan, or if the placenta is implanted in the
posterior uterus.

Vasa Previa
Vasa previa is the condition when the fetal vessels abnormally
run along the membranes and cross the internal cervical os
under the fetal presenting part.4,20,25,26 The incidence is esti-
mated to be 1 in 2500 deliveries.26 Because the fetal vessels
are running along the membrane unprotected by the placenta
or Wharton’s jelly, there is a predisposition to rupture during
delivery, which can lead to rapid fetal exsanguination and
death (60% mortality).26 Risk factors usually include multi-
ple pregnancies, abnormal positioning of the placenta, and
placental anatomic variants (bilobed, succenturiate, etc).23
Management consists of cesarean section.23

Ultrasonography Role and Appearance

On Doppler imaging, ultrasonography will demonstrate tu-
bular hypoechoic structures containing vascular flow that
overly the internal cervical os (Fig. 15).4,27 Arterial and ve-
nous waveforms will be observed during pulsed Doppler.26
Another reliable method is to observe for the umbilical cord
insertion and confirm its normal attachment to the placenta,
which rules out a velamentous cord insertion, the most com-
mon cause of vasa previa.24,26

MRI Role and Appearance

No large studies have been performed evaluating the effec-
tiveness of MRI in detecting vasa previa. There has been a case
Figure 13 (A) Complete placenta previa. Transabdominal ultra- study by Kikuchi et al, in which MRI was used as a problem
sonography demonstrates the placenta (asterisk) completely overly- solving measure in identifying the placenta and expediting
ing the internal cervical os (arrow). (B) Placenta previa on transvag- management when ultrasonography proved to be inconclu-
inal view. Internal cervical os (arrow) is covered by the placenta

echoic to the myometrium) covering varying portions of the
internal cervical os (Fig. 13).4 False-positive results may oc- Accreta, Increta, Percreta
cur secondary to lower uterine segment contractions, fi- Placenta accreta, increta, and percreta are in the spectrum of
broids, and placental clots.23 Similarly, ultrasonography per- a pathologic process in which there are varying degrees of
formed early in pregnancy showing previa may resolve by the myometrial invasion by the chorionic villi secondary to a
second trimester, usually from lower uterine segment expan- defective or damaged decidua basalis layer.7 Approximately
sion and more superior migration of the placenta.20 Transab- 0.9% of pregnancies are complicated by this condition, with
dominal ultrasonography is usually sufficient (sensitivity of prior uterine surgery, cesarean sections, and placenta previa
93%-97%), but with more difficult cases (body habitus and being the main risk factors.27 Ten to fifty percent of patients
posterior placental position), transvaginal ultrasonography with prior cesarean sections or placenta previa will present
may be performed with the caveat that there is a risk of with this condition.20,27
prematurely rupturing the membranes or infection if the The placenta will usually be retained after delivery, form-
membranes have already ruptured.24 Some studies, however, ing a conduit for postpartum hemorrhage.20 Significant mor-
show transvaginal ultrasonography to be safe and useful in bidity and mortality are associated with this condition, which
more difficult cases.4,20 includes damage to the surrounding structures (bladder,
bowel, or ureters) or massive hemorrhage.27 Treatment usu-
MRI Role and Appearance ally consists of hysterectomy, and occasionally, hemorrhage
MRI appearance of placenta previa (Fig. 14A and B) is anal- can be alleviated by uterine artery embolization.
ogous to the sonographic findings, but it is not routinely used Placenta accreta is the abnormal attachment of the chori-
for this indication. It may be most useful as an adjunct in onic villi to the myometrium (without actual invasion).7,25
Imaging of the placenta 73

Figure 15 Vasa previa on Doppler ultrasonography. Tubular struc-

ture demonstrating vascular flow (arrow) overlies the internal cer-
vical os (arrowhead). (Color version of figure is available online.)

