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3notNourc3l3,oslrcvrNoult0e3c il)



Cat. No. 28-161

Science Faira



CongratulationslWe thinkyou madea greatchoicewith

Thiskit is almostlike"instantelectronics" becauseyoucan Afteryouhaveconnected 23and17,make

beginbuilding yourfirstprojectright now,whetheryouknow surethespringis touching themetalpartof
anythingaboutelectronicsor not. Don't believeus? thewireandnottheolasticinsulation. The
. . . Youwillin a fewminutes! projectswon'tworkif the metalpartof the
Beforewebegin,makesureyouhavetwoAAbatteries,like wireisn'ttouchingthe spring.
RADIOSHACKCat.No.23-582. Almosteveryprojectwilluse Thenextconnection isfrom17to 39.You'llfindthatwhenyou
them.Placethe batteriesin the batteryholder(underneath) havetwo connections at the samespring(likeat 17),it is
andcheckto seethatthe + and - markings on thebatteries easierif you makethemon oppositesidesof the spring.
matchtheonesontheholder.Don'teverleavethebatteries in Nowconnect 24to14,25to28,29to 37,37to 15,321o22,22
theholderwhenyouarenotusingyourkit.Even"leakproof" to 13,13to19,.. . . . . . .HANGINTHEHE!You',llbelistening
batteriesCANleakanddamagethe partsof the kit, to your"creation"verysoon, 33 to 43, 12to 42,42lo
Nowlet'sget started. 38, 16to 18,and36 to 20.Thelastconnection willbeforthe
EARPHONE. Onewireof theEARPHONE goesto 18andthe
The30-lN-1SCIENCEFAIRKITconsists of a boardcovered
parts,andan assortment otherto 20.Finished at lastl
withelectronic of wiresyou'lluseto
connectthoseparts.Thereare severaldifferentcolorsand Putthe EARPHONE in yourear andpressthe KEYon the
lengthsofwire.Inaddition partsontheboard,
to theelectronic CIRCUITBOARD(circuitis a fancywordfor thewiringyoujust
you'llsee someshiny,silverspringswith numbersnextto did). Holdit downfor about5 seconds. You shouldhear a
them.Thesespringsand numbersare the keysto starting high-pitched sound.lf you don't,checkyourconnections.
rlght now.We simplytellyouwhichonesto connect foreach Therewerelotsof wiresl
of the THIRTYprojects. Whenyouhearthesound,beginto pressandrelease theKEY
Thefirstconnection foryourfirstprojectwillbefrom23lo 17. aboutoncea second. Doesthatsoundfamiliar...... like
l-ocate thesetwospringsandchoosea wirelongenoughto maybea sirenor one of thoseelectronic gamesyou liketo
reachbetweenthem.To attachthewire,justbendthespring play?Youcan experiment withdifferentspeedsof pressing
to onesidewithyourfingerandstickthewireintooneof the theKEYand........ HEY!Waita minute. You'replaying
gapsthatyousee.Nowletthespringgo andit willclampthe withyourfirstelectronic circuit,that YOUput together.WE
wirefirmlyin place. TOLDYOUSO!

o1982RadioShack,a Divisionof TandyCorporation,


UoJ'uorlerodro3 B 'loeqsolpeUZ86f'.
il-tcsNorAVsnoN lno 3c Nf rs r_sf,c ' ace1dua l U ol ]uourasnau0t os
i gl u or . .sur euueflr p uo,l e n b e n b ru o l l c e l ey n c rc ;e ru rard rual B Arnb yosser ol reqcg-1' 9t1dpossel e; l ed est uu: ad
a l ca ner eno[ ep ur B J u ] o l u a u u a l d u rrs]n o ] l s a u g l n e d un arnua^no,lsupp l l l a1ressrl 61e 16gopun,p aptp, lp ?t gc
su oAo n' ualqqf " r nale l n d ru e unJp a l n n o o u Buol p s a s sal rA un,puosseJa;re;1d' l rl alJaqcpl l eJnod' Japrocceisa;lnod
sal u algl1r pr eA es s eln a d u g ;s n p u e d g r s q ri rn q , prnol 6uo;zessepl un Jrsrollcie suossorxnap saclasllPco-l'/ 1.e
-n e sanbr uor lc e; gx na l s a c a p u n ,l n o e u g rrs a u n ned eZep l l pt as e6el uorureruerdn p l uauepl occetl et ueld a1
u n al l addergloo uoJ r^ u aa p u o c a s .re ds ro l a u n re q cgl er 'sa6eluotttOesap
e 1l e rn alelndr uE Lu al r n s re ,{ n d d e ' o } rl Bu o B}l p u a l u ou o ,lrS unceLlcrnod reproccel p syossal sa1luauta;duts suonb
islli e p a n o ' s l u e urap -lpu! snoN'luaualelp9urrl'll racuaulu.rocap luellau.,llao
-rocceJs alr ar lug^' s e c as1e dl s a ,ua c tg ' e n Ote s q l g l !leuol 'so.lguinusJnalca^e 'suossoJsac 'xne,p uncsqc ep ?lgc
aun o r pualuoI lop uo u o J r{ u as o p u o c s sI l u e p u e o rnal p soJau,rnu sap ceAEslupllrJqla sgluo6rBsUosseisanblenb
-e l n dr uer -a1 u r ns . r eA n d d y(e rre 1 e p l u o t^ u o ,1a n b a b el qgc euod ' senbruoJl cal ?secql d sap snl d ua ' ogoqcuPld
a; rauO r s gp r nod ; er c g d sl o u r u n ) l rn c J r3n p rn e l e l n d tueu B l ' sel ue.r9l l p srnanOuol ep l e sJnal noc ep luos
e; l n s r e{ ndde t a alll e i o e u n s u p p l n a } n o c ? ,1 J e c e ldeS slu sa"l 'sec?!dsoc iaprocceJq luoJl^les InD sl!] ap luaul
i 9 u lr!Jel -ruosseun l a senoruoJl ca19 soc?!oap aue^no3al laqsuelo
]se e 0eiuoulel 0Z p a .l l n e ,ll a 8 L P e ^ rn a i n o c o ,lo p l ! l un aun puerduoc S f eV J-N Oy\0e 3A H tV l l ON l tC S J_t ya'l
'rnalnooa,le puodseroc luarrloploecelrorurepel '02 p gg 'rasuauruJosap sclurallueualu!eu lso ll
." a 6 e l u o u to l l o l n o c er ro^
l a BL ? 9 ! ' gg V Z r ' Z , Ae l ' e t p 0 e 'sllsoJJoS
-n od i gluar qs uollss no N i Sl OAf N N Og " 6 t P e l ' 8 1 8 ZZ senbrul qc sl l npord sap i rnl Jasstell uennad aqgupl?
'zapat ' 9|.q / e' Lt Q6z ,' ,8 z P 9 4 ' rl 8 v e a i l n s u e .re p roccsu adIl ep sa;rd se1eu?y\ ' l l l a1 sed esl l l l n,uuo puenb
'uossaj oc op 1ueura6o1 al suep sa;rdsa1rassl plsteuef a1 l u eua6o;
saso ddos glgcs olJ nsa ./resl o la p e l q E rg l e rd1 s e1 ' (i u e serd np sol l ec p l uapuodseroc sa1;dsap - l a + suolleclpul
sp c o l s upp 11) y os s a r a u rg u i n E s l u e u .ra q c u e l xnop q se1anbre:nsse,s l e (snossapua)sel 1dep 1ueue6o al 1 suep
arl Ei l l opuo puP no 6e P /t e p B^l u B^ rn sl u o u ra p ro c cPal r sa;rdsac racel d ' sebel uorusep yedngdel su€p ast lt lnsal

aqcn ol ou lr l np anorl l e l 9 u e
'llossel al sed
r ru e o Pl rs
===grr'' uO ' )tcpqsol peg anOo;el ecnp A gg-tz ou ol otye,leulut oc
,,VV,,sel!dxnep raJnco.ldas 1ne11 'lacuau./tlJoo ep IUPAV
reLlcreur'sed lned au a6eluotu el 'enbll gsedsuol uesl el dau snou 13 l l roneesstnduo,; enb anbt u
-sp l du a I uplos l, uou l lo i l l n p e n b rl l p l e u t -oJl ool ?ua segupssr€uuoc ap nsol ru e; l tos enb l a nb 'e6el
oru ed pl uar q aL{ c n o ii J o s s o j a l e n o -uoruraruuerd a;.rerederd luoruolelp?urulenbsald lned uo
Jarn ss e, s ' llel ls o luaua L l c u Brq al pueno .rpc' ,,aeuel uel su! enbl uorl oel f,,Jal nl tl ul ,sl l B JJn odlll aC
'ocuelsrsor lo sur.lo000'0Lt)o >lult sEr{}!l aql
urrolsrsoJ ,,lsa6uorts,, aqlos 'spuesnoL{l .rolspuelssloqunu
eqllo ourosJoUB ) or.ll't!rlleaurepun pa1s11(suqout)q16uer1s
sll seq lll rno^ u! srolsrsara^[ oL{tlo r{cP3'sylHo psllec
slrunurpejnsBour srfircrrlce;a oql lsrsarol
seLlJolslsor p r.llbuerlslo lunoureeq1'ulot.ll {nAr-
qbnortltIlrculcelalo /vrolleql lsrsarAaql
asnecoqsrolsrse.r pellecalp {eq1 'uaq1
punorpspupqperolocqlrrnspalqo relnq
'sqlnqtq6rlre;n6erueqlfirculce;o sselesnpue -nl uMoJq oql oJBsrolsrseu :suolsls3u
sOfI '(uoltce:lp
re6uo;pe; trl0lreqlul)ll qOnorql
sessedfircrrg 'op uPc euo qcee leqr'alnoqe 6urqt
-celeaql ueq^ lq6rl$o se^!6u leql tdocxa I ttll no^ ol oulo6ar,aM ou os 'CUVO€IlnCUlC eql
'apolpraqlo ,{ue se 6urq1eues eql seop -ouJos llal
I lll] ^
uo syed lo spull luaJa$lpaLllpacrlou {pearle {qeqord a^,no1
Oft oql'apo;p 6u1p1ura rq6ll rol spuels /A j[
cll asnecaq 'urebe 1oo1'auo peluno3
-,\CI/ lln
ouvos rncurc ]HI Inosv 3uoyl
1sn[nor{;; 'aes nor{}Eql sopolpeq} lunoc 'lEnueuraql lo uolpas
pue ouvo8 JncHtc eql lE lool :o3't | -
lxeu eLll drls pnf 'adl{1snounc eq] lou er,nor{1r'HfAfMOH
'>1rornIeql moqlnoqesnouncal$!le lab ll,noIleLll(arnslsou;e
ar,emloelu1)adoqaMlnq 'sacuanbas6uurr'n aq16urlrol1o;1snf
'relelsrqllo looroaas ll,no^ 'uorlcalrp ouo trq tq stq ul llncJlcfuenelolua pue 'qy/r^Ae;d'ppnquec no1
,{;uouruaql qbnorqlmol;o1{1cu1ce;amo1;e
'lllnq lsnl nol lrncrrceql sl ll leql oos 1;r,a
Iaql '6urq1 e;durrsauo op saporq:3OO;O -{F nol 'o^oqe
ecuenbes6u1r1rur eq1rno11olno,i11'syed cruoJlcala aq1;o{ue o1
'(pl) spetet-o.lcl,uut paleJllp ale II sl.ll u1srolrcedec
e6euep luanerdol 'uanrbere{aqlrepro aql ursuorlcauuocaql
aqf 'lolel saouere$rpaql lnoqe llel ll,ampue 'll)4lno{ ur s.ro1 oleurollueuodu.r;s;11 'jON:lnof S gNlHlM eql palpc srslql
-rcedec1ospurl luaro$rpo/rlle^eq no1 'pprple lo qluollltuteuo
sr ppJel-oJcr,u V '0rl) spetel-otclut ut palel r r * \| f NOHdUV:l
are sropcedeclsour 'lunoure e6regfuan -7f- -)l- - 02- 9e' 3NoHduv3- 8r - 9r ' ge'z v - z r 'e?- eo
e sr pejPls acurslnq 'sovuvl pallecslun '6tel'ez-ee'9rle-62'82-92
ur pa.tnseauisr {1culcela e:o1s o1 {11;qe :srqlolrl
rlaLll 'll speaulrncro e se &rcupale oseel Iem gua:eg;p{ttrtOrtse ur slcalo:d euru-{luernl Jaqlo eql
-ar pue arols sroucedBS:suollcvdvc ro;6upnnaql no^ 6u;46 aq ll,a^ ,,'uerelo^,,e ar,no^lerll oN

o0 0r fNlN-AlN3/ru

ENCOREVINGT.NEUFMONTAGES l ' 6l ectri ci t6se mesure dans une uni t6 que I' on appelle
I' OH M. S ous chacune des ci nq r6si stancesd u kit est
N ous av onsm aint en a nat l l a i rea u n a n c i e n ...N o u sal l ons i ndi qu6el a val eurcorrespondante en ohms. Le K quisuit
d onc donner le c A b l a g ed e s v i n g t-n e u fa u tre sm o n tages certai nsdes nombrescorrespondd une mul ti plicat ionpar
d e l a gon l6ger em endt i ff6 re n te ...
c o mme s u i t: mi l l e;l a r6si stancel a pl us forte du ki t est marqu6e470K,
soi t 470,000ohms de r6si stance.
23-17 -39, 24-14, 25-28, 29-37-15, 32-22-13-19, fq
33-43, 12-42-38, 16-18-ECOUTEUR,36-20-
.,-\ t { coNDENSATEURS:Lescondensateurs
( ) \f, emmagasi nentet l i bdrent I 'elect r icit e
C etteop6r at ions ' ap p e l l el ' o rdre d e c Ab l a g el.l fa u ta bsol u- l t-^\ ll lt sui vantl es besoi nsdu ci rcui t.Leur apt i-
me ntf air eles r ac c o rd e m e n ts d a n s I' o rd rei n d i q u ep our ne 1 1 tude d emmagasi ner l ' 6l ect r icit e se
p as endom m agerle s p i d c e s 6 l e c tro n i q u e sSi . I' o n sui t r\ + r\ mesure avec une uni t6 appel6e le
l 'ord r ede c A blagec i-d e s s u so, n p e u tv o i rq u ' i lc o rre spond FA R A D ,Le farad repr6sentantune trds
au ci r c uit que I ' on v i e n t d e m o n te r. grande quanti t6 d' 6l ectri ci t6,l a pl upart des condensa-
On p eut m ont eret ex p 6 ri m e n tecr h a q u ec i rc u i td e ce ki t et teurs sont 6val u6sen mi crofarads(i rF). U n micr of ar ad
s'e n s er v iren s uiv a n ts i mp l e m e n tl e s o rd re sd e c A bl age. correspondd un mi l l i onni dmede farad.C e ki t c om pr end
N ous es p6r ons c ep e n d a n t (e n fa i t, n o u s e n s ommes deux typesdi ff6rentsde condensateurdont nous et udie-
p re s quec er t ains )q u ' i l s e x c i te ro n tl a c u ri o s i t6e t qu' on rons l esdi ff6rencespl ustard.Lescondensateurde s ce kit
essaier ade c om pr e n d rel e u r fo n c ti o n n e me n t.S i I' on est sont tous 6val u6sen mi crofarads.
TOUT E F O I Spas du g e n rec u ri e u x ,i l s u ffi td e p a s s erd l a ___{+_
se ctions uiv ant edu ma n u e l . D IOD E :La di ode ne l ai ssepas serl'6lec-
tri ci t6que dans un seul sens.Nous ver -
rons ce ph6nomdnepl us tard.

