A Review On The Challenges of BIM-based BEM Automated Application in AEC Industry

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A review on the challenges of BIM-based BEM automated application in AEC


Preprint · June 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26102.55366


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Rashed Alsharif
Monash University (Australia)


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Rashed Alsharif 100649982

A review on the challenges of BIM-based BEM

automated application in AEC industry
Rashed Ali Alsharif, Student, Swinburne University of Technology

Building Information Modelling (BIM) has evolved as a tool for exchanging information from
and to different software tools that serve overlapped disciplines in the Architecture,
Engineering and Construction industries (AEC). BIM applications are vast and limitless, from
developing 3D models of structures, cost evaluation, schedule planning to mechanical,
electrical and plumping models (MEP). The application of BIM in the new era of construction
has extended to cater for other disciplines such as energy performance simulation. Despite
the fact that BIM offers an aspect that sustains structures with respect to all three aspects of
sustainability (environmental, social and economic), it is not the most useful tool for energy
modelers which they can fully rely on to conduct their work.
While BIM authoring tools such as ArchiCAD, Revit etc. are used to create BIM models, energy
modelers use different software tools to analyze and simulate building models from energy
performance perspective. Examples of such tools are EnergyPlus, eQuest, Green Building
Studio etc. The overlap between BIM and building energy modelling (BEM) techniques
requires a high-level of interoperability in order to increase the quality of outcomes and avoid
human error, yet the level of integration between BIM tools and BEM tools is not as high as it
should be, and a gap can be noticed.
This paper highlights BIM and BEM applications in addition to the importance of BIM in the
sustainability process in AEC industry, and conducts a comprehensive literature review of the
current applications of BIM-based BEM process. Moreover, the review puts a focus on the
limitations of IFC and gbXML schemas on exchanging information between BIM and BEM
tools. Moreover, a case study of the application of BIM-based BEM between two common
software tools “Revit and IES VE” is presented and discussed in regard to the editing modelers
are required to make after importing the BIM model and before running the building energy
simulation, and the limitations of such application.
It is found that the most two common file schemas used in BIM (IFC and gbXML) have different
difficulties in the level of integration with BEM tools. Those challenges are highlighted and
categorized in two main categories: interoperability and behavioral. Next, several strategies
are proposed to overcome such challenges and increase the level of integration between BIM
and BEM tools. Moreover, it is realized that such integration leads to enormous benefits for
all stakeholders involved in the AEC industry.

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the following people whom I think
this paper was not possible to be completed without:

My supervisor, Dr. Morshed Alam for his encouragement, support and guidance
throughout the course and especially in this paper, especially, having to complete
this paper during Ramadan.

The unit convenor Dr. Iqbal Hossain for his understanding of my situation at the
beginning of this semester

The Research Methods team at the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology
for their interesting lectures and continuous support

Dr. Ehsan Kamel, Dr. Annie Guerriero and Eng. Zahra Pezeshki for their contribution
by providing their valuable papers which have been used in this research

My wife Dhay, who has been a tremendous support throughout the journey of
conducting this research paper

My mother, father, sisters, brothers and friends for their support and


Utmost appreciation to Allah for making this exciting journey possible

Thank you all.

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

Table of Contents
1 Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Aim and Objective ............................................................................................... 7
1.3 Methodology ....................................................................................................... 7
2 Chapter 2 Literature review ........................................................................................ 8
2.1 Definition of BIM ................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Definition of BEM .............................................................................................. 10
2.3 BIM Dimensions ................................................................................................. 12
2.3.1 3D BIM “a geometry model” .......................................................................................................... 13
2.3.2 4D BIM “a scheduled model”.......................................................................................................... 13
2.3.3 5D BIM: “a cost model” .................................................................................................................. 13
2.3.4 6D BIM “a sustainable model” ........................................................................................................ 14
2.3.5 7D BIM “a facility management model” ......................................................................................... 14

3 Chapter 3 BIM 6D: Sustainability Assessment............................................................ 15

3.1 Application of BIM in Sustainability ................................................................... 15
3.2 Advantages of BIM-based BEM Application........................................................ 17
3.2.1 Automation of Energy Modelling ................................................................................................... 17
3.2.2 Better Presentation of Outputs ...................................................................................................... 17
3.2.3 Storing and Organizing Building’s Data........................................................................................... 18
3.2.4 Enhancements of Existing Libraries ................................................................................................ 18
4 Chapter 4 Current Applications of BIM-based BEM .................................................... 19
4.1 Industry Foundation Classes based methods ...................................................... 20
4.1.1 IFC-based BEM preparation framework ......................................................................................... 20
4.2 Green building XML based methods ................................................................... 22
4.3 Limitations of current applications of BIM-based BEM ....................................... 24
5 Chapter 5 Discussion ................................................................................................. 26
5.1 Challenges ......................................................................................................... 26
5.1.1 Interoperability Challenges............................................................................................................. 26
5.1.2 Behavioral Challenges..................................................................................................................... 27

5.2 Strategies........................................................................................................... 28
5.2.1 Interoperability Strategies .............................................................................................................. 28
5.2.2 Behavioral Strategies ...................................................................................................................... 30

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

5.3 A case study “from Revit to IES VE” .................................................................... 31

5.3.1 Geometry ........................................................................................................................................ 31
5.3.2 Construction and materials ............................................................................................................ 32
5.3.3 Thermal zones ................................................................................................................................ 33
5.3.4 Space type ...................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.5 Space loads ..................................................................................................................................... 34
5.3.6 HVAC system/components ............................................................................................................. 35
5.3.7 Simulation results ........................................................................................................................... 35
5.3.8 Final comments .............................................................................................................................. 35
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 36
References ....................................................................................................................... 37

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

1 Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Keeping the possibility of present resources being depleted, a number of countries did
adaptation of conservation techniques for energy. The structure of consumption of energy
utilized by various groups of consumers is distinguished by lion’s-share of ‘construction
sector’. The construction sector consumes as much as 40% of the total demand of energy [1].
Apart from this, on the environment, the building construction process has vital and
prominent smack and the construction industry is a massive user of raw materials and
resources [2]. The report compiled by ‘World-watch Institute’ shows the usage of raw
materials and resources consumed by the construction sector as: 25% of wood (timber), 40%
of stone, gravel and sand as well as 16% of water all over the globe [3]. The building
construction materials transportation and manufacturing as well as the installation and
construction of building eats up massive amount of energy and excrete high quantity of GHG
(greenhouse gases). In the life-cycle of a building, from its construction to demolition and
maintenance as well, it gobbles 50% of final energy demand and releases 50% of carbon
dioxide in to air [4]. For fighting the ‘global warming’, reducing the excretion of greenhouse
gases in the construction sector will help fight global warming more efficiently (UNEP, 2009).
As stated by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) for the reduction of
greenhouse gases emission, three aspects require concentration: control of other than carbon
dioxide (CO2) excretions, reduction in the consumption of energy and building embodied
energy, dependency on renewable energy by implementing the efficient ways to save energy
in the construction sector, a hefty amount of energy can be saved [5]. Other than old
techniques like modernising of ventilation and heat sources, installed apparatus
improvement and building envelope improvement; it is necessary to achieve ‘proactive
technologies’ in order to obtain energy efficiency in the construction sector. Building
information modelling (BIM) was found as a proactive approach to improve the
communications between projects stakeholders. However, the communication could be
improved by creating an interactive model that all stakeholders can edit and present their
work in. Hence, many software tools were found to anticipate the building’s energy
consumption behaviour throughout its life cycle. These tools have to establish a
representative model for the building either using drawings and specifications or from BIM,
to create what is known by building energy model (BEM) [6].
With utilizing of BEM (Building Energy Modelling), the efficiency of a building in terms of
energy can be achieved in one of prominent approaches. The BEM approach has a goal to
carry out different (alternative) designs evaluation; selection and comparison of system as
well as sub-system; annual budget allocation for energy; compliance achievements with
standards of energy; optimizing economic prospect; amid process of building design [7].
Despite that, the synchronization and integration of BEM with design process and digital
planning has not been sufficiently achieved yet. Therefore, approaches of ‘energy efficient
design’ are not applied properly in the initial design phase. Moreover, BEM does not utilise
nonstop information flow in the digital modelling as it should. For example; information
related to BEM need to be entered in a manual way into ‘BEM tools’ and takes much of time
as well as cost and intensive for labours, despite the information availability in ‘digital design

