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Lesson 17

This lesson is about the Internet as a means of

effective and inexpensive communication all over
the world. It also tells us about the opportunities
the Internet has opened to the mankind,
governments, businesses, etc.

The Internet is a computer-based global information system. The Internet
is composed of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may
link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers, enabling them to share
information with one another. The Internet has made it possible for people
all over the world to share information effectively and inexpensively. Unlike
traditional broadcasting media, such as radio and television, the Internet does
not have a centralised distribution system. Instead, an individual who has
Internet access can communicate directly with anyone else on the Internet,
make information available to others, find information provided by others, or
sell products at a minimum cost.
The Internet has brought new opportunities to government, business, and
education. Governments use the Internet for internal communication,
distribution of information, and automated tax processing. In addition to
offering goods and services online to customers, businesses use the Internet
to interact with other businesses. Many individuals use the Internet for
communicating through electronic mail (e-mail), for news and research
information, shopping, paying bills, and online banking. Educational
institutions use the Internet for research and to deliver courses and course
material to students.
An organisation that has many computers usually owns and operates a
private network, called an intranet, which connects all the computers within
the organisation. To provide Internet service, the organisation connects its
intranet to the Internet. Only authorised computers at the organisation can be
connected to the intranet. The organisation restricts communication between
the intranet and the global Internet. The restrictions allow computers inside
the organisation to exchange information but keep the information
confidential and protected from outsiders.
The use of the Internet has grown tremendously since its inception. The
success of the Internet arises from its flexibility.
The Internet has doubled in size every 9 to 14 months since it began in
the late 1970s. In 1981 only 213 computers were connected to the Internet.
By 2000 the number had grown to more than 100 million. The current
number of people who use the Internet can only be estimated. No doubt it
increases very rapidly.

Vocabulary Notes

interconnected ÷áËϳå³Ïóí³Í
network ó³Ýó
to link ϳå»É, ³éÝã»É
broadcasting media Ñ»é³ñÓ³ÏÙ³Ý ÙÇçáóÝ»ñ
available Ù³ïã»ÉÇ, ѳë³Ý»ÉÇ
access Ùáõïù
e-mail ¿É»ÏïñáݳÛÇÝ ÷áëï
bill ѳßÇí, í³ñÓ
to deliver 1. ³é³ù»É, ï»Õ ѳëóÝ»É, 2. ϳñ¹³É
(½»ÏáõóáõÙ, ¹³ë³ËáëáõÃÛáõÝ)
course ¹³ëÁÝóó
to operate ·áñÍ»É, í³ñ»É, ÏÇñ³é»É
internal Ý»ñùÇÝ
processing Ùß³ÏáõÙ
intranet ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåáõÃÛ³Ý Ý»ñùÇÝ ó³Ýó
inception ëÏǽµ
flexibility ×ÏáõÝáõÃÛáõÝ

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the Internet?
2. What has the Internet made possible?
3. What is the difference between the Internet and traditional
broadcasting media?

4. In what spheres and how is the Internet used?


5. What is intranet?
Exercise 2. Give the English equivalents to the following.
÷áËϳå³Ïóí³Í ó³Ýó ___________________________________
³ñ¹Ûáõݳí»ï ¨ ¿Å³Ý ___________________________________
Ñ»é³ñÓ³ÏÙ³Ý ÙÇçáó ___________________________________
¹³ñÓÝ»É Ñ³ë³Ý»ÉÇ ___________________________________
í³ñÓ»ñÇ í׳ñáõÙ ___________________________________
¹³ëÁÝóó ___________________________________
ë³Ñٳݳ÷³Ï»É ϳåÁ ___________________________________
Ó»éݳñÏáõÃÛ³Ý Ý»ñëáõÙ ___________________________________
·³ÕïÝÇ ¨ å³ßïå³Ýí³Í ___________________________________
ëÏǽµ ___________________________________
×ÏáõÝ ___________________________________

Exercise 3. In each set of words cross out the word that does not have
a similar meaning to the first. Discuss why the words are

1. connected linked associated constrained

2. system chaos scheme structure
3. institution hospital instruction school
4. research examination study resolution
5. authorised licensed available empowered
6. doubt trust suspicion suspect
7. network system web nest
8. access assess entry door

Exercise 4. Identify whether these statements are true or false.

