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methods -
P2P Platforms
Based on Elliptic Typologies Report 2022
Typology on money
laundering through
P2P Platforms:
A street drug dealer in
Europe makes fiat bank
transfers or provides fiat
cash to a P2P exchange
vendor in a narcontic
consumer country i.e. Spain
The P2P exchange
vendor deposits a large
volume of cryptoassets
into the P2P exchange
wallet of the criminal
An equal amount of
cryptoasset is sent from
the criminal's P2P
exchange wallet to a
second P2P exchange
broker in a source country
for narcotics i.e. Colombia
on the same day
The P2P exchange
vendor may then send
the illicit cryptoasset to
an exchange where they
cash out and eventually
transfer funds to their
personal bank account
The P2P exchange
vendor transfers the fiat
currency to numerous
bank accounts located
in the narcotics source
Based on the
Elliptic Typologies
Report 2022

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