Copie A Lesson Stages

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Lesson Stages- Pre, while and post tasks

Pre-reading/ listening

A. Possible rationales

1. stir interest in the topic

2. create expectations
3. predict what they will read/ listen to
4. pre-teach vocabulary to facilitate understanding (level R+1, L+1)

B. Examples of tasks

1. read the title/headings or both and predict the contents of the text
2. match photos to vocabulary items
3. match words and their definitions/synonyms/ antonyms
4. ask questions about likes/dislikes in relation to the topic
5. elicit comments on a proverb/saying related to the topic
6. present statistics related to the topics and ask whether they information is true of false


A. Possible rationales
1. Read/listen to confirm expectations
2. Read/listen to get the general picture
3. Read/listen to extract information
4. Understand the way texts are structured
5. Recognize language functions performed
6. Recognize the role of cohesive devices
7. Carry out instructions
8. Identify tone/purpose

B. Examples of tasks
1. Decide is statements are true/ false/ not given
2. Multiple choice questions
3. Fill in chart/ table/ form with info from the text
4. Jumbled texts- arrange paragraphs
5. Place sentences or paragraphs where they belong in a text
6. Fill in a summary of the text with key words form the text
7. Match paragraphs to headings
8. Jigsaw reading/ viewing/ listening (students read or listen to different texts on the same
topic and solve a task by cooperating)
9. Match photos to text or parts of text
10. Match paragraphs to topic sentences
11. Freeze frame- students predict what the characters say/do next
12. Problem solving
13. Comprehension questions

A. Possible rationales
1. To get an emotional response to the topic
2. To encourage creativity
3. To give free practice opportunity of the vocabulary/ structures taught

B. Examples of tasks
1. Open ended questions
2. Students interview each other in pairs to fill in information
3. Role play
4. Write a letter/ an email/ an article/ a report/ a proposal
5. Change the ending
6. Replace all adjectives with their opposites
7. Continue the story
8. Comment upon the ideas/ make personal choices
9. Compare content of text with real life situations
10. Profile a character
11. Make a movie/video

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