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

model’ such as BIM. The “resulting model”, a BIM, is actually an object oriented, parametric
and intelligent as well as data rich facility’s digital representation. Additionally, BIM helps to
analysis and extract the information in order to assist designers to take decision and achieve
improvement in facility’s delivering process [8].
Nowadays, different research work has been studied and analysed for integrating BIM
(Building Information Modelling) with BEM (Building Energy Modelling) from a constructional
point of view. On-going developments in these days have produced ground for architectural
companies to follow some new procedures and to invest in state-of-the-art developments
and technologies. BIM or Building Information Modelling is one of such modern methods
which is developing the constructional work almost from the last twenty years [9]. With the
help of non-graphical & graphical information, the officials of constructional firms are able to
work collectively in order to assure project delivery in decent style throughout the entire
process of the construction work. The most successful and ruling constructional companies in
the world are admiring the significance of BIM for their constructional work. The main
advantage of BIM is that it provides significant progress throughout the whole lifecycle of a
constructional work starting from designing to end finishing and even beyond the finishing as
well. This also enables the firms for information saving and integrating the demands of various
stakeholders on single mood or environment [10].
The construction sector also demands the follow of BEM which is about global task for
efficient energy usage plan, sustainability of the energy sources and conservation of energy
sources for upcoming generations. With the help of BEM, the performance of energy can be
simulated, the demand of energy can be evaluated, and design of architecture can be
adjusted. Construction firms are requiring the environmental certificates like BREEAM, LEED
etc. these days not only to make sure the efficient and proper usage of water resources,
material resources and energy resources, but also for enhancing the quality of environment
inside the architecture, addressing the priorities of region and conserving natural routine of
the region or site [11].
The project officials and teams are using various software applications related to BEM in order
to meet the proper design and construction of architecture in the perspective of the
environment conservation. To do so, a high-level of integration between BIM authoring tools
and building energy simulation tools needs to be achieved. However, it is an obstacle to
exchange data between energy simulation models and the design itself, therefore, building
energy performance simulation was absent from the whole project in some cases [12]. Thus,
in order to enhance or improve the effectiveness of a building’s model, an approach to ease
the use of BIM in BEM is required.
Despite the fact that using BIM in BEM is beneficial and important, the void is wide and many
applications of such a concept are being ignored. This research will put a focus on the root
causes of this lack of integration between BIM and BEM. Because the constructional work
involves multiple professionals from different disciplines, multiple gaps between their works
can evolve. An approach of putting the focus on root causes would encourage researchers
from different disciplines to contribute and increase the efficiency of their work in bridging
such a gap. The benefits of integrating BIM in BEM will benefit all stakeholders, therefore, the
importance of this research can be seen from such perspective.

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

1.2 Aim and Objective

This research aims to understand the issues with integrating BEM in BIM and explore
strategies to overcome it. The three objectives are:
• A comprehensive literature review of the process sustainability analysis using BIM
• Investigate the current barriers of integrating building energy modelling (BEM) in BIM
• Investigate strategies to overcome the barriers and ensure successful integration of

1.3 Methodology
The objectives and the aim of this of this paper can be achieved by conducting a thorough
study of the literature. Multiple databases such as Scopus, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate,
Google Scholar, and ELSEVIER have been accessed and reviewed using the keywords related
to BIM, BEM, BIM-based BEM, BIM2BEM, BIM 6D and sustainability. Moreover, a case study
of how interoperable two software applications have achieved in regard to BIM-based BEM
approach, namely, Revit and Integrated Environmental Solutions Virtual Environment (IES
VE). As a result, a total of more than 60 relevant papers were acquired and reviewed. Each
paper was obtained for a specific purpose and to play a determined role in this study.

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

2 Chapter 2 Literature review

2.1 Definition of BIM

The techniques of BIM or Building Information Modelling in different fields are getting
attention over the last decade. The definition of BIM (Building Information Modelling) as
stated by AGC (Associated General Contractors) of America as: BIM is usage and development
of computer operated ‘software model’ for simulation of facility operation and construction
[13]. BIM can also be defined as an environment that provides the ability for communication
in between two different systems or software in programming and enable for the transfer of
data [14]. With the help of BIM applications and functionalities, like ‘Revit’, one can create
three dimensional models at initial stages of project. This makes one enabled of producing
visuals and using tools for analysis and simulation at the early stage of designing instead of
‘down the line’ in traditionally workflows. This provides the ability of pointing possible
construction and design flaws at initial phase of project life to save hefty amount of time and
money. BIM changes the design workflow profoundly (Figure 1) by giving designers the
• Sustainable design improvements
• Earlier and more accurate design visualisation
• Accurate 2D drawings as well as cost estimates extraction from building's 3D model
• Integrated and interrelated changes
• Collaborative design
As BIM gives flow of data of a model in ‘multi-disciplinary process’, ‘issues of sustainability’
and ‘analysis of building performance’ is facilitated in all of the processes of design, while
traditional approaches consume much time and require much of designer interpretation and
intervention to achieve same results. There are three categories in which BIM results
influence the design process: ‘Conceptual design’ with help of assessment and exploration of
design that includes inter-disciplinary design and alteration in concepts of architectural
design, ‘Construction-level modelling’ which is the prime BIM point and ‘Integration of
engineering services’ with help of simulation and (integrated) analysis potentials [15].

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

Fig. 1. BIM design workflow impact against other approaches impact in different project
phases [16]

The main key point of this procedure is the removal of redundancy protecting from the
generation of duplicate data within system in case of analytical models and make sure the
incorporation of sustainable characteristic [17]. The main and the best theme in research of
BIM is Interoperability when it comes to the development of IT for engineering, architectural,
construction and facilitation management corporations. The word “Interoperability” refers to
the possible flow of information from one personal computer to another personal computer
during the entire process of working project and demands the basic fundamental information
during the management of constructional or architectural industry [18]. The data exchange
in between various software was among the most challenging problems in many
constructional industries before the application of BIM. But now these days it can be done
with quite ease with the help of architect exchange model based on three-dimension drawing
ability and also with the help of “CAD” or Computer Aided Design programming. Not only this
but engineers have also found the mean for model exchange with “MEP” or Mechanical,
Electrical and Plumbing programming with the availability of multi functioning means.
Generally, in a constructional work, the fundamental team for industry consist of customer,
project management officers, structural designers, architects, civil engineering team,
electrical and mechanical engineering team. BIM enables them to work with each other and
have enhanced their performance as a team and as an organization. Such a procedure is
known as “IDP” or Integrated Design Process [19]. BIM has the significant role in Integrated
Design Modelling. The web-based management software and BIM have provided a solid
ground for improved team work among all the concerned stakeholders in the working project.
BIM has the capacity to be a collective digital representation for working and physical
characteristic and facilitates the concern authorities on interoperability and source for sharing
BIM is full of data, object orientable, a modern-digital method to represent a structure
intelligently with not only having the availability of three-dimensional geometrical modelling,
but also the capability of generation of two- and three-dimensional design construction
drawings. BIM also has the ability of providing detailed information on broad range about the
systems and elements related with construction work, for example construction of wall,
properties of material, free spacing and thermal zones like heat balancing, ventilation and air
conditioning systems (HVAC) etc. Such information is having significant role in terms of

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

analysing many aspects of the facility [20]. With the usage of BIM as a central resource of
building’s information, it has produced a revelational impact in the constructional and project
management industry. In order to meet the requirements for interoperability, it demands for
an information structural standardisation throughout the process workflow [21].