PLANCHETTEDE CIRCUIT (LE D ): Jeter un coup d' o eil d la
P LA N C H E TTED E C IR C U ITe t com ot er
On a pr obablem endt 6 j a re m a rq u 6l e s d i ffd re n tsty p esde l es di odes. S i I' on n' en vo it qu'une.
pi e c es de la P LA N C H E T T ED E C tR C U IT ; n o u s al l ons recommencer.Les i ni ti al es anolaises
d onc pas s eren r ev u ec h a c u n ed ' e l l e se t s o n r6 l e . LE D correspondenta " l l ghl emi tti ng di ode" ou diode
RE SIS T AN C E S: L e s 1 6 s i s ta n c essont l es 6l ectrol umi nescente.C ette di ode se compor t e com m e
obj e ts tu b u l a i re s b ru n s p o rta n t des toute autredi ode,mai s el l e 6met de l a l umi dreq uandelle
ann e a u x d e c o u l e u r. On l e s a ppel l e est travers6epar un courant6l ectri que(dansl e bon sens) .
r €s i s t a n c e sp a rc e q u ' e l l e sr6 s i s t entau Les di odes LE D durent pl us l ongtempset con som m ent
() Transistorshave three EARPHONE: Theearphone is a de-

connections (insteadof two likethe other vicethatturnselectrical information
$l'J z1
intosoundlor youto canalso

fr ' .*
lillil {^) partsyouhaveseen).You'llseewhythisis
importantlater.In yourkit,transistors turnsoundintoelectricity,asyouwill
llllll \ act
see in severalof the proiects.
lllju eitheras switches to turnthingson andoff
to makethingslouderor brighter.
or as amplifiers
ANTENNA COIL:Theantenna coilis

f lt"T-l usedto sendand receiveradiosig-

nals .. . . . That'sright!Youwillbe
makinga radioandsomeother"wire-
BATTERIES:Of courseYou t(now
whatbatteriesare!Theywill be the
powersourcelor mostof Yourcir'
cuits.We includedthemin thissec'
less"proiectswithyourkit.The an-
tennaconsistsof a coilol wirewrap-
pedarounda ferrite(aspecialformof @ tion becauseof the sYmbolnextto
In factyoumayhave
the illustration.

powderediron)core. noticeda symbolnextto eachoneof
the components (parts).These.will
TUNINGKNOB:Thetuningknobis actual- to you laler,so don'tforgetaboutthem'
be veryimportant
ly a will be usedto

TRANSFORMER: Thetransformer is a coil

-_) ll of wire arounda can help
j ll oitterentpartsof a circuit"get along"and
J ll *orr

KEY:Thekeyis a switchthatcompletesa
pathfortheelectricity when
it is pressed.


.rnode'essedap aro^"3}l"'',1"uil?d ,71*

ue 'tnblnoldnllalu!un ls,i\*
lse rneletndtueue-'lrHnlIVlndlNvtrll -:-..-5
'tuaurececlJlesnlorellle^Brlall'l sal , ft'i&J
ap la ltnortcun,pseruedseluarqlllp sal ll I- { i I }
rtun-arap laured 11'enbrlseld
ep ne{ou ll. | ,UAI
unrnsolnorue1l ap aurqoqaunlsarnol llL K\?
-eurrolsuerl al :UnSMtllUOlSNVUI

'o!pel ep
P uas l nb
xneu6!ssat(ret6gt),,ropl occe,,
olqerJPA.rnalpsuapuocun llBl uo lsa ploc
'l ar lqnos a; s ed e u x n a l u c u o p l n e ^ l ! :o l l n se 1led s1ue1 -cE,puolnoqol :ouoccv.o Nolnos
-lodurr s?Jlluolas se;oqutr{ssoC 'sacQtdsap aunceqc ep ' (erpnodue ral ap a1e;c9dsl N fl I \
glgc p eloqulls un gnbteuualllo^P etl.rol) ellJlal eP neAou un jns
tned uo ' llel u3 ' u o rl e rl s n l l l ,la p gl noJuai l l ep aul qoq aun,p esoo
glg3 q eloqulAsnp esnecp uollces -uJocas euualue,-'l ',,1t;sues,,sa6el
o l l ac s uep s e9 q o 1 6 u e s u o ^ 3 -uou sarlnBsulsuac la olpeJ eun
sel s noN ' s apd s e p re d a tu l n o l JesrlPajap ]ueulo^llcallo leuijao
lse slln3Jlc sou q eJlessac9u l l l aC ' otpe.rxneu6ts sop Jl o^
arOr aua, l iolld a u n l s o ,n b
ae iles epuoul ol lnol _:s3-lld
-acor la aluat!9 P uas euualue,p
ourqoq P ' l :3N N ]IN V ,O 3N IS OS l__J_*,_l
'9llsour uinl
s;n er s nld s uB p s u o J l a A a l el erl l ol cce l nod no euqtl ougqd un l enl u acce r nod
snou ouuroc gllculcel9 uo a.louos rna1ec1l;1drue,p no lglre,p la aqoiPl'uue aslul ap tnaldnllal
er6 laue, 1 r r l. / on u o c ts s n P l n e c l o l uei l es sl otsl stl Prl sel 'rl v ao stl P .l >€\ lllllt
al l l nos el uo puc nu uu- l l l l l c ,s l l l u dr ul r uq ts | .66 oN Ill lrJtllJ

lP]gurap rnelcelgp o-l :tz I |nculc

,,lll atnld ep inalcalap ol
sues,, :02.N l- lnculc
olpEr ap uollels 9-l :6t .N r lnculc
a r n l de p J n e l c e l a pa l :81 r lnculS
lceluoc op luelo^ e'l :l .L.N I |nculc
loArluP,l :9t .N I ncHlc
anbluorlcalg llBuec o-l :91.N I lncul3
elleqB,l :tt .N I nculc
9r.uro,leuj laulqol al :et
"N |nculc
uo^elc un coAPanblsnl^ :zL .N I nculc
ereqd el :tL .N I ncUlc
uollelllcso,lep seq sel le slneq sal :01
"N |nculc
,,larcesapoo,,np glc sl :6 . N I nculc
ouoo el
,,1N,, :0 e.N Il nC U l C ,.rluolBlne llalos ap Jaqcnoc]a la^el,,luPAoAal :8 l- lnCUlC
,,1_3-NON,, auoo El :6 2 l .| ncul c ,,lrelosap Joqcnocla Jo^41,,]uP^oAOl :Z . N I I NCHI C
,,no,, euocl Pl :8 2.N | ncul c uorlecrlrldue,llo JolslsueJla'l :9 I nCUI C
anbruorlcol9elua]9p no rolslsuPllol :9
,,If ,, auod el :Z Z.N IIN C U IC "N I nCUt C
ollot!oL'll P'l :9 2 l .l ncul c e l q r s r A uuro l l e l u a u l l e P o ! p e l e l :t . N I lnO UlC
a llo ln u lu B' l :9 2 | ncutc anblun sues ? anl Bl :0 . N JnCulc
s r o l s r s u e jl xn a p q ln a le lllcso ,l :tz .N Incul c onbruorlcalgaoelcols ap lo^losqi el :z . N I nculc

'enbluorlcelg,plll ec co^e salqlssod sooeluoul sap els!'l

Here is a list of experimentswhich can be performedwith

this 30-in-1ElectronicProiectsLab.

#2:The Electronic
CIRCUIT Oscillator
CIRCUIT#24: The Two-Transistor
CIRCUIT#3: TheOne-WayStreet #25:TheTimer
Power"Radio #26:fhe Memory
CIRCUIT#5: The Transistor,An Electronic"Trigger" #27:The "AND"Gate
CIRCUIT#6: TheTransistorand"Amplification" CIRCUfT#28:fhe "OR" Gate
CIRCUIT#7 : The Sunrise-Sunset CIRCUIT#29:THE"NAND"Gate
CIRCUIT#8: TheSlowMotionSunrise-Sunset Light CIRCUIT#30: The "NOR"Gate
CIRCUIT#9: The "Secret
#10: TheHighsand Lowsof Oscillation
#1 1: The BeaconLight
CIRCUIT#12: MusicFromA Pencil
CIRCUIT#13: The LeakyFaucet
#15: The Electronic
CIRCUIT#16: The BurglarAlarm
CIRCUIT#17:fhe Touching Light,
CIRCUIT#19: The RadioStation
CIRCUfT#20:lhe "Wireless"RainDetector
CIRCUIT#21:The MetalDetector
CIRCUIT#22 Blowing"ON" A Candle
CIRCUIT#23: TheBlinker
CIRCUIT#2t The ElectronicStorageTank

In the preceeding sectionof the manualwe toldyou that a

capacitor storedandreleased in a circuit.Nowyou
canseefor yourself . Afteryoucomplete thewiring,touchthe
freeendof the LONGWIREto 21 andthento 26. Surprise!
The LEDlightsup. Do you knowwhy?
Tounderstand better,lookatthediagrambelow.Wecallthisa
SCHEMATIC, andit isthekindofdrawing professionals useto
buildcircuits. Don'tworry.... you can stillusethe wiring
sequence. Thesymbolsusedin the schematic arethe ones
sectionof thisManual.lf youdidn'tlookat themthen,it would
be a goodideato checkthemout now.
lf youfollowtheSchematic youwillseethattouching thewire
to 21 completesa path for electricityto flow from the -
terminalof the Batteries to the Capacitor andthenfromthe
othersideof theCapacitor to the + terminalof theBatteries.
ThisletstheCapacitor "fillup"withelectricity.Whenyoutouch
thewireto 26youcomplete a pathfortheCapacitor to release
the electricitythroughthe LED.The LED lightsjust long
enoughfor theCapacitor to "empty"(whichisn'tverylongin
As you go throughall the circuits,you'lllearnlots of
information just like this and it's a good ideato keepthis
information in a Notebook. By thetimeyoufinishthiskityou
maywantto trydesigning somecircuitsol yourown,andthen
yourNotebook wouldhavemostof thethingsyou'dneedto


np suorl er.uJolsap ur rped rel rl sl o;e errnodu o : eulgur - r os
sl rncrc sep reredgrdl ueuJourepec erpnon uo '] r l ec ap
se6eluou.r sel gururel BJnBuo pusng solou-colqun supp
ral ou sol ep uoq l se l r l eruaOac ap suorl eur . r olureJqur ,p ou
erpuaj dde uo ' sa6el uotusal erpnl a uo,1a nb olnsoul V
' (se3a c suep e^?r q
sqrl apol .rgd),,apr^,, as rnal esuepuoce; anb r nod sdur el
-Ouo;zesseeunl l e,s Ofl apol p el Oj -l a por p el suep
gl l cul cal guos er?ql l rnel psuepuocal anb r nod ut Lueqc
un l rl qB l ?uo' gz ca^el cP l uocue l l l al l eLuuo p uPno 9t ! c! r l
-col g,p,,.r1duel os ,, op rnal esuapuocne l au; ed uor ler gdo
apeg' saprdsop + ouJoQpl p ruanor rnod r nelesuopuoc
np gl gc el 1ne,; p srnd' rnel psuapuocne sa;rds ap - eur oqel
ep en l nb gl l orJl cel g,l
l nod urueqc un l rl qpl g LZce^Blr l np
lcpluoc ue agllua,lanb rronlned uo 'pr,rlotlcs ol lrns uo,l rS

sQp,ao,pdnocun.ra1ef ,{,puoq}r'res 't,",LlSli}';?T

e,l eu uo rs ' l onuB u.r
ac ap ,,l l ncH l c l c" 3l_I SHcNVld
vl Hns sSulvl_N31/!f-'ld]/!oc sllvl_f c,, uorlcasPl suBp
?uuorluauJsuolp snou anb ec p luapuodserrocpr.lrorlcs
el suB psgsrl rl nsa;oqu,tsse1 ' a6e1qgcep o r pr o, lr esr lln
aJocual nad uo " rel grnbur,sap narl sed e A, u ll 'synor c
sep rel uot! rnod sl euuol ssal ordsa1red gs r lr lnedAl np
lse rnb elrlgLlcsun al1adde,s uorlerlsnllla]laC 'snossep-rc
E uroqcsnp pao,pdnoc un suol ef' arpuerdu. r oc xnor ulr nod
a, t onbr nod
al rp uo-l nad i aurnl l B ,sqf I aporp el 9z r ns sr no
LZrns gN O-l l l l np orqrl gl l urgl l xe,l.renbr ; ddB'gur ur r el
gsaa6el qgcal puenO .rtonel l ueual ul eu suollpsnoN 'lr nc
r noles
l- -'EX.
-rc un suep ol rcul cal g,lop oJeqrlto eursebeuuue
-uepuocun,nb1rpsuonesnou 'aguepgcelduorlcaspl supO
J n00t

(enlq)3Ht/noNot-ot' Lz-ot'tv-rl-ez

Ordre de ciblage
23-11-41, 10-27, 40-FtL LONG (bteu)

C ondens at eru
Do you remember
CIRCUIT#3: The One-WayStreet

what LED standstor? . .. . . . Light

EmittingDiode.And we told you that a diodeonly lets
electricity flowin one direclion.Here'sproof.
Complete thewiring,andthentouchthetwofreeendsof the
LONGWIREStogether.The LEDlightsup . . . right?Now
reversethe connections to the Batteries(21 and 23), and
touchthe LONGWIRESagain.Nothinghappens, because
theflowof electricity is goingin theopposite direction
Diodewon'tlet it through.
IntheSchematic youcanseehowtheDiodemustbeconnect-
ed for it to light.The + (positive) sideof theBatteriesgoesto
the arrow-head and the - (negative) sideof the Batteries
goesto the line.This wouldbe good inlormation for your
Notebook. Youare keepingone,aren'tyou?
The 680 ohm Resistorin this circuitreducesthe amountof
electricity goingto the LED(it can'ttakeverymuch,or it will
A practical usefor thiscircuitis as a will
allowyou to see whetherelectricity is flowingthrougha
particular circuitor component. Thiskindof testingcanhelp
you find wherethe problemsare if a circuitisn'tworking

sed auuorl cuol ou rnb l rncrrc un suep set uqlqold
sal Jesrl B colrssnBl nad uorl E crl rJo^ ep e:u aO oC 'r all
-ncryedl uesodtnocno l !ncrl c un suep assed911c; 11ce19, 1
rs ron ap geurad rnb 91;nu;1uoc ep rnelgclllr?Aeuuroc
l rncJl c ep erue6 ec rasrpl n l ned uo ' anbtleld el supq
' re11r.r0
ep reqcgdua,lrnod epo;p B l E ]ue^uree] r culcele, p
9lrluenbel llnp-srlrn3r3 ac ep sur.lo089 ap e3uelsrselel
-col q al suep Jel ou p uorl eurol ur ouuoq eun ar lg- 1ned
pl rol ' euOrle; p en se;rdsep (l l te6gu)- 9l 9c el la aqc?ll ep
alurode| p en sa;rdsep (1;1;sod) + glgc e-l 'eunlle,s a|;e,nb
lnod aporp el ep luauroqouerqel enbrpul euraqcs a-'l
' rassedap eqcgdue,lapol p el srpur' suasarl ne, suep l lueu
-olureurlrel os glrculcel?,|ap e6essede1enb ecred essed
es au ueru 'lceluoc uo s9Nol slll sal nee^nouap eruaur
le (gZ lo ;7) sepd xne slustlopJoccel sal Jesra^ul ased
a3-l se,u' er!nl l e,scfl epol p e" l ' scN o-] s" l ll sep sor qr l
s?lrurgllxaxnep sal lcpluoc ua oJllau 1ae6elqgcal arlpl
'a^naJdBl !o!oAuf
' suesl nasun suE panb el rcugcal g,l Jassedass leleu epor p
eun,nbl rp rssnpsuo^esnoN ' ,,el uacseururnlor lcele epolp, , p l uepuodsa.l l oc C l -l sol erl rulsa1enb l !p pl gpsuo^PsnoN
3HlnACNOl-eZ'3ut/ngNol-gz ',Lz-tt',ot-tz

Ordre de c6blage
i 21-10, 11-27,26-FtL LONG. 23-FtL LONG E
#4: The"lnvisible Power" Radio
ln the wiringsequence for thiscircuityouwillseea termwe
haven'ttalkedaboutyet . . . . . . GROUND.Theschematic
symbolis*. "Ground"meansthatyouactuallyconnect awire
to theearth.Oneconvenient wayto dothisistoconnecta wire
to a metal,cold waterpipe (waterpipesrun throughthe
ground).First,usea cutterto dividethe greenwireintotwo
pieces.Thenstripbothendsof eachwireby removing the
plasticinsulation fromthewire.Connect theendof onewireto
the pipe.lf youcan'tusea waterpipe,youcandrivean iron
stakeintothegroundandattachthewireto that.Youcanget NOTE:In a schematicif two wirescrosslikethis +
theextrawire(alsothemetalgroundrod)youwillneedlorthis theyare not connected,andif theycrosslikethis +
at yourlocalRADIOSHACKstore. theyare connected.
Whenthewiringis completed, puttheEARPHONE inyourear Receptionnot very good? OK,try someexperiments. Try
andturntheTUNINGKnob(variable capacito|untilyouhear connecting theGroundwireto terminal6 insteadof 7 . Ortry
a radiostation.Thisis a veryweakradio,andyouwillhaveto connecting the GreenAntennaWireto oneof the otherAN-
listencarefully. TENNAterminals. Oftenjust changingconneclions likethis
canmakea bigdifference inhowgoodtheRadioworks.Better
Afteryou'velistened to theradiofora while,takea lookat the
still,usean outdoorantenna(RadioShacksellsonejustfor
nameofthiscircuit.WearenotusingtheBatteries, sowhereis
ShortWaveRadios - itworkswellforcircuitslikethis)- BUT
thepowercomingfrom?Believeit or not,thepoweris coming BE SUREYOU HAVEAT LEASTONE ADULTHELPYOU
fromtheinvisible radiowavesthataremovingthroughtheair INSTALLTHEANTENNA.AND DON'TGETNEARPOWER
allthetime.Theradiowavesareintercepted bythegreenwire LINES.
andaresentto theANTENNA wherethey"stirup"theatoms
in the coil of wire.This stirringup causessmallpulsesof
electricityto flowoutof theANTENNA. Thevariablecapacitor
filtersoutthepulsesof electricity fromallbutonefrequency of
radiowave(oneradiostation), andthatelectricity
is changed
intosoundby the EARPHONE.
It is easyto understand whythesoundis weakwhenyousee
thatthe powerfor the radiocomes"out of the air."


