Impact Project

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Section 1

The form of business and description of product.  

 Online Gaming company. An organization that allows customers from all
around the world to bet on games that is being played. For example, If Chelsea fc
club is playing against Manchester United fc club. A customer is a Chelsea fan
that individual can bet money on that game. 
An approximate number of daily customers  
 Global Management Infrastructure Services gets $2,000-2,500 customers on a
daily basis. 
An approximate expenditure per customer  
 Average between $100us -$500us 
An approximation of monthly revenue  
 $5,000,000.00 

Section 2
At the Global Management Infrastructure services, there are just about 220 monthly
paid employees. Regular staff employees receive an annual salary of just about $48000.00,
considering that their monthly salary is  $4000 so ($4000 * 12), while seniors receive a salary
of $5500.00 monthly and an annual salary of $ 66000.00 and supervisors receive $6000.00
monthly and $72000.00 annually. However, after employees' statutory deductions have been
made regular staff will receive a monthly salary of about $3392.64, while seniors will receive
$4664.88 and supervisors $5142.53.  
This business also helps with employment as it is a big company which helps plunge
money into our economy. When individuals are employed it helps to keep the flow of money
in the economy as persons would have money to spend on food, clothing, entertainment, and
other goods and services that they may require. Without employment and the flow of money
ejecting back into the economy, the economy will come to a standstill and with an increased
crime rate. Economically, employment provides income to poor families, revives domestic
demand for goods and services, and stimulates overall growth. Socially, employment can also
promote social healing, encourage the return of displaced persons, and improve social welfare
in the long run. 
Section 3
Economic impact on local business activities as it refers to the transportation industry 
 Global Management Infrastructure Services imports office machinery from
overseas via plane which then in turn get delivered via lorry to the business when
they arrive to Antigua. The transport industry also helps workers get to and from
the work place 
Economic impact on local business activities as it refers to the construction industry 
 Global Management Infrastructure Services the local benefits from
maintenance and repair, cleaning services, utilities, security, and more. As long as
the building is in use, the construction industry will benefit. 
Economic impact on local business activities as it refers to other service providers 
 Global Management Infrastructure Services In stock markets, return can be
greater than risk but in gambling, risk is greater than return. Stock markets allows
us to be in both buying and selling, whereas in gambling, you can only be a

Section 4
Economic impact on government revenue, with specific reference to:
Contribution to Antigua Barbuda Sales Tax
Contribution to Social Security
Contribution to Medical Benefit
Contribution to Education Levy
Mandatory Tax Reductions such as the Antigua Barbuda Sales Tax, Social Security, Medical
Benefit, and Education Levy impact money spent by the public sector on the acquisition of
goods and provision of services such as education, healthcare, and social protection through a
positive relationship. That is if the tax received increases the government revenue it has the
ability to spend more on transfer payments. Vice Versa if tax received decreases government
spending decreases therefore lessening the ability to spend on transfer earnings.

Average Salary:
4000 x 12 = 48,000 x 74 = 3,552,000
5500 x 12 = 66,000 x 74 = 4,884,000
6000 x 12 = 72,000 x 72 = 5,184,000
Total = 186,000 Total= 13,620,000/220 = 61,909.10

Contribution to ABST
15% on Purchases = 3000

Contribution to Medical Benefit

7% with includes:
3.5 % from Personal Income
3.5% from the Company
3.5% Personal Income: 0.035 x 61,909.10 = 2,166.82
3.5% Company: 2,166.82
TOTAL for 1 Employee: 4,333.64
TOTAL for 220 Employees: 953,400.80
Contribution to Education Levy
5% which includes:
2.5% from Personal Income
2.5% from the Company
2.5% Personal Income 0.025 x 61,909.10 = 1,547.73
2.5% Company: 1,547.73
TOTAL for 1 Employee: 3,095.46
TOTAL for 220 Employees: 681,001.20

Total Contribution to Government Revenue : 2,179,201.20

Section 5
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. Trading
globally gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services
not available in their own countries, or more expensive domestically. 
From the research collected it was determined that the business generates: 
 Approximately 3 million USD 
 On average, a million pounds as well as euros  
 And, over 5 million south African dollars monthly  
 When conducting our research we recognized that GMIS doesn’t typically
export any products but the import office machinery such as computers and 
telephones for carrying out daily operations successfully.  
 After analyzing the information, we collected it was determined that the
estimated amount spent on imports on a monthly basis can be broken down as the
Office telephones $189*220 employees= $41,580 
Desktops $2716.90*220 employees= $597,718 
 The ratio of imports to exports is 2:0 

Section 6
The economic policy of governments covers the systems for setting levels of taxation,
government budgets, the money supply, interest rates, and many other areas of government
interventions into the economy. An economic policy is a course of action that is intended to
influence or control the behavior of the economy. Economic policies are typically
implemented and administered by the government. 
A few appropriate economic policies to increase tax revenue include: 
1. Modifying existing tax policies 
a. Increase tax rates  
a. Eliminate existing tax breaks 
1. Enacting new taxes 
1. Boosting economic activity  
Some appropriate economic policies to create linkages and reduce leakages: 
1. By giving transfer payments to households for paying taxes 
1. Income to household for selling factors of production 
1. Businesses gives goods and services to the product market for revenue 
1. Goods and services from the product market for consumption expenditure 
To reduce leakages:  
1. Lessen importation levels 

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