Dokument 5

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☺ Fat – Fatter - The fatterst

☺ Nice – Nicer – The nicest
☺ Popular – Most popular – The most popular
☺ Bad – Worse – The worst
☺ Difficult – More difficult – The most difficult


→ Paris is bigger than Málaga.

→ The Tower of London is larger than the Sydney Opera House
→ The caves Lascaux are older than the Alhambra
→ The Amazon Basin has the most important rainforest in the world
→ I think New York is the best city in the world


❑ My flat is Bigger than yours

❑ What’s the most beautiful
❑ Spain is not smaller than the UK
❑ I think Oslo is more expensive than Paris
❑ The pyramid is better than the castle
❑ Mont Everest is the highest
❑ Istanbul is the largest city in Europe


 The school is smaller than the my house

 The block across from mine has bigger windows than mine


 Which is cafe the best near your house ?

Cat cafe is the best near my house.

 Which is the hottest month your country ?

August is the hottest month my country.

 Which is the most expensive clothes shop, you know?

Guess is the most expensive clothes shop i know,

 Which is the most noisiest street your town?

The most noisiest street my town is Wrzosy.


➢ The Eiffel tower isn’t as taller as the Empire State Building

➢ The Eiffel Tower isn’t as expensive as the Empire State Building
➢ The Eiffel Tower’s opening time isn’t as early as the Empire State Building’s
➢ The Empire State Building isn’t as popular as the Eiffle Tower
➢ The Empire State Building isa as faumus as the Eiffle Tower


 The restaurant wasn’t cheap enough

 The cathedral is big enough for 2000 people
 It was too hot to go sightseeing
 The hotel wasn’t good enough so we left
 When I'm old ( dalej nie wiem)


o Warm enough (wystarczająco ciepło)

o Too crowded ( zbyt tłoczno)
o Big enough (wystarczająco duży)
o Enough money ( wystarczająco pieniędzy)
o Too dangerous (zbyt niebezpieczne )


− I haven’t got enogh time

− She didn’t have enough money
− Sorry I'm too busy at the moment
− ...Beacause there weren’t enough people
− Sorry I'm afraid it’s too far for me
− There isn’t enough snow
− It’s just too difficult


 Big enough
 Isn’t strong enough
 Too old
 Enough time
 Too wet

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