2.2 Definition of BEM

The sector of constructional work is one of the largest energy consuming sectors globally. In
order to achieve the feasible and comfortable construction, we have to make sure that
efficient usage of energy resources is implemented. The term “Building Energy Simulation”
refers to the usage of a software that can anticipate the energy consumption of a facility. A
combination of different criteria for different segments of a building can be identified by such
simulation software. Such software’s work must be based on virtual displays like building
models and models that are interactive with energy parameters. For the conduction of a
detailed study, building energy models must be enough developed to make sure the more
precise simulations are done. The term “Energy Modelling” refers to simulation of model in
terms of energy consumption using special software for that. This software must be according
to the demands of the building and which can predict the energy consumption for monthly
basis and annual basis with their costs, annual emission of carbon dioxide gas, and can
compare various energy resources and can make decisions on cost savings. Among all of a
building’s information, to illustrate EM, the most important ones are listed below [22]:
® Geometry of the building
® Characteristic of the building
® Measurement of energy consumption
® Predictions about the weather
The performance of a building in terms of energy consumption is influenced by complicated
parameters. For instance, productivity characteristic, energy management, thermal efficiency
etc. The method of this function is to increase the efficient consumption of the energy by
meeting the comfort requirement for the residents of the building with least possible amount
of energy being consumed [23]. While in the other hand, the demand of energy for the
building is depending upon the climate patterns, constructional designs and weather
conditions of that area (like facade, use of glass ratio and orientation of the building etc.). In
last, to deal with the problem of efficient usage of energy and to make sure the lower emission
of toxic greenhouse gases, and for assessment of performance of the energy, energy
simulation tools are capable to assure the anticipation of comfort and productivity of
buildings [24].
There are several energy simulation tools, some of them excel in aspects while others excel
in other aspects. For example, eQuest and EnergyPlus are energy simulation tools. eQUEST is
a simple tool that analyses building energy. It gives high end results quality by the
combination of an energy efficiency measure wizard, a graphical result display module and a
building creation wizard with a building energy simulation program that is improved and
derived from DOE (US Department of Energy). The procedure of creating a model of a building
is done through the building creation wizard which takes the modeler through the process
that creates a building model step by step. The DOE engine carries out an hourly building
simulation that takes into consideration windows, plug loads, people, glass, ventilation and
walls. The performance of boilers, pumps, chillers, fans as well as all energy consuming

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

appliances is also done by DOE engine. The creation of numerous views (side by side graphics)
and simulate them is one the features of eQUEST software. More features include estimated
cost of energy, control of lighting and daylighting systems and automatically implement
energy efficiency approaches [25].
The consumption of energy of a building is calculated on hourly basis by eQUEST for a whole
year (8,760 hours) with hourly weather data taken into consideration. The required data to
be input for the building to be simulated includes occupants schedule on hourly basis,
equipment, lighting and setting of thermostats. A high-level simulation can be done by eQuest
for building’s parameters like interior building-mass, shading, envelope building-mass,
fenestration and heating system controls and types and dynamic response of altered air
conditioning. For the assessment of the impact by natural light on lighting demands and
thermal, the eQUEST software includes model of dynamic daylight.
eQuest starts the modelling process by establishing a model of the facility based on building’s
specifications and plans. Then, eQuest develops a base-line building model that assures a
threshold level of efficiency in order to give base of calculations for energy saving. A number
of iterations are done to the model in order to implement more energy efficient approaches
in the building for evaluation.
The changes give outcomes of utility consumption per year and saving of costs for approaches
of efficiency which helps to calculate the simple payback and life-cycle cost, and therefore
helps to define the best alternatives combination.
When simulating using eQuest, several things to be considered and collected prior to
simulation includes analysis Objectives, building Site Information and weather data, building
shell, structure, materials, shades, building operations and scheduling, internal loads, HVAC
equipment and performance, utility rates, economic parameters and HVAC zoning [25].
The other example of energy simulation tools is EnergyPlus. EnergyPlus is relatively new but
created on the basis of DOE and BLAST most popular and best features. It consists of all new
modular and structure code written in Fortran90. The prime goal of EnergyPlus is to be a
simulation engine with no option of interfacing. The output and input are as simple as comma-
separated texts, way simpler than DOE or BLAST [12].
The simulation is based on the user specified time step (15 minutes default), and the loads
are determined by EnergyPlus and forwarded to simulation of building systems. The cooling
and heating systems related parameters and response of electrical system plant are
determined by simulation module of building systems with time steps of down to seconds. In
the next time step, the feedback is also met which was not in previous time if it is mandatory.
EnergyPlus is a very simple and useful energy simulation tool that has many advantages such
as [12]:
• Simulation capabilities include combined heat and mass transfer balance, integrated
simulation, HVAC loops (flexible system and plant simulation), links to SPARK and
TRNSYS system/plant simulation, multizone airflow and algorithms from the new
ASHRAE loads toolkit;
• Very flexible simulation capabilities, input and output compared to other energy
simulation tools;
• Adding similar capabilities to either DOE or BLAST would take longer than it in
EnergyPlus but offers similar benefits.

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

2.3 BIM Dimensions

The usage of BIM in various fields is expanding because the researchers are fully aware about
the significance of this nowadays. The usage of BIM is reported to be 27 % in structural
analysis while 25 % in energy analysis. But the main use of this is reported growing very fast
up to 60 % in development of three-dimensional geometric models and in three dimensional
co-ordinations [26]. Note that the usage of BIM is not only limited to engineering and
architectural work. In addition, homeowners, contractors, managers and fabricators are
thinking of using BIM [27]. The important factors that are leading for adoption of BIM in
working projects are automation in the process of modelling, improvement in accuracy of
construction related documents, connection improvement among the concern stakeholders
in working project, ease in case of any modification and reduction in problems to be faced
during coordination [28]. The majority of the cases in application of BIM are concerned with
the design of buildings. However, the importance of using BIM in terms of Energy Modelling
has not been emphasised. A detailed literature review on the application of BIM shows that
the areas that are mainly focused on are construction, planning, design, operation and energy
consumption [29]. The same type of swing is also observed by the researchers belonging to
different countries and continents that despite the fact that construction firms are using tools
for energy simulations, there is a lack of integration between BIM and BEM as a single tool.
This is helpful in avoiding re-entrance of all the data that are existing already in other models
which have been developed for such type of projects [30]. However, BIM has been solely
applied in the AEM industry in multiple dimensions. There has been a comprehensive
application of BIM that highlights seven dimensions of BIM application. Other than the three
physical dimensions, the time or schedule dimension (4D BIM), the cost dimension (5D BIM),
the sustainability dimension (6D BIM) and the facility management dimension (7D BIM) [31]
are shown in figure 2. This section shows these dimensions.

Fig. 2. BIM seven dimensions of applications [31]

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2.3.1 3D BIM “a geometry model”

Architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) can acquire the insight and tools to more
efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure thanks to BIM
intelligent 3D model-based process. With the help of such tools, AEC are capable to reproduce
the digital models of construction that enable them to handle design graphic details. At the
same time, aesthetic appearance’s virtual rendering and premier modelled elements
geometric adherence are not compromised. The model rendering does not concern only the
problem of model visual representation, but a number of disciplines and roles involved
interactions are contemplated as one of most important components of BIM procedure. The
management activity also called ‘model checking’ can be elaborated by 2 distinguished
• Code checking, the verification of the model adherence to the project and to
standards requirements.
• Clash detection, the preventive analysis of the possible geometric conflicts presents
in the model.
The formal verification is followed on the basis of which every discipline is modelled [14].

