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Image Credit: Great Lakes Now


This lesson will explore the phenomenon of water Computer or
pollution from combined sewer systems in the Great mobile device with
Lakes by learning about the smart sewer technology Internet access to
developed at Notre Dame and implemented in South view video and
Bend, IN. Students will learn about the technology, the online resources
water pollution problem it is trying to solve, and Notebooks and
engineer a model sewer system of their own using
Chart paper
household materials to transport water a distance.
Sticky notes
LESSON OBJECTIVES Lab supplies (see
Know about the smart sewer technology being used individual activities
for a full list)
in cities like South Bend, IN and Buffalo, NY
Copies of the
Understand the water pollution problem posed by
Student Handouts
combined sewer systems
Be able to engineer a gravity sewer to transport water
from one location to another

Sewer systems transport water underground NGSS
using a combination of gravity and technology. CONNECTIONS
Combined sewer systems use the same pipes to
carry rainwater and wastewater away from Phenomenon: Water Pollution
residential and commercial areas. That sewer MS-LS2-1 SEP-2
style, though less common in newer cities, can
cause for sanitation problems when there is
heavy rainfall in an area, because if the volume MS-ESS2-4 SEP-6
of water gets too great too quickly water MS-ESS3-2
management systems can get overloaded and MS-ETS1-2
back up into basements or flood roadways
unless the pressure is released through
drainage. What's more is that the mixed water
can contain pollutants and harmful pathogens, During the course of the lesson, students will
such as E. coli and salmonella. Some cities are progress through the following sequence** of
using technology to help with this problem. activities:

This lesson includes multiple activities, Class discussion to elicit and activate prior
including lab activities, that can span the knowledge about sewers
course of several sessions or be adapted to fit
Demonstration of how a siphon works
the needs of your group's meeting format.
Teacher notes on sewer systems
Some prior knowledge* with which students Watch a segment from Great Lakes Now
should be familiar includes: Class discussion to debrief the video
Read about water infrastructure in Ontario
states of matter Engineer a gravity sewer to transport
pressure, force, and density wastewater a set distance
volume and how it is measured/calculated
The lesson progresses through three major
sections: launch, activities, and closure. After
the launch of the lesson, you are ready to begin
the lesson activities. Once finished with the
activities, students will synthesize their
learning in the closure. You can select the
activities that are best suited for your learners
and teaching goals, and then sequence them
in a way that makes sense within your learning
progression and the scaffolds of the lesson.

Follow this QR Code or hyperlink to the

Episode Landing Page!

If you use this lesson or any of its activities
*Check out our full collection of lessons with your learners, we'd love to hear about it!
for more activities related to topics like these.

**The sequence of these activities is flexible, and Contact us with any feedback or questions at:
can be rearranged to fit your teaching needs.




by Gary G. Abud, Jr., Great Lakes Now Contributor

*This information can be presented by the teacher as notes to Heavy rains can overload drainage systems
students at the teacher's discretion. because they produce large amounts of
water in a short period of time. And since
A sewer system is like a big underground all of the pipes of a sewer system are
river that carries away dirty water and waste interconnected, eventually enough water
from our homes, businesses, and streets. It in the main line will start to push back up
also allows rainwater to drain off of our roads into the lines of the homes and businesses
and walkways to prevent flooding. where the sewage came from. It is kind of
like the way that the water went up the
The dirty water goes down the drain in our straw when it was put in the container of
sinks, toilets, and showers and flows through water in the siphon demo. Homes that are
pipes underground to a treatment plant. At not on higher slopes of land tend to drain
the treatment plant, the water is cleaned more slowly and are particularly
and then released back into the susceptible to flooding or backups.
environment, including into natural bodies of
water or seeping into the ground—but only A sewer backflow preventer is a device
after it is treated. that is installed in the sewer system to
prevent dirty water and waste from flowing
Some cities have separate underground back into our homes and streets. It works
pipes for rainwater and wastewater, while by keeping a one-way flow of water in the
others have combined systems. In either pipes, so that dirty water can only flow
case, when there is heavy rainfall in a short away from our homes and streets, and not
amount of time, the sewers can get back into them. This is especially
overwhelmed and not be able to transport important in higher flood potential areas.
water away from cities fast enough. This
leads to backups and flooding. If this A smart sewer system is a type of sewage
happens in a combined sewer system, the management system that uses advanced
result can be disastrous, because wastewater technology to monitor and control the
can go where it is not supposed to be: flow of wastewater and rainwater through
backing up into homes and businesses or the sewer network. This technology allows
dumping out into natural bodies of water. for real-time monitoring of the sewer
network, early detection of blockages or
You can think of it like the flow of traffic. leaks, and proactive maintenance to
Whereas a freeway has multiple lanes to prevent problems from occurring.
accommodate lots of cars, a combined sewer
system has multiple pipes to allow a large Smart sewer systems typically use sensors,
volume of rainwater and sewage. But when cameras, and other devices to gather data
too many cars are trying to use the same about the condition of the sewer network.
lane, traffic can get congested; similarly, a This data is then analyzed by computer
combined sewer system can become systems to identify potential issues, such
overwhelmed when too much stormwater as blockages, leaks, or overflow events.
and sewage are trying to flow through the Overall, Smart sewer systems can help to
same pipes. This can cause a "backup" in the improve the efficiency of sewage
system, similar to a traffic jam. That's why management, reduce the risk of flooding,
separating the stormwater and sewage and protect the environment by reducing
systems can help alleviate backups in a the amount of untreated wastewater that
combined sewer system. is released into the environment or homes.