Correct the false ones.

1. The Internet is a worldwide information system.


2. Each network may link only one computer, and doesn‘t allow to share
information with one another.

3. Like radio and television the Internet has a centralised distribution


4. No one can communicate directly on the Internet.

5. The Internet has brought new opportunities to governments,

businesses and education.

6. Intranet connects all the computers between different organisations.


7. Only authorised computers at the organisation can be connected to the


8. The success of the Internet arises from its low performance.


Exercise 5. Find words from the text corresponding to the following

0. a piece of paper that shows how much you owe for goods and services
─ bill
1. a computer network that is private to a company ________________
2. happening now, of the present time ___________________________
3. to limit the size, amount or range of sth ______________________
4. the start of an institution, an organisation or process______________
5. to form an idea of the cost, size the value etc. of sth, but without
calculating it exactly __________________
6. meant to be kept secret and not told to other people_______________
7. connected with the inside of something ________________________
8. a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject ______________

Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the following words or

Products, manufacturer, advertisements, sales, leading, directly,
catalogues, transactions, mail-order, profits, local dealers
Dell Computer Corporation is a major (1)______________ of personal
computers and software. Among the (2)______________ producers of
computers in the world, Dell sells its (3) _______________ directly to
customers through the Internet and mail-order catalogues. In 1983, during

his freshman year at the University of Texas he bought chips and disk
drivers for IBM personal computers from (4)_______________and resold
those computer components through newspaper (5) _________________ at
prices far below retail cost. By 1984 his (6) ____________ totaled about
$80 000 a month.
In April 1984 Dell dropped out of University to launch his company. The
new company began manufacturing its own IBM compatible computers.
Dell sold computers (7)___________ to users through advertisements in
magazines and (8) ______________. The company could price its machines
lower than those sold in retail stores. By 1987 Dell was the leading
(9)___________ computer company in the U.S. While company continued
to grow rapidly Dell experienced a series of setbacks that hurt
(10)_____________ . Nevertheless, by 1990s Dell was firmly in place as the
world‘s number one direct seller of computers. More than 50% of the
company‘s computer sales (11)____________ took place via Web site,
which generated worldwide sales in excess of $40 million dollars a day.

Exercise 7. Translate the following verbs and write how they change
when used as a noun or an adjective.

Verb Noun Adjective

ϳé³í³ñ»É ______________ ____________ ____________
ï»Õ»Ï³óÝ»É ______________ ____________ ____________
ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñå»É ______________ ____________ ____________
·áñÍ»É ______________ ____________ ____________
í³ñ»É ______________ ____________ ____________
÷áË³Ý³Ï»É ______________ ____________ ____________
³×»É ______________ ____________ ____________
ë³Ñٳݳ÷³Ï»É ______________ ____________ ____________
ÁݹɳÛÝ»É ______________ ____________ ____________

Exercise 8. Write one word on each line choosing from the following
and translate the expressions into Armenian.

opportunity, to deliver, institution, network, information

1. complicated… 1.____________________________
interconnected… ______________________________
computer… ____________ ______________________________
information … ______________________________
distribution… ______________________________

2. source of … 2.____________________________
available … ______________________________
useful… _____________ ______________________________
confidential … ______________________________
a piece of… ______________________________

3. career… 3.____________________________
business… ______________________________
job… ______________ ______________________________
employment… ______________________________
equal… ______________________________

4. educational… 4.____________________________
banking… ______________________________
research…____________ ______________________________
financial… ______________________________
centralised … ______________________________

5. … goods 5.____________________________
… a course ______________________________
… speech______________ ______________________________
… information ______________________________


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