2.3.2 4D BIM “a scheduled model”

4D BIM is an intelligent integration between 3D BIM and data related to schedule or time.
This intelligent linking enables project teams to reach a further level of precision and details
in terms of project progress. The AEC industry pushes such an approach forward for the sake
of tangible and in tangible benefits. In 4D BIM visualisation, installation of construction
components and start-finish dates data for the supply are integrated to reveal the importance
of both elements in accordance to the overall project. The lack of visualisation has always
been a challenge for the traditional scheduling of construction sequences. Such a challenge
used to be associated with a misunderstanding of what should be done in a specific time
frame of a construction schedule. 4D BIM has several benefits, some of which are improved
delivery time and cost savings, improved quality, conflict detection and risk mitigation due to
improved team coordination and communication. A number of approaches are applied in
order to manage, re-organise and reduce the time of project in extended dynamic path. For
example, ‘WBS – Work Breakdown Structure’, enables us to carry out decomposition of
project in small parts. This is done for the purpose of easy organization and viewing the
progress of work for the improvement of this dimension management [32].

2.3.3 5D BIM: “a cost model”

5D BIM is a five-dimensional approach of presenting the physical & functional aspects of a

project. 5D BIM adds the aspect of costs to the already existing schedule management &
components of structural information in construction.
It enables more stakeholders to be involved in the workflow from an early stage instead of
working solely waiting to provide or to be provided by information about their contribution
in the project. In addition, 5D BIM approach allows quicker processing of automatic
generation of quantities, provides more accurate information and enables estimator to
innovate new methods of providing efficient designs, performance and costs.

Rashed Alsharif 100649982

The “Quantity Take-off” and pricing is the main aspect of ‘5D BIM’. This includes the extracting
in order to elaborate the quantity of material mandatory for the one or more modelling of
elements. After carrying out this functionality, the selection of items price will be done and
given to process of construction. Giving the unit price first after that amount calculation is
carried out. The monitoring of options (taken by quantity-surveyor) can be achieved and
verification can also be carried out with designer. The estimation of cost is done in parallel
with the evolvement of design of the project [32].

2.3.4 6D BIM “a sustainable model”

In 1987, the ‘sustainable development’ concept was for the first time forwarded by the
‘Brundtland report’ presented by the ‘World Commission on Environment and Development’
in formal way also known as ‘Brundtland Commission’. In these three differing viewpoints,
the sustainability concept can be explained and examined:
• environmental, expressed in terms of reproduction and maintenance management
capacity of natural resources
• economic, meant as income and work generating power
• social, meant as a well-being generator for man.
It is a very tough job to achieve the sustainable development concept in designing related to
the construction sector more specifically in innovation terms because there is a quality aspect
of designing process in sustainability. The 6D BIM basically can be considered taking into
consideration the sustainability aspect when the project goes through the earlier explained
five dimensions. The sustainability is considered from the three points of view (environmental
impact, economic impact and social impact). A key performance indicator (KPI) can show the
performance of a project against such a dimension [33]. Further discussion about the
application of sustainability in BIM is presented in the next chapter.

2.3.5 7D BIM “a facility management model”

Creation of an informative and three-dimensional virtual models is one of the prime aims of
BIM technique in extended from what can be achieved actually. Not only the designed model
but also the constructed structure during building phase of construction is included in the
model known as “As-built”. 7D BIM implementation represents the highest stage and the
overall lifecycle of building projects. Information can be added and extracted from the BIM
model by asset owners and project managers. Information like the condition of the building
or the element, equipment manuals, technical reviews, maintenance schedules, technical
specifications and warranty details can easily be saved and presented at a later time. The data
storage and retrieval approach “fully integrated approach” accelerates the life cycle
management of the facility and makes it more efficient for the future. For example,
replacement of parts can be easily and quickly identified and ordered without the need of
expertise if supplier information is linked to building elements [34].

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3 Chapter 3 BIM 6D: Sustainability Assessment

An applicable solution for assessing the sustainability aspect of a building automatically can
be offered through the rapid growth of BIM. Nowadays, schedule and planning data can be
integrated with the 3D BIM in order to acquire a 4D BIM. Moreover, a 5D BIM can be created
when the cost and quantities data are incorporated with the 4D BIM. Recently, multiple
research papers named the 6D BIM to deal with the aspect of sustainability. This is attributed
to the fact that sustainability is essential in many businesses and governmental agendas.

3.1 Application of BIM in Sustainability

Yung et al. [35] published a paper that suggested a framework to automatically assess the
sustainability aspect of a project using the already conducted 4D and 5D BIMs, the resulted
model from such an approach is called a 6D BIM. The purpose of the model mainly was as a
design aid instead of an evaluation tool for post-construction assessment. The deficiency the
framework was trying to resolve is that other assessment tools were unable to offer a reliable
and instant design decision aid. The model they suggested was capable of:
• Obtaining quantities from the 4D BIM automatically.
• Offering analysis of life cycle costs.
• Assessing the sustainability throughout the life cycle.
• Critical comparison between different design options in terms of
sustainability three pillars (social, economic and environmental).

As sustainability is a crucial issue due to its providence of life for Earth’s inhabitancies, it is
very important to start the assessment by measuring it. When this framework was suggested,
other assessment methods were limited due to the difficulties their users encountered.
Buildings were the main focus of such framework due to the fact that they are responsible for
most of the environmental impact. The resulted 6D BIM has the ability to offer both designers
and clients the following:
• Different design alternatives can be compared in terms of social,
environmental and economic impact.
• The decisions made by stakeholders are more rational and concrete.
• Establish a library of sustainability performance for different themes of design.
• Governments can regulate sustainability standards.

Through empowering such an approach, infrastructures and different facilities will be

transformed from consumption hubs to generative and positive points.
As shown in Figure 3, the 6D BIM framework is consisted of three modules. An input, a core
and an output module. The input module harvests the important information for the 6D BIM.
This includes a 3D object-based model that can be developed with different CAD software
tools (Autodesk Revit, PDMS, etc.), a 4D schedule-based model that can be developed with
planning software tools (MS Project, Primavera, etc.) and the site information that is
important to calculate thermal conditioning demand patterns.
On the other hand, the core module is consisted of the 6D BIM along with multiple databases.
The 6D BIM in this module can be constructed by the following:

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1. Integrating objects’ IDs in the 3D BIM with activities on the 4D BIM and visualising
the results in software tools (e.g. Navisworks)
2. Obtaining quantities and construction works costs either by surveying BoQs, or by
using software tools (e.g. Vico software)
3. Estimate the building’s life span to anticipate the operational, maintenance and
demolition/disposal costs throughout the life cycle.

By doing so, the economical aspect of sustainability could be integrated in the 6D BIM.
Environmental and social impact assessment was done by using criterions in the next table.

Stage Environmental Social

Fuel consumed in construction 4D BIM comprises the number of

factories, temporarily used labours required for each activity,
process stage
construction materials which indicates the employability

Energy consumption Building space provided (housing)

Maintenance Embodied energy in replaced

Employability for maintenance works
stage materials

End-of-life Volume of demolition and Employability for works, loss of

stage disposal distance to landfill housing spaces

Fig. 3. 6D BIM workflow [35]

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3.2 Advantages of BIM-based BEM Application

Whenever such challenges are overcome, many application benefits can be gained. The
advantages of application of “BIM” in “BEM” can be shown in fig 4 [27]. The contribution that
BIM can provide to the energy modelling approach is basically to provide a better
environment for data exchange. This leads to automatic modelling of the energy, a better
presentation of output, ability towards storing and organizing building data and increase in
already existing information by the addition of new updates to the standard process of energy
simulation. The contributions are even more explained here with more details.

Fig. 4. Major advantages of BIM application in BEM [27]

3.2.1 Automation of Energy Modelling

Being automatic in process of modelling is one of the significant advantages of integrating

BIM in BEM [36]. This can save time, can lower the cost and can decline in possibilities of
errors by human than compared to the ordinary energy modelling processes. The old energy
modelling processes involves development of graphical model in Building Energy Modelling
tools by using geometry data, properties of materials, schedules and equipment [28].