LESSON LAUNCH B. Bridge to Learning

After the warm-up activity has concluded,
A. Warm Up
help students prepare for the learning that
The warm up is intended to be structured is about to come by demonstrating how a
as teacher-facilitated, whole-group student siphon works:
discussion activities. It helps students to 1. Have a tall clear plastic cup / beaker
begin thinking about the topic at the filled to the brim with water next to a
center of the lesson. shorter empty cup / beaker.
2. Take a clear plastic flex straw, without
1. Ask students to list out on a piece of bending it, and submerge it in the
paper five things that come to mind water. Have students observe that the
when thinking of sewer. water "went up" the straw.
2. Have students pair up with a partner to 3. Take another clear plastic flex straw,
share their five ideas with each other. If bending it so it could hook on the side
any ideas appear on both lists, have of the tall cup. Close off the opening of
students circle those. the short end with your finger and
3. Then, engage students in a whole-group submerge the opening on the longer
discussion to ask them to share any end of straw in the large cup until the
ideas that were circled. straw rests on the rim of the cup.
4. Generate a list of the circled ideas. 4. Before removing your finger, hold the
5. Ask for volunteers to share any ideas bendable segment of the straw in place
that were not circled that they think are on the edge of the container while you
really important to include in this topic. aim the short end of the straw down
6. Generate a separate list of those ideas. over the side pointing at the opening of
7. At the end of making the two lists, have the smaller cup next to the large cup.
students copy down one single list of all 5. Ask students to predict what will
the circled ideas and important ideas in happen when you remove your finger
their notebooks or on their paper. from the opening on the short end of
8. Ask students individually to rank the the straw. Have them share some ideas,
ideas in the list from most to least or give them a few options to vote for
relevant. (e.g., nothing will happen, water will
9. Ask for some students to share which flow, etc.)
term should be most relevant and why 6. On the count of three, take your hands
they think that is. Engage the whole off of the straw completely and back
group in discussion to arrive at away. Note: water should be flowing,
consensus about the most relevant idea but you should practice this beforehand
related to sewer that they already know 7. Ask students to observe what they see,
about or that came to mind during this and predict what will happen some
exercise. time later. When it stops, have them
observe the water level and discuss
what significance that might hold.
8. Explain to them how a siphon works.

C. Background Information Notes

Explain that we are going to build on these
ideas and learn more about sewers in this
lesson. Then proceed to give the notes
from the Teacher Background
Image Credit: Great Lakes Now Information.


This activity is a video discussion of a Post-Video Discussion
Great Lakes Now episode segment. After the groups have had time to go
over their 4 Notes Summaries, invite a
First, inform students that they will be handful of students to share out some
watching a Great Lakes Now segment of their notes, eliciting at least 1-2 of
discussing how technology is giving each of the 4 Notes and listing those
South Bend, IN smarter sewers. During somewhere for the whole group to see.
the video they need to jot down four
things they took away from the video Ask students to turn back and talk with
using the 4 Notes Summary Protocol. their groups to make connections
between the Great Lakes Now video
Then, if students are not already and what they remember from the
familiar, introduce them to the 4 Notes warm-up activities.
Summary Protocol, which they will use
after they finish watching the video, How is what we saw in the video
where they write down one of each of related to what we discussed earlier
the following notes: during the lesson launch activities?

