Advantages of Role Play Method in Teaching Speaking in ESL Classes

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JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal

ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4, Apr. -2020


Teacher of “Languages” Department Of Tashkent Institute Of Irrigation and Agricultural
Mechanizations Engineers of Bukhara Branch, Tel: +99899304484
E mail:

ABSTRACT: important thing learning how to use language

This article analyses the importance for communication, how to speak and make
and advantages of role-play methods in people to understand what we speak about. As
teaching speaking skills as a one of the well as for developing speaking skill the
essential skill in ESL classes and its students must organize a good condition to
importance on learner’s acquiring language. enlarge their speaking vocabulary, to increase
In this article, as well as I will outline the fluency of speaking.
several different reasons for using role play Role plays are essential tool to have in a
in the classroom and I will offer some tips teaching box but it pays to be aware of where
for getting the most suitable out of role play. you want them to go. Some teachers are
Role playing is one of the large amount of unaware of the possibilities of role play. Some
drama activities which can be listed as a of them think that role play activities do not
successful educational technique in the suitable for classes which impacts the
foreign language class because of present discipline problems and conducting role play
some important characteristics for its would make class to be noisy and untidy.
teaching : easy organization, flexibility , it Furthermore, they claim that students may be
can be open ended , it’s funny, it supplies a reluctant to be someone else or their level of
lot of different experiences , it helps foreign language is too low.
students to deal with some social skills of Role play is very important technique in
language and it helps to remember of new teaching speaking because it gives students an
vocabulary, expressions , word order and opportunity to practice communication in
grammar. different social context and in different social
KEY WORDS: Role play, techniques, roles. In addition it also allows students to be
flexibility, social context, fluency. creative and to be creative and to put
themselves in another person’s place for a
INTRODUCTION: while. The role play would seem to be the ideal
English becomes the most language in activity in which students could their English
the world. Almost all the people from many creatively and it aims to stimulate a
different countries around the world use it to conversation situation in which students might
communicate with others. It’s because of the find themselves and give them an opportunity
importance of English in any field of our life to practice and develop their communication
.Speaking is a oral communication language skill.
skill of oral communication to show human
feelings, thought, idea, emotion or information METHOD:
which helps people to understand each other. Role playing develops learner’s fluency
Learning language doesn’t mean to know only and accuracy in speaking. The wide range
the structure or vocabulary but the most language functions for example apologizing,
31 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4, Apr. -2020
greetings, etc., is exercised more than in any students feel self-confident and speak
other activities. Learner’s focus is put on the without fear.
communication of many rather than on the - Role play reduces anxiety and humiliation
appropriate use of language {1,113} . Therefore when speaking up in front of classmates
, through role playing teachers may train and it helps the students to develop the
students speaking skills in any social situations micro and the macro skills of language.
.It means that learners are put in conditions - Adopting role play as a teaching technique
which require speech that is used to in the teaching and learning process of
communicate socially more than the language English learners encourages the students
necessitated by teaching syllabus{2,6} . The to learn achieve, explore and simulate their
author takes the view that thanks to role creativity imagination and personal likes.
playing learners have the possibility to develop Another advantage of role playing is that
the language which is important in social learners are given a chance to pretend
relationships, but which is neglected in someone else. Such a technique may help timid
teaching syllabus. He also notice that a lot of students to overcome their shines of the
students believe that the language in foreign speaking. Reticent students often have
language classes is only used to pass on difficulty talking about their experiences or
particular information from one person to about themselves. The fact that they are
other. someone else makes them feel that their own
The next reason for incorporating role personality is not implicated. {2.7}
paying in ESL classes is that some of the Incorporating the role play into the classroom
students learn for specific roles in life. They adds variety, a change of pace and
may want to work or travel in worldwide opportunities for a lot of language production
context. It is very advantageous for those and also a lot of fun!
students to have tried out in pleasant and safe It can be an integral part of the class and
environment of a classroom with the language not a “one –of” event. If the teacher believes
they will presumable use. For such learners, that the activity will work and the necessary
role play is a helpful rehearsal and what is support is provided, it can be very successful.
more, it allows them not just to acquire However if the teacher isn’t convinced about
phrases, but to learn how to interact in a the validity of using role play the activity ” will
variety of circumstances. fall flat on its face just as you expected into ”
Role play develops mainly the student’s (Gilliam Porter Ladousse, 1987). Therefore, if
oral skills. It emphasizes the process of you think positive and have a go, you may be
communicating, develops more fluency than pleasantly surprised!
accuracy and promotes enthusiasm in the What is role play?
classroom which makes the students speak up
one of the biggest challenges for teachers CONCLUSION:
today. Role play is any speaking activity when
We can take into consideration following you either put yourself into somebody else’s
features of role play technique in teaching shoes, or when you stay in your own shoes but
speaking skills: put yourself into an imaginary situation!
- Role play as a teaching technique has a Imaginary people- the joy of role play is that
positive effect on students speaking as students can “become” anyone they like for a
short time! The President, the Queen, a

32 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4, Apr. -2020
millionaire, a pop star…….. The choice is Dostizheniya nauki obrazovaniya,
endless. Students also can take on the opinions 2017/5/23. № 5. C. 65-66.
of someone else.” For and against “debates can
be used and the class can be split into those
who are expressing views in favor and those
who are against the theme.
Imaginary situations – functional
language for a multitude of scenarios can be
activated and practiced through role play. “At
the restaurant”, Checking in at the airport”,
“Looking for lost property” are all possible
role plays.

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