' ,,.rl Bap
,l al rerl xa,,l sa orpej el ap uollPluaullle, l
enb l res uo,l rs sl qrell sa uos a; enb ei puerduoc lnad u6
unfl nocl ,l suep uos
ua seruenU oc l uos suors;ndu.r I soc]a (otpE Jap uot lPlsoun)
orpel sapuo,pecuanba:1al nas aun,p gl l cp lcolg, psuot s
-1ndur sol ar]pi ol qeup^ rnel esuopuocel JNNf I NV, I
ap r].ros p senbul cal gsuorsl ndurtsal tl edep ouau, t P uot l
-elt3xaallac lu op eurqoqel ap saurolBsal ,,luell3xa,, salla
[o f N N 3IN V ,; e sagA onue ]a i Jo^ 111e; ted se?ldBc] uos
orppl sapuo sa-' l rE ,l supp sal uasg.tdsl nolnol selqt st ^ul
orpejsepuosap l uer^uorl el ueuj | l Bsl ,leur' eJloJcP al! c! ] llp
l sa el aC euorl pl uau.rl Bl,l ue!^ no,p ' si ol e isa; ; d sa1sed
suosrl rl n,u snoN ' l rncl c ac ap uroune l reo,pdnoc un t elaf
'sluelsursanbqanbluepued olpeJ el alnoog rlone sa.rdy
'stnotHlc3'I3 s3Nctl sfo ruvc3,'l v u3ls3u v
soJl Jel nocgl nPl rl :al qrelsel l l sa o!pel ol l oc 'olpprop uol]
H 3' l- llf ^ f NNf T N V 3 1 If C U 3 ]-1 V 1 SN rU n Od S N tOl A -el s aun apuel uouo,nbec p,nbsnf(a;qetten Jnalssuepuoo)
nv fl - tncv Nn u vd uf ctv lutvl ls lnvl 1 1' (a ru e 6 cuoS cv,p uol noq el rournol eJrell a ol l l aio eun suep
ec op s lr nc J r cs e l c a ^ e u a rqa u u o rl c u o lIn Ds e u noc sapuo
U nfl noC l ,l al uaul os ' 9urrrtreltse e6el q gc ol pupno
p s or ppJs a1r nod e u n l u a u rg s rc g rd p u a nu a l c e r{S o!peu) 't eoot) 3vHS
or nar . r elx eeuua l u s e u n .re s rl rl n ,p x n e ru Je .ro cual se l l
'o r pe.Br lop luaur a u u o l l c u oal l s u e pa c u e re J p p
e puerOaun OICVH urse6eu ns sarlessacgulplgLuuo osseulep a6;1e1
auuar lqouo ' s lu a u i o L l c u e rq s a c l u e a Ou e q cu a ,nb enute l a arB l ueuel ddns;11 a; ral ncordes l nad uO 'lll al loqcslle
,{ 1e;os el suepJorop,p}enbrdun roouol ual n ad uo 'nee, p
l l f NNf lNV , p s a u ro qs e rl n e s e p a u n ,l s i ra ^ euual uE ,p
p i al r opJ oooera p re { e s s a n o 1 e u ro q p l a p narl ne g al rnpuocaun rasrl rl nsed l nad eu uo,l rS ' alr npuooel P lll
eur oqel pos s eu Ja p l l l e l ra p ro c c p Hs e c u e rre d x asenb;enb un,p gl rurgrl xa,l raqcuB JB' anbrl sel dua l uslost , llue^alua
suo{esse 'uarq s?rl eesnauel sed lsa,u uolldecgr e1 ue uo l rl enoB Ll 3 xnep sel el l n sualepnu?o
ep sgl l .l J-ej l xe
' xnpacrourxnop ue uan pl al proqe,pl edn oc 'eluBdnoc
IUOS Sll + lSU l s ]U eS ecurdaun.pspl e.lV ' (l os el suep l uassedne o, psalt npuoc
- r or ces s lr , s:s ? p J o c c esr e d l u o s a u s l ! + rs u rpl uas sel ) epro.rlnpo,p l el gur ue ol rnpuoceun p lll un laploc
- r or cos s lr lx n a p rs ' e u rg q c su n s u e o :f n o E vl ^3u -cel lnad uo 'lnq ec supC or;el pl p ?ploccel luollollsgr
l l un puel ue uo ' ,,esseur,, Jed ' i 1seanbtleugqcsoloq

e"\8 n -uu{suog 'fSSVt €l " neonnoueuJlo}un ca^e acuessteu

-uoc suosrelsnou ' i l ncJrcac ap e0el qgcap aJplo, lsuPC

Ze-Z-t- 6) VNNf INV- !,g-,,9_9

NNE (vert),
r-.?j-Ufu";::Iffi Ec o urER,7-MASS
',s-3s-s4- E
#5: TheTransistor,
CIRCUIT "Trigger"
An Electronic :'Ka
e '"lS
Thesmallmotionof pulling thetriggerof a guncanrelease
largeamountof power.TheTransistor canworkin muchthe
a p-p"*
sameway,butbeforewe explainhowthat'sdonelet'slookat
the threeconnections on the Transistor (wementioned that
COLLECTOR Thethreeconneclions aretheBASE,
BASEH I Completethewiring sequence, press
\N I
*YUff]-ffn the KEY,andthe LEDwjlllightup.
Thismaynot seemveryimpressive
to you,butyouwillseehowimportant it is in the nextcircuit.
Fornowlet'slookattheschematic andseewhytheLEDlights
whenyou pressthe KEY.
Thereareactually twopathsforelectricity inthisdiagram. One
f romtheemitter(E)to collector(C),andonefromtheemitter
(E) to base (B). Fromnow on we will call the emitterto
collectorpaththe OUTPUT,and the emitter-to-base path
the INPUTin all circuitsusingtransistors.
Theoutputcircuitlooks complete, buttheLEDdoesn'tlightup
untilyou pressthe KEYandcomplete the input circuit,too.
Thesmallamount'bfelectricity in the input circuit(oneBat-
tery),"triggers"the largeramountof electricity in theoutput
circuit(bothBatteries), andthe LEDlightsup.
Thisisa simple circuit,
butitisimportant thatyouunderstand it
well,becausethereis at leastone transistor in all of the
remaining circuitsin wouldbe a goodideato turn
backto thiscircuitoccasionally to remindyourself aboutthe
INPUTandOUTPUT of a transistor.Orbetterstill,justputthe
inlormation in thatNotebook you are keeping.


ol -
al suppelouelpualduelneduo'aloouoxnellA
' rol srsuer]un,p f IIU OS B l ap l a 3fU IN 3,l e p lelodder
asrnod l rncrc ac rns orl neP sol .l Jal ap l l ue^olop uoq llelas
l l l l l ac ap sl l ncl | c soi l ne sal suep .l ol sl suE.un / l suloLu
ne e { 1t;ec ' al pual dutooal ual qep aU odul tl t s t Bu 'aldulls
l se]rnc.rrc eC qfI oporpplouJnl l el e(sel tdxnap)et uos ap
yncrc al supp gl rcutcal g,p gl l l uenbepuel 0 e; ap ebessed
el aqcual oap(epdeun)agl l ua,pl tngl c ol suepg Uslllcolg, p
gtlluenb elllad el 'agrtua,pltncJtee1 1ueue1e69laurol
.rnod gl 3l yl ndl N V l /! e1 l ns el ndde uo,l ts anb aunl
-le,seu epotp el steu 'lelduloc 11etedeluos ep ltn3Jtcel
' srol stsup.lap l sadtnbeslt ncr t c
sel snol suep 3f uIN 3,l eseq P l g l nel l au9rl ep ur ulot lc
al le f lluos el Jnalcalloc nE lnelleug,l ep ull.lleqsol
suo.ral l edde snou 'lu€^Eu?roq(S ) eseqB le (3 ) lnepeug, l
ap ertne,lte (C ) rnel cal l ocne (l ) rneneug.l ap B^ un, l
' sul ui aqcxnapor^rnsl ned el tcul cal g,l' eul aqcsec sqt de, q
' U nfl vl ndl N V l /\ ol l ns etndde.uo pus nb eulnlle, s
O3-] apolp e1ronb.rnodsuor{oala surgtlcsne ltao,pdnoc
un suolaf'lueuouJal rnod 'acueyodtut,lPla.tluotuue snou
llnc.rlcureqco.rdal srgr.lJ 'lueuuotssa.tdutsQJlailleied sed
eu l nad el eC ' raurnl l e,sl l op C 3-1
apolp el :Hn3lv-]ndlNVr! el rns H rnsuauf€-\
re{ndde 1a e6elqgc ne rapgoord I \\
un3tc3lloc \7/"'""
el l a H nftIf/\3,1 ' IS V E H OII :nercar r oc
el l uos suorxouuoc sl o.rl sec . glleo
el ep suonesnou l uop l ol srsuerlnp suotxouu ocsr oJlxne
11ao,p dnoc un suol e[' uor1ec11dxeeun Jauuopue, piueAP
sreu ' ererueu al rtgtuel ap l euuottcuoi l ned lolst suell
e1' et6raue,p sul uenbrepu
:L?^: :: i ::?: 1 *: :,t^"4?.]1


Ordre de cAblage
15-43,17-29,A -21, 22-29,2g-42
L es c r r c ur r selec tro n i q u e sc o mp l e x e ss e c o m posentl a
plupar t du t em p s d e d e u x o u p l u s i e u rsc i rc u i ts si mpl es
co m bin6s .Ce m o n ta g er6 u n i t u n e ra d i oc o mme cel l edu
CIRCUIT No 4 et un amplificateurd un translstor.Rac-
co r der la M A S SE e t I' A N T E N N E c o m m e o n I' a fai t
pr6c6demmentet faire I'accordd'une station.Cette fois-
ci , I ' E CO UT E U Rd o i t re p ro d u i reu n s o n p l u s i ntense.
Pendant l' 6c out e ,j e to n s u n c o u p d ' o e i l a u s chema et
vo y ons pour quo il e s o n e s t p l u s i n te n s e .
D ans la RA DI O " A A L IM EN T AT ION l N VIS I B LE " ,l es
i m ouls ionsd' 6le c tri c i t6c r6 6 e sp a r l e s o n d e sra d i o6tai ent
co nv er t iesen s on d a n s I' E C OU T EU RD. a n sc e c i rcui t,ces
m O m esim puls io n sd ' 6 l e c tri c i t6 s o n t i n j e c t6 e sd I' E N TR E E
d u t r ans is t ordu c i rc u i t.L e s i mo u l s i o n sfe rme n te t ouvrent
a lt er nat iv em enI't E N T R EEp o u r c r6 e r u n e i m a ge exacte
d es im puls ionsd a n s l a S OR T IE .N e p a s o u b li er que l a
SO RT I Ees t c om m a n d e ep a r I' EN T R E E. L e si m p u l si onsde
l a S O RT I Es onte n v o y 6 e sd I' EC OU T E U Re;l l e ssont nette-
m ent plus puis s a n te sq u e l e s i g n a ld ' EN T R E Eparceque
l es piles s ont r a c c o rd 6 e sA l a S OR T IEd u tra nsi stor.U n
signal i haut e p u i s s a n c eo b te n u d e c e tte m a n i dred' un
signald bas s epu i s s a n c es ' a p p e l l eAMP L IF IC A TION ,


'NOtMtJndnV petpcslAems;q1u;leu6ptemodrnol
e uor; ;eu6rsrcmodqQqe 6ul$oe'rolsrsuprl aqlto Indlno
aql ol pelceuuocarp saUeuEE elll ssngcaq'teu6lslndNl
aq1ueqg rabuollsqcnueJBpug3NOHdHVIaqlol polcauuoc
aretndlno oql uort sesgnd eq1 'IndNt aq1{q peglorluoc
sl IndInO eqlleqlrequror,r.loH 'lndfng eql ursas;ndaq1lo
,,e6eut Jo:lul,,
e elearci{eqlgo pup uoIndNl eql urnlsaslnd
eqlsv 'ilncllcaqlurrolsrsueJleqllo IndNl eqlol pelcauuoc
are{1pupele;oses;ndeuresosoqlilncrpslqlul 'jNOHdHVf
aq1[q punoso]u!pounl ela/v\sa^B/r^ orpeleql {q dn pel;1s
l{1rcu1ce1e;osas;ndaq]OIOVH,,UlMOdj'1glst4Nt,,eql ul
srpunoseqlIqA aespup'ctleueqcs eqllplools,1e;'6u;uags1;
e:,nol epq6 'oull sull 3NOHdUVI oql uo4 punosoJoul
ge6pgnoqs no1 'uotlepe ut eunlpupalolaqplp nol se lsnf
VNN3INVpueONnOUeaql lcauuoC'ral1lldure rolslsuell
euo B r.llt^t# llnculc ut auo aql oltl orpeJe soulquros
lcelo:dsrql 'leq1e6ol palcauuoc slnclloeldurrsaJoulJoo/rll
1odnepeulsAemle lsouJlpoJesltncJtc ctuollcolepelecrlduog

,,uolleclllldulv,,pue rolslsuptl aql :g# Ilnculc

ullr I'ldtlv Ol OVU

cNnoHc-z'vNN3INV- t '3NOHdHVf -8t-t?-Ze'3NOHdUV3-02-9

'ee-ze-g g-g'
!'tt-ge-62-6' g-t' tz- Ll-gz-ge-
acuenbeg 6u;.r;111

Ordre de cdblage
2-3-7-35-29-17-23, 4-9, 5-6, 9-29-36-34,15-37-33,
#7: The Sunrise-Sunset
Afterthe circuit
iscomplete, holdtheWlREto31andwatchthe willslowlylightup. . . . likea sunrise.WhentheLED
reachesitsbrightest point,removetheWIREfrom31 andthe
LEDwilldim and go off. . . . likea sunset.lf youtouchthe
WIREto 41 the LEDwillgo offveryquickly.In thiscircuitthe
Transistor is usedas a switcheson slowlybecause
the100pF Capacitor mustbe"filledup"orcharged beforethe
electricity toturnon
theoutputandtheLED.The100KohmResistor reduces the
amountol electricityflowingintheinputcircuitandthismakes
the Capacitor chargemoreslowly.Touching41 makesthe
Capacitordischargeveryquickly,becauseit makesa "short
circuit"(a pathwithlittleor no resistance)
lor theCapacitorto
Whatdo youthinkwillhappenif youchangethevaluesof the
Resistor or Capacitor? Writedownyourguess,andthentry
changing theresistorto 10Kor470Kohms.Nexttrythe10pF
capacitor in placeof the 100pF.
NOTE:The1OpFand 100pFcapacitors area special
type of capacitorcalledELECTROLYTIC, and they
havea + and a - connection. Be sureto keeothe

Did you get the resultsyou expectedwhenyou made the

changes?Don'tforgetto makenotes!