Oooh! (something that was

After giving the groups some time to
talk, bring the whole group back
Aaah! (something that was an ah-ha
together for a shareout and discussion
moment) of ideas.
Hmmm… (something that left them
wanting to know more) In this culminating discussion, the goal
Huh? (a question they have is to help students make connections
afterward) between the video segment and what
they discussed during the launch
Next, have students watch the segment activities earlier in the lesson about
from episode 2301 of Great Lakes Now what they knew about sewers.
called How Smart Is Your Sewer?
Once the discussion finishes, have each
Last, have students complete their student write a "Sum It Up" statement
individual 4 Notes Summary and then in their notebooks. This is a single
discuss those in groups of 3-4 students. sentence that captures the big idea of
what was just learned.

Have 2-3 students share out their Sum

Teaching Tip: Use the Student Handouts to
It Up statements before concluding
help students organize their thinking in
this activity.
writing around each of the lesson protocols.



It's true that technology can help improve
our water management systems, including
dealing with stormwater and sewage, but
making such improvements in a city's
infrastructure can be costly. This article
looks at the cost of water in Ontario.

In this activity, students will use a Think

Pair Square Protocol for discussing what
they will read about this very topic.
Image Credit: Great Lakes Now

First, have students partner up and

distribute the article Ontario Faces Last, have each group craft a summary
Uneven Investment in Water statement of the most important point
Infrastructure by Andrew Reeves from from their discussion and ask for a
Great Lakes Now. Allow time for students volunteer in each group to share that key
to individually read the article, and have point with the whole group.
them jot down three things they took away
from the article using the Rose Thorn Bud As student groups share their most
Protocol—in their notebook or using the important point, record their ideas on the
handout. board and have students copy the list of
student ideas down into their notebooks.
Then, give students time after reading to
discuss the article that they read with their Once the shareout is complete, ask
partner. Have students share their rose, students to return to their groups and
thorn, and bud with each other, including discuss one last question based on the
how those points connect to each other. article:
The pair should come up with a statement
to summarize all of their article takeaways. Who do you think should pay for the
upgrades to water infrastructure
Next, have two student pairs join up, systems: local governments, individual
standing near each other to form the four residents, both, or neither?
corners of a square, to discuss the article
and what they talked about in their pairs. After giving the groups some time to
Encourage them to come to a consensus discuss this question, invite conversation
about which point they found most from the whole group to see what
important or interesting in the article. consensus can be reached.

Teaching Tip: Be sure to encourage students to support

If the reading level of the article is going to be their claims with evidence and reasoning
tough for some students to read individually, have as they discuss in the whole group.
partners or small groups read the article together
aloud while each follows along.



First, have them use the sharpened pencil (or
scissors) to poke a small hole close to the
bottom in the side of the cup. The hole should
be just smaller in diameter than the straw.
Snugly insert a straw through the hole; it is up
to students which end of the straw to use. They
Image Credit: Gary Abud, Jr. can seal around the hole using clay or tape if
In this activity, students will engineer a simple needed to prevent leakage.
gravity sewer to transport "wastewater." This will
simulate how sewage is drained away from homes Next, allow students to determine how they will
or businesses into a city's waterways using gravity. connect and orient the angles of multiple
straws to get their sewer to travel where it
Materials: needs to, given any established parameters.
Water Monitor them as they construct their sewers to
Clear plastic cups remind them they can seal straws together
Clear plastic straws (straight, flexible, or loopy) using tape as needed and to ensure the angle of
Sharpened pencil the straws generally slopes downward.
Modeling clay
Scissors Then, allow them the opportunity to test their
Tape sewers with clean water by filling another cup
Food coloring and pouring into their cup to track the water as
Poppy seeds it makes its way into the bowl. Allow them to
Bowl or disposable aluminum 1/4 size pan make any adjustments, add supports, or seal
any leaks as needed. Encourage them to keep
Before beginning, determine if all groups will track in their notes of any "upgrades" they made
have the same parameters, or if the level of to their sewer system before the final challenge.
challenge can be variable, by choosing how many
straws they can/must use, what minimum Last, give students the challenge to move some
distance they need the water to travel, how many "wastewater" through their sewer. They can
turns are required, and where the starting and make their own wastewater or you can provide
ending locations* will be for the "home" (e.g., the it premade to save time. Either way, have them
cup) and the "sewer" (e.g., the bowl). pour the "wastewater" into their sewer and
observe it travel into the city's "main line." Ask
Have students team up in pairs to make their them to consider what's happening, how it is
sewers and make materials available for them to happening, and why it is happening.
get. Explain the task and challenge ahead of
them: to make a sewer that will move water a Extend their thinking by having multiple groups
certain distance. Elaborate that they will be drain their sewers into the same bowl at the
building a gravity-powered sewer drainage same time, and ask them to notice what's
system to simulate dirty water being carried away happening? As they see the bowl starting to fill,
from a home and dumped into a sewer. ask them to consider what would happen to the
bowl if we were to also pour some additional
The cup will represent the home; the straws the clean water (e.g., "rainwater") into the bowl at
home's sewer line; food coloring and poppy seeds the same time the sewers were draining?
are waste; and the bowl will represent the city's
main sewer. Help them to see the need for a sewer system to
have its own drainage system that goes
*Teaching Tip: Staircases or ramps make great locations somewhere else, like a local body of water, and
for this challenge. why its key to keep the rainwater separate from
the raw sewage.

