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Lesson 8 – Tool Axis Limits

• The application of tool axis rotary limits to keep within multi-axis machine
tool rotary limits or to prevent tool collisions.
• Use of tool axis limits to create 4 Axis tool alignments.

• It is possible to control the rotary Tool axis limits of a machine tool within
PowerMill. For example this enables the rotary working envelope of a
specific machine not to be exceeded when creating multi-axis toolpaths.
The angular limits are defined in terms of Azimuth and Elevation angles.

• The Azimuth is the angle from X 0° anticlockwise around the XY plane.

The Elevation is the upward angle (+90°) or downwards (-90°) from the XY

• In the PowerMILL graphics area the permissible tool axis limits can be
displayed as the green area on an otherwise red sphere (Draw tool axis

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Exercise 1 – Tool Axis Limits

• Right mouse click in the graphics area and from the menu select Delete
All, then select File tab > Options > Reset Forms.

• Select File tab > Open > Project:-


• Select File tab > Save As > Project:-


• Create a new workplane named MTD-Datum, positioned centrally at 50

below the base of the model.

• Select the Machine Tool tab > File panel > Import dialog, select Import

, and load in the file:-

...\PowerMill Data\Machine Data\DMU\dmu50v.mtd

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• In the Model location area in the above Machine Tool ribbon bar, select
the new workplane MTD-Datum.

• Select a suitable view (as above), select the Simulation ribbon bar, and
then Play the simulation.

• The simulation will stop part way through and a PowerMill Warning box
will appear informing that the Machine Tool cannot reach the current

• Right Click on the Machine Tool and from the local menu select Home.

• De-activate the Machine Tool model, dmu50v.

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• Right click on the existing toolpath and from the local menu select Settings
to open the strategy dialog.

• Select make a copy and input the new toolpath name BN16-

• Select the Tool Axis Limits page (below Tool axis).

• Set the Mode to Remove Toolpath, and tick the box Draw Limits to
display the green coloured (default) tool axis limits, sphere in the graphics

• In the Angle limits, Elevation angle, change the Start to 0.

• With the same Reference Surface selected as before Calculate the

toolpath and Close the dialog.

• Simulate this toolpath and observe that no tool tracks are created beyond
the specified tool axis limits.

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• Right click on the above toolpath and from the local menu select Settings
to open the strategy dialog.

• Select make a copy and input the new toolpath name BN16-

• Select the Tool Axis Limits page (below Tool axis) and set the Mode to
Move tool axis.

• With the same Reference Surface selected as before Calculate the

toolpath and Close the dialog.

• Simulate this toolpath and observe that the tool limits are not exceeded as
it continues to machine the selected surface.

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• Activate the dmu50v Machine Tool model.

• Select a suitable view (as above), select the Simulation ribbon bar, and
simulate both toolpaths, BN16-LimitsSet-Remove and BN16-LimitsSet-

This time both simulations play through from start to finish without the
Machine Tool rotary limits being exceeded.

• Select File tab > Save.

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Exercise 2 – Applying Tool Axis Limits

• Right mouse click in the graphics area and from the menu select Delete
All, then select File tab > Options > Reset Forms.

• Select the File tab > Import > Model:-


• Select File tab > Save As > Project:-


• Create a Dia 20 Ballnose tool of Length 50, named BN20, with the
following shank and holder dimensions:-
Shank Upper Dia 20 Lower Dia 20 Length 40
Holder 1 Upper Dia 70 Lower Dia 40 Length 40
Holder 2 Upper Dia 70 Lower Dia 70 Length 60
(Holder) Overhang 80

• Create a Block Defined by Box using Type Model.

• Calculate the Rapid Move Heights.

• Select the single, lower fillet surface.

• Open a Surface finishing strategy and name it as BN20-Fillet-FIN.

• Change the Stepover to 0.5.

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• Select the Pattern page and set the Pattern Direction to U, and tick the box
named Spiral.

