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Mike Dynamite Screenplay

Setting: Neptune’s moon, Triton

Year: 2053

[The beginning scene opens with the camera slowly zooming in on a man hunched over working
on a fizzing satellite in the distance.]

Mike Dynamite narrating: “I wouldn’t call what I did a mistake, it was a choice that put me here, life
happens, people move on.”

[He was finished with comms maintenance for the day and headed back to camp to restow gear and get
dinner started. When he reached the door, a scanner ran its red light over his eyes.]

Scanner: “Welcome back Mike Dynamite.”


Setting: Washington DC courthouse

Year: 2051

Judge Singleton: “Mr. Dynamite, my records here show you served six years on earths air force as a
combat comms technician after being kicked out of flight school then proceeded to work for Space
corps. Is this factual?”

MD:”It’s all there in your records or do you not know how to read?”

Judge S: “That’s how were going to play Mike?”

Md:” Guess so Judge.”

Judge S:”So why did you do it?”

MD:” Because women love money duh.”

[Judge Singleton turned red and sat up straight before replying.]

Judge S:”Mr Dynamite, this courthouse is not a damn circus.”

MD:” Looks like a lot of clowns around here to me.”

Judge S:” You leave me no choice, for your crimes of planetary rescue theft, grand theft auto and
involuntary manslaughter. I sentence you to 60 years desolations comms maintenance duty.”

MD:” Well fuck.” [Smirks and grins.]

MD Narrating: “Well obviously, I don’t live a glamorous life. I start every day with a chest full of grief
and depression, just the stuff to get you going.”
[Camera shows MD pouring black coffee into a kitten mug.]

MD Narrating Cont.:” When I wake up, I drink a couple raw eggs and eat some bland ass oatmeal HQ
gives me. After that I do some pushups and sit-ups and squats. They found out I hit someone in high
school gym class with a weight so they won’t let me have any. Then I start my daily maintenance on
the two satellites, Speaker one and two.

[Camera swings to the speaker satellites]

[Camera shows two large satellites in a tripod base]

MD Narrating: “These two assholes are why I’m here, well kind of. I mean I kind of beat up those
space Corp swat team guys trying to take back all the resources I stole but oh well. After a bit of
regular maintenance I dip out and go back to my one bedroom prison suite. I do all the normal
cleaning and laundry stuff but what I look forward to the most is beer hour.

[Breakdown of beer hour explained]

[Camera cuts to open fridge with frost pouring out]

Animated Female Voice: “Hello earthling, to review our daily beer serving, on regular days you are
allotted one beer, on your birthday you are allotted six, Christmas three and every American holiday
three. Today is a regular day here is your one beer. Mike Dynamite.”

MD Narrating as he grabs a beer:” I got to hear that whole thing every single time. I will say though
that birthdays get wild around here, I’m the life of the party. All the officers that drop off supplies
always ask me when I decide to drink the one beer and what I do during the spectacle. Most of the
time I’m on the toilet.” *Flashback of yesterday’s beer* “Or I wait till I’m in the shower. One thing we
will not do here is chug. All I have is time, I’m not going anywhere for the rest of my life and I have
accepted it, which I’ve done for the past two years.”

[Camera shows MD from behind putting a shirt on and accepts daily beer]

[MD sits down on a L shaped couch and puts on new rap music while slowly sipping his beer.]

MD:” This new song is the best thing I’ve heard in months Alfie.”

[Alfie is the Space Corp mission Artificial Intelligence bot currently overwatching MD]

Alfie: “Sorry big guy, this song is two years old, as I’ve told you before, damn.” [Annoyed]

MD:”Why you gotta ruin everything man!?”

Alfie: “Well there’s just simply nothing else to do sir.”

[Mike went to finish his beer but lowered it as he heard a ship preparing to land nearby]

MD:” Alfie, gun please!”

Alfie: “You sir are still a convict.”

MD:”Yeah, exactly! Throw me one!”

[Alfie grabs a rifle out of a locked cabinet and gives MD a smirk before walking out the door. MD stands
up and looks around for a weapon but is interrupted by Alfie getting blown through the wall. Frantic, MD
runs to his side.]

