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Anything that prevents us from receiving and understanding a message is a communication

To overcome the barrier to effective communication, you must understand what are the barriers.
If you want to overcome the barrier to effective communication, you have to understand what
kind of barrier you are facing.
A few examples of communication barriers include information overload, selective perceptions,
office gossip, semantics, gender differences, and so on. Depending on these examples of the
communication barrier, there can be 9 kinds of barriers. Here are all of these barriers with small
1. Linguistic Barriers
It is the barrier caused due to differences in language, dialect or accent. There are around  6,500
spoken languages globally. And many of them have different accents and dialects.
2. Psychological Barriers
Effective communication requires a perfect balance of emotions and facts. Emotions like anger,
frustration, and humour can cloud a person’s decision-making abilities. Therefore, they confine
their communication effectiveness.
3. Emotional Barriers
Effective communication requires a perfect balance of emotions and facts. Emotions such as
anger, frustration, and humour can cloud a person’s decision-making abilities and, therefore,
confine their communication effectiveness.
4. Physical Barriers
It is any form of object or sounds that causes an obstacle in conveying the message. They include
noise, closed doors, faulty communication equipment, closed cabins, and so on.
5. Cultural Barriers
Different culture has a different belief, way of talking and living. Like when people from
different cultures communicate in different ways, such as speaking different languages, holding
different cultural beliefs, or using various gestures and symbols. Their cultural differences may
become barriers to effective communication.
6. Organisational Structure Barriers
In any organisation, there are many ways to communicate. Not using a proper communication
system or using many different communication systems may create difficulty to deliver the
message correctly.
7. Attitude Barriers
Being too introverted or extroverted can create barriers to effective communication. Throwing
tantrums or egos during a conversation is a way that makes other people uncomfortable. It
reduces the transfer of meaningful messages.
8. Perception Barriers
Having different points of view on a matter can create barriers to effective communication. Not
being considerate of another perspective forms an obstacle in communicating correctly.
9. Physiological Barriers
Specific disorders, diseases, or other limitations may also deter effective communication. The
shaky voice, dyslexia and others are examples of physiological barriers.

All this time, we have talked about the characteristics of effective communication. We also
covered the main barrier to effective communication. All of these are necessary to understand
and overcome barriers to effective communication. Now it is time for how you can easily
overcome barriers to effective communication. Here are 9 effective ways you can overcome
barriers to effective communication.
1. Make Your Ideas Clear Before Communicating
Give a thought to what you are going to say. You need to have clear ideas about what you are about to speak.
Know the motive behind the subject. Begin with a clear goal of communication and precise thinking. 
In order to minimise vagueness and confusion in the communication process, clear communication builds upon
exact terms and concrete words. Making your ideas clear before speaking, make your message simple and to
the point. The receiver will understand what you’re trying to say.
Think of it from start to end and analyse all possible options when it is a new idea you want to share. When
you have to explain it, be sure that all steps and linkages are fully understood by you and why they exist.
Expect questions from your listener and be prepared to answer them.

2. Ensure the Time of Your Communication is Good

When you speak to someone, try to see the time and the mood of the person. Do not go and knock on your
colleague after office hours. Time is an important factor in communication. When a group of people initiates
communication, you must pay attention and communicate in due time. 
It is also important to say the right thing at the proper time. For example, when your listener is in a sad
situation, don’t try to tell an irrelevant joke. Or, if your listener is in a particularly happy mood, do not say
anything that will trigger sadness or a bad mood.

3. Use a Language Your Listener Can Understand

You have to ensure that you are speaking the language which your listener can understand. Make your
grammar and vocabulary as easy as possible while talking and writing. You can always show your language
skills in report or thesis writing. But when you are delivering a meaningful message or conversing formally or
informally, avoid any complex language or using a different accent.
Verbal and written messages that are easy to understand and jargon-free engages your audience. It will
increase their interest in the conversation. Also,  they will easily communicate back and forth with you.

4. Make your Message to the Point and Short

When speaking or writing emails or chatting, make your message to the point. Firstly, avoid any kind of
unnecessary information. Secondly, only communicate one idea, thought or feeling at a time. 
Thirdly, do not make your message too lengthy. When people hear long messages, they usually lose track of it,
get bored or lose interest in the topic. Your message receiver will have a hard time grasping the message and
take action on it. As a result, It will increase your time to explain again.

5. Check if the Other Person has Understood Your Message

When you communicate with someone else, ensure that they understood the message properly. Giving and
requesting feedback proves that you are serious about what the other person says and their views on the
The motive of feedback is to determine whether the recipient has grasped the significance of the received
information. The reaction on the recipient’s face can be understood in face-to-face communication. However,
the sender should adopt an appropriate feedback method in case of written communication or other kinds of

6. Take Care of Your Body Language, Tone and Content of the Message
Your expressions, gestures, posture and voice tones are powerful tools. Whenever you are speaking, make sure
you are communicating with correct body language. 
Aggressively saying something good might take your listener aback. Use a polite tone is equally important. For
example, when you are congratulating someone, you have to see it with genuine excitement. Saying
“Congratulation!” with a sad face will make you seem like you are not happy with their progress. When you
use the wrong body language and tone, the subject matter of your message can be easily misinterpreted. 
Also, when you are choosing your word, make sure it is not contradictory and does not have any kind of
double meaning.

7. Listen Before you Speak Again

As Polonius said in Hamlet, “Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.” For effective communication, you
must always listen to the other person attentively. Even though you and the other person may have a different
perception of the subject, listening to the person overcomes barriers. 
By listening, you will make the other person feel that their perception is equally important as yours.
Furthermore, you will be apple to give more appropriate feedback.

8. Do Not Interrupt When Someone Else is Speaking

Strongly avoid interrupting someone when they are speaking. Wait till they are finished with what they are
saying. It is considered rude behaviour. But when you interrupt someone, it distracts them from the things they
were saying. As a result, they might lose their flow. 
So if you are interrupting someone, you must have a strong reason for it. Otherwise, strictly avoid speaking
until the other person is done.
1. Communication Skills: The Pathfinder of Your Career
2. How To Understand Body Language : Know The Secrets

9. Make your Message Judgement Free

When you are speaking, do not speak rudely or impolitely about someone’s culture, religion or belief. It will
demean your listener and may affect your listener emotionally. As a result, they will lose interest in the
Respecting other people’s opinions and perspectives plays a huge role in overcoming barriers to effective
communication. If you want to say something about a culture, religion, or belief, make sure you say it politely.

Communication Skills
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Speak and Connect!

So there you have it, 9 ways to overcome barriers to effective communication. Speak your heart out, but
always be aware of the characteristics of effective communication. 
If you have a problem with communication, always keep these 9 tips in your mind. You will be able to give
your message effortlessly. If you want to be a great communicator, join our course Communication Skills
Training. Get a grip on everything that you need to be successful in every kind of communication.

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 JULY 27, 2022

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