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Name : Ahmed ELSaied ELGendy Abdelmoez.

Address (1) : ELShrouk City – Cairo, Egypt.

Address (2) : Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (KSA)
Mobil : (+2) 01151719336 – (+966) 507974312
E-mail :
Seeking a progressive and challenging career in the field of Biomedical Engineering ,to utilize my
skills and experience of my life for achieving my personal goals.
 Latest Degree: A Bachelor of Bio-medical Engineering – 2019

University: Higher Technological Institute 10th of Ramadan City (HTI), Egypt.

Department : Biomedical Engineering.
09-2020: Now | Biomedical Engineering at “Doctor House Company for medical Devices”.
09-2017: 09-2020| Biomedical Engineering at "Al Marwa Company for medical and compensatory devices”
01-2017: 08-2017 | Biomedical Engineering at "ElGhandour Hospital”.
 Children's Cancer “ 75375” Hospital
 ( ICU – O.R - OPD - Radiology – laboratory - Radiation therapy)
 Kuwait Specialist Hospital
 (I.C.U – O.R - OPD - Endoscope )
 El-Ezaby Medical Company
 ( Ophthalmology - Ultrasound )
 Banha Company for Electronic Industries “ 144 factory wars”
 Maintenance of electronic circuits for medical devices
 El-Geel Trading company
 Calibration of medical devices
 Scientific Company for Medical Equipment’s
 ( X-ray – Endoscope )

 Analog and Digital Course.
- Printed Circuit Board Design (PCB)
- Maintenance of electronic circuits for medical devices
 English Phonetics Course.
- In “International Academy of American languages and training”.

 Language skills: - Arabic - English
 software skills:
- programming language ( C _ C++ _ python)
- MATLAB ( programming - simulation ).
- Solid Works products.

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 Personal skills:
- High ability to gain professional work experience as (medical device, Interpersonal, Problem
analysis and solving).
- Fast performance in my work and working under stress.
- Team working, Ambitious, Effective decision making and Obedient.
- Successful Team Leader.

Interests &Activities:
 Member of the Egyptian Red Crescent Society.
 Active Member at (Google student club).
 Awarded a trophy "Maritime Scout" from Egyptian Sea Scout Society.
 Interested in reading scientific references.
 Have a lot of basics about” Human Development”.

Personal Info:
 Date of birthday : 15 / 6 /1992.
 Place of birth: Sultanate of Oman.
 Nationality: Egyptian.
 Social status: Single.
 Military status: Final Exemption from Military Service.

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