-9 t-

i salousap aJp
-uerd ep l atl qnosed 1no1.rns l npl eu 1;l sl uaua 0uEqcxnB
gpgcotde uo puenbsnpual l usl el l nsarsel nuelqo uo- l- V
' taD euJ ulopua sal
sB dou ap ul tEal nul l adse;uo puenbaoel qgcnp uot l
-ual l BaJrel ' - fa + sautoQsep l uo sl ! :3nol l^] oHl_
-C:llf 9ledde lercgds ed{1 un e luapuodse:loc
l d 001 l e 0L ap sl nal esuapuocsel :3nOUVy! 3U
'l r 0 0 1 a p J n a l B ^ p l e p o cEl d
el e | 0f op ./nol psuapuoc ol al tnsual el ess3 . sr ! qolt ) i
0L? no 0t ? acuel stsgte; l assedal tel ap ol tn sua: aAessa
1a esuodg.rBl ioloN elnalesuapuoc np no ocuelstsel
el ap slnslsn se; aOueqc uo,l !s lessed es p-1nadang
' ,,Japrn,, as rnod (ecuel srsalap sed no nad ce neur uaqc)
,,l rncrc-U noc,,un etncotd rn; uo,nb acl ed luaur epr de. r
sqrl a6l eqcgpes Jnel esuepuoc el ' l U el ce^B I t euJoqpl
aLl cnoluo,l l S ' l nol esuapuocnp eOl eqcap ar.u r O el ol t su! e
l rl ual er l a agj l ue,p l tncIs al suep l uB S sE d? lt cl. llcelg, p
glrluenoel InpeJ sulqoltl 00 t ep ecuplstsgJB-l'o3'l apotp
el iot!nllE le e!uos el ltlqelg lnod .lolstsuejlnp a_aJlua,l
ied ressed essqndoltculcelg,lenb luene 96.reqcno ,,r1d
-ureJ,, aJl gl l op Jrl 00t ap Jnal esuepuoc e1enb act ed luet
-noc al l uautal uell l l qpl g 1; tnel dnl tel ut,pU o s t olst suEr l
ol ' ynorc oc suE C ' l uauraprdetsQJll utal o,sO 3- 'lapolp
el ' Ltauroq B lJns-' l l Ja; enbr;ddeuo,ltS ' l tol osapieqcnoc
un "'lulal?,s la ?Isouttunl ap essteqo3-] opolp
P-'l'!! ou.log el op lll ol ra^alua 'aleutxeul ?llsouil,lnl
Bsluralleapolp pl pueno 'ltelossp Ja^alun etrJtrJoc "'lueu,
-al ualal uaurOne gysourunlB S G3-l apotp el ls^lesqo lo
l e auroqpl Jns-' l l Jel l enbrl dde' el uou.ll se l tnclo el pupno
o xool

lf J-0t-91 'Lz-91'92'll 'lt'Ll'ez'0e-01-le

e6elqgcep erprg



Dans c e c ir c ui t,l a l u mi n o s i t6d e l a d i o d e L ED augmente
t r ds lent em ent.F a i rel e c Ab l a g ee t a p p l i q u e rl e FIaLON G ,[i[a-
sur la borne 33. Au bout de vingt i trente secondes,la
diode LE D c om m e n c ed s ' a l l u me r.E c a rte rl e FIL LON G
et la diode LE D s ' 6 te i n tl e n te me n t.(C a p e u t p rendre en_
v ir on 5 m inut e so n p l u s ...). C o mme d a n sl e ci rcui t pr6_
c 6dent , ladiode L ED s ' 6 te i n tra p i d e me n ts i I' on appl i que
le F I L LO NG s u r l a b o rn e 4 i .
C e c ir c uit f on c ti o n n e d e l a m6 me m a n i dre que l e
p r 6c 6dent La
. d i o d e L E D s ' a l l u m ep l u s l e n te m entdu fai t
de la r6sistanceplus 6lev6edans I'entr6eet parceque les
deux t r ans is t o rsd o i v e n ta u s s ic o n d u i rep o u r q ue l a di ode
(r eli6ed la s or t i e )p u i s s es ' a l l u me r.


'dn tq6ttuec(1nd1no
oLltol pspeuuoc)Ofl aql oroloq
uo peqclt^s aq Fnul slolstsueJlqloq osneceqpue ndul
eql ur acueptsolpeseolcu!eql lo esnecoq{pno1s erou uo
seuocO3l eql 'auosnotnald eq1e1r;qcnu sllo/nltncJtc

gNOl or.llqcnolno,{;r{11crnb
goo6 1r,\O3t aqtt{t
^91^l-U-l4A sV (os jo salnuru'-anrlb1e-r,teLuii
I llo ooAl/r^ols
lltMOll aqlpuef UIMONOIaqlanouregdn
Itlbllol urbeq1;rrrir
Ofl oqlspuocas Arrrqior tua^t lnoqe
ul-eeotjHlM e NOIaqlploqpuebuurar eq1e1alduo3 .,{lanois
uo saulocOfl srlt urot;1q6r1aql ilncJtcstrll ul

tnotseql :g# Itncutc

lq6!l losuns-as!JunS




9t-t I'lH ut -ot-zl' e t.6z'gt-Lz' 9z-| t' tt' Ll.ez'ze-82'0l'


Ordre de ciblage
CIRCUIT#9: The "Secret Code" Key

Whenalltheconnections havebeenmade,presstheKEYand
youwillheara soundin the EARPHONE. By following the
with a seriesof dots (shortsounds)and dashes(longer
sounds).Of courseMorseCodeisn'treallya
wasthefirstmeansof electronic communication . . . . . . by
telegraph is stillusedby radiooperators all MORSECODE
fun,if you practicesendingmessages backandforthwitha A K U 1
friend. B L V 2
c M W 3
Thetypeof circuitusedhereis calledan OSCILLATOR. The D N X 4
soundin the IARPHONEis causedby pulsesof electricity, E o Y 5
justlikeit wasinthdradiosthatyoubuilt.Thedifference isthat F P z 6
the pulsescomefrom the circuitturningitselfon and off G o 7
instead offromtheradiowaves.Theoscillator turnsonandotf H R Period I
becauseof somethingcalledfeedback.You have heard I S Comma I
anotherexampleof feedbackat concerts,when the J T Question 0
loudspeakers startto "squeal."This happenswhenthe
speaker andmicrophone gettooclosetogether andthesound
fromthespeaker"feedsback"intothemicrophone. Thesame
thing happensin the oscillatorexceptthe microphone is
replacedby the inputof the transistor, and the speakeris
replaced bytheoutput.At a concert, feedback isannoying, but
in an oscillatorit is necessnrvfor the circuitto workat all.



' euuorl cuoll rnsJ!3ol anb rnod al qBSueoslpul

l sa al l o ' l nal el pcsoun susp sreu ' al ueu?01sauol1cegre;
' uacuocun supC.oruospl i ed rne;red-1neLl el l a rolst suBll
np e?l l ue,lred gcel dual l so auoqdol cru al sretu'Jnalellt c
-so,lsuep lrnpo.rdas esoqoeugur el 'euoqdorctu.t al suep
uorl ceerep ;eu6rsun eronuol na;red-1neqnp u os el : er l
-ne,lop un,;se.rddo.r1luos euoqdo.rcrr.r.r a; 1alne;red-1neq
e; puenb l rnpord as ouQuougqda3 ' ,,1a111!s, ,
p luollot u
es srnalred-1neq sol puenb uecuoc un supp uolloe-alap
al duaxaarl neun el epsuossrE uuoc snoN ' uol l ce gr9ledde
auauouaL{d un,p asnBc P al?JB,sla aLlcjetrluo leur es .rnel
-pl l l cso,-1 ol per sopuosap narlne ' l tp l uaural do. t d llncllc
0 "--' r,p
uo rl e 6 o rl e i u -r I np arndnoc el op l e l ueui essrl qel ?,1 ep !cl l uauuar ^oJd
suorslndu.rrsel 'seeluoule uo,;enb sorpprsal supp or.!rrxoc
tu l o d ' sanbul cal esuo1sl ndu.r1
6 a 1 n6 rr1 's'l sep red l tnpol d l sa U nJI nO Cl, l
l ed srureuosa-l ' H nj l vl l l C S O un l so l cl gsrl rl nlr ner t ca- l
I lulod
_ _
r\ ' rureun canesabesseulsap l uaui ol l anl nuio^onue, s
9 z -:' o I e aulsrlua,suo,;rseOeluenep eJasnure,s uo,lla luaulaptde.r
-.-- r\ ,f snl d apoc e; erpuarddeuO ' .re!l ueapuoural sue p ar ocua
X '- N q l uesrl rl n,lol pE rsrnel ergdosa1 ' ol perred srndeqder 6g; 91
M m J
red enbruo.rloelauorlpolunuru.roo ap ua{oui .retuald e1
A " -' I I aluesgrdalll 'leJcasepoc un luau.lp.l^sed luauelleinleu
t n v lsa,u asrollr e1 '(s0uo1suos) suell ap le (sunoo suos)
3(l0c slu;od ap al:gs aun ce^Bso6essaulsap relonuo Jlonnod
l rop uo ' snossap-rcfsuoy\ f qoc op n!al qela l luE^r ns
uf ' uos un errnpo.rd l l op U nj l noC f ,l :H nl j vl ndlNVy!
e1rns ra{ndde ' s}rE }l uos s}uaLuaLtcuerq sal sno} puenO
66:**.," $Ln38r3 0lov8

,", ez
tt lr, o o t l
lq s!l
I i
16"@e I


zt-Ll '3NoHdHVil-8
t-gt '9t-gt-te'tNoHduv3,0z-?e-z{..

Ordre de ciblage
UT EUR, 33-35-15,16-19
- Ee OUTEUR, 17-42
#10: The Highsand Lowsof Oscillation

Whenanoscillator turnsitselfon andotfit iscalledOSCILLA-

TION.The rateat whichit turnsitselfon and off is called
FREQUENCY. Thefrequency foranoscillatorthatproducesa
soundcanbe anywherefrom20 to 20,000timesa second!In
thiscircuitwe giveyou a chanceto seehowthefrequencyor
toneof an oscillatorcan be changed.
Whenyou havecompleted the wiringsequence, touchthe
LONGWIREfrom19to either30 or 32.andat thesametime
touchthe LONGWIREfrom20 to either34 or 36. Nowyou
shouldbe hearinga soundin the EARPHONE. Tryas many
combinations of touchingthe LONGWIRESas youcanfind Resistor& Capacitor Results
and see how manydifferentsoundsyou can get fromthe
oscillator. 100K+ .0022wF
Fromlookingat the Schematic youcanseethattouching30
100K+ .022p.F
connectsthe 100Kohm resistor,and32 connectsthe470K
ohmresistor.34 connectsthe0.0022pF capacitorand36the 470K + .0022p.F
Whenyou have found all the combinations, makea chart 47OK + .O22p.F
showingwhich connectionsmade the highestand lowest
sounds,andputthe chartin yourNotebook. Thennexttime
youwillknowin advancewhatis goingto happen. example of a chart



'slueureqcuerqsluargillp se; red slrnpold suos

slueJ9$rpsal prlleuuoc uo 'oluE^tnsslol e-l 'solou-3olq
ol supp neal qelac.rossel c1e seq sn;d se; 1e sane; esn; d
sal suos sol l ueuuopsl uourorl cuetq se; l uenb r putnpolqel
un orB J ' suosrsurquocsel sal nol uo^nocgpe uo puEno
' tn zz00 ap rnalesuapuoc
el 90 euroq el ]a Ir, ez00' 0ep Jnel B suopuoc o l t e eur oq pl
neelq4 ap aldurex3 'sL!r.lollIjlvap oouelsls9rPl apjoccpr zg eu.roqel 'au.rgrll
eo' l rncrc ua suLl ol .r)l
00| .ep ocusl sl sgrel l euJ0e aujoq
el gane lceluoc a; anb,rron lned uo 'Btrleqcse; sa..rde,q
tnz40' + >luLt 'inalellrcso,lep siteiqltp suos ep Lunurxeu al rarl la
Je^norlue lned uo,;enb Se NOI Slll sep lceluoc ap suos
ttlezjo. + >llLt
-leulquoc ap luelne tq^essf 'uos un eJlnpoldlusueluteut
llop Hn3tnocl,l 'ge no tt euroq pl rns 0z auroq Bl !p
Tzzo'+ )o o l gNO-l 1g3e1'sduegaur?u,ue 'le Zg no 0g ouroq el rns 6!
)riZZOO'+ y00t
ap e N O-1111e; renbrl dde' 9uruua1 1saeOe;qgcal pusno
' rnel P l l rcsoun, p 9lr leuol
slellnsgu rnelEsuepuocla esuElsrsgH P l no ocuenD ?rlB l JoU P Aei tel l noo uo l uo r . lr ulocJt oA
ep leurad lrnclc aC iopuocosred sqolggg'97g OZep rarre^
l ned uos un l rnpoi d rnb l nel e;1gcso un,p ec uenbg; ; e1
' 3C N l npf H 3 e; el gedde,s suorl el l rcsosal l uol es ; enbne
auqy{r al N OIIV -1-l l C S O,Ie11adde,s euq uouaqd ec
'l?rJB,pla aqcJPruap lstg ue lotrJos rnalBlilcsoun puPno

,..- T 7
,^ '' f


9NO1 '!lNOHdUVS'8t'9!'9t'ge-Ze-!e-ee
:INOHdUVll-0Z-fHln 'Ll-eZ'iHt/n gNO-l-6!-ZZ

Ordre de cdblage
C IR C U I #
T1 1 : T h e BeaconLight

Haveyou evernoticedthe flashinglightson the topsof tall

buildingsortowers? Theyflashonandotfsolow-flying planes
won'thitthem.Thetypeofcircuityou willbuildhereissimilarto
the onescontrolling thoseveryimportant lights.
Afteryouhavefinishedthewiring,the LEDwillbeginto flash
on andoff slowly,likea beaconlight.Nowlookat the Sche-
matic.Doesit look familiar?lt should,becauseit is an
verymuchlikethe lasttwocircuitsyou havebuilt.
Thedifference is thatit hasa muchlowerfrequency thanthe
others.Withwhatyoulearnedin thelastcircuit,youwon'tbe : Don'tforgetaboutthe + and - connections
surprisedto see that this slow oscillatorusesthe largest theelectrolytic
capacitor andthe "strongest" resistor. capacitors.
As youmightsuspect,changing the resistoror capacitor QUESTION: Couldthe frequencybecomeso fastthat
will youwouldn'tbe ableto seethe LEDgoingon andoff?
alterthefrequency too,sogoaheadandtryit.
of thisoscillator

' srpssosanbl anbp rapgcordcuop l ned uo : Jnalpllr cso

l ac ap ecuanbg.rle; l uaua;eOg el l !pour Jnolesuapuoc
np no ocusl srsoJpl ap l uaue6ueqc e; anb e ur 6eur u6
sn;dacuelsrsgreun 1eso.rOsn;d.rnelesuepuoc un apessod
l ual rnal pl l rcso l o3 enb l ueuresre atpue ldut oc lt op
uo ' l rnorg reru.rap np l l suuoc uo,; enb ac sql de, q 'soilnp
sep al l ocenb esseqsn;d ecuanbgr;es red eJ?lllpll 'sllnc
-r3 srarui apxnap sop Inl ac P al qE l qurassQJ lr nelBlilcso
; r alouO r ; cO 3 l e p o l p e l ro ^ s n ;d e u a p l u rod ne un lsa,c rec 'erlg,l ]rpr^ep lF ararlil.upll!-ls3 'eurgqcsne
eg^al?r ua^ep a 1 ;a -1 n aadc u e n b g rge -l :N OIJ _S 3nO ;teo,pdnoc un rel ef ' areqdun eLuLuoc' l uauraluel lalou0r lc
' s anbr l{ ; o rl c o l a p acuauiu.roc OJI epolp Bl 'gur.ural1saeOelqgcal pueng
s .rn o l e s u a p u osca p - } a + sgl tJ
- elod s e1r elc a d s e ro p ra rl q n os e d e p :f n OEV IA JH 'uorlesr;eu6rs op xnol s1uel.rodr.ul sQ.rlsoc luepueul
-l uoc tnb xnoo p enOol euel sa eOel uor!ec a p ir ncr ; c e1
' ecuesel dJnelap apnl rl l essseqp suol ^pse; lr penelnod
1uel ou0r;c sl l sacrl l pgspuer0 sap no s.rnolsop laur ur os
ne sguel ou6rlxnalc se; gnbl euuer qfgpl uaueu t eyoc e uO

oz-on'tt-ee-g1'9t- t t 'gt-0| '/J.ez ,6t-z}-lz


Ordre de cdblage
ctRcutT#12:MusicFromA Pencil
wewillagainuseanoscillator to producesound,
butyouwillcontrol thefrequency in an unusual way . . . . . .
witha pencilmark.Youmayevenbe ableto playa songwith
this "electronicorgan."
Complete thewiringandthendrawa rectangle thefulllength
of a pieceof notebookpaper,and abouttwoor threecenti-
meterswide. Fill in the entirerectanglewith heavypencil
marks(a verysoftpencilwill be best).Nexttapeoneof the
LONGWIRESto oneendof thepencilmark.Touchtheother
LONGWIREtothemiddleofthepencilmarkandlistento the
EARPHONE. Youshouldheara soundnow,andif youmove
the freewireup and downthe pencilmarkthe tonewillget
higherandlower.Witha littlepractice youwillbe ableto pick
out yourfavoritesong.
We havetoldyou thatthe frequency of an oscillator
controlledbya resistor.Well,inthiscircuitthepencilmarkacts
as a variableresistor.Whenthetwowiresareclosertogether
theresistance is lessandthefrequency andtonegethigher.
Whenthetwowiresarefartherapart,the resistance is more
andthe frequency andtoneget lower.
The"lead"in a pencilis a formof carbon,andtheresistors in
yourkit are madewithcarbon,too.