When the villi partially invade the myometrium but do not

extend to the serosa, it is called placenta increta.25 With pla-
centa percreta, the villi invade through the myometrium and
involve or extend beyond the uterine serosa, occasionally
involving adjacent structures.24,27

Ultrasonography Role and Appearance

Ultrasonography is the primary modality used for the evalu-
ation of placenta accreta, with sensitivities ranging from
⬍50% to 93%.6,7,20,27 A high-frequency transducer should be
used via a transabdominal or translabial technique unless the
patient has abnormal positioning of the placenta (previa),
which may then necessitate a transvaginal examination.6,20
With the transabdominal technique, care should be taken to
ensure that the bladder is full in order to have an appropriate
acoustic window. With the transvaginal technique, the blad-
der should be left somewhat distended to evaluate the uter-
ine– bladder interface.29
With placenta accreta (Fig. 16), the most sensitive sign will
usually be the presence of prominent placental lacunae—
which are small, irregularly shaped hypochoic regions in the
placenta, demonstrating turbulent flow on Doppler— during
the second and third trimesters (sensitivity of 79%).6,29 Dis-
ruption of the uterine– bladder interface, which is usually a
smooth echogenic band between the bladder and placenta, is
another indicator of placenta accreta.6,29 Obliteration or thin-
ning of the retroplacental clear space, which is an approxi-

Figure 14 (A) Marginal previa. T2 fat-saturation sequence demonstrates

an intermediate signal placenta (arrow) with its edge at the internal
cervical os (arrowhead). (B) Placenta previa and placenta percreta (pa-
thology proven). Sagittal (B) and axial (C) fast spin echo T2 images
focused on the area of interest over the lower uterine segment. There is
indistinctness of the lower anterior uterine wall (arrow). The placenta
overlies the internal cervical os. (C) Placenta percreta. T2 fast spin echo
axial view of same patient in (B) demonstrates visible placental tissue
invasion (arrow) into the myometrium.
74 D. Nguyen et al

detecting placenta accreta with gadolinium-enhanced MRI.31

Another study by Lam et al showed a poor sensitivity of
38%.32 A more recent study of 32 patients by Dwyer et al
revealed a sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 65%.27
No definitive criteria are set for diagnosing placenta accreta,
but suggestions from multiple authors are similar to those of
ultrasonography: presence of placenta previa, abnormal thin-
ning of the myometrium underlying the placenta (may also hap-
pen in normal pregnancies), T2 dark bands in the placenta,
visualization of placental tissue invasion of surrounding struc-
tures, nodular appearance of the placenta– uterus interface, het-
erogeneous placenta, distortion of the uterus by the placenta,
and loss of uterine– bladder interface (Figs. 14C and 17).6,10

Trophoblastic Disease
Gestational trophoblastic disease is the uncontrolled growth
of trophoblastic tissue, which occurs in about 1 in 1200
pregnancies.24 Risk factors include a prior history of gesta-
tional trophoblastic disease, Asian ethnicity, and advanced
maternal age.1,24 Common clinical symptoms will include a
large uterine size for gestational age, elevated beta-human
chorionic gonadotropin, hyperemesis gravidum, preeclamp-
sia, and first trimester bleeding.4,23 Patients with prior history
of molar pregnancy should be followed up to 6 months be-
fore pregnancy is again attempted.23