3.2.2 Better Presentation of Outputs

Besides this, the second most significant advantage of BIM is the facilitation of outputs’
presentation in the energy management system [37]. The significance of this advantage is
clear when using computer tools with no graphical user interface (GUI). As an example,
Vernatha and Jen observed a model for a BIM-based Energy Management Support System
(BIM-EMSS), in which “BIM” model has been created by “Revit” in order to conduct real time
energy simulation by eQuest through adopting smart measurement tools or sensors. By using
such an approach, the geometrical data existed in BIM model could be integrated with the
energy performance measurements. This can enable the user to check on the performance
of real time energy simulation in various zones in the building [38].

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3.2.3 Storing and Organizing Building’s Data

One other important advantage of BIM application is the organization and storing of energy
related information for the building. As an example, the monitoring systems of real time
energy simulation produce information related to energy consumption of the building,
occupancy and temperature of the building, where this information is required to be saved in
a decent way under specific conditions. Alahmad et al. have discussed the selection of “BIM”
model in real time monitoring systems. He suggested a type of system that contains a
hardware component known as “RTPM” or Real Time Power Monitoring with software known
as “RE-BIM” Model or Real Time Electrical Building Information Modelling [39]. The
integration of BIM with BEM is also helpful in contributing to real time monitoring of
occupancy changes, upgradation of facilities and changes in energy related strategies for
storing the updated and real time information data. According to the report of Woo et al. the
application of BIM containing sensors inside a building whose data are linked with “BIM”
model with SensorML which is a known system that can facilitate data processing associated
with sensors and actuators [40].

3.2.4 Enhancements of Existing Libraries

BIM is also useful in improving the libraries concerned with the properties of materials that
are used in energy modelling simulation. As an example, although these libraries can provide
thermal related properties like material’s thermal conductivity, some special projects require
even more information and research about life cycle assessment or “LCA” of a building. BIM
can be used as a bridging approach between energy simulation tools and CAD tool and can
contribute further measurements for life cycle assessment that might be unavailable in
libraries of both CAD tools and energy simulation tools. As an example, those systems and
materials that can be used in sizing the “HVAC” system, may be done earlier in optimizing the
design and facilitating the process of providing various alternatives for design [41].

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4 Chapter 4 Current Applications of BIM-based BEM

Presented in Figure 5, an ideal chart of workflow of BEM on the basis of BIM is formed by
Maile et al. [42]. The first step is to define the building location, this is done initially in order
to link the weather file into simulation. The materials thermal and construction
characteristics, space types and geometry must be imported from BIM model. To comply with
the geometry definition of energy simulation software, a thermal view must be extracted
from the simplification of the geometry in BIM. Additionally, aggregation and subdividing of
spaces into thermal zones should be one of the capabilities of the user interface based on
geometry definition. Next, BIM also the space loads, which are already assigned to the specific
appropriate space types. At the final stage, BIM also provide components and information of
HVAC system. As emphasized by the shown workflow, the BIM-based BEM procedures
classification can be carried out into six steps with respect to information about building. The
steps are: (Step-1) geometry; (Step-2) constructions and materials; (Step-3) building or spaces
type; (Step-4) thermal zones; (Step-5) space load; (Step-6) HVAC system and components.
According to the ideal workflow, appropriate integration between BIM and BEM can only be
achieved when such seamless transfer of data is accomplished [43].
Building Energy Modeling based on Building Information Modeling is now an important point
of interest in software industries as well as research areas. There are few numbers of such
modeling approaches in practical use nowadays. A review conducted by Gao et al. [6] explains
the way how ‘BIM-based BEM’ successfully attracted researchers to be developed and
researched by researchers and software vendors for the period between 2000 and 2018. This
review is classified into four groups: IFC-based methods, gbXML-based methods, BIM-based
Modelica BEM methods, and other promotions on BIM-based BEM development. Within each
group, the approaches of BIM-based BEM are categorized into six levels as the ideal workflow
introduced previously. In this review, the main focus will be put on gbXML and IFC as they are
the most two popular schemas in terms of literature review and industrial reputation.

Fig. 5. Ideal workflow for BIM-based BEM simulation process [6]

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4.1 Industry Foundation Classes based methods

ISO has certified the data format of IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) and the development
was first in 1996 carried out by IAI (International Association Interoperability). Nowadays the
administrator of such data format is buildingSMART alliance. It is the only open, standard 3D
objected-oriented exchange mode that is used by BIM. The purpose is to give unique base for
the information sharing and process improvement in both construction and facility
management sectors [44]. The transferring of data among teams of multi-disciplinary can be
done with the help of IFC. Any kind of building shapes can be represented by IFC generic
techniques noted that in terms of geometry. Many research approaches try to use IFC as a
universal language for both BIM and BEM recently [45].
The IFC-based BEM is a process that requires special preparations for the BIM file before
exporting it in IFC schema. This is attributed to the fact that IFC format does not save several
details which are important for the energy simulation process. For example, a transforming
approach from BIM to BEM was conducted by O’Donnell et al. [46] discusses that IFC schema
has some limitations such as the name and the time zone of the city. The approach’s
suggested a workflow to prepare IFC file for BEM.

4.1.1 IFC-based BEM preparation framework

The workflow can be demonstrated in Figure 6 [46] and the following framework steps:

Fig. 6. Workflow suggested for IFC-based method [46]

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1. Create/Edit BIM in a CAD tool

a. General process outline
i. leveraging CAD ‘layers’ by grouping subsets to be shown/hidden
b. Building location
i. Longitude, latitude, elevation, IFC does not save city name & time
c. Building elements: materials and constructions
i. Material entry, material mapping for walls/slabs/roofs, doors and
d. Zoning
e. Shading surfaces
f. Export as IFC file
2. Validate BIM in Model Checking Tool
a. Customized SBT-1-SMC rule set for BEP simulation
i. Basic rules
ii. Intersection checking
iii. Top and bottom surface must touch other surfaces
iv. Geometric rules
1. Allowed profiles for columns
2. Wall validation
3. Verify material layer thickness
v. Space Checking (All checks applied to instances of IFCSpace)
1. The model must have spaces
2. Space properties
3. Space Validation
4. Space dimensions must be within sensible bounds
vi. Property Sets
1. Window/Door property set check
2. Shading device PSet
vii. Verification rules
1. Construction check
2. Visualization of spaces by height
viii. Windows and Doors
1. Doors and Windows must be connected to spaces
3. Process Geometry in Space Boundary Tool (SBT-1)
a. Space boundary determination
b. Space boundary transformation into an appropriate geometry representation
4. Validate Geometry for Simulation in CAD tool
a. Generation of DXF file to offer wireframe validation for interior/exterior

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4.2 Green building XML based methods

The Autodesk Green Building Studio developed the gbXML (Green Building XML) data format
based on XML (Extensible Markup Language). In order to store and transmit the data and text
(off and on the web-services), the XML needed to be a non-proprietary, persistent, verifiable
and robust file format [47]. With the help of such schema, a number of common BIM software
like ArchiCAD and Revit as well as applications of energy performance simulation like eQUEST
and EnergyPlus can transfer data to each other with certain limits [48]. The prime
concentration of gbXML is on simulation of energy. The retrieving and importing of well
formatted gbXML file from BIM-tools into concerned BEM-tool can be carried out using
certain assumptions in order to get a quick summary of the building simulation results. In
comparison with the IFC, the main concentration of gbXML is to help the transformation of
data to other tools of engineering analysis from BIM, especially BEM tools, while the IFC file
format is used for the generic and comprehensive technique to represent the building project.
Only rectangular shapes are accepted by gbXML in terms of geometric configurations. This
characteristic is sufficient for simulation of most buildings [45]. A number of BIM-based BEM
approaches have been created based on gbXML file format.
As an example for such applications, an integration approach from BIM to BEM based on
gbXML was conducted by Jalaei and Jrade [41]. The objective is to create an automated
environment and to help designers and energy modelers use 3D models more efficiently in
terms of conceptual design and energy performance simulation to ultimately help creating
sustainable products from AEC industry. The process comprises six sequential phases due to
the different applications the process can be utilized for. It can be shown in Figure 7.