' auoqrpcua l ueuel e6e l uos l tl ec ep sacuplst s?l

sal :auoql eoep erua6 un l se uo^el c un,p ,,e 1t qdel6,e-, '1
' sasspqsnl o ?l! lBuolpl le
ecuenbar;e; 1eapue.rbsnld lse eouplsrs-ar e1'seyecg snld
l uos sl rlxnop sol puE no ' l ua^Ql a,s 9l !l euolel l o acuonD9Jl
El le elqrel snpd 1se ecuElsrsgre; 'sgqcotdd?l luos
slrl xnep sol puenp 'alqer.rE^ eouplsls-ar op uos al6uelce.l
el ' i l ncJ13ac suE c ' ecuB l srsoraun,p epl B ,lP inalPlllcso
un,pacuenbgi lpl rol grl uocl nad uo,; enb nA suo^esnoN
'gtg1gtdre uos renol q le^ule
rronnod 1op uo ' enbl l erd ep nad un ooA V 'r alr en lt op
ql rl euolel ' al Ouel cernp 0uo1el arqrl 1t1e; ece ; dgpuo, 1t s
' l o uos un a.rpuai ual l op uo' el l aro eun suB pH n f lnoca, l
lace;d es la alOuelcernp norlr.uel reqcnol 'CNO-1-'lll
o.rlne,lco^V 'elOuelcernp sglrlJgrlxasep oun p Se NO-1
S l l J sep un ol rnsuera11o3' (erpuol s?.l l eul ul P uo^elc
un aoua.rgl ord ap resrl ;1n)l ueX nddeua Jorl u oalO uelcet
al l ueuel rtJo;runreuuoA er3 a6l el ap saJl Qt lr luacsr or ]
P xnop rns ' sel ou-col qap al l l notop neacrou Jun, p lnen6
-uol el el nol rns e;6ue1celun recprl 1e d6el q gcal olt pJ
' ,,anbruol 1ca1a
enOro,,l ec ceneuosupqoeun JenofJt ol
-nod eugr.ul l op uO ' uo{erc un ca^e ' t' el l enl lqequt uo5el
ep ecuenbgr]el suol gi l uoc snou sr!ur' uos un et t npold
rnod rnel e;;rcso un oj oouasuosrl rl nsnou ' l rn3l|coc suPO
0 z - 9 e ' ze - te - g !,3 NOHd UV3 - 8 t- 9 t
CNOl-Ot',Lt-ez'fHtn gNol-ZZ,3NOHdHVa-6rzz

Ordre de cdblage
16-18-ECOUTEUR, 15-3t-37,36-20
CIRCUIT#13: The LeakyFaucet
Bynowyoushouldhavenoproblemrecognizing thiscircuitas
an oscillator, ( ((t) \ \
havefun with"soundeffects."
Whenyoufinishthewiringyouwillbeginto heara slowclicking
sound,something likea drippingfaucet.Nowlet'sseeif you
can pul to workthosenotesyou'vebeentaking.
1. Canyou thinkof a wayto makethe "dripping"get
2. Howabouta wayto makethe "dripping"slower?

1. C hangerl a r6si stancede 470 ki l ohm spour celle

de 100 ki l ohms.E n passantd une r6s ist anceolus
peti te,I' osci l l ati onsera si rapi dequ'ellene r es-
sembl era pl us du tout au d6gouttem entd'un
2. C hangerl e condensateurde 10 pF po ur celui de
100pF. Le d6gouttementseraal orss i lent qu'on
penseraqu' i l ne se fai t pl us;en atte ndantassez
l ongtemps,on doi t quand mOmeI' en t endr e.

canealrnsualetltlen se; 1ese9te6Onssasuodglsal aJtlcf
c.,lucr.Ilellnoogp,, al JtluoleraJlel uo-lnod 'z
rl a " ' ^ ' . ^ ^ A ^ ^

al raral occe,p uel ou un l aug6etur uo-l n ad 'l
' sasudpl gp e uo,| anb salou
sel resrl rl nl nad uo,; ts l upuel utB ulsuo,{o1' ep no6gp r nb
leurqor un p nad un luplqutossellueulelqnbtloluol un orp
-ueluae roououJutoc ltop uo 'eutulel lsa abelqgca; puBnO
' sal ouossl ol l o sep l eol c suol l psnou '( sluen
-rns srol l sal suep l tB Jue) l tnol tc ec supC ' sgluou qlgp
( ( 1 .rr, ) p uo,leno sarl nPsal aul ul ocauuotl cuolInb l nolBllt ssoun
t,'A.. l so l rncJrcec enb Jeutul l al epl ronnodl ueuol uteullop uO
f t : 11 | t


3NOHdUVS-0Z-8e t 'f NoHdHVS-8
t-gt ',Ltez ',|rze-zz

Ordre de c6blage
COUTEU R, 15-a9-33,38-20-EC OUTEU R
#142The Bee
,,(B V-'
a buzzingsoundthroughthe EARPHONE. Nowreleasethe b!ry
KEY and see what happens.The soundlades away.By
experimenting with ditferentratesof pressingand releasing
theKEYyouwillbeableto geta soundverymuchlikea bee(or
maybethe "giantbee"on the latemovie).
Ofcoursethisisanoscillator, butit hastwocapacitors (instead
ofonelikealltheothers)so let'strysomething to seewhatthe
twocapacitors do in thecircuit.Firstreplacethe10pF capaci-
torwiththe100pF andpresstheKEY.Youwillhearthesame
soundyou heardbefore,butwhenyou releasethe.KEYthe
soundfadesaway moreslowly.This tells us that the large
capacitorsstoreelectricitywhilethe KEYis pressedand re-
leaseit whenyoureleasetheKEY.Sincethe100pF capacitor
is muchlarger,it takesmuchlongerfor it to discharge, andthe
"bee" soundfadesawaymoreslowly.
Nowchangethe 0.022pF gapacitor to the 0.0022pF. The
tonewill be higher,so we can assumethatthesecapacitors
controlthe frequencyof the oscillation.
We haven'tmentionedthe resistorin this circuityet, but of
@urselt canchangethingstoo. In lact,changing the resis-
tancewillchangethefrequency of oscillation,
And therateof
dischargeof the largecapacitor.Don'ttake our wordfor it
try it yourself,and take notes!


iselou sap arpuald 1ela{esse

"'eroJc snou op sed 11gnsau ll 'rnelpsuapuoc sor6
np abreqcgp ap aurO-eral le suorlplllcsosep acuanba.rl
pl lssne erebueqc uo 'ecuelsrsgr e; a6ueqc uo,l ts
'llpl uf 'sosor.lcsal rssnera6ueqc lueuiallolnleulned e;;e
srpur'lrncJrcec ap acuBlsrsgrpl ap glred sed suo^B.usnoN
'suorlellrcsosep ecuanbg.r;
Bl apueururoc lnalssuepuoc ec anb resoddns ouop
lnad uo :ag^el?sn;d 1seglllpuol e1 ')rt ZZOO'O ep jnele^
el)ed ! ZZ0'0apJnalesuepuocellueuelureurrece;dueg
' l uor.rJol uol
snl d l !l qrP l ,,el Isqe,lap
,, l ueulouuoplnoq
e; 1e re6reqcgp es rnod sduel ep sn;d dnocneeq pueld
1; 'sol6 snld dnocneaq luelg lr, 00t ap lnelpsuepuoc
a'l 'or.lcglere; uo.puenb luorQqllpl ls UnljvlndlNVy\
a1:ns erndde uo puenb gllclrloalg,lguaurse0eurtue so.r0
sn;dsrnalesuepuocsep 'laga u3 'luouraluolsnld llqrege,s
uos ol 'UnjfvlndlNVlAl al oqogleruo puenb srBrrl'luour
-uep9c9.rdenb uos augur ol puslua uO 'Un3IV-lnd lNVli!
e; rns suortndde1e3rl OOtep Jnel B ^sl )ed l t 0L ep Jnal
-psuepuocal pJoge,psuo5e;duag ' yncl rc ac suep slnal
-Bsuopuocxnep sel luenresronbg rronep cuop suo{ess3
' (se:1nesel snol l nod ;nas un,p nsrl ne) sJnelesuopuoc
xnep eyodluoo l! slpur'Jnelplpgsoun lssnslsa lnclrc aC
r.lJplun suBp ,,eluBgOellleqe,t,,euruJocned un) allloqp
eun,p l uaueuuopj noq nB l usl quassej uos un Jr uelqo
l rop uo ' H n3IV ]ndl N V n np l uaueqcgl er e p le uor s
-serd ap seuqp{.rstue;glllpluenbrlddeu3 'eduolse,s uos
e-'lall-l-essBdes anb :Un]JV-tndlNVy\ al ror.lcglaU 'luaur
-euuoprnoqun al rnpordell l op U nJl nOC S ,-l 'Jr uelur eur
el l e H nj l vl ndl N V y! e; rns re{ndde ' a6el q gcal ar r pJ

NoHduvf -g!-g!,9 t-zt-e8,6e-Zt-tz,

Ordre de c6blage
22-32-19,23-42-39, 33-37-15, 16-18-ECO UTEUR, 36-20-EC OUTEUR. 38-17-43
Youmaybe beginning to thinkthatan oscillator is the only
circuit!Wellit isn't,butit cando so manydifferent
things,and makeso manydifferentsounds,we just hadto
showthemto you.Thenameof thiscircuitgivesthingsaway,
our "canary."
Afteryouplaywiththisfor a while,we hopeyouwillputyour
notesto workandseehowyoucanalterthis"birdcall."You
maycreatea soundmorelikea prehistoric flyingreptile,or a


i tN l W j snW V N Og,, enbr ulsoc

npasro,,un,p no errol sl qgl del ep l usl o^ e;t1d elun, p r n; ac
p luelquesser uos un leglc eldulexeted lned uO ',,neosto
loc ep uc,,al iatltpout ep lalessa 1euorgeulddeua sesud
p[9p salou sel eJ]leur'ltncl!c oc ce^e gsnrusel1g,ssa.ldy
sed ;g-1sa,u ,,upuec,,elgop ;e6elqgcq e.lel la luele,l ap
relle alugrupuenblnad uo sreur'uotlcuol es al?AgJUnollg
gc ap uou a-'l'lalluotlJse1ep s96r1qosuolues snou snou
anb sguensuos ap luauollal elrnpold lnad le selueJg#tp
suollcuol ap lueuJellelpldtuocce ll sleLu'uat.l lse uo,u
l l i apuourne enbruol l col ?l l ncrl c Inas el l so l nalBllt cso, l
t1_F1 enb errorcp acuauul oc uo,; anb l ned es l t ' oppls ec V

SNoHduvS-02'98 | 'ge'Lz'l,E-9t:0t-gz'6e-tl-Et

Ordre de cdblage
CIRCUIT#16: The BurgtarAtarm
Thiscircuitis turnedon bydisconnecting a wire,insteadol by
connecting one.AnytimetheLONGWIREbetween 15and17
is disconnected, the"alarm"goesotf.Lateron youmaywant
to replacethe LONGWIREwithmagneticswitcheslikethe
professionals use.Thistypeof switchis availableat yourlocal
RADIOSHACKstore.Thissametypeof alarmcircuitis used
in professional burglaralarms,exceptthat it is connectedto
very loudbellsor buzzers,or a silentalarmthat alertsthe
police,insteadof an EARFHONE.
The "trip wire" keepsthe alarmfrom goingoff whenit is
connected because it makesa "shortcircuit"aroundthebase
andemltterof the Transistor (theinput).A shortcircuitis a
pathforelectricity thatias littleor noresistance,
willalwaysflowthroughthe pathwithleastresistance. When
theelectricityflowsthro4h thetripwireinsteadof theoscilla-
lor inputcircuit(yesthis is anotheroscillator), no soundis
produced, butwhenthetripwireisdisconnected theelectricity
flowsthroughthe oscillator inputandthe alarmsounds.
Nowseeif youcancatchwho'sbeengettingintoyour"private



i uosretfrB l P ,,sl ouuos.r ao slolaqr q, ,

sasraOggord rnod lrnc:1cac ep Jtruoses e.rl?-lnedlned ug
'aqcleul ua lau os euJplerllo Jnalelltcso,l
ep ogJlua,lsuep essed glrcrJlcelg,l 'luauJeqcuolcgpap lll
al eqcuerqgpuo pueng ' uos uncnel npotd es e u 11'( 1lna1
-B l l l csoun arocua)l nel el l l cso,lap agl l ue,pl l nc J! onp nat l
ne lueuraLlcualogp ep lU al supp essed91gcr.r1col?,1 puBnO
'acuslsrsglap suroul el luplllo utu.toLlce1 ;ed stnolnol
essEdglrcrJlcolg,l:ocuplslsgJap spd no ned lueluesgtd
ururaqcun l sa l ncJrc-l i noc un ' gl tctJl cal g,l l no6 '( e911
-ue.l).rolsrsupllnp rnellau?.; la aseqBllns ,,ltnc.ltc-Unoc,,
un ogrc ;r.nb ecled gqcuelq 1se p puenb laqcuelcgp
es ep ourele,l eqcgduJa ,,luauroqouelcgpgp lll,, e-'l
'unSrnocf unP gproccer
aJl ?,pnarlne " acrl odB ll l uo^e rnbasnaqcuel oullBlp
ls aun
P no sarouossa.Jlslnesstue^eno ssuauuossep p gploccsl
l sa l l ,nb el dacxe' sl auuotssal ol ds;onrl uesel supp gst lt t n
l so l rncrc ep edIl eC ' l B col)C V H S OIOV H ur se6eLu nB
eluoAue lse lnalceluoc ep edAloC 'sleuuotsseloldse1led
9sr1r1n elue6 np senbrgguOeu slnalceluoc sap ted gpgl
1;3 a1 racelduel raJrs?plnad uo 'gltns pl led 'eqcleul

-ffie uo laru as erurelp,l'l.L la gL allua e No-] -'lll al sqcuelqgp

uo,1anb stolanbeqg ' un JaqcupJqua,pnorlnB ' l t Jun lueqc
-uerqgpua oqcJeruua loLuss ]tnclto e1'a6eluoluac sue6

38tM gNOt

SNOHdUVS'8t'9t 'ze-9e-9t-(ueer6)
rurn cNo't-zt-ez','t-zz

Ordrede ciblage
FlL Lo NG (vert)-15-35-92,33-34-20-Eco urE u R, 16-18-EcourE u R
#17=The TouchingLight

Up untilnow,all of the circuitshaveusedwireto carryor

"conduct"electricity andmakethemwork.However, thereare
otherthingsthatconductelectricity, andyouwilldiscover one
youprobably haven'tthoughtof- intheTOUCHING LIGHT.
Whenyoucomplete thewiringsequence youwillnoticenoth-
ingis happening. That'sOK becausethecircuitisn'tfinished
yet. The final step is to touch24 and26 with fingersol the
samehand.Surprise!The LEDlightsup, andYOUare the
conductor Thereis no reasonfor you to
lor the electricity.
worryaboutgettinga shockfromthisor anyof thecircuitsin
this kit, becausethe amountof electricitybeingusedis very
Thiscircuitis a two-transistor amplifier.Thesmallamountof
electricity thatflowsthroughyoucompletes theinputandlets
the powerfrom the batteriesflow in the outputcircuitand
throughthe LED. Beforeyou go on to the next circuit,try
touching 24and26withfingersfromditferent hands.Doesthe
LED still light?Weftingyour fingerswill help makebetter
contactwiththe terminals.