Complete and Partial Moles

The most common gestational trophoblastic disease is the com-
plete mole (Fig. 18), which is a result of fertilization of an empty
ovum, with 90% having a 46, XX karyotype instead of 46, XY.
Figure 16 (A) Placenta accreta. The interface of the placenta (aster-
Histology will usually demonstrate diffusely hydropic villi, tro-
isk) and uterus (arrow) is indistinct secondary to placental invasion
into the myometrium. (B) Placenta percreta. Color Doppler demon-
phoblastic hyperplasia, and absence of fetal tissue.4,20,24 Around
strates invasion of placental blood vessels (arrow) all the way into 15%-25% of women with an untreated complete mole will have
the myometrium. (Color version of figure is available online.) persistent gestational trophoblastic disease.23 Early diagnosis
and treatment are essential as the condition is curable.1 Treat-
ment consists of either dilation and curettage or hysterectomy.
mately 1-cm thick hypoechoic region between the placenta A partial mole results when the normal ovum is fertilized
and myometrium, can indicate possible placenta accreta by 2 sperm, which results in a triploid karyotype of 69, XXX
(sensitivity of 57%).7,30 Other sonographic signs of placenta or 69, XXY.4 The main difference is that a partial mole is
accreta include a discontinuity of the myometrial blood flow, much less common and will usually present with fetal parts,
which is thought to be due to disruption by villous invasion focal hydropic villi and focal trophoblastic hyperplasia on
into the myometrium and abnormal thickness of the myome- ultrasonography.20 Management of a partial mole is the same
trium of ⬍1 mm (distance between the echogenic uterine as that of a complete mole.
serosa and the retroplacental vessels).6
Ultrasonography Role and
MRI Role and Appearance Appearance of Complete and Partial Moles
MRI is usually an adjunct to ultrasonography in the diagnosis Ultrasonography is the main modality in evaluating molar
of placenta accreta. The indications are not concrete, al- pregnancies and will typically demonstrate a heterogeneous
though some authors argue that MRI should be used in the placenta with a complex echogenic endometrial mass con-
setting of inconclusive ultrasonographies or abnormal pla- taining a multitude of small cysts classically described as a
cental positioning (posterior position) or to better define the “snow storm” or “grape clusters” (Fig. 19). Color Doppler will
anatomy and extent of the myometrial invasion to facilitate show increased vascularity in the spiral arteries in the
management.6 The efficacy of MRI in diagnosing placenta uterus.4,20,24 Large ovarian theca-lutein cysts may be seen in
accreta is inconclusive. Prior studies by Warshak et al dem- up to 30%-50% of cases secondary to elevated beta-human
onstrated a sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 100% in chorionic gonadotropin levels.1 No fetal parts will be seen in
Imaging of the placenta 75

Figure 18 Complete hydatidiform mole. The mole consists of a mass

of dilated “grape-like” chorionic villi. No fetus should develop.
(Color version of figure is available online.)

a complete molar pregnancy; meanwhile, a partial molar

pregnancy will demonstrate fetal parts such as the umbilical
cord, fetus, and fetal membranes.4,23

MRI Role and Appearance

of Complete and Partial Moles
Because of the nonspecific imaging findings that coincide with
retained products of conception, MRI is not frequently used in
the evaluation of molar pregnancies.4 Moles will usually be seen
as enhancing heterogeneous tissue containing multiple cystic
spaces within the distended uterus that is T1 hypointense and
T2 hyperintense.4 Noninvasive moles will have a normal hy-
pointense layer of myometrium surrounding it.4

Invasive Moles and Choriocarcinoma

An invasive mole is present when there is extension of the
tissue into and, sometimes, beyond the myometrium.4 Be-
cause they tend to invade locally, invasive moles are consid-
ered invasive nonmetastasizing neoplasms.4 Choriocarcino-
mas, on the other hand, are metastasizing with frequent sites
being the lung and pelvis.4 Fifty percent of choriocarcinomas
are complications of a molar pregnancy, and the remaining
50% are from abortions or normal pregnancies.4 Choriocar-
cinoma and invasive molar pregnancies have similar appear-
ances on imaging and are difficult to distinguish between the
noninvasive molar pregnancies.4,20