MD:” Alfie, you good??”

Alfie: “Sir, it appears that I am dying. But more importantly.”

MD:” What, what!?”

[Alfie’s lights start to go dim as he pointed out the wall he got blasted through. Through the wall, Mike
could see three space pirates attempting to steal the main comms generator and his notorious beer

[Of course seeing the computer being stolen made Mike mad, the government would think he was in on
it. What made his blood boil was his beer fridge being jacked.]

[MD picks up Alfie’s rifle and cocks it.]

[By this time, the three pirates had the two pieces of equipment chained up to the ship while two others
operated the cockpit.]

[Mike points the gun at the one closest and shoots him in the right leg, pieces of flesh flying everywhere.]

[The ship picks up speed and the two remaining pirates outside struggle to hang on while the ship is

[Mike then attempts to shoot the chain but it ricochets with no success.]

[The ship takes a hard right turn and blast off but not before one of the outside pirates falls straight to
the ground head first and dies. Witnessing this, Mike walks over to the legless pirate he shot earlier as
the ship is now out of sight.]

[The pirate backs himself up against a boulder, a long streak of blood being stepped on by MD.]

[Mike lifts the rifle with one hand and puts it to the invaders head.]

MD:” You guys have a funny way of making friends.”

Pirate: “Wait, hang on.”

MD:” You guys fucking killed Alfie.”

Pirate: “I’ll tell you whatever you want man.”

[The pirate was slowly bleeding out.]

MD:” Yeah he was an asshole but at least he cared about me.”

Pirate:” Getchky, Getchky gang.”

MD:” That’ll do.”

[The camera pans out as brains splatter all over the boulder.]
[The camera slowly zooms in at Mike Dynamite sitting right next to the headless pirate.]

[MD face was serious, deep in thought. He knew who the Getchky gang was, everyone on this side of the
rim did.]

MD Narrating: “Okay, Getchky gang, dumb name first of all.”

[Camera pans to a generic Getchky thug.]

MD Narrating: “For some reason, they all wear purple, like loud barney purple. These sorry sons of
bitches are known for a network of petty theft and extortion. Besides the barney outfit, you can point
them out by a G tattoo that looks like a drunk toddler did it. That’s pretty much it. Chumps.”

[The camera pans out as MD slowly falls asleep.]

[A distant comms phone call slowly makes MD open his eyes. Realizing this, MD gets up and runs back
into his home station. Quickly, he hits three different buttons and answers the call.]

[On the screen was Earth’s Commander and none other than Judge Singleton.]

Commander Sven:” Mike, are you okay? We just saw the whole thing.”

MD:” So I’m not in trouble?”

Judge S:” No Mike, that’s not why we called, well kind of.”

MD:” Okay then.”

Commander S:” Mike, that piece of communications equipment is our only means of early invader

MD:” Well, it’s not here anymore, I don’t know what ya’ll gonna do now.”

Commander: “We want you to get it back.”

MD:”I’m a convict, serving time on a moon you put me on, well you and your highness here.”

Judge S:”Mike, this is not a fucking joke.”

[Mikes stupid grin slowly washes away.]

MD:” Okay, how?”

Commander:” Hit the FZ, AZ AND BZ keys together at the same time.”

[MD did what the commander said and then a loud grinding and metal moaning sound erupted from
behind the keyboard.]

[MD’S living room and kitchen area had opened up and a fighter jet slowly rose up bearing American
Space Corps symbols.]

MD:” My fucking living room.”

Commander: “Forget the room, we need you to take this jet, hunt them down and get that comms
generator back.”
MD:” Why don’t you guys go get it back?”

Commander: “The less people know, the better. Plus, it would take us exactly one year to get there, by
that time that thing could be used against us.”

Judge S:” There is one incentive commander didn’t mention.”

MD:” Oh yeah?”

Judge S:” If you get the generator back and up and running, we will bring you home and only put you
on a three year probation.”

MD:”You’re joking.”

Commander:” She’s not joking Dynamite.”

Judge: “But any law violation on probation, you’re right back.”

Md:” Fair enough. And my daughter?”

Judge S:” Supervised visits until probation is over.”