'seu.roq sol coAB lcpluoc Jnolllol,.lJ

ergelrnod st6top sel lalcaulnq,s Zalocue ello-l-ounlle,s
Of-1 apolp el 'suteur xnap sep q6;op sel ca^B 9Z ta
tZ souroqselJaLlcnolap leAesse'luPAtnslt nor!c nBlassed
ap lue^v 'o3-] epolp el sle^ lo a-aJlue,p llncJlc el suBp
iassedep se11d sep e;6.rau9,1p leuled la ogrlue,lelqldu.toc
.rne1er9do,1 ep sd.tocal esle^PJlInb gltcutcolg,pgllluenb
ellled Bl 'sJolstsupjlxnap?lnalsctlllo[!B un lss l!ncJlooC
alq!!l s?Jl lsa agslllln 9l!3ljl3alg,p
gl l l uB nbE l rec' l rl oo ap sol l npsep enb snl d se d 'lt nslt oac
sp gotlc un Jrolagol ap .re191nbur,s op uoslsJeuncne P
l rnpuoc;nb rnal ergdo,ll so,o" ' sur nllE, sO^,u
l l i gl l cl rl cal ?,1 f-1
epolp E-'l;esl.rdrng'utsui eugrrl el ap stOlopsol co^E 9Z
la tZ seujoq sal Jaqcnolp atslsuocuolla?do elQluJoppl
'gulrlrel sed lsa,uynolrc al lpc 'leuJloulsa,3 'essedos eu
ueu enb.renbleute:lned uo 'gultllal 1sea6e;qgcal pueno
'sed gueu:elqeqoldllesued eu
uo ;anbneun Ju^nocgpuo E ^ uo ' e6el uotuac s uep : gllcul
-3Ol 9,ll ssnPl uasl npuocsl uaul 919sej l nP ,o' lauuollcuol
arlel sal le glrculcelg,l,,eltnpuoc,,no layodsuell lnod
l l l un gsrl rl np uo' sl rncJl csal snol suep' 1uesgldp, nbsnp
5r! 6J

Ll-zvoe'gl-62'gt-92'e[-! l' Lz-ol'tl.te-ez'gz-gz-lz


Ordre de c6blage
n-26-28, 23-gl-14, 10-27,11-13,25-15,29-16,30-12-17

l oK 680
Ce c ir c uit m ont r eu n a u tre6 1 6 m e nct o n d u c te u rd e I' el ec-
tri ci t e. . I. ' eau.Cela n e d o i t ri e na v o i rd e s u rp re n a n t,car l e
co rp s hum ain,qui e s t ta i t e s s e n ti e l l e me ndt' e a u ,condui t
Quand le cAblageest termin6,placerlesext16mit6slibres
des deux FILS LONGS dans un verre d'eau. Les tenir le
pl u s pr ds pos s ibleI ' u n d e I' a u tre s, a n sq u ' i l ss e to uchent
(pourf ac ilit erlesc h o s e s ,ru b a n e rl e sf i l s s u r u n c rayonou
un " bA t onde s uc e tte "a v a n t d e l e s p l o n g e rd a n s l ' eau).
L'eaulaissepasserl'6lectriciteet I'ECOUTEURproduit un
son. Cette "alarme"se met en marchechaquefois qu'ilya
assezd'eau pour faire contact entre les deux fils.
On peut ut ilis erc e g e n red e c i rc u i tp o u r i n d i q u e rl e ni veau
d'eau dans une bai g n o i reo u u n a q u a ri u m.Si o n l e rac-
corde A d'autresdispositifssp6ciaux,il peut mOmeservirA
ouvrir l'eau et d la fermer.
Po ur ut ilis erc e c irc u i t e n d 6 te c te u rd e p l u i e , i l faut se
pro c ur er du f il s up p l 6 me n ta i rec h e z R A D IO S H A C K et
i n stallerdeux f ils i I' e x t6 ri e u r. R u b a n e rl e sf i l s I' u nd c6t6
de I' aut r es ur une pl a n c h e tteo u u n m o rc e a ud e p l asti que
de m anidr eque que l q u e sg o u tte sd e p l u i efe rm e n tl e ci r-
cuit et d6clenchentI'alarme.
Ce c ir c uitpar aitf am i l i e r...c ' e s tto u t A fa i t j u s te !En coreun
o scillat eur Dans ! c e c a s , n o u s u ti l i s o n ss e u l e mentI' eau
co m m e c onduc t eu rp o u r fe rm e r l e c i rc u i t.



'llncrp aql eleldurocol rolcnpuoc

e serelB^A esno1paubrsep sl ll lpqlsl acuaJagp aql 'Jolplllcso
ror1loue sl 1 iule6elLl6UoJ,noI'rerltlrtel slool Incltc slrllll
'llo uilPp oql las puPIncJlcoql olaldruoc lllru\ulBrlo sdorp
alale gsn[pq1os 'q1se1d goace;dJopreoqe uo:eq1e6o1 eso;c
ueql edel 'oplsmosor!^A o^ l unr pue )CVHS OIOVHruo4
air/neJlxole6 ol paau;;nnnoI 'rolcslapulBJE sEslqlosnof
'llo puEuo Jole/v\
stll urnluo^ognocll 'socl^oppezr;erceds Joqlool pelceuuoc
sprrrll ll puv 'q6lrl ool 6u$eb s urnuenbero qn qleq e
urp^olrslB,loq11nof 1p1o1pasn aqplnocumrc lo ad^lstqt
'se.r!^or'Al oql lcauuocol lueseldralemqonouas! oJeqlgurll
lue go o6 1;gm,,r.u:e;e,,slr.lJ_'SNOHdHVI eql ul punosE iBaq
;;utrno{pue{1culce|eoqllcnpuoclltl JalBiaql'(re}e^eL{tul
ueql pd uoqlpue,,1c;pagc;sdod,, .ro;nuede o1sermeqgedeg
ol rerseoI pug{eu nol) qcnoluaqt 6u$alnoqilmuecnoI se
req1a6o1 esolcseuoql ploH'lelean;o sse;6BulS3UIMgNOl
o^ l oql lo spuaoa4 oql lnd 'alaldulocs; 6up;rvr eql ueq6
':e1em [;1sorust l! pueA1culce;e spnpuoclpoq rhol
a-\ oours'asudjnse lo qonulooleql,uplnoqs sll.ll 'Jolpl ' ' ' ' ' '
fttcppe;espnpuoclpql Oulr.ll JorlpuenoI smoqsilnclp slr]l
vi'# \i

lirr rolcaloouleHeql :8!# ilncutc


. fNoHdHV:t-02-9e
'f NoHdHvir-sr'er' Juulncruoi-6! cNo-l_ze-gt
rai:ei-ri I i-ez,sz-

CIRCUIT#19: The RadioStation baeAl:

ffi" s,
\ looo !l

lf you everwantedto be a radioannouncer

yourchance.Afteryoufinishthewiring,youwillneedan AM
or "DJ," here's =m
radioto receiveyour"broadcast." Theradioshouldbe about
onefootawayfromthe RADIOSTATION, to beginwith,and
shouldbetunedto a placeonthedialwherethereis noother
whilespeaking intotheEARPHONE, untilyouhearyourvoice
ontheradio.Onceyouhaveyourbroadcast tunedin,youcan
experiment to seehowlar awayyoursignalcanbe received.
The FCC (FederalCommunication Commission) doesn't
allowtheoperation of strongradiostations withouta license,
so don'tbe disappointed if the signalcarriesonlya fewfeet.
A radiostationlikethe one you havebuiltis a combination
amplifier-oscillator. Theoscillator produces a highfrequency
radiowavethatis sentoutintotheairbytheANTENNA COIL.
Thefrequency of theoscillation is setto matchthesettingon
theradiodialbytheTUNINGKNOB(Remember, theTUNING
KNOBis a variablecapacitor.).
Thestrength or"amplitude" oftheradiowavesiscontrolled by
the amplifier,and the amplifieris controlledby the small
amountof electricity produced bythe EARPHONE whenyou
talkintoit. In thisway,the inputfromthe EARPHONE (your
voice)controls the4mplitude ol theradiowaves.TheAMradio
is ableto turnthesechangesin the strengthor "amplitude"
intothe soundthatcomesoutthe radio'sspeaker. Amazing,
isn'titl Whilewe'retalkingaboutit, haveyoueverwondered
what"AM" slandsfor? lt standsfor amplltudemodulatlon
(modulation is anotherwordfor change).


' (l ueue0ueqcep aurA uouAun s l sa uollelnpot u)
epnl r;due,p uorl el npour no,,uorl el npour epnUldue, ,
p l uepuodseroc,,fl V ,,sel erl uI sa;enb suouu or luau'1elns
ac gpJoqpsuonpsnou enbsrn62,sedec-1se,u'1ue11adn1g
' l na;l ed-1neq uossuppuos ua,,epnl rl due,p,n ,o glt sualut , p
suorlPr.lPA secrue^uoc lnao y\|vorpsr el 'orpersapuosap
epnl rl druB opueu.j
,l (xrone| ) U nl 1nOC S, l op lupua^
ogrl ue,l' aJ?!ueuapac aC ' a;reduo puenb UnlI nO Cl, l
red eynpord al roul cel g,pel rl uenb el l l ad B l r ed epueul
-uroc l se i nel pcrl rl d[r]E ,lrnol eoU rl due,lied aepupul
-uroc l se orpeJsepuo sep ,,epnpgdr-ue,, no acuesst nde1
'( elqBr . r e^
un ls3 ouoccv,c NoInoE el enb
.rel l qnosed eu) o!per el ap ueJpeonp e6e; r ar puod
-serJocrnodOU OC C V ,CN OInOE e; cenea;6qtas suollel
-l l csosep ecuenbgl ;E -' 'l 3N N 3-LN V ,O f N IgO E e; led: t e, ;
suep asl u? acuenbgrlal nsq ap orper opuo aun lr npo. t d
' rnel el l rcsoun l o Jnol esrl rl or. uP
Jnel el l l cso,-l un aut quoc
Jal uoLu ap l uarnuo,1anb ol l oceururocorperop uor lelsaun
' spe;dsenbl enbep enb egyod eun E ,u ;eu6 1se; ; s n59p
sed zel os ou ' srol e " ' uol l ?suol nssu?s sel u Bssr ndor pB:
ap suol l pl s ep uol l psl l rl n,;sed l eul ed eu suot lect unu
-tr.roCsep er?lsrururel 'sru.rgleuDrsa; rlonacargnede;;e
acuel srpal l anbp rro^op re,{essel nad uo ' e91 69.lsa r or per
Bl pueng lilv orper Bl ap lueuos xron erdo:d es epuolua
uo,nbec p,nbsnl O;C V U3C N O1J_V J_S pt ep O UO CCV, C
N Ol nOg e;.re169: ' U nl l nOC f ,l l ue^ap1ue ; r edue lnol
'uo rlels
ap sed e {,u 1 [o uerppc np l urod un ue a9; 69rar l? le
ol ovu 3c N ol .l _vl _sP lap uol ^ua paroun P allglr opor pel
E-'lisapuosalrns oosuslEJnPuo,lanD,,uorssil.rl9,l,, Io^ecal
rnod y1y orpel aun,purosaqprne uo ' aurural 1sae0e; qgc
tt /
al puB no i orpeiap srnocuouuesrnl nl sop ocuPl, .el lc lclon
ge-z't 've'te'ze-gI '3NOHdHV]-ee
'grLz,92-9-9,3NOHdH ,OE-r-ZZ

Ordre de cdblage
22-4-30,23-17-ECOUTEUR, 5-6-26,27 -16,33-ECOUTEUR, 15-32-3t-34, 3-7-g5
CIRCUIT#202The "Wireless" Rain Detector

Thiscircuitis anotherexample of combining twosimplecir-

cuitsto makea moreadvanced one.Herewe havecombined
thetwosections ofthisprojectarenotexactlyliketheprevious
circuits,theyworkin the sameway.We hadto makesome
willputthetwoLONGWIRESin water,asyoudidbefore,but
thistimeyou will usethe AM radioto receivethe "alarm"
signal.Don'tforget,you haveto adjustthe TUNINGKNOB
untilyou can hearthe signalcomingfromthe WIRELESS
In theschematic youwillseethattheoutputthatwentto the
EARPHONE in the otherraindetector is nowgoingto the
RADIOSTATIONor "transmitter" sectionof thecircuit.The
TUNINGKNOBadjuststhetransmitter's frequency to match
thesettingon the radiodial.AndtheANTENNA COILsends
thesignaloutintothe airwheretheAM radiopicksit up and
turnsthe radiowavesignalintosound.
Thisraindetector canbe usedin thesamewaysastheother
one, exceptyou will havethe convenience of hearingthe
alarmoverthe radioinsteadof throughthe EARPHONE.



' U nj l noC 3,1 ted enb 191n; d

orper el red eure;e,; aJpual ue,pl oLuJadl ! sleul 'eilnP, l
anb supl saur?rlrxnp Jrnleslnad atnld ap Jnalcel?p eC
'uos ua eullolsuPJlal lno rlv olpBl
e1red 91dec1sall tlo r le,lsuep 1eu61s al a!o^ua3NN3l-NV,Cl
f N IS OE e-' l' ol pE j P l ap uP rpecnp al l eo P a puodsalloc
e11a,nb rnod rnageug,l ep ecuanbglle1alsnleOHOCCV,Cl
N OInOS al ' l rncrrcnp,,rnauau9,,uol l 3asno olcvu 3o
N Ol l V l S el P l usuel u!eu,l P ^ el nl d ap Jnal cel9psllnp, lep
Unf J_nOC:l,lp llelle rnb atyos e; enb a:1uotueur?tlcso-'l
' 11 S N V S 3l n-' l d f o Hn3r c313c
np l upuo^ ;eu6rsa; apual ueuo,nbec q,nbsn CUO I CCV, O
e; re169t 1ne; 1t,nb re!l qno sed ep ', , auJr Pls, p, ,
;eubrse1Jl o^eoell nod y1y orpplpl res!l tl n' sl ol auec'slpul
lueuiurap?ogrdlrBle,l uo aululoc nPa,lsuep SCNO-] S-'llJ
xnop sal aruey\ ',,elqu.rosue xnelul lualllE^BJI,, slueul?19
xnap sol enb .rnod slueue6ueqc sllled sap gyodde
suo^PsnoN 'orQluPur euJ?t!el ap lueuuollcuoJselleslBtll
'sluapgcgldslrncJrcxne senbllueptlueulalcexesed tuos
au a6eluour ac ep suotlcesxnap sel 'OIOVU f O NOIJ-
-vLs pl l a S l nl d 3c un31c3l _3o al gul quloclcl suo^p
snol ' gnbrl duocsnl d un rastl B gJ ua l nod sal d ut s slt nclt c
xnep ap uosrpurquroc ep eldulaxeeJlneun lse a6eluou aC


oz-ne'8!-et'futncNo-I-ge-Zt'futl^ cNo'I-oe'ze-gF}z
'gt -/-e'6v Lz-62-
I e-?'ge-g

Ordre de cdblage
22-26,23-14-17, -27-1g, 3-7-16,
5-6-36, 4-91-29
28:15-37,30-FlLLONG, 12-35-FtLLONG, 13-18,94-20

D6tecteur de pluie Em e t t e u r
CIRCUIT#21:The MetalDetector \ _12_
Perhaps youhaveseenpeopleat a beachor parksearching ,d'*'o
for "buriedtreasure"withtheirmetaldetectors, and you've *A"C*
wondered howanelectronic devicecan"see"themetal.Well,
here'sone way.
Whenthecircuitis complete, youwillagainneedanAM radio
to actasthe"voice"of thecircuit,butthistimetheradiowillbe
tunedin a different way.Setthedialto a stationthatis weak
anddoesnotcomein veryclearly.ThenadjusttheTUNING
KNOBuntiltheradiostationisblocked outbya "squeal." Next,
fine-tune the TUNINGKNOBuntilyou get the lowesttone
"squeal"you can. Now you'rereadyto test the METAL
Takea pieceof metal(trya coin)andtouchit to theendol the
ANTENNACOILcore.The squealtone will go awayto
indicatethe presence of metal.
Thiscircuitis a radiowavetransmittersimilarto theothersyou
built,butinthiscircuitthesignalfromthetransmitter is usedto
interferewithor blockout anotherweakradiosignal.When
metalis touchedto the coreol the ANTENNA COILthefre-
quencyof the blockingsignalis changedenoughto stopits
interferencewiththeweakradiostation, andthatisyoursignal
thatmetalis present.



