תשובות למבחנים של הספר JUST IMAGINE

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B 1 It is a statue of a dog (that is considered one of Japan’s heroes).
2 b, e
3 the dog (Hachiko) and the professor had a special relationship
4 He had died (suddenly at the university).
5 d
6 Hachiko waited for the professor at the station every evening for over ten years after he died. /
Hachiko continued to wait for his owner (the professor) even though he was dead.
7 Any TWO of the following:
People gave him snacks. / People were very sad when he died. / He was buried (They buried
him) in the cemetery next to his owner. / People missed seeing him at the train station after he
died. They built a statue of the dog (Hachiko).

A 1. advice 6. prefers
2. conversation 7. hurt
3. cheer 8. interrupt
4. sounds 9. shy
5. percentage 10. save
B 1. respect 6. hesitate
2. although 7. negative
3. paying attention 8. the center of attention
4. nervous 9. relationship
5. prefer 10. face to face

A 1. where 4. who
2. when 5. whose
3. which
B Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
C 1. work 6. doesn’t enjoy
2. arrive 7. wants
3. leave 8. doesn’t have
4. meets 9. thinks
5. travel 10. talks

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

JUST IMAGINE Photocopiable Material

Corinna 04/5/17 Mylene


B 1 c
2 They wanted to find out why more people were getting sick (with malaria) now than
in the past.
3 1. bites a monkey
2. the mosquito bites a person
4 1. in order to clear land for farming
2. in order to use the wood for building
5 Any TWO of the following:
The monkeys left the forest. / The monkeys needed to look for food outside the forest. / The
monkeys were closer to people in the nearby villages.
6 to protect the population from this form of malaria / to treat people with the right medicine
7 There is a connection between the destruction of forests and the spread of ebola and other
serious diseases. / Ebola is an example of a serious disease that spreads to people because of
the destruction of the rainforests.

A 1. by accident 6. so far
2. impress 7. continent
3. complete 8. became extinct
4. aware 9. earn
5. fit 10. breathe
B Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

A 1. was reading B 1. were walking
2. was driving 2. was preparing
3. were preparing 3. saw
4. stayed 4. were … doing
5. broke 5. went
C 1. have … known, have … met
2. has organized, has been
3. haven’t seen, have heard
4. have polluted, has … passed
5. have lived, has moved

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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B 1 c
2 b
b Campers … take apart electronic appliances (to see how they are made) / build new machines /
design new inventions.
4 c
5 1. They recycle (don’t throw things away). / They take apart electronic appliances.
2. They try again. / They use trial and error.
6 1. many kids want to be professional basketball players
2. they want to be engineers
7 They use teamwork (work in teams) in the laboratory to practice new skills. / They work in
teams to record a video blog.

A 1. amusing 6. anywhere
2. replaced 7. convince
3. out of the box 8. private
4. no doubt 9. member
5. practical 10. furniture
B Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

A 1. had spent
2. remembered
3. had learned
4. went
B Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
C 1. is eaten
2. was raised
3. be seen
4. was given
D 1. affect 4. don’t like
2. are helped 5. don’t make
3. can use 6. is wasted

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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B 1 c
2 decided to teach / taught violin to disadvantaged children for free
3 a TRUE
b Dupuis was amazed by the enormous efforts and abilities of the students in the program.
4 He provided Dupuis with instruments (violins) for the students (for each student).
5 a
6 1. she was really shy
2. she plays the violin before (in front of) a few hundred people
7 b
8 b

A 1. author 6. make sure
2. land 7. outside the box
3. distance 8. disobedient
4. stand up for 9. an expert
5. flat 10. blamed
B 1. admit 6. figure out
2. challenge 7. potential
3. embarrassing 8. common sense
4. miserable 9. talented
5. Even though 10. generous

A 1. take 5. decide
2. don’t understand 6. hears
3. will begin 7. will begin
4. will overcome 8. will study
B 1. would see 3. had lost
2. were going 4. were making
C 1. Tina wouldn’t be there on Monday
2. I had left a book at school
3. they were visiting from Australia
4. she had downloaded a new game

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Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

JUST IMAGINE Photocopiable Material

Corinna 04/5/17 Mylene


B 1 b
2 1. The streets were overcrowded.
2. A train that traveled underneath the streets of the capital.
3 d
4 a. TRUE
b. Very soon, over 40,000 passengers were using the Tube every day.
5 London became a cleaner place to live. / Electric trains didn’t pollute the environment. /
They weren’t dangerous to the heart of London’s residents.
6 People (The public) rushed to the stations which were deep under the ground to avoid the bombs.
7 Any TWO of the following:
It includes a large network of eleven lines. / The trains serve (The tube serves) most of
London’s neighborhoods. / There are more than 270 stations throughout the city. / The Tube
is used by more than a billion passengers every year.

A 1. service 5. disgusting
2. due to 6. advised
3. stain 7. illegal
4. warned 8. improve
B 1. announced 7. excitement
2. container 8. contain
3. variety 9. Among other things
4. ground 10. coins
5. curious 11. diet
6. research 12. I bet

A 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a
B 1. if he was free on Mondays
2. if we had ever visited France
3. if I was happy at my new school
C 1. is being prepared 3. is being washed
2. was still being fixed 4. was being painted
D 1. is being built 2. were being fed 3. is being performed

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

JUST IMAGINE Photocopiable Material

Corinna 04/5/17 Mylene

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