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Student’s name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ______

Grade: _______ Date:_____ /______ /______


CONTEÚDO: International Women’s Day - March 8 9º ano

1st- Take a look at the text and answer the question below.

2nd- Mark T ( true ) or F ( false ) according to the text above.

( ) Anne Frank’s birthday was in June.
( ) Her father’s name was Frank.
( ) Anne and her family lived in a secret place during two years.
( ) Kitty was the name Anne Frank gave to her diary.
( ) Anne stopped writing on the first of August, in 1944.
( ) Anne and her family were sent to the concentration camps.
( ) All the members of her family died during the Holocaust.
( ) Anne wrote only about what she experienced in the concentration camp.
( ) Anne died on August 1, 1944.
( ) Anne Frank’s diary was found by her father.
3rd- Read the prayer below and circle the COGNATES words .
ATTENTION! Palavras cognatas são as palavras que têm o mesmo significado em inglês e em português,
além de possuírem grafia parecida.

4th- Find someone who:

A. Can name a famous female sports star. _____________________________________________________________

B. Can name a female prime minister or president. ______________________________________________________

C. Can name a famous female dancer. ________________________________________________________________

D. Can name a global business or brand managed by a woman. ____________________________________________

E. Can name a famous female scientist. _______________________________________________________________

F. Can name a female superhero from a film or comic. ___________________________________________________

G. Can name an important invention by a woman. ______________________________________________________

H. Can name of the youngest ever winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. ________________________________________

I. Can name of famous actress recently started the “ He for She ” UN campaign for gender equality. ______________

J. Can name the first woman to go into space. _________________________________________________________

5th- Choose a woman cited in the previous question and write her biography.

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