'lel?ur un,p acues9ro

el cuop enbrpurl uaural l Jrsnp url el :el qrplol psj uor lplsEl
conpacuargllalur,lrossecrnod ag6ueqoluauureslJlnslse
eOecol qap l euOqs np ecuenbe:tB l ' 3N N 31N V, C: lNlSO!
e; ep ne{ou al rns l sl gnJe; enb;;ddeuo puen o 'lJ^noc
al p no alqrelo!pe.rep uollelsaun.p;euOrse1ceABral?1.telu!
p lcl lres Jnellerlg,l ap 1eu6;sel sleuJ 'sgtuoul ptgp
serlne xne an6o;eueorppJap rnouaulg un lse llnoJlc oC
np ecuesgrde;:enbrpurrnod erlleledslpllop lueual;1lsa-'l
' 3N N 3I_N V ,C
3N IE OEe; ap ne{ou np gttul gl l x e,leqcnol
'(ereuuotl ep acgrd aun) 1e19utep nsaolouJ un ce^V
'-]vl_ft/\3c un3J-c3l-30
a; ra{essa l ueual urpurl nad ug ' e1q;ssode sseq snld
el ?l!leuolsl co^e,,lueuralllrs,, al ruelqo Jnoo clHoccv,c
N OInOE e1uorsrcgl dca^sel rnsuere;699' ,,1uaur algls, un ,
lBd euennocllos o!ppr ap uorlelse; anb ac p,nbsnIOHOC
-C V ,O N OInOg ol al l nsue ra109g' erel c sQJ lssd lse, u
uorldacg.rBl luop elqrel uollels aun Jns uelpec np a1ltn6
-re,JrelOgg 'aluargllp al?rueureun,p egploccp lss olpel
el 'lc-srolellaC 'ltncJrcnp,,xron,,ap rn.resrnod y1y o1pe.t
aun,purosaqarocuesrnBuo '9urural Eraslrncll0sl pueno
' uo11ecrl dxe
eun reronuf ' l E l gursl ,,ro^,,l ned enbluollcelg
,rrlpsodsrpac luarruJocellg{ned apupuap os uO 'lelgtu
gi-Q+!c op rnelcalop rnel ce^p ,,s9jreluas.losall,,ap slnoqcJaq9
sap n^ pfgp el1g1nade uo 'cled un supp no e6eld et V

_ tl
. AS't rl >f
+ ll
ll t;
tl L

gl-ze-lE 'og-Lz-t'gl-L-e'ge-g-g

Ordrede ciblage
22-26,23-17,5-6-36,3-7-16,4-27-30, 31-37-15
#22=Blowing..ON"A Gandle

youmakea wishandblowoutthecandles.
W:l! in thiscircuityoucanbtow"on',the LED(wewerejust
kid.ding_aboutblowing"on"a candle).WeareusingtheEAR-
PHONEas a miaophone,again.Onceyou coirpletethe
wiring,blowintotheEARPHONE andtheLEDwiiltightupas
longasyoukeep_llowing_. you canalsogettheLEDto tightby
yellingintothe EARPHONE, but the blowingseemseasier
(andyourparentswill appreciate thatit is quieter).
Thiscircuitisa two-transistor
createdbytheairhittingtheEARPHONE asaninputtoturnon
theoutputandtheLED.Yourfriendswillbeamazed, butit isn,t


i l uaul el oul tsl nol ' S nOl N OU IC Jl S ,l 1se,c'. . enbr 6eu

ep uotl e {,u ;r stetlJ 'su.l.lpsol .leuuolg ronb eq .631
aporpplla etUosel uollcuol us.elllaullnod eetlue oululoc
U n:l l nOC 3,1 l ueddel l l re,l .red oggl c gl tcul c alg, last l
-rl n Ino sl ol stsuel lxnop E l nel ecrl ;dul eun l so l t nclt c aC
'(uostBt.uel ep sluedncco sallne
sal l nod xnotuJl uauJel ebg1se el ec) i el 1l nosop elt cel
snl o al quuasl t steul ' l nal nosg,ll up^ep atJc uo,l t s t ssnp
eunl l e,s Ofl apol p E -' l' l al gnos p anutl uocuo,l anb lue]
rournl l p,sl l op Oj l epotpE l :U nfl noC j ,l l uE ^apr ellJnos
'guLuJal 1se ebelqgc el pupng .euoqdo.rcrurauuoc
H nj InOC 3,l ol ocua suostl tl nsno11.(,,l eul n; ; e, 1, ,
arOnoqeun Jns Jel#nosep luelted ue ned un suo.rg6exe
snou) ,,l aul nl l p,l ,,.l nod qj -1 apol pel Jns ol Jl nosu o , lt ncJt c
oc supq ' orputal osol l nod al l l nos sol uo 1e n ee1gOnp
serD noqsall uau.l al B l gug6 e ,eJtesl antu up
er" un1luo un Jnod
t-?t 'f NOHduv3-z
f NoHdHV3-g le-8t ',Et-62'gt-Lz'gz-tt ,Lt-ot-ez,z}-gz-ol-tz

Ordre de cdblage
CIRCUIT#232The Blinker

A circuitlikethisonemightbe controlling theblinkerin your

parent's car.Sinceit turnsonandoffyoumightguessthatit is
anoscillator andyou''sa typeof oscillator
calledan is designed so that,when
onetransistor is ontheotheris off; andtheycontinually switch
backandforth,or vibrate,from"on" to "otf."
Just like the one transistoroscillator, the frequencyof the
multivibrator is controlledby thecombination of resistorsand
capacitors.Since there is such a big differencein size
betweenthe capacitorsused here and the other two
capacitors in thekit,it wouldnotbe practicalto usethemhere.
Butyoucanreplacethe100Kohmresistor withthe470Kohm
resistorand see whathappens.You probablyalreadyknow,
buttry it anyhow.
Finally,do yor.rknowwhichtransistoris on whenthe LEDis
on?Youshouldbeableto tellfromtheschematic. lt'stheright
one...... ofcourse!



inpualue uarq " aIojp op rnlaclse,c Er.r.r9r.lcs

e1sq.rde,p ar!p al rronnodl l op uO eaunl l e,sO f I opolp
e; puenb l rnpuoc l ol srsuerl ;enb uo-1res' Jaur uJr al r nod
' eu ?ur puBnb
reAessesreeu'ptgp lueu/alqeqoJdlqes e; ug essed as
rnbec rl on rnod suqol ;1 1Lnop rnal e^e1red s uqogr >1 ggp
ep aouel sl s?re; race;duerl uepuadecl ned u6 '! olJes! lr ln
sa1ep enbllerd sed lso,u ll 'llel ac ap :ltl np sellne xnap
sel l e l rncrs np srnel esuapuoc sal oj l ue ol l el ep ecuar 9l
-pp epuerOoun el srxo l l ' srnal psuapuooop lo secuel
-slsgrap uosreurquocaun red algJluooss rnelelqtntllnu.l
np ocuonD grJ el ' Jol sl suE .rl
un ? .l nal E l l tcso,l
suBpaur uloc
'esJa^-ecr^ le,,lgJre,p,, lelg,lP ,,eqcreur,, ap lelg,lap :eJlne,l
p l E l g un,p l uorqrAno l ueural l enul l uocl uessEosJolsr s
-uprl xnep sel :gnbolqlsa allne,l 'lrnpuoo srolsrsuBrlsos
ep un,l puBno 'alqelsB.rnelPjgl^lllnuun lso rnalPlllcso,p
edfi e3 ielsn[ 1re;p ]nol lso,c "'Jnals;;tcsoun,p p6e,s
Jr,nb.l asued l nad uo ' l ul el gta eurnl l B1 aururoC'olnpeun, p
sl nal ouOrl csol l opueuu,rocl ned al uaOec ap lr noJr oun
...- c- ^
J rl00l


ot-et-8e-l'z'*- Lt-tt-tz'0t-82-nz-\7-lz
eEelqgcap orpJg

Wiring Sequence
21-26-24-28-30,23-14-17-11, 27-38-13-10,
25-40-16,29-41-12, 31-39-15

CIRCUIT#24: The Two-Transistor

Fromthe wiringsequenceandthe Schematic, you cansee

thatthiscircuitis almostexactly liketheBLINKER. Thediffer-
enceis thatwe havechangedthefrequency of theoscillation
(withcapacitors . . . . . . justlikeyoudidin theone-transistor
andwe alsochangedtheformof theoutputfrom
lightingthe LEDto makinga soundin the EARPHONE.
Rightnowyoumaybe askingwhywe toldyouit wouldn'tbe
practicalto usethe smallercapacitors in the lastcircuit,and
thenweusedthemhere.Thereasonisthatthefrequency isso
fastthatyouwouldn'thavebeenableto seetheLEDgoingon wouldhavelookedliketheLEDwason allthetime,
butthe EARPHONE can usethishighfrequency to produce
soundthatyoucan hear.
AsintheBLINKER youcanchangethefrequency byreplacing
the 100Kohmresistorwiththe 470Kohmresistor.


- u!-

'sultlolll oL, ep lnalB^ Bl

red suqo;t1O0fep asuel sl sqlB ll ue5B l dualu e acuenbg. t l
el i e6ueqc l nad uo ' U n3ION el -l C el suep auuloC
' al ql pneuos un elt nPold
:nod e9na19 ecuenbglla11ec las!llln lnsd uo 'Hnf lnOC:l,l
oeA V' acueueul l edue e?unl l E ni ed l !e./neInb Ca- 1epolp
el ep luauJslouOt;c e; tlon nd sed lte.lne,uuo,l onb a9^ol9
luoulellallel ua lse acuanbTl e1 'lcl lueuolu!EtlIsuoslllln
sol snou enb sro;el tnci l c Jotul opal suep sl nelssuopuoc
s1;1adsegJasrltln,penbtleld sBd l!e.leseu ll,nb llp suo^E
snou !onbrnod lepueurep as lnad uo 'luauoul el Jnod
' o3l apol p pl l aunl l e,p nel l nB un3lno03. l
suep uos un el tnpo.tdtnod etl .tosB l ep aurol e196ueqc
rssnesuone snop '(.rols1susllun ? slnalelllcso se; lnod
lrp] e,l uo arrJuloc'sJnalEsuapuoc sep ca^e) uollelllcso,p
acuenbg.r;e| ep luaue6ueLlcol suBpaplsgl ocueaqlllpe1
' U nfl gN e l -' l Cne anbrl uapll ueuanbl l etd l sa lt ncr r c ac
enb lron lnad uo 'ptlgqcs el le e6elqgcap e,lplo,lselde,q
I t-ge-tg,z|'.le-62,g
'f NoHduv3-e
t-tt-l,z 'gNoHdHV3-zt- nvez'oe-gz-vz-gz-Lz

Ordrede cdblage
21-26-24-28-30, 23-14 -17-ECOUTEUR, 27-94-1g-ECOUTEUR.
25-36-16, _12.31-35_15
C|RCU|T#25: The Timer
Thiscircuitis alsoa multivibrator,
butit is a specialkindcalled
a one-shotmultivibrator,Whgnyoufinishwiringyou,ll
whyit iscalledthat.presstheKEyind releaseit immediately. see
l1e,!ep wiiltightandstayon tor a tewseconOs anOthengo willstayon for thesameamountof timeeverytimeyou
pressthe KEY,even if you hold the KEy Cown
sometimes. ThetimetheLEDstaysoniscontrolled bythei00
pF capacitor, so youcouldchangethetimeOVctra,iging the
capacitor - or the resistorthafcontrolsits lischaige"(the
I QQfonm).Thename comestromtfretactinaitne
LEDonlycomeson onceforeachtimetheinputis connect"d
by pressingthe KEy.



' U nl 1v-l ndl N V y\ el rns

uorssal dred egqcuelq
lso aoJlua,l anb srol anbeqc s;o1 eun,nb eurnlle,s su
CJ-'lspolp el onb llpl e; ted anbr;dxe,s,,alqelsououl,, Jtlec
-rJrl pnb.el(sw qoIl O0l op ecuel s;sgr)a6.reqcgp Es elgJl
-uoc Inb ocuplsrs.olBl no rnelgsuopuocet lu'B6Oreqc'ua
a-aJnp epoc latJel altel cuop lnad uo llrl 691 ep Jnolesuap
-uoc al l E d eapuE t!uJoc l se cf -.1
opotpE lep uot lEut unllt , p
e-slnpel 'enOuo;snld uorsse.rd aun acJaxauo,.lts oulgru
' Jnal el ndtupu, a; :ns arnddeuo,; enb srol enb eqc aglnp
ar!gur pl luepued egulnllpelsel ollj .eJputalg,sap
sapuo3ossonblanbluepuedegtunpJe alseJle orunllE,sO3_l
apolp el 'luourelelpgLutut raqcglerol la HnflvlndlNVy\
e; rns re{nddy ,uosrer eg e.rpuerdtuoJuS-rb ,"-Oerq'dj
p:-. el rurl,ern!uo pupnO .alqelsouourJnaterqr^lllnugladdu
@ lerogdsadr{1ep lnelejqtAtllnurun luer,ua;e69
-.,':=l)A lsa 1,n"r," eg

ei'on'Lz'g 'zl-gz'gz-lt ,zt-LL-ntez,oe-tz-ol-lz

t 'gl'tt- te 'gt-gz-62

Ordre de cdblage
21-10-24-30, 23-14-17
- 42, 11-26, 2g-12,29 -25-16,31-41-15, 19-27-40 -4g
CIRCUIT#26; The Memory

Thistypeof circuitis usedin computers, becauseit hasthe

abilityto remember to stayon evenaftertheoriginalinputhas
beenremoved. Whenyoufinishwiring,we'llshowyouwhat
we mean.
Beforeyou touchthe LONGWIREto 15 or 12, the left
TouchtheLONGWIREto 15andtheLEDwilllightup.Now transistorison,butwhenyoutouch15 youmakea shortcircuit
removethewirefrom15and, remembers aroundthe inputof thattransistor andturnit otf.Whenthat
the"order"yougaveitto be"on."NexttouchtheLONGWIRE happens, theelectricitythatwasgoingthroughtheleftoutput
to 12andtheLEDgoesotf. lt willrememberto stayoffuntilyou beginsto flowthroughthe10Kohmresistor andto theinputof
tellit to be on againbytouching15.In a computer thiskindof the righttransistor.
Thisturnson the righttransistor's
circuitcouldbesetto remember thenumber3 ortheletterA.or and,of course,the LED.TheLEDstayson whenthe LONG
just aboutanything. WIREis removedfrom 15, becausethe electricity thatwas
Anothernamefor this circuitis the bistableswitch or flowingto thebaseof thelefttransistorthroughthe100Kohm
"flip-flop."lt worksthewayit doesbecause ofthewaythetwo resistorwill continueto go throughthe outputof the right
transistors areconnected. Theexplanation mayseema little transistor;it is followingthe path with leastresistance.
confusing andyou'llseethatall
at first,butfollowit carefully Electricity
thecomponents areworking justlikewe'veshownyouinother to 12,theinputto therighttransistor
is short-circuited
circuits. outputon the right is turnedotf. This allowsthe flow of
to returnas it wasbeforeyoudidanything
electricity withthe


'gssEdltElg,s 's]rncrc sorlne,psuep ?Jluot! suo^e,lsnou eururoS

eu uarl rsol!uloc ',; p auuJoc llqplgl lso ?Uculcelg,l luauelcexa luouuollcuo, sluesodr.r.roc sel snol enb eran
ep aOesseda1 'agnbogqlsa aluos Bsle ilncro-unoo ua lse uo 'luauJe^rlueupilns Pl uo !s sleu 'aglllnorqurezossg
ollor p op r ols r s u e rln p e 9 .rl u a ,l ' z ! e u ro q e l rn s c N o" l -l l J arlleredlnad uorgecr;dxe,-'l 'srolsrsuprlxnop sep lueueLlc
e; anbr lddeuo pu p n g ' s rn o l n o lp e l a l e l l e e L u u oc acuel -uBrq al rns esodo.rluaureuuorlouolep apouJuos ',,aln3
-srs?rarpurou.r ep al ilns ello :ellorp ap rolsrsuBJl -ssq,,no elqelslq.rnalerqlltlllnur lrncrc ec lssneelleddeug
np or uos el J as J a ^ e rlP a n u rl u o cs u l rl o l l l 0 0 1 ap ecuel ' eJrsgpuo,; enb ac lnol
-srsgl el sreneqcneOep rolsrsuerlnp oseq e; ep lressed luaurenbrlerdno V aJUalBl no g or$rr.,lc a1ra;adderes lnod
rn b gllc plc el?, r1e o ' 9 [ a u J o qp l a p e N Ol -l l l al e^Ql ue l rncr!cep erue6ec re;69rl ned uo ' Jnal eurpl oun sueg 'gl
uo puenoe9r unll P e l s e .rq 3 l a p o l pe l ' a u l n l l e ,sGf -l epol p aul oq el l upqcnolua neennouep eul nl l p,luo,n bac e, , nbsnl
el le ernpuoc Elatrlos rc-rnlocap erlios el eiloJpop rolsrs oluralg ralse.rop elladdel os ollS 'lurelg,sOf-1 oporp el
-u E r ]np a?J luo,la p u o rl s e l !pu a s u rq o l l l 0 f a p a cuel srs9J :A Leuroqsl rns gN 01 l l l el el rnsuerenbrl ddy'r eunlle, s
el s uep r elnc lr c p o c u e u ru -roacq c n e b e p a g rl uo,lsuep op orpJo,leuuopp 1n;uo,nbal l edderes ol l f ' se ur nlleJalsar
l u a u o u e c y ' a n b o l q e l u o l o rol srs
l l es s edr nbglr c r r l c e ;9',1 l l op OJI epol p B l :91 euroq pl op l !l al l a^al u f 'Jaunlle, s
-u er l oc ap o?r lua ,lP l l n c rc -l .rn o cu n l rn p o rdu o ' 91 auj oq l l op e:l l opol pB l :91 auroq E l rns gN O1 113a qr enbr lddy
pl eqc nol uo pue n b s re u .r' l l n p u o c e q c n e 6 a p r ol srsuerl 'lrnglc oc xnoru,relpualdu.rocuo 'a6Bluotnel gurru;ol
al ' Z L no 9 Leuloq Bl rn sC N OI l l l a t e n b l td d eu o,nbl ueny sJnsuo puB nO el egl l ue,l gruuddns pe uo, nbser de
auJguJ'eL{crpurua ls}sal ep re;eddel os ap allncel pl E
l r Jeo' sJnel purplsel o supperl uocuolos l rnol r cap ed{1ag
LZ x00t v0.
ez >1g

'9t-oe'zvgz 'gz-tl 'luln^ cNo'l-zt-vrez 'vz-ot-tz


Ordre de c6blage
-FIL LONG, 11-26,2g-12,30-15,29-25-16,g1-27-13
n-10-24, 23-14-17
CIRCUIT#27: The "AND" Gate

TheANDgateis anothertypeof circuitthatis usedin com-

puters(andin yourcalculator, too).In factall the remaining
circuitsareusedin computers - butthereareotherusestoo.
Whenyoufinishwiring,touchtheLONGWIREfrom25to 31.
Nothinghappens. NowremovethatwireandtouchtheLONG
WIREfrom29 to 33.Againnothinghappens, butif youtouch
bothwiresat thesametimethe'slikehaving
twowallswitchesin yourroomandhavingto turnthembothon
beforethelightcomeson.Computers usethesecircuits to add
thingstogether.Byusingmanyof thesecircuits, thecomputer
canadd manythingstogether.
Besidesin a computer,canyouthinkof a usefor thiscircuit?
Howabout. . . fortellinganastronautwhetherbothhatchesof
the spaceship's air lockare closed?Thereare manymore
usesandwe'resureyou'llthinkof someol them.
TheANDgateworksas it doesbecausebothtransistorshave
to be on beforethereis a completepathfor the electricityto
flowthrough,the LED.Lookat the Scher,natic and tracethe
Whentransistorsare connectedin this way the outputsare
saidto be in "series."