MD:” I’m fucking in, sign me up. Two questions.”

Commander: “Okay go.”

MD:” Can I... Uh get rid of these guys how I see fit? And can I get my beer fridge?”

Commander: “Get the mission done, whatever it takes. And uh yeah, I guess.”

[Camera zooms in on MD.]

MD:” Alright then.”

[MD in cockpit.]

[Animated female voice begins speaking.]

Kizzy:” Hey Mike! I’m Kizzy. Let’s learn how to fly this stealth fighter ship.”

[Disbelief comes over MD face.]

Kizzy:” Oh you don’t believe this is that type of jet.”

[The jet instantly blasts out of the planet’s stratosphere.]

Pale faced MD:” Can we go back Kizzy?”

Kizzy: “For what Michael?”

MD:” It’s Mike. And some asshole killed Alfie and his sweet ass rifle is down there.”

Kizzy: “There’s no time Mike, we must get that generator back.”

MD:” And the fridge.”

Kizzy: “I will in no way help you in retrieving the fridge Mike.”

MD:” Fine but just know you’re the real criminal here.”

Kizzy: “Based on their trajectory and speed, they are headed to the Tribsom galaxy.”

MD:” Yup, Planet Sing. That’s home for these guys.”

[MD stares out the window with a look on his face that seemed lost.]

[It was silent in the cockpit for a moment. Mike knew this was a one-shot thing, no room for error.
Luckily he knew exactly where the HQ was thanks to the stop on the way to his prison.]


[Prison transit ship slowly lands on Planet Sing.]

Captain: “Just a quick refuel and lets hit the road boys.”

Guard: “Copy, Cap.”.

[The back door of the ship slowly opens as Getchky thugs dressed as fuel workers stormed in.]

[Immediately the two guards who intended to assist refueling got dropped, each shot with precision, one
shot in the chest, one in the head.]

[MD had already loosened his handcuffs from behind his seat.]

Backup Guard: “Let’s get them, stay right here Dynamite.”

[Sure enough, they both went down but when the last good guy guard went down, his rife slid right into
Mike’s feet. Mike picked it up, cocked it and put two rounds into one of the thugs before taking cover.]

[Mike knew the only way they could get to the cockpit was through him. One of the thugs walks past as
Mike holds his breath. As soon as the thug passes, Mike throws his rifle over his neck and chokes him
out. Seeing this from afar the rest of the Getchky thugs run away.]

Captain: “You good Mike?”

MD:” Yeah im fine, lets just go.”

Captain: “Heavy on that, we got an emergency fuel ship meeting us in orbit.”

[Mike and one of the remaining guards did a sweep around the ship just to double check. Out of the
corner of his eye, Mike saw what looked like a map. To avoid the guard seeing it, Mike swooped it up,
turned and took a quick look before putting it in his pocket. It was an exact location of Getchky HQ in
relation to where the prison transport would land. MD kept it to himself and never told anyone.]

[End of flashback.]

Kizzy; “Wake up Michael.”

MD:” It’s freaking Mike okay!?”

Kizzy: “If you say so Michael, I mean Mike.”

[brief moment of silence.]

Kizzy: “We are coming up on the target.”

MD:” Weapons ready?”

Kizzy: “Yes sir.”

MD:” Raise elevation 600 feet.”

Kizzy: “Elevation raised.”

[MD looked around the cabin, slightly impressed by Kizzy.]

MD:” There is a grain field capsule close to their building. I want you to shoot it as soon as we decline
at this same speed.”

Kizzy: “That can be done.”

[A few seconds later the jet took a sharp plunge and amid the screaming wind, started erupting machine
gun shells.]

[MD sharply turns right as soon as the jet broke the bottom cloud layer.]

[The grain capsule got lit up and there was a cloudy mixture of grain and metal debris covering the
entire compound.]

Kizzy: “Just like how you drew it up huh?”

MD:” Exactly Kizzy, exactly.”

[The jet circled around the back of the main building and entered stealth mode after landing.]

Kizzy: “Now what Mike?”

MD:” You don’t have to say Mike every time Kizzy.”

[10 second awkward silence.]