• Go to the Tool axis page, select the Tool axis as Lead/Lean with angles
set to 0, and Mode Contact normal.

• Calculate the toolpath.

The tool holder is visibly clashing with the model in the above image.

• Open the Toolpath Edit, Verification dialog and un-tick the boxes to
Split toolpath and Adjust tool.

• Input a Holder clearance of 2, a Shank clearance of 1, and then Apply

and Accept the form.

• The toolpath will now be labelled with a red symbol and a PowerMill
information box will appear reporting Collisions with the model.

• Close the information box.

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• From the toolpath menu select Settings and then Recycle the

• Go to the Tool Axis page and tick the box named Tool Axis Limits.

• Go to the Tool axis limits page and change the Mode to Move Tool Axis
with Elevation Angle set from Start 30 to End 60.

• Calculate the toolpath.

The tool holder is visibly clashing with the model in the above image.

• Perform a Toolpath Verification to check for Collisions.

This time the toolpath is confirmed as collision safe.

• Simulate the toolpath to observe the effect of the applied tool axis limits.

• Select File tab > Save.

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Exercise 3 – Applying Tool Axis Limits to create 4 Axis

• The Project contains a model of a 4-Axis Rotary Machine and two
• The first toolpath is already 4 Axis, while the second toolpath is 5 Axis.
• The imported Rotary Machine is unable to produce the Tool Axis moves
required by the second Five Axis toolpath. This toolpath can however
easily be converted to 4-Axis with appropriate Tool Axis Limits options.

• Right mouse click in the graphics area and from the menu select Delete
All, then select File tab > Options > Reset Forms.

• Select File tab > Open > Project:-


• Select File tab > Save As > Project:-


• Open the Machine Tool options, select Import , and select the file:-
...\PowerMill Data\Machine Data\RotaryMachine.mtd

• In the Model location area in the Machine Tool ribbon bar, select the new
workplane 1.

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• Display the Machine Tool model and select Workplane 1 as the Model

• Activate and Simulate the Toolpath named BN16-Base-SEM1.

This simulation successfully runs from start to finish without any problems.

• Activate and attempt to Simulate the toolpath BN16-Form-SEM2.

This simulation will fail at the start and a PowerMill Warning box will appear
informing that the Machine Tool cannot reach the current location.

• Right Click on the Machine Tool and from the local menu select Home.

• Un-draw the machine tool model.

• Recycle the toolpath BN16-Form-SEM2 and in the Tool Axis page tick
the box named Tool Axis Limits.

• Select the Tool Axis Limits page, input a Damping angle of 3, tick both
the boxes to Project to plane and Draw limits.

• Visibly check the selected 4 axis Tool axis limits and then untick the Draw
limits box.

• Calculate the toolpath.

• Draw the machine tool model, and then Simulate the toolpath.

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This time the simulation successfully runs from start to finish without any

• Select File tab > Save.

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Exercise 4 – Applying Tool Axis Limits to create 4 Axis

• Right mouse click in the graphics area and from the menu select Delete
All, then select File tab > Options > Reset Forms.

• Select the File tab > Open > Project:-


• Select File & Save As > Project:-


• Activate the toolpath BN16-StpShlw_TwdPt.

• Simulate the toolpath to observe the 5-axis tool alignment in action.

• From the Toolpath Edit ribbon bar select Settings and create a copy of the
toolpath named BN16-StpShlw_TwdPt_4Axis.

• Create Tool Axis Limits with the Mode set to Move Tool Axis, Workplane
to use the X-Direction, a Damping angle of 3, and tick the box Project to

• Calculate the toolpath.

• Simulate the latest toolpath to observe the 4 Axis tool alignment in action.

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If viewed from the left the tool still aligns to the tool axis point, but if viewed
from the front it can only align parallel with the ZY plane (4 axis).

• Select File tab > Save.

• The application of tool axis rotary limits to keep within multi-axis machine
tool rotary limits or to prevent tool collisions.
• Use of tool axis limits to create 4 Axis tool alignments.

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