' ,,ou9s,,ua sel l p luos seluos

sel ' ar?ruP ural tac ap sal l el l uos sJol sl suPJl sel puEno
'eruos ep llncllc el eJ^lnsle Bul9qcsne l!eo,p
dnoc un relaf 'Cf'l opotp Pl g,nbsnl tlqsl? llos 1a;dutoc
uruoqc un,nb rnod aJtnpuocl ue^top sl olslsuell xnap
sa1enb ecred eletuBr! ollac ep ouuotlsuol 13 ayod e1
' seun-sanb;anb l autbeul ua lt onnod lt op
uo :suollBslllln soJlnB sasnoJquJou op ols!xe ll 'saqullel
luos lelledsnpasstennp JtP,pces np sauod xnep sa; anb
al npuorl seun P aJl pg Jt^Jasel dtl exe Jed l n sd ll allncJ! c
ap erue6ec resl l l l nuo-l ned[o ' Jnel eul pl o,opl sloqep u3
'saluBllodtutslnalpn sap lelnole ]nad lnal,l'slrnolc seo ap eJqtlou puel6 un cany '.ra1no[e
rnod sl rncrrcsaoesrl tl nuo' sl nel sutpl osal s uPO'ounllp, s
aJ?!r!nle1enb rnod aqcl eu ap uotl l sodP l P xnap snol
erl l au sel p l o ocetdoun suP pxnB l nulsl nol dnjlelulxnep
Jro^Bp luer^a.rpleC 'aulnllp,sCl-'l apolp Pl 'sdua1 augu.t
ua lceluoc ua slrlxnop selleul uo,l tsslPtll'eJocueessedes
au uelu '0e la 6Z seuloq sel ellue ;anbtldde,lla ltl ac lueu
-alurEr.u re^elu3'essedos ou ua!U'lg la 9ZsauJoqsal ellua
eN Ol 113 eprenb;l dde ' 9u1ur.re1 1se e6el qgc al pusng
'se6esnse.llne,plssne luo sll sletll 'slnel
-eurpJosel suPp s?slllln luos llI ac ep sluPlsaj slln9jlo
sol 'llpl u3 '(sec;.r1e;ncleo
sel susp luouta1969) slnaleutpto
sal susp asrlrlnlrncJrcap ed,{1el}ne un }se 13 euod B-'l



'gl-t l 'ee-zl '3ultngNol-62'f uuncNor-gz'erlz'92-lt'ze-oe-Lrez'gz'tz'or-tz


Ordre de cdblage
n40-24-28, 23-17-30-32,11-26,
27-13,25-FtLLONG, 2g-FlL LONG, 12-33,14-16,


?OK :
CIRCUIT#28=The 'rOR" Gate

TheORgateis a computer circuit.Anothernameforthetypes

of circuitsusedin computersis "logic"or "digital"circuits.
Completethe wiringsequenceand touchthe LONGWIRE
from25to31. TheLEDshouldlight.Nowremove thatconnec-
tionandtouchtheLONGWIREfrom29to 33.Again,theLED
shouldlight.Insteadof needingboth transistors to be on
beforethe LEDlights,liketheANDgate,thiscircuitworksif
eitheronetransistor ORtheotheris on.Thisis likehavingtwo
wallswitches in yourroomandeitheroneof themwillturnon
the light.
Thiscircuitworksasit doesbecause touchingeitheroneofthe
LONGWIRESturnson a transistor, andthereis a complete
pathfortheelectricityto flowthroughtheLEDif eithertransis-
torison.Again,tracethepathof theelectricityon theSchema-
tic and you will see a paththrougheithertransistor output.
Whentransistors areconnected thiswaytheoutputsaresaid
to be in "parallel."


'el?lleJedua salrp luos sell.lossel

'uo5e; e1lacap sgqcuerqluos srolslsuprlsel pueno 'lol
-srsuprlop aruosenbeqci ed e6B ssede; rautut algp t nod
P rl gq3sel Jnsei l cul cal 9,lop urureqcel aJ^l ns'o3- l apolp
el auOrape enbrnodge;dutocutuoq c un lt lqBlg
?l l cU l cal g,l
l a rol srsuerlun eJrnpuocl l sl se N ol s-' l l l sep un, lap lcel
-uoc al anb ecred orerueuol l ao ap auuorl cu oJlt ncit c aC
xne e.rluo,p
Inos un ce^s or?rul nlpl roul nl l eJro^nooP l e ecQ p aun
suepsrnal dnrj el urxnap roA P P l uel ^eJel ec ' l lnpuo3slol
-srsuerlxnopsapaJl nB ,l no u n,lrseuuol l cuoll l n ci lc a3 '13
auod B l ep sE oel suE pel l uroc aunl l e,sO3l e polp el onD
rnod l uasrnpuocsJol srsuBxnap rl sol anb netln V 'nPaAnou
ep ournl l E ,s
c3l apol p B l ' ee l e 6z ssuroqsol e r lua oNo- l
'JoulnllP, s
113 a1 renbtl ddege l uautaqouel qeo Jo^al u3
l l op o3-] epol p el ' Le l e 9z sauJoq sol arl uo e No- ] lll al
.renbrl dde 1aa6epqgc al oJl eJ' ,,sanbugutnu,, no , , sanbt 0o; , ,
sIncr3 l ssne l uel l edde,ssl nol E ul pl o sol su Pp s9slllln
slrncJrcsa-l,p lnc.lrc un rssnplsa nO euod e"l


Ordre de cdblage
n-10-24-28, 23-14-17-30-32,
11-26,27 -16-13,25-FtL LO NG, 29-FtL LONG, 12-gl, 15-33


CIRCUIT#29: The "NAND" Gate

As you mightsuspectthe NANDgateis the oppositeof the

ANDgate(NotAND).In thiscircuityou mustconnectboth
LONGWIRES(25to 31 and29 to 33)to turnthe LED(the
output)otf.Oneusefora NANDgate,besidesin a computer,
ln theSchematicyouwillseethatwhenbothconnections are
made,bothtransistorsareon,andthatmakesa shortcircuit
aroundtheLED,throughtheoutputcircuitsof thetransistors.
The LEDthenhasto go otf.


' orpural e,s cuop l rop ofl apo!p E - l 'sr olslsusr l

sep eruos op sl rnc.i l csol JB d ' ofl apol p Bl r ns lr nsjt s
-unoc un l uasrnpo.rd l a l uosrnpuocsl ol srsu eJlxnep sal
'slueureqcuerqxnap sal lrpl uo,; rsenb eJluoureurgt{csal
' (eryose;) rnassrl l ane,; radnocrnod (se9r1u xenap) ser qt g
-Jod xnap sal ror.rjjoJ llop uO 'olnp aun supp 'aJ?luodap
rnossryo^E un l nod I3-N ON al rod egresrl rl nrssnelnad uo
' rn!l eurpro,lep sroqepu3 ' (erpos)C f I epol p pl sJpur elg
rnod (ggp 6Z sauroqla Lt p 97 sauroq)SONO-IS-1J xnsp
selrel l cuB rql rop uo ' i l ncrc oc supo ' (I3 uou) lf euod el
ep el eJl uoc ol l se I3-N O1 ayod e; anb ral nopes lned uO
te-gt'gt-tt,ee-zt,3Hll cNol-62
I Ut/n 0No1-92',eFLl-Ot' Ze-Oe-
LL+ rez' \z-tz-gz-tz

Ordrede c6blage
n-26-24-28, 23-11:17-30-92,
10-27-19,25-FIL LONG
2g-FlLLONG,'12-33,14-16, 15-31
CIRCUIT#30: The "NOR" Gate

THENORgateis another "logic"circuitandistheopposite of

theORgate(NotOR).Here,connecting eitheroneinputOR
theother(25to 30 or 29 to 32)willturnoffthe LED(output).
Byfollowing the pathsof electricityin theSchematic youwill
seethatconnecting eitherinput(andturningonthattransistor)
willmakea shortcircuitaroundtheLEDthroughtheoutputoi
This probablyseemsvery simpleto you by
that transistor.
now.lf it does. . . . GOOD . . if not,thenit willwitha
little more practicewith electronicsand schematics. Just
remember thatonceyou knowhoweachcomponent of the
whateverit does.



' l rncrc np al qtuas ue, p lueulau

-uorl ouoJa; el puel duroc l eA t.rJB l ned uo ' l l ncjr cenbeqc
ap guesoduocnp l uaul auuotl cuolal l l euuoc uo, ; r s enb
rarlqno sed ap 'sEuI?r.lcs sap e.lnlcole; 1e anbluo.r1ce19,l
suep ebel ue^pproul el l ue,sl npl l t ' uouts" ' Nflg SlUl"'
-sec el lse,o rS 'alduts sQJlluaulelqeqo:d lueualureu.t
l1s.rpdeleC 'rolsrsupJlag ap atyos e; led q31 apotp el lns
l rncJrc-U noc un l tl qsl g (l uepuodsel l ocl ol stsuBJlal oJt np
-uoc lrpl rnb) eellue aun.p lusulaqcupJqe; anb .rronlnad
uo 'Br!gr{csol Jns glrell}calg,lep sutuJeqcsal luE^tnsu3
' (al uos)O3l epol p e 1ednoc ( 79
p 6Z sauJoqno 0g ? 97 seuloq) ellnp,l ep no eollue aun,p
luauraproooere1'1ues9.rd seoel suBO'(19 uou) 19 elrod
E lap oJrel l uoce1' ,,enbr6o1,, l tncl tcetl ne un 1se1p eyod e1

08-91'Ze'zl'fHll cNo't-62'fHll 0No-t-92'Lz-gt-et-ot'ee-

ecuenbeg 6u;r;6

Ordre de cdblage
LONG, 29-FtL LONG, 12-32,15-30

Nowthatyou havebuiltall the circuitsin this kit,thereare

themallagain,or maybejusttheonesyouthoughtwerereally
"special."lf thereweresomecircuitsyouwouldliketo make'
permanentmodelsof, youcan buythe extraparts(resistors,
capacitors, LED's,etc.)that you needat yourlocalRADIO
lf youwantto learnmoreaboutelectronics in kitformbefore
you strikeout on your own,the RADIOSHACK200-in-1
greatbooksaboutelecironics, likeENGINEER'S NOTEBOOK
therearbmanygoodbooksaboutelectronics atyourschoolor
publiclibrary.Whetheryouplanto continueelectronics as a
hobbyor makeit a career,we hopeyou I-IAVEFUN!

Bytheway,hereis theSchematic forthefirstcircuityoubuilt

(theSiren).Whenyoubuiltit we betit seemedprettycompli-
you canprobably
cated,but now,witha littleexperimenting
ligureit out in no time.

'lueugupluelsurelpuerduoc al tuauJelqeq
-ord lnad uo 'ecueugdxa,pnad un ceAB'lueualutsulslpt!
' anbr;duroc sqrl nredl uaui ol qpqol de 1r' pede pny '( euqlls
e1)al uorul rncrc rerual d np eu?qcs el totsu ouuopsnoN

iJ-N3ftf UOV,OdnOCnV3S reuodde

lrop alla 'eJ?uJeoaun no uorledncco aun enbruollca;g,1
ap arel or!s9puo,lano ' el p3olanbr;qndenbaqgor ; qre; qe
no al ocg,lp enbruorl ce;9,p sa0el nnoseprarnc o. r d
es ! ssnp
l ned u6 ' enbruorl ca19,; l ns se6ernnosl uol leoxe, pr ssnE
osoosl pyS vH S ol ovu ' l euuorl psues l sa ycvHS olovH
=lc f notNoHtcf]3,o sSovl-Nol 002 f c] l-tv at 'arnt
-uaneepuer6el sueprocueles op luene lrl op euJrolsnos
enbruorl ce;9,; rns e6el uenepel puarddeua o r sgp uo, l lS
) cvHS
OIOV U ursB Oeurne (' c1e ' C fl seporp ' srn alpsuapuoo
'sacuplsrsgJ) salressacgusacqrdsalJalaqoplnad uo'slrnc
-Jrosurpyecap sluoueuJradsalgpoulsop ollel aJlsgpuo,l
rg' sgrcgrddel uouraJQl l ncl yede uo,;anb xnec lueueldur r s
no nBe^nou ep snol raluour sel Jorls9p lnao uo 'aJreJ
l ueual ureurl ned uo,l enb sesoqcsel l np sos nolqluouop
alsrxelr :lll ec ep sllncJlcsol snol gtuou,lupualurBr.J p uO

ldzzo'o !t

3 NOHdHV3"0U
oFeyzz-ze'g gz-gz'
[-ze-67' I t-tz' 6e-Lt-tz

Ordrede ciblage
23-17-39, 24-14,25-29,29-37-15, 32-22-13-',9
33-43,12-42-38,16-18-ECOUTEUR, 36-20-ECOUTEUR

Antenna Coil (with 5 leads) Resistors:

Antenna Holder 680 ohm
Bar Antenna 5.6K ohm
Battery Contact, W Size 1OK ohm
Bhttery Contacts, S Size (2) lOOK ohm
Battery Holder 470K ohm
Capacitors: Screws:
O,OO22,uF,ceramic disc type 2.6x4mm
O.O22,uF,ceramic disc type 3 x 8 mm(S)
1O/uF,16-volt electrolytic type 2.6 x 3 mm(2)
1OO/uF,1O-volt electrolytic type Spring Terminals(43)
Diode, 1N6O( Germanium) Transformer !
Earphone,high impedance,crystal type Transistor.2SC945 (or 2SC828),
Frames,plastic (right, left) (2) NPN,silicon (2)
Key Lever VariableCapacitor, 265 pF (Tuning)
Knob for Key Wires:
Knob for VariableCapacitor t luning) White, 7.5 cm(7)
LED, SR-503 (or LT-42O3),Red Red, 15 cm(8)
Nut, 3mm (5) Blue 25 cm(3)
Paper Panel Green. 3m



(Z) tutu e x 9'Z oP sl1

OgNt unlueuloo nB ePolo
(7) s111ed 'e;;deP slseluoC
uut t x 9'z op sln
Puer6 'elld eP lsPluoC
(Z) tS NdN'(SZ8CSZ no) 9?6CSZ srolslsuell ule'sue^
(g) uul OgZ 'snelg
(e) utu 991 'sebnog
(7) (eilolp'aqcneg) anbllseld slroddng
(Z) tutu 9Z 'scuelg
suqotll ozt lnelcnpuoc
(procce) Jd 992 'elqelrel 'lnelesuapuoC
suil.{ol{ ool
suqolll o I 191 enb;lAlorlcapedr(l'lryOOL
surqoM 9'9 n g I anblillollcela adAl 'lrro I
srur.lo o89 enbluejeJ ua anbqP edAl'7ttt77g'g
sasUelslsau enbluterec uo enbslp ed(t' Jnr ZZOO'O
solld-auod srnolesuopuoS
lolded ue neauued oqcnol rnod uolnog
(9) uul e oP norc3 pJocce.plnalesuepuoc rnod uolnog
ap edAl 'ecuepadul elneq 'lnelnocf (gy) slrossal saurog
(e6nol) (slll g cene) euualue.Poulqog
ouuelue.p nearreg
eOZn-L-l no egg-US'ecll11eue-oloqd opolq


E.-u.:ront woRTH,TExAs76102
P,O. BOX 9 3 BR ID GE S TR E E T 5140 N A N IN N E


uBmlel ul pelulrd 9 v9
Nl / 0t S,rlSONV-l0ln
$1,1 INN|NVN0il9 9llz MSN']U3fi|l'lV0
AUngSlN03/r4 '0V0UNOlSllS l0 'l3lu$n0NlCUVd
INNINVN 0V0UVlu0mn 9[e-082
)t n !{nt91l8 vtlvu$nv



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