MD:” I’m going to go in and ask a few questions, see if they can be good neighbors and point me in
the right direction.”

[MD hops of the jet and disappeared in the debris smoke.]

[Now in a crouched position, MD hid behind a oil rig and looked closer at the building. Two getchky
guards were patrolling the back and one on each side of the building.]

[MD creeps up close to the two in the back and throws a rock at their feet. One of them immediately
goes to check out the direction of it but was stopped as Mike snapped his neck from behind.]

[Crept back down in cover, Mike realized he had never killed a man with his own hands. He knew he
would never be the same.]
[The guard had dropped a pistol with a silencer, so Mike picked it up swiftly as he crept into the front
door of the compound. Creeping around a corner, he got grabbed up by a tall guard that had been
waiting for him.]

[The Getchky guard had gotten Mike on the ground and started to choke him out. Air rapidly leaving his
body, Md put his thumbs in his killer’s eyes and pushed them in.]

[Mike pushed him off as he was grabbing his face and screaming at the top of his lungs.

[Mike got up and turned towards him.]

MD:” Where’s the shit you stole?”

Blinded Getchky:” The comms generator is just inside under a blue tarp.”

MD:” Why did you take it anyways?”

Blinded Getchky: “The comms generator wasn’t the main target to steal, it was just a plus.”

MD:” You guys are a bunch of assholes, you know that?”

[Md starts circling the blinded thug to get his nerves up before asking him where the fridge was.]

[The thug started to hyperventilate.]

MD:” So where is it?”

Blinded Getchky:” On our bigger base, on planet Trasano. The most northern point.”

[MD starts walking away.]

Binded Getchky:” Wait, where are you going?”

MD:”To fucking go get it.”

Blinded Getchky:” What about me?”

MD:” I can either kill you or leave you.”

Blinded Getchky: ”I’m dead either way when they find me. Just finish what you started.”

MD:” Fair enough, you’re probably right on that one.”

[MD’s footsteps get closer to the ill-fated thug.]

[MD raises the pistol and placed it between his eyes on his sweaty forehead.]

MD:” Should have stayed in school kid.”

[A silenced gunshot sounded out as the man fell all the way to the rocky ground.]

[The spaceship was now back in orbit and moving fast towards planet Trasano.]

Kizzy: “This isn’t the way back to base Mike.”

Md:” I’m aware Kizzy.”

Kizzy: “I guess now is a bad time to tell you that Judge and Commander are on line one.”

MD:” There’s only one- “

Commander: “Mike, where are you going?”

MD:” Well Commander, they stole my beer fridge, the only thing precious to me on that place.”

Judge: “That wasn’t the objective item, Michael.”

MD:”Now you guys are just doing it on purpose. Mike. And I know. Just listen Linda.”

Judge: “Linda? You listen now-“

Commander: “Just hear him out.”

MD:”For two years that fridge, that one beer a day is the only thing that kept me somewhat sane, Id
say Alfie too but he always told me to quit talking to him. Look, I got the generator back, I’ll send it
back to base in the escape pod and then go get the fridge.”

Commander: “Seems fair to me Mike, what do you say Judge?”

Judge: “The deal was to get the generator back and you have it so...I don’t see why not. If you make it
back alive, our deal is still good to go. Good luck Mike. “

Commander: “God speed Mike.”

[The line went silent as Commander hangs up.]

Kizzy; “So what’s the plan for Trasano mike?”

MD:” I don’t know, I have never been honestly. Heard shitty things though.”

Kizzy: “Okay, winging it. Got it.”

MD:” Unless you got something up your sleeves Kiz.”

Kizzy: “Aww, cute. Kiz.”

MD:” Focus lady. So, you have nothing?”

Kizzy:” Trasano is mostly water, fortunately I am designed for underwater travel, as long as its not too

MD:” But can you shoot from underwater?”

Kizzy: [ANNOYED]” Yes Mike.”

MD:”You can detect heat right? Like that sweet ass predator movie?”

Kizzy: “Yes, just like the movie Mike.”

MD:” Alright then, shoot the hotter part of the compound.”

[The jet slowly made its way through the clouds and slipped into the water.]
Kizzy: “The headquarters is 200 meters directly ahead.”