Figure 17 (A) Placenta percreta. Intermediate T2 signal placenta is

seen inferior and to the right of the fetus. There is gross transmyo-
metrial extension of the placenta inferiorly on the right (arrow). (B)
Placenta percreta with bladder invasion. The intermediate- to high-
signal placenta is seen adjacent to the bladder wall (arrow), which is
indistinct and disrupted. (C) Placenta percreta with invasion into
the cervix. Heterogeneous signal is seen at the cervix (arrows),
which is also indistinct. (Images are courtesy of Shirley McCarthy,
MD, PhD, Yale New Haven Hospital.)
76 D. Nguyen et al

metrium. Enhancing soft tissue adjacent to the uterus is seen

with local spread.4

Products of Conception
Retained products of conception (which may result from an
aborted pregnancy or retained placental remnants) are one of
the most common reasons for hospital readmission during
the postpartum period and can present as abdominal pain,
fever, and prolonged postpartum hemorrhage.33-35 The inci-
dence of postpartum hemorrhage secondary to retained
products of conception is approximately 1%.33 Treatment
usually consists of dilatation and curettage, with significant
associated morbidity (8.5% incidence) such as infection,
uterine adhesions (leading to infertility), uterine perforation,
and hollow viscus damage.33,34,36 Considering the accompa-
nying risks of evacuating a retained product of conception, it
is important to accurately assess for it when suspected.

Ultrasonography Role and Appearance

Transvaginal ultrasonography is usually an effective and in-
expensive way of diagnosing a retained product of concep-
tion. When an endometrial mass is detected alone, the sen-
sitivity is 81% and specificity is 71%; with vascularity,
sensitivity is even higher, ranging from 94% to 98%, with a
positive predictive value of 96%.33-35 Ultrasonography has
been shown to be more sensitive than utilizing physical signs
and symptoms such as fever and abdominal pain (sensitivi-
ties of 28% and 7%, respectively) or cervical dilatation (sen-
sitivity of 70%) in diagnosing retained products of concep-
Figure 19 (A) Complete molar pregnancy. There are multiple cystic tion.33 Key sonographic features are as follows: the presence
structures in the placenta (arrow), giving it a “grape-like” appear- of a focal echogenic endometrial mass, complex fluid in the
ance. No fetus is present. (B) Partial molar pregnancy. A few cyst- endometrial canal, or an abnormally thickened endome-
like areas (arrow) are seen in the placenta. Fetus (asterisk). trium. Observation of vascularity within the endometrial
mass is more suggestive of a retained product (Fig. 20).33,34
Ultrasonography Role and Appearance MRI Role and Appearance
Similar to molar pregnancies, invasive moles and choriocar-
MRI is usually not the initial study of choice in the evaluation
cinoma will demonstrate heterogeneous echogenic masses in
for retained products, but rather is used as an adjunctive and
the uterine cavity with vascularity on ultrasonography.4,20
problem solving measure. Because their appearance is similar
to that of gestational trophoblastic disease, as discussed by
CT Role and Noonan et al, it is relatively nonspecific.4,37 Retained prod-
Appearance in Choriocarcinoma ucts usually appear as heterogeneously enhancing soft tissue
CT plays an important role in staging choriocarcinoma.4 The masses with variable T1 and T2 intensities within the uterine
tumor will typically be seen on imaging as a nonspecific cavity.4,36,37
enhancing heterogeneous soft tissue density in the uterus.
Attention should be paid for metastatic lesions in other parts
of the body, such as the lung or pelvis.4 Conclusions
Ultrasonography is the primary modality of obstetric placen-
MRI Role and Appearance tal imaging because of its rapid availability, portability, and
MRI is uncommonly used in imaging choriocarcinoma, al- low cost. Its limitations include posterior placental position-
though it may be of use in evaluating the extent of myometrial ing and patient body habitus. MRI, on the other hand, is
invasion.4 Choriocarcinomas will typically appear as enhanc- excellent in the evaluation of the placenta, irrespective of its
ing, vascular (will show flow voids), heterogeneous masses anatomical position within the uterus. Drawbacks include
that are hyperintense on T2-weighted sequences.4 Invasion is long acquisition time, cost, unknown effect on the fetus, and
demonstrated via enhancing, hyperintense foci in the myo- challenges of remaining supine and still for a prolonged pe-
Imaging of the placenta 77

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