Speaking 18

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1.Prepare a talk on the subject of edible insects. You may use the following contents
if you wish:

1. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of this type of diet.

2. What countries have the tradition of eating insects?
3. Why are western people are reluctant to this type of food?

2.Now, more than ever, companies must meet customers where they are, designing personalized
experiences that directly map to consumers’ needs in the moment. (IBM)
You are going to talk about “Customer Service and AI”. Express your ideas and use
arguments and examples to justify your opinion. Use the following questions as a help to
prepare your monologue, but do not answer them directly:

1. Are chatbots effective?

2. Is online/telephone customer service better than face-to face service?
3. What skills are required from a customer service employee?


1.In the digital era, the power of advertising is continually expanding and consumers are
experiencing its effects. Internet users are being tracked down with advertisements for products
they just viewed. However, advertising companies are supposed to follow a moral
code when advertising.
Share your ideas on the subject with your partner(s). Express and justify your
opinions while referring to the following:
·Ways in which advertisements target consumers in the
digital world.
·What limits should be set to advertising.

Talk with your partner about “The Housing Crisis” by considering the
 Why today´s youth can barely get on the property ladder.
 Social housing programmes.
 Regulations on renting are neither consumer nor landlord friendly.

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