Fig. 7. Process suggested for gbXML-based method [41]

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Phase 1 Establishing an external database for sustainable and “green” materials that have
been investigated by identifying problems and user needs, then, running a
comprehensive literature review. The results can be created in a list of linked tables
based on the WBS.

Phase 2 Linking the database to the model by linking different elements of the model with the
appropriate material in the tables to create coding “keynote”. The keynote is a five-digit
number which represents division, subdivision, element and material name. This is
important for the user to ease and accelerate the retrieving process of necessary data.

Phase 3 Developing an integrated plug-in within BIM software that links BIM and BEM tools.

Phase 4 Analyzing and simulating the energy performance using the solar and thermal gains
for the model’s architectural design. Such capability can be obtained by using
energy simulation tools and importing geometry, zones and materials from BIM
with the help of the plug-in.

Phase 5 Evaluating the environmental impact by importing BoQs and design from BIM, and
material characteristics from the external material database to estimate the embodied
energy in the conceptual design using LCA tools (e.g. ATHENA Impact Estimatorã). In
addition, the transport energy is calculated through identifying three factors, the transport
method, the travelled distance and the weight of materials.

Phase 6 Linking cost estimation and green building certification modules to the process. The
data needed for these modules is collected through suppliers’ and publishers’
databases. The sustainability evaluator plug-in retrieves and detects the necessary
characteristics and components about the conceptual design of the building from
both BIM and the external database to assess the potential LEED points. Moreover,
linking the model with a cost module would generate the associated costs.

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4.3 Limitations of current applications of BIM-based BEM

Despite the great work done by many researchers, several limitations have been stated during
the process of BIM to BEM. The next table highlights the most significant limitations in both
IFC based and gbXML based processes. The limitations are categorized based on the six levels
of conversion listed earlier [6].

Level Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) Green Building XML (gbXML)

Prior to simulation process, more A number of modifications are

modifications are needed to the imported needed to be carried out on Revit
building geometry from IDF file, for amid the transformation process.
example, adjustment of position of The outcomes revealed that both
[1] Geometry
windows in curtain walls, non-present software of BEM and BIM are not
ceilings and floors need to be fixed. capable of smooth interoperability
Additionally, in case the geometry is opposing many software developing
irregular, this approach is not appropriate. companies’ statement and narrative.

Amid period of validation, few problems Many of the approaches of ‘BIM-

were arisen concerned with guideline of based BEM’ might have inaccuracy
BIM modeling, drawback in material because of the fact that it uses
library integration. The main focus (of theoretical thermal characteristics of
[2] Material
more validation) should be on future work elements of BIM. The thermal
like curved walls and free forms and resistance or conductance
updating of real thermal characteristics of attenuation was not accounted from
existing building’s construction materials. the deteriorations of materials.

The prime objectives of ‘BIM-based BEM’

The type of building which is relevant
include operating building schedule
to density and occupancy, set points
assigning as well as transforming of ‘IFC
[3] Space of cooling and schedule of
data’ to ‘IDF data’ and space type in the
Type equipment, data could be exported
‘IFC file’ in the current application. The
from gbXML, that obtains the level-3
conversion to EnergyPlus can be done
of ‘BIM-based BEM’ functionality.
with ease.

The transformation of thermal zones from

In the proposed workflow,
BIM model is done. However, additional
preparation is required for Revit
data requirement like location of building
model creation to fulfill BEM needs,
and simulation control data are required
that is assumed to be time
[4] Thermal to be input by the modeler in the GUI
consuming. The adjustment of model
Zone (Graphical User Interface) in a manual
is primarily work on model
way. Moreover, the proposed method
modifications and ensuring the Revit
shows that BIM model needs a lot of
model is ready for further
preparation work, which is considered as
time consuming.

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With the help of IDM (Information

Delivery Manual) and MVD (Model View
Definition), the data exchanging process In comparison with transformation
to BEM tools from IFC-based BIM was based on IFC, the transformation
forwarded. The MVD/IDM presents the based on gbXML is well developed
needs from transformation of data in that contains location, geometric
terms of energy simulation approach. Like information, building type,
presenting the exigent information construction assignments as well as
exported from IFC file to BEM tools. The VAV single duct. This is only doable
reality is that the establishment of HVAC by conducting sufficient adjustments
transformation has not been achieved yet for the gbXML file. All spaces
[5&6] Space
because of the drawbacks in IFC file established in Revit model are
Load & HVAC format. The IFC file format lacks transformed into thermal zones in
complex/advanced systems of energy, for order to define the thermal zones for
instance like heat pumps and CHP BEM. Despite that, the absence of
(Combined Heat and Power) systems. information like materials amid
Additionally, the IFC does not corporate process of transformation require
few of the basic characteristics sets that the modeler to input them manually
include boiler’s water flow design, control considering that gbXML file
types for the hot water pump and nominal modification approach is a complex
thermal efficiency. Moreover, it is hard to process as assumed.
define detailed schedules of systems in

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5 Chapter 5 Discussion
As BIM-based BEM automation process is essential to drive the AEC industry forward,
multiple challenges exist. This paper also suggests several strategies to overcome the
challenges. Figure 8 shows a summary of challenges and strategies.

Challenges Strategies
Export-import standardization
Real-time connection
Interoperability Material properties
Adherence to MVD
Building systems
Middleware corrective tools
Building operation
Resistance to change Bottom-up approach
Behavioral Workforce and skill Life-cycle cost analysis
Changing management strategies Interdisciplinary approach
Fig. 8. Summary of challenges and strategies

5.1 Challenges
BIM-based BEM has a great potential to influence positively AEC industry. Huge amount of
effort has been done to bridge and close as much as possible such a gap between designers
and energy modelers. Despite that, the remain distance to be bridged is still wide and require
multidisciplinary approaches. Several challenges have been noticed while conducting this
review, varying from technical to organizational.

5.1.1 Interoperability Challenges

• Location: The parameters like local temperature, solar radiation, direction and speed of
wind, rainfall intensity, biometric pressure as well as other parameters are solely
dependent on surrounding climate. In order to carry out a true analysis of energy, these
parameters’ actual values are needed and are acquired through the geographic location
of a building usually. Despite the fact that the information can be stored in data schemes
by authoring tools, there is no capability of simulation tools to retrieve this kind of
information and coordinates are reset to default location of the software [49].

• Geometry: Amid transferring of geometrical data between BIM tools, many discrepancies
are encountered. The reason of these discrepancies is mainly due to changing thermal
zones as well as room boundaries and non-planer geometry interpretation flaws [50] that
is translated into missing or duplicated elements along with incorrectly determination of
space volumes [51]. Few examples of these discrepancies are the incorrect calculation of
centerlines of walls [45], the flawed determination of volume because of wrong
suspended ceiling and floor [49] and not calculating the space boundaries because of the
complex geometry like changing thickness of wall and free-form shapes [52]. Several
studies [53, 54] asserted on the impossibility for current software capabilities to import
curved walls using exchange data schemes. More geometry interoperability issues are
described in other studies [51, 55].

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• Material properties: Despite the fact that there can be lengthy data within data schemes,
more often these data cannot not be accessed in an appropriate way by either simulation
tools or authoring. In material exchange characteristics, it is more obvious. Although the
format of the file has the capacity to keep associated material characteristics, there is no
capacity of either analysis tools or authoring to export or import these characteristics [56].
As reported by Jeong et al. [57], the parameters of IR absorptivity are not present in the
authoring tools although the exigency of such parameters in the energy simulation tools.
In a manual way, the material properties were installed in EnergyPlus by Gourlis and
Kovacic [45] because the gbXML and IFC schemes were not able to export information for
density, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of layers of construction although
these schemes provide options to do so. The problems related to material characteristics
were also reported by Kim et al. [58] and a manual extendable database of materials was
established as a solution for such a challenge.

• Building systems: There is definite/limited ability of interoperation in HVAC system

elements when using energy simulation tools. Having such HVAC system elements
importance being increased recently, escalation of this problem has emerged as there was
no solution presented to the problem by even the newest version of IFC format (IFC4)
[45]. As a result, the user has to input the information in a manual way although there is
no option in system description, therefore, it results into incorrect simulation outcomes.

