Advance Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking-Yh-05!09!22!1!1

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SYLLABUS Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking Linux Basics @1: Introduction to Ethical Hacking @2: Footprinting and Reconnaissance @3: Scanning Networks 04: Enumeration @5: Vulnerability Analysis Q6: System Hacking @7: Malware Threats @8: Sniffing @9: Social Engineering 1@: Denial-of-Service 11: Information Destroying and Recovery 12: IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots 13: Hacking Web Servers 14: Hacking Web Applications 15: SQL Injection 16: Hacking Wireless Networks 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms 18: IoT Hacking 19: Cryptography 20: Bash Scripting 21: Privilege Escalation Password Attacks 22: Wireless penetration testing all study materials and requirements will be given to the students, [ notes, tool, articles, pdf, ppt, lab-files ] Parr La Number of LAB Si eee wee cee ae i ew) Cc eee) EL TNE Pan) CYBER SECURITY ESSENTIALS TOPICS @1: OST Model Physical Layer Data Link Layer Network Layer Transport Layer Session Layer Presentation Layer Application Layer @2: security audit @3: windows security checklist Introduction to windows security architecture Event Log Windows General Security Practices Windows Auditing @4: Mobile Security Android Basics Android Security Architecture Connecting to Android Device Reverse engineering Android Apps Android Exploitation OWASP Top 1@ Vulnerabilities. Dynamic and Static Analysis all study materials and requirements will be given to the students, [ notes, tool, articles, pdf, ppt, Lab-files ] POT Tur eTS CO ae} cia eee ee wee Ce mae week = 5 LAB feat 20LAB 30 days = 25 LAB

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