After the conclusion of all the activities,
help students to make connections*
between everything they did in the
lesson and what they learned overall.

A. Free Recall
Group students in pairs or triads (e.g., in
groups of 2-3 partners) and distribute
Image Credit: Great Lakes Now
the Free Recall Protocol handout, C. Cool Down
Alternatively, you can have students do After the individual synthesis is
this in their notebooks. Set a 3-min complete, students should share their
timer and have students generate a list synthesis with a partner.
of everything they can remember
learning about in this lesson related to After sharing their syntheses, have
the central topic of the lesson. This students complete a 3, 2, 1 Review for
doesn't have to be in depth, just the lesson with their partner, recording
whatever each group can call to mind. in their notebooks or, optionally, on
Have them draw lines between any exit ticket slips to submit, each of the
terms that relate to one another. After following:
the timer finishes, give groups a chance
to volunteer to share aloud 2-3 things 3 things that they liked or learned
from their free recall lists and any of the 2 ideas that make more sense now
connections that they made with those. 1 question that they were left with
Jot down any ideas that come up
multiple times during the shareout for Invite several students to share aloud
the whole group to see. what they wrote in either the synthesis
or 3, 2, 1 Review.
B. Lesson Synthesis
Give students individual thinking and Lastly, ask one student volunteer to
writing time in their notebooks to summarize what has been heard from
synthesize their learning, by jotting the students as a final summary of
down their own reflections using the student learning.
Word, Phrase, Sentence Protocol.
*Optionally here, the teacher can
In the Word-Phrase-Sentence Protocol, revisit the learning objectives and
students write: make connections more explicit for
A word that they thought was most
important from the lesson
A phrase that they would like to Teaching Tip: Use the Student
remember Handouts to help students organize
A sentence that sums up what they their thinking in writing around
learned in the lesson
each of the lesson protocols.


A Word, Phrase, Sentence Protocol
What is a word that you thought was most important from this lesson?

What is a phrase that you would like to remember from this lesson?

What is a sentence that sums up what you learned in this lesson?

3, 2, 1 Review Protocol
What are 3 things that you liked or learned from this lesson's activities?

What are 2 ideas that make more sense now to you?

What is 1 question that you were left with after this lesson?



Free Recall Protocol

With 1-2 partners, generate a list of everything you can remember learning about
in this lesson related to the central topic of the lesson. Draw lines between any
terms that relate to one another.


4 Notes Summary Protocol

Something that was interesting to you Something that became clearer; an "ah-ha" moment

Something that left you wanting to learn more Something you questioned or wondered

Sum It Up Statement:
Summarize your group discussion about your 4 Notes Summaries below:



Think Pair Square Protocol

THINK Write down your own individual ideas

PAIR Summarize what you and your partner discussed

SQUARE Summarize what your group discussed



Rose, Thorn, Bud Protocol

Something that "blossomed" for you in your learning

Something that challenged your thinking or was difficult to understand

Something that's new and growing in your mind — a "budding" idea


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