• Building operation: Same as the issue of Location, software tools lacked the capability of
retrieving operation data from data schemes. Eventually, software tools use its default
values and input all the time. Despite that, Nasyrov et al. [49] reported that the exchange
of operation data has been successfully achieved by importing such data to Green Building
Studio from Revit. However, Revit did not achieve success in exportation of data to other
software tools [59].

5.1.2 Behavioral Challenges

• Resistance to change: it is normal and natural to resist change as a spontaneous reaction.

There is a certain limit to which individuals can absorb changes. Despite that, the prime
reason for employees to act in such a way is the lack of awareness of inherent business
requirement for change. An approach of assessment to distinguish the underlying reasons
for resistance is very helpful. Proactively, the very first and most important step towards
a successful resistance management is to provide the required set of information which
could enhance employees’ awareness. It is important for the assessor to be able to
determine whether desire, awareness, knowledge, reinforcement or ability are root
causes or barrier points for such resistance. The face to face interaction is the best form
of assessment for employees for them to express their concerns in an active manner. A
critical role can be played by frontline stakeholders and supervisors in this assessment.
The assessment can be carried out by these frontline supervisors and managers [9].

• Workforce and skill: The lack of sufficient availability of skilled workers, inadequate skills
of present work-force is referred to as Workforce Barriers. This includes inappropriate
usage of software tool in efficient way and absence of knowledge on sustainability by
trainers [9].

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• Changing management strategies: Strategic change can be referred to as a political

process. It is important to understand that the impression of a decision is dependent on
which perspective is considered in the organization. The ongoing competition between
stakeholders within the organizations leads to alteration of processes and introduction of
innovations and technology. This is referred to as ‘strategy’ from another point of view in
order to increase incomes. The distribution of power as well as resources all over the units
corresponds to the alteration of strategic decisions. The change or variation meaning is
interpreted by the members of organization related to the functional identities of these
members. The behavior of organization members is driven by how far their functions
harmonize with the organization’s vision. Despite the fact that functions, business units,
other categories of structure are created in order to meet the requirement of an
organization, all of them have psychological and social impact for managers individually.
After identified to be with a specific group as a member of the organization, the person
identifies norms, practices, and perspectives and be distinguished from those who
represent abstract, complex, secondary organizations. Strategic change can also be
referred to as the shuffling process of the organization’s structure to form a new
combination that is competitive and exciting. These decisions can impact on the accepted
order with changing the way of how units do operate. Reconfiguration of unit connections
and reformulation of factors combination is important to distinguish one unit from other
units. “Logical incrementalism” is a concept which shows that the progress of an
organization is a step by step move to later specifics from early generalities, where
adjustment of strategies is done as the emerging of new information occurs or political
constraints are conducted [60].

5.2 Strategies
BIM-based BEM automation process is a method that requires designers, energy modelers
and decision makers to contribute the most in order to acquire the benefits of such a process.
The benefits range from saving time, saving costs to minimizing the probability of the human
error. In this section, a set of different strategies is presented in a categorized listing.

5.2.1 Interoperability Strategies

• Export-import standardization: Due to the fact that current applications do not utilize all
the capabilities of IFC and gbXML schemas, improvement of import and export processes
is needed. By doing so, a high level of standardization remains needed. The Information
Delivery Manual (IDM) represents a solution in regard to the challenge of interoperability.
IDM process can be helpful in two aspects simultaneously. It suggests a process where the
business processes are identified and gradually integrated, while providing detailed user-
defined standards of the data which is required to be interoperable in different milestones
of a project. In addition, IDM suggests a pack of reusable modular processes which deals
with the simple information ideas in AEC in order to further encourage these user-defined
data interoperability standards. The reusable modular processes can also be used to ease
the development of more sophisticated user-defined data interoperability standards.
Enabling reliable, secure and valid information exchange standards is essential for real
project. This makes schemas compliant to the standards a normal working task on such
projects. Users of such schemas need the confidence that the information they share with

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other stakeholders are precise and comprehensive for the tasks they want to conduct.
The industry would make a huge leap towards lean objectives by enabling such exchanging
standards [59].

• Real-time connection: The establishment of a real-time connection between energy

simulation tools and BIM authoring tools is important. By doing so, any editing made on
the BIM model would instantly show an effect on the energy simulation outcomes without
exporting/importing data among different software tools. This is helpful to automate the
process of BIM-based BEM. Moreover, it is helpful to show the proportional effect of
different elements of BIM on BEM so that modifications on the design can be highly
efficient. To establish such a real-time connection, a plug-in to the energy simulation
software needs to be developed within BIM environment. Another way is to enable a
steady flow of data between the two software tools with the help of a well-defined file
schema [59].

• Adherence to MVD: Venugopal et al. defined MVD as “a subset of building product model
schema that provides a complete representation of the information concepts needed for
a particular information exchange in an AEC workflow” [61]. As the IDM/MVD framework
identifies and facilitate the requirements of exchanging data between BIM and BEM
software tools into Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) schema, a specific development of
MVD would enable to make the transfer of data from IFC-based BIM to either
sophisticated or simple BEM tools (e.g. EnergyPlus and eQuest). IFC schema is very useful
in this regard. By doing so, the importance of IFC schema can be shown through realizing
the difficulties related to the wide spectrum AEC industry comprises. Therefore, providing
an aspect of customization to the IFC as an exchanging schema would be important to the
effective exchanging process. The purpose of enabling such customization is to enable the
user of choosing and highlighting specific entities from a schema and presenting their
characteristics. MVDs are similar to database views which are possible to be defined
virtually from facilitated and specialized subset of information gathered from occupied
building models. A single view can be thought of as an enquiry that is stored permanently
in the database. Therefore, a view is derived model generated instantly from BIM as a
main source. By applying this strategy, BIM-based BEM has many potentials that can be
accessed, and a more focused and reliable subset of the IFC schema can be input to BEM
software tools [61].

• Middleware corrective tools: Using middleware tools is one of many solutions many
researchers have suggested and tested. By using middleware tools, it is possible to add
missing information from the model before it is simulated. Because middleware tools
work between BIM and BEM, linking files to servers which have database stored enables
the modelers to add the missing information within the process. This is important to avoid
data loss in the process of exchanging data between BIM and BEM tools. Adopting such a
strategy is important to minimize the possibility of human error and increase the
simulation process effectiveness. In addition, it brings the automation process of BIM-
based BEM one step closer to be from BIM directly to energy performance outcomes [27].

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5.2.2 Behavioral Strategies

• Bottom-up approach: In order to change the management behavior and diminish any
resistance to change successfully, the adoption of BIM-based BEM is better to be
undertaken in a bottom-up style instead of top-down style as research has proved.
Moreover, the implementation strategy requires a professional guideline at the
operational level. This is crucial for successful BIM-based BEM adoption in AEC industry.
There are multiple reasons for the bottom-up adoption style instead of top-down
adoption style:
§ To be able to reach the team work in the adoption phase.
§ To be confident that members of the business develop their skills and their
understanding to match the capacity of the work needed.
§ To adopt a successful and seamless changing management strategies.
§ Eliminate any possibilities of resistance to such new changings.
It is normal to notice that the adoption process is slower than expected. This is attributed
to the fact that the changing process is an inclusive process and involves many
stakeholders and individuals. Despite that, the influence of BIM-based BEM adoption on
the practice of the business process is still measurable and significant. In addition, it is
normal as well to notice that most of the team work are not knowledgeable in the area of
BIM-based BEM before the adoption process is conducted except some top management
members who has foreseen such a scenario beforehand. This shows the importance of
the role that the top management plays in similar situations. The support and the
guidance of the top management is crucial in this scenario. By doing so, the team work
can notice a significant leap in how skillful they have become and how sophisticated the
infrastructure has developed in a short period of time. Only then, the progress of such
workplace in terms of BIM-based BEM would be difficult to stop. The long-term goal of
applying such a strategy is not only what has been mentioned, the continuous
development after the complete adoption is aimed to establish new services like facility
management [9].

• Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA): Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) can be defined as an
approach to assess the facility’s ownership total expenditures. The total costs of owning,
acquiring and salvaging a system or a product are taken into consideration when
conducting LCCA. LCCA usefulness can be illustrated when multiple alternatives are
offered to fulfill the same requirements but are different in terms of capital and
operational expenditures. In such a situation, those alternatives have to be compared to
show which one benefits the work the most in regard to maximizing net savings. For
instance, LCCA could assist in opting to choose whether to incorporate a high-
performance HVAC, or to adopt a glazing system. These alternatives may increase the
capital expenditure, but a drastic drop in the operation and maintenance would be
notices. To measure the economic evaluation of an alternative, multiple measures can be
used. Some of them are Lowest life-cycle cost, net savings or net benefits, internal rate of
return, savings-to-investment ratio and payback period. All of these parameters are
consistent with the Lowest life-cycle cost if they utilize the same length of the alternative.
Such a strategy can be in different names, for example, value engineering, cost estimating
or economical analysis. The idea is to determine the most cost savings alternative. By

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using this strategy in BIM-based BEM, the client or decision makers can observe the inputs
and outputs for all options on the table. Therefore, using BIM-based BEM as an LCCA tool
will enable them to have a broad and comprehensive vision of projects viability [62].

• Interdisciplinary approach: BEM has a drastic influence on policy making. However,

modelling-policy currently is in front of multiple limitations. Hence, a rethinking approach
of the modelling process from stakeholders involved, the timing of modelling, designing
BIM with the thinking of BEM are aspects which would enhance the application of BIM-
based BEM approach and ease the acceptance process from all disciplines, which
eventually increases the quality of the work [63].

5.3 A case study “from Revit to IES VE”

One of the best applications of BIM-based BEM approach is the Integrated Environment
Solutions Virtual Environment “IES VE”. The team which is working on the software is open to
the industry and active. Hence, the level of automation that IES VE has achieved is significant
IES VE software can be used for several types of simulations. For example, it can be used for
Dynamic Thermal Modelling, Daylight/Solar Shading Modelling. Once exporting the gbXML
file from Revit to IES VE, the Daylight/Solar Shading Modelling can be done without significant
manipulations to the raw BIM model. However, if complex simulations are intended, such as
the Dynamic Thermal Modelling, a simple checking and manipulation might be needed
depending on the level of complexity of the BIM model [65]. The translation process from
Revit to IES VE are discussed in detail based on the six levels of conversion mentioned in
chapter 4. The limitations and manual editing requirements are presented in this section.

5.3.1 Geometry

In this aspect, the BIM model has to be made in a way that eases the translation during the
importing process. For example, the gbXML file recognizes the walls based on their center
lines, therefore, the walls in the model need to be connected center to center.

Fig. 9. Geometry preparations for export to IES VE [66]

Moreover, In IES VE, an importing report can be displayed to see where the potential
geometry errors are. This can be shown in the yellow boxes highlighted in the report. This
could be attributed to misconnecting walls centre to centre, or to algorithms that could not
cope with the level of complexity of the BIM model. A simplification of BIM model is needed.

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Fig. 10. BIM importing report showing potential geometry errors [66]

5.3.2 Construction and materials

Materials used in Revit BIM models might not be identifiable by IES VE material library.
Therefore, incorrect or inaccurate properties could be noticed such as vapour resistivity,
density, specific heat capacity and resistance. This is attributed to the fact that IES VE has
different material library, and IES VE assumes a Brick & Blockwood as a default category of
the material which might not be correct for other materials such as concrete.
This issue can be fixed by replacing incorrect or inaccurate materials with same material saved
in the IES VE library “copy and paste”.

Fig. 11. Pasting from IES library to the model construction portal [66]

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5.3.3 Thermal zones

Thermal zones can be exported from Revit BIM to IES VE normally as shown in the importing
report and the sidebar of the IES VE user interface.

Fig. 12. Thermal zones show normally after export [66]

5.3.4 Space type

Space types can be exported normally as shown. However, some building codes or modelers
require specific types of spaces or different method of space classifications. The importance
of assigning a space types is to identify the thermal behaviour of the space and the occupancy.

Fig. 13. Preliminary space types after export [66]

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If the imported space types are not preferred or classified enough, a manual data exchange
should be made as the following:
1. Assign the prototype of the building code “e.g. ASHRAE” or the user
preference classification to obtain the template that indicates the level
of classification
2. Export the space schedule template as a .txt file from Revit
3. Using MS Excel, the .txt file should be opened
4. Copy the template from IES VE and paste in the same MS Excel sheet
5. Exchange the space type data to the required level of classification
6. Paste the user preferred template with space type data to IES VE

Fig. 14. Exchanging data from Revit space schedule to the preferred space schedule [66]

5.3.5 Space loads

Space loads can be exported successfully to IES VE if assigned in Revit BIM as shown.

Fig. 15. Model viewer in IES VE shows Space loads exported successfully from Revit to IES VE

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5.3.6 HVAC system/components

Although HVAC systems/components can be created efficiently either in Revit or Revit MEP,
the exportation process of HVAC systems to IES VE is not reliable and efficient and not possible
in many times due to the lack of interoperability between the two software tools [67].
Therefore, in IES VE, ApacheHVAC tool can be used to assign a HVAC system/component.
ApacheHVAC tool has a vast verity of HVAC systems and components.

Fig. 16. HVAC system/component assigning in IES VE environment [66]

5.3.7 Simulation results

The simulation can be run, and HVAC loads could be calculated for the imported BIM model.

Fig. 17. Simulation can be run normally, and results can be obtained [66]

5.3.8 Final comments

Although the level of interoperability between Revit and IES VE is advanced compared to
other tools, there are significant potentials and obvious room for developments to achieve
further levels of automation between such tools. For example, real-time data feeding,
middleware corrective tools, integrated materials library and HVAC systems/components
seamless data exchange.

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It is clear that if BIM-based BEM reaches a high-level of automation, a significant development
in the AEC industry will occur. However, the gap between designers and energy modelers is
significant. The work of both is interconnected and overlapped, therefore, it requires an
interoperable working environment and seamless data exchanging process.
This paper puts a focus on this gap between the works of designers who use BIM, and energy
modellers who use BEM, because the simulations conducted by energy modelers would be
easier and more efficient if BIM models were optimised for their maximum use. In addition,
this paper conducted a comprehensive literature review of the process sustainability analysis
using BIM 6D, outlined the current barriers of integrating building energy modelling (BEM) in
BIM, and suggested strategies to overcome the barriers and ensure successful integration of
It is found that BIM-based BEM application originates long-term benefits for companies,
clients and governments. Such benefits promote the BIM 6D sustainability aims. Moreover,
obstacles encountered by BIM-based BEM needs collaboration from multiple stakeholders.
For example, technical challenges in the most two common schemas (IFC, gbXML) requires
industry pioneers to adopt BIM creation with the consideration of BEM requirements in mind.
Export-import from BIM to BEM tools requires a standardisation and adoption of Information
Delivery Manual (IDM). The adherence to MVD is a must for optimising BIM to be used by not
only energy modelers, but by all other AEC industry members involved in the project
completion process. Moreover, organizational challenges in adopting BIM-based BEM
approach cannot be absent. Resistance to change and work lack of skills can be overcome by
adopting bottom-up approach and increasing the awareness of the importance of such
movement using LCCA and Interdisciplinary approach.
Despite the level of integration that IES VE software has achieved with Revit, as a futuristic
vision of BIM-based BEM process, a real-time connection integrated with middleware
corrective tools could fully automate such a process and eliminate the human error for data
exchange between BIM and BEM tools. As an alternative, a single software environment,
where BIM models can be created and energy performance simulation can be conducted, can
be developed. Therefore, further work in this area is recommended and encouraged.

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