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As someone who has often struggled deciding on a career path and goals, I have done a lot of research

and have decided to attempt IT. The career goals I have for this field of expertise are as follows. First, I
would like to get a job that pays well enough to give me a comfortable life. Of course, this job should be
something I enjoy and not one that stresses me out. The next career goal is to be a supervisory position
at my future IT firm. I feel like this would give me the ability to see what being a leader is like and
whether or not this might suit me. The last career goal on my list, is to repair or even build customized
PCs for people and maybe even start a business of my own. I love making other people’s lives easier and
building PCs for people will definitely take some of the stress away from their busy lives. Building PCs is a
very complicated and time consuming task (even with YouTube). This is the best way someone can
receive their computer quickly and efficiently without having to worry about whether they have made a
mistake or not.

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