Md:”At 25 meters, can you send two missiles their way and take a hard left? Please and thank you.”

[At 25 meters, two long green missiles separated from the jet and crept up out of the water.]

MD:” Hard left, now!”

[The jet sharply turned left as the missiles collided with the building and left half of the building in fiery

[The jet lands at the back of the base and Mike quickly jumps out.]

MD:” Kizzy, cover me.”

Kizzy: “I can do that Mike but…. Be safe… please.”

MD:” Don’t get soft on me now Kiz.”

[Kizzy laid down cover fire while Mike started up the stairs to the main entrance.]

[Mike shot two guys from cover and was halfway up the stairs when Kizzy got hit by an RPG.]

[Mike’s face sunk, he would have never told her, but he had a soft spot for the smart ass A.I.]

[Taking one last look at Kizzy, who was now in a fiery state, Mike turned back towards the stairs and
reloaded a rifle.]

[Looking right, Mike saw the guy who took down Kizzy and shot him in the neck, blood spraying like a
wild fire hose.]

[MD uttered something about having a soft spot for Kizzy while taking a quick look back at her.]

[Another Getchky thug that didn’t look like the rest of them turned the corner opposite of Mike and shot
Mike in the leg.]

[MD fell to the ground and let out a loud shout.]

Brex:” Well well well. If it isn’t the famous beer fridge felon, Mike Dynamite.]

Brex: ”Yeah that’s right, flight school dropout Brex.”

MD:” But you got kicked out for sucking.” [Winces at gunshot wound pain.]

Brex:” You know if I remember right, you got kicked out too, despite being the best.”

MD:” I blame Lieutenant Scarlett. She hit on me first, just saying. So why Getchky huh?”

Brex: “Well they needed a pilot and they couldn’t have you. Plus, I like money. Then I climbed the
ranks and got my own little crew, which you murdered like an animal.”

MD:” You stole my fridge for fucking clout.” [Winces again.]

Brex:” Now that we are all caught up, its time to die Mikey.”
[Brex raised the gun and put it to Mike’s head but dropped it as blood ran down his arm and then to the
rubble. Kizzy had shot him with a silenced round shaped like a nail in his neck.]

[Stunned, MD looks over at Kizzy with tears in his eyes.]

Kizzy: “I don’t have much time Mike, my systems are completely on fire. I have called for backup

MD:” Kizz- “

Kizzy: “It was fun Mike. Thank you.”

MD:” Kizzy, I’m sorry, it was all my fau-“ [MD stops talking and starts fainting.]

[Five minutes go by as Mike is now unconscious as two space corps jets land.]


[Inside a humid courtroom there stood Commander Sven, Judge Singleton, Mike, and his sleazy free
lawyer since he was broke as shit.]

Commander: “What you did was quite remarkable Mike. I haven’t seen this kind of grit in a long time.
It is in my opinion you have earned your freedom with no probation.”

MD:” Thank you Commander, I appreciate that.”

Judge: “What you did was reckless and brought attention to our planet.”

MD:” I never meant- “

Judge:” Im not finished. What you did was also honorable. You stood for something. That’s hard to
find these days. I agree with the Commander, probation dropped. Stay out of trouble Michael.”
[Smiles at MD while getting up and walking away.]

MD:” Thank you Judge, you know ill try, but you know how it be.”

[The Judge stopped and turned back at Mike.]

Judge: ”Oh by the way, your daughter is very beautiful.”

[Silence paused the cheering courtroom as Mike’s daughter, Olivia ran in and jumped into Mike’s arms.]

Olivia:” Daddy!”

[Holding his daughter, Mike smiles and starts to cry as he saw what stood before him.]

[Rolling in on a cart, his beer fridge was slowly rolling to him. Mike could swear clouds and sunshine
were coming in through the building. It was a 3 by 10 fridge with army green paint and had a orange
racing stripe on he painted himself. One of the jury guards opened it and cold fog rolled out in a huge
cloud as he handed a beer to Mike.]

[The camera slowly zooms out as Mike kisses his daughter on her forehead and takes a sip of his cold

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