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Active Antenna Using Parasitic Elements

*Kouhei Mori, Kazuaki Uchida, Hiroyuki Ami

Ilivision of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,

Yokohama National University.
79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-Ku, Yokohama-Shi, 240-8501 Japan

I .Introduction
In recent years, integrated active antennas hecome very popular in microwave and
millinieter.wave applications. Tlle integrated active antennas have very small losses in
feed lines, that is significant advantage in millimeter-wave frequency range, because
high gain antenna require a lot of element for array configuration [I]. One of active
antenna researches is the oscillating active integrated antenna that uses Gunn Diode or
FET oscillator and the patch antennas and slot antennas for the radiating element
[2][31. They are not only the output loads of oscillators, but also work as the resonators
determining oscillation frequencies. In general, the quality factor of these active
antennas is decreased by loading the radiating antenna element, and degrades the
frequency stability of the oscillator.

This paper proposes the coplanar waveguide-fed active antenna with the parasitic
elements of half-wavelength dipole placed above the oscillator to improve the
frequency stability. The quality factor of this antenna is increased by the parasitic
element, which is not obtained by conventional active antenna that is connected
directly to the oscillator. This paper describes the experimental results of this active
antenna characteristics. power combining, and self-oscillating mixer 14).

2.Stability of oscillation Frequency ancl improvement of radiation pattern

Fig I shows geometry of the coplanar waveguide-fed active antenna with the FET
oscillator. Two open ended coplanar waveguide (slit width = 0.2mm) are connected to
gate and drain of the FET. These stubs length (Lg) is quarter-wavelength at the
frequency of oscillation, then two stubs work as a half-wavelength resonator. Changing
the length of this strip line controls the frequency of oscillation. The drain bias voltage
level on the power supply also controls the frequency of oscillation.

Under the room temperature at 15°C. stability of oscillation frequency of active

antenna without the parasitic element is about 0.05%. However the parasitic elements
01 half-wavelength dipole placed above the oscillator shown in Fig 2 improves statility
of oscillation frequency of active antenna is less than 0.01% shown in Fig 3. In case of
the oscillated frequency around 1.55Gtiz (Lg = W = 43.5mm. Ls = 30 mm, h = 17
mm, I = 70 mm. Vds = 2.0 V), its stability is f32KHz for two-hour measurement.
Changing the height of parasitic element (h) also controls a little the frequency by 3.4
MHr (0.22%) as shown in Fig 3. As a result, the parasitic element improves the
frequency stability five times compared with no parasitic element.

Neat we discuss about the radiation pattern. It is also improved by the parasitic elenlent
shown i n Fig 4. The parasitic elenient suppresses parallels plate inode excitation inside
dielectric substrate. The radiation pattern become uni-direction, then the parasitic

0-7803-4478-2/98/$10.00 0 I998 IEEE

element acts as a director. This is the second advantage of the use of the parasitic

3.Power combining
In order to demonstrate power combining using parasitic element, two cif active
antennas were arrayed in the f1 plane shown in Fig 5 . The spacing between the two
oscillators was 4 h m and the same bias voltage is supplied by one M) source. Fig 6
(a) shows spectrum of active antenna without the parasitic element. In this case, two
oscillated frequencies are ohserved. one is 4.872GIlz with power level -43.5 dBtn
(marker 1); the other is 5.14:iGHz with -44.9 dBm (marker 2). When the parasitic
elements of half-wavelength d’ipoleantenna array are placed above this array showri in
Fig 5. two oscillations are combined together shown in Fig 6 (b) This array has single
oscillation at 5.165Gllz with power level -41.3 dBm (marker 3). Thus, the radiated
power of this array using the parasitic element becomes double by power conthing.
The parasitic dipole array i!; assumed to excite spatial standing wave, then its
resoname combine the output of two oscillators. We do not need bias adjustment of
each oscillator for power contbining. The parasitic dipole array locks the oscillated

At the last topic of this paper. this coplanar waveguide-fed active antenna using
parasitic element is applied to self-oscillating mixer. To demonstrate the mixer
operation, the parasiliu dipole antenna placed above the active oscillator is fed by RF
signal through coaxial cable shown in Fig 7. The FET oscillator works as self-
oscillating mixer, and the IF signal is outpulled from its gate in this case. In case of RF
input signal at 1.56 GHz (f,p) and frequency of FET oscillation at 1.62GHz (fb), IF
output signal of 62 Mllz (ftA,-f a F ) and 1.672 GHz (2ft,- fRF)are detected shown in Fig
8. Therefore. this active antenna using parasitic element can be used as the receiver
front end.

This paper proposes the a’ctive oscillator with the parasitic element of half-
wavelength dipole. The oscillated frequency stability of active antenna and radiation
pattern is improved by the parasitic elements, and the output frequency is locked by
parasitic dipole array. In addition. self-oscillating mixer operation is also presented.

[ I ) Jenshan Lin and Talsur,’ Itoh, “Active Integrated Antennas”, IEEE Trans.
Microwave Theory Tech.. Vo1.42, pp2186-2194, December 1994.

(21 Shigeji Nogi. Jenshan Lin iind Tatsuo Itoh. ”Mode Analysis and Stahilization of a
Spatial Power Combining Array with Strongly Coupled Oscillators”. IEEE Trans.
Microwave Theory Tech., Vul.41, pp1827-IX37, October 1993.

13) Shigeo Kawasaki and TatsMo Itoh, “Quasi-Optical Planar Arrays with PET’S and
Slots”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vo1.41,pp1838-1844, October 1993.

14) Kimin Cha and Tatsuo Iioh, “Quasi-Optical Downconverter Using Sclfacillating
M i x e r with Aperture Coupled Structure’., APMC, SOY-3. pp201-203, October, 1995

Figl: Geometry of CPW active antenna
Low dielectric constant of 4 = 2.6, thickness = I S m m

Fig2: Parasitic element of hall-wavelength dipole placed above active antenna


'7 F


Fig3: Stability of oscillation frequency of active antenna
with parasitic element for two hours
Lg = Ld = 43.5 mm Ls = 30.0 mm I = 70.0mm

270' 90" 270' 90"

in00 -
Wlhoul pFsrlllcelemcn1
Wlul prsslUrrlment

(a) E plane (b) H plane

Iig4: Kadiation pattern of with / without the parasitic elernrntl

Figs: Power cnnhining active antenna with parasitic elements

1.g = 1.d = 1 5 "Ls = IOmm, d = 4ninr h ::5mm. I = 27mni. w = 2mm

... . .I-
43 5 5J 43 5 IJ
F l r y u m q Il;llrl Frrgulu)l ICllzl
(a) Without parasitic element (h) With parasitic elements
Fig6: Output power spectrum of without with / without the parasitic elements

Fig7: Self-tncillating mixer of CPW active antenna


fR F

2fIN f",

0 1 1
L IGl4-l
fin = I .62 G H A , fKp = 1.55 GI42
FigX: Output power spectrum of CPW active antenna with the dipole antenna


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